Coaching World (ICF) 02
Coaching World (ICF) 02
Coaching World (ICF) 02
Coaching World
Advancing the Art, Science and Practice of Professional Coaching
February 2012
7 Principles of Di Vinci Michael Gelb Page 2
Prism 2011 BC Housing Page 11
Coaching in Organizations William Bergquist Page 17 Global Views Coaches Q&A Page 7
Marketing Your Practice Ora Schtull Page 19
M. Gelb
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Michael Gelb is a man of many talents. He is a professional juggler, an author, a fourth degree black-belt in the Japanese martial art of Aikido; as well as a leading authority of genius thinking to personal and organizational development. A pioneer in the fields of creative thinking, accelerated learning, and innovative leadership: his work has been largely inspired by a relatively famous individual known for many of the same talents: Leonardo Di Vinci.
Considered historys greatest genius, Leonardo Di Vincis innovative thinking and creativity continue to inspire us. From inventing the parachute before anyone could fly, to plans for submarines, flying machines, and the collapsible ladders we use today, his ability to think creatively would be an invaluable resource to a coach or anyone in a leadership position. Through his research, Gelb has identified seven principles of How to Think like Leonardo Di Vinci. These practical, everyday exercises are something that all professional coaches can use to bring wisdom and personal growth to themselves and their practice.
Coaches really have to be a role model in this aspect. This is really about having the important ability of asking questions Its probably the most important coaching skill. Asking questions with the greatest point of leverage. What is the core issue for someone at that current time? Can you inspire their curiosita so they can rally to come up with some creative insight to help meet that core challenge. What is the key point of leverage? What is the core issue? Then you should ask, ask how do we get there? How do we get to the essence of finding what it is we need to discover.
M. Gelb
the seven principles of thinking like Leonardo di Vinci
Michael Gelb was a keynote speaker at the 2011 ICF Annual International Conference. Click here to visit ICFs international conference archive where keynote session videos and audio recordings are available.
Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind. Leonardo Di Vinci
Parts of us do wear out, such as our knees and hips, your brain does not. The only question is; whats the best way to use it? Improving your mind is a core issue that underlies everything all coaches and leaders do. As we age, each persons mind is either getting worse, staying the same or getting better. Gelbs new book Brain power: improve your mind as you age is a collection of state of the art, research validated, and practical exercises that will improve your mind as you age. These exercises can change everything currently assumed about ones self concept and help govern your sense of the potential of your clients. A lot of very sophisticated coaches still grew up with this paradigm which stated that your mental potential is effectively done growing at a certain age, therefore your intelligence and mental ability is fixed at a certain period. That was an accepted view of science when we grew up. We now know that you can continue to develop and improve your brain throughout your life. Your brain can improve with use. Michael Gelb For more information, visit
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M. Gelb
the seven principles of thinking like Leonardo di Vinci
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D. Rock
neuroscience in Coaching
David Rock has a scientific mind. He is continually curious in how things work, and is often prone to question even the most basic of truths that people take for granted. His unique nature of continually taking things apart is perfectly suited for his work as a professional coach. However, a curious observation about the effectiveness of coaching soon became an intense obsession of Davids for over ten years: why does coaching work so well?
14 years ago as Rock began his coaching practice it became absolutely clear to him that the coaching process creates powerful change in people. But how does it work? Why specifically does coaching seem to get such extraordinary results? I really wanted to unpack the process of coaching, says Rock. to really understand coaching and be able to explain its effectiveness. Most coaches would agree that there are several requirements or ingredients in successful coaching. Things like empathy, being solution focused, asking good questions, caring about your clients, and active listening. While these are extremely important pieces of the coaching practice, Rock had a gut feeling that those skills were not sufficient. Through the coaching of his own clients and the teaching of others to become coaches, Rock noticed that there was a biological change that happened in successful coaching. This change was observable on camera, and in peoples biology. Rock refers to this tangible change as the moment of insight. People have this kind of shift where you can see when the moment of insight occurred, explains Rock. And often there were lots of these moments. People would change where it was physically observable. I came to see that this insight was the active ingredient in the heart of coaching.
