Bds Manual
Bds Manual
Bds Manual
Palestine Box 2099, Hawthorn 3122 Melbourne Australia Copies of this manual can be obtained by contacting Tel: +61 3 9818 5080 This manual is also available online
Letter from Archbishop Tutu - 5 Jewish National Fund (JNF) - 6 The Root of the Problem - 7 Apartheid - 8 The Occupation of Palestine - 9 Palestinian Refugees 10 West Bank Palestinians 11 Palestinians in East Jerusalem 12 Palestinians in Gaza 13 Israels Unequal Citizens 14 Palestinian Political Entities 15 Palestinian Political entities: Hamas - 16 Illegal settlements/colonies 17 Industrial sites/parks 18 Maps - 19 The Apartheid Wall 20 Can Israel be called an Apartheid state? 21 Origins of the BDS movement - 22 What is BDS? 23 Who is calling for BDS? - 23 What are the goals of BDS? - 24 Will BDS work against Israel? 24 How does BDS work? - 25 Why should people boycott? 25 Groups and campaigns to avoid - 26
Ways to boycott - 27 Consumer boycotts 27 Partial boycotts 27 Cultural boycotts 28 Sporting boycotts 28 Academic boycotts 29 Divestment 30 Sanctions - 31 BDS: Churches 32 BDS: Trade Unions 33 BDS: Universities - 34 BDS: Local and regional governments 35 BDS: Political Parties - 36 Arguments against BDS answered 37 Consumer/corporate boycott successes 41 Cultural/academic boycott successes 43 Divestment successes 45 Sanctions successes 46 When the people lead, the leaders follow 47 What you can do - 48 Products to boycott 49 Campaign to stop the Jewish National Fund - 53 APPENDICES 55 IAJV: Statement of Principles 56 IAJV: Jews say Enough is Enough - 57 Palestinian Christians Kairos Document 58 National Council of Churches in Australia - 59 Australian Academics call for BDS 60 Trade Union Congress (UK) statement 62 Australian unions commit to BDS 64 BDS information sites 65 BDS: Recommended Reading - 66 3
Archbishop Tutu
If you change the names, the description of what is happening in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank would be a description of what is happening in South Africa
Anti-apartheid campaigner, elder statesman, Nobel Peace Laureate, global activist now retired
(extract of letter Archbishop Tutu sent to the student leaders at UC Berkeley in March 2010 regarding Berkeleys decision to divest from Israel. The bill to divest from General Electric & United Technologies was passed on a 16-4 vote.)
I am writing to tell you that, despite what detractors may allege, you are doing the right thing. You are doing the moral thing. You are doing that which is incumbent on you as humans who believe that all people have dignity and rights, and that all those being denied their dignity and rights deserve the solidarity of their fellow human beings. I have been to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and I have witnessed the racially segregated roads and housing that reminded me so much of the conditions we experienced in South Africa under the racist system of Apartheid. I have witnessed the humiliation of Palestinian men, women, and children made to wait hours at Israeli military checkpoints routinely when trying to make the most basic of trips to visit relatives or attend school or college, and this humiliation is familiar to me and the many black South Africans who were corralled and regularly insulted by the security forces of the Apartheid government. In South Africa, we could not have achieved our freedom and just peace without the help of people around the world, who through the use of nonviolent means, such as boycotts and divestment, encouraged their governments and other corporate actors to reverse decades-long support for the Apartheid regime. The abuses the Palestinians face are real, and no person should be offended by principled, morally consistent, non-violent acts to oppose them. It is no more wrong to call out Israel in particular for its abuses than it was to call out the Apartheid regime in particular for its abuses.
Some extracts from John Howards Dubious Jewish National Fund Honour by Sonja Karkar, Electronic Intifada, May 2007 and Financing Racism and Apartheid by Palestine Land Society (PLANDS), August 2005
Nelson Mandela
Apartheid is a crime against humanity. Israel has deprived millions of Palestinians of their liberty and property. It has perpetuated a system of gross racial discrimination and inequality. It has systematically incarcerated and tortured thousands of Palestinians contrary to the rules of international law and waged war against a civilian population, in particular children.
