Gres India Profile
Gres India Profile
Gres India Profile
1. Name of the organization: Gayatri Rural Educational Society (GRES)
Mobile: : +91-9866291276
Off.Phone : 08942-211069
E-mail :
Website : http//
6. GRES Mission We strive to bring about equality of opportunity in our society with
preservation of regional & cultural traditions, by improving the
lives of women, children and youth for sustainableility and by in
advancing the right of disable & deprived people; Explicitly we work
towards prosperity of rural, tribal & urban slum dwellers through
integrated approach, which embodies awareness, education,
economic, health, sanitation, capacity building & bio-diversity
programmes, with an insistence on women /youth empowerment.
7. GRES Vision Just and equitable society with greater emphasis on spirituality,
compassion and peace on earth”.
v. To create awareness in the society as to consumer rights, legal rights, human rights
and fundamental rights.
w. Establishment of training cum production centres for training and creation of
employment opportunities.
x. Work towards Research and Development for social development.
y. Establishment of research centres for networking and capacity building.
z. To work for conservation of bio-diversity and maintain the ecological balance.
aa. To work for early detection of leprosy, care and treatment of leprosy affected people,
their economic Rehabilitation and social acceptance through awareness among the
general mass.
bb. To offer socially viable platform to Indian youths to socialize and promote an
atmosphere of dignity and harmonious co-habitation among them through mutual
respect, love and trust for each other
cc. To initiate active involvement of youths in national reconstruction
dd. To channelize the energies of youths in community services
ee. To help the fellow members in their hours of need through group action among
members of Forum
ff. To felicitate the members for their extraordinary efforts in their respective fields
gg. To promote various activities/programs at regular intervals for members like Cultural
Nights, Community services, Sports, Social Gatherings, Debates, Workshops, Field
hh. To initiate group action against Social Issues predominant in our Indian
ii. To promote young talents in the concerned area of their Interests
jj. To work towards the overall betterment and upliftment of Indian Youth
kk. To seek active participation of Indian Youths in democratic affairs of Country
Back Ground
SFP develops farmer-initiated, location specific and sustainable farming technologies in
partnership with community organizations to promote appropriate alternatives to
mainstream agricultural processes that have been responsible for losses in farm productivity
and income, biodiversity, indigenous knowledge systems, and community control over
genetic resources.
livelihood..Sofar our organisation has formed 588 SHG groups with regular saving for
Rs.41.52 lakhs and sofar 49.00 were provided to the beneficiaries for establishing self
employment schemes for sustainable livelihood
Number of Units 2 3 5
Number of Members 840 4,305 8,820
Number of Groups 56 269 588
Number of Active Clients 399 1,660 2,092
Number of Active Loans 381 1,598 1,991
Total Number of Loans 399 2,059 21,371
Value of loans (Rs) 3,99,603 20,60,241 41,52,591
Gross Loan Outstanding(Rs) 3,45,000 17,91,241 35,64,591
Organization Members
Smt.Sadasivuni Krishna Kumari, (B.A) who trained in the fields of Rural women
development, agricultural sector and environment sector is the Secretary oversees the
regular operations of GRES. The organization also maintains a regular pool of experts in the
fields of agriculture, genetics, economics, HIV/AIDS awareness, women and children related
programs and the environment to provide technical backup to its programs and services
Jail Ward Member in the As the Chief Functionary of GRES, the District
District. Magistrate has nominated her as a Jail Ward member
• Seminars/Workshops/Conferences on women
empowerment, child care and environment
• Preventive methods on stigma and
discrimination living with the people of
• Water resource management programmes
11. The members of the organization, its meeting, the reason of holding the
meeting and the decisions generally taken.
The member of the organization can be from all strata of the society. The members generally
meet annually in the annual general body meeting unless otherwise needed. To run the
organization, there is an executive committee consisting of Seven elected members from the
general body of the organization. There are as much as four female members in the
managing committee. The managing committee meets once in every 1-2 months interval.
The committee discuss on all the matters .
DISTRICT LEVEL NETWORKING :-GRES has been leading the District Women
development Network ’ (DWDN), a forum of around 26 NGOs / VDOs having Regd. Office in
the undivided Srikakulam District of Andhra Pradesh and active in pro-poor developmental
work of this region. Mrs.Sadasivuni Krishna Kumari Secretary of GRES has been elected as
the Secretary cum Convener of the DWDN for the consecutive second term this year.
List of projects implemented in the last 3 years (April 2005 to March 2008)
Project Donor Amount
Motor Vehicles
• Four Wheeler 01
• Two Wheelers 05
Office Furniture & Fittings
• Office Tables 14
• Wheel Chairs 02
• S Type Chairs 45
Office Equipments
• Air Condition 01
• Refrigerator 01
• Internet Connections 01
• Cameras 03
• Cell Phones 03
Computer Equipments
• Computers 02
• Printer 01
• Webcam 01
Leasehold Improvements
• Tables and Chairs for schools 65
GRES has a strong faith that little intervention in need makes big difference, thus the
success as mentioned above has encouraged GRES with following future programme: