Demo Scripts: Gogobeans, Inc 920 5th Avenue N, #7 Seattle, WA 98109 T +1.949.500.3689 F +1.320.210-1516

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Demo Scripts

Gogobeans, Inc 920 5th Avenue N, #7 Seattle, WA 98109 T +1.949.500.3689 F +1.320.210-1516
Gogobeans, Inc.

Table of Contents

Demo Setup 1

Introduction 1

What Can You Do With Gogobeans? 1

What You Will Need: 2

Easy Setup 2

Advanced 4

Updating Keyword File 4

Mobile WAP Access 4

Supported Beans 6

Music 6

Template 1: Simple 6

Template 2: Designed 7

Exhibitors 8

Photos 10

PDF 11

PowerPoint Presentation 11

Retailers 11

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo i

Gogobeans, Inc.

Wallet/Card beans 12

Contacts 13

Applications 14

Airline - Flight Status 14

Real Estate 15

List of Properties 16

Property Bean 16

Gogo Music Store 17

Gogo Application Store 18

Gogo Greeting Cards 20

Gogo Movie Trailers 21

Appendix - Keyword List 22

Appendix - Bean List 25

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo ii


Demo Setup

Gogobeans is a mobile cloud computing platform. It allows members the ability to upload any type of file (or application) to the
Gogobeans server and get access to these files anytime, anywhere and on most connected devices. Unlike most cloud
computing platforms that allow only file upload, Gogobeans is designed to support applications as well.

What Can You Do With Gogobeans?

• Do you have thousands of photos and photo albums strewn across your PC, photo sharing sites, social networks, etc. Do your
friends share their photos with you via email or sites like Flickr/Picasa? Get access to all these photos instantly on your mobile
phone by simply typing the name of the photo album on a t9 nav enabled mobile phone.
• Your on the road and need to email that important presentation to your prospective client, simply type the name of the
presentation on your mobile phone, access it remotely and email it.
• Forgot your car rental loyalty card at home, simply type the name of your rental car company to bring up the “bean” on your
mobile phone.

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 1


The possibilities are endless. We support any file type, any form of data can be stored securely on the mobile cloud and accessed
via a mobile connected device.

This section is intended as a step by step guide to setting up T9 Nav/Gogobeans Integrated demo. T9 Nav Integrated demo will
allow users access to their personal files that are uploaded in a secure personal account on Gogobeans. Files are first uploaded to
the Gogobeans server (mobile cloud computing platform) and they become immediately available to T9 Nav.

A trial user account is setup exclusively for Mobile World Congress 2009. This account has all the required file types required to
show all the great features of the integrated product.

What You Will Need:

• A Nokia Series 60 version 3.0+ mobile phone (preferably one with 9 digit keyboard - ASCII keyboard Nokia phones have not
been tested)
• T9 Nav software with integrated demo code (this will be provided via email)
• password and username to Gogobeans trial user
• a data plan that allows access to the Internet (WAP)

Easy Setup
Install T9 Nav integrated application. Choose T9 Nav enabled on start up so there is no
need to index every time the phone is turned on.
The software should automatically index the Gogobeans files. You can verify this by
selecting T9 Nav via the Applications folder.

The product is ready when “T9 Nav is active” is displayed. Note that there is a line
showing the number of Gogobeans indexed - this should read approximately 120
GogoBeans. These are the number of files available and accessible via T9 Nav.

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 2


Return to Nokia home screen. Try accessing a bean. Let’s choose an MP3 track that is
stored on Gogobeans server.

• Key in “673” (for mp3). A list should appear with the proper keyword matches.
• Choose “Respect - Aretha Franklin”

You will see a login screen. This is to ensure privacy in the event of a loss of phone. Once
you are logged in you will be forwarded to the MP3 track.

Login information
password: password

Hint: In order to facilitate entering username (which is long and tedious to enter). I suggest
entering it in the T9 library. This can be easily accomplished by typing it in a dummy SMS
message once, thereby memorizing it in the T9 library.
After log in, a music “bean” will appear with the option to click on Play or download.