Anti-apartheid campaigner, elder statesman, Nobel Peace Laureate, global activist now retired
. . . the crime of apartheid . . . shall apply to the following inhuman acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over another racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them . . . Israel's regime over the Palestinian people amounts to apartheid precisely because it displays many of the main features of the crime as defined by international law: 1. Racial discrimination against the indigenous Palestinian people who became citizens of the State of Israel was formalized and institutionalized through the creation by law of a Jewish nationality", which is distinct from Israeli citizenship. No Israeli nationality exists in Israel, and the Supreme Court has persistently refused to recognize one as it would end the system of Jewish supremacy in Israel. The 1950 Law of Return entitles all Jews -- and only Jews -- to the rights of nationals, namely the right to enter Eretz Yisrael (Israel and the OPT) and immediately enjoy full legal and political rights. 2. The 1952 Citizenship Law [40] has created a discriminatory two-tier legal system whereby Jews hold nationality and citizenship, while the remaining indigenous Palestinian citizens hold only citizenship. [41] Under Israeli law the status of Jewish nationality is accompanied with first-class rights and benefits which are not granted to Palestinian citizens. 3. The Israeli Status Law of 1952 authorizes the World Zionist Organization/Jewish Agency and its subsidiaries, including the Jewish National Fund, to control most of the land in Israel, for the exclusive benefit of Jews. [This] constitutes an institutionalised form of discrimination, because these agencies by definition would deny the use of these properties to non-Jewish citizens of the State. 4. The Return of Palestinian refugees and Internally-Displaced Persons (IDPs), as required by international law, has been prevented by means of force and legislation simply because they are not Jews. Palestinian refugees were denationalized and turned into stateless refugees
Article II, International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid, UN General Assembly Resolution 3068, 30 Nov 1973 An excellent study by the Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa Occupation Colonialism, Apartheid? A Re-assessment of Israels Practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territories under International Law, May, 2009
(extract from Our South Africa moment has arrived by Omar Barghouti, founding member of the BDS campaign, 18 March 2009)
(extract from The Palestinians: Warehousing a surplus people by Jeff Halper, ICAHD
Palestinian refugees
Eighty percent of the Palestinians are refugees, and half of the Palestinians still live in refugee camps within and around their homeland. Any sustainable peace is dependent upon the just resolution of the refugee issue. Israel must acknowledge the refugees right of return; a resolution of the issue cannot depend solely on humanitarian gestures. And Israel must acknowledge its responsibility for driving the refugees from their country. Just as Jews expected Germany to accept responsibility for what it did in the Holocaust so, too, will the refugee issue continue to fester and frustrate attempts to bring peace to the region until Israel admits its role and asks forgiveness. Genuine peacemaking cannot be confined to technical solutions alone; it must also deal with the wounds caused by the conflict. To the degree that negotiations are entered into, they must have as their terms of reference international law and UN resolutions if the Palestinians are to enjoy even minimal parity with their Israeli interlocutors. In the meantime, growing opposition to the occupation on the part of the international grassroots is making it increasingly difficult for governments to support Israeli policies. The movement targeting Israel for boycott, divestment and sanctions gains strength by the day, as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict begins to assume the dimensions of the anti-apartheid struggle. Until the majority of Palestinians, and not merely political leaders, declare that the conflict is over, the conflict is not over. Until most Palestinians believe it is time to normalize relations with Israel, there will be no normalisation. Israel cannot win.
(extract from Dismantling the Matrix of Control by Jeff Halper, ICAHD, 2009)
Extract from
Palestinians in Gaza
Gaza is an example of a society that has been deliberately reduced to a state of abject destitution, its once productive population transformed into one of aiddependent paupers. This context is undeniably one of mass suffering, created largely by Israel but with the active complicity of the international community, especially the U.S. and European Union, and the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. Gazas subjection began long before Israels recent war against it. The Israeli occupationnow largely forgotten or denied by the international communityhas devastated Gazas economy and people, especially since 2006. The deepened sanction regime and siege imposed by Israel and the international community, and later intensified has all but destroyed the local economy. There is little in society that possesses legitimacy. Trauma and grief overwhelm the landscape despite expressions of resilience. The feeling of abandonment among people appears complete, understood perhaps in their growing inability to identify with any sense of possibility. The most striking was this comment: It is no longer the occupation or even the war that consumes us but the realization of our own irrelevance. If Palestinians are continually denied what we want and demand for ourselvesan ordinary life, dignity, livelihood, safety, and a place where they can raise their children and are forced, yet again, to face the destruction of their families . . . what looms is no less than the loss of an entire generation of Palestinians. And if this happensperhaps it already haswe shall all bear the cost.
(extract from The Peril of Forgetting Gaza by Sara Roy, Senior Research Scholar Harvard University, 2009)
Illegal settlements/colonies
Since the 1967 military occupation of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights, Israel has built in these occupied territories civilian colonies, or settlements, and encouraged Israeli citizens and industries to move into them. Presently there are 135 Israeli settlements in the occupied territories and dozens of additional outposts settlements not yet officially recognized by the Israeli government. These house over 562,000 Jewish Israeli residents: 282,000 in the West Bank (excluding Jerusalem), 260,000 in neighbourhoods built in Arab Jerusalem or annexed to Jerusalem, and 20,000 in the Golan Heights. A report has recently exposed how Israeli banks are knowing principal beneficiaries of the illegal settlements providing the financial infrastructure for all activities of companies, governmental agencies and individuals in the continuing occupation of Palestine. The Israeli civilian construction has been one of the methods in which occupied areas were effectively annexed, partially or in full, into Israel. The on-going construction includes housing developments as well as extensive infrastructure projects such as roads and water systems for the exclusive use of Israeli settlers, on lands confiscated from Palestinians or declared state lands in various ways. The Israeli colonizing efforts are illegal by international law that stipulates that an occupying power moving its citizens into an occupied area is in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention, and any permanent changes made in the occupied land for such settlers is in violation of The Hague Regulations.
