House Bank Configuration
House Bank Configuration
House Bank Configuration
Added by Sridevi, last edited by Sridevi on Nov 06, 2007 (view change)
Creation of House Banks 1. IMG-FA-Bank Accounting - Bank Accounts - Define House Banks
Enter Company code New Entries House Bank <Any 4 char> Country Bank key (Any number> Click Create Enter Bank name Bank number (pref same as Bank key) Ok Double click 'Bank Account Folder' New entries Account ID <any 4 char Pref same as house bank?> Description Bank Acct Number <actual Account number> Currency GL account Number <Bank GL number> Save
2. Go to FS00
Choose ur bank account in GL In Create/bank/interest tab - mention house bank and account ID Select Relevant to Cash flow Save
Give company code , house bank and account ID Click Change Click Create Lot number <Which check book..1st, 2nd...) Check No: From & to Select Non sequential Short Text Purchase Date
Ok Save
Other Tcodes: Issue of check to vendor: FCH5 Making void check - FCH3 Void Issued check - FCH9 Check register - FCHN
The following are the steps for BRS: Create Bank Master Data - This can be created through T.Code FI01 or you can also create the house bank through IMG/FA/Bank accounting/Bank account 2. Define House Bank 3. Set up Bank selection payment programe- IMG/FA/ARAP/BT/AUTOIP/PM/Bank selection for payment prg. a. setup all co codes for payment transaction - Customer and vendors b.setup paying co codes for payment transactions c.setup payment method per country d.setup payment method per co code for payment transaction e.setup bank determination for payment transaction Please go for Cheque mangement using T code FCHI (IMG/FA/ARAP/BT/OP/AutoOp/PaymentMedia/CheckManagement) and for void reasons FCHV. You can create Bank Reconcilliation statement by TC FF67 (SAP/AC/Treasury/CashManagement/Incomings/ManualBankStatement) . Don't forget to keep the opening Balance as zero. Use FBEA for post process. All the steps together will lead to (FF67) Bank reconciliation statement.