Seeing these real-time shifts occurring in both coaches and their clients inspired David to further research the moment of insight and the scientific reasoning for these shifts.
According to Rock, coaching sessions without insight can be a pleasant, rewarding experience for both the coach and the client. However, without having that moment of insight, the coaching experience will not necessarily be change producing. Real live-altering human change involved these physical, mental and biological shifts. Seeing these real-time shifts occurring in both coaches and their clients inspired Rock to further research the moment of insight and the scientific reasoning for these shifts. Eventually he found himself immersed in the field of Neuroscience. In the early 2000s the field of Neuroscience was much less established than it is today. Rocks research in this newly organized field led to a lot of meetings with neuroscientists and eventually a theory was brought forth about what coaches should look for to increase insight. I discovered that nobody really knew what was at the heart of coaching and making it work. I had this theory that all coaching and leadership is about putting peoples brain in a state where they see something they hadnt seen otherwise. Working on the assumption that truly understanding how the brain functions and interprets data would become extremely helpful in having the coaching skill to increase the number of insights: a much larger issue became apparent. Rock began to see how valuable understanding the brain would be for the coaching profession overall. Understanding the brain enables coaches to work with clients on a much deeper level, in a much faster amount of time with significantly less resistance, says Rock.
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D. Rock
neuroscience in Coaching
If you as a coach or leader truly understand the brain, you wont get caught up in a lot of unnecessary side conversations and be able to focus in on what the client or team needs to do. Todays neuroscience research shows that when you put specific words on your emotional states you then dampen down those emotional states. This is extremely relevant since a lot of time when youre coaching people you are dealing with strong negative emotional states. Therefore the more language you have for internal states, not just emotions but other internal states, the better you are able to label them, use them, and be more adaptive. In Rocks opinion, the ultimate goal of coaching is to help people become more adaptive. By being more adaptive, Rock means having the ability to respond in more creative ways to complex situations. It means having a wide range of responses: cognitive, emotional, physical, biological. Having a wide range of responses requires very flexible thinking, continued Rock. Flexible thinking requires having a brain that is deeply connected, or an integrated brain. Coming back full-circle, having a brain that is integrated stems from having a significant amount of language for mental experiences. When you have a wide range of specific language for your mental experiences, you have a lot of circuitry within your executive centers the region of your brain that controls the whole brain. So put simply, the more language you have for mental experiences the more flexible you can be, and the more adaptive you can be. Understanding the brain gives you a wide repertoire of language, explains Rock. Most coaches already are using brain language and probably using it quite successfully; possibly even unknowingly, when they talk about the amygdala hijack for example. But there is a much broader range of language available that can help you become more helpful as a leader and a coach. Rock notes that because attention changes the brain, you should be careful of focusing too much on peoples emotions. This is a trap that coaches tend to fall into as emotions tend to be more negative. Coaches and leaders should instead focus more on where their clients or teams are going, not where they currently are or the feelings they have about it. Focus more on addressing, accepting, and helping people label their emotions, but then move immediately into creating the wiring people want, not the wiring people dont have. The challenge to this is that according to neuroscience research, there is five times as much real estate for negative emotions in the brain than there is positive. It can then become really easy for both parties in a coaching relationship to spend too much time on the negative. Rock admits that brain language isnt for everyone. He notes that for some coaches it works to talk about things such as intuition, spirituality, and the last thing they want to do is bring science into it. However in Rocks experience it is very beneficial in coaching relationships with high level executives to bring a much more rigorous, evidence based frame for explaining your methodology. With respect of his knowledge of the brain, Rock believes that all learning occurs in stages: Impasse, insight, action, and habit. Recognize an impasse and respect it. Generate insight. Get from Insight to action, and then from action to habit. While this process may seem like a laborious, difficult task Rock insists there are really good, simple brain based ways of moving from one stage to the next. There is so much value in explaining the brain simply and having coaches and clients truly understand how it works. Coaching at the core is about improving thinking. Coaches need to know how the brain works. If you going to try to improve the performance of a car you need to know how the engine works.