Industrial sites/parks
Israeli industrial zones within the occupied territories hold hundreds of companies, which export their products worldwide. Settlement production benefits from low rents, special tax incentives, lax enforcement of environmental and labour protection laws and other governmental supports. Palestinians employed in these industrial zones work under severe restrictions of movement or organization, and with hardly any governmental protections, this results in high exploitative employment practices and labour rights violations. The origin of exported settlement products is often intentionally obscured. Companies hold marketing addresses within Israel, or market their products under a label, which mixes their products with products from within Israel. Seven such parks have already been built, with several others in various stages of planning and construction. Yet, while providing employment to the Palestinian workforce, they threaten the economic viability of the Palestinian state and maintain a dependency relationship on Israel. They allow Israeli firms continued access to cheap Palestinian labour while denying the workers access to Israel (a key component of the separation strategy). Just as serious, the lax environmental standards and low costs means that these industrial parks attract Israels most polluting industries chemical, aluminum, plastics, metalworks, batteries. . . [and] ensure Israels ability to continue dumping its industrial wastes into the West Bank.
(extract from
Fragmented Palestine panel from triptych, oil on canvas, Dora McPhee, Melbourne 2010
(an extract from A Nightmare Peace: Destroying the basis of a Palestinian State by Sara Roy, (senior research scholar, Harvard University), PalestineIsrael Journal, 2004)
Jimmy Carter
When Israel does occupy this territory deep within the West Bank and connects the 200-orso settlements with each other, with a road, and then prohibits the Palestinians from using that road this perpetrates even worse instances of apartness, or apartheid, than we witnessed even in South Africa.
former US President, elder statesman, Nobel Peace Laureate, human rights activist, author
Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), which is part of the BNC.
(extract from The Boycott Divestment Sanctions Movement, The Nation, 28 June 2010)
Mahatma Gandhi
What is going on in Palestine today cannot be justified by any moral code of conduct. Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or wholly as their national home. The nobler course would be to insist on a just treatment of the Jews wherever they are born and bred.
political and spiritual leader of India who pioneered mass civil disobedience as resistance to tyranny
What is BDS?
BDS stands for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions. These are three nonviolent, punitive tactics that a grassroots movement can use to pressure a repressive government into meeting its obligations under international law and human rights conventions. BDS campaigns were used to good effect against the Apartheid regime in South Africa. The most effective morally consistent means for achieving justice and genuine peace, are now being called for against the Apartheid regime in Israel.
Ilan Papp
This is a very simple story, a story of dispossession, of colonization, of occupation, of expulsion. And the more I go into it, the clearer the story becomes it also brought me to think of the state of Israel, and the Jewish majority in it, in very much the same terms that I used to think about places such as South Africa, and the white supremacy regime there.
Israeli historian, Professor of History at Exeter University, UK, one of Israels New Historians
Ken Loach
Palestinians are driven to call for this boycott after forty years of the occupation of their land, destruction of their homes and the kidnapping and murder of their civilians.
Ways to boycott
CONSUMER BOYCOTTS are the easiest to implement beginning with
the simple refusal to buy products made in Israel or refusing to frequent a store that continues to sell such products after it has been told the reasons for the boycott. Products that have been made in Israel, an illegal settlement or in one of the industrial zones built illegally inside the West Bank usually have a bar code beginning with 729. Those that dont usually say Made in Israel. While such boycott might begin with an individual act, it only becomes powerful when it finds strong support in organisations and movements willing to promote the boycott. In primary boycotts, consumers boycott products from Israeli companies. In secondary boycotts, consumers avoid goods produced by companies with significant business interests in Israel or containing parts produced by Israel. It includes boycott of companies whose managements use the profits and the power of the company to promote Israeli colonial policies of occupation and apartheid. This approach was used successfully in South Africa.
Partial boycotts
Pressure from Israel and its apologists have frightened some people and groups into compromising BDS and calling for a partial boycott on just goods produced in the illegal Israeli settlements rather than all goods made in Israel. This includes only divesting from companies that make Israels occupation possible rather than divesting from all Israeli companies. While better than nothing, such boycotts fail to target the repressive state itself which is instrumental in the colonial expansion of Palestinian lands through the settlement project. It is Israel that must be held to account not just the individual settlements.
Ways to boycott
specifically target Israeli cultural and sporting institutions and those people who represent them as well as international cultural and sporting events that are sponsored by the State of Israel. Many performers, sports people and other personalities have joined the call for a cultural boycott and have cancelled their tours to Israel.
