Time Management: Meaning and Definition

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Meaning and Definition -

The term time management comprises two words—Time and


The aim of managing anything is to exploit its potential to the

fullest in a cot-effective manner.

The term management refers to proceed with some defined

procedures to accomplish the identified objective.

Treating time as an inventory item and applying various

management techniques to utilize it in the most effective manner is
basically what time management is. It is important to mention that though
the flow of time is beyond our control, the way to use it is very much in
our control.

“Time management is a set of skills, tools and systems

working together to help one get more value out of time with the
aim of improving the quality of life”.

Time Management

Time The term management refers to
The aim of managing anything is proceed with some defined
to exploit its potential to the procedures to accomplish the
fullest in a cot-effective manner identified objective
Time Management

The time you spend on task has some relationship to the quality of
work you end up producing. A good gauge to follow is to perform 2-3
hours of schoolwork outside class for every hour of class time. Yes, this
means for a full-time student with 15-hours of class per week load the
recommendation is to do between 30 and 45 hours of homework each

Sure, that's a big jump, especially if you breezed through high

school or previous years of college on less. This estimate simply reflects
the time it actually takes to learn effectively. It’s not steadfast and set in
stone. If you find yourself really grasping the concepts of a chapter after
a half-hour, feel free to stop. The key here is to set aside this time
exclusively for studying. If you get done earlier than expected – that’s a

Now this number shouldn't mean that you completely forgo time
for yourself. It is important to have some personal time. Even though you
may work a part-time job, and doing so isn't necessarily counter-
productive to success at school, you'll need to take some time for yourself
and for recreation each week.

A starting guideline might be something like 10% of your week, or

17 hours. What is more important than these specific targets is that you
spend enough time on school work to ensure that you're successful and
that you spend enough time outside of school to ensure that you have a
healthy balance.
Allow for unanticipated interruptions in your schedule. This means
leaving some empty spaces during the day or in some way being flexible
enough to handle interruptions. If the unexpected does not happen, time is
available to do something we were saving until the next day.

Schedule home work early in the day so it is less likely to be

crowded out by unexpected events like meeting an old friend or having a
roommate ask for help with one of his classes. Homework should be a
part of each day’s schedule. Students, who participated in a major study
on stress, reported doing homework as the most frequently used method
for reducing stress in their lives.

That might sound odd to you, but by staying ahead of the game and
keeping homework done, the stress levels will be lower because you
won’t have that unfinished work hanging over your head and in your
mind constantly.

Remember again that your daily schedule should include at least

some time for doing what we want to do rather than just a long list of
"have-to-dos." Looking forward to something each day is good for our
mental health and can help prevent the feeling of burnout.

Some days may feel overwhelming when we look at our schedule.

If this is the case, it is helpful to concentrate on one thing at a time and
avoid looking at the whole day. We will be amazed how quickly the tasks
of the day will be completed.

Inevitably, you will need to make adjustments to your plans and

your time management habits. As you encounter time troubles, keep in
mind that some are predictable, some are not; some are controllable,
some are not. For those that are not controllable, keep your cool and get
back on track as soon as possible. For time troubles that you can control,
and particularly those that occur predictably, deal with them directly and
forcefully so that they don't prevent you from achieving your goals.

Time management requires self-management. It takes time but after a

short period of self-management, time-management becomes an everyday

• Pay attention to how your time is spent.

• Do not procrastinate on chores to be done. Do not leave
assignments and projects until the last minute.
• Schedule enough time in the day for doing things you enjoy and for
eating and sleeping. Getting enough sleep is beneficial to those
with an active schedule.
• Learn to delegate things that do not need your attention.
• Use your time wisely. If you take the bus, plan to catch up on your
reading while traveling.

Possibly one of the best time management strategies is staying one day
ahead. I'm sure this statement is met by some collective groans, but I
promise that staying exactly one day ahead of your classes will make
your life much easier.

