UH Manoa Athletics Audit
UH Manoa Athletics Audit
UH Manoa Athletics Audit
University of Hawaii at Mnoa Office of Intercollegiate Athletics Based on Financial Information through June 2012 October 2012
University of Hawaii Office of Internal Audit
TABLE OF CONTENTS I. II. Executive Summary ............................................................................................................ 1 UHM Athletics Accounts at the University Of Hawaii Foundation .............................. 5 A. Overview .......................................................................................................................... 5 Receipts ........................................................................................................................ 5 Payments ....................................................................................................................... 5 UHF Account Monitoring ............................................................................................ 6 B. Review Procedures........................................................................................................... 7 UHM Athletics Accounts at UHF ................................................................................ 7 UHM Athletics Director Discretionary Spending ........................................................ 8 Table 1: Schedule of Revenues and Expenses for Select UHM Athletics UHF Accounts ................................................................................................................... 9 Contributions .............................................................................................................. 10 Table 2: Contribution Sample Selection ................................................................. 10 Disbursements ............................................................................................................ 11 Table 3: Summary UHM Athletics Director Reimbursements ............................... 11 III. UHM Athletics Cash Disbursements ............................................................................... 15 A. Overview ........................................................................................................................ 15 Fiscal Approving Authority ........................................................................................ 15 Contractual Authority of the UHM Athletics Director ............................................... 15 Table 4: Top Five Vendors and Individuals ........................................................... 15 Vendors ....................................................................................................................... 16 Individuals .................................................................................................................. 16 B. Review Procedures......................................................................................................... 16 Fiscal Approving Authority ........................................................................................ 16 Cash Disbursement Process ........................................................................................ 17 Annual Budget ........................................................................................................ 18 Monthly Budget to Actual Review ......................................................................... 18 IV. University Travel Disbursements to UHM Athletics Personnel ................................... 21 A. Overview ........................................................................................................................ 21 B. Review Procedures......................................................................................................... 22 Travel Disbursements (Advances).............................................................................. 22 UHM Athletics Director Travel .................................................................................. 24 Table 5: Travel Summary of UHM Athletics Director ........................................... 25 Panda Travel...................................................................................................................... 26 A. Overview ........................................................................................................................ 26 Table 6: Payments to Panda Travel ............................................................................ 26 B. Review Procedures ......................................................................................................... 26 Contract ...................................................................................................................... 26 Mountain West and Big West Travel Subsidies ......................................................... 28 Payments to Panda ...................................................................................................... 28 VI. Purchasing Card................................................................................................................ 30 A. Background .................................................................................................................... 30 B. Review Procedures......................................................................................................... 30 Cardholders ................................................................................................................. 30 i
TABLE OF CONTENTS (contd) Table 7: P-card Holders .......................................................................................... 31 Purchases .................................................................................................................... 31 Table 8: P-card Transaction Sample ....................................................................... 32 Compliance ................................................................................................................. 33 Table 9: Top 5 P-card Vendors ............................................................................... 34 VII. UHM Athletics Cash Receipts .......................................................................................... 35 A. Overview ........................................................................................................................ 35 Ticket Office ............................................................................................................... 35 Business Office ........................................................................................................... 36 Sports Camps .............................................................................................................. 37 B. Procedures ...................................................................................................................... 37 Sources........................................................................................................................ 38 a. Ticket Office ........................................................................................................ 38 Table 10: Ticket Sales.......................................................................................... 38 Table 11: Season Ticket Sales & Premium Seat Contributions by Sport ........ 39 Table 12: Number of University Events Using Paciolan ..................................... 39 b. Business Office .................................................................................................... 41 1) Broadcast Rights ............................................................................................. 41 Table 13: Broadcast Rights Cash Receipts ..................................................... 41 2) Corporate Partner Programs ............................................................................ 42 Table 14: Top 5 (by Cash Receipts) Corporate Partner .................................. 42 3) Tournament / Sponsorship Distributions......................................................... 42 Table 15: NCAA & WAC Distribution Cash Receipts ................................... 42 4) Food and Beverage Sale Commissions and Beverage Rights ......................... 43 Table 16: Food and Beverage Sale Commissions and Beverage Rights......... 43 5) Sports Guarantees ............................................................................................ 43 Table 17: Sports Guarantees Cash Receipts .................................................... 43 6) Facility Use ..................................................................................................... 43 c. Sports Camps ....................................................................................................... 45 Internal Audit Observations............................................................................ 46 Cash Receipts Review ................................................................................................ 47
VIII. Complimentary Game Tickets ......................................................................................... 49 A. Overview ........................................................................................................................ 49 Table 18: Complimentary Season Tickets .................................................................. 50 Table 19: Complimentary Individual Game Tickets .................................................. 51 B. Review Procedures......................................................................................................... 51 Corporate Partner Program ......................................................................................... 52 Car Coaches Program.............................................................................................. 52 UHM Athletics and AKA Employees and Volunteers ............................................... 53 Table 20: Complimentary Season Tickets issued to UHM Athletics and AKA Employees ............................................................................................................... 53 Board of Regents and University Executive Personnel .............................................. 53 Student-Athletes ......................................................................................................... 54 Internal Audit Observations........................................................................................ 54 Complimentary Ticket Review ................................................................................... 55 ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS (contd) IX. Exhibits Exhibit II-A UHF Disbursements to Jim Donovan Travel Exhibit II-B UHF Disbursements to Jim Donovan Business Meals & Protocol Exhibit II-C UHF Disbursements to Jim Donovan Other Services, Personal Mileage/Parking Exhibit II-D UHF Other Cash Disbursements Athletic Directors Exhibit II-E UHF Other Cash Disbursements Athletic Admin Exhibit II-F UHF Other Cash Disbursements UH Athletic Fund Exhibit II-G UHF Other Cash Disbursements LA Golf Tournament Fund Exhibit III-A University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Cash Disbursements Exhibit IV-A University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Travel Checklist Exhibit IV-B University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Travel Disbursements Exhibit VII-A University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Ticketing Services Provided to Non-University Related Entities Exhibit VII-B University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Sports Camps Exhibit VII-C University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Cash Receipts Exhibit VIII-A University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Complimentary Season Tickets
I. Executive Summary
University of Hawaii at Mnoa (UHM) Athletics is the only National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I program in the State of Hawaii and is a current member of the Mountain West Conference for football and the Big West Conference for the majority of its other sports. The primary sports venues for UHM Athletics are Aloha Stadium, Stan Sheriff Center, Les Murakami Stadium, Rainbow Wahine Softball Stadium and the Duke Kahanamoku pool. Total operating expenses for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012, 2011 and 2010 were $33.8 million (unaudited), $30.5 million and $29.6 million respectively. The accumulated net deficit (excluding University of Hawaii Foundation accounts) as of June 30, 2012, 2011 and 2010 were $11.3 million (unaudited), $9.1 million, and $9.6 million. As of June 30, 2012, UHM Athletics employed 116 full-time employees. Part-time and student employees were approximately 420. There were approximately 474 student-athletes and 232 scholarship equivalents during the 2012 academic year. The University of Hawaii Office of Internal Audit (Internal Audit) performed a review of UHM Athletics pursuant to a request by the Acting UHM Athletics Director to the University of Hawaii Board of Regents. The Board of Regents chairman approved the request noting that Internal Audit would perform an agreed-upon procedures audit of the UHM Athletics Department. The audit would include reviewing the processes and testing of select transactions over cash receipts and cash disbursements from both University and University of Hawaii Foundation (UHF) accounts, travel disbursements, purchasing card disbursements and the issuance of complimentary tickets. Internal Audit obtained the information contained in the accompanying report from a variety of sources including, but not limited to the following: meetings and discussions with University, UHM Athletics, and UHF personnel, reading of contracts and agreements, reading of University and UHM Athletics policies and procedures, reviewing correspondence and documentation (invoices, check request forms, purchase orders, etc.) supporting UHM Athletics transactions, and reading other pertinent documentation in addition to discussions with other individuals deemed relevant to this project.
The report is organized by the sections noted below. The specific procedures performed, observations/findings and recommendations (if any) are documented in further detail in the respective sections of the report and related exhibits. A condensed listing of Internal Audits observations and findings are noted below. Cash receipts and disbursements for select UHM Athletics Accounts maintained by the University of Hawaii Foundation (UHF) Approximately 158 182 UHM Athletics Accounts were maintained at the UHF during the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012, 2011 and 2010. The UHM Athletics Director primarily used the following UHM Athletics Accounts for discretionary spending: o Athletic Directors o Athletic Admin 1
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 o UH Athletic Fund Documentation supporting the intent and purpose of several contributions credited to these accounts were requested but not provided to Internal Audit. Effective March 1, 2012, UHF modified their policy with respect to expense reimbursements to Deans, Directors and Department Heads. This policy modification required the UHM Chancellor to approve expense reimbursements to the UHM Athletics Director. Subordinate approval for expense reimbursements to the UHM Athletics Director was sufficient prior to this date. The UHM Athletics Director was reimbursed for entertaining guests at higher priced establishments such as Alan Wongs and Ruth Chris. The average cost per attendee was $94 (median) and ranged from $62 to $126 per attendee. Approximately $333 was excluded from an $838 reimbursement claim (includes tip and taxes) for a July 2011 dinner for four (4) at Alan Wongs. The business purpose and potential benefit to UHM Athletics of five (5) UHM Athletics administrative personnel attending the 2012 NCAA Final Four Basketball Tournament is questionable.
Cash disbursements for travel costs incurred by UHM Athletics personnel The majority of excess travel advances reviewed was not repaid to the University within the 21 calendar days stipulated by University policy. Excess advances ranged from $200 to $13,000. An excess travel advance of approximately $4,800 was outstanding in excess of one (1) year. An excess travel advance of $4,700 was reported stolen from a coachs office safe. On road trips, coaches distribute student athlete per diem in cash. The feasibility of providing travel credit cards to coaches and pre-loaded debit cards to student athletes should be researched. It was determined that the UHM Athletics Director was traveling approximately 30% of each year during the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012, 2011 and 2010.
UHM Athletic Department cash disbursements After personnel costs, the significant portion of cash disbursements relate to travel costs (Panda Travel and travel advances/reimbursements to coaches). Purchases must be approved by one of the following: o UHM Athletics Director o Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services o Associate Athletics Director and Senior Woman Administrator Fiscal Approving Authorities (Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations and Administrative Assistant for Business Operations) have the responsibility to evaluate if the purchase is proper, legal and in compliance with University policies and procedures in addition to federal and State of Hawaii laws, rules and regulations. Coaches request and receive substantial travel advances (Internal Audit noted a travel advance that exceeded $39,500).
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 Panda Travel contract and cash disbursements UHM Athletics and UHF payments to Panda Travel ranged from $3.1 million to $2.9 million for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011. Approximately 80% of the payments to Panda Travel relate to airfare. The contract with Panda Travel expired in September 2012. Through the procurement process, a new contract with Panda Travel was finalized with the contract term extended through September 2017. Purchasing card (P-card) transactions UHM Athletics has nine (9) P-card holders. Aggregate P-card purchases for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011 ranged from $147,000 to $163,000. The most frequent purchases were sports equipment, supplies (janitorial and office) and cellular phone charges. No significant non-compliance matters were noted. UHM Athletic Department cash receipts Cash is collected at the Stan Sheriff Center Ticket Office, UHM Athletics Business Office and UHM Athletics offices organizing sports camps. The Ticket Office prints and sells tickets for University related entities (e.g., Kennedy Theatre, Outreach College, etc.) typically for no charge (other than recovery of expenses). Written agreements supporting the terms and conditions of these services provided by the Ticket Office were requested but generally not provided to Internal Audit Non-University entities (e.g. Hawaii Bowl Foundation, Hawaii Community Foundation) may also request that the Ticket Office print tickets and manage ticket sales for events held both on and off campus. Internal Audit noted instances of services performed by the Ticket Office for non-University entities that lacked a written agreement. Internal Audit also reviewed written agreements with non-University entities documenting the Ticket Offices services, but lacked the specific financial arrangements for the performance of these services. Internal Audit believes the lack of written agreements and clarity regarding Ticket Office services and the recovery of costs for these services are attributable to the lack of written policies and procedures. The use of UHM Athletics facilities by non-University entities does not require a prepayment of rent and estimated expenses and is not compliant with University Administrative Procedure A1.200 and the UHM Athletics Department Manual. Rent and out-of-pocket expenses are determined by the respective facility manager and billed subsequent to the completion of the event. Internal Audit noted inconsistent treatment and handling of facility use arrangements (waiving of fees, billing and collection of rent and out-of-pocket expenses) due to the lack of written policies and procedures. Regarding sports camps, cash receipts collected in excess of expenses are distributed to coaches as additional compensation. UHM Athletics processed check requests to transfer contributions from UHM Athletic accounts maintained at UHF to certain sports camp accounts (football, mens volleyball,
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 mens basketball). A substantial portion of the transferred amounts were distributed to coaches as additional compensation. UHM Athletics policy prohibits the waiving of camp registration fees. Internal Audit was informed that waivers may be provided for dependents of UHM Athletics department personnel. Evidence supporting the waiving of camp registration fees for 44 participants to a June 2012 football camp was requested but not provided to Internal Audit. In addition, evidence supporting the waiving of camp registration fees at other sport camps (December 2011 soccer and June 2012 mens basketball) was requested but not provided to Internal Audit.
The activities, operations and processes of UHM Athletics reviewed and discussed in the accompanying report was pursuant to the direction of the Board of Regents and the Acting UHM Athletics Director. The procedures performed by Internal Audit and related findings/observations and recommendations (if any) in connection with this review are contained within the accompanying report. Review procedures on other UHM Athletics activities, operations and processes were beyond the scope of this project.
Complimentary game tickets Approximately 8,600 complimentary season tickets (estimated ticket value of $1.3 million and AKA premium seat contribution of $660,000) were issued annually during the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012, 2011 and 2010. A significant number of the complimentary season tickets are provided to Corporate Partners (approx. 4,400) and UHM Athletics employees (approx. 600) annually. Automobile dealerships providing Courtesy Cars also receive complimentary season tickets (approx. 600) annually. The UHM Athletics Director determines which coaches may receive Courtesy Cars. During fiscal years 2012 and 2011, 26 Courtesy Cars were provided to coaches and the UHM Athletics Director. UHM Athletics does not reconcile complimentary ticket approvals to tickets printed and issued by the Ticket Office.
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 The AKA President also signs the check request and is responsible for verifying the business purpose and UHF account coding. Due to a change in UHF policy regarding Chancellor and Vice Chancellor approvals, effective March 1, 2012, the UHM Chancellor commenced approving check requests for payments made to the UHM Athletics Director. Previously, subordinate approval was sufficient for reimbursements to the UHM Athletics Director. Additionally, the UHM Chancellor is required to approve all Travel Request forms and Travel Completion reports submitted by the UHM Athletics Director. UHF requires that either an approved Travel Request form or Travel Completion report accompany all requests for travel disbursements. UHF management informed Internal Audit that a cursory review of the check request and supporting documents are performed by UHF personnel prior to check processing as UHF relies on the review and approvals of UHM Athletics Account Administrators listed above as well as the UHM Chancellor when applicable. UHF management also stated that questions to UHM Athletics personnel will arise if the account coding appears incorrect or if the documentation and/or explanation does not adequately support a check request. Payments should not be processed if the check request does not include all approvals. UHF Account Monitoring All UHM Athletics UHF Account Administrators (Athletics Director, Associate Athletics Directors, and head coaches) have online (read-only) access to their respective UHF account balances and transactions. They are responsible for reviewing and monitoring their accounts on a periodic basis. The Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations has online (readonly) access to all UHM Athletics UHF account balances and transactions. On a quarterly basis, the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations reviews UHF Project Fund Balances and Cash Available by Unit reports (revenues, expenses, transfers, net assets and available cash) by UHM Athletics account. At fiscal year end, UHF prepares a trial balance of all UHM Athletics UHF accounts to assist the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations prepare the UHM Athletics annual financial statements. The Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations compares the UHF trial balance to UHM Athletics financial records to identify differences warranting further investigation. Based on the review procedures performed (see B. Review Procedures), the following summarizes Internal Audits findings and observations:
Donor correspondence supporting the intent and purpose of contributions credited to the Athletics Director and Athletic Admin accounts was requested but not provided to Internal Audit by UHM Athletics or UHF with the exception of Saake Foundation contributions. UHF check request and travel forms were generally signed and approved by authorized personnel. However, reimbursements to the UHM Athletics Director for non-travel related costs prior to March 1, 2012 only required the authorization of subordinates. Annual expense reimbursements to the UHM Athletics Director for the three years ended June 30, 2012 ranged from $18,000 - $28,000 (excludes airfare). The UHM Athletics Directors entertainment expenses at higher priced establishments (e.g., Alan Wongs, Ruth Chris) averaged $94 (median) per attendee (ranged from $62 to $126). 6
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 The food service establishment visited most frequently (35 occurrences) was the Pineapple Room. The cost per attendee was $28 (median) and ranged from $22 to $39. The business purpose and potential benefit to UHM Athletics derived from five (5) UHM Athletics personnel attending the 2012 NCAA Final Four Basketball Tournament is questionable. University disbursements (UHF and UHM Athletics) associated with the 2012 NCAA Final Four and provided to Internal Audit amounted to $17,700 (excludes airfare). B. Review Procedures The procedures, associated findings and observations are as follows: UHM Athletics Accounts at UHF 1. Obtain a summary schedule from UHF documenting account information for all UHM Athletics Accounts maintained at UHF for the years ended June 30, 2012, 2011 and 2010. Account information should include account name and number, purpose, sport/office associated with the account and the coach/athletic administrator with oversight responsibility. Financial information should include beginning and end of year net assets in addition to aggregate revenues, expenses and transfers for the year.
Fiscal year ended June 30, 2010 June 30, 2011 June 30, 2012 Net assets, Revenues beg. of year $10,249 $8,854 $13,141 $6,468 $13,017 $8,026
Internal Audit obtained schedules from UHF summarizing the requested information for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012, 2011 and 2010 noting that there are approximately 158 - 182 UHF accounts associated with UHM Athletics Accounts within those fiscal years. The following table summarizes the net assets, revenue, expense and transfer amounts (000s) for these accounts for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012, 2011 and 2010.
Expenses $6,009 $6,577 $6,936 Transfers, Net assets, net end of year $47 $13,141 ($15) $13,017 ($44) $14,063
Transactions associated with AKA, such as preferred seating, parking and student scholarships represent 40% to 64% of the total annual revenues and expenses in the above table.
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 UHM Athletics Director Discretionary Spending 2. Review the UHF summary schedule and perform inquiries of UHF and UHM Athletics personnel to identify the accounts used primarily by the UHM Athletics Director for discretionary spending. Obtain transaction listings from UHF supporting these accounts. Internal Audit was informed by UHF and UHM personnel that the following accounts are primarily used by the UHM Athletics Director for discretionary spending purposes: Athletic Directors Athletic Admin UH Athletic Fund Internal Audit also reviewed the LA Golf Tournament Fund based on the purpose and description of the account. Table 1 presents a Schedule of Revenues and Expenses for these four accounts for the three years ended June 30, 2012.
Table 1: Schedule of Revenues and Expenses for Select UHM Athletics UHF Accounts For Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2010 2012 (Unaudited)
Athletic Director's Revenues Cash contributions: Anheuser-Busch Sales of HI Time Warner Cable McDonalds of Hawaii Jack and Mami Takeda Fdn Dr. Alvin & Monica Saake Fdn Other Total cash contributions Special/Fundraising events Pledge contributions Miscellaneous Total revenues Expenses Fundraising event/expense Travel Protocol/business meetings Other services Expendable equipment UHF gift fee Consultant services Taxes Advertising, printing & postage Receptions Repairs, maintenance & supplies Bad debt Rentals Training & registration fees Mileage reimbursement/parking Miscellaneous Total expenses Transfers (Out) / In Chica Y. Nagatani Memorial Football support group (N Koa) N Koa football quasi endowment Other Total transfers Change in net assets Net assets at July 1, 2009 Net assets at June 30, 2012 Athletic Admin UH Athletic Fund LA Golf Tournament Fund
72,503 59,152 49,350 8,945 9,915 5,236 14,793 7,454 7,075 15 1,059 143 360 934 236,934 113,201 944 18,934 64,832 15,570 15,320 9,500 4 2,935 241,240 28,731 40,356 14,783 1,991 4,358 26,436 11,613 3,107 2,332 9,353 7,820 8,002 179 1,226 160,287 (17,500) (17,500) 28,870 16,348 $ 45,218 (200,000) (b) (100,000) (c) (60,000) (d) (360,000) (146,128) 206,653 $ 60,525 $ (28,682) 51,749 23,067 $
50,000 50,000 60,000 10,000 87,500 13,200 270,700 450 45 12,109 283,304
6,058 6,058 108,697 194 114,949 83,248 8,249 21 3,980 4,891 22 144 580 101,135 13,814 688 14,502
(a) Primarily due to funds generated from the Centennial Celebration Gala held on December 2, 2009, which was a tribute to 100 years of University of Hawaii football. (b) Transfer of funds during fiscal year 2012 to the Chica Y. Nagatani Memorial fund for the renovation of the Nagatani Academic Center. (c) Transfer of funds during fiscal year 2010 to N Koa from funds generated through the Centennial Celebration Gala. (d) Transfer of funds for investment purposes to benefit N Koa.
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 Contributions 3. From the transactions listings supporting the Schedule of Revenues and Expenses, compare a judgmental sample of contributions to supporting documents. For the sample of contributions noted below (Table 2), UHF provided check copies and UHF Transmittal of Contribution forms prepared and signed by UHM Athletics personnel (UHM Athletics Director, Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations, and Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services) and the AKA President. However, donor correspondence supporting the purpose and thus the account classification for the contribution was requested but not provided by UHM Athletics or UHF for all transactions with the exception of Saake Foundation contributions. Accordingly, the propriety of the non-Saake Foundation contributions deposited to the UHF accounts described in Table 2 is questionable. The purpose included below was obtained primarily through discussions with UHM Athletics and AKA personnel. Table 2: Contribution Sample Selection
Fiscal Yr. 2010 Donor Amount Purpose
2011 Time Warner Cable 2012 2012 2012 McDonalds of Hawai i Saake Foundation Anheuser-Busch Sales of Hawai i 2010 Anheuser-Busch Sales of Hawai i
Saake Foundation
Athletic Director's Account $40,000 Portion of contribution relates to the "Super Sac Big Mac" promotion - $500 for every defensive quarterback sack 25,000 According to the executed agreement, funds to be used at the Athletic Director's discretion (i.e., travel expenses, recognition and promotional activities, cultivation meals and activities, academic supplies and promotional items). 40,000 See explanation above. NOTE: Internal Audit noted that the executed agreement was for $25,000. No other documentation was provided to support the receipt of $40,000. 50,000 Due to a transmission problem of the Fresno State football away game, pay-per-view customers were provided the option of obtaining a refund or donating the refund to UHM Athletics. The contribution of $50,000 is the result of customers donating their refund back to UHM Athletics. 20,000 "Super Sac Big Mac" promotion (see explanation above). 22,500 See explanation above. 50,000 "Get in the Game" promotion - $0.25 for every case of Budweiser, Bud Light, Budweiser Select, and Bud Light Lime products sold in Hawai i during the promotion period Athletic Admin. Account 100,000 "Get in the Game" promotion (see explanation above)
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 Disbursements 4. Obtain a listing of disbursements from UHF accounts (Athletic Directors, Athletic Admin, UH Athletic Fund) to the UHM Athletics Director for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010. Aggregate disbursements by expense category for each fiscal year. The following is a summary of disbursements from the Athletic Directors, Athletic Admin, UH Athletic Fund accounts to the UHM Athletics Director by expense category: Table 3: Summary UHM Athletics Director Reimbursements
Protocol/Business Meetings and Travel expenses pursuant to the Schedule of Revenues and Expenses (Table 1) primarily differ from the above table due to the following: Protocol/Business meetings Payments to Sodexo for providing food and beverages at UHM Athletics game receptions and ticket purchases to the Hawaii Bowl and UHM Athletic sports events at mainland venues (e.g., post-season tournaments). Travel - payments to Panda Travel (primarily for airfare) and travel costs incurred by UHM Athletics and AKA employees. During fiscal years 2012-2010, disbursements to Panda Travel from the Athletics Director and UH Athletic Fund accounts were approximately $48,000.
5. From the transaction listings supporting the Schedule of Revenues and Expenses (Table 1) and the listing of disbursements to the UHM Athletics Director, select a judgmental sample of cash disbursements and perform the following: a. Review the UHF check request forms (evidences payment request and approval) for the following signatures in accordance with UHM Athletics policies and procedures: i. Requestor ii. Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations iii. Two Account Administrators iv. AKA President v. UHM Chancellor (for payments to the UHM Athletics Director on/after March 1, 2012) 11
* Reimbursements for travel does not include airfare. The cost of airfare is paid directly to Panda Travel.
2012 $ 8,859 11,616 84 34 $ 20,593
Fiscal Year 2011 2010 TOTAL $ 12,646 $ 16,604 $ 38,109 5,225 10,755 27,596 193 154 431 330 400 764 $ 18,394 $ 27,913 $ 66,900
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 b. Review applicable documents supporting the cash disbursement by performing the following: i. Compare the payee and cash disbursement amount from the UHF general ledger to original documents (invoices, sales slips, receipts, etc.) supporting the purchase or payment. For protocol/business meal reimbursements, determine that documentation includes the following: 1) venue, 2) date, 3) total/itemized cost, 4) name, title, and affiliation of person(s) in attendance and 5) business purpose. ii. For travel and per diem payments to UHM Athletics employees, determine that appropriately approved and prepared travel documents (i.e., travel request form and/or completion report) support the disbursement. Exhibits II-A, II-B, II-C notes disbursements to the UHM Athletics Director reviewed by Internal Audit. The following summarizes Internal Audits observations: UHF check request forms were signed and approved by authorized personnel. However, authorized personnel prior to March 1, 2012 consisted solely of subordinates to the UHM Athletics Director. All disbursements related to travel were supported by a Travel Completion report. The UHM Chancellor approved all required travel forms. Meal and incidental per diem rates were reasonable based on the applicable federal allowable reimbursement rate for the respective location of travel and number of travel days. Documentation supporting protocol/business meals noted the 1) venue, 2) date, 3) total/itemized cost, 4) name, title, and affiliation of person(s) in attendance, and 5) business purpose. Internal Audit noted instances of missing original receipts resulting in the UHM Athletics Director preparing a Missing Receipt Affidavit, form approved by an Account Administrator (typically the Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services). Frequent meals and/or cocktails only with certain attendees. The guest(s) and number of meal or cocktail only engagements are noted below: o Former UHM Athletics Director (w/ and w/o spouse) 12 meal engagements o Executive Director of the Sheraton Hawaii Bowl 7 meal engagements; 7 cocktails only o AKA President 13 meal engagements; 11 cocktails only o Local Media (print, radio, television) individually or in groups 26 meal engagements; 7 cocktails only The UHM Athletics Director spouse was present for 18 meals. The spouse of the UHM Athletics Directors guest was also generally in attendance. Frequency of dinners and cocktails only at higher priced establishments. The establishment and number of dinner or cocktail only engagements are noted below: o Alan Wongs - 8 dinner engagements o Ruth Chris 8 dinner engagements; 1 cocktails only o Halekulani venues - 2 dinner engagements; 5 cocktails only The cost per attendee for dinners was $94 (median) and ranged from $55 to $126. The cost per attendee for cocktails only was $36 (median) and ranged from $8 to $77. Approximately $333 of an $838 reimbursement claim for a July 8, 2011 dinner at Alan Wongs (4 attendees) was excluded due to the excessive average meal cost per person
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 ($210/person). The $333 deducted was related to various cocktails and a bottle of Opus One, tip of approximately 17% and general excise tax. The food service establishment visited most frequently (35 occurrences) was the Pineapple Room. The cost per attendee was $28 (median) and ranged from $22 to $39. Chilis (19 occurrences) was also a food service establishment visited frequently. The cost per attendee was $18 (median) and ranged from $11 to $24. Attendees typically included coaches, other UHM Athletic and AKA employees, and sponsors. The documented business purpose of certain UHM Athletics personnel attending the 2012 NCAA Final Four Basketball Tournament was questionable. Internal Audits testing sample included approximately $17,700 of costs paid by UHM Athletics and the UHF in connection with the 2012 NCAA Final Four. Internal Audits testing sample of costs incurred by the UHM Athletics Director and the Assistant Media Relations Director (2011 only) associated with the 2011 and 2010 NCAA Final Four approximated $7,700 and $7,900, respectively. In addition, Internal Audits review of certain Panda Travel invoices noted that an UHF account (UHM External Affairs) paid the airfare ($623) for an Oceanic Cable executive to attend the 2011 NCAA Final Four. Mileage reimbursement claims at the maximum allowable federal rate on a vehicle* provided by a Hawaii-based car dealer at no charge (see Courtesy Car discussion in the Complimentary Ticket section).