. . .virtually all Israeli cultural institutions, unless proven otherwise, are complicit in maintaining the Israeli occupation and denial of basic Palestinian rights, whether through their silence or actual involvement in justifying, whitewashing or otherwise deliberately diverting attention from Israels violations of international law and human rights. Accordingly, these institutions, all their products, and all the events they sponsor or support must be boycotted. Events and projects involving individuals explicitly representing these complicit institutions should be boycotted, by the same token. (PACBI)
in particular aim to stop Israel from promoting itself as a fair player through the participation of its sporting teams and individual players in international competitions. Sports boycotts were used against apartheid South Africa and it was South Africas exclusion from all major official competitions that played an important role in isolating the regime and its supporters. A powerful antidote to the propaganda of the white sports bodies at that time was the declaration by the non-racial sports federation The South African Council on Sport (SACOS) no normal sport in an abnormal society. Today, these words resonate just as powerfully against Israels apartheid policies and practices. 28
Hedy Epstein
I was really not prepared for all the horrors that I saw. I had heard about checkpoints. And I thought a checkpoint was something like a toll booth on a highway here in the United States. It's not like that at all. And it's gotten worse every time I return. The way they are now, they remind me of when animals are rounded up and taken to slaughter, it's just so humiliating.
American human rights activist, Holocaust survivor, advocate for Palestinian human rights
Ways to boycott
target Israeli academic institutions that are complicit with the governments occupation and apartheid policies and practices while claiming normality as a democratic society. This can take the form of refusing to take part in academic exchanges and cooperation in research.
While an individuals academic freedom should be fully and consistently respected an individual academic, Israeli or not, cannot be exempt from being subject to boycotts that conscientious citizens around the world (beyond the scope of the PACBI boycott criteria) may call for in response to what is widely perceived as a particularly offensive act or statement by the academic in question (such as direct or indirect incitement to violence; justification an indirect form of advocacy of war crimes and other grave violations of international law; racial slurs; actual participation in human rights violations; etc.). At this level, Israeli academics should not be automatically exempted from due criticism or any lawful form of protest, including boycott; they should be treated like all other offenders in the same category, not better or worse. (PACBI)
NOTE: Not a single Israeli academic institution has petitioned the Israeli
government to protect Palestinian rights to education or to cease interference with and destruction of Palestinian schools and colleges.
29 6
Ways to boycott
rely on others withdrawing their investments from financial institutions and companies that do business with Israel. Their purpose is to curb the profits of Israels war and apartheid economy. Generally a divestment campaign is targeted at businesses and organisations with investments in Israel in order to encourage broader values of corporate responsibility. Divestment campaigns are being undertaken on university campuses, within churches and unions as well as pension funds. Once institutions begin to feel that investing in Israel is simply too risky, the downward spiral for Israel will begin. Companies with direct links to direct actors in Israeli crimes are the obvious target for divestment, but divestment from Israel as a whole can send a message to Israeli society that there is a growing tide of disaffection globally with its governments treatment of the Palestinian people. Even if a campaign does not achieve success in hurting the offending company or Israel itself financially, it can bring about changes in public perception about the companys activities and Israel itself.
John Dugard
There are gross, egregious and systematic violations of human rights and international humanitarian law in the OPT, committed not by undisciplined and uncontrolled militias but by one of the most disciplined and sophisticated armies in the modern world, directed by a stable and disciplined government.
South African professor of international law and was the UNs special rapporteur on human rights in Palestine
Ways to boycott
The principle problem of sanctions is that action rests on states and global institutions, many of whom have a long history of supporting or implementing colonialism and occupations in the Middle East. However, a campaign for sanctions can be very effective in raising public awareness as government measures are often perceived by the general public to have more 'legitimacy' than boycotts and pickets by activists. Although, sanctions are only likely to be applied by governments and international institutions once grassroots pressure begins to take effect in boycott and divestment campaigns. There are three types of sanctions that can be applied: ending or refusing free trade agreements, applying arms embargos or severing diplomatic relations with Israel. The argument for sanctions against Israel is a powerful one as Israel is in breach of almost all its obligations under international law. In particular, Israels acceptance into the United Nations was conditional on its acceptance and implementation of UN Resolution 194, which affirms the right of all Palestinians to return to their homes and lands from which they were exiled in 1948 and compensate them for their losses if they choose not to return. Israel refuses to abide by this resolution as well as many others. It is also in clear breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which is the cornerstone of international humanitarian law that ensures minimum protections for civilians in armed conflict and occupation.
BDS: Churches
BDS can also be undertaken by religious groups. With their emphasis on moral and ethical principals any action taken by a religious body in defence of Palestinian human rights would have particular resonance. For many reasons, there has been a reluctance by faithbased groups to hold Israel to account because they think it would be an attack on the Jewish faith. Nothing could be further from the truth. Israel is a state like any other and operates on an exclusionary basis, which actively discriminates against non-Jewish religious faiths. This applies especially to Palestinian Christians and Muslims who find their places of worship attacked, taken over or banned to them. It is important to emphasise that religion is NOT the issue in Palestine, since Palestinians of all faiths, including Jews, have lived in peace for centuries. Major Christian churches have large investment portfolios and could begin to divest from companies that support and profit from the occupation. Already divestment campaigns targeting Caterpillar have been initiated in a number of churches as they become more aware of the appalling human rights violations suffered by the Palestinians.
