Advanced Chakra

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The key takeaways are that chakras are energy centers in the body associated with different parts and emotions. There are 7 main chakras that can be balanced through meditation, gemstones, essential oils and foods.

Chakras are Sanskrit for spinning wheels of energy located along the spine. The 7 main chakras each represent different parts of the body and emotions like sexuality, creativity and survival instincts. Each has a different color.

Gemstones, essential oils, foods and meditation techniques can all help balance the chakras. Specific stones, oils and foods are mentioned for each chakra.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "spinning wheel of energy".

These energy centers

within our bodies receive and transmit energy, and each is situated at a major endocrine
gland, and nerve bundle within the physical body, called a plexus. Each chakra is
connected and associated with a different part of the body. There are seven chakras. Each
chakra has a color, and different gemstones and crystals can be associated with these.
Understanding and using your chakras can promote physical, emotional and spiritual
healing, and can lend energy to your manifestational work.

For more Chakra books, gemstones, jewelry and cd’s, click here!
The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine. It is
closest to the Earth, and can be utilized for Earthly grounding. It
controls your physical vitality, ‘flight or fight’ response, physical
survival instincts, and the emotions of desire, anger, jealousy and
greed. Its color is red, other colors associated with the Root Chakra are black, brown,
and gray. Gemstones like hematite, bloodstone, black tourmaline, labodorite,
garnet, ruby, onyx, fire agate, smoky quartz, star ruby and red jasper are
beneficial in balancing this chakra. Click here to see Gemstones. The First, or
Root, Chakra governs life lessons involving the lessons of the material world, such as
survival, and stores information involving family beliefs and loyalty, you ability to stand up
for yourself, superstition, instincts, physical pain or pleasure, and touch. Your sense of self
esteem, safety and security are also based here. An imbalance in the First Chakra
may be indicated by a loss of interest in the ‘real world’ and practical survival,
obsessions and addictions, volatile emotions, selfishness, restlessness and a
lack of energy. Among the essential oils and flower essences used to balance the Root
Chakra are corn, clematis, rosemary, ylang-ylang, myrrh, frankincense, benzoin, patchouli
and sandalwood. Click here to see fragrant oils. Foods that fuel the First Chakra
are Root vegetables like carrots, potatoes, parsnips, radishes, beets, onions, garlic,
Protein-rich foods like eggs, meats, beans, tofu and soy products, and peanut butter, and
Spices like horseradish, hot paprika, chives, cayenne, and pepper.

The Navel Chakra is located just below the navel, about

2-3 fingers. It is also known as the Sacral, or Second
Chakra. In Martial Arts, it is called the “Hara”. It
represents your sexuality, creativity, self esteem, pleasures
and frustrations. Its color is orange. Orange Gemstones
like carnelian, orange tourmaline, tangerine quartz, fire opal, citrine,
moonstone, and orange zincite help to bring this chakra into balance. Click
here to see Gemstones. The Second Chakra governs life lessons involving blaming
and guilt, manifesting, money and prosperity, sex, power, control, and it is the base of
you creativity and sense of morality. Information stored in the Second Chakra involves
feelings of duality, personal magnetism, your patterns of control, your sociability, and
emotions and feelings. An imbalance in the Second Chakra may be experienced
as an eating disorder, drug or alcohol addiction, depression, and intimacy
issues, including impotence and frigidity. Among the essential oils and flower
essences used to balance the Second Chakra are all citrus oils, such as neroli, melissa,
and orange. Also rose, hibiscus, jasmine, Indian Paintbrush, and lady’s slipper. Click
here to see fragrant oils. Foods that fuel the second Chakra include sweet
and tropical fruits like melons, mangos, strawberries, passion fruit, oranges, coconut,
etc. Also Honey and Nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds
etc. and Spices such as cinnamon, vanilla, carob, sweet paprika, sesame seeds, and
caraway seeds.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is just above your navel, at

the center of your solar plexus. Emotional memories are
stored here, and it's where your ‘gut feelings’ come from. It is
the seat of your emotional life, and many of us are naturally
connected to our environments through this chakra. Its color
is yellow. Gemstones like citrine, golden topaz, amber, yellow tourmaline
and yellow sapphire are used to bring this chakra into balance. Click here to
see Gemstones. The Solar Plexus, or Third Chakra, governs life lessons involving your
self esteem, a fear of rejection or an oversensitivity to criticism, distorted self-image,
and a fear of your “secrets being found out”. Information stored in the Third Chakra
involves your personal power, your personality, your sense of ‘knowing’ and your sense
of belonging. An imbalance in the Third Chakra may manifest as a difficulty
concentrating, a poor ability to make decisions, or to judge a situation accurately, a
feeling that you are more important, or less than, than other people and trouble taking
action or getting things done. Among the essential oils and flower essences used to
balance the Third Chakra are yarrow, chamomile, peppermint, lemon juniper, vetivert,
petigrain and marjoram. Click here to see fragrant oils. Foods that fuel the
Third Chakra are granola, grains, pastas, breads, cereal, rice, flax seed, sunflower
seeds, etc. Dairy foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt, and spices like ginger, mints,
melissa, chamomile, turmeric, cumin, and fennel.

