Newsletter 377

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The Citizen Newsletter

The Conservative Voice of Henry County

Issue # 377

November 20, 2012

"INFLATION is not caused by the actions of private citizens, but by the government: by an artificial expansion of the money supply required to support deficit spending. No private embezzlers or bank robbers in history have ever plundered peoples savings on a scale comparable to the plunder perpetrated by the fiscal policies of statist governments." -- Ayn Rand

In This Issue:
Page Feature 2 3 5 6 7 9 9 10 11 Middle East Fast & Furious The Cover Up Mansfield takes on GTC The Goldilocks theory that the federal government can be "just the right size" is a fool's errand. Every superpower in world history has eventually self-destructed. The US is no different. The only question is how long will it take? I firmly believe that under our current system of federal collectivism, our course cannot be altered. Please give me one example in history where this cycle has been broken. The most likely outcome is for the federal government to eventually collapse similar to that of the Soviet Union, at which point the member states are liberated to begin rebuilding as independent nations. It is inevitable and it is the only solution. -- Jake Lilley


Slaves on a New Plantation Fiscal Cliff: Why We Will Fall Infinity and Beyond! A Lesson in Irony

The Seasons Bistro

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Even Wall Street Journal says Benghazi was CIA operation
By G. Douglas Dodge, Lt. Colonel (ret) I hope you're not also swimming in the "pool of fog" surrounding the Benghazi attacks - it was a CIA armsrunning OP that went south. MANPAD missiles (and other semi-advanced weaponry) from Libya to the Syrian rebels. That's what the "CIA Annex" was doing there - keeping an eye on the groups who they had dealt with during the overthrow, and dickering with them for weapons. This served both to reduce the quantity of dangerous systems available for global purchase in a semi-chaotic Libya, and as a relatively untraceable source of same into select groups of Syrian Freedom Fighters. The State Department outpost was simply "thin cover" for the CIA annex and personnel - lightly manned, rented, and highly advertised (flags/local security personnel/etc.) - as opposed to the CIA "annex" - the locals, reportedly, did not even know it was there until the CIA (volunteer) response team evacuated some of the State Department folks back there after the initial attack - and were followed. This story, in my opinion, is not the big deal Rush Limbaugh, et al, are trying to make it out to be (who knew what, when, why the State facility was not better fortified, why the Admin cover story was so demonstrably false/etc. - this is all blarney). Obama does (and did) not want another "Iran-Contra" scandal on his hands - which is essentially what this is. Except that, arguably, the Syrian Freedom Fighters are not technically a hostile regime. The press, and his administration, have successfully misdirected the reportage so far - and will continue to do so. SOP for a sensitive OP gone bad. In fact, the Wall Street Journal reported this story, pretty accurately, On November 26th, and it got zero additional air time. This is the interesting aspect of this event. The fawning mainstream media would have been all over this if it smacked of gun-running if a Republican would have been in office (think "IranContra Affair") - but my perspective is that only folks following it are rabid talk show hosts - and they have the wrong end of the stick. Obviously I have no problem with Congress screwing with Obama and his minions, but so far nobody's really talking about what really went on there.

Based on the persuasive testimony of ex-CIA boss David Petraeus, it is clear the Obama administration made a deliberate decision to mislead Congress and the American people.
Just days removed from his Charlotte convention, where he danced on the grave of Osama bin Laden and boasted that al Qaeda was decimated, Obama couldnt bear to admit that affiliated groups were thriving in North Africa. And he certainly couldnt admit they had carried out a murderous attack on our consulate. Or, Why.


Newt Gingrich said the news media knows the truth and has e-mails relating to the involvement of the White House in relation to the "stand down" order that was given to prevent the ambassador and his crew from receiving help that would have saved his lifeessentially allowing him to die.

"A U.S. senator told me two days ago that he believes several networks have emails about a group [that was] planning a counterterrorism move," Gingrich said. "They were told to stand down, that this was not a terrorist attack."