Ronnie Kasrils
. . . . in its conduct and methods of repression, Israel resemble[s] more and more apartheid South Africa at its zenith - even surpassing its brutality How do we evaluate the inhumanity of dropping bombs and blazing white phosphorous on civilian populations, burning people alive, gassing them in a Gaza ghetto under relentless siege with no place to run or hide?
former South African government minister & executive member of the ANC, anti-apartheid activist, author
BDS: Universities
An academic boycott of Israeli universities should be seen in light of their complicity with their governments expansionist and oppressive policies. It is an institutional boycott. Individual academics will only be affected if they are acting on behalf of, or as officials or representatives of Israeli academic institutions or of Israeli higher education nationally. At the practical level, the academic and political elites in Israel have always been inter-twined with professors appointed as legal advisers, heads of ministries and administrative bodies often with military ranks. Israeli universities are heavily involved in tailored teaching for the military and security services. An academic boycott is both a personal and or collective act made in solidarity with Palestinian colleagues whose academic freedom is currently denied. Palestinian academics are affected by Israels destruction of infrastructure, civil society, cultural and intellectual life and obstructions that prevent them from teaching and research, as well as arbitrary detentions and delays, violence and arrests. It is the apartheid conditions under which they are forced to live and work that override any arguments disparaging academic boycotts against Israeli universities. It is interesting that liberals who are so deeply opposed to BDS on academic freedom grounds did not say a word when Birzeit University near Ramallah was closed for nearly four years or when the Islamic University of Gaza was bombed by Israel.
Luisa Morgantini
Israel has consistently disregarded international outcries from both the ICJ and UN as to the illegality of its policies, and the world has not moved to call Israel to account. The wall has reached 60% completion. Enough is enough. It is time to adopt a weapons' embargo and divestments from all companies which profit from Israeli military occupation.
Leading member of the Italian peace movement and former Vice President of the European Parliament
Arundhati Roy
Palestine still remains illegally occupied. Its people live in inhuman conditions . . . They never know when their homes will be demolished, when their children will be shot, when their precious trees will be cut, when their roads will be closed, when they will be allowed to walk down to the market to buy food and medicine.
Indian novelist, Booker prize winner, Sydney Peace Laureate, human rights activist and a world citizen
Roger Waters
The suffering wrought on the population of Gaza by both the invasion and the siege is unimaginable to us outside the walls. . . . [may] ordinary, decent people round the world see the enormity of the crimes that have been committed, and demand that their governments bring all possible pressure to bear on Israel to lift the siege.
English musician and songwriter and founder and former leader of the world-famous rock band Pink Floyd
BDS hurts Israelis who support Palestinian rights through peace and dialogue: Palestinians are already hurting and while the
goal is not to hurt Israelis, there is sometimes a price that must be paid when confronting an illegal occupation, apartheid and the denial of human rights. Palestinian civil societys needs must be put first in the struggle against Israels colonial expansion and oppression
BDS accuses Israel of racism when its policies are motivated by security: If that were true, the Separation Wall would be built along the
1967 Green Line border. Instead 85% is built inside the Palestinian West Bank effectively appropriating that land for Israel. The Wall and the house demolitions, land razing and breaking up of families and communities that it requires is not a way to achieve security. It certainly creates a situation of profound insecurity for the Palestinians who are forced to live in a state of constant fear, isolation and hopelessness. Under such circumstances, no one will be secure.
BDS is anti-Semitic: Israel is a state like any other and must comply
with international law. The focus of BDS is on Israels abuse of power and Israeli institutions that acquiesce in that power, not on Jewish people or Judaism. The second-class status of Palestinian citizens of Israel is a key issue that BDS seeks to redress. Furthermore, not all Jews support Israels government policies and many support BDS. 39
BDS was used legitimately against Apartheid South Africa, but Israel is quite different.
While there are differences, the similarities have been noted by many eminent persons from South Africa particularly Archbishop Tutu, Mandela, Kasrils, Dugard. In fact, they and many other South Africans say it is a much worse form of apartheid.
Naomi Klein
It's time. Long past time. The best strategy to end the increasingly bloody occupation is for Israel to become the target of the kind of global movement that put an end to apartheid in South Africa.
Canadian author, internationally known for her bestseller The Shock Doctrine and a human rights activist
John Berger
. . .the day to day brutality of the Israeli army in Gaza and the West Bank continues. Ten Palestinians are killed for every Israeli death . . . UN resolutions are flouted, human rights violated as Palestinian land is stolen, houses demolished and crops destroyed.
