G12 Part 2

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The document discusses the G12 movement and its hierarchical leadership structure, criticisms that it contradicts biblical teachings, and warnings that it may be trying to incorporate the church into a 'New World Order'.

G12 is a leadership structure that is criticized for establishing a new foundation other than Jesus Christ and contradicting biblical organization of the church. It is said to promote dependence on leaders and demand unquestioning belief in their teachings.

The document argues that the ultimate goal of G12 is to incorporate the church into the 'New World Order' being established, in service of the Devil's objective to deceive Christians and raise up the false church of the end times.

G12; revealing the reality about the so called Government of Twelve; 2nd part

G12 and the New World Order

Due to the large number of requests for information that we are receiving, as well as multiple visits to our Web page in relation to G12; due to the enormous interest that at the moment so many should know, not only the theoretical and theological exposition, but also the real and practical implications in the lives of its proponents and followers, it has seemed right for us to come back and speak about this question, contributing data to the philosophical, social, spiritual/psychological and, of course, eschatological aspects, derivatives of the so called, Government of twelve. Visions that produce divisions Cesar Castellanos teaches that God desires to establish a Spiritual Revolution in his Church, and change the old mentality that affects the body of Christ... (1) Expounding here, and in first place the falseness of this declaration, in that our God doesnt want to establish any Spiritual Revolution in his Church, we must proceed in saying that Castellanos is very astute and daring, in intending to try to make us believe that the old mentality exists, in which he uses a term from the New Age, that he catalogues as old paradigm .... and brothers, who wants the old, the used and the obsolete? ... This is a scheme, a sales technique put into action by Castellanos. But by doing that he gives a graphic example, that others have reproduced in other similar ways. Castellanos says: you have to demolish the old building so that you can have space for the new one, with the vision of G12 as a foundation. (Translated from Csar Castellanos; Primera Palabra First Word) This old building is for Castellanos, that which is stopping this new spiritual revolution recently mentioned. It is this enclosing of the church between four walls, between rites, dogmas and traditions (2) Lets take into account that Castellanos is referring to the Christian Evangelical Church! It isnt just this servant writing here that has reached this undoubted conclusion. Brother Fernando Carvajal Bermudez says here in his study The Cellular Vision against the Bible: What Cesar Castellanos denominates traditional Church, is the organization of the Church that for centuries evangelical Christians have established, having the Scriptures as a base. For Castellanos, the solution to improve the Church, is the Vision of G12 as foundation. A supposedly new revelation from God, that actually contradicts the word of God, which assures that nobody can lay another foundation on that which is already laid, which is Jesus Christ. (1 Cor 3:11) In these last few years, I have received, concretely, different testimonies about visions or prophesies about the same idea. In short, its dealing with the church as it has always been, going in a definite vehicle (in a train, in a boat, in a bus) which is old or obsolete, and by its side a new vehicle ready to start up, that symbolizes the Vision of G12 as a foundation and put into action. It is the same example to define the same idea: G12 or Government of twelve is what God is using now so that Every believer will navigate in the river of power (3) Castellanos, carrying on about numerical growth as good fruit, without dissimulating, which (he says) confirms the success that is always referred to, says in his book, The ladder of success (translated from La escalera de exito Page 168) There must be growth where there must be (the) transition, or better said, to pass from (being) a traditional church to a cell church (emphasis ours). But in the same way Carvajal, responds: This doctrine of the Government of the 12, just as Cesar Castellanos teaches, is particularly serious, because to give it substance, it puts itself above the Scriptures (Translated from La Vision Celular frente a la Biblia P13) (The Cellular Vision against the Bible Page 13)

