Geography Notes
Geography Notes
Geography Notes
Have been greatly influenced by variations in topography Harsh living conditions tend to restrict movement and communications Low economic growth compared to high rate of population growth Lacks infrastructure Population dependent on agriculture, cattle breeding- wheat, rice, barley and maize and other vegetables are grown During winter people work in cottage and small scale industriesembroidery, rugs, carpets etc. Major industries include processing of food grains, vegetable oil and refining sugar.
Major hydro-electric potential but dams require huge investment, skilled labor Shortage of safe drinking water- unhygienic conditionsmalnutrition Difficult terrain and limited transport facilities- trade cannot be carried out Tourism is popular but limited facilities
Bare of vegetation- Climate and relief does not support agriculture Rugged landscape and difficult terrain- Doesnt support canal irrigation Few areas are accessible Cost of supplying infrastructure is high Developmental projects have not been established People are deprived of basic necessities of life Nomadic lifestyle- sheep and goat rearing Abundant mineral resources- difficult to extract or exploit
Due to sliding or collapsing of plate tectonics Faults leading to landslides- soil contamination and ground water pollution- Massive causalities- Destruction of settlements- Social problems- spread of diseases- rural-urban migration- emergency relief and rescue measures- increased debts and loansrehabilitation expenditures- Adverse impact on Economy
Baluchistan Plateau
Mountain Ranges: - Ras Koh Range - Hala Range - Central Brahui Range - Toba Kakar Range - Makran Coast Range - Siahan Range
Makran coast and Lasbela Plain Important rivers: Hab, Porali, Hingol and Dasht which flow into Arabian Sea
Has remained neglected despite vast untapped resources Lowest population density No major source of water- people rely on Karez, small water schemes or flood diversion channels Absence of link roads- Railway lines covers a small area
Potwar Plateau
Between river Indus and Jhelum A large part is dissected and eroded by action of running water Rich in minerals like salt, gypsum, limestone, coal and oil
Salt Range
Between river Indus and Jhelum Sakesar Peak- highest point Attractions- Kallar Kahar- Khewra Mines Rich in minerals- Rock salt, gypsum and limestone
Indus Plain
River Indus and its tributaries drain the Indus plain- located throughout Punjab and central part of Sindh Upper Indus plain- Lower Indus plain At Panjnad all five main tributaries of Indus join The river itself is called Panjnad which flows for a further 72 kilometres and joins Indus near Mithankot
Active flood plain- the narrow strip of land on both sides of a river is called the active flood plain or Khaddar Found along all rivers except southern half of River Ravi- due to low volume of water Meander, oxbow lakes and levees are important features Meanders and cover flood plain cover the area between active flood plain and alluvial terraces They are only flooded during the rainy season Old alluvium is deposited here Alluvial terraces or bars are areas of higher ground between rivers formed by erosion of old alluvium- Formed in Upper Indus plain in Chaj, Rechna and Bari Doabs Sandal Bar on Rechna Doab, Ganji Bar on Bari Doab, Nili Bar on Bari Doab and Kirana Bar on Chaj Doab are prominent alluvial terraces Surface is flat and has southwest slope Ideal for agriculture with irrigation faculties Are plains found on the foothills of mountain rangesMost dominant features are alluvial fans or cones Good for agriculture purpose as alluvium carried by rivers is deposited here South of Thatta Triangular or fan shaped Point where river Indus divided to form distributaries Swampy land Prominent features in the lower Indus plain Ridges which in Sindh are made up of limestone Steep slope on one side and a gentle slope on the other
Alluvial terraces
Piedmont Plains
Tidal Delta
Crops are grown whole year round on fertile flat land e.g. Wheat, cotton, rice, sugarcane Extensive system of canal irrigation has been developed Indus plain is the most developed region of Pakistan Infrastructure facilities are easier to provide Transport network of road, rail and air Electricity is supplied to all urban centers Number of industries which consume local raw material e.g. cotton textile, sugar mills and chemical industry Industrial goods have a large domestic and foreign market Population density is high- 400 person per sq km