English art critic, novelist, painter, 1972 Booker Prize winner and well known for his essay Ways of Seeing
HOLLYWOOD ACTORS MEG RYAN & DUSTIN HOFFMAN July 2010: cancelled plans to attend the Jerusalem film festival following Israel's raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla that left nine dead. FOLK-ARTIST DEVENDRA BANHART June 2010: cancelled two shows he had been set to play in Tel Aviv just hours before his scheduled arrival in Israel. ROCK BAND THE PIXIES June 2010: cancelled their first ever concert date in Israel just after the Gaza flotilla incident, blaming "events beyond our control. ROCK SINGER ELVIS COSTELLO May 2010: pulled out of two concerts in Israel, saying that his appearance there could have been interpreted as a political act. 500 ARTISTS FROM MONTREAL February 2010: joined boycott call. THE UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE UNION, UK May 2010: well over 100,000 members, voted to sever all relations with the Histadrut union in Israel and commence looking into the boycott of Ariel College. SOUL PERFORMER GIL SCOTT-HERON April 2010: will not play an upcoming show in Israel. announces that he
500 US ACADEMICS ENDORSE BOYCOTT OF ISRAEL 2010: seen as a sign of changing US attitudes towards Israel in the wake of Israels raid on the flotilla. WRITER SARAH SCHULMAN March 2010 - chose not to accept the invitation to participate in a conference at Tel Aviv and Ben Gurion Universities. GUITARIST SANTANA February 2010: cancelled his concert in Israel due to pressure not to play there. This was after letters directed at him, including one from the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel. SPANISH GOVERNMENT 2009: excluded a team from Ariel University from a prestigious international competition for sustainable architecture because it is located in the occupied West Bank. RAPPER SNOOP DOG cancelled a concert in Israel THE YES MEN withdrew their film from the Jerusalem Film Festival; ROGER WATERS (Pink Floyd) refused to play in Israel again until it removes the Separation Wall.
John Pilger
Trapped by checkpoints and arbitrary curfews the Palestinian economy is in ruins. Cutting a swathe through this poverty and despair are the Israeli "settlements": surreal, middle class suburbs that are armed fortresses with watchtowers.The settlers have no right to be there under international law
Australian journalist, war correspondent, author, documentary filmmaker and 2009 Sydney Peace Laureate
Divestment successes
ONE OF WORLDS LARGEST RETIREMENT FUNDS TIAA-CREF July 2010: Jewish Voice for Peace activists presented it with over 15,000 petitions and postcard signatures asking them to divest from companies documented as profiting from Israels occupation of Palestinian territories. EVERGREEN STATE COLLEGE STUDENTS, WASHINGTON June 2010: voted to divest the college foundations funds from companies profiting from Israels illegal occupation. DEUTSCHE BANK 2010: sold its holdings in Elbit Systems SWEDISH ASSA ABLOY: resolved to move one of its factories out of the West Bank. NORWEGIAN PENSION FUND September 2009: announced its divestment from one of the most important Israeli defence contractors, and constructor of Israels wall, Elbit Systems. BRITISH BANK BLACKROCK August 2009: divested from the West Bank settlement projects of Lev Leviev and his company, Africa Israel Investments Limited. This was especially significant since Blackrock was the second largest shareholder of Africa Israel. HAMPSHIRE COLLEGE USA February 2009: a pioneer in the 1970s for becoming the first US university to divest from apartheid South Africa, it decided to divest from some 200 companies that "violated the college's standards for social responsibility," including six companies with close connections to Israel's occupation.
Sanctions successes
EUROPEAN UNION COURT February 2010 - ruled that products from Israeli settlements on the Occupied Palestinian Territories are not Israeli and are therefore not eligible for the trade benefits between Israel and the European Union. BRITISH GOVERNMENT July 2009 - blocked the sale of spare parts for Israels fleet of missile gunships because they were used in the 2009 bombing of Gaza, revoking five of Israels arms licenses with the UK. BELGIAN GOVERNMENT February 2009: stopped exporting weapons to Israel that would bolster its military capabilities. THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT January 2009 - managed to halt negotiations on strengthening the trade relationship between the EU and Israel in the framework of the Association Agreement and there are new, emboldened efforts to try and get the Association Agreement suspended altogether.
Jeff Halper
The Message of the Bulldozers is: You do not belong here. We uprooted you from your homes in 1948 and prevented your return, and now we will uproot you from all of the Land of Israel. And that is why house demolitions remain so prominent, the bulldozer beside the tank. Because in the end this process of reoccupation is one of displacement.
Israeli anthropologist, Nobel Peace nominee, co-founder, ICAHD-Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions
(an extract from Paralysis over Palestine: Questions of strategy by Jeff Halper, Journal of Palestine Studies, Jan 2005)
Tell everyone you know about BDS. Tell everyone you know about the issues and why BDS is necessary. Familiarise yourself with products made in Israel or the illegal Israeli settlements. Write letters toto the store and asknot to stock Israeli- made products. Write a letter stores and ask them them not to stock these products.