At the beginning of most of your classes, your professors probably

will give you one of the most important pieces of information you will
ever receive -- the syllabus. In high school you probably never received a
syllabus. You didn't know what the reading assignment or homework
assignment was going to be in two weeks. In college, if the syllabus is
any good, you do. Why is this important? It is the key to taking control
of your time.
Let's say it's the very first day of class. You get your syllabus for
your biology class. In most cases, the first day of class is a no-brainer --
often lecture doesn't really begin because the professor knows that a lot of
people are going to do the "schedule shuffle." You eye your nifty syllabus
and see that the next class period will be a lecture over the first chapter of
your $189.99 book. At this critical juncture, you may think:

"Wow, I already know what I'll be doing next class period. I wonder
if this is really valuable information. Could I use this to my advantage?"

Needless to say, many people ignore this golden syllabus, stuff it

into their pocket, make a paper airplane, or find some other creative use
for this sheet of paper and do nothing until next class period.

But if you're spending all of your time trying to copy overheads or

copy written words (your professor will most likely have handwriting that
resembles some ancient language), you simply aren't going to really
absorb the material in most cases.

Let's say you take some great notes - good for you! Then you take
the notes, which have all of the information you will ever need, and you
put them in your folder, binder, backpack, or saddle-pack and leave them
there until next lecture. Then you take more notes, add them to the pile,
and soon you have lots of notes. Whoopee.
Effective Time Management
Time, identified as the most precious asset in life, needs to be spent
efficiently and judiciously. Life as such is composed of time and time and
how it is managed determines a person’s successes or failures. Managing
time means utilizing each moment for productive purposes. Time also
adheres to a similar principle as Newton’s law of energy: It cannot be
created nor be destroyed. Time not managed properly is time wasted.

There were days when we had no phones, no fast means of

gathering information and no quick mode of transport. Today, we have
cell phones, we have information only a mouse click away, we have the
fastest mode of transportation and we have ready-to-eat food delivered at
our doorsteps. Yet, we feel the scarcity of time. Has the length of the days
decreased or duration of an hour shortened? The answer is: we are falling
short of time not because time has shortened, but because we have failed
to manage time. Each day, each one of us is blessed with 86,400 seconds.
However, many of us do not give heed to the amount of time we while
away. We don’t seem to be bothered by that fact that time and tide waits
for no man. Nothing on earth can stop time. It is only because of the fact
that time is beyond anybody’s control; it is imperative to manage it. It is
the effective or ineffective management of time that ultimately culminates
into success or failure.
Advantages of Time Management
There are numerous advantages of time management. The first
advantage is that we can allocate time for various activities. Once the
activities are identified, classified and scheduled, the time to be spent on
unwanted activities is saved. Performing planned activities on time
motivates to a great extent. Achieving activity targets on time enhances
our confidence level, which in turn results in quicker decision-making
and organizing. When the tasks ate completed on time, it is obvious that
the efficiency and effectiveness of an individual increases.

Advantages of Time Management

Another important benefit of time management is that when the

work is accomplished in a planned and sequential manner, there is less
stress. As we work in a hassle-free manner, it is apparent that work stress
is reduced. This helps in maintaining one’s calm. A calm and composed
individual delivers better results. Time management also conserves one’s
energy and saves one from fatigue. Doing various tasks in a designed
fashion provides the opportunity to be flexible. If we work on dot-to-dot
basis, it is imperative that there is no elbow room. Time management also
brings a balance in the working styles of individuals. Keeping with time
brings a person organizational and social recognition. As one practices
the techniques of time management, one is bound to excel in one’s
performance. It gives an individual a feeling of content when he
discharges his responsibilities on time. Time management results in
sufficient time at one’s disposal. Individuals will be in a position to
review their performance. This review process helps in identifying one’s
strengths and weaknesses. The benefits of time management are many
and its practice is unconditionally going to prove beneficial to all.

