Prescription PROPERTY
Prescription PROPERTY
Prescription PROPERTY
Art. 1106. By prescription, one acquires ownership and other real rights through the lapse of time in the manner and under the conditions laid down by law. In the same way, rights and conditions are lost by prescription. (1930a) Prescription a means of acquiring ownership and other real rights or losing rights or actions to enforce such rights through lapse of time. (Art. 1106) Kinds of Prescription: 1. Acquisitive prescription the acquisition of ownership and other real rights through possession of a thing in the manner and under the conditions provided by law. adverse possession (kind of possession which is in opposition to the true title or real owner, commenced without right but ripened into title by lapse of time) elements: a. Capacity of the claimant to acquire by prescription b. A thing capable of acquisition by prescription c. Possession of the thing under certain conditions d. Lapse of time provided by law kinds: a. Ordinary acquisitive requires possession of things in good faith and with just title1 for the time fixed by law (Art. 1117) b. Extraordinary acquisitive good faith and just title are not necessary (Art. 1117) 2. Extinctive prescription the loss or extinguishment of property rights or actions through the possession by another of a thing for the period provided by law or through failure to bring the necessary action to enforce ones right within the period fixed by law. limitation of actions (where the plaintiff fails to go to court within the prescriptive period, he loses his cause, not really because the defendant has acquired the formers right by adverse possession, but because the plaintiffs
Just title only a colored title or such title where although there was a mode of transferring ownership, still something is wrong because the grantor is not the owner.
Distinctions between prescription and laches Prescription Laches Applies even to imprescriptible actions (e.g. action to annul a void contract may be barred by laches) Concerned with the effect of delay A question of inequity of permitting a claim to be enforced (this inequity being founded on some subsequent change in the condition or relation of the parties) Not statutory Applies in equity Need not be specifically pleaded; court may consider it in its own initiative to prevent inequity Not based on a fixed time
Statutory Applies at law Cannot be availed of unless it is especially pleaded as an affirmative allegation Based on a fixed time
Prescription as a matter of defense Burden of proof: Rests on the party laying claim to it Effect of failure to plead prescription: Failure to plead constitutes waiver of the defense and cannot be raised for the first time at the trial or on appeal General Rule: The issue of prescription is one involving evidentiary matters requiring a full-blown trial on the merits and cannot be determined in a mere motion to dismiss. Exceptions: 1. When the plaintiffs complaint on its face or the evidence he presented shows clearly that indeed the action has prescribed at the time it was filed. 2. If, before trial, a party has no means of knowing that opponents claim has already lapsed, prescription as a defense may be pleaded later as soon as the true nature of the claim is discovered.
Art. 1107. Persons who are capable of acquiring Note: Infants and insane (persons who have no property or rights by the other legal modes may discernment) can acquire prescription only through their parents, guardians, or legal representatives acquire the same by means of prescription. Minors and other incapacitated persons may acquire property or rights by prescription,
Juridical capacity fitness to be the subject of legal relations (inherent in every natural person and is lost only through death)
Note: But simple promise which contains new A co-owners possession which is the basis and positive promise to pay the debt which has of prescription should benefit not only himself prescribed, such as a promise to pay only onebut also the other co-owners since in cohalf or even a part payment, does not amount ownership, the possession of one is deemed to a renunciation of prescription. the possession of other co-owners (Art. 1111) Renunciation Void Under Art. 1111, it is essential that the possession of the co-owner involves the A renunciation of prescription in advance is community property. void. An agreement that the obligation arising Art. 1112. Persons with capacity to alienate from the contract shall not be subject to prescription property may renounce prescription already is not binding. obtained, but not the right to prescribe in the future. Renunciations by Representatives Prescription is deemed to have been tacitly Only persons with capacity to alienate renounced when the renunciation results from property can renounce prescription already acts which imply the abandonment of the right obtained. acquired. (1935) o Not guardians, executors, administrators Renunciation is Unilateral The renunciation of prescription is a unilateral act, and does not require the acceptance of the person to be benefited by it. Requisites: 1. The person renouncing must have capacity to alienate property (because renunciation involves the disposition of property) 2. The renunciation must refer to prescription already obtained (Art.6, NCC: rights may be waived) but NOT the right to prescribe in the future (contrary to public order or public policy) With regard to creditors(Art. 1114): Notwithstanding the express or tacit renunciation by a person of a prescription already obtained, his creditors and all other persons interested in making the prescription effective, may still plead prescription for themselves to the extent of their credit. Art. 1113. All things which are within the commerce of men are susceptible of prescription, unless otherwise provided. Property of the State or any of its subdivisions not patrimonial in character shall not be the object of prescription. (1936a)
Object of Prescription General Rule: All things within the commerce of men may be acquired by prescription (Art. 1113) Things which are not susceptible of being appropriated cannot be acquired by prescription3. (since possession is required in prescription) property of public dominion and common things cannot be acquired by prescription Res nullius (property without an owner) is acquired by occupation and not by prescription because prescription presupposes a previous owner.
