Jharkhand NRHM
Jharkhand NRHM
Jharkhand NRHM
Contractual appointment of Allopathic and AYUSH Doctors for School Health Programme and mainstreaming of AYUSH Under National Rural Health Mission
Jharkhand Rural Health Mission Society invites application from the suitable candidates for the contractual appointment of Allopathic and AYUSH Doctors for School Health Programme (SHP) and mainstreaming of AYUSH. All the positions are for the Primary Health Center (PHC) and Community Health Center (CHC) in the rural area under District Rural Health Society. Details for the positions are mentioned herein below: I. Name of the position and Number of posts
Post Code 01 02 Name of the Post Medical Officer School Health Programme Medical Officer AYUSH Total No. of Post 388* 42 Unres erved 194 21 Scheduled Tribe 101 11 Scheduled Caste 39 4 EBC 31 3 BC 23 3
Note: 1. Number of posts can be increased or decreased as per the requirement. 2. *Out of 388 post of Medical Officer School Health Programme, 194 positions will be from Allopathic Stream (MBBS) and 194 will be from AYUSH Stream (BAMS/BHMS/BUMS). Selection of Medical Officer SHP from AYUSH Stream and Medical Officer AYUSH will be done as per the para-5 of Govt. Order No.- 324 (3) dated-25/11/2008. 3. However, in case of requirement/non availability/non selection of suitable candidates in one stream for the position of Medical Officer SHP, the Society reserves the right to complete the remaining positions from the eligible candidates available in other stream/s. II. Essential Qualifications A. Allopathic Doctor:
Ayurvedic Doctor: Homeopathic Doctor: MBBS from a Medical College recognized by Medical Council of India. Must have completed compulsory rotating internship on 01/04/2012. BAMS/GAMS from recognized university/ college (mentioned in 2nd schedule of CCIM act, 1970) with completion of compulsory internship. BHMS or DHMS before 1983 from recognized university/ college (mentioned in 2nd schedule of CCH act, 1973) with completion of compulsory internship. BUMS/GUMS from recognized university/ college (mentioned in 2nd schedule of CCIM act, 1970) with completion of compulsory internship.
Unani Doctor:
B. Must have valid permanent registration Number from the State Council of Jharkhand
(Medical/AYUSH). However, Candidates having registration from Bihar AYUSH Medical Parishad, prior to formation of Jharkhand AYUSH Medical Council and having residential certificate of Jharkhand can also apply.
C. Candidates having higher qualification in the relevant area may get preference/ weightage in the
selection process. III. Remuneration: 01. Medical Officer SHP: Rs. 25,000/- per month consolidated 02. Medical Officer AYUSH: Rs. 20,000/- per month consolidated* (*Remuneration of Medical Officer AYUSH may be considered for revision, subject to approval from GoI)
IV. Age: Age of the candidate should be as following, as of 31st October, 2012. Category General OBC Female Unreserved ST/SC Age relaxation (Years) 35 37 38 40 Age relaxation (Years) for the candidates applying in OH Category 40 42 43 45
V. Application Fee:
i. An application fee for the post mentioned above is as follows: Category General OBC Female Unreserved ST/SC ii. Amount (Rs) 400/400/400/200/-
Original Bank Draft (Application Fee) drawn on any nationalized bank drawn in favour of Jharkhand Rural Health Mission Society and payable at Ranchi should be sent along with application form. No application will be accepted without submission of application fee.