Other advantage of Time Management :-

• Gain time
• Motivates and initiates
• Reduces avoidance
• Promotes review
• Eliminates cramming
• Reduces anxiety
Time Management Article

• College Time Management Student Activity

Identifying your Big Rocks and Managing College Student

Activities- We all know how crazy college activities could get at a
certain point in time What with classes, conferences, and
researches, there is no wonder that some are hopelessly stressed out
and confused and gets their priorities all mixed up.

• Important Time Management Activities for College Students

Important Time Management Activities for College Students
Creating a time management is kind of like just the same as setting
a budget. Just as the aim of a budget is to place an organization on
your money, your aim in time management is to recover the

• College Students and Time Management

College Students and Time Management - You all know how

difficult it is to balance your studies and other activities in school,
especially in examination weeks. It seems like you should do
everything all at once. Students

• Time Management for College Athletes

Time Management for College Athletes - You finally made it

through high school, passed your college entrance exams, and
chose the university you are going to attend. Another great thing is
that you have been given the opportunity
• Things that Students Should Know About Time Management

Things that Students Should Know About Time Management -

Students in different schools are faced with challenges. They are
faced with challenges that test their potential and capabilities to the

• Time Management Tips for Graduate Students

Time Management Tips for Graduate Students - During the first

months in the graduate school, you feel so excited about the level
of your studies. But later on, you seem to be discouraged and very
much stressed. Graduate Students will always.

• Time management in college

Time management in college is way different from that in high

school - The kind of time management you had in high school will
not work once you get to college. If you are used to procrastination
backing those days.

• Self Discipline for Students

Pointers for Self Discipline for Student Study and Time

Management -“With my four years of existence in the company
where I am working now, I commend all the successes that I
achieved with all my college teachers.
• Time Management for Student Nurses

Time Management for Student Nurses - Are you one among the
people who have trouble in dealing with all your daily activities?
Are you tired because you fail to manage all these activities?
Tips for better Time Management

1. Count all your time as time to be used and make every attempt to
get satisfaction out of every moment.
2. Find something to enjoy in whatever you do.
3. Try to be an optimist and seek out the good in your life.
4. Find ways to build on your successes.
5. Stop regretting your failures and start learning from your mistakes.
6. Remind yourself, "There is always enough time for the important
things." If it is important, you should be able to make time to do it.
7. Continually look at ways of freeing up your time.
8. Examine your old habits and search for ways to change or
eliminate them.
9. Try to use waiting time-review notes or do practice problems.
10.Keep paper or a calendar with you to jot down the things you have
to do or notes to yourself.
11.Examine and revise your lifetime goals on a monthly basis and be
sure to include progress towards those goals on a daily basis.
12.Put up reminders in your home or office about your goals.
13.Always keep those long term goals in mind.
14.Plan your day each morning or the night before and set priorities
for yourself.
15.Maintain and develop a list of specific things to be done each day,
set your priorities and the get the most important ones done as soon
in the day as you can. Evaluate your progress at the end of the day
16.Look ahead in your month and try and anticipate what is going to
happen so you can better schedule your time.
17.Try rewarding yourself when you get things done as you had
planned, especially the important ones.
18.Do first things first.
19.Have confidence in yourself and in your judgment of priorities and
stick to them no matter what.
20.When you catch yourself procrastinating-ask yourself, "What am I
21.Start with the most difficult parts of projects, then either the worst
is done or you may find you don't have to do all the other small
22.Catch yourself when you are involved in unproductive projects and
stop as soon as you can.
23.Find time to concentrate on high priority items or activities.
24.Concentrate on one thing at a time.
25.Put your efforts in areas that provide long term benefits.
26.Push yourself and be persistent, especially when you know you are
doing well.
27.Think on paper when possible-it makes it easier to review and
28.Be sure and set deadlines for yourself whenever possible.
29.Delegate responsibilities whenever possible.
30.Ask for advice when needed.
Time Management Helps to do work better

Nothing is impossible if you have the desire to make it possible. Most of

us feel so tired managing do to one thing (it could be your studies or your
job) that we offer excuses for not being able to do anything else.