Requisites of Acquisitive Prescription Capacity to acquire by prescription A thing capable by prescription Possession of the thing under certain Exceptions: conditions 1. Lands registered under the Torrens system Lapse of time provided by law. (Sec.47, PD 1529) 2. Properties of spouses, parents and children and guardians and wards under certain Kinds of Acquisitive Prescription: 1. Ordinary Acquisitive requires conditions as between themselves possession of things in good faith and with (Art.1109) just title for the time fixed by law. 3. Movables possessed through a crime (Art.1133) 2. Extraordinary Acquisitive does not require good faith and just time but is fixed for a longer period Art. 1114. Creditors and all other persons interested in making the prescription effective Requisites: may avail themselves thereof notwithstanding ORDINARY EXTRAORDINARY the express or tacit renunciation by the debtor 1. Capacity of possessor to acquire by or proprietor. (1937) prescription Creditors may Plead Prescription Even if the person bound by the obligation should renounce such prescription. But prescription pleased by one creditor does not inure to the benefit of another creditor. Art. 1115. The provisions of the present Title are understood to be without prejudice to what in this Code or in special laws is established with respect to specific cases of prescription. (1938)
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Susceptibility of object to prescription Adverse possession of the character prescribed by law Lapse of time required by law Good faith of possessor Proof of just title
Required Period Fixed by Law movable immovable ORDINARY 4 yrs 10 yrs EXTRAORDINARY 8 yrs 30 yrs
Art. 530: Only things and rights which are susceptible of being appropriated may be the object of possession.
Kinds of Interruption of Possession: 1. Natural when through any cause prescription should cease for more than one Acts of a possessory character which are year merely tolerated by the possessor or which are 2. Civil produced by judicial summons to due to his license, do not constitute the possessor possession. o License- positive act of the owner in favor of Effect of Interruption the holder of the thing. All the benefits acquired so far from the o Tolerance- passive acquiescence of the possession cease; when the prescription runs owner to acts being performed by another again, it will be an entirely new one. which appear to be contrary to the rights of Distinguishes prescription from suspension of the former. suspension, Tenants cannot acquire tenanted lands by o Suspension- past period is included in prescription, nor can an antichretic creditor the computation; old possession is tacked to the land of his debtor. new (example: possession in wartime) 2. Public o when the acts of enjoyment are executed in such a manner as to be manifest or visible to all, especially to the person against whom the possession is being adversely asserted. o In order for possession to be public, it must be known to the owner of the thing.
Art. 1121. Possession is naturally interrupted when through any cause it should cease for 3. Peaceful more than one year. It is acquired and maintained without any The old possession is not revived if a new violence, physical or moral. possession should be exercised by the same The possession continues to be peaceful even adverse claimant. (1944a) if the possessor should use such force as is reasonably necessary to repel or prevent an Art. 1122. If the natural interruption is for only actual or physical invasion of the property. one year or less, the time elapsed shall be 4. Uninterrupted counted in favor of the prescription. (n)
by mere possession. Under the claim of ownership, for a period of ten years, unless it was originally acquired With just title and good faith.
Good faith of possessor Requisites: 1. Possessor believed that the person from whom he received the thing was the owner thereof 2. He believed that said person could transmit his ownership 3. His belief has a reasonable basis Good faith requires a well founded belief that the person from whom title was received was himself the owner of the land, with the right to convey. And unless the contrary is shown, the possessor of the land must be presumed to be in good faith. To be in good faith, the possessor must believe that the title for his acquisition is sufficient; it is not enough that he knows of no defect in it. Good faith must exist not only at the beginning of the possession but throughout the entire period required for prescription.
For purposes of prescription the title of the possessor must be just, true, valid and proved.
