Chapel Chimes December 2012

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CHAPEL CHIMES growing in faith...sharing Gods love



G. K. Chesterton, the noted British poet and theologian, was a brilliant man who could think deep thoughts and express them well. However, he was also extremely absent-minded! Over the years he became rather notorious for getting lost. He would just absolutely forget where he was supposed to be and what he was supposed to be doing. On one such occasion, he sent a telegram to his wife which carried these words Honey, seems that Im lost again. Presently, I am at Market Harborough. Where ought I to be? As only a spouse could say it, she telegraphed back a one word reply Home! That is exactly what this passage in the rst chapter of Matthew does for us It brings us dolor ac adipiscing amet bibendum, massa Ac
home! *Home to the real meaning of Christmas
*Home to the libero nec, truth in et pharetra lacus molestie ut most magnicentdiam all the Bible
*Home to our Lords greatest promise sodales eget vitae aliquet. Namely this

days & r Birth be Decem iversaries Ann

1! 4! ! 5! 6! 7! 8! ! 9! 10! 14! 17! 18! 19! ! 20! ! ! 21! 22! 26! 27! 28! ! 29! ! 30! 31! ! ! ! Denise & Matt Kemp Phillip Collins Angel Schewe Cheryl Wiese Caitlin Appelgate Jena Benoit Judy Svendsen Barb Plaehn Dain McBride Devan Mann Marvalyn Kelly !Gwenyth Schaer Crystal Anderson Michael Kloster Kendall Collins Ben Krull Nicole Svendsen Rodney & Tracy Ormston Mark Groth Rebekah Svendsen Jordan Hellie Brook Rosacker Leon Lamer Matt DeSchamp Siera Richter Cindy Krull !Charles & Amilliah Kenya Jim & Shirley Svendsen Carolyn Kloster Jacob Svendsen Jaret Lynch Saralyn Beane


Chapel- Marvalyn and I are so excited and honored to be sharing this Christmas season with you! See you at home!


Merry Christmas, Pastor Dean and Marvalyn Kelly

Before Sun/Jan 6: Dehanging of Greens Jan 13: Administrative Council meeting; Jim & LeAnn Fleming and Kathryn Burt, lunch

Cha pel N ew s
Sunday School Elections Elections were held November 11 for Sunday School leadership positions. C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s t o Va u g n Kloster, John Richter, Dan Steen and Lynn Handorf who were elected to share the superintendent position for 2013. Secretaries will be Shirley Svendsen, Karen Handorf, LeAnn Fleming, and Carol Lamer, and the treasurer will be Rick Bessman again. Congratulations! Annual Lords Acre Sale The Iowa River Church of the Brethren invites you on Saturday, December 1, to their bazaar at 9 am and their chicken noodle dinner from 11-1. There will also be many baked goods and crafts as well as chicken noodles by the quart for $7.00. All-Church Picture Please join us for church December 2! Marla Hlas will take an all-church picture following the service for our church directory. She will also be taking organizational and group pictures several Sundays.
YF Hayride Nineteen YF members and guests enjoyed a hayride on October 28. The group was chauffeured by Duane Mann as they traveled from the church to Jay Beichleys SNCAL home. They warmed up around a re outside and then enjoyed grilled hot dogs, chips, bars, hot cocoa and sodas inside the home. All chose to chat indoors rather than roast marshmallows outdoors. Adults assisting with the event were Duane Mann, Marla Hlas, and Randy and Susan Beichley. Thanks to Dee Burt for organizing the event.

Here is Kyle Krulls address in Korea. He would most denitely appreciate hearing from Chapel family while hes away! SGT Krull, Kyle J HHC, 1BSTB, 1BCT UNIT #15046 APO AP96224

Addresses of Chapels kids are always welcome! Were happy to pass along any updates!

To our dear Chapel friends, Dan and I want to thank you all for your cards and concerned thoughts for our son, but most importantly, for your prayers. Thank you for responding so quickly to our desperate plea when Andrews oxygenation droppedThe power of prayer! Please say a prayer today for Andrew. His mind is clear in regards to knowing people and he can use the iPad, TV remote, etc. but he thinks he is in Colorado or Rapid City. The trouble now is that he wants to go home and doesnt understand why he cannot! It is so heartbreaking to be around him when we are not able to help him get home. Our prayer request today is to praise the Lord and give Him thanks! We members of Chapel have all had different issues, and our Lord is right beside us to carry us though. Our sincere thanks go to you for your prayers, and we hope all is well for all of you. Blessings to you, Dan & Trish Steen

Steve Svendsen, Clive, spoke November 10 at the Iowa Veterans Home for the Marine Corps' 237th birthday celebration. He retired as a Marine Corps' major in 2009. Dick and Jo are his parents.

Chairmen Committees, please elect your chairperson and contact Ann Jackson ASAP. Thank you.

