, 2004
primary economic source of Cu; the best metal to be extracted from veins remains the Au (and/ or Ag). Ore minerals include spahlerite (which is ubiquitous in all zones), enargite, tennantite, bornite, chalcocite, and galena. Unlike PCD's, ore mineral zonation is from covellite and chalcocite bearing assemblages in the core of the lodes or veins, to pyrite + chalcopyrite in the fringe. Considering the log fS2 vs. T diagram (Fig. 8 of PCD handout) this zonation can be explained by either an increase in T from the vein centre towards the periphery of the lode, or by an isothermal decrease in fS2. Fluid inclusion data support the latter explanation. Alteration zones: As was the case for the PCD's, there is a close spatial, temporal and genetic relationship between alteration and ore mineral formation. However, unlike PCD's, BML's have their own characteristic alteration patterns, which from "core" to fringe can be described as: advanced argillic (with kaolinite, pyrophyllite, quartz and alunite) sericitic (with sericite + chlorite) argillic (with K-spar + montmorillonite + kaolinite) propylitic zone or to a zone of fresh rock. This pattern can be explained by an isothermal increase in a K+/aH+, as can be seen on a Hemley diagram (T vs. log aK+/aH+). Such a trend indicates that the fluid, originally quite acidic with very strong leaching capabilities, becomes progressively more buffered or neutralized by the wall rock towards the periphery. Origin: BML's form from a fluid with a major meteoric water component, which may represent the upper or shallower level expression of PCD's. The source of metal is unresolved, but is believed to be either the igneous intrusions of the associated PCD's or the intruded country rock leached by the highly acidic nature of the fluids.