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 3


clicking on “Play” will initiate the download to Nokia’s music player.


Updating Keyword File

The strength of T9 Nav integrated product is the ability to have access to any file that has been uploaded on the Gogobeans
mobile cloud in real time. Users simply invoke the “Update Keywords” command on T9 Nav and instantly any new file uploaded on
the server will be available to the mobile user.

To update a keyword file

1. click on application menu

2. click on t9 nav application

3. click on Options (left key selector)

4. scroll to Integration (should be the first in the list)

5. select Integration then scroll dow to “Update Keywords”

6. wait 5-10 seconds for t9 Nav to download new keyword file

Mobile WAP Access

Stand alone mobile access to gogobeans via URL:

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 4


Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 5


Supported Beans
Each of the supported bean types constitutes a use case scenario for Mobile World Congress. Each section below has the list of
keywords associated with each “bean”. By typing the keyword, you will be able to access the corresponding file stored on our
server. As an example, below in the “Music Bean” section, typing the word “space” brings up the selection “Also Sprach
Zarathustra” (note this is the sound track signature song from the movie 2001 Space Odyssey). By selecting this result, t9 nav will
display the file that contains the MP3 track.

Music files in MP3 format uploaded to the Gogobeans server will be accessible by T9 Nav Plus.

Bean Name Bean Keywords

Respect - Aretha Franklin music, motown, mp3
Also Sprach Zarathustra mp3, music, 2001, space odyssey soundtrack
The following Beans are not indexed until the user “connects” to them. Once a connect is selected they will be
My Life Would Suck Without Your - Kelly Clarkson
Crack A Bottle - Eminem, Dr. Dre, 50 Cent
Gives You Hell - All American Rejects
Poker Face - Lady GaGa
Going To A Town - Rufus Wainwright

The music bean has two supported template designs. This is to illustrate the Gogobeans platform’s ability to customize the look
and feel of how beans are displayed depending on what content providers want.

Template 1: Simple
This template will have the following WAP framework.

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 6


Template 1 - Simple Description simple download area

Landing Page

Template 2: Designed
This template will have the following WAP framework.

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 7


Sample screen shots using a Nokia N73

T9 Nav - search mp3 top view scroll down album info

Mobile World Congress 2009 list of exhibitors

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 8


Bean Names Bean Keywords

Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB mwc sony ericsson, map booth, mobile world
congress, exhibitors
Nuance Communications International BVBA mwc nuance, map booth, mobile world congress,
LG Electronics mwc map booth, mobile world congress, exhibitors

The exhibitor bean will have the following WAP framework.

Sample screen shots using a Nokia N73

T9 Nav - search Nuan landing view scroll exhibitor booth location exhibitor description

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 9


File format supported - jpg, png, gif

Bean Names Bean Keywords

Our Venice Beach Vacation photo, pictures
Italy Summer 2007 photo picture, calabria, vacation, southern italy
Cambodia photoalbum, pictures, vacation
Superman vs The Amazing Spider-Man photoalbum, comic, superman, spiderman
Concordia Raiders photoalbum, Concordia Raiders, hockey
Julian Beaver - Sidewalk Art photoalbum, interesting, art, grafitti
Pietro Cipriani's Dancing Faun photoalbum, art sculpture, Getty Museum, Nick
Barca 1 photoalbum pictures, barcelona, giuseppe, cristi-
ana pezzano pedulla

The photo album bean will have the following WAP framework.

Sample screen shots using a Nokia N73

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 10


T9 Nav - search photo landing page - photo album view picture view

Bean Names PDF-3203 43rd Ave W
PDF-1826 Dartmouth Ave
Bean Keywords pdf, mlslisting, report

Bean Anatomy and screen shots coming soon

PowerPoint Presentation
Bean Anatomy and screen shots coming soon

Bean Anatomy and screen shots coming soon

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 11


Wallet/Card beans
These beans are private (i.e. cannot be set to public) beans that hold information typical to what is on loyalty cards. Typically this
bean is used to hold private information like membership numbers, loyalty programs, serial numbers, etc.