The Heart Chakra is in the heart. It is the center for

unconditional love, tolerance, empathy, forgiveness, and
compassion. It is the seat of the soul. Its color is green and
the secondary color is pink. Gemstones like rose or
green quartz, ruby zoisite, watermelon, pink or green
tourmaline, aventurine, malachite, jade, emeralds, moss agate, peridot, and
pink saphire are useful for bringing this chakra into harmony. Click here to
see Gemstones. The Heart, or Fourth Chakra, governs life lessons involving love and
compassion, self confidence and self acceptance, inspiration and hope, generosity, and
on the flip side, feelings of despair, hate, envy, fear, jealousy, and anger. Information
stored in the Heart Chakra includes the connections or "heart strings" to those we love.
An imbalance in the Heart Chakra may be felt as a lack of self discipline, difficulty in
relationships, attempts to live vicariously through others, and depending on someone
else for your happiness. Among the essential oils and flower essences used to balance
the Fourth Chakra are holly, poppy, rose, eucalyptus and pine, bergamot, melissa,
jasmine or rosewood. Click here to see fragrant oils. Foods that fuel the Heart
Chakra are leafy greens and vegetables like spinach, kale, dandelion greens, broccoli,
cauliflower, cabbage, celery, squash, etc. liquids like green and herbal teas, and spices
such as basil, sage, thyme, cilantro, and parsley.

The Throat Chakra is located in the throat, near the

thyroid gland. It is the chakra of communication, expression
and judgment. Its color is aqua or turquoise, secondary
colors are various shades of light blue. Gemstones like
turquoise, blue opal, blue topaz, fluorite, or blue lace
agate balance this chakra. Click here to see Gemstones. The Throat, or Fifth
Chakra, governs life lessons of self expression and speaking one’s truth, creativity
(especially writing or speaking) faith, and making decisions and will power. On the flip
side, issues of addiction, the need to criticize, lack of authority, and indecisiveness.
Information stored in the Fifth Chakra includes self-knowledge and truth, attitudes, and
the senses of hearing, taste, and smell. An imbalance in the Throat Chakra can be felt
as difficulty in self expression, poor learning ability, habitual lying, fear, doubt, and
uncertainty. Among the essential oils and flower essences used to balance the Fifth
Chakra are cosmos, trumpet vine, larch, blue chamomile, sage, lemongrass, geranium
or hyssop. Click here to see fragrant oils. Foods that fuel the Fifth Chakra are
liquids in general, such as water, fruit juices, and herbal teas, tart or tangy fruits
like lemons, limes, grapefruit, and kiwi, other tree growing fruits like apples, pears,
plums, peaches, apricots, etc. and spices like salt, and lemon grass.

The Brow Chakra is located in the center of the brain

(not the center of the forehead), and is also known as "the
Third Eye". This chakra governs spiritual direction and
wisdom. It is the seat of dreams, inner vision, and the
spiritual life. Its color is indigo or shades of dark blue.
Gemstones like lapis lazuli, purple flourite, sugalite, azurite or sodalite
compliment this Chakra. Click here to see Gemstones. Life lessons centering
around the Brow Chakra include understanding, “reality checks”, detachment, open
mindedness, trusting your intuition and insights, and developing your psychic abilities.
Self-realization, and releasing hidden and repressed negative thinking. The information
stored within the Third Eye Chakra include seeing things clearly (symbolically or
literally), wisdom, intuition, and intellect. An imbalance in the Sixth Chakra might be
felt as a learning disability, co-ordination problems, or sleep disorders. Among the
essential oils and flower essences used to balance the Sixth Chakra are wild oat, Queen
Anne's Lace, madia, rosemary, lavender, peppermint, spruce, frankincense, patchouli,
elemi or clary sage. Click here to see fragrant oils. Foods that fuel the Brow
Chakra include dark bluish colored fruits such as blueberries, red and concord
grapes, black berries, raspberries, etc. and liquids such as red wines and grape juice,
and spices like lavender, poppy seed, and mugwort.
The Crown Chakra is located at the crown of the head. It
balances the inner and outer person, and is the connection for
the higher self. It is the channel through which we receive divine
guidance, purpose and wisdom. Its color is purple, the
secondary color is clear or white. Gemstones like amethyst,
clear quartz, diamonds, moldavite, and peacock ore are perfect for bringing the crown
charka into alignment and balance. Click here to see Gemstones. Life lessons to be
learned through the Crown Chakra are intuitive knowing, integration of the whole Self,
spirituality, living in the now, discovery of the Divine, the ability to see the big picture in
the stream of Life, devotion, inspiration, values, ethics, trust, selflessness,
humanitarianism. The information stored in the Seventh Chakra includes your connection
to the Divine, your life’s purpose, your connection to past lives, and Immortality. An
imbalance in the Crown Chakra may be felt as lack of purpose, loss of meaning or identity,
mental illness, and senility. Among the essential oils and flower essences used to balance
the Seventh Chakra are lotus, angelica, star tulip, frankincense, sandalwood, myrrh,
jasmine, benzoin, neroli, lavender, angelica or
St. John's Wort. Click here to see fragrant oils. Foods that fuel the Seventh
Chakra are… none! Fasting and detoxing are recommended, and using incense and
smudging with herbs like sage, copal, myrrh, frankincense, and juniper. For incense,
click here. For herbs and smudges, click here.