There were fighters identified as Libyans in Syria, and Chris Stevens was the bridge between the US and the opposition. The FSA's requests for weapons were finally responded to and there is indication that arrangements were being made to ship the weapons to Syria via Turkey. Intending to funnel weapons only to what the US perceived as the "good guys" namely the Free Syrian Army, word must have inadvertently reached the "bad guys" namely al-Qaeda, that they had been left out of the party. Al-Qaeda did not take this too kindly. They had spilled their blood for the sake of the West, and were willing to risk their lives in Syria, and wondered, "Is this how the West pays us back, by snubbing us?" Benghazi would be the place they got revenge. We know this because the attack had been pre-planned months ahead of time. On September 11, witnesses saw about 150 bearded armed men setting up roadblocks, and sealing off street leading to the US Consulate in Benghazi. Interestingly enough, no US embassy in Benghazi is listed on the list of US embassies, because there is only one US embassy in Libya, and it is in Tripoli. Nevertheless, the trucks of the gunmen bore the logo of Ansar al-Shariah, a powerful local group of Islamist militants, according to THE MIAMI HERALD. The only logical reason al-Qaeda would get involved in such an operation points to taking Chris Stevens hostage, and then making a deal similar to the Iran-Contra deal, by swapping Chris Stevens in exchange for a portion of the weapons that was supposed to be delivered to FSA. According to FOX News, CIA chain of command told the CIA operators twice to "stand down" rather than help the ambassador's team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11. There were also two drones with live video feeds of the attacks. U.S. officials argue that there was a period of several hours when the fighting stopped before the mortars were fired at the annex, leading officials to believe the attack was over. Bingo! The only reason there was a period of several hours when fighting stopped, also points to a negotiation taking place, between the gunmen who were holding Stevens hostage and those WHO HAD ACCESS TO THE INTEL BEING FED TO THEM BY THE MILITARY SURVEILLANCE DRONES.


"I don't know if it's either a cover-up or the worst kind of incompetence, which doesn't qualify the president as commander in chief," JOHN MCCAIN SAID ON "FACE THE NATION" For McCain to mention there was a cover-up is as a result of putting two and two together based on what happened in the Iran-Contra deal, and most recently the Fast and Furious scandal when the government sold weapons to Mexican drug lords covertly. It would therefore make sense to a military man like McCain to suspect the same was happening in the Stevens case, which would be an enormous scandal that not even the media could protect Obama from. The Russians knew all along that weapons were headed to Syria to be used against Assad. In order to protect their interests in Syria, the Russians have been providing weapons to the Syrian government. Ruslan Pukhov, the Russian defense analyst and director of the Moscow-based Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, said, "Russia doesn't see any problems selling weapons to Syria if the CIA and French and British secret services are shipping military hardware via Turkey to the rebels, including the Islamists," IN THIS VIDEO INTERVIEW WITH THE BBC. (pop-up) Arab news network Al Arabia reported early in August that surface-to-air missiles, particularly MANPADs, ( man-portable air-defense systems), HAD BEEN SUPPLIED TO THE REBELS TO HELP OUST ASSAD. (pop-up) The New York Times also reported that weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some anti-tank weapons, were being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a SHADOWY NETWORK OF INTERMEDIARIES INCLUDING SYRIA'S MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD. Further evidence reveals that there was squabbling between al-Qaeda and FSA in regard to who got what weapons. FOX NEWS HAS EVIDENCE THAT A LIBYAN-FLAGGED VESSEL REPORTEDLY CARRYING WEAPONS named Al Entisar, which means "The Victory," was received in the Turkish port of Iskenderun -- 35 miles from the Syrian border -- on Sept. 6, just five days before Ambassador Chris Stevens, information management officer Sean Smith and former Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were killed during an extended assault by more than 100 Islamist militants. Quoting The Times of London, Syria News Agency verified that over 400 tons of cargo included "SAM-7 surface-to-air anti-craft missiles and rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs)." Abu Mohammad, who told The Times that he "helped to move the shipment from warehouses to the border" said "THIS IS THE LARGEST SINGLE DELIVERY OF ASSISTANCE" THE GUNMEN HAVE SO FAR RECEIVED. We have determined why Stevens was sent to Libya, and have been able to place both the Libyan rebels and the cache of weapons in Syria. John McCain's theory is the only legitimate one , since there has been silence in this administration as to what really happened and why it happened. It is safe to say, based on the available evidence; Chris Stevens was an unintended victim of extortion who was taken hostage by the very people he helped overthrow Gaddafi. The deal went wrong after the militant al-Qaeda could not reach a consensus with the person in charge of the negotiations. The cover-up benefits the parties who gave the order to stand down, since they do not have to take responsibility or stand trial for the lives that were lost.


City takes on utility over eminent domain

At issue is whether law allows utility to use eminent domain to condemn public land set aside for a park A tiny Georgia city that is battling a utility co-op's efforts to erect 100-foot poles and string high-voltage power lines through land designated for a nature preserve has asked the Georgia Court of Appeals to decide whether public utilities can use their powers of eminent domain to condemn public land.
State Rep. Doug Holt (from left), Mansfield Mayor Estona Middlebrooks and Pastor Todd Hilton are trying to stop Georgia Transmission Corp.

Mansfield, a city of 600 people about 40 miles east of Atlanta in Newton County is trying to impose limits on the condemnation powers of the Georgia Transmission Corp. (GTC), which has bulldozers that are already carving out a 100-foot right of way for high-voltage lines slated to pass through 14 acres of woodlands owned by the city and at least one of its historic neighborhoods. The Court of Appeals issued an emergency stay after a Newton County Superior Court judge sided with GTC and allowed condemnation proceedings to go forward. GTC, in turn, has gone back to the Newton County judge, asking him to order the city to post a $1 million bond until the case is decided. "We are going to continue building the line," despite the appeal, GTC attorney William White of Smith, Welch, Webb & White in McDonough told the Daily Report. "We need the line to be completed this winter in order to avoid power outages." Mansfield's attorney, Cartersville lawyer Donald Evans Jr., said Thursday that GTC is "trying to bulldoze the city of Mansfield into dropping its opposition to the condemnation. And they are trying to apply economic pressure to try to prevent a ruling from the Court of Appeals on the legality of what they've done. I don't think that this latest effort to avoid a ruling on the legality and propriety of their attempt to condemn municipal property is going to work. We will get a ruling." The dispute has pitted city and county officials and a citizens group led by the pastor of a Mansfield church against GTC, a consortium of 39 electric membership cooperatives that together provide electricity to more than half of Georgia. Mansfield Mayor Estona Middlebrooks says the power lines will irrevocably damage the historic, treecentered character of Mansfield, designated a "Tree City USA" by the Arbor Day Foundation. A GTC spokeswoman said the new lines are necessary to feed the state's growing demand for electricity and that the power poles and high-voltage lines are "not incompatible" with a nature preserve. At the heart of the dispute is the electric utility's use of eminent domain and whether it can condemn public property. Evans won the emergency stay on Oct. 19 after telling the Court of Appeals that GTC violated state law when it attempted to condemn undeveloped woodlands donated to the city last spring by Beaver Manufacturing Co., a local maker of yarn. He said that, although broad rights of eminent domain permit the state's utilities to condemn private property, those rights do not extend to the condemnation of public lands.


GTC "has simply claimed for itself the right to condemn public property," Evans said this week. "If the Court of Appeals ultimately blesses it and says they have this power that would mean that every single city throughout Georgia can spend all they want to beautify their city, build harborscapes and river walks only to see their work thwarted by the electric company when it comes through with its power lines." Continue reading at Daily Report:

Dare Not to Offend
Brussels replaced its popular Christmas tree exhibit this year at the city center due to concerns that it may offend the local Muslim population. The Right Perspective reported:

Government officials in Brussels, Belgium banned Wednesday a popular Christmas tree exhibit out of concerns that the local Muslim population found it offensive. An electronic winter tree, will take the place of the traditional Christmas Tree and Nativity scene at the city center of Grand Place, reports Brussels News. I suspect that the reference to the Christian religion was the decisive factor in replacing the tree, City councilwoman Bianca Debaets told reporters. For a lot of people who are not Christians, the tree there is offensive to them.
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Mixed Messages?
The following is the original US STATE DEPARTMENT PRESS RELEASE APOLOGY following the ATTACKS OF US EMBASSYS IN CAIRO, EGYPT. The state department is apologizing for anti-Muslim activity in the United States while US Embassies are being attacked, what could be considered an act of war. Instead the Obama State Department attacks Freedom of Speech and apologizes to Islamists who attacked US Embassys. The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.


The Obama administration disavowed a statement from its own Cairo embassy that seemed to apologize for anti-Muslim activity in the United States. "The statement by Embassy Cairo was not cleared by Washington and does not reflect the views of the United States government," an administration official told POLITICO.


Redefining the Slave on a New Plantation
With the headline "Federal Judge: Hobby Lobby Must Offer Morning-After Pill" we see the comment: I love Hobby Lobby, and I would not blame them one bit if they cut every employee to less than 30 hours a week to avoid this "healthcare mandate". We are going to be a Nation of Part-time jobs." The list of both privately held and stock traded companies under assault by the New New Deal grows daily. Problems range from lack of confidence to stockholder sell-offs. At the core of recent news is the heavy burden on business caused by the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. The Congressional Budget Office reports Taxmageddon means unemployment of 9.1% for 2013 and a 0.5% contraction in economy for 2013. HTTP://WWW.ATR.ORG/CBO-REPORT-TAXMAGEDDON-MEANS-UNEMPLOYMENT-POINT-A7344 A large number of companies have announced layoffs as a result of the new taxes associated with the health care law. Businesses are scrambling to deal with the 20 or more higher taxes as a result of the legislation, ranging from a $123 billion surtax on investment income to the $20 billion medical device tax. Obamacare imposes numerous tax increases on Americans, totaling more than $500 billion over a 10-year period. Obamacare increases capital gains tax from 15% to 23.8%. Tax on dividends increase from 15% to 43.4%. There is an $86 billion hike in Medicare payroll taxes. $60.1 Billion tax on Health Insurers. Starting in 2018, new 40 percent excise tax on Cadillac health insurance plans ($10,200 single/$27,500 family). $22.2 Billion tax on Innovator Drug Companies; $20 Billion tax on Medical Device Manufacturers. $50,000 per hospital if they fail to meet new "community health assessment needs," "financial assistance," and "billing and collection" rules set by HHS. 140 Million families will be forced to submit Obamacare Individual Mandate Compliance Forms to IRS. Every American required to file an income tax return must report to the IRS whether or not they have qualifying health insurance under Obamacare. See the full listing of new taxation at A7010#IXZZ1ZTXUZUYL

New World Order

Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim populations conquered through jihad. Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to Islam.


The ObamaCare bill is the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia Muslim diktat in the United States . Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance, and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured. Islam considers insurance to be gambling, risk-taking and usury and is thus banned. Muslims are specifically granted exemption based on this. Yet, in "The Catholic Church vs. ObamaCare," we read U.S. Catholic leaders are "fighting mad with the Obama administration," says Michael Brendan Dougherty at Business Insider, and they're taking the fight to the pews. Catholic parishioners nationwide were read letters from their bishops decrying the feds' recent decision to require religiously affiliated hospitals, colleges, and charities to offer insurance coverage for contraception, sterilization, and the "morning-after" pill all of which the Catholic Church officially opposes.

Healthcare for All

The Obama administration intends to backdoor illegal immigrants into its proposed health-care plan by passing an immigration reform bill that would give legal status to as many as 12 million illegal immigrants currently in the US., charged Radio America talk-radio host Rodger Hedgecock today in Washington, D.C. He suggested the administration will follow the steps of the twice-defeated comprehensive immigration reform legislation proposed by Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., by including ample provisions for establishing a pathway to citizenship and providing for guest workers to give legal status to illegal immigrants already in the U.S.

President Obama has promised a "balanced" approach to the negotiations and our fiscal crisis in general. But, if you listen to all the talk around the "cliff" and the media's coverage of it, ALL the discussions are on the tax side of the equation. The GOP has already ceded that the government needs new revenue before getting anything more than pabulum on the spending side of the equation. Progressives have forged new and powerful ways to join and influence the debate here in Washington, said Barbara Lee. Lynn Woolsey observed, We are in the midst of a progressive awakening in this country and I have never been more confident and optimistic about the future of progressive politics. Representatives Lee and Woolsey are the co-chairmen of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. This group now has some 75 known members that are proud to say they belong to the Socialist Democrat Party of the United States! Many people do not know this nor do they really care. Most do not even know this type of change is being pushed, much less that our President himself is more aligned with the socialist group than the freedom loving people. Obamas background is full of this kind of indoctrination from the well-known Communist, Frank Marshal Davis, who trained him for over 7 years in the ideology of Communism while he was growing up in Hawaii. When Obama went to Occidental College in California, he was an avid member of a group that stood before a huge picture of Karl Marx while trying to figure out just how to destroy the United States so they could change it into a more Socialist/Marxist nation.


The Fiscal Cliff and Why We Will Fall

Obamas receipt of the Noble Peace Prize in 2009 was in anticipation of Fiscal cliff military cuts and One World Order United Nations Rule with NATO as their enforcer. ~ Nick Contompasis
I simply point to the 2009 Noble Peace Prize won by a newly elected President Barack Hussein Obama of the United States. A prize, to everyone, was unearned, not yet anyway. I wouldve hoped that our Generals were paying attention to this phenomenon since their careers and the security of our country was at stake. Embedded in our new fiscal crises that will come within 42 days are military cuts amounting to over one trillion dollars in the next ten years. Now, if you understand how and why a Peace Prize is awarded youll understand whats about to happen when we confront the edge of this cliff. I plucked this revelation from the Nobel website and its something every America should know: The goal of the Nobel Peace Prize is to award people who have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses." Now, with that understood, do you see the road were on? Its a predetermined path we seemly have no control over. The powers behind the globalization of the earth are so embedded now a simple Presidential election isnt even a bump in the road for them.

TO INFINITY AND BEYOND! The US Treasury Secretary said we should have a Buzz Lightyear credit card limit - TO INFINITY AND BEYOND! So where was the big media when it was time to put this big news on the front page? ~ Herman Cain Did you know U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner thinks our debt ceiling should be lifted -- TO INFINITY? Thats right. The guy who sort of manages, and certainly speaks for, our countrys purse strings thinks the national credit card should have no limit. In this economic climate, with the monotonous drumbeat of the fiscal cliff, Geithners remarks should alarm every single American. He is part of the Obama administration. If he thinks it is okay to let our debt reach for the stars, maybe his boss does too. This sermon arrived in church on Friday, November 16th, when Geithner actually went on the record with his scary lack of common sense during a Bloomberg TV interview. It was subsequently relayed later that day on THE HUFFINGTON POST then CNSNEWS.COM got it on November 19. If not for the folks at Drudge Report, however, this story may have stayed lurking sleepily in the back pews.


If you know the [Communist] Manifesto, you will think Marx himself wrote the Democratic Partys 2012 electoral campaign, which contains all of the above planks of Marxism."

A lesson in irony.
The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever, to 46 million people. Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." Their stated reason for the policy is because the animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves. This ends today's lesson. H/T to Tom Bonnell


The Seasons Bistro

Come experience the elegance!
The Seasons Bistro, just off the square in downtown McDonough, Georgia, delivers an elegant dining experience nestled in the setting of a historic 100+ year old building. You will find comfortable furnishings surrounded by a beautiful old world decor. The lounge features a comfy couch, soft leather chairs, and the perfect lighting. Seasons is a great place to stop by for a delicious meal, a drink, or for your next business meeting. Ask about our Gallery Room for large events.
Noel & Sam Pagn, owners of The Seasons Bistro

41 Griffin Street McDonough, GA 30253 678.814.4995

H Magazine, July/August 2010

Read the full article from H Magazine here:


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