Worship Attendance Oct 28: 106 Nov 4: 96 Nov 11: 99 Nov 18: 126

Ch ri stma s A ct i v i t i e s
2012 Advent Candlelighting Dec 2: Ron Groth Family Dec 9: Lynn Handorf Family Dec 16: Chuck Rosacker Family Dec 23: Bill Ormston Family Christmas Eve, 7 pm: Vaugn Kloster Family 2012 Christmas Program Practice Schedule December 2 9:30 AM Practice in Sanctuary December 9 9:30 AM Practice in Sanctuary December 16 9:30 AM Practice in Sanctuary December 19 - 6:30 PM Dress Rehearsal in Sanctuary December 22 9:00 AM Dress Rehearsal December 23 Program at 6:00 PM (Arrive at 5:30 PM to get dressed) Christmas Cards It has been a tradition at Chapel for each family to bring one Christmas card and/or picture to church and display them on the windows between the narthex and sanctuary. Everyone enjoys looking at the beautiful greetings. 60th Anniversary Messiah This years Messiah is Sunday, December 2, at Hope United Methodist Church in Marshalltown from 6:00-7:30 pm with light refreshments following. As in years past, Harlan Nuss will direct and Chad Mussig will accompany on the organ. Gladbrook Soup Day & Childrens Gifts On Sat, Dec 8, the Gladbrook Lions invite you to their soup day starting at 11 am. Also, children, pre-K through sixth grade, may shop for gifts to give their loved ones for free. Please put any gently used, or new, gifts for all ages in the narthex box by Sun, Dec 2. Thank you.

ow you kn Did


Poinsettia Orders Poinsettia orders are due on November 25. If you would like to give a red poinsettia in honor or memory of someone, complete a form in the bulletin or newsletter and give to Lois Groth, 641-750-4005 or 641-499-2557 Cantata plus $10 (check to Chapel Enjoy the Garwin and Chapel Flowers). There will be forms in singers as they perform a cantata the bulletins on November 18 and during the last half of our worship 25. service on December 9. Festival of Trees Come join the fun in Gladbrook on Wed, Nov 28, from 5-7 pm. Activities include viewing the many beautifully decorated trees on the second oor of the City Centre, including Chapels own beautiful tree! Sue Koster will be playing Christmas music. You will enjoy free hot dogs and hot drink, going on a trolley ride, eating kettle corn, shopping in stores, and signing up for many prizes Drawings at 7 pm. Christmas Program & Dinner Theater The Volunteers are sponsoring an all-church outing to New Hope Church on Saturday, December 15, for their dinner theater, Searching for the Perfect Gift. Arrive at 6:30 pm for social time and 7:00 pm pork loin dinner and performance. Cost is only $8.00. Any questions, please contact Heidi Langenbau, 641-750-5063,

Look for your 2013 Chapel responsibilities on back bulletin board or glass wall by secretarys desk Thank you for serving! Thank you to the Larry Collins and Bill Backo families for decorating the altar for Thanksgiving Beautiful! Help! If you will be attending the Christmas Eve service and would be willing to be a communion assistant, please contact Carolyn Kloster. She may be busy replenishing the juice. Thank you. Barbara Burt attended the Walk to Emmaus Nov 9-11. Many Chapel students participated in the GMG play November 3. Great job! Patti Cornwells nephew and wife visited Chapel October 28. Pastor Dean & Marvalyn will be at 5130 Saddlebag Lake Rd, Lake Wales, FL 33898 from Dec 26, 2012 mid-March, 2013. Jennifer Daniel will be our guest pastor during that time. Lori Somers is proud to announce that her daughter, Janel & Jake Sullivan, have adopted two sisters from Ghana~Jennifer, 5, and Jasara, 2. They arrived in Huxley on October 24 and are joined by siblings, Justice, JJ, and Jayla. Riley and Philip Ormston placed rst in a golf tournament recently Very special feat with Rileys Auspergers autism! Jan & Dave Yungbluths son, Adam, and Rebecca Ellis-Hamilton were married in Logan, UT, recently. Jan & son Kevin and Vaugn & Carolyn Kloster attended the wedding. Rebecca Schrodt, senior at Waukee, sang at All-State Nov 17 at Hilton Coliseum. She is the daughter of Andy & Sara (Koster) Schrodt. All-Saints Sunday was recognized November 4 with the conrmands lighting a candle and ringing a bell for our deceased members the last ten years.

Chri stma s a ct iv i t i e s
Christmas Gifts A Chapel cookbook would make a wonderful Christmas gift for someone who does not have one. Just give $15 to Shirley Svendsen, Volunteers treasurer, and take one home. Operation Christmas Child Thank youto all who donated items for Operation Christmas Child. Chapel collected about 36 shoeboxes full of school supplies, toys, hygiene items, etc. The boxes will be mailed worldwide to children in desperate situations. Operation Christmas Child will provide stories about Jesus in each box in the appropriate language. Also, a big thank you to the UMW for paying much of the $7/box shipping fee and to those who included shipping money.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Chapel will have a candlelight service and communion on Christmas Eve at 6 pm. Vaugn and Carolyn Kloster will lead the Advent candlelighting. Pastor Dean will lead the service with the Nurturing committee helping where needed.

