Vinnytsia A Forgotten Holocaust

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Dragan, AnthonY: Vinnytsia: A Forgotten Holocaust

THE FORGOTTEN HOLOCAUST Ukrainians the world over, both in their native land and those

settled in the countries of the Free world, are preparing to celebrate one of the most sacred dates in their history: the millennium of Christianity of Rus'-Ukraine. This anniversary will be commemorated with great ceremony in the West, espec ially by the large Ukrainian communities of the United States and Canada. lt
t all the more intensely, by

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 86-50454

where a Communist state now imposes an ofticial religion of atheism. As we approach 1988, the year of the miltennium of Christianity in Rus'-Ukraine, we shoutd not forget another, very different anniversary that falls at the same time.-tt witt be S0 yeais ago that a great horror was perpetrated against the Ukrainian people, when representatives of a barbaric Communist occupational government murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent men and women. For many of these victims possession of a little cross, or a prayer book, or simply an open avowalof their taith was grounds for torture and death.

Christianity was otficially

Printed by "Svoboda" Press Ukrainian National Association, lnc. 30 Montgomery Street Jersey City, NJ

exposed by his But you would search in vain in Soviet sources t t the crimes in vinnytsia. on the contrary, much xpended, all manner of ties and fabrications have been resorted to in an attempt to obtiterate knowledge of the holocaust revealed in Vinnytsia almost 50 years

ago. aif and

f rom U kraine, of Vinnvtsia?" ut VinnYtsta? tsia has been published in the West, but even here they have not received nearly

sk an he a



At the beginnrng of worrd war ll, vinnytsia, according to soviet statistics, had a popuration of some 1oo,o00 inhabitantl, of which 41o/o were Ukrainians, 31o/o Jews, 14o/o Russians and 4olo
Po I es.

The city of Vinnytsia, the administrative center of the oblast' by the same name, lies in a beautiful part of the Podillia region in a scenic valley on the Boh River (referred to in soviet geography as the southern Buh). The city and the surrounding area aoouni in orchards.

Again according to Soviet statistics, the total population of Soviet Ukraine in lg2g numbered 31,194,976. Ten y""rs later, in 1939, the population count for the same area was 2g,070,404; that is to say, 3,124,572 fewer inhabitants. lf one takes into consideration that the birth rate in Ukraine was quite high, ranging between 17.7 -24 s per'l ,000 inhabitants, then in the dlcade frioi to World War ll, the population of Ukraine decreased by at least 10 million. How is this to be accounted for? A large part of the explanation is to be found in the toss of population brought about as a result of the Moscow-engineered

or institutions tO take steps to ensure that this holocaust, alt others, /S NEVER FORGOTTEN.

as wel/ as

The bridge over the Boh River

in vinnytsra as it appears today.

Great Famine of 1932-1933. But another, mostly overlooked aspect of the phenomenon is in the mass graves that were unearthed in Vinnytsia and a score of other cities throughout Ukraine during the war period. The thousands upon thousands in these graves were found with their hands bound b_ehind their backs, their bodies riddled with buttets. ln Vinnytsia-alone, the graves yielded close to 10' thousand victims. Vinnytsia stands as a symbol of the millions who were murdered.

positioned on the bumpers of the raitway cars. This particular transport was destined for the modern version of serfdom

July 16, 1943. lt was a beautiful morning. The sun was ablaze, shedding light and warmth on land that had been deprived of itfor some time now. The beauty of nature was in strong contrast to the crowd of people clad in rags, haggard and hungry, who had gathered at the railway station in Koziatyn, holding on to their bundles. The majority were women and old men. From time to time, someone would take out a crust of bread, and with care akin to reverence, put a piece in his mouth. The children, meanwhile, rummaged in piles of garbage, looking for edible refuse. A railroad officia! walked about apathetically in the midst of the wretched beings around him. Such was the scene in one corner of the station's waiting hall. The main hall of the building was f illed with soldiers in various uniforms in gray, green, brown and black. These were the most recent conquerors. You could pretty much guess the type of men they were by the uniforms they wore. The ones in the SS and the
brown Nazi party iniforms were paunchy, arrogant, self-assured, and the regular soldiers, commanded by those cruel. Those in gray - were, for the most part, rather nondescipt. in black and browh, Their f ighting spirit had vanished once they had marched into this territory. As one of these "Fritzes" Said, parodying a popular song and indicating their general woebegone state of mind: "Es geht Alles vorueber, es geht Alles vorbei; schon zwei Jahre in Russland und noch nichts 'ponymay'..." ("Everything passes; time goes by; I've spent two lOng yearsin Russia and I still dOn't'underStand"'). Armed militiamen milled around the soldiers in Way and the wretched civilians. At the first sound of an approaching train, they immediately stationed themselves at the doors. . A freight train with boxcars pulled into the station. Armed guards were


of the freight cars with their belongings and started down Kotsiubynskyi Boulevard, then across the heavily guarded

The train arrived in Vinnytsia before noon. People climbed out

wooden bridge which spanned the Boh, and then on to tha wide street called the Ukrainian Prospect. They walked in s'lence, without looking left or right. From the Ukrainian Prospect, they headed towards Litynsky Street. lt was a procession of shadows, not of human beings. Mass graves had been unearthed at three sites along L itynsky Street: at the so-called "Park of Culture and Recreation," at the old cemetery, and, somewhat further on, in an orchard. Decomposed corpses, with hands still bound behind backs, ?otl bulletriddled skulls, were exhumed by the hundreds and thousands. Later, additional mass graves were uncovered. An awfu! stench with it, all of Ukraine. permeated the whole city, - and alongthe mass graves spread, of As the news of the uncovering people came to Vinnytsia from all over Ukraine, but most of all

despair. Those who found the strength to come to the site of the mass graves approached with trembling hands and weak knees. After their long,-tense, arduous journey, there it was, the dreaclect spot. A group of people approached tlre heap of corpses. suddenly, an elderly woman, separating herself from the group and tosting aside her bundle, shrieked and threw herself down on a nearb! corpse. lt disintegrated under her. They lifted the poor woman and laid her on the grass. when she regained consciousness, she told them that she was from the chernihivshchyna region, that for three nights in a row she had dreamt of heison, wno had been arrested in 1937. ln these dreams, he bade her to go to vinnytsia and seek him out. she had been traveling for a whble week. ivow she was here at last. she had recognized her son's corpse by the clothing and by the amputated left arm. FROM THE HISTORICAL RECORD

from the towns a.nd villages of podillia, - people whose family members or relatives had been arrested by the NKVD before the war, and were never heard from again. As they approached the mass graves, they gathered the wild grass that grew by the wayside, holding it close to their noses: breathing In its sfrong scent, to cover the other, awful smell. There were those who, no1 yet having reached the site, simply broke down and wept. others sat down in the ditches along the road, uncertain as to whether to go on or turn back. lt was a scene of wretchedness and abysmal


in which NKVD men buried four thousand of their executed


acted as translators during the uncovering of the mass graves, that I spent a number of days visiting the sites, talking to [eople and listen ing to their sad accou nts. on the basis of the information gathered at the time and documents published later, the following facts are known. From June 24 August 26, 1943, ninety-one mass graves were unearthed- at three locations in Vinnytsia. The nurnber of corpses exhumed stands of women. 0n the basis of the 6ily; c_loth ing, and pe identif iei. Out of this numb ainian, 2g polish; the nationality of '161 could not be established, but the number included Jews and

world.) lt was in his company and that of two old friends, who

Trembovetsky and I were to meet again, in the Staies, in a different

Having arrived in vinnytsia, I paid a visit to the offices of vinnyts'ki visti (The Vinnytsia News) where I was introduced to the editor, Apollon Trembovetskyi. (Many years later Mr.

Russians. Among those identif ied,225 were kolkhoz workers, 54 members of the kolkhoz, 119 industrial workers, 92 service employees, 183 so-called intellectual laborers. Of the corpses that could not be properly identified, many were, to iudge by the clothing, either peasants or workers.

inspected and a report drawn up by an international medicaljudicial commission with members from countries under German control as wellas from neutral ones. The actual exhumation of the corpses was done by inmates of the local prison.
RECOLLECTIONS OF THE RAMPAGE OF TERROR The year 1933, the year of the Great Famine, was still fresh in the memory of millions of people in Ukraine. vivid images of swollen bellies and skin drawn taut over a skeletal frame were
not easily forgotten. That year gravediggers found it hard to keep up with the demand for their services. lt was said that they would take along with them the badly swollen bodies of any members of the family who, although still alive, were clearly on the verge of succumbing to the ravages of hunger. One knew that once the body started to swell there simply was no hope. How could there be any hope for villagers who were already driven to eating bark off the trees?... All this was indelibly etched in the memory of the Ukrainian people, when in the years 1936, 1937 and 1938, they suffered the onslaught of Soviet communist terror. People now lived in dread of the day when a "black raven" (as the NKVD car commonly referred to) would pull up their home and take someone away, neverto be seen again. Millions of people disappeared in this way. The ,, t; the NKVD agents would sea ut even bothering to conduct a hey came for to get ready. Thi see of him. All those arrests were made on grounds that those arrested were "enemies of the people". ln Stalin's time, when "suspects" numbered in the tens of millions, a card from relatives, be it from poland or some other country. or. the possession of a crucifix or prayerbook. constituted sufficient incriminating evidence to warrant immediate arrest. ln many cases, ai'rests were made solely on the basis of groundless and purely malicious reports by informers. There was hardly a family left in Ukraine that was notaffected by this terrible wave of arrests that lasted until the outbreak of World War !1. Prisons were filled with people sentenced without trial, simply because a group of blood-thirsty tyrants in the Kremlin, with the depraved Stalin at their head, had, in effect, condemned the whole nation as "an enemy of the people." Those who were arrested. were not guilty of anything - nor, in fact, could they be guilty vis-A-vis such a barbaric regime. For the

Germans, included a Ukrainian, Dr. Doroshenko from Vinnytsia, and a Russian - Dr. Malinin, a professor at Krasnodar University. The local population helped in uncovering the_graves, in the investigation and in identifying the corpses. The sites were

The exhumation was conducted under the auspices of a medical-judicial commission whose members, apart from



lJnearthed mass graves in the Orchard.

most part, they were simple laborers whose concern and aim in life was simply to make a living, no matter how meager, and be able to raise their children.'lt was for this that they toiled like serfs in the kolkhozes and state factories. Some of them were arrested for "sabotage" - perhaps the sow in the kolkhoz did not give birth to the number of piglets it should have according to the Stalin's f ive-year plan, or the kolkhoz horse died unexpectedly; but most were arrested without any legal pretext whatsoever. After the mass arrests, relatives tried to secure some measure of "justice", but seeking "justice" in this system was in and of itself a crime. And so they did what they could - they kept vigil at the prison watls, went t6 tne NKVD offices, and in their naivbtd, even went so far as to write to Stalin himself , asking him'to help them in finding and freeing their relatives. But in ninety nine out of a hundred cases, the response was that those arrested had been sentenced as "enemies of the people" and sent to far-off camps, "without the right to correspond". Some 10 thousand of these "enemies of the people," sent off to far-away camps, "without the right to correspend," were found, with their hands bound behind their backs and their skulls crushed, in the mass graves of Vin nytsia.

whlJe ryglkllg in the fietds, he was arrested by the mititia, and taken to the NKVD headquarters in Bar. I never found out the'reaion for his arrest. After having made inquiries in Kiev and Moscow,-l was told to reter the matter to the NKVD in Vinnytsia. when I did'this, I was notif ied that my husband had been sentenced to ten yeirs;exlte in siberia and that he had been denied to right to correspond

patches, which I sewed on myself. That's why I think that his oooy is also buried in this zone. Together with my husband another 11

the former NKVD premises (in the orchard) I recognized my husband's coat. There can be no mistake. I recognize-o lt by thil

do not kno_w_how long my husband was in Vinnytsia. Today on


The most telling documentation of the tragedy that was perpetrated' by the Soviet occupying forces in the Vinnytsia oblast' in 1936-1939 (which constitutes but one instance of the continuous holocaust that the Soviet regime goes on perpetrating in various forms up to this day in Ukraine) is in the matter-of-fact depositions given by the relatives of those who had perished. These depositions were made before the committee that oversaw the uncovering of the mass graves in Vinnytsia. These are only
a few: 9LEKSANDRA PRUSAK, from the village of Verkhivtsi, Bar district: "My husband, lvan Prusak, was born in 1898. !n 1937 he was working at the Verkhivtsi kolkhoz.Up until 1929, he had worked the six morgens of land that were his; he also had three cows. !n 1929, he had to give everything away to the kolkhoz. My husband was never charged with any infringement of the law. On April 6, 1937,

Exhumed common graves in the

otd cemetery in vinnytsia.


people were arrested in our village, none of whom was ever heard from again." - Vinnytsia, June 29, 1943.

MARIA ANTONluK, from the village of polovi-Berlynsi, Murowani-Kyrylivsti district: ,,My husband, stepan Antoniuk, worked in the kolkhoz. He was 46. on June 20, 1938, he was arrested by the NKVD and taken to Kopai-Horod, were he was kept for six days. I did not know where he was taken after this. Another man, by the name of Statnyk, was arrested along with my husband. The NKVD tord Statnyk's wife and me thai our husbands were spies. Not having heard anything about the whereabouts of our husbands for six months, we wrote to Kalinin in Moscow. ln a month, we were summoned to the NKVD office in Kopai-Horod, to the section dealing with enemies of the state. lt seems that our husbands were in this category, and, as such, had been sentenced to ten years' exile in Sibeiia where they were to work in the lumberyards. we were given no f urther informaiion. I am certain that both my husband and Statnyk were innocent;they were never engaged in politics of any sort. Today, at the site of the graves on the former premises of the Vinnytsia NKVD, I was able to indentify my husband;s shirt, for I had seryn it myself . Now I know for certain that my husband was not sent to siberia, but was executed here in vinnytsia." vinnytsia, J uly 2,


The testimony of widow AHAFIA USOVA of

the village of

Foreign forensic experts estab/ish the manner of execution.



HALYNA HRUSHKIVSKA, from the village of Horodnytsia, Nemyriv district: "My father, a 65-year-old kolkhoz worker, was arrested by the NKVD in October, 1937 in Bratzlav. My mother was told that he was
an enemy of the state. I know tor afact that my father, who never had any formal education, was in no way involved in politics. He was held in Bratzlav for two weeks and then transferred to Vinnytsia. My mother went to the NKVD office in Blatzlav daily, until one day she was told that her husband was in Vinnytsia. We did not dare make any inquiries about him in Vinnytsia. From the time of his arrest, this is atl we knew about him. Nor was anything known about the fate of the ten other men f rom out village who had been arrested the same

M u rowan

HANNA HODOVANETS', from the village of Mykhailivka,

i-Kyryl ivtsi d istrict:

whereabouts from various acquaintances who happened to witness his arrest. From my son vasyl's conversation with a kolkhoz worker from

Mykhailivka, we learned that this man had been summoned to

day as my father. I had read in the papers about the uncovering of the mass graves in Vinnytsia. a neighbor told me that she had found her husband's clothing at the site. That is the reason I decided to come here myself. Among the articles of clothing at the NKVD office, I found my father's cap. I readily recognized it because it had been too big for him and I had had to take it in so that it would fit properly. Now it is clear to me that my father was murdered by the Vinnytsia, July 3, 1943. NKVD."