Exhibits II-D to II-G lists the sample of other payments or reimbursements reviewed by Internal Audit from the following UHF accounts: Athletic Directors Athletic Admin UH Athletic Fund LA Golf Tournament Fund
The following summarizes Internal Audits observations of the payments or reimbursements noted at Exhibits II-D to II-G: UHF check request forms were generally signed and approved by authorized personnel. Internal Audit noted 2 instances where the disbursement support was signed by the UHM Athletics Director and the Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services but not signed by the AKA President and the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations. No explanation for the lack of signatures was provided to Internal Audit. All disbursements related to travel were supported by either an appropriately approved Travel Request form and/or a Travel Completion report. Meal and incidental per diem rates were reasonable based on the applicable federal allowable reimbursement rate for the respective location of travel and number of travel days. The business purpose documented to justify the travel costs incurred by the manager of the Stan Sheriff Center to attend the November 6, 2010 football game against Boise State 13
*Note: Internal Audit was informed that mileage reimbursements are claimed on the Courtesy Car, which could result in possible income tax consequences.
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 University was as follows: to observe game operation and facilities management at Boise State for possible implementation at UH sporting event and for possible future expansion of facilities. Internal Audit questions whether observing a football game at Boise States outdoor stadium is relevant to managing the Stan Sheriff Center or future expansion of athletic facilities at UHM. The UHM Athletics Director Administrative Assistant traveled with UHM Athletics sport teams 3 times during fiscal year 2012 and twice during fiscal year 2011. Although the business purpose is documented, it is unclear if the provided services are necessary and reasonable when compared to the number of travel days and corresponding costs. In addition, personal days were incorporated in all trips. Internal Audit was told that the purpose of the annual LA golf tournament is primarily to cultivate UHM Athletics supporters within the Los Angeles and Orange County areas. The golf tournament is typically held in conjunction with a UHM Athletics football game held in Southern California. The15th annual and most recent LA golf tournament was held on Thursday, August 30, 2012 in the City of Industry, California in conjunction with the football game against the University of Southern California on Saturday, September 1, 2012. UHM Athletics and AKA personnel could not identify a significant donation or quantify contributions received in connection with the golf tournament.
Individual Greg McMackin Bob Coolen Carmyn James Maureen Cole Mike Trapasso Victor Wales Dana Takahara Dias
The following table (Table 4) lists the top five vendors and individuals (all coaches) receiving the highest dollar disbursements by fiscal year end derived from a UHM Athletics provided listing. Table 4: Top Five Vendors and Individuals
Fiscal Year (000's) Vendor 2012 2011 Panda Group/Panda Travel $2,945 $2,693 University of Colorado 500 Western Athletic Conference 471 508 Brigham Young University (BYU) 353 Paciolan, Inc. 238 265 Univ. Nevada at Las Vegas (UNLV) 200 Bank of Hawaii 139 152 Fiscal Year (000's) 2012 2011 $600 149 107 114 114 81 68 76 77 67
Disbursements to a significant number of these vendors and individuals were tested in this section of the report or the University Travel Disbursements section (Section IV). 15
Contractual Authority of the UHM Athletics Director Pursuant to Executive Policy E8.106, the UHM Athletics Director, and his designees are authorized to execute contractual documents for procuring goods and services with moneys from the UHM Athletics Revolving Fund and for entering into cooperative agreements for UHM Athletics. This Executive Policy was suspended on July 12, 2012.
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 Vendors Panda - travel related costs such as airfare, lodging, meals and ground transportation University of Colorado, BYU and UNLV guarantee payments associated with football Western Athletic Conference conference fees and dues, game officials, ticket purchase requirements for conference tournaments Paciolan, Inc. computer services and ticket sale transaction fees Bank of Hawaii merchant fees associated with ticket sales Individuals Greg McMackin football contract buyout paid in December 2011 All others primarily relates to travel advances and reimbursements Based on the review procedures performed (see B. Review Procedures), the following summarizes Internal Audits findings and observations: All purchase (purchase order, contract, etc.) and payment authorization forms were signed by authorized personnel in accordance with UHM Athletics and University policies and procedures and accompanied by supporting documents such as an invoice. Internal Audit noted instances of travel completion reports prepared 2 4 months after the travel return date. According to University Administrative Procedure A8.851, section 3.c, the traveler must reimburse the University if travel advances exceed claimed expenses within 21 calendar days from the end date of the trip. For a cancelled trip, Internal Audit noted the travel completion report prepared 2 months after the anticipated date of return. University Administrative Procedures A8.851, section 8.d states that the travel advance must be immediately returned in the event that a trip is cancelled or indefinitely postponed. A requisition for hotel rooms for prospective student-athletes was approved subsequent to the hotel stay dates.
B. Review Procedures
The procedures, associated findings and observations are as follows: Fiscal Approving Authority
1. Obtain a listing from the Office of Procurement and Real Property Management (OPRPM) of UHM Athletics personnel with fiscal approving authority during the two years ended June 30, 2012. OPRPM informed Internal Audit that the following UHM Athletics personnel had fiscal approving authority during the two years ended June 30, 2012: Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations Administrative Assistant for Business Operations 16
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 2. Determine if the work experience and job function of the personnel are appropriate for fiscal approving authority purposes. The Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations has held this position since 2004 and was previously employed by the Honolulu office of PriceWaterhouse Coopers, LLP (PWC). The Administrative Assistant for Business Operations has held this position since 1994 and was previously employed by an insurance company located in Hawaii. Internal Audit believes that it is appropriate for these two individuals to possess fiscal approving authority.
3. Obtain documentation from UHM Athletics personnel describing their cash disbursement process and related internal controls. A narrative describing the UHM Athletics cash disbursement process and related internal controls was prepared by the Assistant Athletic Director for Business Operations noting that all UHM Athletics purchases must be approved by one of the following: Athletics Director Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services Associate Athletics Director and Senior Woman Administrator
Prior to approval, UHM Athletics personnel with Fiscal Approving Authority must evaluate whether the purchase is proper, legal, and in compliance with all Federal and State laws, rules, and regulations and University policies and procedures. The Fiscal Approving Authority must also determine the availability of funds for the purchase. The cash disbursement process is initiated by UHM Athletics personnel verifying the receipt of goods or performance of services pursuant to the approved purchase order or contract by signing and dating the receiving report (for purchase orders) or the FMIS 41 form (for contracts). Cash disbursements for properly approved purchase orders require a 17
all transactions in excess of $25,000 now require the approval of OPRPM and disbursements in excess of $10,000 require the approval of the Acting UHM Athletics Director.
Fiscal approving authority for the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations and the Administrative Assistant for Business Operations is limited to $25,000 and $5,000, respectively. The UHM Athletics Director or his designees (Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services and Associate Athletics Director and Senior Woman Administrator) approved all contractual commitments and payments in excess of $25,000 pursuant to E8.106. As a result of the suspension of E8.106:
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 signed receiving report and the approval of the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations. Cash disbursements for non-purchase order or contract payments such as travel expenses (Travel Request and Travel Completion forms), student-athlete stipends (Student Scholarship/Grant/Loan Payment Request form), and utilities and reimbursements (Authorization for Payment form) are initiated by UHM Athletics personnel responsible for the purchase or requesting reimbursement. All non-purchase order cash disbursements are approved by the Assistant Athletic Director for Business Operations and one or a combination of UHM Athletics management (UHM Athletics Director and Associate Athletics Directors) personnel.
The Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services and the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations meet with each UHM Athletics operating unit supervisor and head coach to discuss their respective budgets by revenue and/or expense type. The Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations forwards the budgets by operating unit and sport to the UHM Athletics Director for approval. Once approved, the budgets are distributed to the UHM Athletics operating unit supervisors and head coaches in addition to the University President and UHM Chancellor. Any revisions require the approval of the UHM Athletics Director. Monthly Budget to Actual Review The Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations prepares and distributes monthly reports to the UHM Athletics Director and the Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services comparing and analyzing actual revenues and expenses to budgeted revenues by category (e.g., ticket sales by sports, corporate partnerships, etc.) and expenses by sport and UHM Athletics operating unit. If warranted, the Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services and/or the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations will discuss and document explanations received from operating unit supervisors and head coaches for significant and/or unexpected variances for purposes of determining if budget revisions or corrective action is warranted.
Annual Budget From March through July, the UHM Athletics Director, Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services and the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations consult and prepare an UH Athletics budget for the next academic year. Historical information, economic factors, upcoming opponents, and any additional information that may affect revenues and/or expenses are used to prepare the budget.
UHM Athletics fiscal personnel will create a payment request package (consisting of documents such as the receiving report, travel forms, or authorization for payment form, and an original invoice) to authorize payment. The payment request package will be submitted to the Universitys Disbursing Office for check preparation pursuant to the Universitys standard disbursing policies and procedures.
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 Internal Audit selected the following months during fiscal year 2012 and obtained the monthly revenues and expenses reports from the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations:
November 2011 February 2012 May 2012
4. Obtain a listing from UHM Athletics of non-payroll cash disbursements for each year during the two years ended June 30, 2012 and judgmentally select a sample of disbursements for testing. Review applicable documents supporting the disbursement and perform the following:
b. Review applicable documents supporting the cash disbursement by performing the following. i. Compare the purchase amount and payee from FMIS (the University's general ledger) to the documents supporting the purchase or payment such as invoices, sales slips, receipts, requisitions, and purchase orders. ii. Examine the receipt or receiving report for signature or acknowledgment by the authorized recipient in addition to unauthorized alterations of the receipt. iii. Verify that the purchase was allocated to the appropriate UHM Athletics account code in FMIS. The sample of disbursements tested are noted at Exhibit III-A. The following summarizes Internal Audits observations: All purchase (purchase order, contract, etc.) and payment authorization forms were signed by authorized personnel in accordance with UHM Athletics and University 19
a. Review for proper approvals: i. Funds availability and compliance with University and UHM Athletics policies is performed by either the: o Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations or o Administrative Assistant for Business Operations ii. Authorization from one of the following evidences payment approval: o Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services, o Associate Athletics Director and Senior Woman Administrator, or o OPRPM
Internal Audit noted the completion of the monthly revenue reports by revenue type and monthly expenses reports by operating unit and sport and further noted that the reports contained documentation evidencing review of actual to budgeted revenues and expenses performed by the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations. Internal Audit also noted documentation supporting budget revisions primarily related to ticket sales and personnel changes.
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 policies and procedures and accompanied by supporting documents, such as an invoice. Despite the cancellation of the trip, a travel completion report was not prepared and travel advance was not repaid until 2 months after the anticipated date of return. A8.851 Section 8.d states that the travel advance must be immediately returned in the event that a trip is cancelled or indefinitely postponed. (Check date: 3/17/11; Payee: Neal M Iwamoto; Amount: $420) A travel completion report for a travel request/advance was not prepared until 4 months after the date of return. (Check date: 1/3/11; Payee: Gibson Kirk Arnold; Amount: $6,540.50) A requisition for hotel rooms for prospective student athletes was approved subsequent to the hotel stay dates. (Check date: 1/6/11; Payee: Outrigger Hotels & Resorts; Amount: $3,723.06)
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 cash per diem. UHM Athletics does not have a policy regarding distributing per diem on a daily or a cumulative basis. According to UHM Athletics management personnel, a listing of travel and related costs related to events other than UHM Athletics team road games (e.g., regional or national tournaments such as the NCAA Mens Basketball Tournament, national coaches meetings, etc.) is not maintained or readily identifiable. In general, travel expenses of this nature would be paid for with UHM Athletics funds maintained at UHF. Based on the review procedures performed (see B. Review Procedures), the following summarizes Internal Audits findings and observations: UHM Athletics coaches request and receive substantial travel advances for team travel. The majority of excess (advances greater than claimed expenses) travel advances reviewed was not repaid within the 21 calendar days as required by University policy. A significant portion of the travel advances relate to per diem advances. Internal Audit was told that coaches distribute student athletes per diem in cash on road trips to cover meals and incidentals. Internal Audit was also informed that coaches receive a University check in their name for the total travel advance and may distribute the student athletes per diem at any time. Of the travel advances reviewed, advances in excess of claimed expenses ranged from $200 - $13,000. For purposes of decreasing the significant amount of travel advances, limit the need to carry large amounts of cash and decrease the number of days that excess travel advances remain outstanding, UHM Athletics should consider the following: o Require coaches to plan their road trip itinerary with sufficient lead time to allow payment with a purchase order thereby limiting the amount of travel advances associated with travel expenses such as lodging and ground transportation. o Consult with OPRPM to evaluate the feasibility of obtaining pre-loaded debit cards with specified dollar amounts to cover student-athletes per diem. o Consult with OPRPM to evaluate the feasibility of coaches obtaining travel credit cards or travelers checks with the requirement that these instruments may only be used for UHM Athletics travel expenses. With respect to travel by the UHM Athletics Director, it was determined that the UHM Athletics Director was traveling approximately 30% of each year during fiscal years 2012, 2011 and 2010. Travel costs were paid by either the University or UHF. B. Review Procedures The procedures, associated findings and observations are as follows: Travel Disbursements (Advances)
1. Obtain a listing of travel disbursements to UHM Athletics personnel (including travel
advances) from UHM Athletics fiscal personnel for the three years ended June 30, 2012. Obtain and read the Universitys travel policy in addition to the UHM Athletics travel 22
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 policies and procedures checklist. The Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations provided Internal Audit with listings of travel disbursements (including travel advances) to UHM Athletics personnel for the years ended June 30, 2012, 2011 and 2010. Travel disbursements pursuant to these listings for the years ended June 30, 2012, 2011 and 2010 amounted to $1.4 million, $1.4 million and $1.5 million respectively. Internal Audit selected a judgmental sample of travel disbursements to test (see procedure #2 below). Internal Audit read the Universitys travel policy and the UHM Athletics travel policies and procedures checklist noting that compliance with the UHM Athletics checklist should result in compliance with University policy. 2. For a judgmental sample of travel disbursements for the three years ended June 30, 2012, review applicable documents (including business purpose) supporting the disbursement (advance or reimbursement) and perform the following: a. Review the Travel Request form for the following signatures:
b. If the disbursement relates to team travel, obtain the Team Travel Squad List and review for approval by the respective Head Coach and the Director of Compliance/Eligibility for NCAA compliance purposes. c. If the disbursement relates to recruiting, obtain the Off-Campus Recruiting Summary and review for approval by the Director of Compliance/Eligibility pursuant to UHM Athletics policy. d. Review the Travel Completion report for the same signatures (see step a above) required for the Travel Request form.
e. Agree receipts and other documents supporting the travel disbursement to the Travel
g. If the travel advance exceeds claimed travel costs, agree the excess amount per the Travel Completion form to documentation issued by UHM Athletics staff. Note the travelers repayment date and agree the repayment to FMIS. 23
i. Traveler ii. Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations iii. Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services or the Associate Athletics Director and Senior Woman Administrator iv. UHM Chancellor (if the traveler was the UHM Athletics Director)
Completion report noting the amount, date, business purpose, etc. Review the per diem paid to the traveler for reasonableness and the amount owed to student athletes based on the appropriate rates. Review the signatures of student-athletes certifying receipt of their per diem and compare names of student-athletes to the approved Team Travel Squad List.
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 The disbursements selected for testing are noted in Exhibit IV-B. As a result of the testing performed, Internal Audit noted the following: The Travel Request forms and Travel Completion reports were signed by UHM Associate and/or Assistant Athletics Directors in accordance with the UHM Athletics travel policies and procedures checklist. Inconsistent evidence of approval by the Director of Compliance/Eligibility.
In addition, the following observations were noted: Internal Audit noted no travel advances or reimbursements related to airfare. Approximately 86% of the disbursements were travel advances. Aggregate travel advances amounted to $466,000, while claimed expenses amounted to $408,000. A substantial portion of the travel advances ($208,000) were per diem cash advances. Travel advances exceeded claimed expenses for approximately 50% of the travel advances reviewed, primarily resulting from the over-estimation of lodging and ground transportation expenses. Excess advances ranged from $200 to $13,000. Approximately 78% of the excess travel advances were not repaid within the required 21 calendar days after the end date of the trip, including an excess travel advance of $4,700 that was reported stolen from an office safe. Three of the excess travel advances were repaid more than 60 calendar days after the end date of the trip. University Administrative Procedures do not specify the maximum number of days prior to the start date of travel that a travel advance may be received. A8.851 requires Travel Advance requests be submitted to the University Disbursing Office at least 10 working days prior to the date of travel. Internal Audit noted that the reviewed travel advance checks were dated less than 14 working days prior to the date of travel.
3. Obtain a listing of all travel (paid by both University and UHF accounts) by the UHM Athletics Director containing the following information for fiscal years ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010 and summarize the results: Travel expense Number of trips Number of travel days (calendar and business)
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 The Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations provided Internal Audit with a download of the UHM Athletics Directors travel completion reports from the Universitys etravel website for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010. Internal Audit determined the following from the travel completion reports: Table 5: Travel Summary of UHM Athletics Director
Fiscal Year 2012 2011 2010 Travel Expense $44,842 35,736 36,726 Number of Trips 28 25 21 Travel Business Days Days on Travel 120 80 114 76 122 83
The following summarizes the most common business purpose documented on the Travel Completion Reports:
Based on discussion with the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations and testing of travel disbursements and UHF disbursements, Internal Audit noted that trips were primarily paid from University funds when travel was associated with a UHM Athletics sporting event and paid from UHF funds if travel was primarily due to conference, fundraising or public relation functions.
Attend UHM Athletics sporting events. Host and/or attend fundraising, public relations, or hospitality functions (e.g., pregame/postgame football functions held for UHM Athletics supporters/donors). Attend business conferences and meetings (e.g., WAC administrator meeting, NCAA convention), Host auction winner(s) (Murphys Pigskin Pigout) at the NCAA Final Four basketball tournament.
V. Panda Travel
A. Overview Panda Travel is the contracted travel provider of UHM Athletics. Effective July 1, 2012, UHMs athletic conference affiliations changed from the Western Athletic Conference to the Mountain West Conference (MWC) for football and the Big West Conference (BWC) for most other sports. A condition of the MWC and BWC accepting UHM was UHMs agreement to pay travel subsidies to conference members traveling to Hawaii. Payments to Panda for the years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011 are as follows (000s):
Payments to Panda Travel during fiscal years 2012 and 2011 primarily relate to airfare (approximately 80% of all payments). Airfare and lodging rates charged by Panda Travel appear reasonable. Panda is not a named party in the MWC and BWC agreements providing travel services to visiting conference opponents.
B. Review Procedures
1. Review the contract between the University and Panda Travel. Determine if Panda Travel has complied with the terms and conditions of the contract. Internal Audit was informed that Panda was awarded the UHM Athletics travel contract pursuant to a Request for Proposal (RFP) process. The Panda contract reviewed expired in September 2012. Internal Audit was subsequently informed by the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations that the contract was re-awarded to Panda through September 2017 and that the terms remained relatively consistent with the prior contract. The following summarizes the terms and conditions of the contract effective through September 2012: 26
Based on the review procedures performed (see B. Review Procedures), the following summarizes Internal Audits findings and observations:
Fiscal Year 2012 2011 $2,945 $2,693 169 176 $3,114 $2,869
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 Commenced on September 1, 2007 for an initial three year period. The contract was extended for an additional two years without rebidding pursuant to the terms of the contract. UHM Athletics provides Panda office space (including utilities and custodial services) at no charge Panda guarantees that UHM Athletics is given the lowest airfare unless the provision is waived in writing by the UHM Athletics Director. Panda charges a transaction fee of $15 per airline ticket. Panda shall exert every effort to ensure that UHM Athletics is given the lowest rate for hotel accommodations when compared to similar hotels and the lowest rate for ground transportation when compared to similar companies. Hotel accommodations include overnight stays for the football team and coaching staff prior to each home game. Panda charges no transaction fees for hotel and ground transportation. Panda shall provide to each traveler and UHM Athletics a written trip itinerary. Pandas invoices related to airfare are to be accompanied with a computer printout that includes the following: o Traveler name o Airline, flight number, origin and destination points o Date and time of travel o Full fare of tickets issued o Other fares available for comparable flights (within two hours either way of flight taken) o Dollar value of discount off the published fare that UHM Athletics received for each ticket issued
Internal Audit noted the following resulting from transaction testing and discussions with the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations and the Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services: Panda arranges airfare for all sports teams. Internal Audit noted no travel advances or reimbursements related to airfare in connection with our testing of travel disbursements. Panda arranges for hotel and ground transportation for the football team. However, other sports teams generally arrange for their own hotel and ground transportation as evidenced by the significant travel advances paid to UHM Athletics coaches (see Section IV. University Travel Disbursements to UHM Athletics Personnel). Internal Audit was told that coaches believe that they obtain lower rates when compared to the Panda offered rates (Evidence supporting this assertion was not provided to Internal Audit. However, the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations and the Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Service informed Internal Audit that they review the daily hotel room rate for reasonableness prior to processing the coaches travel forms. ) Computer printouts supporting Pandas guarantee of providing the lowest available airfare is not provided with the invoice in accordance with the contract; however, we understand that the printouts are provided upon request. 27
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 Mountain West and Big West Travel Subsidies 2. Review the MWC and BWC agreements to understand UHM Athletics commitment to travel subsidies. Determine if Panda or other travel industry entities are assisting UHM Athletics with this commitment. Internal Audit reviewed the MWC and BWC agreements provided by UHM Athletics noting the following with respect to travel costs: MWC For the 2012-13 academic year, the University shall reimburse each in-bound MWC football team travel costs with a maximum of $150,000 for each California school and $175,000 for schools outside of California. The reimbursement amounts will be adjusted annually based on a mutually agreeable national index. BWC The University provides the following travel cost sharing options to each in-bound BWC team: $500 per visiting team member (maximum members by sport are defined in the agreement) Airline tickets for each visiting team member purchased by the University through its contracted travel agency (travel must be booked a minimum of 30 days in advance of travel) These travel cost sharing options are effective for the 2012-13 and 2013-14 academic years and may be adjusted by mutual agreement. Based on the noted terms of the MWC and BWC agreements, visiting conference teams are not obligated to use the services of Panda. Payments to Panda
3. Select a judgmental sample of Panda invoices for testing during the three years ended June 30, 2012. See UHM Athletics cash disbursements testing (Section III) for the sample of Panda invoices selected for testing. The following pricing information result from the Panda invoices reviewed: Trans-Pacific roundtrip air fare ranged from $559 to $1,345: o California - $559 and $635 o Louisiana - $1,149 o North Carolina - $1,345. Charter airfare within the contiguous U.S.- $703 to $710 Double occupancy daily room rates ranged from $62 to $147: o Las Vegas, NV - $62 o Park Ridge, NJ - $104 28
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 o Westminster, CO - $111 o Waikiki, HI - $147 Daily ground transportation cost ranged from $913 to $1,416: o El Paso, TX. - $913 o Missoula, MT - $922 o Ruston, LA. - $1,416
Internal Audit was told that individual travelers keep all airline miles earned.
1. Obtain or prepare a listing of all UHM Athletics P-card holders and related purchases during the two years ended June 30, 2012. Confirm the completeness of P-card holders with OPRPM.
Internal Audit prepared the following list (Table 7) of UHM Athletics P-card holders and cumulative purchases for each of the two years ended June 30, 2012 from the First Hawaiian Bank (FHB) Pro Value Services (PVS) Net System (internet reporting system that allows users to review and reconcile P-card transactions online). OPRPM confirmed the completeness of the UHM Athletics P-card holders list.
B. Review Procedures
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 Table 7: P-card Holders
Fiscal Year Cardholder Responsible Area 2012 2011 Total Alan Ginoza Assistant Equipment Manager $ 56,739 $ 45,968 $ 102,707 Bianca Tokumoto Football Operations 4,804 7,443 12,247 Donna Lee Tengan Associate Ticket Manager 13,998 12,347 26,345 Eric Okasaki Head Athletic Trainer 7,446 2,155 9,601 Gale Yamase Administrative Assistant 33,712 14,463 48,175 Glenn Nakaya Stadium Manager 2,243 5,489 7,732 Kyle Tengan Makai Campus Coordinator 17,702 17,541 35,243 Richard Sheriff Arena Manager 16,244 27,324 43,568 Troy Yamamoto Internet Specialist 10,241 14,117 24,358 Total $ 163,129 $ 146,847 $ 309,976
a. Compare the purchase amount and payee from the Universitys accounting ledgers to the documents supporting the purchase (e.g., original invoice, sales slip, receipt, etc.). b. Verify that the purchase was for items in compliance with University policies. c. Review documentation to determine that appropriate approvals were obtained. d. Examine the receipt for signature or acknowledgment by the P-card holder in addition to unauthorized alterations of the receipt. e. Compare the Universitys accounting ledgers and receipts to the respective P-card holders monthly FHB P-card statement.
2. Obtain a listing of all purchases by P-card holder (identified in Table 7) for each of the two years ended June 30, 2012. Perform the following for the 10 highest dollar and 5 additional purchases for each fiscal year (total of 30 purchases).
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 Table 8: P-card Transaction Sample
No. Date Vendor Amount Cardholder Description of Purchase
1 2 3 4
5 09/09/10 NACDA & Affiliates 6 09/16/10 B Hayman Co Hawaii Ltd 7 09/28/10 Sports Line 8 09/30/10 Island Plastic Bags 9 11/11/10 Riddell All American 10 12/01/10 Power Plus Intl 11 12/01/10 Division X Inc 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 12/20/10 02/03/11 04/15/11 05/19/11 07/13/11 07/27/11 08/12/11 08/24/11 09/28/11 09/28/11 10/18/11 10/25/11 Happy Shirts Mail Order PACnet Conference Best Buy Compubizent SYX TigerDirect.com Conrad Enterprises, Inc Pittsburgh Paints Douglas Pads & Sports Riddell All American Cam Security Inc Best Buy Island Plastic Bags
1,869.51 Richard C Sheriff 2,100.43 Alan I Ginoza 2,063.87 Alan I Ginoza 2,131.81 Gale E Yamase 2,499.00 Alan I Ginoza 1,701.57 Eric M Okasaki 2,264.35 1,871.52 2,149.00 1,968.69 Troy T Yamamoto Alan I Ginoza Alan I Ginoza Richard C Sheriff
Computer supplies ID Maker printer Janitor supplies 4 laptop computers for Nagatani Center Nat'l Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics dues Field magnet to remove metal materials from playing surface. Basketballs for Men's Basketball and name plates for Football Trash bags for Stan Sheriff Center
24 10/26/11 Sprint Wireless 25 11/03/11 FILCON 26 12/01/11 Pacific Corporate Solutions 02/08/12 02/09/12 03/15/12 03/27/12 27 28 29 30
Shoulder pads Men's basketball jerseys, shorts, sweats, jackets 1,794.00 Richard C Sheriff Dispenser replacements for Stan Sheriff Center restrooms 1,377.48 Alan I Ginoza Embroidery of H logo for football 2,122.50 Donna Lee N Tengan Paciolan PACnet '11 conference 2,314.08 Troy T Yamamoto Laptop computers 2,030.70 Gale E Yamase HP Laser Jet P4515X printer 2,070.86 Bianca Tokumoto 14 portable hard drives 2,220.63 Kyle N Tengan Shower soap 2,495.81 Kyle N Tengan Field paint 1,997.84 Alan I Ginoza Various football equipment 1,822.93 Alan I Ginoza Various football equipment 2,316.23 Donna Lee N Tengan Security equipment 1,607.30 Troy T Yamamoto Laptop and protection plan 2,083.21 Richard C Sheriff Trash bags for Stan Sheriff Center
UH Mnoa Bookstore Sports Line Rogers Athletic Company Island Plastic Bags
Wireless service - various Football tackling dummies Removal and disposal of portable Xray unit, delivery of new X-ray unit to Stan Sheriff Center Laptop and toner Compression shorts for football C 5-man practice chute for football Trash bags for Stan Sheriff Center
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 No exceptions were noted except for the following: A. Two separate payments to the vendor exceeded the $2,500 threshold (parceling). The Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations informed Internal Audit that the purchases were unrelated orders for two different sports and accordingly was not an instance of parceling. Internal Audit concurs with the explanation. B. The transaction log was not signed by the Approving Authority (the Associate Athletics Director) and the Fiscal Approving Authority (the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations). The Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations informed Internal Audit that that the transaction log was not signed due to missing receipts for other transactions included on the transaction log. The receipt for the tested transaction supported the purchase without exception. The Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations informed Internal Audit that all goods documented on this transaction log were received by UHM Athletics. C. UHM Athletics was unable to locate the FHB P-card statement.