There are certain points which, will helps in making better time
management: -

Studies-work balance:

"It's difficult to manage more than studies, but when you pursue a
passion, it's fun juggling both," beams Soumya. Sometimes, when it gets
difficult for her to live up to her hectic schedule, she cancels personal
commitments to ensure her work is not affected. She's thankful that her
students' parents are very co-operative and adjust timings according to
her convenience.

Time management mantra:

She follows a fixed routine, where she attends tuitions from 7 am to 12.30
pm and then goes to college to attend classes until 6 pm. She reaches
home by 7 pm, in time to begin her private classes from 7.30 pm to 8.30
pm. She teaches six days a week. These days, she also spends the
weekend assisting a choreographer, Madhumita Roy, in creating a show
that will depict dance forms of all ages.
Managing exams:

During exams, Soumya continues teaching as it helps her relieve stress.

However, she doesn't attend college during that time; this does not prove
to be a problem as she manages to keep up her attendance throughout the

Skill sets:

Soumya has learnt the art of handling children and tackling their
behaviour; she has learnt to become more patient. Her classes
have helped her polish her talent in music and dance too. Soumya says, "I
am not running these classes for commercial purposes; I'm doing
it solely for the experience and because I love anything that has to do
with music."


Soumya's parents have been extremely supportive. Her father

would constantly push her to do something beyond the regular academic
routine. Her mother is a teacher and helps Soumya understand the various
aspects of teaching. Soumya's success would be incomplete without her
parents' co-operation.

Future plans:

Soumya plans to do her Bachelor's in commerce along with her CA, and
then follow it up with an MBA (with a specialization in finance or
marketing). As for dance and music, they will always continue to be her
passion. Provided she has the time and energy, Soumya would also like to
do a BA and MA in dance.
Managing Time for Professional Student
Many students discover the need to develop or hone their time
management skills when they arrive at college. Unlike high school where
teachers frequently structured your assignments and classes filled your
day, in college, you will have less in-class time, more outside of class
work, and a great deal of freedom and flexibility. These pages provide
you with tips for managing your time well so you can get the most out of
your Dartmouth experience.

Keys to Successful Time Management for Collage Student

• Self knowledge and goals: In order to manage your time

successfully, having an awareness of what your goals are will assist
you in prioritizing your activities.
• Developing and maintaining a personal, flexible schedule:
Time management provides you with the opportunity to create a
schedule that works for you, not for others. This personal attention
gives you the flexibility to include the things that are most
important to you.
Simple Time Management Techniques
Many times individuals are not in a position to take advantage of
newer concepts if they do not have sufficient knowledge. There are
certain simple techniques of time management which can he adopted by
any individual to reap the benefit of time management. These techniques
can he applied even to simple tasks.

Routine activities do not need much planning and one is in the

habit of performing theses activities without any second thought. The
Routine and New (RN) analysis is the simple process of classifying
activities into two categories: routine and new. This helps in identifying
the tasks, which require planning efforts. The Yes or No (YN) analysis is
another simple technique of time management. Whenever a work is
needed to he done, just classify it into a yes or no category. If it falls into
the “no category”, abandon it. A similar type of analysis is the Avoidable
and Unavoidable (AU) analysis. In AU analysis, the tasks are classified as
avoidable and unavoidable. It helps in identifying unavoidable tasks so
that one can plan to perform these tasks effectively. Another simple type
of analysis is the Unimportant and, Important (UI) analysis, where the
tasks are classified as: unimportant and important. This helps an
individual to concentrate on the important tasks. The Emotional
Intelligence (EI) analysis is the analysis related to emotional intelligence.
This type of analysis helps in identifying the situations when a person
might not have utilized his time effectively due to his bad mood.