What do you believe to be the biggest obstacle for coaching over the next 12 months?
to make Coaching known and be recognized by our potential clients as a valid and reputable profession that follows strict and highly regarded standards and a Code of Ethics.
Illary Quinteros, MA, PCC Executive and Intercultural Coach President ICF Chile
Coaches inability to implement coaching principles in their own lives and relationships; i.e. not internalizing coaching principles and beliefs: not walking the talk.
Mr. Kam Gupta Executive Coach & Mgmt Consultant President of ICF Chicago
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The public perception of coaching and the coaching profession. I regularly encounter people who dont understand what coaching is and how it can benefit them personally and professionally.
Yvonne McLean, ACC Executive Coach Co-President ICF New Zealand Northern
We need to believe more in ourselves and our own profession, to show pride in what we are doing and how we are doing it. We also need to market ourselves with pride and use our coaching skills when meeting our customers.
Harald Arnesen, ACC President of ICF Norway
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Coaching profile
How long have you been a coach? Since 2008. What is your greatest coaching achievement? I am one of the pioneers in Chinese coaching community. I have published four books in China and Taiwan (Coaching based leadership; Coaching based mentorship; Youth coaching; Change Management & Succession). My passion is to transform coaching intelligence into a Chinese culture environment; I am also building coaching groups in the Chinese community inside Facebook with great success.
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Name the greatest benefit coaching can provide? Reflection, Application, and action at the clients own pace.
Why did you choose to become a coach? My passion is helping others to grow and succeed, Coaching is a great tool to achieve my personal objectives. I really do enjoy it.
CGV believes through its coaching philosophy that within every individual lies a wealth of information, knowledge and resources that are the source for these sustainable solutions.
The coaching industry is not short on compassionate visionaries; there is simply a shortage of funding. This is where Coaching the Global Village (CGV) comes in. Coaching the Global Village is a nonprofit organization dedicated to using coaching in order find solutions to pressing global challenges. In todays international society, new ideas and approaches are needed to address and create sustainable change. CGV believes through its coaching philosophy that within every individual lies a wealth of information, knowledge and resources that are the source for these sustainable solutions.
About Pat Williams, MCC Dr. Patrick Williams, MCC, is a founding member of ICF and has been a pioneer in the coaching profession for decades. He speaks worldwide on topics of living purposefully, coaching for global change, wellness coaching, and the coach approach in leadership. He has written four books and dozens of articles and been interviewed on TV and radio.Pat was awarded the first Global Visionary Fellowship by the Foundation of Coaching for his Coaching the Global Village project, a nonprofit organization to take the coach approach to developing villages on the planet.
The Coaching Essentials Toolkit Think of the Coaching Essentials Toolkit as a fishing kit. While your typical fishing kit contains all the tools you need to fish successfully such as hooks, lines, sinkers and such. The Coaching Essentials Toolkit is a simple complete all-in-one coaching kit designed to be used by anyone in the field. My goal is for this to be so simple is can be taught to anyone while sitting under a tree, explains Williams. You dont need electricity, you dont need PowerPoint. Created from a grant by the Harnisch Family Foundation, the Coaching Essentials Toolkit was created (in partnership with CCL) as a product or tool that could be introduced and then left behind in communities with local leaders and coaches. In keeping with the mission of the Coaching the Global Village, the toolkit would be used by individuals to continually foster the necessary sustainable change in their communities. Participants in the toolkit receive understanding on the basic concepts of the coach approach, key coaching practices and tools, and enhanced leadership and mentoring skills.
To learn more about the Coaching Essentials Toolkit, click button below.
The executives at BC Housing understand that working in public housing is more about communities and individuals than it is about bricks and mortar. They understand that the key to providing a broad range of social housing for diverse population groups requires the ability to foster a wide range of partnerships between the private and non-profit sectors, and public institutions.