Bean Names United Airlines Mileage Plus

Bean Keywords airline wallet plastic loyalty

One such usage is for the purpose of the demonstration is to show a United Mileage Plus loyalty card.

The card bean (wallet) will have the following WAP framework

Sample screen shots using a Nokia N73

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 12


T9 Nav - search “Airl” (for keyword

landing page - card bean view scroll down - notepad area


Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 13


This section will highlight non standard beans that are specially designed for the Integrated demo for World Congress 2009. Most
of these beans are considered “canned” beans and are just meant to highlight future features that Gogobeans will support.

Airline - Flight Status

This bean highlights the ease of obtaining flight itinerary information on a mobile phone. The requirement for this to work in real
time would be a partnership arrangement with prospective airlines.

Bean Names airline ticket sample

Bean Keywords american airlines, aa, flight

The airline bean will have the following WAP framework.

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 14


Sample screen shots using a Nokia N73

T9 Nav - search FLI (for the word flight) landing page - airline bean view scroll down - departure details

mobile barcode for easy scanning customer loyalty information personal account details

Real Estate
This bean highlights a potential vertical application for real estate agents that want to be productive while they’re on the move. This
application will be divided into two categories, (i) the list of properties the agent is interested in, (ii) from the list of interested
properties, the agent can view the details and bounce from the handset to prospective clients.

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 15


List of Properties
The real estate principle listing bean will have the following WAP framework.

Sample screen shots using a Nokia N73

T9 Nav - search MLSM (for the word

landing page scroll down - list of prospective properties

Property Bean
The user can find the specific property bean via the Master List of Properties or via T9 Nav search.

The real estate property bean will have the following WAP framework.

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 16


Sample screen shots using a Nokia N73

T9 Nav - search MLS landing page view principal property image property detail

Gogo Music Store

This is an application reminiscent of popular MP3 commercial sites like iTunes. In the demo version there is a list of “popular”
songs available. A commercial version will be available Q2’09.

Users will be able to select the desired song track then clicking on “connect” in order to keep it in their personal Gogobeans

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 17


Landing page song list

Gogo Application Store

This application was designed to deliver mobile specific applications to the end user. Similar
in scope with Apple’s iPhone App Store on iTunes and the upcoming Microsoft Skybox

Users simply choose from the available applications, click on “connect” to keep the app.
Future versions of this bean will be commerce enabled. Consumers will be able to purchase
applications that are either WAP based and/or Java based depending on their mobile
phone’s capability.

For World Congress, the following apps are available:

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 18


Gogo Video Store MySpace

Choose from our collection of videos and bounce MySpace is an online community that lets you meet
them directly from your mobile phone. your friends' friends. Create a community on
MySpace and you can share photos, journals and
interests with your growing network of mutual
friends! See who knows who, or how you are
Gogo Music Store Wikipedia
Choose from our music collection - listen on the go Wikipedia is a free, multilingual, open content
or share with your friends directly from your mobile encyclopedia project operated by the United States-
phone. Simply "bounce" it around! based non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. Its name is
a portmanteau of the words wiki (a technology for
creating collaborative websites) and encyclopedia.
Facebook Bean Google Search
Facebook gives people the power to share and Google's mission is to organize the world's
makes the world more open and connected. Millions information and make it universally accessible and
of people use Facebook everyday to keep up with useful. As a first step to fulfilling that mission,
friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, share Google's founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin
links and videos, and learn more about the people developed a new approach to online search that
they meet. took root in a Stanford University dorm room and
quickly spread to information services.
Google News CNN
Google News is an automated news Cable News Network, usually referred to by
aggregator provided by Google Inc. its initialism CNN, is a major English language news
LinkedIn Greeting
LinkedIn is an interconnected network of Choose from our assorted greeting cards and send a
experienced professionals from around the world, message directly from your mobile phone.
representing 170 industries and 200 countries. You
can find, be introduced to, and collaborate with
qualified professionals that you need to work with to
accomplish your goals. When you join, you create a
profile that summarizes
Mobile Movie Trailers Ebay
Check out the latest in upcoming movies and movies eBay is The World's Online Marketplace®, enabling
out at the theater. Bounce them to your friends. trade on a local, national and international basis.
With a diverse and passionate community of
individuals and small businesses, eBay offers an
online platform where millions of items are traded
each day.
New York Times Cellfire coupons
The New York Times is an American daily newspaper Cellfire is the premier destination for valuable savings
published in New York City. The largest metropolitan on groceries, shopping, restaurants, and
newspaper in the United States, "The Gray Lady"— entertainment. Get access and use offers from your
named for its staid appearance and style—is PC and/or mobile phone. This service is provided
regarded as a national newspaper of record. free of charge to all users.
Founded in 1851, the newspaper has won 98
Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other newspaper.