Internal Audit obtained a download from Datamart of UHM Athletics P-card transactions posted to FMIS from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2012 and compared these to P-card transactions processed through PVS Net. Internal Audit noted a net difference of $68 of transactions included in FMIS but not included in PVS Net. Based on a review of the FMIS transactions and PVS Net transactions, Internal Audit noted that the differences were due to the following:
4. Perform inquiries with personnel from OPRPM with P-card oversight responsibilities regarding non-compliance by UHM Athletics P-card holders during the two years ended June 30, 2012. OPRPM informed Internal Audit that they are unaware of any instances of non-compliance during the two years ended June 30, 2012.
3. Reconcile total P-card transactions for fiscal years 2012 and 2011 by FHB P-card statement to the Universitys accounting ledgers. Evaluate the propriety of reconciling items and determine compliance with University policies and procedures.
$1,434 charged by non-UHM Athletics Cardholders to UHM Athletics FMIS accounts. The Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations verified that the transactions were proper and reasonable. $1,366 of reimbursements were recorded directly in FMIS and electronically approved by UHM Athletics personnel.
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 5. Through review of documents, determine if the nature of the purchases by UHM Athletics P-card holders noted in Table 7 are applicable and appropriate to the P-card holders job function. Based on our review of the purchases in Table 8, the P-card holders appear to be purchasing goods that are applicable to their respective job functions and departments. 6. Based on cumulative purchases by vendor, obtain (or prepare) a listing of the top 5 vendors for fiscal years 2012 and 2011. Through inquiry and review of documents, determine if the nature of these purchases are applicable to UHM Athletics. Internal Audit prepared the following list of the top 5 vendors for UHM Athletics for fiscal years 2012 and 2011:
Based on Internal Audits review of purchases (Table 8) by P-card holders in Table 7 and purchases from the vendors noted above (Table 9), the nature of P-card purchases made during fiscal year 2012 and 2011 appear to be applicable and in support of UHM Athletics.
Vendor Name Sports Line Sprint Wireless Happy Shirts Mail Order Best Buy Riddell All American
Table 9: Top 5 P-card Vendors
Fiscal Year 2012 2011 $ 10,316 $ 9,485 17,681 6,521 7,439 3,418 9,675 7,269 3,755 Total $ 19,801 17,681 13,960 13,093 11,024
Cash receipts related to UHM Athletics activities are primarily collected at the following locations: 1) Stan Sheriff Ticket Office (Ticket Office), 2) UHM Athletics Business Operations Office (Business Office), and 3) UHM Athletics offices organizing sports camps (Sport Camp Offices). The sources of the cash receipts collected and processed at these locations consist of the following: Ticket sales Broadcast rights Corporate partner programs Tournament/Sponsorship distributions Food and beverage sale commissions and beverage rights Sports guarantees Facility rentals Sports camps
Based on the review procedures performed (see B. Review Procedures), the following summarizes Internal Audits findings and observations: Ticket Office The Ticket Office managed ticket sales related to a fundraising event held on April 9, 2011 at the Pagoda Hotel for the Tohoku University Hospital in Sendai, Japan. Internal Audit was informed that the UHM Athletics Director approved the ticket printing and collection of event proceeds by the Ticket Office. A written agreement or contract documenting the Ticket Offices services and financial arrangements with respect to this event was requested but not provided to Internal Audit. Based on discussion with the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations, credit card fees associated with the event were deducted from sales proceeds prior to disbursing the net proceeds of $13,790 to Tohoku Hospital. The Ticket Office prints tickets and manages ticket sales for events held by University related entities (Kennedy Theatre, Outreach College, etc.). The University related entities are billed by the Ticket Office for credit card and Paciolan ticketing system fees. Personnel costs and the cost of ticket stock are not charged to the University related entity. The Ticket Manager informed Internal Audit that written agreements exists for services provided to these entities;. Although requested, agreements were not provided to Internal Audit. Non-University related entities may also request that the Ticket Office print tickets and manage ticket sales for events held both on and off campus. These non-University related 35
Cash receipts are also obtained from student athletic fees collected through the Banner student registration system. Commencing in the Spring 2011 semester, a $50 Student Athletic Fee was assessed to UHM students resulting in $818,000 collected as a part of the student course registration process. During the Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 semesters, $1.7 million was collected.
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 entities are generally billed by the Ticket Office for credit card fees, Paciolan ticketing system fees, Ticket Office personnel costs and the cost of ticket stock. According to the Ticket Manager, the non-University related entity will typically sign an agreement for services provided by the Ticket Office. However, Internal Audit noted instances of services performed by the Ticket Office for non-University entities that lacked a written agreement. Internal Audit also reviewed written agreements with non-University entities documenting the Ticket Offices services, but lacked the specific financial arrangements for the performance of these services. Internal Audit believes the lack of written agreements and clarity regarding Ticket Office services and the recovery of costs for these services are attributable to the lack of written policies and procedures. Based on information requests made to the Ticket Office and inquiries of UHM Athletics personnel, Internal Audit believes that the Ticket Manager is the only UHM Athletics employee with a working functional knowledge of the Paciolan ticketing system as the Ticket Manager was the only employee able to provide requested ticketing reports. UHM Athletics should consider consulting with Paciolan to determine training programs available for Ticket Office full-time staff in addition to obtaining their recommendations and best practices regarding access rights to the Paciolan ticketing system. The Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services and Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations should be provided access to the Paciolan ticketing system along with certain Ticket Office full-time staff to increase operational efficiencies and controls of the Ticket Office. Paciolan ticketing system access provided to the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations will also improve the Business Offices oversight and management of ticket sales and deposits processed by the Ticket Office. Internal Audits site visit of the Ticket Office noted that security could be strengthened with the installation of a card swipe access system.
Business Office The use of UHM Athletics facilities by non-University entities does not require a prepayment of rent and estimated expenses and is not compliant with University Administrative Procedure A1.200 and the UHM Athletics Department Manual. Rent and out-of-pocket expenses are determined by the respective facility manager and billed subsequent to the completion of the event. In general, the respective facility managers authorize the use of their respective facility (Stan Sheriff Center, Les Murakami Stadium, T.C. Ching Field, Duke Kahanamoku Pool). Documentation supporting this delegation of authority to the facility managers was not provided to Internal Audit. The facility user fee schedule used since February 2007 is not approved by the UHM Chancellor. Internal Audit was informed that approval requests have been returned to UHM Athletics with no action or comments. Inconsistent treatment and handling of facility use arrangements (waiving of fees, billing and collection of rent and out-of-pocket expenses) due to the lack of written policies and procedures. UHM Athletics facility personnel are paid overtime in addition to receiving compensatory time off and monthly stipend benefits when working at UHM Athletics facilities in excess of 8 hours per day for events held by non-University affiliated organizations. This practice appears to be contrary to a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) prohibiting covered UHM 36
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 Athletics employees from earning overtime compensation in addition to benefits outlined in the MOA. Internal Audit was informed that both stipend and overtime payments are allowed because the handling of events related to non-University affiliated organization is considered outside the MOA. UHM Athletics should consult with the Office of Human Resources to determine the appropriateness of UHM Athletics staff receiving both overtime and stipend payments. Sports Camps Cash receipts collected in excess of expenses are distributed to coaches as additional compensation. Coaches are not required by contract to charge vacation while operating and managing their respective camps although their coaching responsibilities are not being performed. Sports camps are not charged a fee for the use of UHM Athletic facilities (facility use fee). Sports camps are not required to purchase insurance to protect the University and staff from liability arising from camp operations or University facilities. The sports camps registration forms do not require evidence of participant physician clearance prior to camp participation. Proceeds deposited to UHF from annual football and volleyball Camp Scholarship Dinners were used to subsidize the 2011 and 2012 football camps and the 2012 volleyball camp, including the compensation paid to coaches. Scholarship Dinner attendees also received a tax deduction for the portion of their payment determined to be a contribution. Untimely forwarding of camp cash receipts to the Business Office for deposit. Incomplete camp reports submitted to UHM Athletics administration. Payment receipts are not prepared or provided to camp participants that mail their registration form and payment. APM 8.701 requires the preparation of a receipt for all cash payments. Unexplained differences for seven (7) camps between recorded cash receipts per camp summary reports and actual cash deposited. Differences ranged from a cash shortage of $615 to a cash overage of $330. Evidence supporting the waiving of fees for 44 participants to a 2012 football camp and participants attending other sport camps (soccer and mens basketball) was not provided to Internal Audit.
B. Procedures
The procedures, associated findings and observations are as follows: 1. Identify the nature and types of cash receipts and the related process and controls based on discussions with UHM Athletics personnel. Separate the discussion by the cash receipt collection location. In addition, document any observations.
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 Sources a. Ticket Office Ticket sales by sport for fiscal years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011 are as follows: Table 10: Ticket Sales ($000s)
The University has utilized the services of Paciolan since the 1980s with the current contract expiring in 2017. Paciolan charges UHM Athletics a ticket processing fee ranging from $1 - $6 for each individual game and season ticket sold online. The ticket processing fee plus a mark-up is added to the ticket price when customers purchase tickets from the UHM Athletics website. A handling fee of $1 - $2 per transaction is also charged for all UHM Athletics website and phone ticket purchases, depending on the method of ticket delivery (i.e., will call, print at home, regular mail). In addition to the Ticket Office, individual game tickets may be purchased at Rainbowtique at Ward Center, UHM Campus Center, Aloha Stadium, and Les Murakami Stadium (baseball only). These additional venues have access to the Paciolan system. A ticket processing fee (up to $4 per ticket) is assessed for ticket purchases at Rainbowtique at Ward Center, UHM Campus Center, and by phone. The purchase of season tickets typically include an AKA premium seat contribution ranging from $230 - $20/seat. The following represents season ticket sales and AKA premium seat contributions by sport for fiscal 2012 and 2011.
The Ticket Office utilizes the Paciolan ticketing system (Paciolan system) to manage their ticketing process for all sports home games (i.e., football, baseball, mens and womens volleyball, and mens and womens basketball). The Paciolan website notes approximately 100 university athletic clients, including the University of Arizona, University of Oregon, University of Colorado, and the University of Southern California. Paciolan provides a hosted system for its customers such as UHM Athletics. Accordingly, the ticketing system technology (including processing, storage, security, etc.) resides at Paciolan.
Football Women's Volleyball Men's Basketball Baseball Men's Volleyball Women's Basketball
Fiscal Year 2012 2011 $ 4,099 $ 4,842 1,012 782 918 1,066 435 413 216 288 43 51
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 Table 11: Season Ticket Sales & Premium Seat Contributions by Sport ($000s)
Season Sport Ticket Sales Football $ 2,758 Basketball 861 Women's Volleyball 502 Baseball 138 Men's Volleyball 152 Women's Basketball 22 TOTAL $ 4,433 2012 Premium Seat $ 1,534 195 174 41 56 $ 2,000 Season Ticket Sales $ 2,762 864 506 129 165 20 $ 4,446 2011 Premium Seat $ 1,386 183 177 37 62 $ 1,845
The Paciolan system is also used to manage ticket sales for non-UHM Athletics events. Events and performances managed by various University related entities and held at University venues also use the Paciolan system. According to the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations, University related entities using the Paciolan system are responsible for any Paciolan and credit card fees. Personnel and ticket paper stock costs are not assessed to the University units. The following table lists the number of events held at various University related entities that used the Paciolan system during fiscal years 2012 and 2011: Table 12: Number of University Events Using Paciolan
Fiscal Year 2012 2011 75 80 17 18 22 13 33 27
Responsible University Unit Kennedy Theatre Leeward Community College Theatre Outreach College Paliku Theatre (Windward Community College)
Internal Audit was also informed that non-University related entities contract with the Ticket Office for ticket printing and ticket sale processing for events not held at a University facility, such as Hawaii Bowl fundraising events. See Exhibit VII-A for a listing of nonUniversity related entities that used the Paciolan ticketing system during fiscal years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011. Based on discussion with the Ticket Manager, the sponsor or organizer of non-UHM Athletics events utilizing the services of the Ticket Office will typically sign an agreement (for University related entities, agreement may be in the form of an email) documenting the applicable fees (e.g., Paciolan system fees, credit card processing fees, reimbursement of UHM Athletics payroll cost, reimbursement for cost of ticket paper stock) for ticket services. According to the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations, the applicable fees assessed to the non-University related entity include the Tickets Offices fees incurred for Paciolan services, credit card processing, ticket paper stock, and personnel costs. Typically, these costs are deducted from total cash receipts collected for the respective event prior to remitting ticket sale proceeds to the non-
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 University related entity. Additional discussion is included in the Facility Use section below. In connection with Internal Audits review of non-University related events using the Paciolan system (Exhibit VII-A), Internal Audit noted that the Ticket Office managed ticket sales related to a fundraising event held on April 9, 2011 at the Pagoda Hotel for the Tohoku University Hospital in Sendai, Japan. Based on a review of the event recap prepared by an Assistant Ticket Manager, only credit card fees were deducted from total sales collected prior to remitting $13,790 in proceeds directly to Tohoku University Hospital. No written agreement was provided to support this event. Internal Audit was informed that the UHM Athletics Director approved the Ticket Offices services for this event and determined that no fees for the reimbursement of personnel costs or ticket paper stock would be assessed. Season ticket orders are processed over the phone, internet, mail, and at walk-up window(s) at the Ticket Office. In addition, individual game tickets may also be purchased at Les Murakami Stadium (baseball only), Aloha Stadium, Rainbowtique at Ward Center, and UHM Campus Center. At the end of each cashiers shift, the cashier signs a report documenting their sales proceeds (cash, checks, credit card sales). The cash and checks are secured in the Ticket Offices vault until retrieved by UHM Campus Security and delivered to the UHM Cashiers Office the following business day. An Assistant Ticket Manager reconciles the sales proceeds report to a Paciolan system Detail Batch Transaction Report (Transaction Report) and prepares a U-document from the Transaction Report for recordation into FMIS. A copy of the U-document and the Transaction Report is provided to the Business Office for reconciliation to FMIS. The Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations reviews documentation supporting all UHM Athletics cash receipts prior to recordation in FMIS in addition to performing a monthly review of FMIS for all UHM Athletics accounts. Internal Audit performed a site visit of the Ticket Office and noted a locked file cabinet located inside of the walk-in vault secures cash and checks. The Ticket Manager informed Internal Audit that knowledge of the vault combination is restricted to full-time Ticket Office employees. Based on discussion with the Ticket Manager, improvements to the Ticket Offices current security system have been deferred due to budget constraints. Aloha Stadium nets its UHM football game ticket sales against football game day related expenses incurred by Aloha Stadium such as labor, trash disposal, and other fees. Sales in excess of expenses are remitted to the Business Office. UHM Athletics pays Aloha Stadium if expenses exceed sales. Ticket sale receipts collected at UHM Campus Center and by Rainbowtique at Ward Center are recorded to clearing accounts under those units and remitted monthly to the Ticket Office. Credit card sales are recorded and settled daily by the Ticket Office. At the end of the season for each sport, the Assistant Ticket Manager reconciles the total sales for the respective sport season per the Paciolan system to FMIS. This reconciliation is an additional (annual) control to the daily control reconciling deposits to FMIS to detect errors in the recordation of ticket sales. The annual reconciliation is also reviewed by the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations for reasonableness. 40
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 b. Business Office The Business Office collects and processes deposits for the following cash receipts: Broadcast rights Corporate partner programs Tournament/Sponsorship distributions Food and beverage sale commissions and beverage rights Sports guarantees Facility rentals
Oceanic Time Warner Cable ESPN 1420 KHNL/KFVE
The Business Office Administrative Assistant prepares invoices for broadcast rights, corporate partner programs, and facility rental agreements based on related contract terms. The corporate partner program contracts are provided to the Business Office by the Associate Athletics Director for External Affairs and the facility rental agreements are provided by the respective Facility Managers. The invoices are recorded in a billing log and forwarded to the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations for review and approval. Customer payments are mailed to the Business Office. The Business Office Administrative Assistant records customer payments in a billing log, prepares a Bank of Hawaii deposit slip, places the cash receipts and deposit slip in a bank bag that is sealed, and delivers the bank bag to the Ticket Office for pick-up by UHM Campus Security for delivery to the UHM Cashiers Office. U-documents and supporting documents are reviewed and approved for recordation in FMIS by the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations. Broadcast Rights The following table presents receipts from broadcast rights for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011: Table 13: Broadcast Rights Cash Receipts ($000s)
Fiscal Year 2012 2011 $ 2,454 $ 1,968 167 368 500
UHM Athletics has contracts with Oceanic Time Warner Cable (Oceanic) and KHNL/KFVE, LLC (KFVE) for television and pay-per-view (PPV) broadcasts and with ESPN 1420 (KCCN-AM) for radio broadcasts. The joint agreement with Oceanic and KFVE, effective July 1, 2008 June 30, 2014, provided KFVE with the television rights and Oceanic with the PPV rights to UHM Athletic events through June 30, 2011. As of July 1, 2011, Oceanic obtained the television and PPV rights for UHM Athletics events.
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 2) Corporate Partner Programs UHM Athletics receives cash pursuant to contracts with corporate partners. During fiscal year 2012 and 2011, total corporate partner program cash receipts were approximately $2.9 million and $2.3 million, respectively. Corporate partners provide contributions in the form of cash and/or trade (good and/or services). According to the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations, trade provided to UHM Athletics was valued at approximately $1.0 million and $800,000 for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011, respectively. For example, Under Armour provides both a cash contribution and products to UHM Athletics. In return, UHM Athletics provides promotion value at athletic venues, complimentary sports game tickets, and parking. For further discussion, see Corporate Partner Programs discussion under the Complimentary Game Ticket at Section VIII. The following table presents the top five corporate partners in terms of cash receipts for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011: Table 14: Top 5 (by Cash Receipts) Corporate Partner ($000s)
Fiscal Year 2012 2011 $ 150 $ 150 150 150 141 170 129 146 120 155
Tournament / Sponsorship Distributions The following table presents amounts received from the NCAA and WAC for fiscal year 2012 and 2011: Table 15: NCAA & WAC Distribution Cash Receipts ($000s)
Fiscal Year 2012 2011 $ 265 $ 1,949 1,204 1,098
The NCAA distributes revenue from national tournaments in addition to grants-in-aid and sports sponsorship to participating colleges and universities such as UHM. UHM Athletics also receives a share of pooled revenues and other sponsorships from WAC television contracts and participation by WAC member institutions in certain postseason tournaments. As previously discussed in the Panda Travel section (Section V), the football team became a member of the MWC while most other sports became members of the BWC effective July 1, 2012. As a condition of leaving the WAC, UHM Athletics forfeited the WAC pooled revenue distribution for fiscal year 2012, which totaled $1.3 million in fiscal year 2011. 42
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 4) Food and Beverage Sale Commissions and Beverage Rights UHM Athletics receives commissions from Sodexo and the Pepsi Bottling Group (PBG) related to concession sales at on-campus sporting events. The Sodexo and PBG contracts are signed and managed by UHM Auxiliary Enterprises. UHM Auxiliary Enterprises deposits and records the portion of commission related to UHM Athletics to an UHM Athletics account in FMIS. The following table presents receipts from the two largest sources of commissions and right fees for fiscal 2012 and 2011: Table 16: Food and Beverage Sale Commissions and Beverage Rights ($000s)
Fiscal Year 2012 2011 $ 631 $ 503 73 103
Fiscal Year 2012 University of Washington $ 350 University of Nevada at Las Vegas 200
Sports Guarantees Sports guarantees are funds received from or travel expenses paid by the host university to guarantee the game appearance of the UHM Athletics sports team. Sports guarantees primarily relate to football (See Section II, UHM Cash Disbursements, for sports guarantees paid to opponents). The following table presents the two most significant cash receipt sports guarantees from football opponents during fiscal 2012 and 2011: Table 17: Sports Guarantees Cash Receipts ($000s)
Fiscal Year 2011 University of Colorado Army $ 500 350
Facility Use UHM Athletic facilities, such as the Stan Sheriff Center, Les Murakami Stadium, T.C. Ching Field, and the Duke Kahanamoku Pool may be rented by non-affiliated University entities. Each of these venues has a facility manager who is responsible for scheduling maintenance and use of these venues. According to University Administrative Procedure A8.400, section 2, general liability insurance to indemnify the University is required of non-affiliated University entities. Rental payments and estimated out-of-pocket expenses (set-up expenses, event staff payroll, clean-up costs, etc.) are required at the time of reservation per the UHM Athletics Department Manual. Further, according to University Administrative Procedures A1.200, section 9.g.4., organizations are required to make a payment in full prior to the scheduled event for the use and services of campus facilities. However, based on discussion with the Assistant Athletics Director Facilities/Events and a review of supporting documentation, we noted that out-of-pocket expenses are determined by the respective facility manger and are billed with the related rent subsequent to the completion of the event. Based on discussion with and review of copies of memorandums provided by the Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services, Internal Audit noted that the 43
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 current facility use fees schedule was provided to a former President and UHM Chancellor during August 2006 and February 2007 for review and approval. However, Internal Audit was informed that no action was taken by the former President or UHM Chancellor. Review of documentation provided to Internal Audit to support the use of UHM Athletics facilities by non-University entities noted an Application and Agreement for Evening and Holiday Use of University Facilities was prepared pursuant to Administrative Procedures A1.200 and authorized by the respective facility manager. The Assistant Athletics Director Facilities/Events informed Internal Audit that facility managers are generally able to authorize events held in their respective facility with limited oversight from UHM Athletics administrators. Internal Audit noted that facility use fees for the First Robotics Competition was waived by the UHM Chancellor and a Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) event was waived by the UHM Athletics Director. Internal Audit also noted that general liability insurance was obtained in accordance with policy. Internal Audit was also informed by the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations that facility use fees for HHSAA tournaments and Special Olympics were waived by the UHM Athletics Director. However, during cash receipts testing performed at Exhibit VII-B, Internal Audit noted that the Hawaii High School Athletics Association (HHSAA) were responsible for clean-up costs of approximately $15,000 for the boys basketball championship held on March 3-9, 2010. Internal Audit recommends that UHM Athletics adopt policies with respect to facility use arrangements due to the inconsistent treatment and handling of the reviewed arrangements. Appropriate oversight of facility managers and documentation supporting the delegation of authority to sign facility use arrangements (e.g., authorization of facility use, rental fees, waivers, out-of-pocket expenses, etc.) should be included in these policies. In addition, UHM Athletics must comply with existing policies regarding the payment of rent and out-of-pocket expenses prior to events. Upon review of out-of-pocket expense listings prepared by respective facility managers and recorded on FMIS, Internal Audit noted that facility personnel were paid overtime for time incurred related to events held by non-University affiliated organizations. The overtime was billed to and subsequently reimbursed by non-University affiliated organizations. Internal Audit also noted that certain facility personnel that do not work the standard eight hour work day, forty-hour per week work schedule are entitled to earn compensatory time off and a monthly stipend between $300 - $350 pursuant to a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Board of Regents, University and the Hawaii Government Employees Association in effect from June 30, 2011 through June 30, 2013. According to the MOA, UHM Athletics employees receiving benefits pursuant to this MOA are not entitled to overtime. Certain facility personnel receive both stipend and overtime payments related to events held by non-University affiliated organizations at UHM Athletics facilities, which Internal Audit believes is contrary to the provisions of the MOA. Based on discussion with UHM Athletics personnel, both stipend and overtime payments are allowed because the handling of events related to non-University affiliated organizations is considered outside the MOA. UHM Athletics should consult with the Office of Human Resources to determine the appropriateness of UHM Athletics staff receiving both overtime and stipend payments. 44
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 c. Sports Camps Sports camps are generally held from June through August and are operated and managed by a designated Camp Director for the respective sport. The Camp Director is typically a head coach or assistant coach. The parent or guardian of the participant must sign a camp application form containing assumption of risk and release provisions and consenting to medical assistance. The Camp Director receives applications and cash receipts from camp participants through the mail or on the day of the camp. The cash receipts are forwarded to the Business Office for deposit. The Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations informed Internal Audit that a comparison of cash receipts recorded in FMIS and the camp proceeds reflected in sports camp summary report is performed to detect discrepancies. A written proposal for each sports camp (purpose, dates/times, fees, target group, budget, staffing, and responsibilities) must be submitted to the Director of Compliance/Eligibility and the Associate Athletics Director and Senior Woman Administrator for review and approval prior to the start of the camp. At the conclusion of the camp, Camp Directors prepare a camp summary report to account for the revenues and expenses of the camp. The camp summary report and the final list of participants is reviewed and approved by the Director of Compliance/Eligibility or the Associate Athletics Director and Senior Woman Administrator, and the Assistant Athletics Director of Business Operations. Of the approved camp summary reports provided and reviewed by Internal Audit, there were certain instances where the final list of participants was not attached. Student-athletes may work at the camps subject to the approval of the Director of Compliance/Eligibility and are compensated based on the Universitys Student Employment Pay scale. Internal Audit was informed that head coach contracts include a provision allowing the head coach to organize sports camps and receive excess camp proceeds as additional compensation. Internal Audit read the contracts for the head coaches of womens volleyball and baseball confirming the existence of this contract provision. Further, based on discussion with the UHM Athletics Human Resource Specialist, Internal Audit noted that assistant coaches may earn additional compensation related to work conducted beyond their regular position duties, such as managing and providing instruction at sports camps. The UHM Athletics Human Resource Specialist also informed Internal Audit that coaches are not required to charge vacation while operating and managing sports camps. The sport camps are assessed an administration fee of 6% to 8% of total cash proceeds collected to cover sports camp related costs incurred by the Business Office. Camps that utilize the Duke Kahanamoku pool (i.e., swimming and water polo) are assessed an additional 10% fee of cash proceeds collected to assist in defraying chlorine costs. Camp proceeds in excess of expenses are distributed to the head coach and assistant coaches as additional compensation. The head coach determines the compensation allocation to assistant coaches. The additional compensation to the coaches and assistant coaches are not processed until the camp summary report is submitted and approved by the Associate Athletics Director and Senior Woman Administrator. The administrative fees earned by the Business Office in connection with their sports camp assistance are not transferred out of 45
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 the respective sport camp accounts within FMIS. See Exhibit VII-B for a schedule of camp receipts, student-athlete payroll and amounts distributed to coaches. Internal Audit Observations Based on inquiries, review of camp summary reports and related documents for cash receipts collected during fiscal years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011, the following were noted:
Cash receipts collected in excess of expenses are distributed to coaches as additional
compensation. Camp brochures and applications do not disclose the disposition of camp proceeds. Sports camps are not charged a fee for the use of the UHM Athletic facilities (facility use fee). Sports camps are not required to purchase insurance to protect the University, coaching staff and student athletes from liability arising from accidents involving camp operations or University facilities. In addition, group medical insurance is not purchased to cover camp participants. Internal Audit noted that the University is self insured for general liability claims below $250,000 per occurrence. UHM Athletics should consult with the Universitys risk management office and consider obtaining and charging the sports camps for insurance to cover claims below the self-insured retention amounts in addition to medical liability insurance for camp participants. The sports camps registration forms do not require evidence of participant physician clearance prior to camp participation. Coaches are not required to charge vacation while operating and managing their respective camps although their coaching responsibilities are not being performed. Approximately $78,000 of proceeds deposited to UHF from annual Football Scholarship Dinners held during July 2010, June 2011, and June 2012 were used to subsidize the expenses for the 2010, 2011, and 2012 football camps, including compensation paid to coaches. The Scholarship Dinners application and marketing information disclosed that proceeds would defray the cost of the football camp but did not disclose payment of excess camp proceeds to the football coaching staff. Scholarship Dinner attendees also received a tax deduction for the portion of their payment determined to be a contribution. Approximately $22,000 of proceeds deposited to UHF from the inaugural Ao Koa Scholarship Dinner held on January 7, 2011 was used to defray costs for the 2012 UH Warrior Volleyball Youth Summer Camp, which included compensation paid to mens volleyball coaches. Scholarship Dinner attendees also received a tax deduction for the portion of their payment determined to be a contribution. Donation proceeds aggregating approximately $23,000 from Hawaii Medical Service Association, Chevron Products Co., and BEI Hawaii were used to subsidize the expenses for the 2012 mens basketball camp, including compensation paid to coaches. Internal Audit noted four (4) instances of cash receipts forwarded to the UHM Athletics Business Office for deposit from one (1) to six (6) weeks after the conclusion of the respective camp. Of the sports camps held during fiscal years 2012 and 2011, Internal Audit noted ten (10) instances of the approved camp summary reports provided to and reviewed by Internal
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 Audit lacking the required final list of camp participants. In addition, requested supporting documentation for two (2) sports camps was not provided to Internal Audit. Payment receipts are not prepared or provided to camp participants that mail their registration form and payment. APM 8.701 requires the preparation of a receipt for all cash payments. Internal Audit noted unexplained differences for seven (7) camps between recorded cash receipts per camp summary reports and actual cash deposited. Differences ranged from a cash shortage of $615 to a cash overage of $330. The responsibilities for coaches involved with two swimming camps reviewed by Internal Audit were solely administrative. Coach responsibilities for other camps reviewed included providing instruction to camp participants. Internal Audit was told that the swim coaches received additional compensation resulting from their responsibilities to arrange hotel, logistics, and practice times for visiting collegiate teams to practice and train during winter months. Pursuant to the 2012 football camp roster, fees for 44 participants were waived. UHM Athletics policy prohibits free or reduced waivers. However, UHM Athletics personnel informed Internal Audit that waivers may be provided to dependents of UHM Athletics department staff with the approval of the UHM Athletics Director. Pursuant to UHM Athletic Department policy, waivers require the completion of a Request for Waiver of Camp Participation Fee form (Waiver Form) signed by the UHM Athletics Director. Internal Audit was informed that Waiver Forms were not prepared for the 44 participants. Based on review of the camp roster and discussion with the UHM Athletics Director of Compliance/Eligibility, it was determined that 10 participants were dependents of UHM Athletics department staff and 14 participants received football summer camp vouchers waiving the camp fee. UHM Athletics did not provide explanations or documentation supporting the waiving of camp fees for the remaining 20 participants. Internal Audit was also not provided Waiver Forms for camp registration fees waived for other sport camps (December 2011 soccer and June 2012 mens basketball camps). Two baseball employees in non-coaching positions were provided additional compensation (overload) for services that are consistent with the employees normal duties according their position descriptions. The UHM Athletics Human Resource Specialist concurs with these observations.