Another type of analysis is the systems analysis. In order to

improve efficiency, it is advisable to analyze present systems. It helps in
identifying under-performing systems and replacing such systems with
new ones. This will help improve time management. The ABC analysis is
yet another technique of classification of activities an the basis of the
degree of importance attached to the activities. The activities can be
classified into various categories such as office activities, house activities,
recreational activities, self-development activities, etc. These groups of
activities can again be classified into three groups—A, B and C—
according to their degree of importance. This kind of analysis helps in
determining activities which require immediate attention and cannot be
delayed. Yet another analysis is the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities
and Threats (SWOT) analysis. It helps in identifying an individual’s
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats pertaining to performing
certain activities. For example, a mechanical engineer’s strength maybe
his ability to repair small machines at home, while a teaching
professional may find it to be difficult. This type of analysis helps in
identifying the activities which one can perform with ease. It is not
necessary to apply all types of analyzes at the same time. The choice of
analysis will depend on the type of activity an individual performs and on
the ability of the individual. All such efforts will go a long way in
managing time more efficiently.
Time Management Techniques
Time Management for College Students-An Example

Time management is an important skill for college students because they

typically need to juggle many different activities in a rather unstructured

Although not specifically designed for college students, our free time
management course provides a good foundation for you to develop the
skills, strategies, and tools to create an effective time management

Time Management Tips for College Students

Here is some additional time management tips specifically for college


1. Use a time chart. A time chart is a tool that you can use to find the
best time for different types of activities. College students have a unique
time management challenge in that portions of their schedule are fixed
(classes) with lots of "free" time in between, while the rest is pretty much
wide open.

As a student, time charts help you add some additional structure to your
schedule based on the best times for different types of activities.

For example, you may find your peak times for mental concentration and
studying, and schedule study blocks for your most difficult classes during
these periods.

As discussed in the article, time charts can also help you add more
balance to your schedule. Some college students focus too much on
studying, and not enough on other types of activities like sports,
recreation, and social events.

2. Prioritize. Over choice is a very common time management problem,

but it is specially pronounced for college students since they have so
many different activities to choose from.

That is why it is especially important for college students to be selective

and prioritize how they want to spend their time.

College is a great time to experiment with new things. Having priorities

will help you balance new experiences with focus for the things that
really matter to you.

3. Be careful with over-commitment and attempting to do too

much. Trying to do too much at the same time can lead to excessive
stress, pressure, and eventual burnout.

Remember that every time you take on something, you are automatically
rejecting everything else you could have done with that time.

4. Write things down. Why keep your memory full of small details,
when you need it to remember the important things for your classes.

The habit of writing things down using an effective time management

system will help you not only during your college years, but also when
you go out and get your first job.
Objectives of the Research Study
 To do survey of professional students about time management.
How manage time?
 How they manage their time and how much time they devote to
various activities.
 To judge that how 24 hours can be utilized by them in the career
 What problems do they face in managing time?
 To suggest them by giving few tips about time management.


1. The student opting for professional courses devotes most of their

time to their studies and the remaining time to other activities.

2. They do not follow suitable time management schedule on


3. Time management helps the student in managing their activities

Research Methodology
Research Design

Definition: “A research design is an arrangement of conditions for

collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine the
relevancy of the research with economy in procedure”.

Research Design is needed because it facilitates the smooth sailing

of the various research operations, there by making the research as
efficient as possible yielding maximal information with minimal
expenditure of effort, time & money.

Research design stands for advanced planning of method to be

adopted for collecting the relevant data and the techniques to be used in
their analysis, keeping in view the objective of the research and the
availability of staff, time and money.

Different Research design:

 For exploratory research study.

 For descriptive and diagnostic research study.

 For hypothesis testing research studies.

For pursuing this particular project exploratory study is the best

suited keeping in view its objective. Thus exploratory research Design
has been briefly explained below:

Exploratory research design: This design is also known as

formulative research design. The main purpose of such studies is that of
formulating a problem for more precise investigation or of developing the
working hypothesis from the operational point of view. The major
emphasis in such studies is on the discovery of view idea and insight.
Exploratory research study as already mentioned is also termed as
formulative research studies. The main purpose of this study is
formulating problem in the area of Time Management for Professional

Tool and to attempt discovery of idea & insight to provide a

platform & facilities solving of the problem. Clinically working on the
ideas & insight so provided should lead to results which will serve as a
solution to problem so identified from this project.