Thank You, Sunday School Teachers & Childrens Church Leaders With Christmas approaching, several parents have asked who their childs Sunday School teachers are for the 2012-2013 year: Jr SS Superintendent: Heidi Langenbau Preschool/Kindergarten: Janice Collins, Tammy Burt, Sierra Winters, Ann Jackson, Janine Anderson, Tricia Steen, Diana Collins Grades 1-4: Marvalyn Kelly, Cimber Strayer, Diana Collins, Heidi Langenbau, Marla Hlas, Marci Krull, Ross Iverson, Ann Jackson, Dana Roscker Grades 5 & 6: Lynn Handorf, Tammy & Bill Backoff, Marci Krull, Amy Bland, Carol Lamer, Marla Hlas Jr. & Sr. High: Tina Mann, Mike & Cathy Vint, John Richter, Ben & Shauna Smith, Randy & Susan Beichley, Linda Svendsen 2013 Childrens Church Leaders: Diana Collins, Bill & Tammy Backoff, Heidi Langenbau, Janice Collins, Janine Andersen

n Concer of r Circle Ou
Andrew Steen, highway trooper from Sioux Falls, recovering from accident Dan & Tricia Steen as they encourage Andrew Dena Ahrens, 38; brain, thyroid & lung cancer; three children at home; Doug Hlas cancer from Belle Plaine; donate Christmas gift tree to Marla Tom Handorf, recovering from esh-eating bacteria Je Koster, tests Dick Ormston, heart problems/ pacemaker; Bills brother Kyle Krull, serving in Korea and wife Krysti & son Mattox staying in Garwin Mike Wood, lymphoma; Marci Krulls father Dayton & Dawton Sash, twin daughters born prematurely to Autumn & Craig; Amy Niedermanns great-nieces Tanya Clausen Richards, cancer in multiple areas, including brain, breast, lung & lymph nodes; GR graduate with Angie Lookingbill Family of Vera Rubenbauer who passed away; funeral services Nov 5 John Claussen, tests for leukemia, and wife Vivian, kidney failure & heart problems; John & Pam Flemings son-in-laws parents Jean Burt Hallam, second knee surgery Nov 28 Megan Frandsens family on death of her grandmother Nov 12. Megan is Andrew Burts special friend. Damage on east coast from hurricane, ood and blizzard Elected ocials Conrmation class as they strengthen their faith each week

Plan now to attend Chapels Christmas program, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, on Sunday, December 23, at 5:00 pm. The humorous play, based on the book by Barbara Robinson, features the Herdman kids, who are possibly the worst kids in the history of the world! They lie, steal, smoke cigars, swear, and hit little kids. No one is prepared when this outlaw family invades church and decides to take over the annual Christmas pageant! Children will be practicing during Sunday School each Sunday in December - It is very important that they attend the practices. Please contact Ann Jackson, 473-2338 or Heidi Langenbau, 499-2541, who are coordinating the program, if you have questions or if your child cannot be in the program. Rick Bessman's apple and candy bar distribution and the unwrapping of gifts will follow the program.

Cha pel N ew s
Here We Come A-Caroling The all-church caroling will be Sunday, December 9. We will meet at Chapel at 2:30 pm and then divide into two caroling groups. We will end the night at Zenos Pizza. Committees include: Darrel and Barbara Burt: make & distribute list of caroling order and times; call ahead to all those to whom we will carol. Please contact Burts if you have suggestions of people who should be caroled to. Karen Handorf & Cindy Ormston: boxed candies Sue Koster: get song sheets and ask youth to lead caroling Cheri Richter: reserve Zenos about 6 pm Live Nativity and Caroling The GMG Christian Fellowship invites you to go caroling and view a live nativity on Sunday, December 16. Meet at the Garwin bandstand at 5 pm for caroling, and then enjoy the live nativity at 6 pm outside the Garwin UM Church, weather permitting. There will be a soup supper at 6:30 pm in the school cafeteria with a free will donation. Chapel Volunteers will provide crackers and desserts for the meal.

A Note of thanks...

Greetings Chapel Friends! Thank you so very much for the generous gift for Pastor Appreciation Month, $727!! We are blessed! Heres to good months ahead! Pastor Dean & Marvalyn

2013 Calendar Please refer to either the bulletin board or glass wall by the secretarys desk for your 2013 assignments, including head ushers, acolytes, music/owers, nursery, childrens sermon, musicians, and other dates. Make sure you sign up to reserve the church for any special dates on the 2013 calendar hanging left of the bulletin board, and then contact Ann Jackson to verify the date.

SPECIAL MUSIC/FLOWERS FOR 2013 You are responsible for providing owers and nding someone to provide special music on your designated Sunday. You may use any silk ower arrangement in the small room o the sanctuary or bring your own owers. If the following date does not work for you, please trade with someone else. Thank you very much!
Jan 6& Jan 13& Collins Jan 20& Jan 27& Kloster Ben & Shauna Smith Larry & Janice Mike & Cathy Vint Vaugn & Carolyn Apr 14& Barbara Burt Apr 21& Lynn Beichley Apr 28& Dick & Jo Svendsen July 21 Kelly Newcomb July 28& Donald & Phyllis Mann Aug 4& Dean Messerly Aug 11& NA/Visitation Sunday Aug 18& Randy & Susan Beichley Aug 25& Dale & Heidi Langenbau Sept 1& Kendall & Diana Collins Sept 8& Jim & Shirley Svendsen Sept 15& Darwin & Donna Lynch Sept 22& Allen & Dee Burt Sept 29& Lori Somers Oct 6& John & Pam Fleming Oct 13& Matt & Ann Jackson Oct 20& Leon & Carol Lamer Oct 27& Lee & Patti Cornwell Nov 3& Duane & Barbara Beichley Nov 10& Bill & Linda Havelka Nov 17& Dean & Marvalyn Kelly Nov 24& Phil & Karen Collins Dec 1& Stan & Sue Koster Dec 8& Connie Buchman Dec 15& Chris & Amy Bland Dec 22& Doug & Linda Svendsen Dec 29& Kathryn Burt

May 5& Lynn & Claire Handorf May 12& Jim & LeAnn Feb 3& Bill & Tammy Fleming Backo May 19& Chris & Marci Krull Feb 10& Kevin & Rikki Gruen May 26& NA/cemetery Feb 17& Karen Handorf & Feb 24& Darrel & Tammy June 2& Ross & Beverly Burt Iverson June 9& Dan & Sarah Beane Mar 3& Gayle & Cindy Krull June 16& VBS program Mar 10& Myrene Appelgate June 23& Bob & Marcia Wiese Mar 17& John & Cheri Richter June 30& Bill & Cindy Mar 24& Merlyn & Connie Ormston Appelgate Mar 31& Dan & Tricia Steen July 7& Chuck & Dana Rosacker Apr 7& Ron & Lois Groth July 14& Mike & Barb Plaehn

2 01 3 I n for ma t i o n
Childrens Church Treats for 2013 Childrens Church meets in the Fellowship Hall during worship service the second Sunday of each month. Please provide snacks and drinks for approximately 25 people. We have a child who is allergic to peanuts so please be sure your snack does not contain peanuts. Please trade with another family or let Marla Hlas know if you are unable to donate. Jan. 8: Madison & Zach Krull Feb. 12: Owen Collins, Austin Strayer, Matthew DeSchamp Mar.11: Presley Bland & Cooper Langenbau Apr. 15 (wk after Easter): The Great Egg Hunt - leaders May13: Andrew, Nicholas & Jacob Collins (June: VBS month; no Childrens Church) July 8: Grace & Angel Schewe August: Visitation Sunday September 9: Frances, Wyatt & Violet Jackson October 14: Elijah, Josiah & Selah Gruen November 11: Jace Hlas & Kyan McBride December 9: Madisyn & Carter Anderson Thank you for your help! ~ Childrens Church leaders, Diana Collins, Bill & Tammy Backoff, Heidi Langenbau, Janice Collins, Janine Anderson Nursery Attendants for 2013 Thank you for volunteering to help in the nursery during Chapels worship services! If you bring snacks, please take leftovers home. If no children come for you to watch, please tell the usher where you are sitting so (s)he can alert you if a child comes. Please pick up the toys afterwards. If you need to switch with someone or do not wish to help, please contact Ann Jackson,, 473-2338. Thank you! Childrens Sermons 2013 Please trade if you have a conict with your time.

Jan 6 Marla July 7 Marla Jan 13 Childrens July 14 CC Church July 21 Rikki Jan 20 Cathy July 28 Pastor Jan 27 J. Daniels Dean Feb 3 Marla Aug 4 Marla Feb 10 CC Aug 11 CC Feb 17 Rikki Aug 18 Claire Feb 24 Jennifer Aug 25 Pastor Mar 3 Marla Dean Mar 10 CC Sept 1 Marla Jan 6 & 13: Barbara Burt & Brook Mar 17 Susan Sept 8 CC Rosacker Sept 15 Susan Jan 20 & 27: Kendall & Diana Collins Mar 24 Marla Mar 31 Pastor Sept 22 Marla Feb 3 & 10: Cindy & Tyler Krull Sept 29 Pastor Feb 17 & 24: Sierra Winters & Autumn Dean Apr 7 Marla Dean Rosacker Apr 14 CC Oct 6 Marla Mar 3 & 10: Barb Plaehn & Connie Apr 21 Claire Oct 13 CC Buchman Oct 20 Cathy Mar 17 & 24: Tyler Krull & Matt Carlon Apr 28 Pastor Dean Oct 27 Pastor Mar 31 & Apr 7: Shannon Fleming & May 5 Marla Dean Summer Langenbau May 12 CC Nov 3 Marla Apr 14 & 21: Dee & Jacob Burt May 19 Pastor Nov 10 CC Apr 28 & May 5: Marvalyn Kelly & Dean Nov 17 Rikki Janice Collins May 26 NA/ Nov 24 Pastor May 12 & 19: Dee & Jacob Burt cemetery Dean May 26 & June 2: Ben & Shauna June 2 Marla Dec 1 Marla Smith June 9 Cathy Dec 8 CC June 9 & 23: Barbara Burt June 16 NA/VBS Dec 15 Claire June 16 (VBS): NA June 23 Marla Dec 22 Pastor June 30 & July 7: Ann Jackson & June 30 Pastor Dean Mattison Vaske Dec 29 Marla July 14 & 21: Claire & Karen Handorf Dean July 28 & Aug 4: Shauna Smith & McKensie Vaske Aug 11 (Visitation Sun): NA Usher List for 2013 Aug 18 & 25: Cindy & Tyler Krull Thank you for being willing to serve as Sept 1 & 8: Mackenzie Burt & Ella Musicians for 2013 one of Chapels ushers. Ushers Gruen responisibilities are posted in the Jan: (1st listed is organist) Kelly Sept 15 & 22: Dee & Jacob Burt narthex. In case you need to trade Newcomb & Kathryn Burt Sept 29 & Oct 6: Dee & Jacob Burt Feb: Susan Beichley & Kathryn Burt Oct 13 & 20: Marvalyn Kelly & Marci Sundays or months, here are the ushers for 2013: Mar: Kelly Newcomb & Kathryn Burt Krull Jan: Duane Mann, Bill Havelka Apr: Susan Beichley & Sue Koster Oct 27 & Nov 3: Cimber, Tyson & Feb: Gayle Krull, Matt Jackson May: Marcia Wiese & Marvalyn Kelly Austin Strayer Mar: Mike Plaehn, Duane Beichley June: Marcia Wiese & Sue Koster Nov 10 & 17: Dee & Jacob Burt July: Marcia Wiese & Marvalyn Kelly Nov 24 & Dec 1: Tammy & Logan Burt Apr: Bill Backoff, John Fleming May: Don Carlon, Steve Bishop Aug: Susan Beichley & Sue Koster Dec 8 & 15: Dan & Tricia Steen Sept: Marcia Wiese & Marvalyn Kelly Dec 22 & 29: Ann & Frances Jackson June: Dan Steen, Tricia Steen July: Bill Ormston, Cindy Ormston Oct: Kelly Newcomb & Kathryn Burt Aug: Jeff Koster, Dane McBride Nov: Susan Beichley & Marvalyn Kelly Sept: Chris Bland, Amy Bland Dec: Kelly Newcomb & Sue Koster Oct: Rick Bessman, Chuck Rosacker Nov: Doug Hlas, Chris Krull Dec: Lynn Beichley, Dale Langenbau

Administrative Council Minutes

Administrative Council Meeting October 28, 2012 Present: Pastor & Marvalyn Kelly, Larry & Janice Collins, Lori Somers, Je Koster, Don & Phyllis Mann, Doug & Linda Svensen, Jim Fleming, Randy & Susan Beichley, Heidi & Summer Langenbau, Barbara Burt, Allen Burt, Kathryn Burt, Stan & Sue Koster, Ann Jackson. Allen Burt called the meeting to order at 12:21 pm by welcoming everyone, thanking Ann and Heidi for the lunch, and then leading the group in prayer. Doug Svendsen moved to approve the minutes from the last meeting as published in Chapel Chimes. Sue Koster seconded the motion, and it passed. Treasurers Report, Jim Fleming: Jim reported that the Ice Cream Social prots had been dispersed to LCA, YF and Chapel. Current balance on hand is $36,919.37. YF Report, Summer Langenbau: Summer reported that there will be a YF hayride on October 28th. YF members also attend Sunday School classes. The group has struggled to nd leaders to replace Dee and Allen Burt; Doug & Marla Hlas are looking for someone to lead YF with them. Pastor Dean reminded the group that Jay Beichley continues to be our youth pastor. He suggested that we invite Jay (for a boys activity) & possibly Sonya (for a girls activity) once a month for a YF event. There was some discussion regarding how to reimburse Jay for his travel to and from Chapel. Doug Svendsen moved that Jay be paid $125 per round trip and $15 an hour for planning/ execution of youth activities that will occur approximately once a month. Heidi Langenbau seconded the motion and the motion passed. Any unusual expenses (books, supplies, etc.) should be turned in to Jim Fleming for reimbursement. Pastoral Report, Pastor Dean Kelly: Pastor Dean reviewed his Advent plans, Seasoning the Season. There was some discussion regarding the December 9th service. The Garwin Community Cantata will perform, but Pastor Dean felt it important that the praise team also perform, so visitors would get the feeling of a service at Chapel. Pastor will be here through Christmas Eve. He will plan that service which will be at 7:00 pm. The Worship/ Nurturing committee (Linda Svendsen) will be sure to locate the candles before Christmas Eve. Jennifer Daniels rst service at Chapel will be Sunday, January 6. Trustees, Stan Koster: A Planning Committee will be meeting November 1st, at 7:00 pm to begin investigating a possible building upgrade for Chapel. The committee consists of the trustees and ten others. Landscaping projects will be d e l a y e d u n t i l t h e f a c i l i t y s u p g r a d e investigation is completed. The trustees also began the process of replacing our custodian since Lynda Miell has resigned. LCA looked at paving the main entrance of the cemetery. The cost would be $1250. They have decided, with the approval of the trustees, to temporarily get gravel for the cemetery approach. PPR, Doug Svendsen: Doug reported that we are ready for Pastor Deans absence this winter with Jennifer Daniel lling in. Sunday School, Randy Beichley: New Sunday School superintendents will be elected during Sunday School November 11th. Randy reported that the superintendents like rotating opening duties and will continue with that rotation. Jr. Sunday School, Heidi Langenbau: Heidi reported that everything is going well with the Junior Sunday School Programs. Some children are moving outside of their age-level group to other classes. As long as it doesnt cause a problem for the SS teachers, Heidi did not have a problem with the kids moving. Heidi also reported that Sunday School time will be used for Christmas Program rehearsals in November and December. Childrens Church, Marla Hlas: Janice Collins reported on behalf of Marla Hlas. During Childrens Church, children are currently working on memorizing books of the Bible. When they nish the books of the Bible, they will also memorize a poem about the disciples. Witness Ministries, Barb Burt: Barb reported that she ordered six books to review for an Advent study and is in the process of choosing a book. There was discussion on where in the church to hold the study, whether Sunday Schools Opening time would be used and whether to have congregation members buy their books or be led by a teacher. Missions, Susan Beichley: Susan reported that the Mission Minutes reports are continuing on the second Sunday of every month. There is also a Mission Corner on the Chapel Church blog. The Committee recommended that Lori Somers have time during a worship service to share details of her June mission trip to Tanzania. Lori will share her mission story during the December 30th worship service. The Missions Committee is helping to coordinate a mission trip to Nova Scotia d u r i n g e a r l y Ju l y. T h e c o m m i t t e e encourages members of our congregation to continue doing mission activities. Age-level Committee, Ann Jackson: Ann reported that rehearsals for the Christmas Program will be beginning soon. The program contains an adult male role. Anyone interested in helping with that role (or in any other capacity) should talk to Ann or Heidi. Nurturing Committee, Linda Svendsen: The committee bought two new tables for the sanctuary. They are also helping to organize the Christmas Eve service. Old Business: Barbara Burt commented that the acolytes robes and ministries are much appreciated. Kathryn Burt informed the group that there is a robe for each conrmand and they will wear those robes each time they acolyte and when they are conrmed in March. New Business: Pastor Dean has found a devotional book for Advent that he would like to make available to Chapel members. D e v o t i o n s i n t h e b o o k w o u l d t a ke approximately 3-5 minutes per day and the devotions contained within the book will coincide with Pastors sermon during Advent. The books are $11 each. Randy moved that the church buy 30 books to go along with Advent, available at no cost to the congregation, Linda Svendsen seconded, and the motion passed. Sue Koster commended Ann Jackson on her work gathering Charge Conference materials and for continuing to be our secretary. Lori Somers, membership chair, presented Marvalyn Kelly as a new member. Lori also noted that at Charge Conference we failed to nominate a lay member to attend Charge Conference. Charge conference is the rst weekend in June and all expenses would be paid. Anyone interested should speak with Lori. Committees, please nominate your chairs as soon as possible and forward that information to Ann Jackson and Sue Koster. The next Administrative Council meeting will be January 13, 2013. Jim & LeAnn Fleming and Kathryn Burt will furnish the meal. Barb Burt moved to adjourn the meeting, and Heidi seconded the motion, which passed. Allen Burt closed the meeting with prayer at 1:17 pm. Administrative Council Secretary, Ann Jackson

UMWa pe l Ne w s Ch & LCA MINUTES

UMW & Chapel UMW met Thursday, November 1, 2012, at 1:30 p.m. at the church. The Thank Oering Program was presented by Shirley Svendsen and Carolyn Kloster using the new 2012-2013 Program Book. Vice president Sue Koster called the meeting to order. Eleven members answered roll call by recalling a time when you got into trouble at home or at school. The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved. Correspondence was read from the Gladbrook UMW, thanking us for contributing to the Haiti Solar Oven Project. Shirley Svendsen presented the treasurers report and it was placed on le. There were no bills presented. & S u e Ko s t e r a n d C a r o l y n Kloster gave a report on the UMW Mission Education Event held in October at MCC. They told us of the speakers and the dierent topics that were presented in both large groups and small groups. There were several Iowans attending that had immigrated and had very interesting stories to relay to the attendees. & Janice Collins will ask for help to decorate the front of the sanctuary for the harvest season and could use some help with gourds, pumpkins and a wheel. & Ha r v e s t Ho m e d i n n e r i s Sunday November 18, after the morning church service. Karen Handorf and Lois Groth will decorate and Sue Koster, Marvalyn Kelly, and Connie Buchman are in charge of the kitchen. & Our project for this month will be to pay postage for the Christmas Child boxes. Kathryn Burt made the motion and Karen Handorf seconded that we give $105 towards the cost for 15 boxes. Motion carried. & Sue Koster gave an Education and Interpretation report for Karen Collins. She told of the labyrinth diagram that was used at the MEE. She also had a list of whats new for UMW. Kathryn Burt and Jo Svendsen reported they had sent four cards. & Our next meeting is Thursday, December 13, 2012, at 1:30 p.m. at the church. Phyllis Mann, Lois Groth, and Nancy Peshel ha ve the program. Hostesses are Kathryn Burt, Claire Handorf, and Connie Buchman. & Prayer requests were expressed for friends and family in the Chapel community. Sue led us in prayer and closed with monthly scripture from 2 Corinthians. Meeting was adjourned. & A delicious pumpkin dessert was served by Phyllis Mann, Myrene Appelgate, and Sue Koster from tables decorated in a Thanksgiving theme. There will be no meetings in January or February. The spring breakfast for all church women and surrounding church women will be Saturday, March 23, 2013, at 9:00 am. Program, Cindy Ormston & Janice Collins; Hostesses, Kathryn Burt, Jo Svendsen, Susan Beichley & Connie Buchman; Decorations, Karen Handorf & Lois Groth. Secretary, Carolyn Kloster Chapel Ladies Cemetery Aid & The Ladies Cemetery Aid met Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at the church. President Kathryn Burt called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. Carolyn Kloster led devotions with an article by Marj Leegard titled Pass the Thanksgiving and closed with a poem All Through November. Roll call was answered by six members reading a Thanksgiving verse. The minutes of the O c to b e r m e e t i n g w e r e r e a d a n d approved. There was no written correspondence. Vivian LeVier relayed a greeting from her mother, Gladys Appelgate for e ver yone. Shirley Svendsen presented the treasurers report. It was accepted and placed on le. There were no bills presented. & Old Business: Extra gravel will be put on the entry to the cemetery drive at no charge. The cemetery records will be put on the computer soon. & Ne w B u s i n e s s : O u r n e x t m e e t i n g w i l l b e o n We d n e s d a y, December 12, at 12:30 p.m. We will be having lunch at Gifts of Grace in Gladbrook. Kathryn Burt is the hostess and also will lead in devotions. Roll call is your favorite Christmas food. & Committee Re p o r t s : Funomics: $.25 if you are hosting a Thanksgiving meal, and $.50 if you are not. Flags: The ags were not own on November 11 due to rain, but were f l o w n o n Mo n d a y, No v e m b e r 1 2 . Remembrance and Shut-ins: Shirley Svendsen reviewed the list from last year. Jo Svendsen and Phyllis Mann are on the committee that will work with the committee from UMW. & Election of ocers was held with a unanimous ballot of President Connie Appelgate, Vice president Vivian LeVier, Secretar y Carol yn Kloster, and Treasurer Shirley Svendsen. Vi v i a n L e Vi e r m a d e a n d S h i r l e y Svendsen seconded the motion to accept the ballot. Motion carried. & Jo Svendsen made and Vivian LeVier seconded the motion that we duplicate the year- end donations we gave last year. Motion carried. Our donations are: Food Banks in Marshall and Tama Counties $50 each, Dennis Smith $100, Merlyn Appelgate $25, Lynda Miell $25, and Ron and Je Koster $50. & Kathryn Burt mentioned that Jo Svendsens son Steven gave the Veterans Day message on the 237 th birthday of the Marine Corps held at the Veterans Home in Marshalltown. People who need our thoughts and prayers were brought to our attention. & Kathr yn Burt closed the meeting with a reading from 50 Things to Always Remember and One Thing to Ne v e r Fo r g e t . Vi v i a n L e Vi e r entertained with quizzes about Thanksgiving and turkeys. Jo Svendsen served a frozen pumpkin dessert from a table decorated in a Thanksgiving theme. Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Kloster, secretary

Dec e mber C a l e n d a r
Wed/Nov 28: 5-7 pm Gladbrook Tree Lighting, free hotdogs, popcorn, hot cider, trolley rides; view Chapels decorated tree, plus others, in City Centre upstairs; 7:00 pm cantata practice Sat/Dec 1: 9 am, 4-H; IA River Church 9 am Lords Acre Sale Sun/Dec 2: 9 am Conrmands meet; 9:30 am Advent Study; children Christmas program practice during SS; 10:30 am Worship Service~1st Sunday in Advent, Ron & Lois Groth light Advent candles; no communion (Dec 24 instead), childrens memorial Sunday; deadline for putting gently used gifts in narthex for Kids Shopping Day Dec 8; all-church picture for directory after worship Wed/Dec 5: 6:30-8:00 pm Womens Bible Study at Sue Kosters home Thurs/Dec 6: 7:00 pm, nal cantata rehearsal at Garwin UM Church Sun/Dec 9: 9 am Conrmands meet; 9:30 am Advent Study; children Christmas program practice during SS & Childrens Church~Andrew, Nicholas & Jacob Collins, treats; 10:30 am Worship service~2nd Sunday in Advent, Lynn & Claire Handorf light Advent candles; about 10:50 am, cantata with Garwin & Chapel singers (Sue Koster & LeAnn Fleming, bars & drink for singers), no mission minute; 2:30 pm AllChurch Christmas Caroling, then Zenos Mon/Dec 10: 6 pm, Cub Scouts Wed/Dec 12: 12:30 p.m. LCA lunch at Gifts of Grace in Gladbrook; 6:30-8:00 pm Womens Bible Study at Sue Kosters, bring salad for meal, nal gathering Thurs/ Dec 13: 1:30 pm UMW @ church Sat/Dec 15: All-Church dinner theatre at New Hope, Marshalltown; 6:30 Social time; 7:00 Dinner, then play; $8; contact Cheri Richter Sun/Dec 16: 9 am Conrmands meet; 9:30 am Advent Study; childrens Christmas program practice during SS; 10:30 am Worship service~3rd Sunday in Advent, Chuck Rosacker family light Advent candles; 5 pm, Caroling/Live Nativity meet at Garwin bandstand to carol around town; 6 pm, Live Nativity Garwin UM Church (sponsored by GMGs Fellowship of Christian Athletes); 6:30 pm, soup supper afterwards in school cafeteria, free will oering; Volunteers furnish crackers and desserts Wed/ Dec 19: 6:30 pm Christmas Program Dress Rehearsal Sat/ Dec 22: 9 am Christmas Program Dress Rehearsal Sun/Dec 23: 9 am Conrmands meet; 9:30 am Advent Study; childrens Christmas program practice during SS; 10:30 am Worship service~4th Sunday in Advent, Bill & Cindy Ormston light Advent candles; children arrive at 5:30 pm; 6 pm, Christmas childrens program, gift unwrapping, apples/candybars afterwards Mon/Dec 24: Candlelight Service and communion, 6 pm; Vaugn Kloster family will light Advent candles; Pastor Dean and Nurturing/Worship committee in charge Tues/Dec 25: Merry Christmas! Sun/Dec 30: 9:30 am Sunday School; 10:30 am Worship service~Lori Somers will talk about her Tanzania trip; Pastor Dean & Marvalyn in Florida for winter! Mon/Dec 31: 9 am, prepare newsletter to mail

CHAPEL CHURCH growing in faith...sharing Gods love

A monthly publication of Chapel United Methodist Church 1597Abbott Avenue Gladbrook, Iowa 50635 Pastor Dean J. Ke!y Phone: (319)230-0627 or (319)290-8190 Email: Church: (641)474-2278 Youth Pastor Jay Beichley Secretary Ann Jackson Phone: (641)473-2338 Email: Group Email: Chapel Blog:
Ushers December Jeff Koster & Larry Collins Worship/ Praise Song Leader Randy Beichley Susan Beichley Dick & Jo Svendsen Lynn & Claire Handorf Marla Hlas Tammy & Logan Burt Volunteer? Adult I: Kathryn Burt M&M: Ron Groth Parenting- Sue Koster Jr. SS Opening- Heidi Langenbau Volunteer? Pre-K- Ann Jackson 1st-4th- Heidi Langenbau 23 Chris & Mardi Krull Claire Handorf Ann Jackson 5-6- Amy Bland Jr/Sr. High- Mike & Cathy Vint 30 January 6 Duane Mann & Bill Havelka Kelly Newcomb & Kathryn Burt Ben & Shauna Smith Larry & Janice Collins Marla Hlas Barbara Burt & Brook Rosacker Barbara Burt & Brook Rosacker Adult I: Kathryn Burt M&M: Karen Handorf Parenting- Ann Jackson Jr. SS OpeningMarla Hlas Kendall & Diana Collins Pre-K- Janine Anderson 1st-4th- Marla Hlas 27 Vaugn & Carolyn Kloster Jennifer Daniel Kendall & Diana Collins 5-6- Carol Lamer Jr/Sr. High- Ben & Shauna Smith Doug & Marla Hlas Barbara Burt Ann Jackson Musicians Sue Koster Music & Flowe r s Childrens sermon Nursery Sunday School

Childrens Church (treats-Andrew, Nicholas & Jacob Collins ) Marla Hlas


Barbara Burt


Childrens Church (treats- Madison & Zach Krull)


Mike & Cathy Vint

Cathy Vint

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