In a private meeting of pastors in London, England, one of them commented to me that he knew of a fellow servant who constructed an enormous coffin in black, and with all pomp and ceremony, followed by all the congregation, buried it, saying that there the church now stayed (buried) (the old paradigm), so that now the new church would arise, (the new paradigm). A Pastor of G12 here in Spain, making his presentation for the second G12 Iberian Conference that was held in his congregation, didnt doubt in declaring the following (4): For over four years now THE VISION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF TWELVE has extended in our land, waking up and renewing a church worn out and loaded with old customs and traditions that slowed it down notably in its eternal purpose of taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to extend the Kingdom of God (our emphasis). Frankly, we were astonished to read this paragraph, and I made it known to the Pastor in question, expressing my deepest concern. How is it possible to speak like that about the Church? This is nothing less than an insult to the Work of Christ, to Him and all the rest that are in the gap and who dont share G12. Havent they yet realised that such a vision is a deception which really is causing division wherever it enters, and inflates the ego of its followers. Its a vision that produces division. But for Castellanos, the traditional way of doing church (and understanding it, the evangelical church), has come to its final stop, and now its time to enter in a new dynamic; in a new paradigm. This dynamic is G12. As is expressed without beating round the bush: Its time that the vision runs through all the earth (First word) Castellanos using Psalm 19:4 leaves to one side the true meaning of what this scripture says: Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world, and puts in its place his vision of G12. It is to say, he raises his vision of G12 to the rank of the same word of God. 1. It is necessary to demolish the old they say Its so impressive the amount of enthusiasm that the Vision of G12 a priori produces among those that welcome it. In its day enthralled by the numerical growth of M.C.I (Misin Carismtica Internacional) of Bogota, Colombia, they got to believe the lie that <<you have to demolish the old building to be able to have space for the new thing, with the Vision of the G12 as foundation>> (Caesar Castillanos; Translated from Primera Palabra - First Word). Brothers (and sisters), lets be clear that this is New Age teaching! In agreement with the teachings of the New Age movement, so that it is possible to enter in the new paradigm, the old paradigm has to be abandoned. Castillanos has got a lot of pastors and believers in general to believe many who <<if you want there to be multiplication, you cannot follow the old paradigm>> (Caesar Castilianos; Translated from Primera Palabra - First Word), and that adopting the new paradigm, and only so, the Holy Spirit << will lay new foundations for a growth without precedent>> (Ibid). What a blasphemy to use here the blessed name of the Holy Spirit! But Castillanos argues categorically, when he says: << to Implement the model of twelve, implies to leave the traditional growth is guaranteed if it is approached with faith>> 1 In plain language he is promising us that our churches will grow, once we leave the old paradigm; that is to say, the traditional form of doing church; of doing evangelical church, it is understood, putting faith in his proposal. How sad that so many dear brothers have come to be contaminated by this deceit, without noticing it! New paradigm: New anointing And that is why they want something new, that fills their souls with new emotions and challenges. Many have become seekers of spiritual new things, being convinced that God is sending a new anointing, a second Pentecost, that is not even registered in the Bible; and they do not want to lose out.

They are no longer satisfied with the simple study and teaching of the Word; they need to fill the spiritual/emotional emptiness they feel with something new; that is to say, with a new paradigm. G12 has seemed to many, to be a good antidote for this syndrome of spiritual anxiety; for this reason, they have not hesitated to give themselves fully to it, with all the consequences. G12 penetrates overall in those that are unsatisfied; that have, either a great emotional deficiency, or an excessive ambition to obtain recognition; be it personal, ministerial, etc. 2. Arduous work Nevertheless, the G12 system has numerous, very strict standards. The load that is put on people is enormous. To be part of the Vision, it is expected of the individual to be totally dedicated to it, in body, soul and spirit. You have to attend the cell once per week; go to the pre-encounter, the encounter, and the postencounter; to attend the school of leaders once per week; to attend the special meetings with the leader, and the one with the leader of the leader. Meetings for men, meetings for women; social activities in the context of each ones cell. Apart from the normal meetings, evangelism, Sunday meetings etc, etc. As for the famous school of leaders, it is done once per week, during twelve weeks (consisting of three levels). If for whatever reason, one doesnt attend three of those twelve weekly meetings, it is obligatory for the candidate to go back and repeat the whole course again. For the follower, all the week is absolutely full of religious obligations, which he cannot leave aside if he wants to remain in the Vision faithful to the Vision; tied to the Vision; week after week; month after month The Vision gets to be the God which he has to serve. The life of the disciple of G12 is governed by an almost Spartan discipline and a total submission to the immediate leader, without having the option to go to the pastor of the congregation, who is almost unattainable, in most cases. Work will make you free? We ask ourselves, why so much work and obligation? Although they say that the comparisons are hateful, all this reminds me of the sign that was hung up at the Nazi concentration camp in Auschwitz that said: Work will make you free. It was a way to seduce and to deceive the prisoners there, trying to make them think that their dignity as people was going to improve them, in the way in which they became involved in the hard and merciless work that they were submitted to. It was nothing more than a diabolic lie and manipulation. We see the same principle which we are treating here. We see that through a lot of work and discipline, they try to dominate the individual, controlling him through a lot of tasks among other things, so that he gets to fit perfectly in the G12 model, making him believe that through his exemplary commitment to the system, he is rising up in spiritual category in respect to other Christians who are not under G12. However, what rises is nothing else but spiritual pride. And abounding in it, Castillanos reiterates, exemplifying like this: <<There is not a single person involved in a team of twelve that does not want to grow, and whats more, when seeing that others grow, they feel impelled to obtain their own goals of multiplication, so as not to remain behind >> 2 and as he himself says elsewhere of in his book, << it al generates a healthy competition between the cell leaders, to get to have more cells>>. This is no more than stimulate the personal ego, and the ambition and greed for souls, typical of the sales pyramid systems, like Amway. All this effort to make the incredible believable, is part of a plan meticulously drawn up by specialist minds, with the purpose of obtaining the obedience and submission required of the individual, With what aim? We will see it later. The tuning of the conscience and silencing the soul of the follower, making him disconnect from the reality that surrounds him, even relatives; making him a fanatic, is the short term goal; making him a slave of the freedom that they promise him for having embraced the Vision, arriving, however, to

