Lets look at the first reason . The youth interested in politics doesnt have money to sustain
himself in the politics . He cant master enough money resources to sustain his party . The family
support also plays a great role . The family members restrict the youth from entering the politics
because of some ill consequences and lack of security . The poor reputation of politiciana acts
as the detterent to new aspirers who doesn want to get indulged lest they will be branded with
bad character. so many other reasons are their which prevent the youth from entering the
politics. The combined model of both old aged and youth will make a good show as the old are
also required to train the youth .
But for it, the entire educated people have to change his/her attitude to the politics. All people
say politics is bad, no one want to come in this and change it into good. We are responsible for
India current situation. We blame politician they are corrupted, but when it’s come to us we say
its fine.
All well educated people talk about politics but if you say why you join politics they all word less.
They say politics is not for a good man.
Dear members of “Action 2020 - UnConference 2009” organized by the India Vision
Group and the 35 partner organizations who are working on bringing societal transformation
through achievers, intellectuals and other contributors, my greetings to all of you. I am
very happy to communicate with all of you telephonically, when you have assembled at
Chennai and discussing on how to achieve Vision 2020 with peoples’ participation.
On 15 Jan 2009, I inaugurated the Youth Meet at Pune and interacted with nearly 1500
youth. The theme, I selected for the youth was, “the ignited minds of the youth is the most
powerful resource, on the earth, above the earth and under the earth”. Here it was
important to remember, the powerful call given by Swami Vivekananda “how has all the
knowledge in the world been gained but by the concentration of the power of the
mind? The world is ready to give up its secret if we only know, how to knock, how
to give it the necessary blow. The strength and force of the blow come through
concentration. There is no limit to the power of the human mind. The more
concentrated it is, the more power is brought to bear on one point that is the
When I put forth this thought to the young, there was tremendous enthusiasm and the
youth repeated the statement. Then I brought out the power of three great minds:
1. “It doesn’t matter who you are, you will achieve if you work for it”. Mario
Capecchi – a street boy becomes a noble prize winner in 2007 for his remarkable
work on Gene targeting which can be used to cure diseases such as cancer.
2. Failure didn’t deter him. Srinivasa Ramanujam with his best capability generated
his own equations and became an expert in number theory. He failed in his FA Exam,
but he didn’t bother. Mathematics became his friend. He saw divinity associated with
each number. He became a renowned number theorist and a great mathematician
recognized by the world of mathematics including Royal society.
3. “Plant a tree and plant an idea” - Prof Wangari Maathai had a passion for
environment and bio-diversity and has been contributing to the sustainable
development and growth of planet Earth through tree plantation. She has been
instrumental in getting 31 million trees planted in 20 countries in African region. She
won the Nobel Prize for this unique contribution of environmental upgradation. With
these three thoughts, “It doesn’t matter who you are, you will achieve if you work
for it”. “Failure didn’t deter him” and “Plant a tree and plant an idea” the 1500 youth
at Pune were fully ignited; they were all asking tell us, what we can give? I asked the
audience, why don’t you young boys and girls share your experience. One girl got up
and introduced herself, she is from rural Maharashtra. She said, Mr. Kalam, let me
share with you what myself and my classmates have done. There is a hospital in our
small town, where the entire place is dirty and the patients are not at all cared for.
Seeing the situation, the student community decided to go to the hospital once in a
week, to clean up the entire place including toilets. And we also provide necessary
help to the patients, such as: communicating with their relatives, drying their
clothes, bringing the medicines, giving them a feeling of cheer by talking to them.
What a noble mission?
Series of questions came in after words. What the youth can do to remove the
corruption? was one of the question. Here I gave my experience at Adichunchunagari Mutt,
when I addressed 50,000 students and 1000’s of parents in the presence of spiritual leaders
and political leaders in 2005. After my address on vision 2020, one girl Bhavani got up, she
said, she is studying bio-science in 10+1, and she would like to know from me and the
leaders sitting on the dais, what actions youth should do to remove corruption, so that we
can live in a corruption free society. The funds allotted for development can reach the
citizens fully. Answer to this question really was not coming forth from any quarters, but I
had to answer. I told, dear Bhavani, your question is very important in the present context
of the nation. You know, we are one billion population. We live in 200 million homes. It is
estimated that 30% of the homes may be corrupt, that means 60 million homes are corrupt.
Each home has on an average 5 members: Father, mother, two sons + one daughter or
parents + two daughters + one son. Now I have got a question for you Bhavani. In case
your parents, particularly your father is unfortunately corrupt, will you go to your father and
say “Father, please stop corruption - Our scriptures will not allow that, our teacher taught
us” Will you say this to your father? There was pin drop silence. Then a surprise. Nearly all
the children got up, they all said in chorus, we can do it. We will stop our parents if they are
corrupt. I couldn’t believe this. Of course, I turned to parents where 1000’s of them were
sitting. I particularly asked the mothers. How will you react to your daughter or son coming
to you and saying that you should stop corrupt actions. After some thought, the mother
gave the following statement:
“Mr. Kalam, so far no one has asked such a directed question. But I want to tell you one
thing on behalf of womanhood that “Daughter or son, have got a unique relationship with
parents. They have a great and grand tool that is mutual love and affection. If our child
comes and tells us that we are corrupt, it is a great insult to me and my husband. We have
to change, we have to change, we have to change. Then the whole gathering took an oath.
“I will lead an honest life free from all corruption and will set an example for
others to adopt a transparent way of life”.