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 19


ETrade Craigslist Mobile

The value behind E*TRADE FINANCIAL's name lies Craigslist is a centralized network of online
in its tireless effort to challenge the old ways of doing communities, featuring free online classified
business. We succeed in delivering a diversified and advertisements – with jobs, internships, housing,
integrated portfolio of innovative, customer-focused personals, erotic services, for sale/barter/wanted,
brokerage and banking products and services by services, community, gigs, résumés, and pets
remaining true to our operating ideals and well- categories – and forums on various topics.
proven formula-regularly asking, can this be done
The Club The Weather Channel
The place for music videos, news and entertainment TWC provides numerous customized forecasts for
on your mobile phone! Get the latest news, pics, and online users, including home and garden and event
videos from artists like Britney Spears, Lil Wayne, 3 planning forecasts. They also provide WAP access
Doors Down, Beyonce, Pink, The Pussycat Dolls, for mobile phone users, desktop widgets for quick
and much, much more.  reference by computer users, and customized
weather feeds for individual websites. Cell Phone
customers can even have their local forecast sent to
their mobile handsets from TWC for a fee via SMS.

Gogo Greeting Cards

A fun application allowing users to “bounce” directly from their mobile phone greeting cards to their friends. This is the ultimate
MMS without MMS compatibility issues.

sample of a mobile greeting card -

Landing page list of available greeting cards
simply click to download

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 20


Gogo Movie Trailers

Have some time - interested in seeing a movie - check out this application providing the top 10 movie trailers. Similar in scope to
Apple’s movie trailer service - Gogobeans allows users to view it directly on the phone.

Landing page list of available movie trailers sample of a movie trailer, complete with
description - simply click to download

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 21


Appendix - Keyword List

Keyword Bean Type

2001 Also sprach Zarathustra music
2007 Italy Summer 2007 photo
airline United Airlines Mileage Plus card
also Also sprach Zarathustra music
amazing Superman vs The Amazing Spider-Man photo
Aretha Respect - Aretha Franklin music
art Julian Beaver - Sidewalk Art photo
art Pietro Cipriani's Dancing Faun photo
barca Barca 1 photo
barcelona Barca 1 photo
Beach Our Venice Beach Vacation photo
beaver Julian Beaver - Sidewalk Art photo
booth LG Electronics exhibitor
booth Nuance Communications International BVBA exhibitor
booth Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB exhibitor
bvba Nuance Communications International BVBA exhibitor
Cipriani's Pietro Cipriani's Dancing Faun photo
comic Superman vs The Amazing Spider-Man photo
communications Nuance Communications International BVBA exhibitor
Concordia Concordia Raiders photo
congress Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB exhibitor
congress LG Electronics exhibitor
cristiana Barca 1 photo
Dancing Pietro Cipriani's Dancing Faun photo
ericsson Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB exhibitor
exhibitors Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB exhibitor
exhibitors LG Electronics exhibitor
exhibitors Nuance Communications International BVBA exhibitor
Faun Pietro Cipriani's Dancing Faun photo
Franklin Respect - Aretha Franklin music
Getty Pietro Cipriani's Dancing Faun photo
giuseppe Barca 1 photo
graffiti Julian Beaver - Sidewalk Art photo
hockey Concordia Raiders photo