Differences between the Upper Indus plain and the Lower Indus Plain Upper Indus Plain Lower Indus Plain
Located in northern part of Indus plain River Indus and its main tributaries flow here Nearly flat undulating sloping towards south-west River Indus in its middle course Both erosion and deposition takes place Alluvial terraces between tributaries of Indus Piedmont plains to the north and west Located in southern part of Indus plain River Indus flows alone Nearly flat undulating sloping towards south River Indus in its lower course Deposition is the main feature No alluvial terraces as Indus flows alone Piedmont plains to the west
Q1. Describe the distribution of desert areas in Pakistan. - Thal Desert- Between River Indus and River Jhelum - Thar Desert- Cholistan, Nara and Tharparkar- located towards southeastern Pakistan. - Kharan Desert- South western Pakistan Q2. What are sand dunes? How are they formed? - Most dominant feature of desert areas - Mound or ridge of sand - Formed when an obstacle occurs in the path of moving sand - Some of the sand is deposited behind the obstacle Q3. Explain how the desert landscape influences the lifestyle of the people. - Lack of water- no water for drinking, irrigation and other use. Agriculture is not possible to carry out
Q4. What are the main features of desert areas? - Rolling sand dunes - Weathering of rocks - Lack of vegetation - Bare rocks
Q2.Describe the climatic zones of Pakistan? Mention the areas included. Why are not the climatic conditions exactly the same in the same climatic zone? Highland Zone- North, north-western, western mountains- high altitude- 2000-8000 metres for north, north western- 1000-4000 metres for western mountains- Rainfall- relief, monsoon, western depression mainly- temperature- cool-cold in winter- warm- mild in summer. Lowland Zone- All of Indus plain except coastal part of Sindh- arid and extreme summers- cold-mild winters- rainfall differs from north to south mainly through monsoon, western depressions Coastal Zone- areas near the Arabian Sea-both in Sindh and Baluchistan- maritime influence- low and high pressure- sea breezes in summer and land breezes in winter- summer hot-warm-winter mild-warm-Humid climate- rainfall through monsoon, tropical cyclones. Arid Zone- desert areas e.g. Kharan, Thar Desert- Dry very hot summers mild winters-dusty winds-scanty rainfall. Conditions arent same- variation in altitude-latitude-longituderainfall- humidity.
Q3. Describe the characteristics of the winter climate of the Northern Mountains. How does the winter climate there make it a difficult area in which to live?
Winter is very cold-cold-harsh-snowfall-land becomes inaccessibleroads are blocked- life becomes difficult for inhabitants
Q4. Describe the characteristics of the summer climate of the Thar Desert. How the summer climate there affects the way that the area is used. Very hot summer-extreme-No or little rainfall-Acute shortage of water- agriculture not possible under extreme conditions- difficulty in irrigation- No productive human activity- Land rendered useless.
B. Temperature:
Q1. How can latitude, altitude and cloud cover affect temperature of Pakistan? - Latitudinal effect-areas closer to equator receive direct rays of sunhigh temperature- Southern Pakistan is closer to Northern Pakistan. - Altitude- air is densest at sea level and least dense at high altitudeless solar radiation is absorbed at high level- drop in temperature because of cool air. - Cloud cover-in day reduces the amount of incoming solar radiation by reflecting it back-drop in temperature-at night cloud cover traps the outgoing heat-temperature raises. Q2. Describe the seasonal and regional variations in Temperature in climatic zones of Pakistan. Q3. How do coastal areas experience a moderate climate throughout the year? - Maritime influence- in summer land absorbs heat quickly-ocean remains comparatively cool-a low pressure is created on low and high pressure at sea- winds blows from sea to land lowering the daily temperature- in winter land becomes cool while ocean remains comparatively warm- a low pressure is created at ocean so winds blows from land to sea. Land temperature remains warm. Q4. Which is the driest season in Pakistan? Give reason. -Post-monsoon season- little or no rainfall- no active system of winds- aridity prevails Q5. Explain the reason for variation in temperature experienced in Pakistan - Variation in temperature-Large spread of latitude 24 to 37 northdiversity of relief- ranging from high mountains in north to coastal areas in South.
