Biofertilizer Projec
Biofertilizer Projec
Biofertilizer Projec
We feel proud to present my Investigatory project in Biology on the topic To Study The Biofertilization Unit At Vidya Prathishthan And Carry Out A Comparitive Study Of Chemical And Biofertilizers which aims at using Biofertilizers for effective agriculture. This project wouldnt have been feasible without the proper and rigorous guidance of my Biology teacher Mrs.Sabiya Baig who guided me throughout this project in every possible way. Rigorous hard work has been put in this project to ensure that it proves to be the best. We thank Dr Potdar,Head of Biofertilizer unit , Vidya Prathishthan for his golden guidance and inspiration.Last but not the least the regular helping hand of our principal , Mrs N.S Kharosekhar is the main power for the projects success.We hope that this project will prove to be a breeding ground for the next generation of students and will guide them in every possible way.
1) NEED OF FERTILIZERS Agriculture is said to be main backbone of our country.It cant be false when more than 70% population lives on the occupation. Per 2010 FAO world agriculture statistics, India is the world's largest producer of many fresh fruits and vegetables, milk, major spices, select fresh meats, select fibrous crops such as jute, several staples such as millets and castor oil seed. India is the second largest producer of wheat and rice, the world's major food staples. India is also the world's second or third largest producer of several dry fruits, agriculture-based textile raw materials, roots and tuber crops, pulses, farmed fish, eggs, coconut, sugarcane and numerous vegetables. India ranked within the world's five largest producers of over 80% of agricultural produce items, including many cash crops such as coffee and cotton, in 2010. India is also one of the world's five largest producers of livestock and poultry meat, with one of the fastest growth rates, as of 2011.
In order for a plant to grow and thrive, it needs a number of different chemical elements. The most important are:
1) Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen - Available from air and water and therefore in plentiful supply Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (a.k.a. potash) 2) The three macronutrients and the three elements you find in most packaged fertilizers Sulfur, calcium, and magnesium 3) Secondary nutrients Boron, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc Micronutrients The most important of these (the ones that are needed in the largest quantity by a plant) are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are important because they are necessary for basic building blocks.
Fertilizer (or fertiliser) is any organic or inorganic material of natural or synthetic origin (other than liming materials) that is added to a soil to supply one or more plant nutrients essential to the growth of plants.
2) Manures Manures are partially decomposed organic matter added to soil to increase the fertility of soil and productivity of crop.They contain almost all the essential nutrients required by the plants. There are following types of manures.
1) Farm Yard Manure It is oldest manure used by mankind It is made up of dung of farm animals,urine,farm refuse and crop residues which are allowed to partial decay with the help of soil microorganisms. It contains many organic substances which are required for the normal growth and development of plants.
2) Compost It is prepared by degrading dung of farm animals , crop residues farm wastes and other organic debris It takes about 6-8 months to prepare compost
3)Green Manure Many leguminous and non leguminous crops grown in the field and ploughed back into the soil while they are still young and green. Complex organic matter present in the plants is decomposed by the action of micro organisms. Green manures enhance crop yield by 30-50 % Commonly used green manures in India are-Crotolaria juncea(Sunn hemp) , Sesbania aculeata (Dhaincha) etc.
What are Biofertilizers ? Biofertilizers are live formulates of microorganisms that are ready to be used and improve the quality and the health of the soil and the plant species by increasing the nutrient availability for the soil, seeds and roots. Biofertilizers naturally activate the microorganisms found in the soil restoring the soil's natural fertility and protecting it against drought and soil diseases and therefore stimulate plant growth . TYPES OF BIOFERTILIZERS
Nitrogen Biofertlizers
Phosphorus biofertilizers
Compost Biofertilizers
1) Nitrogen Biofertilizers Nitrogen biofertilizers help to correct the nitrogen levels of the soil. Nitrogen is a limiting factor for plant growth because plants need a certain amount of nitrogen in the soil to thrive. Different biofertilizers have the optimum effect for different soils, so the cultivated crop determines what type of nitrogen biofertilizer should be used. Use Rhizobium for legume crops, Azotobacter or Azospirillum for non-legume crops, Acetobacter for sugarcane and blue-green algae and Azolla for low land paddies used to grow rice.