For more Chakra books, gemstones, jewelry and cd’s, click here!
Magickal Balance
The top three chakras- the crown, third eye and throat- are the
seat of your masculine energy. They are responsible for critical
and analytical thought, logic and reason.

The lower three chakras- the root, navel and solar plexus- are
the seat of your feminine energy. They are responsible for your
emotional reactions and memories, your creativity, and your
capacity for childlike wonder and delight.

The heart chakra is where the male and female energies

meet- it is the most potent place from which to imagine and
visualize your desires. Staying centered in the heart will help you avoid the pointless mind
chatter of the masculine, and the anxious worry of the feminine; stay focused on your
heart’s desire for the best manifestational results! Controlling the flow of your own energy
is not only the key to success in manifestation, but to your happiness, health and success
in life. How do you do this? Through practicing the art of meditation.

Five Pointed Star Meditation

Find a quiet place and time, where you can have at least
fifteen minutes of peace and quiet. Lie down, with your
arms and legs gently spread apart- comfortably, and not
too wide. Make sure your hands are facing palms up.

Feel yourself sinking into the floor, just melting and

glowing, feeling very heavy. Locate the minor chakras in
your hands and feet- your hand chakras are in the
center of your palms, and your feet chakras are in the center of the arch of each foot.
Open these chakras up, and feel energy flowing through them, up your arms and legs. Let
the energy flow up to your heart chakra- combine the energy from your arms and legs in
your heart center. From the heart center, let the energy flow freely upwards, through the
center of your head, and out the crown chakra. Let this energy fountain out through your
crown, flowing out into your aura. Feel your aura glowing big and bright, like a star.

Keep ‘glowing’ until you feel your energy field is whole and complete. Gently relax the flow
of energy, until you feel solid, and back in the ‘real world’. Your mind should now be free
of clutter, and your body should feel both energized and relaxed!

Sacred Tree Meditation

The Buddha found Enlightenment while meditating under a Bo tree.
This quick and easy meditation may not free you from the Cycles of
Rebirth or the Wheel of Karma, but it might just free you from the
psychic stress and tensions of your day to day life, thus enabling
you to focus more clearly on your true purpose, magickal or

Find a quiet place and time, take off your shoes, close your eyes, and stand with your
hands hanging heavily at your side. Imagine yourself surrounded by a warm, white light,
and breathe this energy in, deeply and slowly.

Feel your feet on the floor, and imagine growing roots- let these roots grow way down
deep, right to the center of the Earth. As these roots ground you and connect you to our
Mother Earth; release all the psychic negativity of your day- release all the people, the
problems, all the responsibilities back to the Earth. Breathe deeply, and feel all the energy
that's been keeping you from feeling grounded and centered drain out, and into the core
of the Earth.
Now, imagine your roots absorbing the nourishment Mother Earth has to offer- feel this
warm, powerful energy from the Earth's core rise up through your roots, through your
feet, your legs, your hips, your torso. When you feel the energy reach your head, let your
tree grow “branches”. Reach these branches up into the Universe, far out into the
Cosmos. Feel the psychic energy of the Universe flowing through your “branches”, through
your head, and down through your trunk. Allow this Cosmic energy to flow right down
through your roots, into the Earth. Feel the Earth energy rising up, the Cosmic flowing
down. You are now grounded to the Earth, and in tune with the Cosmos.

When you are ready, call back all the psychic energy you've lost and left behind through
out the day, and gather it up into a hot, glowing golden sun above your head. Let this
golden sun of your own psychic energy envelope you, flowing through your head, down
your arms, filling up your entire body, right down to your feet. If you want, make another
gold sun to shine down and nourish your ‘tree’. When you are ready, open your eyes,
stretch, and feel refreshed!

For more books and music dedicated to the subjects of the Aura and Chakras click here.

Visit Wejee’s Metaphysical Superstore for more than 2,000 spirit filled books, herbs, oils,
music, jewelry, charms altar supplies and much more!

For FREE everyday tarot, I-ching rune, astrology and past life readings, visit Wejee’s Free
Psychic Readings!

Brightest Blessings,
Dr. Jane Maati Smith C.Hyp. Msc.D.
Buy more of my self hypnosis and subliminal programs on I have programs
to help you quit smoking, quit drinking, improve ADD/ADHD, heal depression, and much

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