Questions? Contact Editorial Page Editor Dick Hughes, 503-399-6727
Questions? Contact Editorial Page Editor Dick Hughes, 503-399-6727
Questions? Contact Editorial Page Editor Dick Hughes, 503-399-6727
use by Statesman Journal Editorial Board members in evaluating candidates for potential endorsements in the Nov. 6 General Election. Your answers also will be shared with reporters and may be published in the print newspaper and on If you completed our questionnaire for the primary season, youll notice that some requested information is similar. We ask you to provide it again in case any of your previous data or answers have changed. (If you cant nd a copy of your previous answers, let us know and well gladly send one.) Please answer each question and return this questionnaire to the Editorial Board via email as an attached Word document. The boards email address: Deadline for submitting your questionnaire: 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 12, or earlier.
Questions? Contact Editorial Page Editor Dick Hughes, 503-399-6727, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Political party (if this is a partisan ofce): Democratic Position you are seeking (name of position, district number): State Representative, HD-19 I plan to attend the editorial board meeting scheduled for: Tuesday, Sept. 18 at 11 a.m. Number of years living in the area you seek to represent: 12 Do you afrm that you are a full-time resident of that area? Yes City/town of residence: Salem
Family (name of spouse/partner, number and ages of children if at home, number of grown children): My partner is Linda Mason. Education: Graduated from West Albany High School, 1973, Valedictorian. BA, Whitworth College, Spokane WA, 1977, Summa Cum Laude. Graduated from IBEW Inside Wireman Apprenticeship Program, 1984, #1 in class. Current occupation and employer: Retired Electrician Military service: None Employment history: 30 years IBEW Electrician, including eld supervisor, estimator, and project engineer. 5 years small business nancial manager. Community involvement/volunteer history: Volunteer Certied Long Term Care Ombudsman Please list all public ofces to which youve been elected, and when: None Please list any unsuccessful candidacies for public ofce, and when: State Rep, HD-19, 2010. Other prior political and government experience: Long Term Care Advisory Committee, Jan. 2011 to present, currently Vice Chair. How much your general election campaign will cost: $90,000 Key endorsements you have received: Oregon AFL-CIO, I.B.E.W. Local Union 48 & 280, OEA, OSEA, AFT, SEIU Local 503, Planned Parenthood, OLCV, Basic Rights Oregon, Emilys List, Senator Ron Wyden. How the public can reach your campaign (remember that this information may be published): Mail address: PO Box 445, Salem, OR 97308 E-mail address: Web site URL: Phone: (503) 375-2525 Fax: None Please limit your response to each of the following questions to about 75 words but be specic.
1. Have you ever been convicted of a crime, been disciplined by a professional licensing board/ organization or had an ethics violation led against you? If so, please give the details. NO 2. Have you ever led for bankruptcy, been delinquent on your taxes or other major accounts, or been sued personally or professionally? If so, please give the details. NO 3. Why should people vote for you? What separates you from your opponent(s)? Unlike my opponent, I am not a politician; I am an electrician. I will bring a middle class workers real world experience and healthy measures of common sense and pragmatism to the Oregon Legislature. Additionally, having helped design and manage multi-million dollar construction projects during my career, I know how to deal responsibly with large budgets and nd creative solutions to complex problems while meeting high standards, skills that are greatly needed in our legislature. 4. What are the three most important issues you would address if elected? How? (75 words for
each issue)
Strengthening Oregons economy and working to grow living wage jobs. I will work to promote innovative entrepreneurship and make sure our small businesses have access to capital so they can expand and hire more Oregonians. I will work to create incentives to keep jobs here in Oregon rather than shipping them overseas and work with the business community to map out a plan to attract new industry and bring new investment to Oregon. Securing adequate, stable funding to ensure high quality public education for our children, as well as continuing education and skills training for those looking for new jobs or career advancement. I will promote reinvestment in our community colleges and universities to make higher education more affordable so we have the well trained workforce necessary to ensure Oregon is the rst choice for job-building industries and innovative small businesses. This will require revenue reform in Oregon. Ensuring adequate resources are directed toward the public services that protect and care for our seniors and disabled citizens. Through my work with Oregons Long Term Care Ombudsman agency, I have become reasonably well acquainted with the various state agencies and advocacy groups that address the needs of seniors and the disabled in Oregon and if I am elected, I intend to be a champion for these vulnerable Oregonians.
5. What do you see as other important issues? Healthcare: providing access to adequate, affordable healthcare for all Oregonians. The Environment: striking a balance between managed use and protection of the natural environment that is uniquely Oregons. Revenue Reform: coming up with a comprehensive,
balanced package that is fair, progressive not regressive to provide stable, adequate revenue streams to support the programs and services Oregonians most want and need. 6. How would you describe your political style or for judicial candidates, your judicial temperament? Collaborative. I will engage my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, as well as other stakeholders, respectfully and open-mindedly. I will try to inuence my colleagues to focus on identifying, prioritizing and addressing the issues of greatest importance to Oregonians in ways that will yield both short and long term tangible results. And I will encourage everyone involved to commit to nding common sense, fair minded, pragmatic responses to meet the challenges Oregon faces. 7. If you are an incumbent, what have you achieved during your current term? If you are not an incumbent, how have you prepared yourself for this position? My 30 year career as a commercial and industrial electrician, estimator and project engineer was excellent preparation. As a project engineer, I was responsible for nding creative solutions to complex problems, meeting high quality standards, and coming in on budget. The demands of Oregons legislature are no different and I am prepared for this challenge. Additionally, I have always had a keen interest in current affairs and public policy. 8. What is the largest budget you have handled, and in what capacity? $15 million, as a project engineer and specialty estimator for EC Company on several high tech campuses such as Intel, Wacker Siltronics, SEH America in the Portland area. 9. What is the largest number of employees youve supervised, and in what capacity? 70, as a General Foreman responsible for 9 crews on the base build contract for LSI in Gresham. 10. Who is your role model for this ofce the person/people you would most like to emulate? Representative Betty Komp is my role model. I admire Representative Komp for her honesty and straightforward approach and her willingness to work relentlessly hard. I also admire the way she is driven by her concern for others and her passion for the things she believes in rather than by ego. 11. Any skeletons in your closet or other potentially embarrassing information that you want to
disclose before it comes up in the campaign? NO 12. As a public ofcial, your views on public issues are relevant to voters and potential constituents. Please indicate whether you support or oppose each of these statewide measures on the Nov. 6 ballot. (This question does not apply to judicial candidates.) Measure 77, catastrophic disaster Measure 78, separation of powers Measure 79, real estate transfer taxes Measure 80, marijuana legalization Measure 81, gillnetting ban Measure 82, allows private casinos Measure 83, authorizes Wood Village casino Measure 84, eliminates inheritance tax Measure 85 shifts corporate kicker to K-12 schools Not on Ballot Not on Ballot NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
Thank you. Again, please submit your questionnaire as an attached Word document to no later than 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2012.