Cash Receipts Review
2. Obtain a listing from UHM Athletics personnel of cash receipts for each year during the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011. Review the listings and judgmentally select a sample of cash receipts for both years. Read applicable University policies (Board of Regent policies, Executive policies and Administrative procedures) related to cash receipts. a. Obtain and review the following supports for each cash receipt transaction: i. U-document ii. Bank of Hawaii deposit slip iii. For the following types of cash receipts, obtain and review the following: 1. Ticket sales Transaction Report (generated from the Paciolan system) 47
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Broadcast rights Oceanic Time Warner Cable and KHNL/KFVE signed contracts, ESPN 1420 signed contract Corporate partnership programs signed corporate partnership agreement Tournament/Sponsorship distributions WAC year-end distribution schedule, WAC/NCAA check remittance advice Food sale commissions Pepsi and Sodexo signed contracts, allocation summary of payments from Auxiliary Enterprises Sports guarantees signed guarantee contract Sports camps camp summary report signed by the Associate Athletics Director and Senior Woman Administrator and/or the Director of Compliance/Eligibility Facility rentals signed facility use agreement
b. Verify that the cash receipt was approved by the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations. No exceptions were noted based on
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 Table 18: Complimentary Season Tickets
Fiscal Year 2012: Sport Football Basketball Women's Volleyball Baseball Men's Volleyball Women's Basketball TOTAL Fiscal Year 2011: Sport Football Basketball Women's Volleyball Baseball Men's Volleyball Women's Basketball TOTAL Fiscal Year 2010: Sport No. of Season Tickets 3,387 1,203 1,218 982 1,002 778 8,570 Estimated Ticket AKA Value * PSC * $469,645 $382,265 283,300 57,800 177,165 68,100 169,170 75,960 143,600 94,480 54,460 $1,297,340 $678,605 Estimated Ticket AKA Value * PSC * $473,488 $365,575 284,340 58,700 172,665 66,060 167,745 67,460 143,700 94,560 47,400 $1,289,338 $652,355
Football Basketball Women's Volleyball Baseball Men's Volleyball Women's Basketball TOTAL
No. of Season Tickets 3,427 1,218 1,188 977 1,002 790 8,602
Estimated No. of Season Ticket AKA Tickets Value * PSC * 3,587 $495,117 $370,605 1,219 286,780 68,500 1,188 172,575 62,700 988 182,780 66,640 955 139,150 87,300 728 43,680 8,665 $1,320,082 $655,745
* The estimated value and AKA premium seat contribution (PSC) was determined based on the seat assignment and the season ticket price and AKA premium seat contribution (range from $230 - $20/seat) amount for the respective season. The AKA premium seat contributions are deposited into the UHF and subsequently donated to UHM Athletics. Typically, these contributions along with the ticket price must be paid in full in order to receive season tickets.
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 Table 19: Complimentary Individual Game Tickets
2012 # of Game Estimated Sport Tickets Value * Football 8,559 $ 329,236 Basketball 2,714 54,852 Women's Volleyball 2,991 42,592 Baseball 3,706 29,554 Men's Volleyball 1,890 19,185 Women's Basketball 3,033 21,231 TOTAL 22,893 $ 496,650 2011 # of Game Estimated Tickets Value * 8,055 $ 252,193 3,427 70,790 3,561 52,137 3,350 22,996 2,322 23,457 3,013 21,091 23,728 $ 442,664 2010 # of Game Estimated Tickets Value * 9,139 $ 295,708 3,806 80,524 4,631 65,077 4,259 28,464 2,296 24,692 1,680 11,760 25,811 $ 506,225
* The estimated value of the ticket was determined based on the seat assignment and face value of the ticket.
Based on the review procedures performed, the following summarizes Internal Audits findings and observations:
B. Review Procedures
The procedures, associated findings and observations are as follows: 1. Review the background and purpose of providing complimentary tickets by class of recipient. Document observations in connection with this review.
A significant number of complimentary tickets are provided to Corporate Partners and employees of UHM Athletics. UHM Athletics should reconcile complimentary ticket approvals to the complimentary tickets printed from the Paciolan system. Approximately 293 of the 322 (or 91%) complimentary season tickets provided to UHM Athletics employees for football during fiscal year 2012 are situated in sections that require AKA contributions ranging from $110 - $230 per ticket. UHM Athletics should consider maintaining a copy of courtesy car agreements signed by UHM Athletics coaches and the courtesy car provider.
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 Corporate Partner Program According to the UHM Athletics website and discussion with UHM Athletics personnel, the following are the 7 levels of Corporate Partners: Level Diamond Platinum Koa Kaimana Kula Makana Ohana Contribution Tier $150,000 + $100,000 - $149,999 $75,000 - $99,999 $50,000 - $74,999 $25,000 - $49,999 $10,000 - $24,999 $9,999 - negotiable
Certain automobile dealerships and companies provide cars to UHM Athletics coaches and the UHM Athletics Director in return for promotional value at athletic venues, season tickets and reserved parking passes in connection with the Car Coaches program. During fiscal years 2012 2010, Internal Audit noted that the number of complimentary season tickets provided to automobile dealerships participating in the Car Coaches program ranged from 584 to 632. Internal Audit was informed by the Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services that a provision is included in certain coaches contracts stating that a courtesy car may be provided based on availability. Internal Audit was also informed that the UHM Athletics Director selects the UHM Athletic head coaches and assistant coaches offered a courtesy car and that the courtesy car agreements (if any) are solely between the automobile dealership or company and the respective UHM Athletics employee. A Form 1099 may be provided by the automobile dealership or company directly to the UHM Athletics employee for income tax reporting purposes. Courtesy car agreements (if any) signed by UHM Athletics employees are not forwarded to UHM Athletics administration for review. According to UHM Athletics policy, UHM Athletics employees provided with a courtesy car are responsible for obtaining the 52
Corporate Partner contributions consist of cash and/or trade (goods and/or services). In return, UHM Athletics provides promotional value at athletic venues (e.g., event sponsorships, signage, giveaway opportunities, public address announcements, etc.), complimentary season and/or individual game tickets, and parking. During fiscal years 2012 2010, Internal Audit noted that the number of complimentary season tickets provided to Corporate Partners ranged from 4,423 to 4,469. Corporate Partners may also receive market exposure through television, radio, and print advertising, press releases, website posting, etc. Internal Audit was informed that the value of goods provided by UHM Athletics is generally 50% of the stated value of the Corporate Partners trade contribution. Internal Audit was also informed that the stated value of the contribution is subject to review by the Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services and the Associate Athletics Director for External Affairs and may be questioned for reasonableness. The terms and conditions of Corporate Partner arrangements are supported by written agreements.
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 necessary insurance in accordance with State laws and/or requirements of the automobile dealer/company and is personally responsible for the care and maintenance of the car. During fiscal years 2012 and 2011, Internal Audit was provided a list maintained by the Associate Athletics Director for External Affairs that 26 courtesy cars were provided to UHM Athletics head coaches, assistant coaches, and the UHM Athletics Director. UHM Athletics and AKA Employees and Volunteers Pursuant to Internal Audits review of the UHM Athletics Complimentary Ticket and Parking Guidelines policy in addition to discussions with the Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services and the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations, all UHM Athletics and AKA employees (including their respective spouse/partner and household dependents) are eligible to receive complimentary season and/or individual game tickets (home and away games) upon request. With respect to complimentary season tickets, 80% of the season ticket price (excludes any premium seat fees) is reported as employee compensation and reported on the UHM Athletics employees W-2 or Form 1099-MISC for AKA employees. If the season ticket is issued to an employee whose attendance is expected as part of their employment, only the value of season tickets issued to family members is included in the W-2 or Form 1099-MISC. UHM Student employees and volunteers are also eligible to receive complimentary individual game tickets within specific guidelines. No additional compensation is reported for employees receiving individual game tickets, unless the number of game tickets received equals or exceeds 50% of the season ticket games for a specific sport. Complimentary season tickets issued to UHM Athletics and AKA employees and the number of employees receiving the season tickets during the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010 are as follows: Table 20: Complimentary Season Tickets issued to UHM Athletics and AKA Employees
2012 No. of Season No. of Estimated Tickets Emp. Value * 322 98 $ 46,310 82 29 19,970 112 41 16,770 26 10 4,710 36 9 5,300 36 8 2,520 614 195 $ 95,580 2011 No. of Season No. of Estimated Tickets Emp. Value * 305 91 $ 44,063 87 31 21,390 101 36 15,000 21 8 3,685 38 11 5,600 18 8 1,080 570 185 $ 90,818 2010 No. of Season No. of Estimated Tickets Emp. Value * 317 101 $ 45,803 74 34 17,110 100 38 14,745 22 9 4,070 40 12 5,800 24 11 1,440 577 205 $ 88,968
Sport Football Basketball Women's Volleyball Baseball Men's Volleyball Women's Basketball TOTAL
* The estimated value was determined based on the seat assignment and equivalent season ticket value. AKA "premium seat" contributions (range from $230 - $20/seat), are not included in the calculated value. These contributions are deposited into the UHF and subsequently donated to UHM Athletics. Typically, these contributions along with the ticket price must be paid in full in order to receive season tickets.
Board of Regents and University Executive Personnel According to schedules provided by UHM Athletics, Internal Audit noted complimentary 53
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 season tickets provided to certain members of the Board of Regents and University executive personnel. According to UHM Athletics personnel, the UHM Athletics Director approves the issuance of complimentary season tickets to the Board of Regents Office and certain University executive personnel. Internal Audit was also informed that federal and state reporting requirements regarding the receipt of complimentary tickets is the responsibility of the recipients. Student-Athletes Student-athletes are provided four (4) complimentary admissions for each game for their respective sport and are required to designate the specific individual(s) that will be receiving the complimentary game ticket several days prior to the respective game. During fiscal years 2012 2010, Internal Audit noted that the number of complimentary admissions provided to studentathletes ranged from 812 to 868. To obtain entry to a respective game, the designated individual is required to enter through a specific entrance, provide identification and sign a document evidencing receipt of complimentary admission into the respective game. Internal Audit was informed that UHM Athletics ticket office personnel accompany the football team on road games for purposes of managing complimentary admissions to student-athletes designated guests and to ensure compliance with NCAA regulations. The value of the complimentary admissions provided to student-athletes is not subject to Form-1099 reporting requirements. Internal Audit Observations
Based on Internal Audits review and discussion with UHM Athletics personnel, all requests for complimentary season and/or individual sports game tickets are entered into an internal electronic complimentary ticket request/approval system. The requestor is required to document the quantity of complimentary tickets requested, sport, justification and other relevant information. Once the request is input into the system, it will route electronically to the Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services for approval. The Associate Athletics Director will approve or deny the request based on the Complimentary Ticket and Parking Guidelines and any written agreements (e.g., Corporate Partnership Agreements, Car Coaches Programs, etc.) if applicable. The Ticket Office receives the approved request and prints and issues the complimentary tickets from the Paciolan system. Internal Audit was informed by the Ticket Manager that there are currently four (4) Ticket Office employees that have the authorization and ability to print tickets (sold and complimentary tickets). UHM Athletics and AKA employees and volunteers receiving complimentary tickets are required to sign a printout of the approval screen from the internal electronic complimentary ticket request/approval system to evidence receipt of the tickets. At the end of the respective sports season, the Ticket Manager provides the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations a report from the Paciolan system documenting all UHM Athletics and AKA employees that received complimentary season tickets and the signed printout of approval screen evidencing receipt of the tickets. The Paciolan system generated report and signed printouts support the Disbursing and Payroll Office reporting additional compensation on the employees W-2s or Form 1099 for AKA employees. 54
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 The internal electronic complimentary ticket request/approval system is not interfaced with the Paciolan system. Internal Audit was informed that no reconciliation is performed between the complimentary tickets approved (in the internal request/approval system) and complimentary tickets issued from the Paciolan system. Complimentary Ticket Review 2. Obtain a listing of complimentary season tickets for all sports for fiscal years ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010. Select a judgmental sample of complimentary season tickets and perform the following: a. Review the UHM Athletics internal request/approval complimentary ticket system and verify approval by the Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services and note justification for the complimentary ticket. For the following types of complimentary tickets, perform the following:
i. Corporate partners Agree number of complimentary tickets to the respective written corporate partner agreement.
iii. UHM Athletics and AKA employees Agree to the acknowledgement sheet signed by the respective employee indicating receipt of the complimentary tickets. For season tickets received by UHM Athletics and AKA employees, determine if the appropriate amount of additional compensation [(80% of season ticket price) x (number of season tickets received)] was reported to the Disbursing and Payroll Office.
iv. Student-athletes Agree to acknowledgement sheets signed by respective individuals receiving complimentary entry into sports game/events. v. Others Agree number of complimentary ticket to additional support if applicable. The complimentary season tickets selected for testing and related results are noted in Exhibit VIII-A. Internal Audits observations are as follows: The value of season tickets that are issued to the UHM Athletics Director and Associate Athletics Director for External Affairs for personal use were not included in their respective W-2 for income tax reporting purposes. Per discussion with the Associate Athletics Director for Administrative Services, the value of season tickets provided during the current fiscal year to the Associate Athletics Director for External Affairs will be communicated to the Disbursing and Payroll Office for inclusion in his W-2. The evidence of approvals for issued complimentary season tickets were requested but 55
ii. Automobile dealership Agree number of complimentary tickets to a listing maintained by the Associate Athletics Director for External Affairs of complimentary season tickets to be provided to automobile dealerships/companies for the respective fiscal year.
University of Hawaii University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics June 2012 not provided to Internal Audit in three instances (Aloha Stadium 32 football season tickets; Shawn Ching 2 mens volleyball season tickets; Brad Motooka 2 mens volleyball season tickets). 3. Provide overall recommendations: UHM Athletics should evaluate the propriety of certain UHM employees receiving season tickets but not receiving a W-2 or Form 1099 noting additional compensation for the value of the season tickets. UHM Athletics should reconcile approvals of complimentary tickets from the internal electronic complimentary ticket request/approval system to the complimentary tickets actually printed from the Paciolan system to minimize the risk of issuing complimentary tickets without appropriate approval. UHM Athletics should consider reviewing and maintaining a copy of courtesy car agreements (if any) signed by UHM Athletics personnel to ensure that UHM Athletics and the University are not exposed to any liability.
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Travel Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Travel Date(s) 6/22/09 Business Purpose Fiscal Year 2010 Attend 5th Annual June Jones Celebrity Golf Classic at Hokulia, Big Island for public relations and to foster community support. Travel expense includes car rental, gas, and parking fee. Attend 4th annual Hawaii Island Adult Care Golf Tournament in Hilo, HI for public relations and foster community support. Travel expense includes parking fee and mileage reimbursement. Kona, HI Destination Account
Exhibit II-A
UH Athletic $ Fund
Hilo, HI
UH Athletic $ Fund
12/25/09 - Attend 2010 Fiesta Bowl and related activities w/ other WAC Phoenix, AZ 1/8/10 Board Directors, Council and football head coaches. Travel expense includes lodging, per diem, car rental, gas, and parking fees (hotel & LAX airport). On personnal leave from December 25, 2009 to January 3, 2010 3/16/10 3/18/10 Accompany men's head basketball search committee to interview prospective candidates. Travel expenses include lodging, per diem, car rental, gas, and parking fee. Travel expenses incurred by Head Men's basketball search committee to interview prospective candidates. Travel expenses include lodging, internet service, car service, and phone charges for search committee members.
Scottsdale & Phoenix, AZ II-A-1
Athletic Director's
3/16/10 3/18/10
4/1/10 4/6/10
4/9/10 4/11/10 4/13/10 4/14/10 5/1/10 5/7/10
Attend NCAA Final Four. Expenses include travel expenses Indianapolis, for Athletics Director (lodging, per diem, car rental, gas, IN parking fee, and mileage reimbursement) and 4-night lodging for 2 rooms to host auction winners (from 2009 Murphy's Pigskin Pigout) to attend NCAA Final Four. Participate in UHM Athletics administrative retreat on April 9, 2010, meet w/ Kauai Mayor April 9 and April 11 meet w/supporters on April 10 and accompany UH football team for scrimmage/autograph session on April 10 (Lihue, HI). Travel expenses include lodging, car rental, gas, parking fee, and mileage reimbursement. Meet with Carmyn James, staff, and team regarding team issues on April 13, 2010. Travel expenses include per diem, car rental, gas, parking fee, and mileage reimbursement. Attend WAC Spring Council Mtg in Scottsdale, AZ and the 35th Fiesta Bowl College Football Seminars in Phoenix, AZ. Travel expenses include per diem, car rental, gas, parking fee, and mileage reimbursement.
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Travel Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Travel Date(s) 5/25/10 5/27/10 Business Purpose Accompany UH baseball team to the WAC Tournament on May 26, 2010. Travel expenses include lodging, per diem, car rental, gas, parking fees, baseball tournament ticket, telephone, and mileage reimbursement. Destination Mesa, AZ Account Athletic Director's
Exhibit II-A
Amount $ 561.98
Fiscal Year 2011 Hilo, HI Newport Beach, CA Fiscal Year 2012 Phoenix, AZ Los Angeles, CA II-A-2
Oklahoma Attend Women's College World Series on June 3-5, 2010. City, OK Travel expenses include lodging, per diem, car rental, gas, and parking fee. Accompany UH men's baseball team to the NCAA Phoenix, AZ Regional's on June 5, 2010. Travel expenses include lodging, per diem, and priority boarding fee. Attend WAC Board of Directors meeting on June 6-7, 2010. Las Vegas, Travel expenses include per diem, car rental, and gas. NV
$ 10,755.39 2,363.36
Attend 5th Annual Hawaii Island Adult Care Golf Tournament for public relations and community support. Travel expenses for parking fee and mileage. Attend PACnet 2011 (Paciolan Ticketing Conference) on Febuary 14-16, 2011) and site visit to Paciolan network operations center and headquarters on Febuary 17, 2011. Travel expenses include lodging, per diem, car rental, parking fees, gas, and mileage.
6/18/10 6/26/10
Attend National Association of Collegiate of Athletics convention (June 19-25, 2010) in Anaheim, CA and meet w/golf tournament organizers for UH's LA golf tournament. Travel expenses include lodging, per diem, car rental, gas, parking fees, and mileage.
2/13/11 2/21/11
3/31/11 4/5/11 4/1/11 4/5/11 5/24/11 5/31/11
Houston, Tx Host Hawaii Bowl Foundation auction winner and guest at NCAA Men's Basketball Final Four in Houston, TX on April 2-4, 2011. Travel expenses include per diem, car rental, tolls, and gas. Prepayment of 1 standard room at the Omni Houston Hotel to Houston, Tx attend NCAA Final Four.
Athletic Director's
Accompany baseball team to the WAC baseball tournament in Phoenix, AZ on May 25-28, 2011 and to meet UHM Athletics LA golf tournament co-chairs on May 30, 2011. Travel expenses include, lodging, meal per diem, car rental, gas, parking fees, WAC baseball ticket, and mileage reimbursement.
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Travel Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Travel Date(s) 6/14/11 6/18/11 Business Purpose Meet w/Under Armour representatives and other Intercollegiate Athletic Directors at Under Armour event in Baltimore, MD on June 15-16, 2011. Also meet golf course officials and organizers to plan for UHM Athletics annual LA Golf Tournament on June 17, 2011 in Los Angeles. Travel expenses include lodging, meal per diem, car rental, gas, and mileage reimbursement. Destination Baltimore, MD Los Angeles, CA Account Athletic Director's
Exhibit II-A
Amount $ 695.80
8/17/11 8/21/11
3/29/12 4/4/12
Accompany UH men's basketball team in game against Panasonic Trians in Osaka, Japan on August 20, 2011. Also participate in meetings and gatherings to build on relationships and possible donor support. Travel expenses include, lodging, meals per diem, and mileage reimbursement.
Osaka, Japan Lahaina, Maui Baltimore, MD Mesa, AZ
7/20/2011 Attend 6th Annual Hawaii Island Adult Care Golf Tournament (sponsored by Hawaiian Telcom) as special guest for public relations and fostering community support for UHM Athletics. Travel expenses include parking and mileage reimbursement.
Hilo, Hawaii
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
Host various corporate sponsors for cultivation at the NCAA New Orleans, Men's Basketball Final Four in New Orleans, LA on March LA 31 to April 2, 2012. Travel expenses for actual expense for lodging and meals per diem, car rental, gas, parking fee, and mileage reimbursement. Attend VIP reception on May 4, 2012 and Willie K Golf Tournament on May 5, 2012 in Lahaina, Maui to meet w/ Maui business leaders and various supporters for cultivation and potential support opportunities. Travel expenses include lodging, meals per diem, car rental, gas, parking fee, and mileage reimbursement. Meet w/Under Armour representatives and other Intercollegiate Athletic Directors at an Under Armour event in Baltimore, MD on May 17-19, 2012. Travel expenses include lodging, meals per diem, car rental, parking fees, and mileage reimbursement. Accompany baseball team to the WAC baseball tournament on May 23-24, 2012 in Mesa, AZ. Travel expenses include lodging, meals per diem, car rental, gas, taxi fare, admission to WAC Tournament, parking fee, and mileage reimbursement.
Athletic Director's
5/4/12 5/5/12
Athletic Director's
5/16/12 5/20/12 5/21/12 5/25/12 6/2/12 6/4/12
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
Attend Mountain West Conference Joint Council/Athletic La Jolla, CA Director's Meeting in La Jolla, CA on June 3-4, 2012. Travel expenses include lodging, meals per diem, car rental, gas, parking fee, and mileage reimbursement.
Athletic Director's
$ 11,615.94
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Exhibit II-B
Event Date
Business Purpose
Fiscal Year 2010 6/14/09 Dinner to discuss AKA and UHM Athletics issues 6/25/09 Lunch to discuss football issues and cultivation for potential donation, UH Letterwinners renewal, and future job openings. 6/26/09 Lunch to discuss UH Letterwinners Club and UHM Athletics issues. 6/26/09 Dinner with Chevron personnel in appreciation for support of UH Athletics and discuss UHM Athletics issues.
UH Athletic Therapy * Vince Baldemor (AKA) Fund Sports Grill UH Athletic Yardhouse * Dino Babers (Assistant Fund Waikiki football coach of Baylor University / former UH football player) Chili's * Artie Wilson (broadcaster / UH Athletic Fund former UH basketball player) UH Athletic Fund
$ $
44.98 32.12
Big City Diner * Al Chee (Chevron) & family * Melissa Teres Pavlicek (Chevron) & family II-B-1
UH Athletic Ryan's Grill * Stuart Chang (Visionary Fund Ward Centre Related Entertainment) * Michael Langley (AIG) UH Athletic Pineapple * Brian Worth (Hawaiian Fund Room Airlines, Marketing Director) UH Athletic Fund UH Athletic Fund
7/15/09 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics issues Paesano * John Aeto (Visionary and cultivate sponsorship. Ristorante Related Entertainment) 7/24/09 Dinner in appreciation for Oceanic's Alan Wong's * Nate Smith (Oceanic Cable) support of UHM Athletics, to discuss & spouse UHM Athletics issues, future vision, * Tracy Donovan and cultivation. 7/29/09 Drinks to discuss additional potential Kona Brewing * Roger Reeves (Centerplate) Company support on future UHM Athletics projects and partnerships. 8/5/09 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics PaySam Choy's * Jason Kaneshiro (Honolulu Per-View package. BLC Advertiser) * Norman Santos (Oceanic Cable) * John Fink (K5/KHNL) * Allan Akamine (Oceanic Cable) * John McNamara
$ $
42.96 358.96
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Exhibit II-B
Event Date
Business Purpose
8/11/09 Administrative retreat w/ UHM Duke's Canoe Athletics Administrators to discuss Club UHM Athletics issues, future action plan, departmental meeting to be held on August 19, 2009, and in appreciation for their hard work. 8/19/09 Lunch women's basketball staff to welcome them to the UHM Athletics staff, discuss issues, vision, and future plans for women's basketball team. 8/21/09 Breakfast meeting to discuss FB Centennial Gala issues and committee prior to first committee meeting. Chili's
* UHM Athletics (C. Clapp, UH Athletic Fund J. McNamara, M. MonizKahoohanohano, T. Chang, J. Lee) * Vince Baldemor (AKA) * Dana Takahara-Dias * Da Houl * Serenda Valdez * Sherice Ajifu
UH Athletic Fund
Kahala Hotel & Spa Plumeria Beach House Ruth Chris * Dr. Edison Miyawaki (FB Centennial Chairman) * Vince Baldemor (AKA) * Alvin Katahara (AKA) * Jeff Portnoy (attorney/broadcaster) & spouse * Tracy Donovan * Dr. Edison Miyawaki (FB Centennial Chairman) * Keith Amemiya * Vince Baldemor * Al Chee * Denis Isono * Mitch Kaiaalii * Kathy Luke * Dave Matlin * Kelly McGill * Don Murphy * Ernest Nishizaki * Norman Santos * Tyler Tokioka * Don Weir * Hugh Yoshida * Kim Fujiuchi * Alvin Katahara (Staff) * Jeannie Lee (Staff) Sheraton Waikiki Resort II-B-2
UH Athletic Fund
8/24/09 Dinner to discuss UHM Athletics issues, obtain potential additional support, and discuss the Diamond Head Classic. 8/28/09 Football Centennial Celebration Gala Committee meeting
UH Athletic Fund
UH Athletic Fund
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Exhibit II-B
Event Date
Business Purpose
9/11/09 Winery tour for Chevron group in appreciation for $100,000 sponsorship and additional support for UHM Athletics.