Q6. Which is the hottest city in Pakistan? Why? - Jacobabad-known as thermal pole- near the equator-direct rays of sunlight-temperature is extreme in summer. Q7. What is temperature inversion layer? Which areas are affected by it? In southern part of Pakistan- Does not allow rainfall to take place despite high temperature- land heats up-warm air rises-reaches a height of 1600m- at the same time there is a crises-cross system of warm winds-doesnt allow condensation to take place- warm air is forced to come down-no rainfall occurs.
C. Rainfall
Q1. Describe the Sources of Rainfall in Pakistan. Explain the how they originate, enter Pakistan and areas affected by them. - Monsoon winds-originate in Bay of Bengal-Passes from Bangladesh and India-then enter Northern Pakistan- Northern, Plain areas receive heavy rainfall. - Western Depression- originate in Mediterranean Sea-Passes from Iran and Afghanistan then enter North-West and Western part of Pakistan- Western cities of Pakistan like Quetta, Kharan, Peshawar and Loralai receive rainfall through Western Depressions. - Convectional Currents- Originate when hot air rises up due to heating of sun in Plain areas- Hot air reaches a height of about 1600m- condensation-rainfall occurs- Northern and North-western Mountains of Pakistan receive rainfall through convectional currents. - Relief Rainfall- Originate in North and North Western Areas in Pakistan- only in high altitude areas- clouds strike the mountains in the way- Areas- Murree, Kakul. - Tropical Cyclones-Originate in Arabian Sea-enter coastal areas of Pakistan- Once in 4 years- cause destructive rainfall in coastal areas e.g. Karachi, Thatta. Q2. What are the advantages of Monsoon rainfall? - Most of the Northern Areas, Punjab and some parts of Sindh receive highest rainfall in Monsoon season-has many advantages - Dams get a steady supply of water-can be used for generating electricity - Water can be stored in barrages or reservoirs- that water can be released during the peak season or in drought conditions - It lowers the temperature to a great extent- weather becomes pleasant. Q3. Why is Monsoon rainfall ineffective in Pakistan especially for agriculture?
Monsoon rainfall-not suitable for agriculture in Pakistan Heavy showers- time for growing of crops Floods are caused- Destruction of crops Variable in time and distribution- a particular area may not receive the proper amount of rainfall at the proper time.
Q4. Why is winter rainfall more effective for farmers than the summer rainfall? - More effective for farmers - Light showers-lasts for several days - Land receives an adequate amount of rain
Effectiveness of Rainfall
Rainfall in Pakistan is mainly from Monsoon winds and Western Depressions Monsoon rainfall is variable in amount, timings and distribution because of which crop planning is difficult High temperature conditions from June to September leads to a great degree of evapo-transpiration hence rain water evaporates Sometimes land does not absorb water and it is drained away causing floods in low lying areas Winter Rainfall is more effective for farmers because it come in light showers that lasts for several days Amount of rainfall is not sufficient Only western and northern region can rely on winter rainfall Generally rainfall in Pakistan is neither dependable nor enough in quantity
Temperature increases when moving southwards Barren mountains and highlands of Baluchistan are also sparsely populated due to harsh physical conditions Annual rainfall is low Lack of water supply discourages human settlements Farming is difficult in these areas. However, apples, mangoes, apricots and grapes are grown in the valleys of high altitude areas. Continental and extreme type of climate due to northerly position of Punjab Plain In the daytimes summers are hot- winters are cool to mild Punjab Plain is the most productive agricultural region of Pakistan Well-developed irrigation system to raise crops like wheat, cotton, millet and sugarcane. Most densely populated province because of alluvial terraces Moderate rainfall and tolerable summer and winter temperatures Zone occurs in two parts: the south eastern and the Kharan desert in Baluchistan Kharan Desert- not ideal for habitation or cultivation Majority of people are nomadic Karez system of irrigation is practiced because of scanty rainfall and excessive evapo-transpiration Highland areas of Baluchistan with cold are dry climate ad winter rains are suitable for growing of fruits and crops like millet, wheat and barley South eastern deserts- Southern Punjab and almost whole of Sindh Annual rainfall is very low Very hot to hot summers but in the night it becomes cold Crop cultivation is very difficult Large areas have been reclaimed for farming through construction of perennial canals In these areas rice, wheat, oil seeds and cotton are cultivated Remaining area is still barren desert Lifestyle of people is greatly affected by the climate. People wear thick rough clothes to protect themselves from hot winds and wear turbans. Move place to place in search of water and food Long coastline- important centers like, Karachi, Gwadar, Ormara and Pasni Karachi has a mild climate with a low average precipitation which occurs during the Monsoon Season Winters are mild and summers are hot