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 22


Keyword Bean Type

interesting Julian Beaver - Sidewalk Art photo
international Nuance Communications International BVBA exhibitor
Italy Italy Summer 2007 photo
Julian Julian Beaver - Sidewalk Art photo
loyalty United Airlines Mileage Plus card
map Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB exhibitor
map LG Electronics exhibitor
MLSlisting PDF-3203 43rd Ave W pdf
MLSlisting PDF-1826 Dartmouth Ave pdf
mobile world congress Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB exhibitor
mobile LG Electronics exhibitor
motown Respect - Aretha Franklin music
mp3 Also sprach Zarathustra music
mp3 Respect - Aretha Franklin music
Museum Pietro Cipriani's Dancing Faun photo
music Also sprach Zarathustra music
music Respect - Aretha Franklin music
mwc Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB exhibitor
mwc LG Electronics exhibitor
Nick Pietro Cipriani's Dancing Faun photo
nuance Nuance Communications International BVBA exhibitor
odyssey Also sprach Zarathustra music
Our Our Venice Beach Vacation photo
pdf PDF-1826 Dartmouth Ave pdf
pdf PDF-3203 43rd Ave W pdf
pedulla Barca 1 photo
petronzio Pietro Cipriani's Dancing Faun photo
pezzano Barca 1 photo
photo Our Venice Beach Vacation photo
photo Cambodia photo
photo Italy Summer 2007 photo
photoalbum Cambodia photo
photoalbum Superman vs The Amazing Spider-Man photo
photoalbum Concordia Raiders photo
photoalbum Julian Beaver - Sidewalk Art photo
photoalbum Pietro Cipriani's Dancing Faun photo
photoalbum Barca 1 photo
picture Our Venice Beach Vacation photo
picture Italy Summer 2007 photo

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 23


Keyword Bean Type

pictures Cambodia photo
pictures Barca 1 photo
Pietro Pietro Cipriani's Dancing Faun photo
plastic United Airlines Mileage Plus card
Raiders Concordia Raiders photo
report PDF-1826 Dartmouth Ave pdf
report PDF-3203 43rd Ave W pdf
Respect Respect - Aretha Franklin music
sculpture Pietro Cipriani's Dancing Faun photo
sidewalk Julian Beaver - Sidewalk Art photo
sony Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB exhibitor
sonyericsson Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB exhibitor
soundtrack Also sprach Zarathustra music
space Also sprach Zarathustra music
spiderman Superman vs The Amazing Spider-Man photo
sprach Also sprach Zarathustra music
Summer Italy Summer 2007 photo
superman Superman vs The Amazing Spider-Man photo
Vacation Our Venice Beach Vacation photo
Venice Our Venice Beach Vacation photo
wallet United Airlines Mileage Plus card
world Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB exhibitor
world LG Electronics exhibitor
Zarathustra Also sprach Zarathustra music

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 24


Appendix - Bean List

Bean Name Type
Also sprach Zarathustra music
Barca 1 photo
Cambodia photo
Concordia Raiders photo
Italy Summer 2007 photo
Julian Beaver - Sidewalk Art photo
LG Electronics exhibitor
Nuance Communications International BVBA exhibitor
Our Venice Beach Vacation photo
PDF-1826 Dartmouth Ave real estate
PDF-3203 43rd Ave W real estate
Pietro Cipriani's Dancing Faun photo
Respect - Aretha Franklin music
Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB exhibitor
Superman vs The Amazing Spider-Man photo
United Airlines Mileage Plus card

Demo Scripts - Integrated Demo 25

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