It should come as no surprise then that they also know how to identify and develop leadership talent, and rely on a coaching for performance culture to achieve effective results. BC Housing develops and manages a wide range of subsidized housing across the large province of British Columbia, Canada. As a crown corporation the agency partners with private and non-profit housing providers, as well as government agencies, to develop affordable housing solutions for the homeless, at-risk individuals, Aboriginal people, low income families, seniors and women and children fleeing violence. BC Housing identified coaching as a powerful strategy to help attract, develop, and retain top employees. They created a customized Leadership Development Program designed for everyone who manages or supervises at least one person. The successful program is part of the organizations all-encompassing People Strategy, which has also grown to include its new Coach2Coach program. The significant growth and development of BC Housings leadership talent, as well an impressive return on investment of their Leadership Development Program, made them a perfect choice for the ICF International Prism Award in 2011. The agency, along with Joey Restaurant Group (also of Canada), received the ICFs most prestigious award at the Annual International Conference in Las Vegas last September. We are honored to receive this award recognizing BC Housings commitment to providing development opportunities for our employees, said BC Housing CEO Shayne Ramsay. As a public sector employer, creating a coaching culture has been fundamental in helping us achieve organizational goals and support our people as they carry out our social mandate. Our coaching program is designed to have long-term impact, creating and maintaining both personal and organizational effectiveness.
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Headquarters: Burnaby, BC, Canada Industry Sector: Housing Number of Employees: 640 Annual Operating Budget: $764 million Start date of coaching project: 2007 Status of coaching project: Active and ongoing Nominating Coach: Julie Jones, PCC
Introduced at the executive level, the initiative was launched with senior-level leader participation and was soon expanded to all leaders throughout the entire organization. Leading from the top, the senior executives were enthused and extremely supportive of the initiative. The program was really supported by the executive committee, said Patterson. Each member of the executive committee had a coach and went through the leadership development process. So there was an initial buy-in of the program. In order to successfully sustain the program, BC Housing had the foresight to bring a coach in-house full-time. Patterson was brought in as Senior Performance Coaching Advisor. Her role oversees the coaching and leadership initiative and provides master level coaching for employees. Dians passion for coaching and building leadership capacity is inspiring, and is evident in every conversation with respect to leadership development, said Julie Jones, Senior Consultant and Leadership Coach at Knightsbridge. Having a dedicated Internal Coaching resource is still an anomaly in Canada and BC Housing is to be commended for its vision, support and commitment to organizational and leadership excellence. Over the past five years, BC Housing has successfully sponsored 15 sessions of the program across the entire organization, and has seen the graduation of 200 leaders from all business units. These graduates understand the concept of leader as coach and the importance of the coaching for performance framework for BC Housing.
Top quartile score in Employment Engagement Index 15% of all positions filled internally $750,000 invested in coaching 70% ROI
200+ graduates of LDP & Coach2Coach Winner, ICF Prism Award 2011
* 2009 to 2011
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ood and drinks are not the only things that JOEY Restaurant Group is now serving. While they are known for producing award winning cuisine and cocktails inspired from around the globe, they are also in the business of cultivating the leaders and entrepreneurs of tomorrow.
JOEY Restaurant Group, headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, has over the past 20 years expanded from one to 25 restaurants across Canada and Washington State. Combining flavors from around the world, JOEY prides itself on having food that brings people together. A closer look at JOEY shows that its not so much a formula for success theyve perfected as it is a strategic focus on developing their employees. Like many other restaurants, JOEY hires numerous people who are just starting their careers, many of them college students. JOEY has focused on the development of these younger employees so they will have an abundance of talent to step to the next level of leadership when needed. Guided with the understanding that coaching can benefit any organization, JOEY began its coaching initiative and has since experienced great success. JOEY Restaurant Groups commitment to coaching has seen them experience a more than 30 percent
revenue growth, and reduced turnover. They have done so through booms and busts in the economy and have been recognized in 2010 and 2011 as one of the Best Workplaces in Canada by the Great Place to Work Institute. JOEY is the only restaurant group to ever have made this exclusive list. JOEY calculates a 682 percent return on investment from their coaching initiative. This level of success awarded JOEY Restaurant Group the ICF International Prism Award in 2011. JOEY, along with BC Housing (also of Canada) received the award at the Annual International Conference in Las Vegas last September. The International Prism Award is an amazing acknowledgement said JOEY Restaurant Group Vice President of Human Resources Andrew Martin. To be recognized by the coaching community for taking on an innovative approach to leadership development, causes us to take a breath and celebrate what we have accomplished to date.