NADIA HONCHAR, from the village of Stupievka, MurowaniKyrylivtsi district. "ln December, 1937, two NKVD men conducted a search of our house, looking for firearms and any other incriminating evidence of sabotage. Not finding anything, they simply arrested my husband, Pavlo Honchar, and had him transported by truck to the NKVD office in Bar. My husband was 30 years old. Neither I nor my husband were told the reason for the arrest. I was ill at the time and therefore was unable to make any direct inquiries as to the whereabouts of my husband. Two weeks after the arrest, I asked my father to go to Bar and inquire at the prison. There my father was told that my husband had been sent to the "New Lands" (Nova Zemlia); but when this had taken place, and where these "New Lands" were, he was never told. From that time I never heard anything more about my husband. After a month had elapsed, I went to the Vinnytsia NKVD, but they only repeated what they had told my father. And so, all along I wa under the impression, that since 1938, my husband was serving a ten-year sentence of exile in Siberia. Today, I have reason to believe that he has been executed along with the others. At tne lormer NKVD office in Vinnytsia, I found some clothing that had belonged

to my husband; among the articles, a worn jacket which

recognized because I myself had sewn on the patches. Now I am sure that my husband is among those who were murdered." Vinnytsia, June 5, '1943.

Members of the international f orensic commission at the site of exhumed

mass graves

in Vinnytsia.



May was to write to Stalin, asking for the release of my husband'On

g,-tggA, I received notificat-ion f USSR, VYshYnskYi, that mY h-us othing But he n"r"tt"me bacx. On nytsia' was unearthed at the former that of my husband's clothing: I was able to iOeniify the following articles pockets, and a boot a shirt that I nao mide for him, icoat with blue the with a calk on the sole that I had especially ordered at I'd sent to my husband shoemaker's in Kopai-Horod. These items while he was in prlson. I fear that my husband was never exiled' July never released, but rather, executed inVinnytsia." - Vinnytsia, 8, 1943. of the
StaniLAVDOKHA LAVNYCH, from the village of voznivtsi' slavchyk district: t'"'",'d,l;;ild o, 1g37, my husband, Vasyl lvanoqych was arrested of ih" p;;r"C" i1 tn" np."n:9 of two witnesses, after a search by an NKvD "il:::'ll3ll?1ilt""-'.i::il""11: h usband was fortv at the time; he ;i" hJ;; I."i vi"roed noth ing. My worked in the kolkhoz. against It was only later that I learned of the charges brought with relatives in Galicia' him; namely, carrying on a correspondence of Lysok' My husband was-from western dXraine, from the village Zhydachiv district. My husband was kePt for where he was transferred to V when I made inquiries at the local my husband had been senten of corresPondence, and that sentence. Soviet off icials in I then wrote to stalin, Kaganovych, and-other reply form all of them that my Moscow. I received the same written husband had been sentenced to ten years of exile' ioOay, July 20, i-9+3, I was ablg to.identify'"-tJI:i?.tI^"1:ll::: were sewn o by the buttons the NKVD, my husband's jacketnnr haon ovilad' that is hefe amOn of r^..^r^^ai naC not been glil"-q nt:I"te among ].a { he my it. I believe that -.. husband those who were eiecuts6t." - vinnytsia, July 20, 1943.

husband was being held temporarily, but again, t was not allowed even to enter the building. A month had gone by before I was permitted to send him a coat and a pair of woolen boots, but there was no question of my being able to visit him in person. Eventualty, t was notified that my husband had been exiled to the Far North to serve a ten-year sentence, and that he had been deprived of the right to correspond. My husband, who was never involved in politics, was charged with being an enemy of the people. Perhaps, the Jewish woman with whom he had worked and on one occasion, got into an argument, had reported him to the authorities.
I was there every day when they started the excavation of the mass graves. I was there when they exhumed the bodies. At the former NKVD office I recognized by husband's black jacket, boots, two pairs of trousers, and a shirt. I was able to identify my husband's body by the malformed little finger on the right hand. I am sure that t am not mistaken." Vinnytsia, July 1, 1943.


OLENA OLKHIVSKA, from VinnYtsia: 'or tgiz, my nusband, Petro ol'khivs'kyi, wI ^ I ll.-^l^lan ' rvr r,"rilo':I'il ffi ui' t n""" i.i iv ot his v n u s oa n o.y31^u..|jl E arrest, o1l1house was searc " il;i;"i"iine"o;["rv in" daywer.e^99l1it^:91?S and his personal documents iifu I went to the fiKVD'I-?:I]:::l::i ine local prison where heard that


il #


for relatives among the exhumed bodies.





May 13, 1938 in Zhmerynka. He was summoned to appear before the ruXVD; he went and was never seen again. The following day, the NKVD conducted a search of our home, but nothing was confiswas that he was an cated. The reason give

a cross pendant. Two years after the arrest, I was ordered by the NKVD to collect all of my husband's clothes ano oring in", to their office, because he was an enemy of the people. My husband was never engaged in'potifics. Everyone in the village was taken aback when-l e was arrested. lthink that the following incident may have led to his arrest. A public frosecrtor, by the name of Feld, had moved into a building, which he wanted to buy. some eight days before my husband's afrest, he applieJ fo,. loan from the bank in the sum 6f 2,ooo karbovantii, stilihg that ne " set his wife up in a dacha, a country

enemy of the people. Three months prior to

nvolved in politics. en an award for the

Hf#n gi : llt i,"-",HL ;1




nsferred f rom ZhmerYnka

these trips, I was told that my husband had been transferred to Kiev. So I went to Kiev. When I inquired about my husband, I was told that he had never been in Kiev, that, on the contrary, he had been exiled


mentioned a handkerchief monogrammed with the initiars .,A.c.,, This handkerchief belonged to my-husband. My husbano wi, never exiled; he lies here among the executed." vinnytsia, July 1,

11 Vinnytski visti,

t came across an article that incidentally


to Siberia and denied the right to correspond. Now I am convinced that my husband is among those who were executed on the former

ODARKA BIELETSKA, from the village of shyrovske. "My husband, Leonid Bieletskyi, was arrested on september 24,1937. He was a priest. At the time of the arrest, he was bs y""r.

A woman by the name of soLovlov, from the village of

further news of him. Our home was searched immediately after the arrest, at which time the following items were confiscated: my husband's hunting and rifle, some silver tf,at I had saved up to be used for tooth f illings,

ldentifying victims by clothes and other articles, foundin mass graves.


searched: mY old. The arrest was made at night; the house was books, font, and documents were connrsoano,s vestments,


at the seminary in volhynia; he ge of Pelevo until 1935' That ind we had to leave. We went re my husband found work as a

When my husband was transterred to Vinnytsia and I went there to see how he was, I was told that he was no longer in prison, but had been exiled. At the time, I filled out an official form regarding his whereabouts; after two years had gone by, I received a reply, stating that he had been sentenced to ten years'exile in the Far North and deprived of the right to correspond. I still do not know the real reason for his arrest. I know that he

lu m


arrest. - you say?!" you've ,"n"g"d [o evade us lang engug.h' wouldn't police prison in At first, my nusOand was in icell in tne former the village of ShYrovske; aflg NKVD piison in VinnYtsia. Of only permitted to leave two allowed to see him in either kept. Within a month, I came husband had been exiled' Theyear had.gone information. I tnen wrote to Moscow, and after half a via the NKVD that my husband had been by, I received notification with no right to exiled to the Far North to serve a ten-year sentence, corresPond. I Having read in the papers about the mass vinnytsia, I if l' could identify my husband's clothing' came here to i"" iecognlzed my husband's brown suit which I had made myself ; I still have remnants of the material at home. I assume that my husband was not exiled, but executed." - vinnytsia, July 1, 1943.

for his When they came for him, they gave no explanation "f{sy, you cur' One NkVD man simply shouted at him

was not involved in politics. I learned of the uncovering of the graves from the newspaper, and decided to come to Vinnytsia. ! was able to identify my husband's shirt, which I had made, and later mended. I have every reason to believe that my husband is no longeramong the living." Vinnytsia, July 1, 1943.