fulfil the precise prophetic words of the apostle Peter, when he said: << For they mouth empty boastful words, and by appealing to the lustful desires of sinful human nature, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error. They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity>> (2 Pedro 2:18, 19) Broth of culture for the heresies In addition, in this way, it is very easy to get to introduce new heretical doctrines in minds accustomed to obey and to summit without questioning anything. In this way the sheep of G12 are forced to eat everything that is given to them. There is no possibility or freedom to question anything, and the control on the individual is constant. The abuse, therefore, is evident. Here I will transcribe that expressed by an ex- leader of G12: << I have had the opportunity to have belonged to this vision for 6 years I was leader of the young people, minister of the praise and worship, I ministered in the encounters, was teacher in the schools of leaders it was announced a few months ago that Castillanos is working on a type of manual of interpretation of the Bible applied to g12 Therefore, in a few years, the Reina Valera (a Spanish version of the Bible) wont be read, but the Bible of Castillanos! >> 3 3. Leaders; leaders; leaders! According to Caesar Castillanos , <<each one is a potential leader each will become a leader, and will lead his own open cell. Each one is ministered and each one gets to be a minister>> (Translated from: El corazn de la visin - The heart of the vision). The word leader along with the word vision, is one of the most sounded in the G12 world. And despite that, in no place in the (Spanish) Bible (Reina Valera) is the noun leader found; and in the English version (King James) it appears only three times, and exclusively in the Old Testament (1 Cr. 12:27; 13:1; Is. 55:4). (Only 2 times in some other versions) On the other hand, the Bible does not teach me that we must make of each believer, a leader. However, yes it does teach me that each believer must be a disciple of Christ. The word leader differs from the one of disciple. A disciple, (matethes in gr.), is an apprentice, a follower of Christ, in this case, a servant of Christ, whereas the concept of leader entails in itself a strong prospect of authority. The word leader is an Anglicism, and according to the general dictionary of the Spanish Language, it means leader, head. Therefore, we understand that a leader is somebody in greater or lesser degree whose authority is attributed to. This authority is not necessarily the spiritual authority that we, all the saints, have (Lc. 10:19; Ef. 6:12), but a supposed authority over other believers. The possibility of having authority and power over others is something that should not be proposed by any true servant of God, since with it, it only appeals to the flesh of the individual, raising its ego. And nevertheless, Castillianos, in vehement form, teaches this: 4 When somebody discovers the power and the authority that can be developed being leader of twelve people, then he applies himself to become qualified, to commit himself, and to also get his twelve > > 4 We can see that the motivation is not the one of serving here. We see that the motivation here is not the one of serving, but that of having "power and authority" over people, working to obtain them, being guided by a spirit of greed for souls. Clearly Castellanos teaches that the purpose of each believer in G12 is that of dominating, (power and authority) as a minimum, over the 12 of his cell. This new paradigm openly contradicts the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ when he says: You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. (Matthew 20: 25-28) A. Are all leaders?