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their story
Joey Restaurant Group began its coaching initiative while the rest of the entertainment/dining industry were facing deep recession struggles. In early 2008, JOEY identified priorities in their development program; they wanted it to be heavily focused on leadership development, conflict management, and personal growth. They also wanted an internal program that could be sustained and replicated and would be the best fit for their organization and culture.
Number of Employees: 3000 Annual Revenue: N/A Start date of coaching project: 2009 Status of coaching project: Active and ongoing Prism Nominating Coach: Marjorie Busse, MCC
The International Prism Award is an amazing acknowledgement. To be recognized by the coaching community for taking on an innovative approach to leadership development causes us to take a breath and celebrate what we have accomplished to date.
Andrew Martin, JOEY Restaurant Group Vice President of Human Resources
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30% revenue growth 134% increase in overall retention rate 100% (virtually) retention at senior level $1 million invested in coaching 682% ROI 1,000+ people coached to date Winner, ICF Prism Award 2011 1 ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC)
* 2009 to 2011
A second group, including head chefs and general managers of individual restaurants, then went through the SDI and Excelerator Coaching program, with the members of the original 12 helping to facilitate the program alongside Essential Impact. Since then, every member of the head office staff, including the President of JOEY Restaurant Group, has taken the SDI and three-day Excelerator Coach training program. All are currently being coached, and many are now coaching others internally. Coaching has since been integrated throughout all eight JOEY Restaurant Group regions and 25 restaurants, including the companys five different brands. The goal is to have any employee who has been with them for at least six months to start the journey through the coaching program. In 2012, they expect to add 50 Internal Coaches, and have their first Internal Coach achieve an ICF Certification at the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) level. In fact, VP of Human Resources Andrew Martin received his ACC credential from the ICF in December 2011. JOEY Restaurant Group is a company that measures everything. Nothing happens unless they are 100 percent convinced that it is making a difference. After the investment of over a million dollars and the participation of over a 1,000 employees and counting, to simply say that their coaching program is making a difference is a gross understatement. The level of success that JOEY has experienced from its initiative has been nothing less than amazing. By firmly supporting the program during the extremely difficult economic time period, they have experienced a 30 percent growth in revenue, as well as a 682% return on investment on the coaching initiative, in a time when people were spending
less. The use of coaching helped them take the extraordinary people who work there, and helped them excel not only as chefs and managers, but as leaders and individuals. As an employer of young college students, they typically have a higher than average turnover rate. The adoption of a coaching culture has changed that. The rate of employee turnover has dramatically reduced from less than 100 percent (twice) retention to 66 percent a 134 percent improvement! Amazingly they also now have virtually 0 percent at the senior level. Another benefit has been the explosion of internal talent created and fostered from the whole coaching experience. They now have a line-up of highly qualified and skilled staff competing for the next open position and promotion. In many companies, developing internal talent is highly desired by staff but varies on how valuable it is strategically, said Busse. For JOEY having the talent to support their extraordinary level of quality and service as they grew is mission critical. In their minds the growth was a product of their talent. The fact that they have been able to staff the growth and continue to build a strong brand during such extraordinary growth is clearly attributed to coaching. Aside from all the financial success that JOEY Restaurant Group has had from the creation and implementation of their coaching program, one critical and foundational change has occurred that cannot be measured. While speaking at the companys annual awards banquet, JOEYs Vice President of HR, Andrew Martin said, It has just occurred to me as I look around this room it is now officially not cool to be uncoachable! That may be our greatest achievement yet!
e live in a world that is spinning rapidly (some would say madly and out of control). The organizations that seek to operate in this spinning world and the men and women who attempt to lead these 21st Century organizations are in need of new forms of assistance. Certainly in recent years, one of the primary (and some would say unique) forms of assistance is professional coaching. The field of professional coaching has matured during the past decade. Now seems to be an appropriate time to offer a status report concerning the past, present and future of this emerging human service endeavor.