Sampling design: various areas in Jodhpur were chosen

subjectively as they were considered representative of the total
population. Out of these areas a convenient sample of people was taken.

In my project I preferred to go for simple random sampling.

Simple random sampling is the basic sampling technique where we select
a group of subjects (a sample) for study from a larger group (a
population). Each individual is chosen entirely by chance and each
member of the population has an equal chance of being included in the
sample. Every possible sample of a given size has the same chance of
selection; that is, each member of the population is equally likely to be
chosen at any stage in the sampling process.

Type of Universe:- The first step of sample design is to clearly define the
set of objects, technically called universe, to be studied and which
includes the people of Jodhpur.

Size of Sample:- These refer to items to be selected from the sampling

unit. The sample size was selected randomly
Source List:- The list of source is not available. For that researcher
makes the list by own judgment.

Size of sample:- The size of sample is 50 student of Jodhpur.

 20 MBA Students

 10 MCA Students

 10 CA Students

 5 CS Students

 5 B.E. Students


In order to know the information from a mass it is not possible to contact

individually and collect information. This is due to following reason:

 Time required is enormous

 Expensive

 Possible to analyze with a sampling plan

A sampling plan is adopted under which numbers of samples are decided

along with the area from which samples are to be chosen. These samples
will represent the complete lot from where the samples are chosen.

Under this project a random sampling plan is found suitable for analyzing
Jodhpur Peoples Perception about their City.

50 persons were contacted on random basis. These persons represent

various classes in the society as below.

 Student.

 Service.
 Business.

Data in form of Questionnaires were collected from these representative

samples to get an analysis of Time Management for Professional


There are two types of data primary & secondary. The primary sources
are those which are collected afresh and for the first time, and thus
happen to be original in character. The secondary sources, on the other
hand, are those which have been collected by someone else and which
have already been passed through the statistical process.

The source of data collection used in this project is primary data and
secondary data collection source. There are several methods of collecting
primary data and secondary data. The data are collected through
Questionnaires & some Interview was made through personal visit &
through telephonic interview, Magazines, Newspapers and their websites


We used survey technique as it involves the collection of primary data

about subjects, usually by selecting a representative sample of the
population through the use of questionnaire.

The data collection methods which are used for this project are explained

 Primary Data Collection

Primary data was collected by means of a survey. Since the aim was to
find out the thoughts, feelings and attitudes of the respondents (Jodhpur
people perception about their city), the questionnaire method was the
obvious choice. Apart from being versatile, this method also afforded the
advantages like economy and speed, the latter being a major advantage
considering the limited time that was available for the research project.
The questionnaire was structured in such a way so as to include close
ended as well as open ended questions thus reducing the interviewer’s bias
and producing results that were more reliable and more easily tabulated
and interpreted.

Collection of data through questionnaire:

This method of data collection is quite popular, particularly in case of big

enquiries. In this method a questionnaire is filled by the concerned person
himself. A questionnaire consist of a number of questions printed or typed
in a defined order on a form or set of forms.

In the project the main source of collecting data was through

questionnaire. For this purpose questionnaire was designed and filled by


The interview method of collecting data involves presentation of oral-

verbal stimuli and reply in terms of oral-verbal response. There are two
methods of interview-personal interview and telephonic interview.

Interview with the help of questionnaire was carried on with individuals.

Few telephonic interviews were also performed in which the response
was average due to time constraints.

 Secondary Data Collection

Secondary data is the data, which already exists in the printed form of
material easily accessible.
Secondary data was colleted by the material supplied by the company in
the form of brochures, pamphlets, magazines and Internet.

The analysis was done on the basis of responses of the Jodhpur People.
The response to each question of the questionnaire was taken into


The work of data collection is done by preparing a questionnaire. A

questionnaire was designed in consideration that the people filling up the
questionnaire should not be uncomfortable with the question.

Need of questionnaire:-

To standardize the process of data collection- helps in analysis.