Lowland Zone
Arid Zone
Coastal Zone
Maritime influence maintains the temperature- Humidity prevails Winter months are the best times to visit Karachi- many tourists visit it in these months Climate of Makran Coast is dry and hot Oceanic influence lowers the temperature than the inland areasHumidity prevails Due to the mild climate of the Sindh coast, economic activities can be carried out throughout the year Farming is possible through use of irrigation channels Seaports are opened all year round to carry out trade Road and rail transports are never closed for business and economic activities All type of industries found- from cottage and small scale to large manufacturing operational in all seasons Tropical cyclones result in flooding in low lying coastal areas damaging infrastructure, homes and farming land. Fishing not possible during this season- fishing communities suffer economic losses
Q5. What is a flood? What are the factors leading to an increased risk of floods? - When the water level in the rivers rises too much, water overflows. The water flows on the land. This is called flood. - Deforestation increases surface run off - Dam failure to store extra water - Lack of embankments - Melting of glaciers increasing the amount of water flowing in the river - High Water level due to too much rainfall Q6. What damages do floods cause? - Local people-Shortage of food-Spread of diseases- poor hygienic conditions-Destruction of settlements- Financial Loss - Farmers-Crops are destroyed-Livestock die-Land unusable for a long time-Settlements are destroyed-Running out of food supplies - Communication-Roads are destroyed-Communication lines are cut off- Railway lines are cut off - Factories-Crops are destroyed-Shortage of raw material-Rise in the prices of crops-Factory owner face losses-Importing of cropsCountry faces an overall economic loss. Q7. What are some benefits of floods? - Spreading layer of alluvium increases soil fertility - Recharged ground water supplies - High level of fish productions in the Arabian Sea
Q8. What measures can be taken to reduce the damage caused by floods? - Planting trees - Building embankments - Construction of reservoirs - Enlarging river channel - Prevent building in areas exposed to risk of floods - Publicizing flood warnings - Rescue measures and rehabilitation schemes as quick as possible Q9.Why, when and where do storms occur? - High temperature in summers and low atmospheric pressure - Tropical Cyclones - During post monsoon season - Northern and North Western Mountains - Also in coastal areas due to tropical cyclones Q10. What damages do storm cause? - destruction of standing crops - Roofs of mud houses are destroyed - Electricity and communication lines are cut off Q11. How can the damages caused by storms be reduced? - Monitoring cells - Warning systems - Relief teams- rescue measure
Drought is the severe shortage of water. It can be a big threat to lives. Drought brings famine, disease and death on a massive scale. Permanent drought exists when crop cultivation is not possible. Areas like Thal, Cholistan, Chagai Seasonal drought occurs in areas with defined rainy season and dry seasons e.g. Potwar Plateau, southern Punjab Invisible drought is the result of a water deficiency that reduces crop yields but is not severe enough to destroy them Unpredictable drought is the result of abnormally low rainfall and occurs in areas which have humid climates Unreliability of monsoon winds may lead to drought in Sindh and Punjab
Types of drought
High rate of evapo-transpiration during summers Global warming because of natural factors Deforestation on the foothills of mountain increases soil erosion and reduces rainfall Mismanagement of water resources e.g. seepage of unlined canals Disputed and unfair distribution of water among provinces may lead to a drought in a province which is deprived of its fair share of water Overgrazing of land leading to soil erosion Global warming because of human activities
Effects of drought
- Desertification ( turning of land into a desert) - Drying up of lakes, rivers and streams - Drop in water table - Widespread famine leading to starvation - Migration of people from drought affected areas - Loss of lives - Crop failure, death of livestock - Shortage of raw materials to industries - Reduced exports, increased imports
Allocation of proper amount of water for domestic, agricultural and industrial use
Q1. Why are rivers important in Pakistan? - Increase soil fertility by carrying alluvium- organic matter - Used for generating hydroelectricity
Add to the scenic beauty of an area- good picnic resorts Water from rivers is used for irrigation Water is used for domestic and industrial purpose Fishing is practiced Provide water to even those areas where there is less rainfall
Ans. Water reserves are sweet near the sources of recharge i.e. river and major canals. It gradually become saline as the distance from recharge sources increases.