I have framed this status report around a fictitious (actually a hybrid) case study and have identified numerous theorists and practitioners who have offered or potentially could offer valuable assistance in the ongoing maturation of this endeavor. In most cases I have not offered specific references, for these theorists and practitioners have written many books and articles on the topic being considered. When there is a specific book that is relevant to the topic being considered, I have indicated the book title. Given these initial guidelines, I wish to venture into the world of a client (Sam) and coach (Rachel) who are facing the extraordinary challenges of early 21st Century life in an organizational setting.
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Before making a commitment to Sam, Rachel began asking some questions regarding why he wanted a coach...
Coaching in organizations: A status report (Past, Present and Future)
difficult right now, given the crises in American health care. Sam offered a sigh and a quite turn of his eyes to the heavens above. Then they both went back to work on something they could accomplish that was quite tangible building a home for a deserving family in St. Paul. Though Rachel had not given Sam a business care, nor even attempted to solicit his business, she received a phone call several days later from Sam. He sounded very hesitant on the phone, indicating that he didnt want to intrude on Rachels life and noted that he had gotten her business phone number from the Habitat office only after he had lied and told them that he need to call about the coordination of work schedules for the house they were building. After exchanging some pleasantries, Rachel reassured Sam that his phone call was not at all intrusive. With that reassurance, Sam got down to business. He indicated that he wanted to hire Rachel as his coach and wondered if this were possible, given that they were working on Habitat together. Sam indicated that if it were necessary, he would drop off the Habitat project and begin work in several months on another Habitat project. Before making a commitment to Sam, Rachel began asking some questions regarding why he wanted a coach, what he would hope to accomplish with the coaching session, and how the payment for coaching services was to be structured. Sam indicated that he had been talking with his wife during the past month about work-related stress and, in particular, about the contradictory demands being made on him by the president and other vice presidents of his health care organization. His wife, Marnie, suggested that he consider hiring an organizational coach. Marnie works in an organization that offers coaching services. Sam told Marnie about his chance encounter with Rachel and Marnie immediately encourages Sam to give Rachel a call. Sam further indicated that he hopes Rachel might assist him in mapping out a strategy for building better relationships with the men and women whom he supervises. While his organization has never done much with coaching services, Sam believed that he could obtain funds to support the coaching services and that Kurt, the President of his organization, would approve of this allocation of funds. Kurt is a strong advocate (at least on paper) for developmental services in his hospital. Rachel and Sam established the contractual obligations and began working together for two hours once a week. They initially met at Sams office, but given the frequent interruptions of these coaching sessions by members of Sams staff, Rachel and Sam decided instead to meet in a conference room located in a building that was owned by the hospital, but was located several blocks away from Sams office. The coaching sessions inevitably began with Sams sigh and eyes cast toward heaven. Then something like everything is a mess would come out of Sams mouth and the work would begin. There were many issues that Sam wished to confront during his coaching sessions with Rachel after all everything was a mess. Many years ago, Don Schn wrote about the messes being confronted by contemporary professionals. These messes are multi-dimensional, requiring multi-disciplinary perspectives and multi-strategy approaches to the coaching process itself. As Rachel and Sam face the initial task of deciding how to proceed and where to leap into the mess, they must make several important decisions that reveal something about the contemporary state of this field called professional coaching.
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firm of dedicated departments for different services, or have the marketing budget of say Coca-Cola, you cant. Choose to be selectively famous for one thing. Its going to be a lot easier on you, and youll be a lot more successful. It is also really counter intuitive. New coaches think I need work, so let me say I do everything and then get a lot of work and support myself. So it is counter intuitive. Im saying the opposite. That is way too hard. You dont have the budget or the time if youre a solo entrepreneur. You really have to sell one thing first. CW: As an Executive Coach to professionals in New Yorks leading companies, youve developed a successful unique coaching model focused on what you call Leadership Presence. Please tell us exactly what Leadership Presence is? Ora: Ive been coaching senior executives for over 15 years. During my practice I began to see which behaviors correlated with executive success. Based what I witnessed, I developed a proprietary methodology that I call Leadership
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Marketing yourself can be a real challenge. With all the chaos involved in running your own coaching practice or professional business, it is hard to invest the amount of time necessary to properly advertise your coaching services.