If store does does not respond or responds negatively, write say that you will tell If the store not respond or responds negatively, write again to again to say that you will tellnot to shop there until the products are withdrawn. withdrawn. people people not to shop there until the products are Think a protest with some friends outside the store. outside the store. Stage about staging a protest with some friends Make your own signs and leaflets for pickets and distribution. Make your own signs and leaflets. Initiate a petition and circulate it.
Initiate a petition and circulate it.
Write protest letters to institutions that carry on business as usual with Israel.
Write protest letters to institutions that carry on business as usual with Israel.
Products to boycott
BEIGEL & BEIGEL factory in Ariels Barkan industrial estate on land confiscated from the surrounding Palestinian villages. Almost half of the workers are Palestinian and are not paid the Israeli minimum wage. HYDRO-INDUSTRIES the automatic garden hose reels are manufactured in the Israeli city of Rosh Haayin which was built on the ethnically-cleansed and razed Palestinian town of Ras AAaain. Israel does not allow Palestinian refugees from there to return home. NAOT FOOTWEAR the company has an outlet store in the illegal settlement of Kfar Etzion, Gush Etzion Industrial Zone. Eighty per cent of the shoes are sold to companies outside Israel. AHAVA DEAD SEA COSMETICS manufactured in the illegal Mitzpe Shalem settlement. Ahava uses Palestinian natural resources from the Dead Sea without permission or compensation while denying Palestinians access to their own shores on that sea. JAFFA CITRUS FRUIT exported by Agrexco, a 50% state owned Israeli company exporting from occupied Palestine. Often mislabelled as Made in Israel. Thousands of Palestinians are employed in packing houses often on land taken from their communities. SEACRET SPA DEAD SEA COSMETICS the product line is developed and produced in two Israeli factories in Ashdod and Migdal Haemek - using minerals from the Dead Sea in the Jordan Valley which has been declared off limits to the Palestinians who own the land and shores from which the Dead Sea mud comes. MAX BRENNER CHOCOLATE a 100% Israeli-owned company belonging to the Strauss Group, the second largest Israeli food and beverage company. Under corporate responsibility the Strauss Group emphasises the support it gives to the Israeli army saying it wants to sweeten their special moment. It supports the Golani reconnaissance platoon known for its murderous assaults on Palestinian civilians.
Endnotes 1. 2. In Hebrew, Keren Kayemet LYisrael (KKL) [literally, the 'Perpetual Fund for Israel.'] In some states, JNF affiliate organizations use this name instead of JNF. Ethnic cleansing by means of expulsion, massacre and population transfer and related grave breaches and crimes defined in the Fourth Geneva Convention (1949), as well as the Charter of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal (1945) and the Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court (1998). The term apartheid refers to the crime defined in article 2 of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid and article 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. The JNF played an important role in the preparation of the Village files, used by Zionist forces as a primary reference in planning and executing the depopulation and destruction of Palestinian communities in the 1948 Nakba (See Ilan Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, Oxford: One World Press, 2006, pp. In some cases, Palestinians Bedouin in the Naqab have been allowed 3-year leases (compared to the 49-year leases granted Jewish citizens of Israel. Jewish National Fund Memorandum of Association (1907). State-chartered, or para-state, organizations are organizations that through a formal, legal agreement, participates in the functions of the state. Most villages of Palestinian Bedouin of the Naqab were rendered non-existent by Israels 1965 Planning and Construction Law. Today, over 80,000 of these Palestinian citizens of Israel live in the unrecognized villages, their land has been confiscated, they receive no water, electricity, or any other form of government-provided means of existence, and face the constant threat of home demolition and forced eviction. The state aims to displace them to the urban townships and use their land for exclusively Jewish settlement.The JNF aims to play a leading role in this process through its Blueprint Negev fundraising campaign, through which it plans to invest $600 million in 10 years supporting a new generation of Israeli pioneers. See the electronic book JNF:Colonizing Palestine Since 1901, pg.18
3. 4.
5. 6. 7.
Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV) 56 IAJV: Jews say Enough is Enough - 57 Palestinian Christians: Kairos Document 58 National Council of Churches in Australia 59 Australian academics call for BDS 60 Trade Union Congress (UK) Statement 62 Australian Unions commit to BDS 64 BDS information sites 65 BDS: Recommended Reading - 66
15 December 2009 - This document is the Christian Palestinians word to the world about what is happening in Palestine. It is written at this time when we wanted to see the Glory of the grace of God in this land and in the sufferings of its people. In this spirit the document requests the international community to stand by the Palestinian people who have faced oppression, displacement, suffering and clear apartheid for more than six decades. The suffering continues while the international community silently looks on at the occupying State, Israel. Our word is a cry of hope, with love, prayer and faith in God. We address it first of all to ourselves and then to all the churches and Christians in the world, asking them to stand against injustice and apartheid, urging them to work for a just peace in our region, calling on them to revisit theologies that justify crimes perpetrated against our people and the dispossession of the land. In this historic document, we Palestinian Christians declare that the military occupation of our land is a sin against God and humanity, and that any theology that legitimizes the occupation is far from Christian teachings because true Christian theology is a theology of love and solidarity with the oppressed, a call to justice and equality among peoples. This document did not come about spontaneously, and it is not the result of a coincidence. It is not a theoretical theological study or a policy paper, but is rather a document of faith and work. Its importance stems from the sincere expression of the concerns of the people and their view of this moment in history we are living through. It seeks to be prophetic in addressing things as they are without equivocation and with boldness, in addition it puts forward ending the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land and all forms of discrimination as the solution that will lead to a just and lasting peace with the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Al-Quds as its capital. The document also demands that all peoples, political leaders and decision-makers put pressure on Israel and take legal measures in order to oblige its government to put an end to its oppression and disregard for the international law. The document also holds a clear position that non-violent resistance to this injustice is a right and duty for all Palestinians including Christians. The initiators of this document have been working on it for more than a year, in prayer and discussion, guided by their faith in God and their love for their people, accepting advice from many friends: Palestinians, Arabs and those from the wider international community. We are grateful to our friends for their solidarity with us. As Palestinian Christians we hope that this document will provide the turning point to focus the efforts of all peace-loving peoples in the world, especially our Christian sisters and brothers. We hope also that it will be welcomed positively and will receive strong support, as was the South Africa Kairos document launched in 1985, which, at that time proved to be a tool in the struggle against oppression and occupation. We believe that liberation from occupation is in the interest of all peoples in the region because the problem is not just a political one, but one in which human beings are destroyed. We pray God to inspire us all, particularly our leaders and policy-makers, to find the way of justice and equality, and to realize that it is the only way that leads to the genuine peace we are seeking.
Since Israeli academic institutions (mostly state-controlled) and the vast majority of Israeli intellectuals and academics have either contributed directly to maintaining, defending or otherwise justifying the above forms of oppression, or have been complicit in them through their silence, we call upon our colleagues to comprehensively and consistently boycott all Israeli academic and cultural institutions as a contribution to the struggle to end Israel's occupation, colonization and system of apartheid, by applying the following: 1. Refrain from participation in any form of academic and cultural cooperation, collaboration or joint projects with Israeli institutions; 2. Advocate a comprehensive boycott of Israeli institutions at the national and international levels, including suspension of all forms of funding and subsidies to these institutions; 3. Promote divestment and disinvestment from Israel by academic institutions; 4. Work toward the condemnation of Israeli policies by pressing for resolutions to be adopted by academic, professional and cultural associations and organizations; 5. Support Palestinian academic and cultural institutions directly without requiring them to partner with Israeli counterparts as an explicit or implicit condition for such support. As educators and scholars of conscience in Australia, we fully support this call. We urge our colleagues, nationally, regionally, and internationally, to stand up against Israel's ongoing attacks on the rights of Palestinians to education, land, and human dignity, and to support the nonviolent call for academic boycott, disinvestment, and sanctions.
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.
64 Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) includes detailed guidelines of when exactly to apply the cultural boycott of Israel. Stop the Wall - the Palestinian grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign and resource for the
international BDS campaign.
Who Profits? - a grassroots database exposing companies and corporations involved in Israels occupation of Palestine. Corporate Watch - tracking corporate complicity in Occupied Palestine British Committee for the Universities of Palestine (BRICUP) an organisation of UK-based academics supporting the Palestinian call for academic boycott. U.S. Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel (USCACBI) a US campaign focused specifically on a boycott of Israeli and academic and cultural institutions. Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) British activist group campaign. Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign - Irish activist group Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign (SPSC) - Scottish activist group Coalition against Israeli Apartheid - Canada BDS resource for Canada (Toronto) Australian Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions Campaign for Palestine new Australian site AUSPalestine Australian Unionists supporting Palestine Australians for Palestine Australian advocacy group Badil Palestinian residency and refugee rights BTSelem Israeli human rights group ICAHD Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions 65
AMNESTY: Suffocating the Gaza Strip under Israeli blockade, Amnesty International January 2010 AMNESTY: Failing Gaza: No rebuilding, no recovery, no more excuses, Amnesty International, December 2009 GOLDSTONE REPORT: United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, September 2009 AMNESTY: Israel/Gaza: Operation Cast Lead, 22 days of death and destruction, Amnesty International, July 2009 HUMAN SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL (HSRC):Occupation, Colonialism, Apartheid? May 2009 MAAN: Apartheid Roads Promoting Settlements, Punishing Palestinians, Maan Development Centre, December 2008 UN OCHA: The Humanitarian Impact on Palestinians of Israeli Settlements and other Infrastructure in the West Bank, July 2007