Manual Doorlock VW
Manual Doorlock VW
Manual Doorlock VW
Introduction Removing the door panel Remove the aggregates carrier Conversion of the switch The assembly / function test
The defective microswitch to switch itself provides an interesting alternative to the replacement price of the entire door lock. The rst is of course needed the material to immerse the new micro-switches, which can best be concerned about the Internet on eBay. Let the tool, one of the most important prerequisites. Required are in addition to the standards, such as Phillips head screwdriver, 10 socket wrenches, soldering irons and string cutter, various more specialized tools. These include, for example, a Torx screwdriver bits or the size of TX20 and solve the bits M4 and M8 to the door lock and the lock on. In addition, you need another GOOD! Glue gun, a heat gun, and if in doubt, a measuring device. And also some other basic equipment, how can harm screwdrivers, pliers etc. Important! With this guide is a passenger door! This is for the correct positioning of the new micro switch very important! The driver is thus mirrored built-in.
1. Remove the door panel
The door panel is removed in a few steps. At the bottom of the panel there are 3 screws (see picture), lateral at the upper end of the A-pillar to a small Phillips head screw. Under the switch cover (driver's) there are 3 more of these screws. In the front passenger door there are 2 of these screws) behind the inside door handle casing.
Repair Manual for the micro switch in the door locks from the Golf IV
The switch panel is clipped on the driver's door and is very easy to deduct from plug. The paneling of the front passenger door is rub o a little harder, because we easily pressed into the edges of rubberized surface. It is thus absolutely necessary to underlie a clean cloth and work from below. Then you do not see any scratches immediately. Now the lamp is removed, plug it, done. The cladding can be solved with a bold jolt of the door is hung up. Next, you have to completely remove it to be able to hang out all the plugs and the bowden cable of the lock. The door trim is pulled o the best in a clean place, or on a cloth. The screws can be associated for example Place in the door pockets.
2. Removing the aggregates carrier:
The aggregates carrier is held from 10 machine screws with 10mm wrench. Before they are removed, you have to remove the window pane. This one opens the two large rubber stopper and can go down as far as the disc that you can see the mounting screws into the holes (see picture).
The disc is solved with a group of 10 or a detent to detent TX25. Then you can simply pull up and out of the window slot. Be careful with the paint and the rubber seal, leaves scratches! Now you can remove the 10 screws (see picture next page) and solve all the cable connections. Then you have to unscrew the door lock from the frame. Viewed from the side you see 2 large black screws and a black cover a little further) above. It must rst be solved in a drawn outer door handle of the lock cylinder. For this you need a Spezialbit the size M4. If one turns the screw out until a slight resistance to remember is, but no further! Pull out the lock cylinder and place. Afterwards, the two large black screws with the Spezialbit M8 be unscrewed. Now, something else must be in the outer door handle to hang the small Bowden (see picture). IMPORTANT! Be sure to note the position, otherwise the door will then open it might not work anymore.
Repair Manual for the micro switch in the door locks from the Golf IV
Now, the aggregates carrier can be gently lifted out. With the wiring harness but that is only conditionally. If it tries to single out that you can unplug the cable from the servo motor / door lock. Then, all holders of the cable to be removed without breaking them. The aggregates carrier should now be motile.
The next step must be taken from the door lock plate. The holder is inserted and locked with inserts (see picture). With a normal screwdriver or a screwdriver TX20 ( ts right in there), the stakes are gently expelled from the rear. The inserts lift well. Then you still have the rod to hang from doorpin. The lock can now be removed from the aggregates carrier.
Repair Manual for the micro switch in the door locks from the Golf IV
The Bowden cable inner door unlocking is simply pulled through the opening in the plate.
At the bottom of the lock there is a plastic bar, that is removed with a string cutter, to get more space.
Repair Manual for the micro switch in the door locks from the Golf IV
Then remove the old switch with a at screwdriver and push the remaining parts of the holes. The point at which there was the old micro switch must be well cleaned and roughed up the paint or led. Next, I cut o the old switch directly behind the switch housing in order to retain as much cable. I then plated the pins and the cable ends with a soldering iron. For better insulation, I have pushed in front of the Assembling shrink tubing over the cable (see picture).
The micro switch should be roughened, such as the paint of the castle. This is done best with a le. Now the pins are soldered as follows (see diagram next page).
Repair Manual for the micro switch in the door locks from the Golf IV
After that, I rst pushed the two smaller pieces of shrink tubing over the solder and the pin and shrunk with a heat gun. Then I pushed the piece slightly larger than the two smaller and also shrunk with hot air. (screw) For positioning of the switch following is to say: If the door is CLOSED, the switch is OPEN! Consequently, the switch is on the door OPEN CLOSED. It is advisable to lock by hand around to press because so at the position where the switch will placed has a slope is visible. This can be seen in the picture below or on the simpli ed sketch.
Repair Manual for the micro switch in the door locks from the Golf IV
Function test: Close the door lock with your hand, must start the lamp. When you open the lamp should immediately address. Try to calm a few times in a row. If everything is working properly, take it again the glue gun in hand, and sets the left and right next to the micro-switch further glue. It should not be too much at once, otherwise the hot glue will run into the lock mechanism or the micro switch. Little by little, is now the switch and its contacts with hot glue covered. Thus it is weatherproof and packed up, at least at the terminals weather (see picture).
The assembly is designed in principle in reverse order. When mounting the small bowden cable on the outer door handle is pay attention to the previous original position. This should be tried several times before the installation of the lock cylinder to the OPEN door. When inserting the side to take care of the paint. Carefully insert the plastic holders at the disc, which break o you. Disc attached properly again. All Reconnect the connector, also of the door lock. Congratulations, you now have a new door switch and a lot of money saved!