• To achieve speed & accuracy in collection, recording.

• Situations suitable for questioning:

• Knowledge, opinion, motivation, intension etc.

• Past events (like time & quantity of last purchase) can be studied
only by questioning.

After through study & pilot study of the questionnaire, I have prepared a
questionnaire keeping in mind the requisites of a good questionnaire.

So, the characteristics of my questionnaire are:

 Questionnaire is short & simple.

 Questionnaire is dichotomous & full of multiple choices.

 Technical terms & vague expression have been avoided to the

extent possible.
 Physical appearance of the questionnaire is attractive looking.

Analysis about Time Management

Benefit of Time Management

Benefit of Time Management %

Yes 100%
No 0%







Yes No

Inferences:- The above chart indicates that out of 50 respondents, 100%

of students are thinking that Time management for college student is
Time devoted to Studies

Time Management to Studies %

0-3 Hours 27%
3-6 Hours 47%
More than 6 Hours 26%

More than 6
Hours, 26% 0-3 Hours , 27%

3-6 Hours, 47%

Inferences:- The above chart indicates that out of 50 respondents, 47%

of students are giving prefer 3-6 hours for studies, 26% of students are
giving prefer more than 6 hours for studies, 27% students are giving
prefer less an 3 hours for studies.
Time devoted to Entertainment

Time Management for Entertainment %

1 Hour 60%
2 Hours 20%
3 Hours 13%
More than 3 Hours 7%



n 30%
f 20%
e 13%

r 10% 7%

c 1Hours 2 Hours 3 Hours More than 3 Hours es
:- The above chart indicates that out of 50 respondents, 60% of students
are giving prefer 1 hours for entertainment, 20% of students are giving
prefer 2 hours for entertainment, 13% students are giving prefer 3 hours
for entertainment and 7% students are giving more than 3 hour time for

Time devoted to Friends and social activities

Time Management for Friends and %
Social Activities
0-2 Hours 46%
2-4 Hours 27%
More than 4 Hours 20%
No Time 7%

50% 46%




25% 20%





Inferences: 0-2 Hours 2-4 Hours More than4 Hours No time - The
above chart indicates that out of 50 respondents, 46% of students are
giving prefer 0-2 hours for friend and social activities, 27% of students
are giving prefer 2-4 hours for friend and social activities, 20% students
are giving prefer more than 4 hours for friend and social activities and
7% of students are giving prefer not time for friend and social activities

Time devoted to Household work

Time Management for %

Household work
0-1 Hours 33%
1-3 Hours 40%
More than 3 Hours 27%

Own Household Work


More than 3 Hours


Inferences:- The above chart indicates that out of 50 respondents, 40%

of students are giving prefer 1-3 hours for Household work, 33% of
students are giving prefer 0-1 hours for Household work, 27% students
are giving prefer more than 3 hours for Household work.

Time devoted to Magazines and News paper

Time Management for %

Magazines and News paper
0-1 Hour 60%
1-2 Hours 33%
More than 2 Hours 7%

Magezines & News Paper

More than 2 Hours




Inferences:- The above chart indicates that out of 50 respondents, 60%

of students are giving prefer 0-1 hours for Magazines and News paper,
33% of students are giving prefer 1-2 hours for Magazines and News
paper, 7% students are giving prefer more than 2 hours for Magazines
and News paper.

Time devoted to Gossiping with others

Time Management Gossiping %

with others
No 13%
0-1 Hours 33%
1-2 Hours 30%
More than 2 Hours 24%
Gossiping with Others
35% 33%


25% 24%


15% 13%




The No 0-1Hours 1-2 Hours More than 2 Hours

above chart indicates that out of 50 respondents,33% of students are

giving prefer 0-1 hours for gossiping with others, 30% of students are
giving prefer 1-2 hours for gossiping with others, 24% students are
giving prefer more than 2 hours for gossiping with others and rest of
student (13%) have no time for gossiping with others.