Uses of Water
Q1. What is ground water? - Water beneath the grounds surface Q2. What is water table? - Water table is the level of water under the Earths surface Q3. How is water used for domestic purpose? - drinking-cooking- washing- sanitation Q4. How is water used in industries? - Pharmaceutical industries e.g. injections, syrups - Mineral Water Industry e.g. water - Hydroelectricity e.g. water drives the turbines - Chemical industries e.g. chemicals, acids, solutions - Food processing industry e.g. Juices, syrups, beverages - Tanning e.g. washing, dyeing - Textile industry e.g. washing, bleaching, bluing, printing - Iron and Steel Industry e.g. to cool down the furnace for making steel etc. - Thermal Power stations e.g. To produce steam that make the turbines move Q5. Why is ground water not fit for human consumption in industrial cities? - e.g. Karachi - Sewage water makes it way to ground water- water pollution - Industrial waste is drained into rivers which then form part of ground water- water becomes contaminated
Q1. How is water used in agriculture? - For irrigation Q2. Why is there a need for irrigation in Pakistan? - Very low annual rainfall - Spells of high temperature increase the rate of evapo-transpiration - Number of rainy days is less - Rainfall is extremely variable in timing and distribution - Heavy rainfall is useless- the land either absorbs too much water or it drains away too quickly - Long frequent dry spells
Persian Wheel
a wheel is powered by a blindfolded bullock it turns a horizontal wooden wheel geared to a vertical wheel at the distant end of the shaft this carries the vertical metal wheel in the left foreground a chain of earthenware pots in attached pots raise water from the wells and throw it into channels Animal power is required Irrigates comparatively larger area Continuous water supply Non polluting Time consuming Requires animal power/man power
An underground horizontal canal is dug in foothills Brings underground water to the surface Dug by a group of people who then share the water for their crops Vertical shafts are dug to check the canal and repair any blockade Can be used in areas where water is scarce- provide water for irrigation in dry areas- underground evaporation losses are minimized Expensive to build, difficult to use and maintain Time consuming
Inundation Canals
Long canals are taken off from large rivers Receive water only when water in rivers is high or when it is in flood Not reliable- water is not available throughout the year- only flow during rainy season or when glaciers melt
Tank irrigation
Mud banks are constructed across small streams to make a small reservoirs Collect excess water during the rainy season Not reliable- water is not available throughout the year
Diesel or electrically operated pumps raise water from underground Irrigate a vast area Lower the water table Protect the land from waterlogging and salinity Electricity or fuel is consumed- expensive
Collect water from ponds and lakes and provide it to households and fields Provide water in case of emergency Rarely used- Expensive- Water has to carried over a long distance
Water dispute was resolved through the mediation of the world bank In September 1960, the Indus Water Treaty was signed Pakistan got the exclusive rights of western rivers namely Indus, Jhelum and Chenab India got the rights of eastern rivers namely Ravi, Sutlej and Beas During the transitional period till 1973, India agreed to supply water to Pakistan During this period, Pakistan had to build two storage dams, five barrages, one gated siphon and eight link canals Construction cost was to be met by Australia, Canada, UK, USA, West Germany and New Zealand. India was also to pay some cost while the rest was to be paid by Pakistan WAPDA was to supervise the projects.