But, is this true? Is it true that every one has to be a leader? If all are leaders, who are those who will be led? But the question here is much deeper and meaner; and I will explain it in an instant. Firstly, the proposition is presented here that the leaders are the representatives of God and that you should obey them without questioning their decisions. The Pastor Vctor Pino Gamboa, expounding on Charisma, mentioned about this question: << There exists the tendency to use power badly, so leaders of high levels assume dictatorial positions; the anointed of God are untouchable>> 5 This, reminds us of the most obstinate Roman Catholicism, where they have their Pope, who is considered infallible when he speaks in ex ctedra. In fact, a fear of the leader is transmitted, above the fear of God, making the followers of G12 take more into account the opinion and honour of the immediate leader, (and what is there to say about the superior leaders!) than what the Word of God teaches. We will also see an example of this later. Of course, the immense majority of the disciples of G12 dont perceive all this; they are below the influence and dominion of the spirit of G12, and they dont realise, because in that moment they began to believe the imposture that the Church is organised in 12s, having accepted, therefore the authority of all the leaders that they have above them. Is Csar Castellanos taking the place of Christ? A priori this heading could sound like an unquestionable attack against this man; and however, it isnt like that, as we will see in an instant. But before we go on, lets pay attention to what the evangelist Jorge Rashke says:They will realise the emphasis of the government of the church that these groups have. Many of these think and teach that these new apostles and prophets are those that have authority and are being used to institute the true structure of government of the church in this generation, and obviously will have a new line and cast of leaders. 6 This declaration of Rashke, which is so true, has even seemed understated after paying attention to the new events that are taking place in certain neo-Pentecostalism and Charismatic sections (taking G12 here as an example of one of those) In this way the spirit of apostasy which is advancing in these last days, has come to such a point, that the loyalty that is professed to the main leader in the circles of G12 has no comparison in the history of the church, coming, in this case, to put Csar Castellanos in the place of Jesus Christ. Are we exaggerating? No, of course not. This is what has been stated by one of their leaders: Our leader Csar Castellanos, Csar the ultimate instrument has sent to bring the truth to the World, has taken it as Christ took it, bringing his message some 2000 years before, we can say that our leader is doing what Christ would do, if he was on the earth. He is taking the place of Christ, to bring the message of the Cross, as there are leaders who have not dared to take his place as they call it heresy... 7 (and of course it is, we add) Going against the Word The Word of God teaches us that we shouldnt be contentious, or complainers and even less with our brothers in the faith: and the Lords servant must not quarrel, instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth (2Timothy 2:24-25) Well here is where I am going to give the example that I commented that I was going to give above, about the fact that the followers of G12 come to take the opinion and sentence of their leader, more into account than what the Word teaches. The same author of the last quote, who is none other than the director of the Movement of the Young people of G12 in the South of Florida (USA), exclaimed the following concerning the brothers in the faith who oppose G12. Here we present a list of the people who have to be attacked and to finish with their ministries, whatever it takes, even if it means (going to) prison. {We are} an extremist young people for the Vision of Christ and of Cesar Castellanos; spiritual revolution 8