9/11/09 Winery tour for Chevron group in appreciation for $100,000 sponsorship and additional support for UHM Athletics.
Novelty Hill- Same attendees as above Januik Winery (Woodinville, WA) II-B-3
* Al Chee (Chevron) * Allan Hirota (guest) * Carin Tagupa (Cheron) * Ichiro Watanabe (guest) * Steve Teves (guest) * Darryl Hoke (guest) * Scotty Gonsalves (guest) * Carl Bissen (guest) * Dave Iverson (tour guide)
UH Athletic Fund
UH Athletic Fund
9/12/09 UHM Athletics post game reception for Pyramid 122 attendees football alumni (& guests) to reconnect AleHouse with past players, cultivate support for (Seattle, WA) UHM Athletics, and camaraderie.
9/11/09 Lunch w/Chevron group in appreciation Barking Frog Same attendees as above for $100,000 sponsorship and additional (Woodinville, support for UHM Athletics. WA)
UH Athletic Fund
UH Athletic Fund
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Exhibit II-B
Event Date
Business Purpose
9/12/09 Desserts for guests visiting the UHM Athletics press box at the UH vs. Washington State football game.
9/13/09 Drinks for Chevron group in appreciation for $100,000 sponsorship and additional support for UHM Athletics.
Levy * Jim & Mary Ellen Higgins UH Athletic Fund Restaurants (UHAD supporter) (Seattle, WA) * Dennis & Kathy Hirota (UH Regent) * Bob Akinaka & guest (UHAD supporter) * Janet (Assoc. VP, UH Alumni Relations) & Patrick (Sr. Dir., Heinrich Marketing) Bullard * Dave Iverson & guest (UHAD supporter) * Chancellor Virginia & Bill Hinshaw * Karl Benson (WAC Commissioner) * Mimi Ching & 4 guests (UHAD donor & supporter) * Don Weir (Executive Dir., Na Koa, UHAD)
Ex-Center * Al Chee (Chevron) Concessions * Allan Hirota (guest) (Seattle, WA) * Carin Tagupa (Chevron) * Ichiro Watanabe (guest) * Steve Teves (guest) * Darryl Hoke (guest) * Scotty Gonsalves (guest) * Carl Bissen (guest) 9/13/09 Drinks for Chevron group in appreciation for $100,000 sponsorship and additional support for UHM Athletics. 9/14/09 Lunch to discuss potential support and UHM Athletics issues FXMCrory Same attendees as above. (Seattle, WA) 9/14/09 Drinks to discuss potential support and Palomino (San * James Murray (UH UHAD Issues. Francisco) Alumnus)
UH Athletic Fund
UH Athletic Fund
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Exhibit II-B
Event Date
Business Purpose
9/15/09 Dinner in appreciation of their assistance and hard work in organizing and working at the LA golf tournament
* Stan Kamiyama (UHM Athletics LA Golf Tournament Co-Chair) * Alvin Katahara ( AKA) * Dennis Mukai (UHM Athletics LA Golf Tournament Committee Member) * Hugh Yoshida (former UHM AD) & spouse * Vince Baldemor (AKA)
UH Athletic Fund
9/18/09 Tip for dinner w/UHM Athletics supporters in appreciation of their support and discuss UHM Athletics issues. Dinner was complimentary.
Main St. * Rich Darney (UH Athletics UH Athletic Fund Station (Las supporter) Vegas) * Honolulu Advertiser Staff (Ferd Lewis, Stephen Tsai, Leila Wai) UH Athletic California * Brandt & Lihan Farias Fund Hotel & (First Hawaiian Bank) Casino (Las * Mark Takai (UH Vegas) Letterwinners Club Board member) & spouse * Chancellor Virginia Hinshaw & spouse * Hugh Yoshida (former UHM AD) & spouse * Riley Wallace (Boyd Gaming Group, Executive Host) * Amy Hanaialii (Entertainer) * Ed & Elsy Drzanek (UHAD supporter/prospect)
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Exhibit II-B
Event Date
Business Purpose
9/20/09 UHM Athletics post game reception for football alumni (& guests) to reconnect with past players, cultivate support for UHM Athletics, and camaraderie.
9/29/09 Dinner to discuss UH Football and other UHM Athletics and media issues.
Chevy's (Reno, Nevada) Chili's II-B-6
9/20/09 Tip for dinner in appreciation of Amy Hanaialii's performance at the tailgate and to discuss possible future projects.
California Hotel & Casino (Las Vegas) Sam's Town Casino Hotel (Shreveport, LA) Charlie Palmer Bar (Reno, Nevada) Nevada * Amy Hanaialii (Hawaii based entertainer) * Stephen Tsai (Honolulu Advertiser sportswriter) * Ferd Lewis (Honolulu Advertiser sportswriter) n/a * Honolulu Advertiser Staff (Ferd Lewis, Stephen Tsai) * Don Weir (Executive Director - Na Koa football) Big City Diner * Denis Isono (Central Pacific Bank)
Main St. * Aloha Kaulu Station (Las * Mabel Domae Vegas) * Kenneth Nitta * Lisza Tan * Richard Vargas * Winona Rodroques * Rosie Auwae * Frank Bamer * Julianna Bardone * Willow Blake * Ed Filio * Leila McGuire * Keaala Pa * Sheldon Nagata
UH Athletic Fund
UH Athletic Fund
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
10/31/09 Admission ticket to Nevada vs. Hawaii volleyball game 10/31/09 Dinner to discuss UHM Athletics issues, media issues, and to maintain relationship w/media. 11/6/09 Lunch to discuss 6-month evaluation of Na Koa football executive director. 11/6/09 Dinner to discuss UH Centennial Celebration Gala support & possible UHM Athletics sponsorship package.
$ $
7.00 88.02
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Exhibit II-B
Event Date
Business Purpose
Kani Ka Pila * Vince Baldemor (AKA) * AKA Board members (Mark Polivka, Don Takaki) II-B-7
* 15 student-athletes * UHM Athletics Coaches (Carmyn James, Bob Coolen, Dana Takahara-Dias, George Lumpkin, Victor Wales, Jennifer Jackson, Pinsoom Tenzing) * UHM Athletics (Carl Clapp, Marilyn MonizKaho'ohanohano) * Tracy Donovan
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
11/12/09 Drinks to discuss scoreboard equipment House * Robin Hall (Daktronics) replacement for Stan Sheriff Center. Without a Key * Rich Sheriff (Halekulani) * Vince Baldemor (AKA)
Athletic Director's
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Exhibit II-B
Event Date
Business Purpose
11/21/09 Refreshments for visitors at Athletic Sodexo Sports * MRC Greenwood (UH Director's box at UH vs. San Jose State. and Leisure President) (San Jose) * MRC Greenwood's guests (Jim, Michele, Davis and Dillon Greenwood) * Steve Horn (Chief Chemist, Lawrence Livermore) * Steve Horn's guest (Jeri Horn, Brook Horn) * Judith Stern (National Institute of Health Fellow) & spouse * Donna Vuchinich (UH Foundation President) * Don Weir (Executive Director, Na Koa Booster Club) * Kevin Sypniewski (CEO, Agis Corporation) * Kevin Sypniewski's guests (Barbara, Nick, and Kailee Sypniewski) * Kurt Osaki & 5 guests (Hawaii Chamber of Commerce of Northern California)
Athletic Director's
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Exhibit II-B
Event Date
Business Purpose
12/1/09 Circle of Honor committee meeting to Murphy's Bar & Grill select honorees and discuss issues. Meal also in appreciation of committee members' time and service.
Pineapple Room II-B-9
12/1/09 Meeting to discuss and follow up on issues and projects for UH/Pacific Rim Sports Initiative. 12/2/09 Drinks to discuss/debrief Football Centennial Celebration Gala and in appreciation of their support.
Murphy's Bar * A Link (Eric Takahata & & Grill Ross Yamasaki) Mai Tai Bar * AKA staff (Vince Baldemor, Alvin Katahara) * Tracy Donovan * UHM Athletics (W. Watanabe, T. Yamamoto) * Chris Kobayashi (Kobayashi, Sugita, Goda) * Hugh Yoshida (former UH AD) & spouse * Tracy Donovan * Rich McGuiness (All American Bowl) * Marilyn MonizKahoohanohano * Jack Takeda (JMT Inc./JMT Foundation) * Vince Baldemor (AKA) * Don Takaki (AKA Director)
* UHM Athletics (D. Inouchi, M. MonizKahoohanohano) * Leila Wai (Honolulu Advertiser) * Keith Amemiya (Executive Director, HHSAA) * Suzie Thompson (Bank of Hawaii) * Blaine Gaison (Kamehameha Schools) * Ed Inouye (Consultant/Advisor) * Eddie Hayashi (Alumni)
Athletic Director's
12/8/09 Dinner to discuss UHM Athletics issues Kai Market and in appreciation of their service, help and support. 12/10/09 Lunch to discuss possibility of opening Pineapple up a "football university" at UH for Room high school students. 12/12/09 Dinner to discuss various UHM Trail Dust Athletics issues & women's volleyball BBQ (Morgan Hill, CA) post-season. 12/14/09 Lunch to accept, discuss and thank Jack Takeda for a $30,000 donation to UHM Athletics.
Athletic Director's
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
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Business Purpose
Pineapple Room
* Jeff Sangster (UH Alumnus) Chili's * UHF (Joyce Lau, Jere Nakamura, Donna Gutierrez, Jeannie Pinpin, Terri Alvaro, Vidushi Jetley, Stacia Garlach, Terri Miyashiro, Aileen Yamashita, Kelvin Shoji) * Kim Fujiuchi (Auction Chair, CCG/) * AKA (Vince Baldemor, Alvin Katahara) Orchids at the * Mark Berwick (Manager Halekulani Australian Trade Commission) * Alex Rayner (eTourism Advisor - United Nations World Tourism) Organization Chili's * Patti Jo Day (AIG Hawaii/Farmer's Insurance) * Mitch Kaaialii (First Hawaiian Bank executive / letterwinners club member) Gordon Biersch II-B-10
12/17/09 Discuss academic/student-athlete issues. Brio Tuscan Grille (Tampa, FL) 1/4/10 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics and The WAC marketing. Phoenician (Scottsdale, AZ) 1/6/10 Lunch for cultivation purposes. American Legion Restaurant (Newport Beach, CA) 1/29/10 Pupus/drinks with football Centennial Celebration volunteers in appreciation of their assistance with the event.
Athletic Director's
2/3/10 Lunch to discuss telecasting tape delayed UH Sporting Events in Australia & travel issues/opportunities for teams.
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
2/5/10 Drinks/pupus to discuss additional possible partnerships. 2/8/10 Lunch to discuss possible additional partnerships and logistics of Football Centennial Celebration Gala mahalo reception at the Bankers Club.
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
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Business Purpose
2/9/10 Lunch for cultivation and in appreciation of radio and spots done to promote UHM Athletics. 2/11/10 Lunch to discuss possibility/opportunity to bring a UHM Athletics arena sport to compete in intercollegiate game on Kauai 2/12/10 Lunch to discuss speaking engagement on February 23, 2010, UHM Athletics issues, and Chevron sponsorship. 2/18/10 Lunch to discuss BOR mtg recap and financial plan requested by BOR.
* Kuulei Akahane (Visionary Related Entertainment, Hawaii) * Tom Iannucci (Kauai Police Commissioner)
Pineapple Room * Al Chee (Chevron) Sam Choy's * UHM Athletics staff (C. BLC Clapp & T. Kuraoka) Alan Wong's * Dr. Edison Miyawaki (FB Centennial Chairman) * AKA staff (Vince Baldemore, Alvin Katahara) Pineapple Room * Randy Macadangdang (Assistant Chief - Honolulu Police Dept.) * Jack Tsui (Panda Group) Pineapple * Bob Nash Room Alan Wong's * Gary Cunningham (Athletic Director consultant) II-B-11
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
2/19/10 Lunch to congratulate him on his new position and discuss chain of command issues as it relates to UHM Athletics & HPD and to discuss inbound charter flight for USC team and other UHM Athletics travel issues.
2/18/10 Dinner in appreciation for their efforts in organizing and coordinating the UH FB Centennial Celebration Gala.
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
2/26/10 Lunch to discuss men's basketball issues. 3/1/10 Dinner to discuss Athletics Director's portion of management audit.
$ $
54.10 201.73
3/10/10 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics issues. Brew Brothers * Bobby Curran (Broadcaster - UH Athletic Fund (Reno, NV) ESPN 1420) * Walter Watanabe (UHM Athletics)
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
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Business Purpose
3/10/10 Drinks to discuss UH men's basketball coaching issues. 3/11/10 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics general issues and men's basketball issues.
Eldorado Hotel (Reno, NV) Brew Brothers (Reno, NV) * Jarinn Akana (former UH men's basketball player) * UHM Athletics staff (W. Watanabe, C. Clapp, M. Moniz-Kahoohanohano) House * Head coach candidate Without a Key (Halekulani) House * Gib Arnold Without a Key (Halekulani) The Backyard @ W Hotel (Los Angeles, CA) Ruth Chris Same attendees as above. (Beverly Hills, CA) II-B-12
UH Athletic 3/10/10 Dinner w/women's basketball team and Roxy's (Reno, * 9 student-athletes Fund staff in appreciation for their hard work NV) * UHM Athletics (Dana during and post season. Takahara-Dias, Da Houl, Serenda Valdez, Patrick Knapp, Sherice Ajifu, Ryan Reggiani, Takashi Moribe, Marilyn MonizKaho'ohanohano, Garrett Clanin, Dr. Robert Kagawa, Brianna Lagat-Ramos, Walter Watanabe, Carl Clapp)
$ 1,182.81
3/13/10 Drinks w/men's basketball head coach candidate for interview follow up.
UH Athletic Fund
3/15/10 Drinks w/men's basketball head coach candidate for interview follow up.
UH Athletic Fund
UH Athletic * Ernie Nishizaki (Kyo-ya) Fund * Maryann Scharski (Oceanic Cable) * Tom Schroeder (Professor UHM) UH Athletic Fund
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
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Business Purpose
UH Athletic 3/17/10 To discuss men's basketball head coach Whiskey Blue * Same attendees as above Fund search process and guidance. (Los Angeles, * Double-Pump, Basketball CA) Consulting Firm (Dana Pump & David Pump)
Ruth Chris The Shack * Kevin Haggerty (former UH football player) * UHM Athletics staff (Rich Sheriff, Kekoa Seward) The Coachmen Restaurant (Plainfield, IN) * UH FB Centennial Celebration auction winners (Francis & Kathleen Yamamura) * Gib Arnold * Dave Matlin (Exec. Director - Sheraton Hawaii Bowl) NCAA Final Four (Indianapolis, IN) April 3 & 5, 2010 * UHM Athletics Director (1) * Dave Matlin (Exec. Director Sheraton Hawaii Bowl) (1) * Paul Cunney (auction winner) & guest (2) * Francis & Kathleen Yamamura (auction winner) (2) * Jeff Portnoy (attorney / broadcaster) & guest (2) * Bob Nash & guest (2) II-B-13
3/20/10 Lei for Gib Arnold (new men's University n/a basketball head coach) for press Flowers conference. 3/24/10 Drinks for cultivation and reconnection House * Kevin Haggerty (former to UHM Athletics. Without a Key UH football player) (Halekulani) 3/24/10 Dinner for cultivation and reconnection to UHM Athletics. 3/31/10 Drinks/pupus in appreciation for their hard work through the season and robotics competition. Further, discuss ideas for future improvements for Stan Sheriff Center. 4/3/10 Lunch for cultivation of donors and to meet/introduce new men's basketball head coach for future support.
$ $
244.93 97.98
UH Athletic Fund
Athletic Director's
$ 2,110.00
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
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Business Purpose
4/5/10 Dinner for cultivation of donor and future support. 4/7/10 Lunch to introduce current men's basketball supporters w/new supporters, w/new head coach and to establish & build relationships in support of the men's basketball program. 4/8/10 Lunch to discuss proposal for partnership w/UHM Athletics 4/9/10 Drinks for administrative retreat.
* Dave Matlin (Exec. Director Sheraton Hawaii Bowl) (1) * Paul Cunney (auction winner) & guest (2)
* Francis & Kathleen Yamamura (auction winner) (2) Driftwood * Jeff Portnoy (attorney / Grille (Kauai) broadcaster) & guest (2) Kalapaki Joes * Bob Nash & guest (2) (Kauai) Duke's Canoe Same attendees as above. Club (Kauai) Pineapple Room Big City Diner * 25 student-athletes * UHM Athletics Coaches (Bob Coolen, Taryn Fukuroku, Greg Mcackin, Mike Brown, Jennifer Buffin, Chuck Riggs) * UHM Athletics (Cindy Rote, Carl Clapp, Marilyn Moniz-Kahoohanohano) Chili's Pineapple Room * Greg McMackin * Jack Tsui (Panda Travel) II-B-14
UH Athletic Fund UH Athletic Fund UH Athletic Fund UH Athletic Fund Athletic Director's
$ $
96.29 127.45
4/15/10 All A's dinner to congratulate studentathletes who achieved all A's in a semester. Coaches and administrators also attended
4/16/10 Lunch to discuss numerous football issues. 4/23/10 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics and travel issues.
$ $
41.39 71.16
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
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Business Purpose
4/23/10 Drinks w/football coaches and business associates from Japan and consultants to cultivate relationship & discuss future opportunities.
Yardhouse Waikiki
Kincaid's Ruth Chris Zippy's Toby Keith's (Oklahoma City, OK) Gordon Biersch (Tempe, AZ) II-B-15
4/26/10 Lunch to discuss possibility of helping w/locker room and Stan Sheriff Center projects-fundraising. 5/6/10 Lunch to discuss UH marketing issues.
Pineapple Room * Dick Tomey (former UH football head coach) Frank and * David Johnston (CBS Alberts Sports Properties) (Phoenix, AZ) * John McNamara * John Fink (KFVE) * Oceanic Cable (Norman Santos, Allan Akamine) * Don Murphy (AKA Director/restaurant owner) & spouse * Tracy Donovan * Desi McKenzie (AYSO) Toby Keith's * 4 softball players (Oklahoma * 30 softball boosters City, OK) * UHM Athletics (Bob Coolen, Marilyn Moniz Kahoohanohano) * Don Murphy (AKA Director/restaurant owner) * UHM Athletics staff (C. Clapp, P. Bello)
* Kyoto Gakuen (Takehito Tanaka, Mr. Umetani, Mr. Kanda) * Hiroaki Takeda (Osaka Gakuin) * Tomoaki Akura (American Football Assn, Kansai Region) * Kozo Suzuki (SES Inc.) * Pac Rim Sports Initiative (Ross Yamasaki, Eric Takahata)
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
UH Athletic Fund
UH Athletic Fund
5/16/10 Dinner in appreciation for many years of support of UHM Athletics and discuss future opportunities
UH Athletic Fund
5/28/10 Lunch to discuss possible youth group opportunities with UHM Athletics. 6/3/10 Hosted reception for softball booster members and others in appreciation of their support of Rainbow wahine softball. 6/4/10 Dinner to discuss UHM Athletics issues. 6/5/10 Dinner in appreciation for their work w/the UH Baseball team.
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
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Business Purpose
* Rob Spear (AD, University of Idaho) * Bruce Van De Velde (AD, Louisiana Tech University)
Athletic Director's
Fiscal Year 2011 Paesano Ristorante n/a * Art Shida (Saake Foundation) * Kelvin Shoji (AKA) * Gib Arnold n/a Pineapple Room * Gib Arnold & spouse Chili's * Daisy Tsui-Komeiji (Panda Travel) II-B-16
6/11/10 Drinks and pupus to discuss possible support for UHM Athletics golf tournament.
House * David Krickl (White Without a Key Nelson Co. LLP) (Halekulani)
Athletic Director's
$ 16,603.83 $ 88.44
5/18/10 Lunch to introduce Coach Arnold to Saake Foundation rep. for continued networking and support.
Athletic Director's
5/18/10 Purchase of Dom Perignon for Dennis Francis (Star Advertiser) in appreciation of Star Advertiser's agreement to continue corporate sponsor partnership with UHM Athletics. 5/24/10 Lunch to welcome them to UHM Athletics and discuss corporate and local culture and UHM Athletics issues to help w/transition. 6/14/10 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics issues, sponsorship, and travel contract.
UH Athletic $ Fund
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
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Business Purpose
6/16/10 Drinks in appreciation for successful first time reverse parking auction system and to discuss feedback, suggestions, and improvements. Also met w/Charity Angels to discuss assistance w/future UHM Athletics fundraisers.
6/22/10 Three game tickets for Jim Donovan, Carl Clapp, and Vince Baldemor (AKA) to attend LA Angels game on June 22, 2010 to observe strategies including marketing and promotions, signage, concession ops, etc.
Anaheim Angels Baseball Stadium Denny's (Anaheim, CA) Pineapple Room Chili's Pineapple Room Chili's Pineapple Room II-B-17
n/a Athletic Director's $ 85.25
* AKA Personnel (Vince Baldemor, David Estermann, Carol Gouveia) * UHM Athletics Personnel (C. Kumagai, W. Watanabe, T. Yamamoto) * Charity Angels: Kim Fujiuchi (East-West Center), Sheldon Nagata (ESPN 1420), George Irion (Aloha Care), Daryl Garvin & Brad Motooka (SHB), Jane Ferreira (consultant), Alvin Katahara (AKA), Likelike Davis (retired, no company), Pat Bullard (Heinrich)
Athletic Director's
6/24/10 Dinner to discuss National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics convention and AKA issues. 6/30/10 Lunch to discuss food concessions contract.
Athletic Director's
7/2/10 Lunch to discuss UH football issues, Na Koa Football Club and possible future support. 7/7/10 Lunch to discuss TV contract and other UHM Athletics. 7/13/10 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics and marketing issues. 7/14/10 Lunch to discuss TV contract.
* Centerplate Personnel (Roger Reeves, Davy Murayama) * Kent Unterman (Pictures Plus / former UH FB player) * John Fink (KFVE) * Patrick Bullard (Heinrich Marketing) * Nate Smith (Oceanic Cable)
Athletic Director's Athletic Director's Athletic Director's Athletic Director's Athletic Director's
$ $ $
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
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Business Purpose
7/19/10 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics, AKA issues, charter flights, and APEC conference in Hawaii in 2011.
Pineapple Room
Red - Pacific Palms (Los Angeles, CA) Gordon Biersch * Co-chairs of UH Golf Tournament (Stan Kamiya, Jimmy Masatsugu) * Alvin Katahara (AKA) n/a n/a II-B-18
* Hugh Yoshida (former UHM AD) * Jack Tsui (Panda Travel) * Florence Nakakuni (US District Attorney) * Harold Kawasaki (Director, Ala Moana Ctr Security) * Al Joaquin (Chief Secret Service Agent)
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
7/28/10 Lunch w/various media and UHAD media relations staff for goodwill and discuss upcoming UH athletics sports season; continue lines of communication and mutual understanding
* UHM Athletics (Derek UH Athletic $ Inouchi, Neal Iwamoto, Jay Fund Metzger, Kara Nishimura, Paka Bello, Troy Yamamoto, John McNamara) * K5 (Jim Leahey, Shawn Ching) * ESPN Radio (Bobby Curran, Gary Dickman, Chris Hart, Alan Miya) * Star-Advertiser (Brian McInnis, Billy Hall, Jason Kaneshiro, Dave Reardon) * Robert Kekaula (KITV) * Kanoa Leahey (KHON) * Jaymes Song (AP) * Lori Santi * Pal Eldridge * Don Robbs Athletic Director's $
8/6/10 Flower arrangement for Jim Bolte (donor of $2.2M) who was in hospital.
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
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Business Purpose
8/11/10 Lunch to welcome new staff members to UHM Athletics and to discuss UHM Athletics philosophy, mission, policies, etc.
* UHM Athletics Personnel (Gib Arnold, Walter Roese, Benjy Taylor, Brandyn Akana, Scott Fisher, Johnny White, Chris McMillan, Nicholas Milan) * Robert Kekaula (Sportscaster - KITV) * Wayne Fujishige (Director, UHM Auxiliary Enterprises)
UH Athletic $ Fund
Pineapple Room The Veranda * AKA Board Members (Don (Kahala Takaki, Mark Polivka) Hotel) * Vincent Baldemor (AKA) * Vincent Baldemor (AKA) * Alan Yang (UHM Assoc Vice Chancellor for Students) * David Hafner (Asst Vice Chancellor for Campus Svc) Cattle Company Steakhouse Olive Garden (Brea, CA) * Karl Benson (WAC commissioner) * Hugh Yoshida (former UHM AD) & spouse * Alvin Katahara (AKA) & spouse Same attendees as above. Schade's (Highland Falls, NY) II-B-19
8/18/10 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics, WAC and media issues. 8/24/10 Lunch to finalize issues on new parking system/proposal & in appreciation for his many years of support and partnership w/ UHM Athletics. 8/25/10 Drinks to discuss AKA signature event, booster clubs, seat premiums, bylaws/articles and goals for 2010-11.
$ $
37.41 54.88
9/2/10 Lunch to discuss WAC issues.
8/25/10 Drinks to continue discussions & follow- The Veranda up on previous meeting. (Kahala Hotel) 8/26/10 Lunch to discuss student-athlete Pineapple admission issues and in appreciation for Room his support, assistance, and additional work for UHM Athletics. Pineapple 8/31/10 Lunch to discuss numerous UHM Athletics CIP and facility projects Room (Ching Complex, etc) and in appreciation for his assistance w/ past and current projects.
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
9/8/10 Dinner in appreciation for their assistance and hard work with UHM Athletics LA Golf Tournament. 9/10/10 Lunch to wrap up UHM Athletics LA Golf Tournament and discuss next year's tourney.
Athletic Director's
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
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Business Purpose
9/13/10 Drinks to wrap up tournament and discuss next year's LA Golf Tournament. 9/13/10 Dinner to discuss UHM Athletics issues.
* Co-chairs of UH Golf Tournament (Stan Kamiya, Jimmy Masatsugu)) * Ed Drzanek (El Modena High School Head Football Coach)
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
9/18/10 Dinner to discuss UHM Athletics issues. II-B-20
Ruth Chris (Anaheim, CA) 9/14/10 Dinner to continue discussions Ruth Chris conference realignments and television (Anaheim, markets. CA) 9/18/10 UHM Athletics post-game reception for Jill's Letterwinner's Club w/ Chancellor Restaurant Hinshaw and Jim Donovan to get them (Boulder, CO) involved w/ UHM Athletics again for support and camaraderie.