A woman by the name of ANTONIA, from the village of

Shurovska-Hreblia. - "My husband was arrested on March 26,1938 while at work in the fiel'ds. He was incarcerated in the forme[ Police. prison' My husband was Ukrainian. He worked as a machine-tractor operator

exactly what was going on within these,,off-limit,,zones, yet there were endless rumours and speculation. There were thos-e daring souls who would climb up a near-by tree at dusk in order to loo[ over the fence. some actually saw rows of deep ditches or smalt mounds, but no one knew what they were for.

at the local Plant. After the arrest, the house was Searched and my husband's personal documents confiscated. When I asked about the reason for the arrest, I was told that my brothers, the Savytskys, who also live in our village, carried on a correspondence with people who lived abroad. My brothers never corresponded with anygl_e_a.broad' They had been arrested and exiled in November of 1937' We received word from them from Mongolia. prison My husband was kept for a month and a half in the village Whel he was in and was later transferred to the prison in Vinnytsia-' ine vlf age priJon, I was able to catch a glimpse of him through the fence, Out i was not allowed to talk to him nor to give him anything'

There were not many people who courd give an accurate account of what happened in Vinnytsia in the "ofi-limit,,areas that the NKVD set up to cover what it did with its massacred victims. But there still were a number of people who remembered what had happened at three locations along Litynsky Street. The first site was formerly an orchard, jointty owned by severa! people who had moved to the city in the'30s. The orchard

military manoeuvres.


The following excerpt f rom the minutes of the Vinnytsia town council and eyewitness accounts refer to the existence of the "offlimit" zones in VinnYtsia.
Excerpt from the minutes (No. 1) of the meeting of the Town /tlv /1939. e tssued by the National Commissariat for ing the designation of the land near the in Vinnytsia as being off-limits to the general

brother's body was inside one of those trucks. When it got dark, I would see trucks pull in through the gate, practically daily; they would leave the following day with a load of earth, and head lor Lityn'."
OPANAS SKREPKA, a guard at the market in Vinnytsia. "From 1935 to 1941, I worked as a guard for the town's fruit plantations on Litynsky Street. ln March 1938, one of the orchards that was adjacent to the plantation where I worked was being fenced in with a high wooden fence. ln talking to the workmen who were putting it up, I was told that there were plans to build either a home for children or a sports field. A month went by. One night I decided to take a look at what was going on inside, so I climbed a tree near the fence. There were several corpses in each ditch. Since there was still room for more corpses, the ditches had not been covered overwith earth. Forsome time now, I had been aware that trucks were coming into the compound, where they were being unloaded. I could hear a thud on the ground, but I could not see what was going on inside the fenced in area. On a few occasions, early in ihe morning, just after the trucks had passed through the gate, I noticed traces of blood on the road along Litynsky Streeet. Later an NKVD guardsman, who lived in the guard house, would cover up the stains with sand. I never heard any shooting or any other noise at night, but sometimes during the day I would see commissars come in their cars, and then !

it disappeared through the gateway. I kept imagining that my

Every time a truck passed by, I would follow it with my eyes until

c S S

State SecuritY.

The following are the perimeters constituting the area designated as being 5tt-tlmls: oh the north, the town forest and all the llnd of the village of Pyatychany; on the east, Building No' 646; on the south, LitYnskY Street. (signed):'Town council chairman, Fursa; secretary, slobo-


Eyewitness accounts serve as further elaboration on the resolution passed by the town council. They were later published as part of the government documents. Some of them are cited below: H. HUHLEWYCH, a worker at the hydro-biological plant in

heard shooting. Sometimes, the wind would carry the stench of decaying bodies. No one dared to go near the place because there were guards pacing back and forth along the enclosure, both inside and out.

"ln the spring of 1938, I went to Kiev where I stayed for three months. While I was away, my brother was arrested in Vinnytsia. Upon returning to Vinnytsia in the summer, I noticed that, opposite my place of work on Litynsky Street, a new wooden fenCe, about three meters high, had been put up. This was a solid double fence. My questions as to why the fence had been built and what was the meaning of all this, met with various responses. The usual answer was that the fence was being built by the NKVD. After a few days, however, it was rumored that those shot by the NKVD were being buried there. ln fact, one day.l smell the stench of decomposed bodies. So I decided to inspect the fencecaref ully. I detected a small knot-hole and looked through it. I saw a large mound of recently heaped-up earth, and, right next to the fence, a pile of corpses, which apparently there had not been enough time to bury.

ln 1938 the NKVD had put in an order for some saplings from the plantation nursery. When ! failed to comply, I was summoned to their off ices. Some two hundred pine, maple and acacia trees were requisitioned to be planted on the area behind the fence. Only a few
of them took root."
MARIA PONOMARCHUK, a resident of No. 44 Litynsky Street. 1927 . !t is only 300 meters from my house to the NKVD enclosure. I would often notice NKVD men in uniform standing guard by the fence, day and night. Nobody knew what they were building inside the enclosure, but then again,

"l have been livinq in this house since

people simply knew that any NKVD undertaking could bode no good. No one believed the rumors that were being purposely circulated, to the effect that the NKVD was building a sports f ield for children. ln 1938, I myself often saw two trucks, covered with canvass, enter the enclosure. People already suspected that the



NKVD was using the place to get rid of the bodies of people it had

executed." The foregoing account was conf irmed by many otherwitnesses (see "Zlochyny Mosrvy u Vinnytsi," (The Crimes of Moscow in Vinnytsia), puotisneO oy the Ukrainian American Youth Associaiion).' Among these witnesses: Fedor Starnytsia, a builder; V;;/ 'K"flovskyi,"a worker; Petro Ziwak, a worker; Evhen Vinetski,a a diiver; Oleksi Kozlowskyi, a I atchman; Trokhym Amosov, brick-kiln operator, and his wife, Olena Amosov' These people gave the following testimony: that once the enclosure had deen"put up in the spring of 1938 on the groundsof the former orchard, the siench of decomposing bodies could not tne compound both during the day aldlight; that up until the time of the German occupation-in 1941, NKVD guards were pOsted along the length of the enclosure. These statements clearly indicate that the NKVD had decided to use the tract of land as a burial ground for its victims. ln order to ensure its cover, the NKVD declared tne area "off limits," as is made clear in the minutes of the Vinnytsia town council, cited previously' Having made sure that there would be no thought of any development of the off limits area, the NKVD believed that it graves discovered' The a;"veni;O tn" possibility of having the mass measure to prevent was an additional ilanting of the saplings detection. The original enclosure, however, proved to be too small to contain theLodies of all the victims who were executed by the NKVD during the years 1937-1939. And so the NKVD started to use, in addition, [he cemetery on Litynsky Street'


unload the truck and dump something into the graves. I never mentioned this incident to anyone for fear that t woutO be arrested by the NKVD." Submitted on June 29, 1943.

cemetery. I noticed that many graves were being dug in the section of the cemetery that was adjacent to the Pirogov Hospital. One time, on my way back at about eight o'clock in the evening, I saw that the men were still at work digging. Thefollowing morning, when lagain walked through the cemetery, the graves had already been covered over with earth."