Further from any proposed Christian intention, this even reminds us of the Mafia and their black lists. Where is the Spirit of Christ here? Judge for yourselves! B. What do they intend with all this brainwashing? But, why go to all this trouble to prepare such a supposed leader, motivating each and every one to be one, even with or without the necessary calling of God? Do you remember that previously I said that the reason is more profound and harsh than it at first seemed. Throughout the exhaustive indoctrination that is made in regards to submission to leadership, a conscience of submission to man is created, ahead of that of the Holy Spirit. The submission to the leader becomes something natural once the vision has been accepted and having previously received the impartation of the spirit of the vision. Its nothing less than a brainwashing of the soul. Pyramidal system; System of control With all this, what is intended is to create a network, or better expressed, a pyramid, that starting out from the upper apex, gradually comes down to the very base. A complete hierarchical structure, where, setting out from the main leader, a whole fabric of leader-led by-leader system (is created), that covers everything. All this under the perfect control of the main leader and all the command led chain; a hierarchical church, that has nothing to do with the spirit of the Church of Christ. So we have the question. What I can see in all this, is all a psychological and spiritual preparation, among other things, to make Christians and the church more conscious, from the Pastors and the Presbytery onwards, about the supposed need to all be under command, with the incentive of a fascist type of power, to rule in the plot of ground that we have been allocated (the cell group of 12, for example). In this way, the whole church is under the control of just a very few. This is the concept of Government of 12: Mans imposition over man in the supposed name of Christ. It is to mentalize (prepare) the people of God, using the secular concept of leader, in a way that all this issue comes to sound familiar. The goal a priori is that Christians dont get shocked when they talk about government and hierarchy. The word leader, with an implicit significance, has become so extremely used, which helps the Christians to sympathetically accept what is being prepared. It is part of the plan. C. The final objective
It is clearly seen that what they are trying to reach, as their final goal, is to try to take the church into the New World Order that is now being produced, and that is almost ready to be manifest in this world. It is the Devils objective.

The enemy of our souls is working arduously in the same direction, which has two ramifications that run in parallel. On one hand, he is trying to get genuine Christians, after having been tricked and seduced by a false spirit through false leaders, to apostatize (fall into apostasy) or at least, not be able to escape all that is about to happen (Luke 21:36), and then not be raptured (taken up) when the Lord comes. (Read 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18) This takes us to a second point: The devil is working through false leaders to raise up a false world church, the church of the False Prophet (Rev 13). For certain, its moving at a very fast pace. In all this he is working in two ways as well: (1) The implementation of a hierarchical system, using among other things, systems of government like G12; (2) Working in the minds of believers that summit themselves to these leaders, among other things, creating in them the need for dependence through immediate leaders, becoming to believe, without any doubt, in what they teach, as truth of God. This is what in reality is the vision, and to assist it and empower it, is the spirit of the Vision.

We can understand it better according to the following chart

1- Deceived Christians, Not raptured 1 Hierarchical system Work of the devil ------------------------> 2- Through false leaders, ----------> to raise up the false church 2 (Brain)washing of the soul
In concluding The book of Proverbs instructs all that pay attention to proposals contrary to the teaching of the Bible: Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that causes to err from the words of knowledge (Prov 19:27) Authorised King James Version {causeth changed to modern English form of causes} The bases for the raising of the false church of the False Prophet are already more than solidified. While lots of believers are waiting for the moment to establish the kingdom on this earth in this time and without Christ present, following the instructions of G12, among others, a lot of other Christians, (and we are praying and working on it so that there will be a lot more) are expecting the return of the Lord, while at the same time we want to keep observing the commands of Christ (Jn 14:15) God Bless you all. Miguel Rosell Carrillo Madrid, January 2006 (revised in October 2006) Notes: 1. Csar Castellanos; Translated from Liderazgo De xito A Travs De Los Doce Successful Leadership through the Government of Twelve Pg. 394 2. Ibid; 3. Ibid; Pg 394-395 4. Pastor Luis Garcia; Presentation of the 2nd Iberian Conference in Tarragona, Spain 5. Csar Castellanos; Translated from Liderazgo De xito A Travs De Los Doce Successful Leadership through the Government of Twelve Pg. 246-247 6. Ibid, Pgs 151, 152 7. Testimony of an ex-militant member of G12. 8. Csar Castellanos, Translated from Liderazgo De xito A Travs De Los Doce Successful Leadership through the Government of Twelve, pg. 152 9. Translated from Qu es el Carismatismo? (What is Charismatic-ism) in his dissertation by Pastor Vctor Pino Gamboa 10. Translated from Jorge Rashkes; Estudio del Movimiento G-12 (Gobierno de 12) {Study of the G12 movement (Government of 12)} 11. Translated from the communication of Rolando Vestucci Rincn, presidente del Movimiento de la Juventud del G12 Sur de Florida (President of the Youth Movement of G12 South of Florida) 12. Ibid.


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