VI. General information and Instructions: 1. The appointment would be purely on contract for one year. However, the contract of service may be renewed at end of term, subject to satisfactory performance and requirement of the society. Performance will be reviewed after 3 months of the first contract, if work is not found to be satisfactory, then the service may be terminated without any notice. 2. Any claim for absorption at the regular position in the Department of Health and Family welfare shall not be entertained in future. 3. Doctors will be recruited against specific health facility. All the positions are non-transferable in nature and any request for relocation in future will not be entertained. Candidates willing to serve anywhere in Jharkhand should only apply. However, the society reserves the right of relocation in future as per the requirement. 4. The objective of the assignment for the Doctors is to implementation of all the interventions under School Health Programme and effective functionalization of the Primary Health Centers/ Community Health Centers in rural areas under District Rural Health Society. 5. Selected candidates will be required to remain at place of posting during duty hours. Doctor will have to reside within 8 KM of their place of posting. During off- duty hours they must be available on call within a response time of half an hour. They will be required to maintain their own mobile phones. 6. Candidates applying for more than one post shall submit separate application for different positions. 7. Candidates Submitting CGPA score cards for the academic qualifications must submit the conversion chart along with the mark-sheet. 8. Society reserves the right to short-list limited number of candidates for posts advertised on the basis of either age, qualification, experience or any other suitable criteria as decided by the society. 9. Society reserves the right to conduct interview/written test or any such suitable process for selection of suitable candidates.
10. Applications of the candidates, who have worked with the Society or any other Govt. Organization/Institution earlier and/or their services were terminated on the Disciplinary ground or any other ground, shall not be considered for any of the mentioned positions. 11. These posts may be discontinued at any time depending upon the requirement or validity of the project. 12. Society reserves the right to cancel any or all positions at any stage of recruitment process. 13. At any stage of recruitment, it is found that candidate does not fulfill the eligibility criteria and/or that he/she has furnished incorrect/false information/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature will stand cancelled. 14. The decision of the Society in any matter relating to the recruitment at any stage of the recruitment process will be final and binding upon the candidates. 15. No correspondence or personal queries in this regard shall be entertained. 16. Details can be seen at www.jharkhand.gov.in/notice board, jrhms.jharkhand.gov.in 17. Reservation policy of Govt. of Jharkhand will be applicable. VII. Mode of Application: 1. Candidate full-filling the mentioned criteria for the advertised position shall only apply in the prescribed format enclosing the copy of the self attested certificates and mark-sheet with the Application Form. Application received without the mentioned application fee shall not be entertained. 2. All the applications must reach by 5 PM on 10th December, 2012. Applications received after 10th December, 2012 will not be entertained and Society will not be held responsible. 3. Application form complete in all respect, should be sent in a sealed envelope by Registered/Speed Post super-scribing Advertisement Number - ________ , Application for the post of _________________________ & Post Code ______ at the following address. To, The Director in Chief, Jharkhand Rural Health Mission Society, Govt. Vaccine Institute Campus (RCH Building), Namkum, Ranchi - 834010 Sd/Mission Director (NRHM) Jharkhand Rural Health Mission Society
Post Applied for*: _______________________________ 1. Candidate Details First name* Last Name* Fathers Name Date of birth* Category1 (Gen/SC/ST/OBC) Physically Challenged 2 (Y/N) Email Note:
Middle Name* Gender* (M/F) Mothers Name Nationality State of Domicile Mobile No. Phone No. (with STD Code)
in case of:
Physically Challenged category, certificate issued by appropriate authority should be enclosed.
2. In case of reserved category, copy of caste certificate issued by SDM/DC of the State of Jharkhand to be enclosed. 2. Address Correspondence address Recent complete address with PIN. Permanent address
3. Education Qualification:
i. All Educational Qualification starting from highest qualification up to Matriculation to be mentioned. ii. Copy of duly signed certificate and mark-sheet of each qualification is to be enclosed. iii. In case of GPA, please enclose the appropriate GPA conversion table.
Examination Passed*
Passing Year
No. of attempts
7. List of Certificates and mark-sheet to be enclosed: i) Matriculation or equivalent Certificate ii) Intermediate or equivalent Certificate iii) SC/ST/OBC/PH certificate (If applicable) iv) Registration Certificate v) Certificate of MBBS/BAMS/BHMS/BUMS vi) certificate of PG degree or Diploma (If any) vii) Other documents, if any, with reference to the requirement of the post applied for. Declaration I hereby solemnly declare that the information furnished above is based on material records and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. If any information furnished or any part of it is found to be incorrect, then, I truly believe and understand that my candidature for recruitment to the post of Medical Officer (SHP/AYUSH) is liable to be cancelled without any further intimation. Date : _______________ Place: ________________ ______________________ Signature in full