" ln 1937 I often visited my parents-in-law, who lived near the cemetery. on my way there, I usually took the path through the

PETRO BOKKHAN, a bookkeeper:

ln his testimony, MR. HUHLEWYCH (cited previously) related also the following: "ln order to reach the center of town f rom the area where I lived, ! would take a shortcut through the local cemetery. On my way to work, I often saw people digging numerous graves' I had no idea what purpose these graves would serve. ln the autumn of 1937 I happened to come upon a rubber boot, and ! also noticed some blood stains on the ground on the main path through the cemetery. That is when I decided to keep my eyes open' One e-vening, as I was walking down the cemetery path, I noticed a truck pull up to the main gate. I quickly stepped off to the side and hid behind a tree. From there I could see that the truck was carrying a load covered with canvass. lt pulled up next to the newly dug graves. I could hear the thud of the corpses as they were being dumped, and the swearing of the men. After covering the,graves over'with earth in a haphazard manner, and still swearing, the men got into the truck and drove off."
28 29

was a guard

ht's activity' I noticed that posted vered with freshly turned some three meters hen I asked the guard what earth, levelled over. wasgoingonatthelwastoldtomindmyown business. The lncidents of this type then were repeated quite frequently' the but by gravedigger was soug'ni out not only by the NKVD doctor comm issars themselves. . The section of the cemetery where this particular incident took place was not normally used for burial"'

ut the victims remained

nnytsia discovered, and

There are various sources a this matter. According to accoun 24, 1943, a person whose identit decaying corpse while naturally, alarmed and The police underto led to the disvocery of more bodies. The matter was then refered to the local civil authorities w investigation, headed by two phys ko, a forensic expert in vin.nytsia, and professor at Krasnodar University, who The German authorities soon became interested in the matter. After two mass graves, which yi hundred corpses, had been uncovered, t 6 special iudicial-medical commission tha y further exhumations. An international co members

of a "The earth opened and we Saw he.ll'" This was the lament mass woman who withesseo the uncovering of thevictims of Soviet graves of these innocent Vinnytsia. The mass to convey in all terror was indeed a vision of netl, a sight impossible its horror... before the Once the "valiant" Red Army had fled {rom Ukraine people of ago, the advancing Nazis, their .ori"o6s of not long n g the."off -l i m it" vi n nytsia starteo' to vo ice their iuspic ions reglrdl to the attention of areas. At f irst,li ieemed f utile to Uring the matter everybody knew that the the German o.trp"tion forces; afteiall, was a saying' that the Nazis were no O"t["r than thJsoviets' There Berlin was that the winters only differen"" O"t*een Moscow and only were colder in Moscow. The coming of-the Germans forces; the of the occupation a change in the Cotor of the uniforli in all spheres of methods remained the r"r". init could be seen all the way up to of the police' arbitrariness life, f rom tne compf but the "t" the top of the power structure. The names changed' the content remained the t"r". During the- soviet occupation' Germans' under the decisive po*", *as in the hands of the NKVD; tne Gestapo. lt is.interesting to note that in it was in the n"not ot the Gestapo Vinnytsia, as in min, other cities throughout Ukraine, by the set up quarteri in 5uldlngs that werJformerly oc.c.upied hammer NKVD. Litle n"O Cn"ngeOiinstead of the red flag with..the that was and sickle, there was now a red flag with a black swastika' simply all. ln fact, ,"nV of those who ha? worked for the NKVD mass of the l"i""O tne C"rilpo lt ll,e time of the was already occupied bv - Vi^;rtJ;,'th" HxvO building uncovering 'g;r;r graves of its own in the Gestapo, wnlcn was most likely digging mass

A view of some of the exhumed bodies of the victims of Soviet genocide at Vinnytisa.


and foreign rom neutral countries, was asked to review the matter, correspondents were given booklet was among the iou News of what haPPene out Ukraine. PeoPle from all ove the hoPe of learning something had been taken away bY the labor camps' sJntenced to serve ierms of exile "in far-away without the right to correspond'"

given proper burial. tragedy. This is the funeral service for v

finally locating missing family members and relatives, by identifying the clothing and documents that had been unearthed al-ong witd tn6 corpses. Some 10,000 co

'Brothers and Sisters in Christ!



m e ntio n


rev i o u s I Y,

t h e,



todaY, fortY Years after the without reliving the horror of decom Posed corpses were out in iows for PurPoses of were given a identification and forensic examination, and then in mass graves' christian burial and laid to rest, again victims of officiating .i the funerat-serviles of the Ukrainian Bishop Hryhoriy (who died in the hoto."rri-"i vinnytsia was the Chicago in 1985)
in tne July 11,]985 isiue of NarodnaVolia'lhe "pp""redbased pr'5fi."tion of the Ukrainian Fraternal Scranton, Pa. Association.ln" tottowing is an excerpt from this article:

i: r"t"[?j:l' "ri 1fr :

steppes and in the forests of siberia, solovki and Kolyma!

p' A short article, titled "The Bishop of Vi.nnytsia"'by


ition that Metropolitan Hryhoriy was

giveillbemostrememberedforhiswork bishop oO of his life when he was the duri


Funeral of the NKVD victims in Vinnytsia.



over each corpse, their faces anguished, as they the face of a loved one in the remiins of blackenedtried to discern skin stretched tight over the skull. ln this tragic scene, the most tragic sight was that of the female corpses. Most of them were nude; as a sign of respect, people would cover them yit! rags oiror"one would pick a wildflower and prace it on the breist or on" or another of these martyrs. Peopre gathered at the gravesites, praying quieily, wiping away tears; from time to time, someone, inan!uiin, woutd utteran awful curse. For trury, the earth had openeo uii;a'h;riad shown its face!

RESULTS OF THE EXHUMATIONS AND THE INVESTIGATION and the general investigation in nd people from the outs-ide took

based on these findings and on


As noted before, the mass graves were three locations: the orchard, the ord ceii;tery, and discovered at ,,park in tne so-ciiled of culture and recreation.,'
most part of V from the cente The orcha orchard was taken over by the

