C P Briefing
C P Briefing
C P Briefing
OneofC&PmostfamousarchitectureisBionicTowerinShanghai,thefirstHighRiseVertical Citytoreach1,000m.high,withcapacityfor100,000people.BionicTowerwaspresentedbyFirsttime in the year 1997 in London (International Conference oh High Rise Structures). In the year 2000, the Authorities of Shanghai, the largest megacity in China, interested to promote this innovative city in vertical.After10yearsofinvestigationanddeveloping,theprojectisreadytostartconstruction.
Javier Pioz and Rosa Cervera havebeenawardedin2008with the prestigious Golden Global Award in Singapore by their Architecture LifeWork and innovative Researching into BionicArchitecture. C&P have been awarded also with Indian Federation for Architecture and Environment Preservation Awareness, Great Honour, and the Medal North Indian Honour, Architects Association; Award in the 1980 International Biannual of Architecture of Bulgaria; Antonio Maura AwardgivenbytheMadridCity Hall; COAM Award given by the Madrid Architects Association; Juan March Foundation Award, 199293 among many other awards and recognitions in Europe, America andAsia. Dr. PIOZ and Dr. CERVERA are FounderPresidents of INNOV ARS, Architecture and Planning Innovation Association and Members of EUROPEAN CLIMATEFORUMand ResearchingTeamforCitiesofFuture(Germany)
Health Care Center, Santa Isabel, ZAragoza, (SPAIN) Xi Xi VIP Hotel, Hanzhou, (CHINA) Green Twin Towers, Sheraton Hotel, and Condos, Shristy Corp., Kolkata (INDIA)