Small Dams
Advantages: - Store water for irrigation - Supply water for industrial and domestic use - Silting problem is easier to solve - Requires comparatively low initial investment, more suitable to Pakistans economy - Maintenance cost is low - Construction time is less and yields quick results - Very few people are evacuated in order to construct the dam - Small dams have little impact on rivers, watersheds and aquatic ecosystems Disadvantages: - Irrigates local areas only - Supply little or no electricity - Less important for flood control
Large Dams
Advantages: - Store water for irrigation - Irrigates a vast area - Supply water for industrial and domestic use - Major supplies of Hydroelectricity - More important for flood control Disadvantages: - Silting problem is difficult to solve - Initial investment cost is very high
Maintenance cost is high Construction time is more and does not yield quick results Large-scale evacuation is required Large dams generally have a range of extensive impacts on rivers, watersheds and aquatic ecosystems that are more negative and have led to irreversible loss of species and ecosystems
Regulate the flow of water Construction cost for barrages is less than that for dams Are built in plain areas Do not involve the generation of electricity Encourage human settlements and commercial and industrial activities
When rivers leave the foothills of mountains, they carry a large quantity of silt When water passes through dams and barrages, this silt accumulates by filling the reservoir. This condition is called Siltation
Causes: - Abundance of silt eroded from mountains - Deforestation which means increased surface run-off - Rivers flow through narrow and deep valleys- Most of the eroded material is washed down into the plains and piles up in reservoirs of the dams Effects: Blockage of canals because silt accumulates Weakens the foundation of dams Choking of irrigation canals Reduced capacity of reservoir i.e. less water for HEP, less water for irrigation Floodwater is hampered which may cause heavy damage to the dam because mounds of silt which block the flow of water
the rise of water table to the surface level is waterlogging Due to perennial canals, water is available throughout the year resulting in the rise of the water-table Deforestation has led to increased surface run-off- water flows into the plain areas- stands on the ground Because of heavy rainfall in plain areas, water stands on the ground
When the water table rises, the salt in the soil moves along the water and reaches to the top of the surface When this water evaporates, salty patches are left behind. This state is called salinity Salt poisons the soil- plants die
Large-scale afforestation Installation of silt trap before water flows to the dams Raising the height of dam to store more water Lining of canals with cement Canal closure on temporary basis so that water only passes through when needed for irrigation purpose Installing tube wells to lower the water table Tube wells can provide extra water to flush out salt from soil Planting trees like eucalyptus which absorb a large amount of water thereby lowering the water table Surface drain to diver surface water to nearby river or lake Dumping of industrial and agricultural water Inadequate sewage disposal system Waste water flow into streams, river and then the sea Untreated sewage Oil seepage from ships Increasing use of chemical fertilizers- fertilizers are washed into rivers
Fair distribution of water resources among provinces Sites for small dams should be developed to star surplus water during monsoon season- small dams should be preferred as construction cost and time consumption is less Lining canals with cement Solid and liquid waste should not be dumped into lakes and rivers Controlling seepage of toxic waste into the ground Desalination of water to overcome water shortages A public awareness should be there in order to make people aware of the consequences of water shortage- people should try to conserve water Media, NGOs and educational institutions should take part in this program
Primary Industry
Concerned with the collecting or making available of material provided by nature E.g. agriculture, mining, fishing, quarrying
Secondary Industry
Concerned with transforming materials provided by the primary industries into products more directly useful to people. System with inputs, processes and outputs Capital- the finance to establish and manage the industry Enterprise- business skills needed to develop idea for products and to manufacture and market them in a successful way. Land- the actual place where the industry is located Raw material- the basic commodity that is transformed by industrial processes Power- every industry uses power. Some have high power consumption while others have low. Labor- number, skills and other characteristics of the workforce