The f irst

gh fence was erected which

manoeuvres; to that end, the NKVD went so fa-r as to ouird a bunker on the premises. Excavations in the south section of the orchard red to the

tord that the orchard


discovery of a pit filled with quicklime. Later, in thewinter ot19421943, the fence was taken down by the loca! authorities, revealing uneven areas in the terrain. A systematic excavation of the orchard was undertaken as a result of the chance discovery of a few corpses and in response to the rumors that were circulating among the people. The excavation yietded thirty-four pits, from which 5,644

corpses were exhumed. Three of the pits were filled with documents, Shoes, and clothing. Each pit measured anywhere from 2.5 x 3 to 2.8 x 5 meters. Out of the tota! number of mass graves, only Seven graves had fewer than a hundred corpses; twenty graves had from one to two hundred corpses; the largest

number of corpses found in any one grave was 284. The bodies in the pits were covered over by some two meters of earth; with the exception of three of the graves, alayer of clothing was found on top of the corpses. All the graves were level with the ground. As the thousands of corpses were being exhumed in the orchard, mass graves were also uncovered - on the basis of information provided by the local people - at two other locations, the old cemetery and the park. The old cemetery was located on the south, or !eft, side of Litynsky Street; it was some 600 meters f rom the center of town. ln 1937-1938, a fence had been constructed around the grounds by the NKVD. lnside, there were hedges the height of man and old graves, many of which had caved in. Once the grounds had been cleared of the shrubbery, one could see square plots some 10-15 cm.lowerthat the level of the ground. The excavation of these areas to a depth of two meters yietded a layer of clothing, beneath which were found layers of corpses. Forty-two maSS graves were discovered in the cemetery, and 2,405 corpses were exhumed. The number of corpses per grave ranged from 50 to 147; only three sites had less than fifty corpses. Thenty-six mass graves were discovered on sites where the earth had caved in; the rest were either level with the ground or effectively "camouflaged" by the old gravestones that stood over them. ln one case, a maSS grave wasdiscovered beneath the grave of an NKVD commissar, buried some time ago with great pomp. The mass graves in the old cemetery were smaller than those found in the orchard. They ranged from 1x2 meters to 2.5 x 4.5 meters in surface area. The graves were dug to a depth of 3-3.5 meters. They were not spaced out in an orderly fashion and, given to sandy consistency of the soil, were no longer level with the ground, as was the case in the orchard.

Soon after the uncovering of the mass graves in the olct cemetery, digging began in the "park of culture and recreation," which lies across the street from the cemetery. Excavations were undertaken on the basis of information supplied by a former guard of the park. There were many oak trees and various kinds of bushes in the park, and the earth was covered with grass. The northwest section of the park was adjacent to the NKVD prison. one could hardly notice any unevenness in the terrain here. This was attributed to the fact that once the area had been converted into a park, the grounds were maintained on a regular basis. During the war, vegetables had also been planted in one section of the park. Thirteen mass graves were uncovered in the park and 1,383 corpses were unearthed. Each of the mass graves had from 33 to 144 corpses. A dance platform had been constructed over two of the mass graves, and a "house of laughter" over another. The criminal regime saw to it that there would bedancing and laughter over the dead bodies of fellow countrymen, of members of one's fam ily. The mass graves in the park were similar in their dimensions to those in the orchard; on the average, they measured 2.5 x 3 meters in surface area and 3 meters in depth. Similarly, as at the other sites, under the first 2 meters of earth, there was a layer of clothing on top of the corpses.
As was already mentioned, the corpses and the crothing were simply dumped into the mass graves. very litile clothing was preserved; most of it had rotted away. ln some cases, the clothes were burned; in other cases, they had caught fire as a result of matches or cigarette butts that were thrown into the graves by those who were covering them over. There was also the possibility of spontaneous combustion. There were numerous complications in the process of exhuming the corpses. ln many of the mass graves, especially those in the orchard, there was a layer of quicklime between the layer of clothing and the corpses. The corpses were probably covered with it in order to kill the stench of decomposing bodies. After a number of years, the lime had hardened, binding the topmost layers of the corpses into one calcif ied mass, from which it was hard to extricate individua! bodies.

Mass graves where quicklime was not used presented different proUlems. The bodies had been thrown into the graves any which way. With the weight of bodies bearing down on other bobies, and the weight of the two meters of earth that covered them, the corpses otlen formed one seemingly indistinguishable mass. Great care had to be used to extricate them separately. There was only one mass grave where the corpses were laid out in orderly rows, ind that was in a large grave in the orchard. lt is hard to say why this was so; perhaps, such orderliness can be attributed to the fact that this was the first of the many mass graves; subsequently, a more haphazard "System" of disposing of the bodies was resorted to.
IDENTIFTCATION OF THE CORPSES As mentioned previously, all the male corpses had their hands bound behind their backs, sometimes, in two places; some had their feet bound as well. Theirclothes were typicalof the kind worn in those parts at the time. This included a shirt, pants, and a iacket, and sometimes, underwear, and a vest. Outof the 169 female corpses that were exhumed, 49 were

Apart from the identification of corpses, the medical commission worked to determine the age of tlre victims which could then be used in the judicial and medicar inves- data tigations. with the use of modern forensic methods, it was possible, with a few exceptions, to determine the age quite accu.rately. Apart from a generat examination of the corpse, special attentio.n was paid to tne teeth, the ears, and the condition of the facial skin.

were males, ranging in age from

THE CAUSES OF DEATH All of the exhumed corpses showed signs of having been shot, most of them in the back of the head. The cause of dealh could not be determined only in those few cases where the corpse was damaged in the process of being exhumed. ln most of the cases, bullets were found still embedded in the skuils. Many bore signs indicating that more than one bullet had been used: d,3oo victi-ms were shot twice; 78 victims were shot three times; and two victims were shot four times; the remainder were either shot once, orthe number of shots could not be determined. Some of the skulls were either bashed in or showed signs of having received severe blows, Tos.t likely, with a pistol. some of the corples had been shot in the forehead or in the temple. others, apart irom having been shot in the back of the head, had their mouths gagged; still others were found with a noose around their neck. The medical commission was able to give quite an accurate report on the type of shots that were f ired. frtbt att of the shots were fatal, especially those that by-passed the brain. Ivfany oi tn" shots yerg of the type that could cause comptete paralysis but woutd not lead to a loss of consciousness, tet aione death. tt seems that the executioners were aware of this because in certain cases, they would administer severe blows to the head in order to finish th6 person off. There were 395 corpses that had had their skulls bashed in.

completely nude. According to the report of the medical commissiOn, these were atl women of young age,as were the

majority of femate corpses that were clad only in long shirts. This mony, that these su[gested, and was later bor . Only the corpses had been raped prior to *o-,ien There were only a older women were foun of a few d with their hands few cases where the female cor
bou nd.

Under the circumstances, normal identification proved to be impossible. Since identification could not be done on the basis of tailat features, it was done on the basis of such factors as anatomicat anomalies, especially signs of amputated extremities. Reports of these appeared in the local press, and in this way fifteen corpses were identif ied. Attention was also paid to teeth and false teein, but this did not yield any significant results because at the time of the exhumatioh, none of the dentists who had practiced during the period in question were still tiving in Vinnytsta. lt was also i-mposlible to mafe any identification on the basis of hair because it had undergone various chemicaltransformations. Thus the majority of the colpses were identif ied by the clothing and the personal documents that were found on them'

Further examination only substantiated the claim that a number of corpses had been buried alive. Earth was found in the throats and intestines of some of the victims, which must have been ingested after they were buried in the mass graves.