* Dave Johnston (CBS Collegiate Sports Properties) Same attendee as above. * Virginia Hinshaw & spouse (Chancellor, UHM) * AKA (Alvin Katahara & spouse, Vince Baldemor) * Don Takaki (Chairman, Ahahui Koa Anuenue) * Don Weir (UHF) * Rick Pohl & spouse * Murray Cassidy & spouse * Tom Freuchtel & spouse * Rick White & spouse * David Eagle & spouse * Dave Mutter * Rick Schoenbeck * Bill Letz * Bill Simmons Cheddar's * Eric Jiblits (former UH FB Cornerstar player) & spouse (Aurora, CO)
Athletic Director's
9/19/10 Lunch to discuss donor/AKA issues and Chili's Too * Alvin Katahara (AKA) & debrief AKA events on trip. (LAX Airport) Spouse * Vince Baldemore (AKA)
Athletic Director's
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
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Business Purpose
9/20/10 Refreshments for visiting Athletic Director's box at the UH vs Colorado football game on September 18, 2010.
9/24/10 Retirement card for Peggy Hong (Dirn/a UHM HR) in appreciation for extra guidance, work and support provided to UHM Athletics. 9/26/10 Dinner to discuss issues to be addressed Love & War at conference and WAC mtgs. in Texas (Grapevine, TX) Palm 9/27/10 Dinner to discuss conference issues and possible scheduling in various sports. Restaurant (Dallas, TX)
Saltgrass Steak House (Grapevine, TX) II-B-21
n/a Athletic Director's $ 3.86 * C. Clapp Athletic Director's $ 35.45 * C. Clapp * BYU Athletic Department Personnel (Tom Holmoe, Brian Santiago) * Peter Nicholson (UHM Faculty Athletics Representative) * M. Moniz Kahoohanohano * C. Clapp Athletic Director's $ 350.73 9/29/10 Dinner to discuss UHM Athletics, NCAA, and WAC issues and thank them for their hard work and support. Athletic Director's $ 82.71 10/6/10 Dinner to discuss Aloha Stadium Concessions, issues/suggestions and future plans. Lefty O'Douls * Roger Reeves (Centerplate) (San Fran, CA) Athletic Director's $ 17.50
Univ of * Eric & Kerry Jiblits Colorado FB (Prospect) Stadium * Don Takaki (President, Island Movers/Chairman, Ahahui Koa Anuenue) * Jon Bryan (CEO/President, Number Eight) * AKA (Alvin Katahara & spouse, Vince Baldemor) * Virginia Hinshaw (UH Manoa Chancellor) & spouse * UHM Athletics (Marilyn Moniz-Kahoohanohano, Carl Clapp )
Athletic Director's
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
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Business Purpose
Lefty O'Douls * Duane Kurisu (ESPN 1420) (San Fran, CA) * Roger Reeves (Centerplate)
Athletic Director's
Pineapple Room * Mitch Kaaialii (First Hawaiian Bank executive / letterwinners club member) * Don Takaki (AKA Board member) Chili's * Jeff Portnoy (attorney / broadcaster) King's Fish * Big West Conference House Personnel (Dennis Farrell, (Orange, CA) Rob Halvaks) Sam Choy's * Jim Carson (Foley & BLC Lardner, LLP) II-B-22
10/8/10 Lunch to continue discussions on Aloha Puccini & Stadium concessions and UHM Panetti (San Athletics issues. Fran, CA) 10/8/10 Dinner to continue discussion on Aloha Caf Mason Stadium concessions and UHAD issues. (San Fran, CA) 10/18/10 Dinner to recognize academic Big City Diner achievements of UH students-athletes who received straight A's during Spring 2010
10/19/10 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics, AKA, UH Letterwinners Club, and sponsorship issues.
* 12 student-athletes Athletic * UHM Athletics Coaches Director's (Dana Takahara-Dias, Lori Castillo, Bob Coolen, Victor Wales, Mike Brown, Bridgette Strickland, Garrett Collier) * UHM Athletics (Carl Clapp, Marilyn MonizKahoohanohano) * Cindy Rote (UHM Athletics, Director of StudentAthlete Development) Athletic Director's
10/20/10 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics, conference and Men's Basketball issues.
Athletic Director's
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
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Business Purpose
Le Bistro * Bert Kobayashi (Kobayashi Sugita Goda) & spouse * MaryAnn Sacharski (General Manager, Oceanic Time Warner Cable) & spouse * Ernie Nishizaki (Executive Vice President, Kyo-ya) & spouse * Tom Schroeder (Faculty, UHM/AAB member) * Gib Arnold & spouse * Tracy Donovan Pineapple Room * Oceanic Cable Executives (Bob Barrow, Maryann Sacharski) Hawaii Coffee Company; Longs Drugs Marco's Grill & Deli (Kahului, Maui) n/a * Gib Arnold * Pam Tsutsui (Maui Radio) * Senator Shan Tsutsui (State Senator - Maui) * Yuki Lei Sugimura (Connect LLC) II-B-23
11/12/10 Lei for mother of Gib Arnold to welcome her back to Hawaii and for beginning of the Men's Basketball season. 11/13/10 Lei for spouse of Gib Arnold to welcome her to Hawaii and for beginning of the Men's Basketball season. 11/14/10 Dinner to discuss UHM Athletics/Men's Basketball issues, and philosophies and cultivate their support and the Men's Basketball program. Also in appreciation of their assistance w/the search which included last minute travel to the mainland.
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
11/16/10 Lunch to meet new Oceanic President and start building a relationship as well as discuss UHM Athletics issues including a new hospitality room.
Athletic Director's
11/17/10 Goodwill items (coffee/macnuts) for 19 individuals (coaches and athletic administrators at various universities) for cultivation purposes.
Athletic Director's
11/18/10 Lunch after press conf @ Pacific Radio Group to announce December 17, 2010 UH Men's Bball game on Maui.
Athletic Director's
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
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Business Purpose
Paesano Restaurant Pineapple Room II-B-24
12/4/10 Cultivation gifts (coffee, mac nut chocolates) for Big West Conference for 10 individuals (various University Presidents and Chancellors)
Longs Drugs n/a * Dennis Farrell (Big West Commissioner) * Virginia Hinshaw Alan Wong's * Dennis Farrell (Big West Commissioner) & spouse * Tracy Donovan Pineapple * Denny Dickerson (UHM Room Athletics Donor) * Dave Matlin (Exec. Director - Sheraton Hawaii Bowl) * Yuki Lei Sugimura (Connect LLC) * Pacific Radio Group Personnel (Sherry Grimes, Pamela Tsutsui) * Charlie Wade Plumeria * Dick Tomey (former UH Beach House football head coach) * Jack Tsui (Chairman Clarence TC Ching Foundation)
Koho's Grill * Tiffany Kuraoka Athletic & Bar Director's (Kahului, Maui) 11/23/10 Purchase of ticket to UH Women's Orleans Arena n/a Athletic Volleyball WAC Tourney game on (Las Vegas, Director's November 23, 2010 NV) 11/27/10 Dinner to discuss conference and UHM Cattle Baron * Eric Hood (ESPN 1420) Athletic Athletics issues. (El Paso, Tx) * Bobby Curran (Broadcaster - Director's ESPN 1420) * Robert Kekaula (Sportscaster - KITV) Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's Athletic Director's Athletic Director's Athletic Director's Athletic Director's
12/10/10 Dinner for cultivation and protocol, as UHM Athletics will be moving to the Big West conference. 12/22/10 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics issues and gift to Men's Tennis Program.
1/5/11 Dinner to recap Sheraton Hawaii Bowl BluWater Grill & Diamond Head Classic discuss financials, etc. 1/10/11 Lunch to discuss Men's Volleyball game Macos' Grill to be played on Maui on February 2, & Deli 2011. Trip to Maui for press conference (Kahului, and promotion of game. Maui)
1/18/11 Drinks to discuss UHM Athletics sponsorship issues. 1/19/11 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics facility issues.
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
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Business Purpose
YardHouse Waikiki
Chili's * Brian Smith (Assistant Coach) * Carolyn Berry (AKA Director) and Dave Wilson (Carolyn's guest) * Tracy Donovan * Nick Rolovich (Asst Coach) * Dave Aranda (Asst Coach) Omni Houston Hotel n/a Ruth Chris * Wong Foundation (Rie Wong, Gershon Bergeisen, Clyde & Vivian Umaki) * Vince Baldemor (AKA) & Spouse * Tracy Donovan * Cindy Mazda (former Asst AD/Snr Woman Admin.) & Spouse * Marilyn Moniz Kahoohanohano Orchids at Halekulani II-B-25
1/31/11 Pupus and drinks to discuss UHM Formaggio Wine Bar Athletics, Sheraton Hawaii Bowl and Diamond Head Classic issues, future & general issues. 2/1/11 Dinner to discuss UHM Athletics issues Alan Wong's and Hawaii Bowl Foundation support ($25K). 2/3/11 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics & Chili's football issues. Le Bistro 2/7/11 Dinner to discuss UHM Athletics issues and for cultivation.
* Don Murphy (AKA Director/restaurant owner) * Al Chee (Chevron) * Dave Matlin (Exec. Director - Sheraton Hawaii Bowl) * Hugh Yoshida (former UHM AD) & spouse
Athletic Director's
$ $
29.10 270.33
2/9/11 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics & football issues. 2/10/11 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics & football issues. 3/1/11 Drinks & pupus to discuss UHM Athletics issues.
Athletic $ Director's Chili's Athletic $ Director's Henry Loui's * Star Advertiser staff (Dave UH Athletic $ Reardon, Ann Miller) Fund * Gil Tam (Exec. Director Hawaii Sports Hall of Fame)
3/2/11 Hotel room payment @ Omni Houston Hotel (4 nights) for Raymond Noh (NCAA Final Four auction winner).
UH Athletic $ Fund
3/2/11 Dinner in appreciation of the Wong Foundation for their generous donation and for protocol/cultivation.
UH Athletic $ Fund
Athletic Director's
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
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Business Purpose
3/15/11 To discuss UHM Athletics issues, Na Koa issues, & sponsorship issues. 4/1/11 Drinks to discuss UHM Athletics, Sheraton Hawaii Bowl, and Hawaiian Airlines Diamond Head Classic issues. 4/1/11 Dinner and drinks to discuss various UHM Athletics and sponsorship issues.
* Steven Choo (AMPCO System Parking) * Alvin Katahara (AKA) * David Matlin (Exec. Director - Sheraton Hawaii Bowl)
4/2/11 Reimbursement of 10 NCAA Final Four NCAA Final tickets and 2 parking passes. Four (Houston, TX) April 2-4, 2011
4/2/11 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics, Sheraton Hawaii Bowl, and Hawaiian Air Diamond Head Classic issues.
Pappas Bar- * David Matlin (Exec. BQ Director - Sheraton Hawaii (Houston, TX) Bowl) * Jim Donovan * David Matlin (Exec. Director - Sheraton Hawaii Bowl) * Steve Goodenow (Guest) * John McNamara * Norman Santos (Oceanic Cable) * Raymond Noh (auction winner) & guest * Jeff Portnoy (attorney / broadcaster) * Riley Wallace & guest (Post-Season Selection Committee Chair) Taste of Texas * Dave Matlin (Exec. Restaurant Director - Sheraton Hawaii Bowl) Ken's House * Ken Rowe (former UH of Pancakes football player) and spouse (Hilo, Hawaii)
Pappasito's * Raymond Noh (NCAA Cantina Final Four auction winner) (Houston, TX) and guest * David Matlin (Exec. Director - Sheraton Hawaii Bowl)
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
$ 2,197.00
4/3/11 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics, Sheraton Hawaii Bowl, and Hawaiian Air Diamond Head Classic issues. 4/9/11 To discuss UHM Athletics issues and possible gifts.
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Exhibit II-B
Event Date
Business Purpose
4/21/11 Dinner to discuss Big West television package and Hawaii Tourism Authority's financial support. 4/22/11 Dinner to discuss Big West television package and Hawaii Tourism Authority's financial support.
Quinn's Old * David Uchiyama (Hawaii Town Grill Tourism Authority) (Tustin, CA) The * David Uchiyama (Hawaii Cheesecake Tourism Authority) Factory (Anaheim, CA) Heroe's Restaurant (Fullerton, CA) Chili's * David Uchiyama (Hawaii Tourism Authority) Ruth Chris * Pat Bullard (Heinrich Marketing) * Hugh Yoshida (former UHM AD) & spouse * Denis Isono (Central Pacific Bank) & spouse * Tracy Donovan The Shack II-B-27
4/10/11 Parking fee for UH Women's Basketball Ala Moana n/a awards banquet Hotel 4/11/11 To discuss various UHM Athletics & Buzz's Steak * Gib Arnold Men's Basketball issues. House 4/15/11 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics & TV Pineapple * Dan Schmidt (Oceanic issues Room Cable) Big City Diner * 18 student-athletes 4/18/11 Dinner to acknowledge and honor student-athletes who achieved straight * Cindy Rote (UHM Athletics, Director of StudentA's for Fall 2010 Athlete Development) * Tracy Donovan
$ $ $ $
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
4/23/11 Dinner to discuss Big West television package and Hawaii Tourism Authority's financial support.
Athletic Director's
5/12/11 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics and sponsorship issues. 5/17/11 Dinner to discuss support opportunities with UHM Athletics.
$ $
32.75 330.52
* Rob Welsh (Clear Channel) Athletic * Kim Fujiuchi (Chairwoman - Director's Charity Angels)
$ 12,645.85
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Exhibit II-B
Event Date
Business Purpose
Fiscal Year 2012 5/30/11 Lunch to discuss plans for LA golf tournament, which is scheduled for September 2011. 6/6/11 Drinks & pupus to discuss UHM Athletics issues & various support opportunities. Ichiban Restaurant (Brea, CA) Sakura Restaurant (Olomana Golf Course) * Jimmy Matsunaga (cochair, UH Golf Tournament in LA) * David Uchiyama (Hawaii Tourism Authority) * Lance Takaki (former UH Men's basketball player) Athletic Director's Athletic Director's $ 21.64
6/21/11 Lunch to discuss future partnership and issues as Oceanic Time Warner Cable takes over the UHM Athletics TV contract beginning 2011-12.
Pineapple Room * Oceanic Cable personnel (Bob Barlow, Norman Santos, Stuart Chang) Kincaid's Restaurant * Joe Blanco (real estate broker / former BOR Chair) Chili's * Gavin Petersen (Women's Bball asst coach) Side Street * Kenneth Rowe (men's Inn Volleyball head coach search committee member) * Gary Yoshioka (Pepsi Bottling Group) * Tom Mui (attorney and donor contact) * Kelvin Shoji (AKA) * Lani Starkey (UHF) Side Street * Former assistant coach & Inn spouse * Craig Yoshikawa (McKinley Motor Svcs) & spouse * Tracy Donovan Neiman Marcus Pineapple Room II-B-28
Athletic Director's
6/28/11 Lunch to welcome Women's Basketball coach to UHM Athletics staff. 6/28/11 Dinner to discuss various support opportunities at UHM Athletics.
6/21/11 Drinks & pupus to discuss potential of public-private partnerships for facilities and other UHM Athletics issues.
Athletic Director's
7/6/11 Lunch to discuss sponsorship & other support opportunities. 7/7/11 Lunch to discuss gifting opportunities.
$ $
80.59 94.36
7/7/11 Dinner to discuss potential of a former assistant coach being next head coach for UH Football & discuss support opportunities w/ UHM Athletics.
Athletic Director's
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Exhibit II-B
Event Date
Business Purpose
7/8/11 Dinner in appreciation of sponsorship and increased support and to continue good relationship w/ Hawaii's only major newspaper. NOTE: The total bill was $837.54. The excluded portion ($332.14) related to various cocktails and a bottle of Opus One wine and the related tax and tip.
Alan Wong's * Dennis Francis (Honolulu Star Advertiser) & spouse * Tracy Donovan
Athletic Director's
Pineapple Room The * Ed Drzanek (El Modena Cheescake High School Head Football Factory (Brea, Coach) & spouse CA) II-B-29
* Amy Hanaialii (Hawaii based entertainer) * Adrian Kamalii (Amy's publicist) 8/16/11 Lunch to discuss UHM Athletics issues Pineapple * Jamie Dixon (head & basketball issues. Room basketball coach, Univ of Pittsburgh) 9/8/11 Dinner to discuss UHAA & UHAD Six Arms * Doug Inouye (UH Alumni issues and collaboration. (Seattle, WA) Board Member) * Alvin Katahara (AKA) 9/9/11 Drinks to discuss UHM Athletics Sheraton * Roger Reeves (Centerplate) issues. Seattle * Carole Kai (Hawaii based Lounge entertainer) (Seattle, WA) * Ed Inouye (Circle of Honor selection committee member)
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Exhibit II-B
Event Date
Business Purpose
9/15/11 Dinner to meet and greet Amy Hanaialii in appreciation for all they do in support of UHM Athletics. The Boyd Group hosted dinner and amount paid includes tip ($300) and 1 drink ($3).
9/17/11 Lunch in appreciation for taking time off to do entertainment for a UHM Athletics event. California Hotel & Casino (Las Vegas, NV) Main Street Station Hotel & Casino (Las Vegas, NV) II-B-30
* Hugh Yoshida (former UH AD) & spouse * Bert Kobayashi (Kobayashi, Sugita & Goda) & spouse * Alan Goda (Pacific Guardian Life) & spouse * Amy Hanaialii and guests (2) * Riley Wallace (Boyd Group) * Vince Baldemor (AKA) * Warren Luke (CEO, Hawaii National Bank) (2) * Tan Tek Lum (Hawaii National Bank Board of Directors) (2) * Mark Polivka (AKA) & spouse * Michele Saito (Farmer's Insurance) & spouse * Alvin Katahara (UHAA) & spouse * Brandt Farias (First Hawaiian Bank) * Bobby Curran (ESPN 1420)
Athletic Director's
* Amy Hanaialii & staff (Alnyn Dumarin, Susie Kagami) * Amy Hanaialii & staff (Alnyn Dumarin, Susie Kagami, Stephen Jones, Darryl Pellegrini) Athletic Director's $ 42.93 Athletic Director's $ 107.58
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Exhibit II-B
Event Date
Business Purpose
9/18/11 Pupu reception for UH Letterwinners & Main Street guests to cultivate their support for Station Hotel & Casino (Las UHM Athletics. Vegas, NV)
Flips Patio Grill (Grapevine, TX) Love & War in Texas (Grapevine, TX) * Carl Clapp * Carl Clapp * Peter Nicholson (UH Faculty Athletics Representative) Eldorado Resort & Casino (Shreveport, LA) JJ's Bistro * Denis Isono (Central Pacific Bank) & spouse * Tracy Donovan * Jim Leahey (broadcaster Oceanic Cable) * Susie Kagami (Amy Hanaialii's Manager) Paesano Ristorante Alexander's Steakhouse (Cupertino, CA) Arcadia (San Jose, CA) * Co-founders of Lateral Sports.com (Tom & Joe Bleymaier) II-B-31
* Letterwinner club members (Dennis Takashita, Taryn Matsuda) and guests (2) * Dennis Takashita (Sheraton Hawaii Bowl board member) & guest * Chancellor Hinshaw & spouse
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
* Bobby Curran (broadcaster - Athletic ESPN1420) Director's * John Veneri (color analyst ESPN1420) * Eric Hood (ESPN1420) Athletic Director's
10/8/11 Snacks in appreciation of Central Pacific Bank's support of UHM Athletics and to discuss other potential support. 10/11/11 Lunch to discuss television and UHM Athletics issues. 10/13/11 Dinner to thank Susie Kagami for her assistance and efforts for UHM Athletics events and discuss future collaborations. 10/14/11 Lunch to discuss possible partnership w/ UHM Athletics to help promote fanviewing of games.
$ $
71.88 172.00
Athletic Director's
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Exhibit II-B
Event Date
Business Purpose
10/14/11 Drinks and additional pupus for guests in visiting Athletic Director's box at UH vs. SJSU football game.
Marie Callendar's Restaurant (Anaheim, CA) Pineapple Room * Ed Drzanik (El Modena High School Head Football Coach) * Positive Coaching Alliance Personnel (Jim Thompson, Chip Hammond, Gary Pacarro, Kiha Pimental) * Daisy Tsui-Komeiji (Panda Travel) * Ernest Nishizaki (Kyo-ya) n/a Pineapple Room * John Schlieman (Bank of Hawaii) *John McNamara (Assoc. A.D., UHAD) Pineapple * Hugh Yoshida (former Room UHM AD) Alan Wong's * Riley Wallace (Collegeinsider.com) & spouse * Loren Wallace (Collegeinsider.com) & spouse * Tracy Donovan Pineapple Room II-B-32
* Virginia Hinshaw & spouse UH Athletic $ * Garrett Ichimura (auction Fund winner) & guest * Sheraton Hawaii Bowl (Dave Matlin, Daryl Gavin) * Guests and donors (Mr. & Mrs. Brain Farley, Clyde Matsusaki & guest, and Chancellor Hinshaw's guest)
Athletic Director's
11/2/11 Lunch to thank them for providing the workshop to the UH coaches and to discuss more positive coaching strategies.
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
11/6/11 Parking fee at the Sheraton Waikiki for meeting w/ Panda Travel and Kyo-ya.
11/17/11 Lunch to meet new Bank of Hawaii Vice President & discuss relationship/partnership. 12/30/11 Lunch to discuss various UHM Athletics issues. 1/2/12 Dinner to continue cultivation of relationship.
$ $
57.48 508.79
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Exhibit II-B
Event Date
Business Purpose
1/5/12 To discuss various athletic issues including conference realignments & changes in NCAA rules and the effects on each school. Further, to discuss (w/ Tracy Donovan) various film projects and strategies on how to collaborate with other entities. 1/6/12 Pupus and drinks to discuss strategy for marketing and branching further into Japan Mkt for UHM Athletics.
Asia Manoa * Lawrence Fan (Sports Info. Director - San Jose St Univ) * Tracy Donovan
Athletic Director's
Side Street * Masaki Asakura (SES Inn Japan) * Ross Yamasaki (A-Link) * Tim McBroom (Special Assistant to Gov. Abercrombie) The Village * W. Watanabe Inn (Balboa * C. Kumagai Island, CA) * Carol Gouveia (AKA) * Jennifer Clapp (Volunteer Intern-Sheraton HI Bowl, Cust Svc Rep-Univ of Washington Ticket Office) Morton's Steakhouse (Ala Moana) Big City Diner (Ward) * Al Chee (Chevron) & spouse II-B-33
Athletic Director's
1/6/12 Parking fee & tip for meeting to discuss n/a Athletic $ strategy for marketing and branching Director's further into Japan Mkt for UHM Athletics. 1/26/12 Pupus/Drinks to discuss refurbishment Longhi's (Ala * Kurt Osaki (Osaki Creative UH Athletic $ Moana) projects at UHM Athletics. Group) Fund 2/14/12 Pupus and drinks to discuss and collaborate on various ticketing strategies & ways to enhance operations to be more effective; brainstorm different options for limited resources and being understaffed. UH Athletic $ Fund
2/17/12 Dinner to discuss various support opportunities at UHM Athletics. 2/18/12 Dinner to discuss future/additional support and thank them for past and continued support. 2/27/12 Dinner for student-athletes who achieved straight A's in Fall 2011 to congratulate them for academic achievement.
Side Street * Kenneth Rowe (men's VB UH Athletic $ Inn selection committee member) Fund UH Athletic $ Fund
* 17 student-athlete attendees UH Athletic $ * Cindy Rote (UHM Fund Athletics, Director of StudentAthlete Development)
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Exhibit II-B
Event Date
Business Purpose
3/5/12 Drinks to discuss upcoming fundraisers and events. 3/9/12 To thank commissioner for his many years and support at the Western Athletic Conference.
* Kim Fujiuchi (Executive Director - N Koa football) * Karl Benson (WAC Commissioner) & spouse * Hugh Yoshida (former UHM AD) * Murray Towill (former Hawaii Lodging & Tourism Assoc Pres) * Ernie Nishizaki (Kyo-ya)
Pineapple Room Alan Wong's * Laura Beeman (Women's Basketball Coach) * Tracy Donovan Pat O'Brien's * Dave Matlin (Exec. (New Orleans, Director - Sheraton Hawaii LA) Bowl) * Al Chee (Chevron * Roger Reeves (Centerplate) * David Uchiyama (Hawaii Tourism Authority) II-B-34
* Jack Tsui (Clarence TC UH Athletic $ Ching Foundation Chairman) Fund UH Athletic $ Fund
3/30/12 Drinks to thank them for their support and continuous cultivation.
3/23/12 To welcome Laura Beeman to UHM Athletics, establish a relationship, and to thank her for flying to Honolulu on short notice to participate in press conference and to Maui to meet and greet fans at Women's' Volleyball exhibition game. Also discussed Women's Basketball budget, staff and players.
Athletic Director's
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Exhibit II-B
Event Date
Business Purpose
3/31/12; Purchase of 8 Men's Basketball Final 4/2/12 Four tickets to host various UHM Athletics supporters and sponsors to thank them for their support and continuous cultivation.
4/2/12 Snacks to discuss future plans and Harrah's * Dave Matlin (Exec. visions for UHM Athletics and potential Casino (New Director - Sheraton Hawaii support opportunities. Orleans, LA) Bowl) * Al Chee (Chevron) * Roger Reeves Centerplate * David Uchiyama (Hawaii Tourism Authority) * John McNamara * Rich Sheriff * Walter Watanabe * Troy Yamamoto
4/1/12 Drinks for continuous cultivation and to Royal House * Dave Matlin (Exec. thank them for their support of UHM (New Orleans, Director - Sheraton Hawaii LA) Athletics. Bowl) * Al Chee (Chevron) * Roger Reeves (Centerplate)
Palace Caf * Chad Hoffmeister (New Orleans, (Anheuser Busch Hawaii) LA) * John McNamara
* Jim Donovan UH Athletic $ 1,893.00 * Dave Matlin (Exec. Fund Director - Sheraton Hawaii Bowl) * Al Chee (Chevron) * Roger Reeves (Centerplate) * John McNamara * Rich Sheriff * Walter Watanabe * Troy Yamamoto Athletic Director's $ 37.28
Athletic Director's
4/2/12 Dinner to discuss corporate sponsorship, future opportunities and thank Anheuser Busch for their continuous support.
Athletic Director's
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Exhibit II-B
Event Date
Business Purpose
4/5/12 Lunch to discuss support of UHM Pineapple Athletics. The Clarence TC Ching Room Foundation donated $5 million to UHM Athletics. 4/20/12 Drinks to thank her for Na Koa Longhi's fundraiser on April 20, 2012 which Wailea raised over $16,000 and to discuss future Na Koa fundraisers. 4/23/12 Lunch to discuss various support Pineapple opportunities w/ UHM Athletics. Room 4/30/12 Drinks to discuss Bowl games and The Wright Mountain West Conference. Bar (Arizona)
Safeway (Hawaii) II-B-36
4/3/12 Dinner to discuss upcoming projects and issues for UHM Athletics and plan for and recap on the support discussed with corporate sponsors on this travel.
Saltgrass Steak House (Grapevine, TX) * John McNamara * Rich Sheriff * Walter Watanabe * Troy Yamamoto * Steve Gilley (President Clarence TC Ching Foundation) * Kim Fujiuchi (Executive Director, N Koa Football) * Don Takaki (AKA Director) * Dave Matlin (Exec. Director - Sheraton Hawaii Bowl) * Tina Kunzer-Murphy (Exec Director - Las Vegas Bowl) * Eric Matsuda (SSFM International) * David Kapoi (Pride Ink) * Maui Memorial Medical Center Personnel (Kasey Kapoi, Wes Lon, Les Clum) * Clay Sutherland (guest)
4/2/12 Drinks & appetizers to further discuss Royal House * Dave Matlin (Exec. various support opportunities and plans (New Orleans, Director - Sheraton Hawaii LA) for UHM Athletics' future. Bowl) * Al Chee (Chevron) * Roger Reeves (Centerplate) * David Uchiyama (Hawaii Tourism Authority) * John McNamara * Rich Sheriff * Walter Watanabe * Troy Yamamoto
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
Athletic Director's
$ $
52.50 55.18
5/4/12 Drinks brought back to hotel for cultivation with potential supporters.
Athletic Director's
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Business Meals & Protocol Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Exhibit II-B
Event Date
Business Purpose
5/8/12 Drinks & appetizers to discuss Big West Conference issues. 5/8/12 Drinks to discuss Big West Conference issues.