Just Title An act which has for its purpose the transmission of ownership, and which would have actually transferred ownership if the grantor had been the owner. This vice or defect is the one cured by prescription. These do not constitute a title: o Lease of things o Loan Title Must Be Proved o Deposit Exception to general rule embodied in article o All contracts which do not transmit property 541, which presumes a just title for every rights possessor in the concept of the owner. o Partition Article 541 refers only to an existing fact, that of o Compromise possession, article 1131 refers to acquisition of o Court decisions which are all declaratory but the right of ownership and therefore demands do not transmit them. grater guaranty to the existence of a title. When a possession is asserted to convert itself True Title to ownership, a new right is sought to be To be true, the title must exist actually, and not created, and the law becomes more exacting merely in the mind of the possessor. and requires proof of title. A legally non-existent title is without value. Art. 1132. The ownership of movables A simulated title is without value o But where it is only relative simulation, the prescribes through uninterrupted possession true title hidden behind the fictitious one will for four years in good faith. The ownership of personal property also suffice. o Simulated title- conceals a prohibited act, prescribes through uninterrupted possession for eight years, without need of any other cannot serve as a basis for prescription. False title- one which does not exist but is condition. actually believed by the possessor to exist. o May or may not be sufficient. (depends if error in fact or law) If the mistake of fact refers to an act of a third person, the title is sufficient for prescription. If it refers to an act of the possessor himself, is not s sufficient. If the error of law refers to the validity of the act, title is not adequate. If it refers to a fact in the application of a rule of law, there will be an adequate title. Revocable title- one in which the transferor has made a reservation by virtue of which the right of the possessor may disappear, cannot serve as a basis for prescription. Once reservation become ineffective, the period that has un can be counted for prescription. o i.e. a sale with right to repurchase. With regard to the right of the owner to recover personal property lost or of which he has been illegally deprived, as well as with respect to movables acquired in a public sale, fair, or market, or from a merchant's store the provisions of Articles 559 and 1505 of this Code shall be observed. (1955a) Art. 1133. Movables possessed through a crime can never be acquired through prescription by the offender. (1956a) Art. 1134. Ownership and other real rights over immovable property are acquired by ordinary prescription through possession of ten years. (1957a) Art. 1135. In case the adverse claimant possesses by mistake an area greater, or less than that expressed in his title, prescription shall be based on the possession. (n)
Valid title
Prescription of Actions
Concept of Prescription of Actions Prescription of action/limitation of action- the time within which an action may be brought or some act done to preserve the right. Legal and not natural cause of the extinguishment of obligations. Statutes of limitations o acts limiting the time within which actions shall be brought. Statutes of limitation do not confer any right of action, but are enacted to restrict the period within which the right, otherwise limited, might be asserted. o Statues of repose, the object of which is to suppress fraudulent and stale claims from springing up at great distances of time and surprising the parties of their representatives when all the proper vouchers and evidences are lost or the facts have become obscure from the lapse of time of the defective memory of death or removal of witnesses. o Not substantive right but only a matter of defense. Purpose- protect the diligent and vigilant, not those who sleep on their rights. Prescription and laches Laches and prescription are independent from each other. Prescription Laches Concerned with the effect of delay Is a matter of time Principally a question of inequity of permitting a claim to be enforced, this inequity being founded on some change of condition of the property of relation of the parties Statutory Not statutory Applies to law Applies to equity
This provision is without prejudice to what is established for the acquisition of ownership and other real rights by prescription. (1963) Action Affecting Realty Art. 1140. Actions to recover movables shall prescribe eight years from the time the possession thereof is lost, unless the possessor has acquired the ownership by prescription for a less period, according to Articles 1132, and without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 559, 1505, and 1133. (1962a) over immovables
Art. 1139. Actions prescribe by the mere Art. 1141. Real actions lapse of time fixed by law. (1961) prescribe after thirty years.