As is customary, forensic specialists studied the bullets that were found lodged in the skulls of the victims. As we have seen, many corpses were found with bullets lodged in their skulls, and even though the bullets were deformed by the impact, the tabutation of the weight and the size of the bullet hole indicated that a small caliber automatic handgun was the type of weapon most frequently used. All the bullets measured lessthen 6 mm. in diameter. Some of the bullets, either because of the low explosive force of the gun powder, or because of misfiring, became lodged in the neck under the skin, not even penetrating to the bone. These bullets were found intact; their weight corresponded to that of the deformed bullets. They measured 5.6 mm. in diameter, I .2 cm. in length; they weighed 2.50 gm. Cartridge cases were found only in some of the graves, among the clothing. Only in one case were the investigators able to make out the number "T33" on the bottom of the cartridge. The small number of cartridges that were found at the sites indicated that, with but a few exceptions, the victims were not executed at the site where they were buried. Another factor which was given due consideration was the distance from which the weapon had been fired. This entailed the examination of the mark left by the bullet as it penetrated the body. Obviously, the examination was complicated by factors such as the length of time the corpse had been under ground; nonetheless, in many cases, investigators were able to determine, on the basis of the burns on the skin and the burned out holes in the clothing, that the shots had been fired from close range. ln some cases, it was possible to determine that the gun was held to the victim's head.

welg dgne systematicaily. The method used probabty depended on the firing capacity of the weapon used. Further examination indicated tnat the victims were shot while in a standing pos.ition. Again, this was determined on the basis of the trajectory of the bullei. Variations in the angle at which the shot was fired were probably due to factors such a-s tne victim,s nelgni and that of the executioner. Many of the victims were itso the temple, forehead, or orbitil area. On the baiii ofshot in findings, the commission reported that the victims were these finished off eithet bY.being held down and shot, or shot asoften they welg tottering from the first shots. ln other cases, as mentioned earlier, the skull.was given a blow with a the handle of a gun. As Jor the place of execution, the reports of the commission concurred with the accounts given by witnesses that, except tor a very few, the victims were not execut6O at the site of the burlal. This was confirmed by the absence of cartridges at the sites. The fact that few cartridges were found, and that 6nly a rew corpses were found on top of pites of clothing beneath whicn laynuhOreds of corpses, indicates that only a few victims were executed direcly it the burial spot. These were probably the corpses of the men who were to bury the victims. There is speculation that the NKVD commissars

Forensic examination indicated that the executions were carried Out by "experts", and that the victims, with few exceptions, were not shot near or in the buria! pits. tYPe Generally s k of t firing. Either the lum, anglb that it wo th ca shot in the neck

Forensic expert pointing to typical wound in the back of the neck.


own conclu report of a



perpetrated Members of the international medica! commission were: Dr.

stimony of witnesses and its was able to give a detailed in history foi having been

in the same way as the hands and the elbows. The commission concluded that the feet must have been bound before the victims were taken out to be executed because the victims were abte to move only by taking small steps. onty young men had their feet bound, sugg-es.ting that this was done to prevent their escape. Some of the victims were found with a noose around their neck. The noose was drawn rather tighily, with one end of the cord hanging loose, but in these cases asphyxiation was not the cause ot cleath; rather, there were signs indicating that the victims had been shot in the back of the h-ead. There were other victims who, apart from having been shot in the back of the head, had been gagged. one m-ay fustlfiably suppose that they had been tortureo before being eie6uted and that they were gagged in order to muffle their cri-es.



, . lp?rt-froT having their hands bound, twentyfourvictims also had their feet bound together. The feet were tieO above the ankles

Wlth such bindings were tied the hands of the victims behind their backs. 43




unearihing of the mass graves and the testimony of the witnesses, which togltner furnisned the basis for establishing the probable time of the mass murders, the forensic commission collected independent data on the basis of $uch factors as the condition of the iorpses. The length of time the victims had been buried could also be determined by studying the shrubs that were planted on the sites of the mass graves. An examination of the roots and branches served to ind-icate whether they had been grown from seed or transplanted, and if the latter was the case, then when, and how long they been growing at the grave site. Tak6n the various factor-s into consideration, the commission concluded that the major part of the genocide in Vinnytsia took ptace in 1938, although-the executions could have already started

Apart from'the documents that were found during the


Aspreviouslynoted,.theexecutionstookplaceinthe garages. ot tiri-r.fxvo uuitoing, in the section near the cars; itdlso The areain f ront of one g"t;g"";as used for washing



On the basis of the hearings and the testimony of relatives and friends who were able to identify the corpses, it was determined that the victims were arrested by the NKVD in 1937 and 1938. The NKVD f requently would not notify the family until a few days after the arrest, asserting that the person in question had been arrested as an "enemy of the people," sentenced to ten years' exile in a distant labor camp, and deprived of the right to correspond. The dates of the arrests could often be determined by reviewing available documents, especially the reports of the NKVD agents who conducted the house searches. At the time of the search, two copies of the report were made out; one was given to the person arrested, and the other copy was kept in government files. The information found in these reports concurred with the testimony of the witnesses. Relatives saw members of their family for the last time at the time of the arrest; after that they had no news from them or about them, with the exception of the official notification issued by the NKVD that the person in question had been exiled to a distant camp; in effect, this meant that the person had been executed. !t was at this time, according to the testimony of witnesses, that the NKVD began to secretly transport the prisoners by night from its building to the so-catled "off-limit" areas - areas where the mass graves were later discovered.

pror"O to be convenienifor washing away blood' the corpses The motors of the trucks that were to transportto muffle the in order would be turned on during-in" execution were witnesses who shots that *"i" fired. Neveiih"i"t., there heard the shooting. were held in the The possibility that some of the executions testified that some building itself canhot be exciuded. Witnesses the interrogations' of the prisoners were orutalty-torlyt9d during th?l were uiearthed were found Furthermore, the female established that these "orps", either nude oi.r"J in tong'shirts. rt was executed in the rooms women prisoners had been raped and then of the NKVD. Ageneralpictureofth.efinalstagesofthegenocidecanbe as well as on the logical based on the iestimony of witnesses, indings resurting f rom the f concrusions tn"i c"n be drawn iro, the the mass graves' uncovering of

escourtyardoftheNKVDprisoninVinnytsia,in which victims were executed'


The prisoners who were about to be executed were summoned from their cells and told that they were being transported to lar-ott camps. They were told to take along any belongings that they may have had. They left their cells, not knowing that they were being led to their death. Their hands were tied either in the corridors or in the rooms. Then they were led out into the courtyard, either individually or in smal! groups, where the transport trucks were waiting with their motors turned on. The prisoners were executed one by one. lf one bullet did not do the job, a second or third was fired. lf the prisoner collapsed, but still showed signs or !ife, he was given a heavy blow with the butt of a rifle or the handle of a pistol to finish him off. The bloodied victims were thrown into the trucks; their extra clothing and other meager belongings were thrown in on top of them. They were taken to the "off-limit" areas, where they were dumped into the recently dug pits. The NKVD would then killthose who dug the mass graves and those who drove the transport trucks, and throw them into the pits along with the other victims Only then were the pits covered over with earth. The excavation of the three pits at the first site yielded nothing but clothing, footwear, and personal documents. These items belonged to the victims but were confiscated while they were in prison, and kept in the prison warehouse. These belongings had to be destroyed along with the murdered people in order not to evoke suspicion among the regular employees of the ptison.

5. The "off-limit" areas, which were guarded by the NKVD, were established in Vinnytsia at the time of the mass arrests and of talk by the NKVD of having the prisoners exiled to "far-off camps." 6. Reports on the house searches that were conducted by the NKVD,found at the excavation sites and on the corpses, concur with the dates of the arrests.
MOTIVES FOR THE CRIME What could possibly have been the motive forthe holocaust in Vinnytsia? The investigation of the matter left no doubt that the victims were not guilty of any crimes, criminal or political. Their families were unable to comprehend the reason for their arrest and subsequent execution. The only explanation given by the NKVD at the time of the arrest was that the person was an "enemy of the people,", but nobody ever bothered to specify what this meant and how it was manifested. ln most of the cases, there actually were no even vaguely plausible _grounds for arrest; any charge would do, no matter how trivial, irrelevant or fabricated. From the reports, one learns that


lnter recapitu

yof witnesses Commissariat Vinnytsia. To facts:

1. Those found in the mass graves in vinnytsia had been arrested by NKVD agents in 1937 and 1939. 2. Those arrested were taken to the NKVD prison in Vinnytsia or to the NKVD section of the local prison. 3. A few days after the arrest, the NKVD informed the family that the prisoner had been exiled "to a distant camp, without the right to correspond." 4. There were cases where the NKVD implied that the famity would never again see the person who was arrested. (These cases were brought up during the hearings).