Last month, Coaching World spoke with New York City Executive Coach Ora Schtull and asked her to share with us some tips that all coaches can use to start marketing their services more effectively.
It is much easier to market one thing than an entire product line when youre a small business. And then if you stick to one thing, people will think of you when they need that one thing. CW: What major challenges do coaches typically face when trying to market their practice and sell their coaching services? How do they address those? Ora: Well again its where coaches try to sell too many things. How can you possibly be all things to all people? Unless youre a
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By engaging, I mean your executive presence. It has to do with communicating with impact and listening to learn.
Connect is all about relationships. Particularly its about building powerful relationships inside and outside of your company. It is about empowering the individuals on your team and optimizing that teams performance.
It used to be that there were six degrees of separation between any two people. Recent research shows there is now only 4.74 degrees of separation, and we attribute a lot this shrink to social media. You can now find anyone and begin to connect with them through social media; it is so easy these days. So thats what I mean by access, the world is out there for you and people respond to it. So use social media for access.
This one is particularly interesting to my senior level clients that I work with. By influence I mean being able to champion your ideas all the way to the top. It is having a very unique and differentiated personal brand within the workplace. It also has to do with your successful ability to make transitions. Companies today are in a state of change right now, there is a lot of chaos. There also is a lot of changes both internally and in terms of personal positions and the world around executives, and you have to be able to make transitions successfully. CW: Part of your Leadership Presence coaching model is about establishing your own personal brand. Can you explain to us the importance of really marketing yourself as a coach?
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Novotel West London October 3-6 London, United Kingdom Novotel West London
The 2012 ICF Global Coaching Study was commissioned in 2011 by the International Coach Federation (ICF) and undertaken by PricewaterhouseCoopers.
In late 2006, the ICF commissioned its first ever global industry study to provide a baseline picture of the profession; to identify what coaches saw as the major challenges; and to estimate the size of the profession. When the benchmark Final Report was ultimately released, the 2007 ICF Global Coaching Study included responses from 5,415 coaches living in 73 different countries among them, more than 1,500 non-ICF member coaches. Since then, the landscape of professional coaching has evolved in terms of the number of coaches worldwide, global revenue, and perhaps even the demographic profile of the coach.
Register early to confirm your seat at this early to confirm your seat Register international gathering!
at this international gathering!
Looking ahead, the coaches who responded to the 2012 ICF Global Coaching Study view their prospects over the next 12 months in a positive light and are looking confidently to the future. Industry changes expected in the coming year include: More than three in four coaches expect their number of coaching clients to increase;
76 percent of coaches anticipate an increase in annual revenue/income from coaching; Over six in 10 (62 percent) expect their number of coaching sessions to rise. Every coach who responded to the survey was also asked to glimpse towards the future and identify the biggest challenges for coaching. Key issues facing the industry include:
Tackling obstacles such as untrained individuals who call themselves coaches; Availing of opportunities to increase awareness of coaching benefits; and Answering the question of whether coaching should be regulated. Now that this information is being released, what are coaches supposed to do with it? What do the results of the 2012 ICF Global Coaching Study actually mean to seasoned coaches and beginning coaches alike? What could these results mean to clients or purchasers of coaching?
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Meryl Moritz, MCC, 2012 Vice President global ICF Board of Directors
The Executive Summary presents the main findings from the 2012 ICF Global Coaching Study. More detailed analysis and statistics can be obtained from the Final Report, which will be made available in the coming weeks. Download your copy of the 2012 ICF Global Coaching Study Executive Summary. Click on the download button below.
Participants must have a minimum of a bachelors degree. Some exceptions will be made for those with three to ve years of experience in a medical or allied health eld. For a curriculum overview, training competencies, training schedule, and application, please visit our Web site. Enrollment is limited; early application and registration are encouraged.