2)Phosphorus Biofertilizers Just like nitrogen, phosphorus is also a limiting factor for plant growth. Phosphorus biofertilizers help the soil to reach its optimum level of phosphorus and correct the phosphorus levels of the soil. Unlike nitrogen biofertilizers, the usage of phosphorus biofertilizers is not dependent on the crops cultivated on the soil. You can use Phosphatika for all crops with Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum and Acetobacter.4)
3)Compost Biofertilizers You can also use biofertilizers to enrich your compost and the bacterial processes breaking down the compost waste. Suitable biofertilizers for compost use are Cellulolytic fungal culture and Phosphotika and Azotobacter cultures.
Why to use biofertilizers? Biofertilizers are supposed to be a safe alternative to chemical fertilizers to minimize the ecological disturbance. Biofertilizers are cost effective, ecofriendly and when they are required in bulk can be generated at the farm itself. They increase crop yield upto 10-40% and fix nitrogen upto 40-50 Kg. The other plus point is that after using 3-4 years continuously there is no need of application of biofertilizers because parental inoculums are sufficient for growth and multiplication. They improve soil texture, pH, and other properties of soil. They have 75% moisture and it could be applied to the field directly. Biofertilizers contained 3.5% - 4% nitrogen, 2% - 2.5% phosphorus and 1.5% potassium. In terms of N: P: K, it was found to be superior to farmyard manure and other type of manure . Microbes used as Biofertilizer Microbes are effective in inducing plant growth as they secrets plant growth promoters (auxins, abscisic acid, gibberellic acid, cytokinis, ethylene) and enhance seed germination and root growth.. Nitrogen fixing Bacteria 1. Rhizobia: - Legumes plants have root nodules, where atmospheric nitrogen fixation is done by bacteria belonging to genera, Rhizobium, Bradyshzodium, Sinorhizobium, Azorhizobium and Mesorhizobium collectively called as rhizobia. When rhizobial culture is inoculated in field, pulse crops yield can be increased due to rhizobial symbiosis . Rhizobium can fix 15-20 N/ha and increase crop yield upto 20%. 2. Azorhizobium: It is a stem nodule forming bacteria and fixes nitrogen symbionts of the stem nodule. 3. Bradyrhizobium: Bradyrhizobium is reported a good nitrogen fixer. Bradyrhizobium strain inoculation with Mucuna seeds enhances total organic carbon, N2, phosphorus and potassium in the soil, increases plant growth and
consequently plant biomass, reduction in the weed population and increased soil microbial population.
A bio-fertilizer provides the following benefits: Since a bio-fertilizer is technically living, it can symbiotically associate with plant roots. Involved microorganisms could readily and safely convert complex organic material in simple compounds, so that plants are easily taken up. Microorganism function is in long duration, causing improvement of the soil fertility. It maintains the natural habitat of the soil. It increases crop yield by 2030%, replaces chemical nitrogen and phosphorus by 25%, and stimulates plant growth. It can also provide protection against drought and some soil-borne diseases. Bio-fertilizers are cost-effective relative to chemical fertilizers. They have lower manufacturing costs, especially regarding nitrogen and phosphorus use.
The biofertilizer unit at Vidya Prathishthan was the good expiriance where we could see the actual place where the biofertilizers are made. Following Biofertilizers are made in the biofertilizer unit.ACETOBACTER AZOTOBACTER RHIZOBIUM PHOSPHATE SOLUBLE BACTERIA POTASSIUM SOLUBLE BACTERIA We came to know that biofertilizers are very useful in increasing the fertility of soil.
In order to diagnose the real use of biofertilizers and mannures among the farmers, We did a short survey in which we interviewed 10 different farmers in Baramati , Tandulwadi , Shriramnagar regions-
Future scope
This project unmasks the bright future of biofertilizers and organic farming.Biofertilizer is the need of the time. It can greatly reduce our dependancy on other chemical fertilizers which have many disadvantages over a few advantages. It is greatly influencial for increasing the fertility of soil and productivity of good quality goods.
In nearly future there will be shortage for land under cultivation and will be treamondous increase in demand for food. Biofertilizers can greatly increase the per acre yield and bring the agricultural expenses down as compared to chemical fertilizers. But to achieve the use of biofertilizers government needs to boom the awareness about biofertilizers.
1) Microbes in human welfare- Fundamentals of Biology-Pradeep Publications. 2) N.C.E.R.T Text book of Biology 12th 3) 4) How