"lncriminating evidence", ofr grounds of which victims were arrested and executed.

people were arrested for such things as being held responsible for the sickness of a horse in the kolkhoz , tor Faving cnai-,ged jobs without proper authorization, for selling rotten -produce at the market, etc. ln many cases, sufficient grounds for arrest were that a search turn up a postcard from retat-ives in poland,-America, or some other country. From the testimony of witnesses, it is clejr that arrests were very often made on the basis of denunclations, flaqqently anonymous ones. This practice was quite common in the soviet Union. The denunciator was often motivated by the hope of getting the apartment of the arrested individual. 'Among the victims found in the mass graves of Vinnytsia there is end because of their religious at there were at least thirty piiests only four were identified. ln 193g,

church vestments that were found in the mass graves. According to testimony, in the village of Losna alone, in the Ulianiv district, nineteen people were arrested for belonging to an underground parish. Some of them were later found in the mass graves in Vin nytsia. The investigation and findings did not come up with a single case which, in any civilized country, would warrant arrest and interrogation by the police, let alone the death penalty. The fact that allthe victims were secretly executed and buried is indication enough that the NKVD was unable to come up with charges which would have stood up in a court of law. THE FURTHER PERPETRATION OF THE GENOCIDE What became of the mass graves and the people of Vinnytsia with the return of the Bolsheviks at the beginning of 1944? Time and circumstances did not allow for thorough research this question. Obviously, it would be futile, not to mention of impossible, to go and look for any signs of the genocide or its aftermath in Vinnytsia itself today. As to those who witnessed the uncovering of the mass graves in 1943, only a few are still alive. But f urther work in this area by future researchers is bound to come up with many additional documents which will help round out the picture of this terrible crime.

time, were arrested in the rir#:t:r-r:jillPrffi 'J,Tff'ff:tj,t arrested priests was later found among ihe corpses in Vinnytsia, thus one can suspect that the lther priests were also executed there. The execution of a large number of priests and the arrest of people because of their religious convictions was also attested by the numerous religious articles - crosses, prayer books, and eveh


The July 12, 1950 issue of the Ukrainian-language dailv newspaper Svoboda, pubtished in Jersey City, carried an article about what happened to the mass graves and the people of Vinnytsia after the return of the Bolsheviks in 1944. The source for the article is not given, but at the time, Svoboda had a secret correspondent behind the lron Curtain, and it is possible that he was the source of the information - which for obvious reasons could not bementioned at the time. The following is an excerpt from the article, which was titled, "Mass graves in Vinnytsia are

once again filled with Ukrainian victims of the Bolshevik

of the Bolsheviks? On the basis of authenticated and verifiable testimony given


What became of the mass graves and the people of Vinnytsia with the return

once again filled with Ukrainian victims of a genocide perpetrated by the

established: Vinnytsia was once again occupied by Soviet troops on March 20, 1944. Three days later, on March 23, an order was issued, summoning the people of Vinnytsia to come with their passports to the local park so that a special review

by eyewitnesses, it is clear that the mass graves that were unearthed in 1943 were

On the basis of testimony by eyewitnesses, the following has been

Searching among the exhumed bodies for relatiyes, arrested by the

NKVD. 48

could be conducted by the authorities. A few thousand f rightened people showed up. Many women wer'e visibly perturbed, giving in to forebodings of yet another mistortune. Finally, acar with men in M! D uniforms pulled up. Then Commissar Rapaport, pointing at the ditches f rom which thousands of corpses victims of the executions of 1SS7-f 938, had been exhumed in'1g43, asked, "What happened "-So you here?" No one answered. Rapaport repeated his question, adding, had better speak up, you German remain silent, you traitors of the fatherland! You lackeys; which of you found members of his family here?" These jeers met with no response; no one was willing to endanger his life by responding T-!e commissar then ordered the troops to encircle the throng; he himself drove off to town. The people were kept in this condition of unbearable tension for the rest of the day;

they justi

october, 1971, "Not only do these people choose to ignore the countless corpses and the rivers of blood that were shed," ir sacr nation, bu cY,"
seeing the

h,"nV prayed, fearing the worst. Towards evening, the commissar returned with a long tist 6t names. Most of the names that he called out were those of women. Soie one hundred people stepped forward. These unfortunate people who had once come here in their search for family and relatives, now found themselves gave starrcling over the gravesites. The commissar had the f iring squad called and "These are the enemies of the revolution and traitors of it the following command: the fatherland. Fire!" Bloodied bodies fell into the ditches that had become, for the

less ians can never forget Vinnytsia, as they can never forget the Great Famine of 1932-1933, in which millions perished, and allthe other genocidal crimes against the Ukrainian people. Vinnytsia must never be forgotten!

their reas for acting

second time now,-graves for the innocent Ukrainian victims cf Soviet Russian ' Street under the occupiers. The rest-of the peopl sent to the f ront to guard. ln the words of tlre armed of these men, sent do penince for their sins against near the towns of practically unaimed, into battle
Derzhany, Letychev, MeszYbozha and


Fifty years have passed since the time of the holocaust, perpetrated by the Soviet regime against the Ukrainian people, wnen in Vinnytsia "the earth opened up and revealed hell." Clearly, Vinnytsia is by no means the only symbol of that terrible epoch during which the two totalitarian-dictatorial SyStemS, Soviet Communism and German Nazism, made their infamous mark of genocide. The Nazi crimes have been investigated and documented internationally for posterity by the

the Communist regime under Stalin's dictatorship were conpresent, many years after these awf ul crimes, UNESCO Sponsors

Nurehberg Trials. Some of the countless crimes perpetrated by

Drahan, Antin: "Rozkrylasia zemlia

demned by his own "advisers" and henchman after his death. Why is it that Vinnytsia is never mentioned? Why is it that at anniversary celebrations for Lenin, hailing him as a "great humanist," when actually he was the source of inspiration for

pokazalosia peklo" (The Earth Opened and

these bloody crimes. How is it that representatives of the system which perpetrated and is responsible for the genocide of which Vinnytsia represents only a small part are today received as partners in internationa! negotiations, even by the Vatican? ln the words of Patriarch Josyf Slipyj at the synod of bishops held in

Revealed Hell). An article in the 1972 Almanac of the Ukrainian National Association, Jersey City, N.J. (ln Ukrainian). "Zlochyn Moskvy u Vinnytsi" (The Crime of Moscow in Vinnytza). Published by the Ukrainian American Youth Association, lnc., New york, N.y., 1951 (ln Ukrainian). "Amtliches Material zum Massenmord von Winniza" (Official lnformation on the Mass Murder in Vinnytsia). Berlin, 1944. (!n German). "Le crime de Moscou d Vinnytzia" (Moscow's Crime in Vinnytsia). Paris, 1953. (ln French). "The Black Deeds of the Kremlin". A White Book. Published by ihe Association of Ukrainians, Victims of Russian Communist Terror (SUZERO). Toronto, 1953. "Massacre in Vinnytsia". Published by the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America. New York, N.Y. 1953.



Anthony Dragan:

A Forgotten Holocaust

Cover design: Bohdan TYtla Technical editor: Roman Ferencevych

"Svoboda" Publishers 30 Montgomery St. Jersey City, N.J 073O2

Printing shop supervisor: Anatole Domaratzky Deputy supervisor: StePhen Chuma Photo type-setter: Danuta Rigalski

Printed in April, 1986

Copies: 8,000

Printed in U.S.A.


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