*Don Oberhelman (Director of Athletics - Cal Poly) * Jody McRoberts (Senior Assoc Commissioner, Big West Conference)
$ 8,859.10
University of Hawaii Foundation Disbursements to Jim Donovan - Other Services, Personal Mileage/Parking Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Event Date 7/16/09 Business Purpose Fiscal Year 2010 Payment for band to perform at "Meet UH Athletic Fund the Coaches" event at Murphy's Bar and Grill on July 16, 2009 Various parking fees (e.g., $3 for AMPCO Christmas party) Various parking fees (e.g., $2 for Murphy's Bar and Grill, $4 for Discovery Bay) Various office supplies 2010 NACDA Convention June 2225, 2010 Registration Fee UH Athletic Fund Account
Exhibit II-C
Amount $ 400.00
various 6/22-25/10
Drinks with Laura Beeman at the Mai Tai Bar to discuss women's basketball head coach position and employment II-C-1
Various parking fees (e.g., $1.50 for Murphy's Bar and Grill, $5 for Willows) Fee from Intelius to place phone trace to determine if information provided was credible. "Anonymous tip" led to an official investigation.
Fiscal Year 2012 various UH Athletic Fund UH Athletic Fund
Recruitment/ Relocation
University of Hawaii Foundation Other Cash Disbursements - Athletic Director's Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Invoice/T ravel Date(s) 2/9/10 Travel Destination -
Exhibit II-D
Exp Category
Video production of Circle of Honor inductees for induction presentation on February 6, 2010. Reimbursement for the purchase of golf fees at Oahu Country Club for golf outing with online 2009 Rainbow Wahine Volleyball Auction winner and 2 guests. Fiscal Year 2011
Other Services
$ 3,000.00
9/4/10 9/20/10
Donald Weir Prepayment of airfare and lodging expenses (Executive to assist with events at the UH vs. Army Director, N Koa) football game on September 11, 2010 and the UH vs. Colorado football game on September 18, 2010. Vignettes/profiles to be shown on local news channel to help promote UHM Athletics and student-athletes. Sheraton Hawaii Sheraton Hawaii Bowl corporate ticket package (100 tickets) to be given to various Bowl UH and UHM Athletics supporters. Pacific Network LLC
Travel Advertising Protocol Travel Rental-Other Fiscal Year 2012 II-D-1
$ 1,457.87
$ 8,376.96
Rental fee to use football field at Kamehameha Schools (Hilo) for UH football scrimmage on April 9, 2011. Daktronics
$ 4,500.00
3/31/11 4/5/11
2/22/11 Kamehameha Schools Hawaii 9/28/11
Attend NCAA Final Four in Houston, TX on April 2-11, 2011 and meet with out-ofconference colleagues and peers to discuss media relations issues and ideas. Travel expenses include per diem, lodging, car rental, gas, parking fee, baggage fees.
Houston, TX
$ 1,463.06
Shipping of the substitute scorer's tables on Postage/Freight/ loan while actual tables being built. Tables Delivery needed for beginning of the women's Volleyball season to fulfill corporate sponsorship contracts.
$ 6,000.00
University of Hawaii Foundation Other Cash Disbursements - Athletic Director's Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Invoice/T ravel Date(s) 10/12/11 10/17/11 Travel Destination San Jose, CA
Exhibit II-D
Expense Description Travel per diem (meals) to accompany the UH football team to game against San Jose State on October 14, 2011 and to assist with the associated events kick-off party, tailgate and after party on October 13-14, 2011 to cultivate donors and supporters for UHM Athletics. Traveler will be on personal leave on October 17, 2011. Travel expenses (car rental, gas, internet fee, and baggage fee) to accompany the UH football team to game against San Jose State on October 14, 2011 and to assist with the associated events kick-off party, tailgate and after party on October 13-14, 2011 to cultivate donors and supporters for UHM Athletics. Traveler will be on personal leave on October 17, 2011.
Amount $ 168.00
10/12/11 10/17/11
Lee, Jeannie
Travel Travel II-D-2
San Jose, CA
James E Fox Designs Lee, Jeannie Lee, Jeannie
11/18/11 11/26/11
3/2/12 3/11/12
2011 Circle of Honor plaques for 3 Supplies-Other honorees, which will be displayed in the Stan Sheriff Center. Travel advance per diem (lodging and Travel meals) to accompany UH Women's Volleyball team on their trip to the WAC Tournament in Las Vegas, NV on November 21-23, 2011 and organize the pregame reception on November 22, 2011. Traveler on personal leave on November 1819, 2011 and November 24, 2011. Travel advance per diem (meals) to accompany the UH women's and men's basketball team to the WAC Basketball Tournament on March 7-10, 2012 , organize the pep rally/recreation for both teams and fans/boosters on March 7, 2012, and preparation meeting with hotel representative on March 6, 2012. Lodging is provided through trade. Traveler on personal leave on March 2-4, 2012.
$ 4,200.00
Las Vegas, NV
Las Vegas, NV
University of Hawaii Foundation Other Cash Disbursements - Athletic Director's Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Invoice/T ravel Date(s) 3/2/12 3/11/12 Travel Destination Las Vegas, NV
Exhibit II-D
Expense Description Travel expense (car rental and gas) to accompany the UH women's and men's basketball team to the WAC Basketball Tournament on March 7-10, 2012, organize the pep rally/recreation for both teams and fans/boosters on March 7, 2012, and preparation meeting with hotel representative on March 6, 2012. Lodging is provided through trade. Traveler on personal leave on March 2-4, 2012.
Amount $ 681.90
Glenn K. Miyataki Final payment for the completion of the UHM Athletics strategic plan. (Consultant)
Consultant Services II-D-3
$ 2,617.80
University of Hawaii Foundation Other Cash Disbursements - Athletic Admin Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Invoice/T ravel Date(s) 9/1/09 9/2/09 Travel Destination -
Exhibit II-E
Exp Category
11/1/10 4/25/11
9/2/11 Hawaii Home Electronics
Island Flooring Co Inc Resurfacing gym 2 (1333 Lower Campus Rd.) floor Society Contracting Asbestos removal and materials and labor LLC for vinyl plank installation for 3rd floor reception area and corridor at UHM Athletics. Fiscal Year 2012 Payment for 3 SONY Bravia TVs for Head Coach Dana Takahara-Dias, Assistant Coach Kaulana Williams and Assistant Coaches Bridget Thompson and Mike Burger.
Fiscal Year 2011 II-E-1
Sony Hawaii Company Sony televisions to upgrade Stan Sheriff Expendable Center, UHM Athletics Offices, and student- Equipment athlete areas. 11/4/09 A Guava Ding Thing Deposit for the production of highlight Fundraising video and DVD copies for the Football Expenses Centennial Celebration Gala. 12/2/09 Sheraton Waikiki Hotel Prepayment for dinner (estimated 1,000 Fundraising PAX) for the Football Centennial Events/Sales Celebration Gala held to be held at the Sheraton Waikiki on December 2, 2009. 12/2/09 Vermeil, Dick Honorarium to Dick Vermeil for keynote Other Services address provided at the Football Centennial Celebration Gala. 2/3/10 Katahara, Alvin Serve as host/escort for Duane Kurisu, Travel 2/8/10 (Director of Annual auction winner (purchased Super Bowl Giving, AKA) package at the Centennial Celebration Gala). This package was sold on the basis that the trip would be escorted by the UHM Athletics Director. Alvin Katahara will be representing UHM Athletics per Jim Donovan. Travel expenses include meals, parking fee, car rental, and gratuity.
$ 61,987.94
$ 11,710.00
$ 70,000.00
Repairs/MaintFacilities Other Services Expendable Furn & Fixt & Eqpt
$ 10,000.00
Miami, FL
$ 9,500.00 $ 8,933.76
$ 2,843.70
University of Hawaii Foundation Other Cash Disbursements - UH Athletic Fund Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Invoice/T ravel Date(s) 7/2/09 Exp Category Other Services Travel Destination -
Exhibit II-F
Glenn K. Miyataki Strategic planning consultant services (Consultant) during July 2008-June 2009; final payment on total contract of $23,000 + tax Production Central Airfare for Amy Hanaialii's band members to perform at UH tailgate party in Las Vegas, NV on September 19, 2009.
$ 8,376.96
$ 1,323.12
6/9/10 10/16/10 Private Security
MusicLand Hawaii Entertainment/performance by Amy LLC Hanaialii at the UHM Athletics/Boyd Group pre-game tailgate held at the California Hotel & Casino on September 19, 2009 in Las Vegas, NV. Bankers Club, The Cocktail event held at The Bankers Club on February 18, 2010 in appreciation for assistance with the Centennial Celebration Gala. DiFebo, Matthew Reimbursement of airfare for Matthew DiFebo (DiFebo Company, LLC) to meet with UHM Athletics and AKA and assist with ticket sales consultation. Fiscal Year 2011 Field security at Nevada for football game held on October 16, 2010. Na Koa to pay 50% and UHM Athletics to pay 50%.
Kukala Productions Voiceover services performed by Jim Consultant Leahey for 2009 UH Baseball season ticket LLC Services television commercials. ESPN 1420 Printing 10,000 copies of 2008-09 UHM Training/Prof Athletics Annual Report - 9,500 to be Improvement inserted in ESPM 1420 Magazine and mailed to UHM Athletics season ticket holders; 500 to be provided to UHM Athletics for distribution. Protocol
Protocol Travel Other Services
$ 3,000.00
$ 6,282.72
$ 2,691.51
University of Hawaii Foundation Other Cash Disbursements - UH Athletic Fund Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Invoice/T ravel Date(s) 11/3/10 11/7/10 Exp Category Travel Travel Destination Boise, ID
Exhibit II-F
Expense Description Advance per diem for trip to accompany UH football team to game against Boise State University on November 6, 2010 to observe game operations and facilities management at Boise State for possible implementation at UH sporting event and for possible future expansion of facilities. Accompany UH Women's Volleyball team to WAC Tournament in Las Vegas, NV on November 22-24, 2010 and organize pregame reception on November 23, 2010. Traveler took personal leave from November 25-27, 2010. Travel expenses include per diem, car rental, luggage fees, and gas.
Amount $ 304.50
Fiscal Year 2012 II-F-2
3/4/11 3/13/11
9/8/11 3/23/12
Ronald McDonald Pikake table for Ronald McDonald House House Charities of Hawaii "Share a Night" annual gala honoring Don and Marion Murphy on November 21, 2010. Reupholster chairs in the Athletics Kaneohe Auto Upholstery & Glass Director's box at Les Murakami Stadium. Shop Lee, Jeannie Accompany Men's and Women's basketball teams to the WAC Tournament, NV on March 9-12, 2011 and to host fundraising event for the teams on March 9, 2011. Traveler took personal days on March 5-7, 2011. Travel expenses include lodging, per diem, car rental, gas, and baggage fees.
Protocol Other Services Travel
11/21/10 11/27/10
Lee, Jeannie
Las Vegas, NV
$ 3,000.00
Las Vegas, NV
$ 1,109.37
Oahu Publications, Additional 16 pages included in the August Duplicating/P Inc. 2011 AKA magazine to include UHM rinting Athletics annual report. DHR International Executive search fee for women's Consultant Inc. basketball head coach position. Services
$ 6,282.72
$ 5,600.00
University of Hawaii Foundation Other Cash Disbursements - UH Athletic Fund Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Invoice/T ravel Date(s) 3/29/12 4/3/12 Exp Category Travel Travel Destination
Exhibit II-F
Expense Description Travel advance per diem (lodging & meals) to attend NCAA Final Four on March 31, 2012 and April 2, 2012 to meet with out-ofconference colleagues and peers to discuss ticket office issues, strategies, and ideas and to observe operations of a large scale event. NOTE: W. Watanabe & T. Yamamoto sharing hotel room. Travel reimbursement for actual lodging expenses incurred to attend NCAA Final Four on March 31, 2012 and April 2, 2012 to meet with out-of-conference colleagues and peers to discuss ticket office issues, strategies, and ideas and to observe operations of a large scale event. NOTE: W. Watanabe & T. Yamamoto sharing hotel room. Travel advance per diem (lodging & meals) to attend NCAA Final Four on March 31, 2012 and April 2, 2012 to meet with out-ofconference colleagues and peers to discuss website/internet issues, strategies, and ideas and to observe operations of a large scale event. NOTE: W. Watanabe & T. Yamamoto sharing hotel room. Travel reimbursement for actual lodging expenses incurred to attend NCAA Final Four on March 31, 2012 and April 2, 2012 to meet with out-of-conference colleagues and peers to discuss website/internet issues, strategies, and ideas and to observe operations of a large scale event. NOTE: W. Watanabe & T. Yamamoto sharing hotel room.
Amount 992.75
New Orleans, LA $
3/29/12 4/3/12
Watanabe, Walter
Travel Travel Travel II-F-3
New Orleans, LA $
3/29/12 4/3/12
Yamamoto, Troy
New Orleans, LA $
3/29/12 4/3/12 Yamamoto, Troy
New Orleans, LA $
University of Hawaii Foundation Other Cash Disbursements - UH Athletic Fund Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Invoice/T ravel Date(s) 3/29/12 4/3/12 Exp Category Travel Travel Destination
Exhibit II-F
Expense Description Travel advance per diem (lodging & meals) to attend NCAA Final Four on March 31, 2012 and April 2, 2012 to meet with out-ofconference colleagues and peers to discuss facilities issues, strategies, and ideas and to observe operations of a large scale event. Travel reimbursement for actual lodging expenses and baggage fee incurred to attend NCAA Final Four on March 31, 2012 and April 2, 2012 to meet with out-ofconference colleagues and peers to discuss facilities issues, strategies, and ideas and to observe operations of a large scale event. Travel advance per diem (lodging & meals) to attend NCAA Final Four on March 31, 2012 and April 2, 2012 to meet with out-ofconference colleagues and peers to discuss external affairs issues, strategies, and ideas and to observe operations of a large scale event.
Travel Travel II-F-4
3/29/12 4/3/12
Sheriff, Richard
New Orleans, LA $
3/29/12 4/3/12
McNamara, John
3/29/12 4/3/12
McNamara, John
New Orleans, LA $
Travel reimbursement for actual lodging expenses, car rental, parking, and taxi fees to attend NCAA Final Four on March 31, 2012 and April 2, 2012 to meet with out-ofconference colleagues and peers to discuss external affairs issues, strategies, and ideas and to observe operations of a large scale event.
University of Hawaii Foundation Other Cash Disbursements - LA Golf Tournament Fund Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Invoice/T ravel Date(s) 9/13/09 9/20/09 Travel Destination Walnut, CA Las Vegas, NV
Exhibit II-G
Exp Category
Pacific Palms Hotel Deposit for the 2010 LA Golf Tournament to be held at the Pacific Palms Hotel and Conference Center on September 8, 2010. Fiscal Year 2011
Fiscal Year 2012 II-G-1
9/14/09 - Hugh Yoshida (former Reimbursement of travel expenses (airfare, 9/20/09 UHM AD) lodging and car rental) for Chair of the UHM Athletics Golf Tournament in LA, CA. 9/6/09 Royal Vista Golf Club Green fees ($30/person + tax) for 160 golfers and dinner (~$37/person + tax) for 172 attendees for UHM Athletics Golf Tournament held at Royal Vista Golf Club in LA, CA on September 16, 2009.
Travel Fundraising Events/Sales Fundraising Events/Sales Travel Travel
Katahara, Alvin Reimbursement of travel expenses (lodging, (Director of Annual car rental, meals, baggage fees, and parking Giving, AKA) fees) for the coordination of the LA Golf Tournament; meet with other college Athletic annual giving directors to obtain ideas, methods and campaign examples; cultivation with donors who are attending the UH vs. UNLV football game.
$ 1,094.98
Los Angeles, CA $
$ 11,844.23
$ 2,000.00
9/9/11 9/20/11 Lee, Jeannie
9/6/10 - Hugh Yoshida (former Reimbursement of travel expenses (airfare, 9/15/10 lodging (September 6-8, 2010) and meal) UHM AD) for Chair of UHM Athletics Golf Tournament in LA, CA. Travel advance per diem (lodging and meals) to assist with logistics and event day for the UH Athletics Golf Tournament in Los Angeles, CA on September 14, 2011. Traveler on personal leave on September 1012, 2011 and September 16-19, 2011.
Los Angeles, CA $
Los Angeles, CA $
University of Hawaii Foundation Other Cash Disbursements - LA Golf Tournament Fund Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Invoice/T ravel Date(s) 9/9/11 9/20/11 Travel Destination
Exhibit II-G
Expense Description Travel expenses (car rental, luggage fees, gas) to assist with logistics and event day for the UH Athletics Golf Tournament in Los Angeles, CA on September 14, 2011. Traveler on personal leave on September 1012, 2011 and September 16-19, 2011.
Amount 480.31
Los Angeles, CA $
9/12/11 - Hugh Yoshida (former Reimbursement of travel expenses (airfare, 9/19/11 UHM AD) lodging) for Co-chair of UHM Athletics Golf Tournament in LA, CA.
Los Angeles, CA $
University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Cash Disbursements Years Ended June 30, 2012 and 2011
Invoice / Travel Date(s) 6/11/10 7/13/10
Exhibit III-A
Expense Description
Travel Destination -
8/2/10 8/3/10
8/8/10 8/10/10
Technical review of parking pass auction system Roundtrip football (FB) charter; Southwest Air; Las Vegas to Colorado; $710/person Panda Group Roundtrip airfare for USC football team; $559/person Panda Group FB food (December 3-4, 2010) at Outrigger Reef on the Beach Hotel; $36/average meal cost Toshiba Financial Srvc Copy machine rental charge Panda Group FB lodging for games at Army, UNLV and Colorado; September 7-18, 2010; $62 to $111 per night/double occupancy
8/10/10 5/23/11
97,825.00 9,265.74
11/17/10 5/23/11
1,154.80 46,952.50
8/24/10 Kaia L Parnaby (Student Stipend for board, Women's Softball 8/30/10 Athlete) (WSB) 8/30/10 Sodexo Inc & Affiliates FB Training Table August 23-26, 2010, 10/18/10 $7.29/person 9/7/10 - Courtney Ai Tsumoto Travel advance - accompany FB team to West Point, NY; 8/24/10 9/19/10 Army and Colorado (Tutor). 11.75 days Las Vegas, NV; Boulder, CO M&IE. 10/7/10 10/13/10 Travel advance - accompany corporate San Francisco, partners to FB road game. 4.25 days CA M&IE and baggage fees, 2.5 days personal. T Mobile Cell phone bills Men's Basketball (MBB) coaches Todd K Apo (Basketball Women's Basketball (WBB) referee for 3 games; November 26-28, 2010 Official) Paciolan Inc. Ticket sale transaction fees for October 2010 Mai Ayabe (Student Stipend for room & board WBB Athlete) David Shoji Travel advance - NCAA Women's Seattle, WA Volleyball (WVB) Tournament. 13 students (4.25 days per diem, lodging, ground transportation) Gordon Biersch Dinner for FB recruits, 29 prospects Brewery Restaurant Outrigger Hotels & Lodging for FB recruits; 15 rooms; Resorts $113/night. Chandra C T Kinilau 9/24/10
10/23/10 10/26/10 11/10/10 11/29/10 11/29/10 - 12/4/10 12/5/10 12/6/10
1/28/11 1/6/11
1,015.00 3,723.06
University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Cash Disbursements Years Ended June 30, 2012 and 2011
Invoice / Travel Date(s)
Exhibit III-A
Travel Destination -
12/23/10 Grace Pacific Roadway Solutions 12/30/10 Kyo Ya Co Ltd Hotel Div 1/11/11 Jeannie W J Lee 1/11/11 1/18/11 Gibson Kirk Arnold
Las Vegas, NV San Jose, CA Palo Alto, CA III-A-2
FB lodging at Moana Surfrider for 2/3/11 Hawaii Bowl $218/night Reimbursement for office supplies for 1/28/11 AD's office Travel advance - MBB; 16 students (7.5 Las Cruces, NM; 1/3/11 days per diem, baggage fees, supplies) Ruston, LA 2/3/12
1/12/12, Stadium Authority State Stadium use charges exceeding Aloha 1/13/12 of HI Stadium ticket sales for November 26, 2011 & December 3, 2011 FB games 1/22/11 1/27/11 2/2/11 2/15/11
Tihati Productions Ltd Dinner for FB recruits, parents, hosts and coaches; 30 attendees Sam Choy's Breakfast Brunch for FB recruits; 23 prospects Lunch Crab Dave & Busters of Dinner for FB recruits, parents, hosts, Honolulu and coaches; 25 attendees Western Athletic WAC Basketball Tournament Ticket Conference Purchase Requirement MBB & WBB Sprint Cell phone bills, various employees Hawaiian Electric Co. Electricity use for February 2011 Walter Watanabe Accompany MBB/WBB teams to WAC tournament for ticketing operations & meetings. 6.5 days M&IE, 3.0 personal days. CollegeInsider.com MBB College Insider (CIT) post season tournament entry fee Neal M Iwamoto MBB travel advance for the CIT tournament. Trip cancelled as a result of a preliminary round loss. Carmyn Renee James Travel advance T&F Stanford Invitational; 17 students (4.25 days per diem, lodging, ground transportation, baggage fees) Alexander T Dunnachie Stipend for room & board, FB (Student Athlete)
3/9/11 3/20/11 3/27/11 3/23/11 3/27/11 4/5/11
3/9/11 3/17/11
35,000.00 420.00
University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Cash Disbursements Years Ended June 30, 2012 and 2011
Invoice / Travel Date(s) 4/7/11 4/10/11
Exhibit III-A
Expense Description
Travel Destination
Amount 16,757.00
Travel Advance T&F UCLA Invitational. Los Angeles, CA 10.5 days per diem for coach & 3.5 - 5.5 days per diem for 21 students, ground transportation, baggage fees. Processing for H-1B Initial Application for Asst WS Coach Marc Fournier Post baseball game custodial service for Les Murakami Stadium One-way FB charter flight; Southwest Air; Oakland, CA - Lewiston, ID - Las Vegas, NV; $703/person -
Dept of Homeland Security People Who Clean Hawaii Corp Panda Group
5/16/11 5/18/11
6/22/11 8/1/11
1,215.00 66,125.00
5/19/11 5/22/11
Paciolan Inc.
Robbins & Associates Consulting & legal services re: Bolla (former coach) v. UH Springhill Suites Lodging for BB staff and players; 5 Marriott nights, $106 per night/double occupancy Wells Fargo of California, Insurance Service
6/22/11 5/31/11
944.39 8,484.80
Student athlete medical insurance for August 1, 2011 to August 1, 2012. Limit of $90,000 per occurrence per student/athlete. NCAA policy covers excess.
Cam Security Bank of Hawaii Suncoast Hotel & Casino Sports Line David H Uchiyama (HTA Executive)
Quarterly PACmail subscription fee & hosting fee Video equipment Merchant credit card fees June 2011 FB UNLV game; meals & meeting rooms; average $43/meal Wilson Footballs Reimbursement for MBB Coaches spouse airfare (allowed per employment contract) initially paid for by the payee.
Scott C Harding Stipend for room & board, FB (Student Athlete) 8/30/11 Hyatt Regency Bellevue FB Washington game; meals; average $58/meal 9/19/11 Paciolan Inc. Quarterly maintenance fee Leo A Rosenberg Settlement, release and indemnity 9/30/11 (Former Student agreement for Men's Tennis (MT) Athlete)
University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Cash Disbursements Years Ended June 30, 2012 and 2011
Invoice / Travel Date(s) 9/30/11
Exhibit III-A
Expense Description
Travel Destination -
Amount 619.65
Reno, NV III-A-4
11/8/11 11/13/11
Fall FB Training Table for coaches September 23, 2011, September 26-28, 2011 Panda Group Roundtrip airfare for South Carolina St MBB team; $1,345/person Kapolei Golf Course Women's Golf Rainbow Wahine Invitiational fees Panda Group Roundtrip FB airfare for Tulane (cost covers 1/2 of team) Panda Group Shuttles to Aloha Stadium for 2011 home FB game from parking lots at Leeward CC and Kam Drive Inn Bianca E O Tokumoto Travel advance - accompany FB team. (Former Employee) 5.5 days M&IE, 3 meals for 67 students, baggage fees, game supplies.
Roundtrip airfare for FB officials 2011 season 12/16/11 Refreshments for NCAA WVB Regionals VIP room 12/18/11 Wailea Beach Marriott Lodging for MBB Resort 12/29/11 Stadium Authority State Stadium use charges exceeding Aloha of HI Stadium ticket sales for FB November 5, 2011 & November 19, 2011
Western Athletic Conference Sodexo Inc. HPD Special Duty for MBB Investigative services
12/30/11 1/19/12 1/21/12 1/28/12 2/6/12 2/13/12 Brian M Taniguchi (HPD Officer) Natasa Zorec (Student Athlete) Chart House Waikiki 2/14/12 Cades Schutte LLP
Stipend for room & board, Women's Tennis (WT) Dinner for football recruits, parents, and coaches; 30 attendees Tihati Productions Ltd Dinner for FB recruits, parents, hosts, and coaches; 54 attendees Pitney Bowes Reserve Replenish postage meter machine Account Panda Group Ground transportation for MBB games at Montana, NMSU and LATech; Cost ranged from $913 to $1,416 per day
University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Cash Disbursements Years Ended June 30, 2012 and 2011
Invoice / Travel Date(s) 2/29/12 3/8/12
Exhibit III-A
Expense Description
Travel Destination
Amount 18,258.85
People Who Clean Hawaii Corp Panda Travel Inc. Paciolan Inc. Aon Risk Srve Inc of Hawaii
Logan, UT; Las Cruces, NM; Tucson, AZ III-A-5
Travel advance Men's Volleyball (MVB); Los Angeles, 15 students (8.25 days per diem, lodging, CA; Palo Alto, ground transportaton, baggage fees, game CA supplies.) Post baseball game custodial service for Les Murakami Stadium Roundtrip airfare for WSB to San Francisco; $635/person Ticket sale transaction fees for Feb 2012 General Liability and Liquor Liability insurance for Stan Sheriff Center and Les Murakami Stadium to insure promotional events. Coverage term May 1, 2012 to May 1, 2013. Travel advance WSB team to Utah St, WAC Softball Tournament, & NCAA Regoinals. 20 students (11 days per diem, lodging, baggage fees, ground transportation.)
5/16/12 5/21/12
5/2/12 5/21/12
Robert L Coolen
Consulting & legal services re: Bolla (former coach) v. UH Post baseball game custodial service for Les Murakami Stadium May 17-19, 2012
6/22/12 6/19/12
27,635.04 2,756.00
Exhibit IV-A University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Department __Team *** For Coaches Reference
1 - Coaches turn in airline tickets, signature sheet of Student Athletes traveling per diem, receipts for hotels, car rentals, gas, etc. to Admin Assistant within 1 week of returning from trip. 2 - Admin. Assistant creates travel completion document with all receipts and supporting documents attached 3 - Admin. Assistant sends travel completion with attachments to Michele 4 - Michele reviews travel completion to ensure all expenses are accurate and allowable. Michele prints travel completion on blue paper. Michele routes travel completion back to Admin. Assistant 5 - Admin. Assistant has traveler sign the travel completion and informs traveler if they will receive money from the University or owe money to the University 6 - Traveler submits check to Michele if they owe money back to the University.
2 - Coach sends travel itinerary to Admin. Assistant informing them of the reason for travel and other details of the travel plans (competition dates, location, Student Athletes traveling, etc.) 3 - Coach submits team itinerary to Michele. / Coach submits travel squad list to Compliance / Compliance will forward approval to Michele 4 - Admin. Assistant creates a travel document for each of the travelers (staff and coaches) that includes cash advances for per diem, hotel, car rental, etc. Admin. Assistant creates requisition for airfare. 5 - Admin. Assistant turns in travel document and requisition (with the air itinerary attached to each) to Tiffany. This must be turned in at least 10 business days before travel date
6 - Tiffany reviews the travel document to ensure the teams departure falls within our travel guidelines and that the proper people are traveling. If everything is correct, Tiffany calls Panda Travel to approve ticketing of flights. (1 day)
7 - Travel document is sent back to Admin. Assistant. Admin. Assistant prints out travel document on pink paper
9 - Admin. Assistant routes the signed travel document to Tiffany to sign (1 day) 10 - Tiffany routes the travel document to Carl or Marilyn to sign (1 day) 11 - Business Office sends the travel document to the University Disbursing Office to get a travel advance check cut. (1 2 weeks) 12 - Business Office receives travel advance check from the University Disbursing Office. 13 - Traveler(s) pick up travel advance check from Michele.