Leap Year in Period This provision is without prejudice to what is o February 28 and 29 should be counted as established for the acquisition of ownership separate days, not as one day. and other real rights by prescription. (1963) Effect of Lapse of Time Extinguishes the action. Action Affecting Realty
Implied Trust When the property is registered in anothers name, an implied or constructive trust is created by the law in favour of the true owner. The action for reconveyance of the title to the Art. 1142. A mortgage action prescribes after rightful owner prescribes in ten years from the ten years. (1964a) issuance of the title. But if fraud has been committed and is the Not imprescriptible basis for action, not implied trust, the action will The fact that a mortgage is registered does not be barred after four years. make the action to foreclose it imprescriptible. Art. 1145. The following actions must be Effect of Interest commenced within six years: (1) Upon an oral contract; If the action to recover the mortgage debt itself (2) Upon a quasi-contract. (n) has prescribed, the action to recover the interest must also be prescribed. Art. 1146. The following actions must be Art. 1143. The following rights, among others instituted within four years: (1) Upon an injury to the rights of the specified elsewhere in this Code, are not plaintiff; extinguished by prescription: (2) Upon a quasi-delict; (1) To demand a right of way, regulated in Article 649; (2) To bring an action to abate a public However, when the action arises from or out of any act, activity, or conduct of any public officer or private nuisance. (n) involving the exercise of powers or authority arising from Martial Law including the arrest, Imprescriptible between Heirs and Co-Heirs detention and/or trial of the plaintiff, the same Article 494- no prescription shall run in favor of must be brought within one (1) year. (As a co-owner or co-heir so long as he expressly amended by PD No. 1755, Dec. 24, 1980.) or impliedly recognize the ownership. Applies only so long as it is admitted and presumed that the co-ownership exists. Injury to Rights Cannot be invokes when one of the co-owners One year period for petition for quo warrantoor co-heirs has possessed the property as does not apply where the plaintiff is separated exclusive owner for a period sufficient to from his employment for unjustifiable causes. acquire the property by prescription. Such unjustified separation from employment is an injury to the rights of the plaintiff and the Other Imprescriptible Action action may be brought within four years under Action by the government or government entity this Article. An action for mandamus An action to enforce an express trust Action to Fraud An action to quiet the title to property in ones Prescribes in four years from the discovery of possession the fraud An action or defense to declare a contract or judgment void ab initio Quasi-delict Action of the registered owner to recover his Four years land
Action to Compel Accounting (joint account) Begins to run from the date of the retirement of the members from whom accounting is No Suspension demanded. It begins to run from the dissolution Although an action is started within a of a partnership when the final accounting is prescriptive period, if the plaintiff desists in the done. prosecution or judgment is unconditionally stayed for one reason or another, the running Current Accounts of the period of limitations is not suspended, Begins to run from the date of each particular The parties are left in exactly the same position term as if no action had been commenced at all. Prescriptive period- 10 years Amendment to the complaint- equivalent to a fresh suit upon a new cause of action and the Accounting has been made between the parties statute of limitation continues to run until the in their current account dealings- right of action amendment is filed. accrues and the period of prescription begins to run, on the date when the last balance was struck, and not when the business relations Written Extra-Judicial Demand terminated. Running of prescription period should be interrupted when a demand is made by the Art. 1154. The period during which the obligee creditor upon the debtor before the lapse of the was prevented by a fortuitous event from period fixed by law. enforcing his right is not reckoned against him. o Burden of proof is on the creditor. (n) Written Acknowledgment of Debt Suspension During War In extinctive prescription, the interruption Suspended by war or insurrection only when through the acknowledgment of debt of the the regular course of justice is interrupted to creditors right can only take place when such such extent that courts cannot be kept open acknowledgment is in writing. and are not within the reach of the people. It can be implied therefrom, but it must be in Courts are functioning- prescription is not writing suspended The acknowledgment must be such as to apply to a particular and specific debt to interrupt Effect of the Destruction of Judicial records prescription. Cease to run, only begin to run again on the Acknowledgment can be made by a legal date when the parties or counsel shall have representative. received notice to the effect that the records The acknowledgment of debt before period of have been reconstituted. prescription will interrupt the expiration of the period of prescription, but a mere acknowledgment of the obligation after it has
30 yrs
Rights not extinguished by prescription: 1. Right of way 2. Action to abate a public or private nuisance
10 years Within 5 yrs from the time the right of action accrues When there is no special provision which ordains the time for prescription for all kinds of action Actions which have for their object the enforcement of obligations to pay principal with interest or annuity Actions to demand fulfillment of obligations declared by a judgment Actions to demand accounting Action arising from the result of the accounting 1 year
Reckoning Point of Computation of Period of Prescription from the day they may be brought
10 years
6 years
From the time judgment became final From the day the persons who should render the same cease in their functions From the date when said result was recognized by agreement of the interested parties
4 years
The period during which the obligee was prevented by a fortuitous event from enforcing his right is not reckoned against him. When period of prescription of actions is interrupted: 1. When they are filed before the court 2. When there is a written extrajudicial demand by the creditors 3. When there is any written acknowledgment of the debt by the debtor