The survey conducted reveals the following information:

 Majority of student give preference for time management is

 Maximum students are devoting the studies according to the

time management.

 The student opting for professional courses devotes most of

their time to their studies and the remaining time to other
 They do not follow suitable time management schedule on
 Time management helps the student in managing their
activities properly.

The study suffers from the following limitations:

 The study was conducted within a short time.

 It was not easy convincing the respondents that the purpose of the
survey was constructive and meant for academic purpose only, and
that the information given would be kept strictly confidential.

 The sample taken may not be a true representative of the


 Respondents might have mis-interpreted the questions.

 Due to time constraint, the sample size was restricted to 50


 Due to large number of closed-ended questions some sort of

respondent bias might have crept in.

 Respondents answering the questionnaire for people may have

furnished some wrong information for their own reasons.

 Some respondents didn’t want to reveal information

 It was tough to make people fill the questionnaire after explaining

them the features of survey due to time boundness.

 Due to varying nature and basis of people, it is difficult to get a

proper sample size and hence generalization of the findings may

not be done for the entire market.

 The analysis and inferences is for the current period only and may
not govern and hold good for the future years to come.
 Hence it all into the time that could have been prefer ally initialized
for some more questionnaire incorporation.
Conclusion and Recommendation

Time management is about self management. And this can be

achieved when you know yourself very well and discover your unique
purpose in life.

Time management is about priority management. And this can be

achieved when you choose your priorities carefully and proactively
schedule your time to take care of the most important things in your life.

Studying is a big commitment and needs time to work on it.

Managing time is the best way for students to succeed. By managing your
time, other commitments can be fulfilled and you can study without
distractions. But finance and child care are serious problems.

By setting goals, having strong values, and using value methods to

prioritize your activities, you can simplify life at college and succeed in
obtaining your educational goals all while living a dynamic and
successful life. A College Coach can help you sort out these issues and
find your ultimate college success goals.

Of course knowing your values and priorities and organizing your

time around them are the core of time management. And I believe that
big portion of students are doing or trying to do that. They have sense of
prioritization and they know what is important for them.

Time management is an important skill for college students

because they typically need to juggle many different activities in a rather
unstructured environment.
Although not specifically designed for college students, our free
time management course provides a good foundation for you to develop
the skills, strategies, and tools to create an effective time management

Time management requires self-management. It takes time but

after a short period of self-management, time-management becomes an
everyday habit.

Pay attention to how your time is spent.

Do not procrastinate on chores to be done. Do not leave

assignments and projects until the last minute.

Schedule enough time in the day for doing things you enjoy and for
eating and sleeping. Getting enough sleep is beneficial to those
with an active schedule.

Learn to delegate things that do not need your attention.

Use your time wisely. If you take the bus, plan to catch up on your
reading while traveling.
1. Time Management is important for every one because without time
management nothing is doing effectively in a particular time.
2. Everybody should make proper schedule of their work so He/She
can give equal time to all the work.
3. To reduce the problems in student like the student have to follow the
proper time management.
4. Through the time management the students can distribute all the
activities according to the time and complete the work.
5. Through time management the student can manage the equal to their
job and studies, if they are doing job.


Name :
Address :
Professional Course :

Q.1 The Time Management beneficial for you?

Yes 
No 
Q.2 How much time do you devote to your studies?

0-3 Hours 
3-6 Hours 
More than 6 Hours 
Q.3 Time given to entertainment

1 Hour 
2 Hour 
3 Hour 
More than 3 Hours 
Q.4 Time given to friends & social activities

0-2 Hours  2-4 Hours 

More than 4 Hours  No time 

Q.5 Time devoted to other activities

Own household work ___________________

Magazines & News paper ___________________
Gossiping with others ___________________
Q.6 How do you manage your professional studies and other activities?


Q.7 If you do job or any other course, how do you manage your time?


Q.8 What is your opinion about time management? Do you think it is important for
every one?


1. Books

India Today, March 2008

Marshal – “Time Management”
Khotari, C. R. – “Research Methodology”

2. Web Sites


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