Largest industry of Pakistan Provides employment to 50% of industrial labor force. Developed at various centers- Hyderabad, Karachi, Faisalabad Raw cotton, cotton yarn, cotton cloth readymade garments are all exported to many counties as well as being consumed domestically Located at Karachi Sufficient labor- imported machinery is saved from additional transport charges- no extra transport charges for export of cotton goods- large domestic market- worn in hot and humid climate of Karachi- availability of power supplied by Korangi, Bin Qasim Thermal Power Stations and Nuclear Power Plant of Karachi- linked to rest of country by an efficient transport systemavailability of capital and experience entrepreneurs Faisalabad- located close to the cotton belt of Punjab- labor force available from adjoining areas- large local market in thickly populated province of Punjab- favorable government policies e.g. for infrastructure Hyderabad-located in cotton producing areas of lower Sindh- large local market in Sindh- not far from port of Karachi for importing machinery and exporting products Other centers- enjoy domestic market- enjoy favorable government policies like tax holidays and other incentives
Importance - employment to 50% industrial workforce - Possesses great export potential and textile products from nearly 60% of total exports - Uses countrys natural resources- reduces burden of imports - Contributes 7% of GDP Problems - shortage of raw material due to the leaf curl virus in the last years - Recessions in international market - Strong competition from South Korea, Egypt, Hong Kong and Thailand - Lack of intuitional finance for modernization - Lack of government interest for improvisation
Sugar Industry
One of the vital industries Sugar is mainly made from sugar-cane Sugar mills are located in Punjab, NWFP and Sindh
Problems - have to be located near sugar cane fields- sugar cane starts losing its content as soon as it is harvested - Sugar cane is bulky and therefore expensive to transport
Importance - Sugar, brown sugar, gur - Bagasse- fuel in sugar mills- chipboard- paper and animal feed - Molasses- manufacturing of acids for chemical industry
Fertilizer Industry
Raw materials- sulphur, phosphate, gypsum, natural gas Faisalabad, Daud khel, Multan in Punjab- Haripur in NWFP and Dharki in Upper Sindh are main locations
Favorable factors - Availability of raw material limestone and gypsum - Good domestic market main requirement of construction industry - Natural gas is used as a cheap fuel Importance - Provides employment - Increases soil fertility - Countries uses its own resources - Reduction of imports - More money can be spent on education, health etc. Problems - Shortage of natural gas in the country - Price of cement has increased due to rise in demand and impact of fiscal policies of the government
Steel Industry
Milestone on the road to industrialisation Pakistan steel Mill at Karachi Heavy mechanical complex at Taxila
Importance - Provides raw materials to the engineering and construction industries - Products- coke, pig iron, rolled and cast billets, galvanized products and raw steel - HMC is manufacturing equipment for hydro-electric power plants, thermal power, oil and gas processing plants boilers, cranes, construction machinery, railway equipment - Products conform to international standards- made in accordance with customer requirements
Government Policies
Industrial Estates
Specific areas reserved for industry only Established to help and encourage entrepreneurs Government provides infrastructure facilities like metaled roads, electricity, water, gas, hospitals and sanitation facilities Numerous have been established all over the country Exemptions from custom duty on imported machinery Cheap loans are provided to investors Overall cost of laying down infrastructure is reduced- industries located at one place Exemptions from custom duty on imported machinery Cheap loans are provided to investors Provides employment to more people Regional disparity is reduced Separate areas for industries- do not overlap with residential areas Places where goods are produced only for exports. No trade barriers There is no tax on imports and exports High quality of goods are maintained Exports increase Technology is brought to the country Local workforce is trained Employment genereated Working conditions are better
Sectors of Industry
Employees of the government Fixed working hours Regular pays Business is legally registered and contributes to GDP
Good of specific quality are produced by skill workers who operate machines Quality of goods is monitored and maintained A proper work area Services like pension, health, insurance may also be available
Self-employed workers Income is variable No fixed working hours Business is not registered with tax departments Good are not consistent in terms of quality Workers are usually unskilled Can work on streets and homes as well
Tertiary Industry
Tertiary industry is concerned with providing a service
Tourism means the whole business of providing accommodation and recreation facilities for those people who are travelling ad visiting or staying at a place for a relative limited period of time.
Profit earned by tourism can be used to improve local housing schools, hospitals, electricity and water supplies Helps reduce migration Sustainable industry- tourist attractions will continue to exist Internal and external political and economic situations determine the number of tourists- decline can negative affect the industry Tourism only generates seasonal employment Money required for tourist industry can be spent on other basic sectors of economy Clearing up of land for hotels- people lose their homes and livelihood- become dependent on serving wealthy tourists Domestic tourists may not be able to afford tourist facilities During tourist seasons prices of basic necessities rise beyond the affordability of local people Natural environment deteriorates- deforestation