7 -Admin. Assistant routes signed travel completion to Tiffany to sign (1 day). 8 - Tiffany routes travel completion to Carl or Marilyn to sign (1 day). 9 - Business Office sends the travel completion documents to the University Disbursing Office. If the traveler is owed money, the University Disbursing Office cuts check. (2 3 weeks) 10 - Business Office receives check from the University Disbursing Office. 11 - Traveler(s) pick up travel completion check from Michele
1 - Coach gets travel itinerary and quote from Panda Travel. 2 - Coach gets approval from Carl or Marilyn to go recruiting.
3 - Coach sends travel itinerary and approval to Admin. Assistant informing them of the reason and details of the travel (tournament recruiting at, location of tournament, etc.) 4 - Admin. Assistant creates a travel document for each of the travelers (staff and coaches) that includes cash advances for per diem, hotel, car rental, etc. Admin. Assistant creates requisition for airfare.
6 - Tiffany reviews and approves the travel document. Tiffany calls Panda Travel to ticket air flights. (1 day)
7 - Travel document is sent back to Admin. Assistant. Admin. Assistant prints out travel document on pink paper. 8 - Admin. Assistant has traveler sign the travel document.
10 - Tiffany routes the travel document to Carl or Marilyn to sign. Carl or Marilyn routes the travel document to the Business Office (1 day) 11 - Business Office sends the travel document to the University Disbursing Office to get a travel advance check cut. (1 2 weeks) 12 - Business Office receives travel advance check from the University Disbursing Office. 13 - Traveler(s) pick up travel advance check from Michele.
9 - Admin. Assistant routes the signed travel document to Tiffany to sign (1 day)
5 - Admin. Assistant turns in travel documents and requisition (with the air itinerary attached to each) to Tiffany. Also attached to the travel document must be the approval from Carl or Marilyn and information on the tournament, if available. This must be turned in to Tiffany at least 10 business days before travel date.
4 - Michele reviews travel completion to ensure all expenses are accurate and allowable. Michele prints travel completion on blue paper. Michele routes travel completion back to Admin. Assistant 5 - Admin. Assistant has traveler sign travel completion and informs traveler if they will receive money from the University, or owes money to the University.
6 - Traveler submits check to Michele if they owe money back to the University. 7 -Admin. Assistant routes signed travel completion to Tiffany to sign (1 day). 8 - Tiffany routes travel completion to Carl or Marilyn to sign (1 day). 9 - Business Office sends the travel completion documents to the University Disbursing Office. If the traveler is owed money, the University Disbursing Office cuts check. (2 3 weeks) 10 - Business Office receives check from the University Disbursing Office. 11 - Traveler(s) pick up travel completion check from Michele
University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Travel Disbursements Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Travel Advance Lodging Per Diem Grnd Other Trans. Fiscal Year 2010 Accompany FB team $ 935 $ 495 $ $ 1,800 Purpose Travel with FB team, host donors Road matches Road games Road games 578 2,937 10,694 704 4,916 7,584 8,001 700 920 1,200 1,800 n/a 1,520 1,080 n/a -
Exhibit IV-B
Travel Period
Claimed Days O/S Exp. $ 3,230 2,091 13,527 19,858 9,417 1,179 1,867 26,521 15,511 n/a n/a n/a n/a 70 n/a n/a n/a 34
T&F meets 935 Road games 7,500 Coed/ women's sailing competition Road games MPSF admin mtg, NCAA mtg, seminar Recruiting Recruiting 400 2,100 1,785 Accompany FB team IV-B-1
9/9-9/20/09 K Fujimura (Equipment Mgr) 9/10J Donovan (AD) 9/21/09 9/30J Nelson 10/21/09 (Head Coach, MT) 9/11K Carey 9/21/09 (Asst. Coach, WS) 10/27- D Shoji 11/4/09 (Head Coach, WVB) 10/29- J Donovan (AD) 11/4/09 11/15- J Donovan (AD) 11/26/09 12/9D Shoji 12/20/09 (Head Coach, WVB) 1/13S Tang 1/21/10 (Video Coordinator, MVB) C James 3/183/28/10 (Head Coach T&F) 3/22M Roy 3/29/10 (Head Coach, WWP)
Meet major donor, travel w/ FB team Accompany WBB and FB teams NCAA regionals Road games
n/a n/a 210 653 600 14,135 13,200 6,806 4,667 3,000 2,500 500 21,682 4,763 3,500 2,800 2,200 2,650 2,880 750 12,600 497 15,000 290 1,000 579 653 934 1,500 3,000 2,300 n/a n/a 1,190 2,300 900
23,941 20,867
28,317 17,713
24,677 15,263
40 38
4/1-4/12/10 J Andrews (Asst. Coach, Sailing) 4/14M Trapasso 4/26/10 (Head Coach, BB) 6/10-7/4/10 M MonizKahoohanohano (Assoc. AD) 6/11C Konishi 6/28/10 (Assoc. Coach, BB) 6/25G Arnold 7/16/10 (Head Coach, MBB) 9/6-9/19/10 J Donovan (AD)
28,600 1,766
23,506 1,547
18 11
4,253 8,019
3,476 3,187
32 395
Fiscal Year 2011 UH golf tourney in LA; n/a n/a travel with FB team
$ 2,432
University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Travel Disbursements Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Travel Advance Lodging Per Diem Grnd Other Trans. 5,400 3,591 3,200 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Exhibit IV-B
Travel Traveler Period 10/19- D Shoji 10/26/10 (Head Coach, WVB) 10/6J Donovan (AD) 10/12/10 12/18- B Tokumoto 12/24/10 (Admin Asst for FB) 2/9-2/13/11 C James (Head Coach T&F) 2/13W Watanabe 2/17/11 (Ticket Manager) 2/16R Coolen 2/27/11 (Head Coach, SB) 2/20V Wales 2/27/11 (Head Coach, Swimming) 2/20C Riggs 2/27/11 (Asst. Coach, Swimming) 3/16J Hall 3/27/11 (Assoc. Coach, MVB) 4/27-5/5/11 M Trapasso (Head Coach, BB) 4/30-5/5/11 C Clapp (Assoc. AD) 5/1J Donovan (AD) 5/5/11
Purpose Road games Host donors, corp. partners; travel with FB team FB team per diem for Sheraton Hawaii Bowl T&F meet
357 320 300 16,705 10,050 9,180 6,329 6,200 1,237 1,900 2,370 9,700 6,590 1,820 2,575 12,000 6,176 900 500 11,340 10,000 170 275 4,500 100 $ 1,200 n/a $ n/a n/a n/a n/a 196 n/a 6,800 n/a n/a IV-B-2
11,839 977
57 n/a n/a 66
33,985 19,986
Road games Road games UH golf tourney in LA; travel with FB team Accompany FB team Accompany FB team Subsistence for team during winter break
25 n/a n/a
8/2-8/11/11 K Carey (Asst. Coach, WS) 8/31-9/7/11 K Carey (Asst. Coach, WS) 9/7-9/20/11 J Donovan (AD)
MWC joint council 1,022 225 meeting WAC, MWC, Big West 670 320 Conf. mtgs Fiscal Year 2012 Pre-season camp $ $ 10,200 subsistence Road games 8,705 5,428
$ 10,200 15,333 -
48 47 n/a
196 6,800
University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Travel Disbursements Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010
Travel Advance Lodging Per Diem Grnd Other Trans. 7,112 2,500 2,400
Exhibit IV-B
3/27-4/8/12 R Titcomb Road games (Volunteer Coach, SB) 3/27-4/8/12 R Coolen (Head Coach, SB) 4/18M Trapasso 4/29/12 (Head Coach, BB) 4/28-5/3/12 J Donovan (AD) Road games Road games
17,084 9,180 5,500 3,000 11,844 7,500 n/a n/a n/a n/a BB = Baseball AD = Athletic Director O/S = Outstanding IV-B-3
WS = Women's Soccer WWP = Women's Water Polo MVB = Men's Volleyball FB = Football SB = Softball
Abbreviations T&F = Track and Field WVB = Women's Volleyball MBB = Men's Basketball WBB = Women's Basketball MT = Men's Tennis
University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Ticketing Services Provided to Non-University Related Entities Years Ended June 30, 2012 and 2011 Non-University Entity Hawaii Bowl Foundation Stadium Authority Hawaii High School Athletic Association (HHSAA) Hawaii Bowl Foundation Hawaii Bowl Foundation Hawaii Bowl Foundation Hawaii Bowl Foundation HHSAA Hawaii Community Foundation Hawaii Community Foundation HHSAA
Exhibit VII-A
Date August 25, 2011 October 8, 2011 December 4, 2011 December 19, 2011 December 21, 2011 December 22, 2011 December 24, 2011 February 23,25, 2012 April 14, 2012 April 15, 2012 May 2-5, 2012
Venue Fiscal Year 2012 Murphy's Bar & Grill Aloha Stadium Stan Sheriff Center Manoa Surfrider Royal Hawaiian Sheraton Waikiki Aloha Stadium Aloha Stadium
Event 15th Annual Pigskin Pigout Fundraiser for UHM Athletics Football Heineken's Hottest Hawaiian Nights HHSAA Cheerleading Championship
Les Murakami Stadium, Wally Yonamine Foundation Baseball Hans L'Orange Field State Championships (Waipahu), & Iolani School Flavors-Wine Tasting Fundraiser for the June 14, 2012 Sheraton Waikiki Hawaii Bowl Foundation Hawaii Bowl Foundation Fiscal Year 2011 September 30, 2010 Hawaii Bowl Foundation Murphy's Bar and Grill Hawaii Bowl Beer Fest Benefit for N Koa and the Hawaii Bowl Foundation December 24, 2010 Hawaii Bowl Foundation Aloha Stadium Sheraton Hawaii Bowl McKinley H.S., Farrington Hawaiian Airlines Boys Basketball State Feb. 16-19, 2011 HHSAA H.S., Kaimuki H.S., Kalani Championships H.S., & Stan Sheriff Center Pagoda With Aloha Fundraiser for Tohoku April 9, 2011 With Aloha Foundation University Hospital (Sendai, Japan) Flavors-Wine Tasting Fundraiser for the April 20, 2011 Sheraton Waikiki Hawaii Bowl Foundation Hawaii Bowl Foundation Rainbow Wahine Softball Annual DataHouse/HHSAA Softball State May 3-6, 2012 HHSAA Stadium & Patsy T. Mink Championships Central Oahu Regional Park Les Murakami Stadium & Wally Yonamine Foundation Baseball May 4-9, 2011 HHSAA Hans L'Orange Field State Championships (Waipahu) May 7, 2011 HHSAA Stan Sheriff Center HHSAA Judo State Championships May 8-11, 2012 HHSAA
May 5, 2012
Hawaii Bowl Event: BBQ Hawaii Bowl Event: Luau Hawaii Bowl Event: Banquet Hawaii Bowl Hawaiian Islands Invitational International Soccer Tournament Dalai Lama Presentation: Educating the Stan Sheriff Center Heart Dalai Lama Presentation: Advancing Stan Sheriff Center Peace through the Power of Aloha Rainbow Wahine Softball Annual DataHouse/HHSAA Softball State Stadium & Pasty T. Mink Championships Central Oahu Regional Park HHSAA Judo State Championships Stan Sheriff Center
University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Sports Camps Years Ended June 30, 2012 and 2011 Receipts UHF July 2011-June 2012 Men's Baseball Men's Basketball Men's Football Men's Swimming Men's Volleyball Cheerleading Squad Women's Basketball Women's Soccer Women's Softball Women's Swimming Women's Tennis Women's Volleyball Women's Water Polo Camp Dates Campers (A) Coaches Other (B) $ 8,023 3,001 16,164 2,762 587 1,457 12,143 2,094 $ Jul, Nov, Dec $ (76,735) June (33,837) June (8,150) December (14,017) July (8,800) April (390) June (1,550) Jul, Dec, Feb, Jun (30,395) Aug, Jun (4,550) Jul - Jun (54,775) Jul - Jun (7,140) Jul, Jun (68,355) Aug, Nov, Dec (2,688) $ 59,060 41,484 (23,125) 25,413 (33,990) 6,707 22,504 (22,000) 64 20,525 3,457 23,693 6,539 55,677 1,968 Student Athletes 4,269 6,878 2,179 183 736 5,051 771 3,169 5,711 -
Exhibit VII-B
Compensation Disbursements Total $ 71,352 51,363 41,577 6,707 27,445 183 1,387 27,033 4,228 39,005 6,539 63,482 1,968
July 2010-June 2011 Men's Baseball Men's Basketball Men's Football Men's Swimming Men's Volleyball Women's Basketball Women's Soccer Women's Softball Women's Swimming Women's Tennis Women's Volleyball Women's Water Polo
Camp Dates Jul, Aug, Nov, Dec, Jan May, Jun Jul, Jun December July June Jul, Dec, Jun June Jul - Jun Jul - Jun Jul, Jun Oct - Dec
Receipts UHF (A) Other (B) Campers Coaches $ (73,180) $ (22,679) (29,404) (22,346) (9,770) (10,053) (15,423) (5,645) (60,722) (7,775) (65,510) (4,410) $ 51,535 $ 9,218 $ (43,771) (2,500) 13,040 57,155 9,676 6,385 3,174 7,228 4,134 27,662 7,298 50,178 3,704 4,852 7,520 2,373 1,350 2,866 2,430 12,698 4,343 VII-B-1
Compensation Disbursements Student Total $ 67,243 19,570 67,321 12,049 8,423 7,949 12,495 5,186 44,497 7,298 62,482 3,704 6,490 Athletes
Source: Prepared based on respective sport's camp summary reports, FMIS and discussion with the Assistant Athletics Director for Business Operations.
(A) Cash receipts from UHF accounts were made to subsidize camp expenses as follows: * Men's Basketball - Based on discussion with the Associate Athletics Director for Business Operations and review of the fiscal 2012 UHF general ledger, the receipt of $23,125 was made from funds donated by Hawaii Medical Service Association, Chevron Products Co., and BEI Hawaii. * Men's Football - According to the N Koa website, the annual "Hawaii Football Camp Scholarship Dinner" is held as a fundraising event to help defray costs associated with summer football camps conducted by the Warrior Football Staff. * Men Volleyball - According to the UHM Athletics website, an inaugural "A'o Koa Scholarship Dinner" was held on January 7, 2011 as a benefit to the men's volleyball program, which would be used to defray costs associated with the UH Warrior Volleyball Youth Summer Camps. (B) "Other" compensation disbursements includes casual hires, trainers, and clerical staff.
University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Cash Receipts Years Ended June 30, 2012 and 2011 Payor University of Hawaii Foundation Under Armour Anheuser Busch Under Armour Pepsi Bottling Group Cash Receipt Description Transfer from AKA for courtside seats Receipt Date 06/07/11 08/10/10 08/24/10 08/24/10 07/02/10 04/13/11 06/16/11 07/15/10 07/27/10 10/26/10 02/02/11 03/15/11 05/04/11 10/07/10 10/11/10 07/22/10 07/29/10 05/28/11 04/01/11 06/30/11 02/02/11 02/23/11 08/16/10 01/26/11
Exhibit VII-C
Amount $ 120,000 79,000 150,000 130,000 155,250 122,170 6,545 2,261 6,775 45,000 2,349 5,025 3,680 (4,608) 2,315 18,378 25,950 14,415 285,695 193,300 72,328 500,000 666,315 65,994
Sponsorship 2009-10 Platinum Sponsorship 2009-10 Rights Fees 2009-10 Pepsi Beverage Rights (receipted and allocated by Auxiliary Enterprises) Sodexo Sodexo Rebates (receipted and allocated by Auxiliary Enterprises) Parking Fees Parking Fees for WVB season tickets Koa Kids Camp 2010 Football Camp Baseball Camp 2010 Baseball Camp University of Hawaii Transfer for football camp dinner fundraiser Foundation revenue St. Cloud State University Womens's Swimming Xmas Forum, fees for swimming team to train University of Hawaii Transfer - waivers for strength coaches clinic Foundation Women's Volleyball Camp 2011 Women's Volleyball Camp Koa Refunds USC football game refunds (tickets, parking, premium) due to lack of reserved parking available at Aloha Stadium Men's Basketball Men's Basketball season ticket sales Women's Volleyball Women's Volleyball season ticket sales Football Colorado road game sales Football Football season ticket sales University of Southern Football' tickets purchased by USC California (USC) Koa Anuenue Men's Basketball Season Tickets for Koa Sports Packages Aloha Stadium Football net settlement due form Aloha Stadium for 2010 season University of Colorado Football road game guarantee Sept 18, 2010
National Collegiate Athletic NCAA Grants in Aid Association (NCAA) National Collegiate Athletic NCAA Supplemental Distribution Grants in Association Aid
University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Cash Receipts Years Ended June 30, 2012 and 2011 Payor Western Athletic Conference (WAC) Hawaii High School Athletic Association (HHSAA) Football University New Hope KFVE ESPN 1420 Time Warner Cable Cigna Group Insurance ESPN Cash Receipt Description WAC revenue distribution 2010-11 season, includes $400,000 for 2010 Hawaii Bowl Reimbursement for out-of pocket expenses for HHSAA Boy's Basketball Championship March 3-9, 2010 Rental fee for football clinics on Ching Field and grass fiels Jan 21-23, 2011 Rental fee for use of SSC May 16-22, 2011 Receipt Date 06/27/11 07/20/10
Exhibit VII-C
01/26/11 05/09/11
9,000 41,000 125,000 28,332 450,000 1,151 25,000 1,500,000 43,771 150,000 100,000 23,563 155,250 98,434 6,391 20,960 15,940 15,500 10,000
MBNA royalty payment
Sports Rights 3rd Quarter Radio Rights (2010) Pay Per View Rights 3rd Quarter Reimbursement for medical expenses for student athlete Stipend for Hawaiian Airlines Diamond Head Classic Dec 22-25, 2010 Transfer for FY 2012 Scholarships Transfer for summer football camp
Team Hawaii Diamond Sponsor installment 1 of 2 First Hawaiian Bank Team Hawaii Platinum Sponsor installment 4 of 4 Pepsi Bottling Group Pepsi Beverage Rights (receipted and allocated by Auxiliary Enterprises) Sodexo Sodexo Rebates (receipted and allocated by Auxiliary Enterprises) Parking Fees Parking Fees for Men's Basketball season tickets Women's Volleyball Camp 2012 Women's Volleyball Camp Swimming Camp 2012 Swim Camp Baseball Camp 2011 Winter Baseball Camp Dean Foods (Meadow Gold) Soccer clinic payment
03/17/11 05/23/11 05/23/11 08/18/10 03/17/11 02/24/12 10/06/11 01/05/12 11/28/11 04/23/12 07/25/11 11/23/11 10/17/11 05/22/12 05/22/12 01/05/12 02/27/12
University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Cash Receipts Years Ended June 30, 2012 and 2011 Payor Soccer Camp Strength Clinic Football Camp University of Wisconsin Cash Receipt Description Receipt Date 07/29/11 01/25/12 06/13/12 02/24/12 06/06/12 05/14/12 01/25/12 09/29/11 07/20/11 09/22/11 11/17/11 06/29/12 07/08/11
Exhibit VII-C
Amount 5,264 2,680 2,120 2,020 174,908 113,194 57,240 40,391 10,759 10,276 350,000 217,107 21,656
2011 Soccer Camp Clinic for strength coaches 2012 Football Camps Women's Swimming Xmas Forum, fees for swimming team to train Koa Anuenue Koa Sports Package payments for Football season tickets Football Football season ticket sales Brigham Young University Football tickets purchased by BYU (BYU) Men's Basketball Men's Basketball season ticket sales Football Foottball ticket sales for game at UNLV Women's Volleyball Women's Volleyball game sales University of Washington Football guarantee for road game on Sept 10, 2011 Western Athletic Conference WAC student athlete opportunity fund for summer school FIRST Reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses for (501(c)(3) designs programs Western Region Robotics Competition at SSC to motivate young people to March 21, 2011 pursure education & career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and math) Hawaiian Airlines Rental deposit for use of SSC Sept 24-25, 2011 Time Warner Cable 3rd Quarter Pay Per View Rights ESPN 1420 Incentives for team performances and appreances and post-season tournaments 20102011 season Washington State University Cancellation fee for Football game scheduled on November 26, 2011 ESPN Stipend for Hawaiian Airlines Diamond Head Classic Dec 22-25, 2011
10/05/11 04/03/12 08/09/11 09/28/11 01/27/12
University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Complimentary Season Tickets Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010 Name Sport No. of Season Tickets Seatblock Section Justification
Exhibit VIII-A
32 76 8 40 6
Fiscal Year 2012 Sideline No approval of the complimentary tickets could be provided. Sideline Consistent with contract between UHM Athletics and South Endzone Aloha Stadium. Sideline Consistent with corporate partner agreement (Diamond Level). Sideline Requested by Rich Miano for beverages provided at football functions at no charge (estimated value: $3,500 $4,000). Lower Tickets were used by the Athletics Director, his family, and provided for protocol and hospitality. Based on a partial listing (we were informed that the file containing receipient of tickets was misplaced) provided by the Executive Assistant to the Athletics Director, we noted individual tickets were provided to the following: * Boyd Group - 12 * Stuart Chang - 4 * Norman Santos - 2 * John Foy - 4 * Clyde Umaki - 4 * Mitch Kaaialii - 26 * Mark Grand - 6 * Henry Katsuda - 4 * Akinaka & Associates - 4 * Lissa Guild - 4 * Wes Kimura - 4 * Janet Judge - 1 * Kehau Marzan - 2 * Aaron Mandich - 2 * Ned Nomura - 4 * Marc Fournier - 2 * Help, Understanding, & Group Support (HUGS) - 10 * Daniel Dae Kim - 5 * Norm Chow - 3 Lower Upper Sideline Sideline Season tickets for Ryan Akamine, University General Counsel's Office. Radio trade to promote UH events. Season tickets for football player. Season tickets for AKA employee.
2 COX Radio Football Player 96 Estermann, David Basketball Football Football 40 4 2
University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Complimentary Season Tickets Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010 Name Sport No. of Season Tickets 24 20 Seatblock Section Justification
Exhibit VIII-A
Honolulu Star-Advertiser
Schmidt, Dan
Schmidt, Dan (Oceanic Time Warner) Baseball Chevron Football Dias, Clifford Enterprise Holdings Inc. Women's Volleyball Volleyball
Volleyball Football 2 10 Women's Volleyball Baseball 4 2 60 10 50 12 10 12 2 4 Lower
2 4 Lower 4
In accordance with corporate partner agreement (Diamond Level). South Endzone Consistent with the terms of the promotional agreement. According to the agreement, the Honolulu StarAdvertiser is provided the rights to produce the "official" football game programs and roster sheets for all sports during the 2011-12 seasons and sell advertising. 10% of total gross advertising revenue is provided to UHM Athletics and 3 pages of free publication for University messages and/or promotion information may be included in each publication. Upper Season tickets for UHM Athletics employee.
Requested by Dr. Gale Prentiss (Team Physician) for Robert Kagawa (volunteer physician). Sideline Requested by Derek Inouchi (Director of Media Relations) the Sports Director for KITV and football play-by-play announcer. Lower No approval of the complimentary tickets could be provided. Sideline Requested by Jeannie Lee (Exec. Asst. to Athletics Director) for cultivation to a large supporter/donor of UHM Athletics. Upper Requested by Ronn Miyashiro (Golf Coach) for the use of the golf course at no charge (estimated value = $12,960). Lower/Loge Requested by Derek Inouchi (Director of Media Relations) for General Manager of the television rightsholder. Lower/Loge Consistent with the television rights agreement. Lower/Loge Upper Fiscal Year 2011 North Endzone Part of their Platinum sponsorship package for Chevron's staff volunteering at the Family Fun Zone prior to all home football games. Consistent with corporate partner agreement (Diamond Sideline Level). Sideline Requested by Greg McMackin for fundraising and donations. Lower Season tickets for Regent. Courtesy Car Program sponsor for Basketball Coach Benjy Taylor.
University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Complimentary Season Tickets Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010 Name Sport No. of Season Tickets 6 4 10 14 4 Seatblock Section Justification
Exhibit VIII-A
Standard Parking
Baseball 2
4 Sideline Lower 4
2 16 8 6
Consistent with corporate partner agreement (Platinum Level). Consistent with corporate partner agreement (Platinum Level). Consistent with the "bowtime program" agreement. Requested by Gwen Nakamura (Assistant Band Director) for C. Abe arranging music at no charge (estimated value = $1,000). Season tickets for UHM Athletics employee. Consistent with corporate partner agreement (Platinum Level). Requested by Derek Inouchi (Director of Media Relations) for catering services at no charge (estimated value = $8,100). Consistent with corporate partner agreement (Ohana Level). Requested by Barbara Omoto (Men's Basketball Secretary) for 2 parking passes to any Standard Parking lot in the State of Hawaii (estimated value = $3,000).
Lower/Loge Requested by Jeannie Lee (Exec Assist to Athletics Director) for protocol.
University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Complimentary Season Tickets Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010 Name Sport No. of Season Tickets Seatblock Section Justification
Exhibit VIII-A
Fiscal Year 2010 Sideline Tickets for were used by the Athletics Director, his family, and provided for protocol and hospitality. Based on a listing provided by the Executive Assistant to the Athletics Director, we noted individual tickets were provided to the following: * Mike & Sandy Irish - 2 * George Irion - 4 * Eddie Flores - 5 * Gary Yoshioka - 4 * Eugene & Lori Tokuhama - 2 * Frank & Debbie Manuma - 2 * Athletics Director's guest - 3 * Randy Kop - 5 * Melissa Pavlicek - 1 * Steve, Charla, & Christopher Teves - 3 * Mark Pillar - 2 * Mike Cusato - 2 * Glenn Goya - 2 * Denise Takashima - 4 * Bonnie Holmbeck - 5 * Mark Troedson - 4 * Gil Tam (Waimana Enterprises) - 7 * Dennis O'Keefe - 3 * Jim Fulton - 2 * Jennifer Rose - 4 * Mark Troedson - 2 * Debbie Lee Soon - 4 * David Uchiyama - 4 * Mei Jeanne Wagner - 4 * Bill Smith (Vacations Hawaii) - 8 * Mom Awana * Summer Keliipoo * Alison Ohama - 4 * Steve Johnson - 2 * Ralph Sing Chow - 4 * Kenneth Stephany - 4 * Mayor Carvalho - 4 * Jim Haugh - 4 * Boyd Group Mahalo Party - 4 Sideline Upper Season tickets for Ryan Akamine, University General Counsel's Office. No approval of the complimentary tickets could be provided.
2 Ching, Shawn Volleyball 2
University of Hawaii at Mnoa Athletics Complimentary Season Tickets Years Ended June 30, 2012, 2011, and 2010 Name Sport No. of Season Tickets 14 Seatblock Section Justification
Exhibit VIII-A
ENOA Corporation
First Hawaiian Bank Jack In The Box KFVE-TV Servco Pacific Inc.
Shito, Gavin
20 2
10 6 4 120 4
Consistent with 2009-10 trade agreement for small team shuttle service between UH and Honolulu International Airport. Lower Consistent with corporate partner agreement (Platinum Level). Lower Consistent with corporate partner agreement (Platinum Level). Upper Sideline Consistent with the television rights agreement. Upper Consistent with corporate partner agreement (Kula Level). Lower Courtesy Car Program sponsor for Jim Donovan, Chris Tormey, Charlie Wade, Kari Ambrozich & another coach. Lower/Loge Season tickets for UHM Athletics employee.