I asked the youth of Pune on 15 Jan 2009, what is your reaction? They said, we would
like to take the same oath and abide by it. The entire hall reverberated when they took the
oath. Then I realized the vision 2020 of transforming India into a developed nation definitely
will succeed with such a committed youth power.
My role Model
One young man once asked our Role Model APJ abdul KALAM a question, "Mr
President, please tell me, since you have flown in the supersonic fighter aircraft at the
age of 74, were you afraid anytime during the flight." I told the young man, "All the 40
minutes of the flight, I was busy on the controls and instruments and experiencing the
"g" build up. I was advised by the captain to track targets and also look at the ground
using the synthetic aperture radar. In addition, I was observing the performance of the
instruments developed indigenously. I was continuously busy in the flight operations
and I didn't have time to allow fear to enter into me." Now, dear young friends who have
assembled in front of me and the nation, I have a message of Courage for you.
Courage to Give
Role Of Ngo:-
Our NGO, is not just an organization but it’s a family consists of
everyone of u,is going to play a pivotal role in creating awareness among Jammuities
of their Culture,Language,environmental issues,health,politically related field to create
an effective network to enhance awareness and achieve behaviour change.
The aim of NGO collaboration is to educate the ppl tht its not a time to sit quiet nd enjoy
the discrimination.
We are going to divide our organisaton in two groups:-The first group will take care of
politically related activities which will be known as DPYSPW(DUGGAR PRADESH
YUVA SANGATHAN POLITICAL WING) nd make youth to think that even we can do
this.The second group will take care of other issues like environment,health related
issues which will be known as DPYSHW(DUGGAR PRADESH YUVA SANGATHAN
1) How much donation our organization receive and from whom will be
published clearly.
To establish a rapport with NGOs,DPYS has appointed an NGO Advisor who is easily
accessible to the common people. The NGO Advisor provides them with information,
advice and promotes participation. There are three NGO members in the Technical
Advisory Committee, as well as in the Executive Committee, one of whom represents
positive people.
Important activity that DPYSHW is going to create to eco-consciousness and generate
awareness among the youth, especially school children, college students, teachers and youth
undergoing training at vocational institutes. This will be going to take place through lectures,
presentations, seminars, workshops, meetings, outreach programmes like visits to pollution
hotspots and important pollution control installations and distribution of educational aid and
publicity materials like handbills, stickers, posters, banners, slides, CDs etc. The idea behind this
activity is to prepare environmentally informed and responsible future citizens.
We will make Young students to play a key role in popularizing a message “SAAF HO
various campaigns successful and effective.
>prevent our heritage from extinction as we lost the chenani mahal,purmandal mahal nd many
> Say NO to Plastic (or Minimum usage of Plastic or polythene Bags)
>A law should be made to pass in the parliament that every house throw their garbage into the dustbins
and if someone found guilty has to face the stringent actions.
3.Pollution Control:-
a.Tree Plantation
b.Pollution from factories should be check regularly as per the ISO standards
Tawi : to work for making SURYA PUTRI clean and Flow for ever
According to historians, King Jamboolochan saw an amazing sight on the bank of Tawi. He watched in
astonishment as a goat and a lion drank water from the same place. He immediately decided to set up a
town beside the river and named it Jamboo, which changed to Jammu in the course of time.
Although the Tawi enhances the beauty of Jammu, the river itself has been polluted by ill usage. The
main concern now is to clean up the river and give back its original crystal clear look.
Devika:- This holy river in district udhampur originates from the foothill of Gangera, situated in the
vicinity of the udhampur district, this big temple situated in the west bank, along the Jammu -srinagar
national highway, of the udhampur district. In this with the main shikhar, there are also tombs of other
god & goddesses, main entrance towards north side. This temple is reconstructed by Maharaja Ranbir
singh during 1863 (as per available resources, Courtesy: Duggar ke mandir- By Shiv Nirmohi Ji ),by the
order of her mother Rani Rakkwali,where as Rani’s parental house was Chak Rakwalla in Udhampur
district. As this temple is situated near the bank of holy river Devika also having temple of Aap shambhu,
believe to be very old.
With the passage of time Holy devika is under the clutches of environmental pollution which is cause of
concern of the pilgrims. It is in this connection that they every year appeal the government to launch
cleanliness drive for Devika and make Master Plan. Despite repeated requests from the local people, the
Government has failed to take remedial measures this year also.
Mantalai Lake:- Legend has it that the powerful God, Lord Shiva was unified in marriage to the
Goddess Parvati in the region of Mantalai. A number of temples abound the region. The Sudh Mahadev
Temple lies close to the town of Mantalai. The ancient place of worship is said to be 2800 years old.
Pilgrims flock in the region in the full moon night in the month of August. Wading through the River
Devika that flow by the temple, the pilgrims enter the Sudh Mahadev Temple to offer their prayers to
the black marbled Shivling in the temple. The temple is eight kilometers away from the town of Mantalai
and the Gauri Kund Spring. The spring is sacred to the Hindu devotees, as it is believed that the Goddess
Parvati would bathe in the waters of the spring before offering her prayers to the Lord Shiva.
But with the passage of time this lake is also going to be extinct soon
Mansar lake:- The shrine of the serpent deity, the Sheshnag is situated on the eastern bank of the lake.
The snake god has six heads and is flanked by small snakes shaped by iron chains. Umapati Mahadev and
Narsimha are the two ancient and religious temples located near the lake.
But the circumference of lake is decreasing day by day and one can see a lot of kachra
around the river.
>Obey Traffic Rules nd tht too very strictly.
>NO overloading In buses and other public transport