Solartech Solar Water Pumps Desig

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Solartech solar water pumps in China used in agriculture irrigation by pumping water from ponds and rivers

13600- Solar Water Heating System Specification

PART 1 GENERAL The objective of this specification is to describe a system which uses solar energy to preheat service hot water. One qualified contractor, who must be a partner in the Vermont Solar & Wind Partnership and licensed in accordance with the State of Vermont Plumbing Law, 26 V.S.A. Chapter 39, will be selected to obtain all necessary permits and inspections and provide all labor, supervision, equipment, tools, materials and incidentals necessary to design, install, test and commission the complete solar water heating system. The system shall operate in conjunction with the buildings plumbing systems. 1.1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1.1.1 Design Requirements Design, furnish and install a new, closed loop, solar water heating system (SWH) for the heating of domestic water using roof-mounted, liquid flat plate solar collectors. The solar water heating system shall offset the use of natural gas, propane, oil or electricity by preheating water before the conventional domestic hot water system. System types incorporating both freeze-protection and overheat protection are required. Supplied equipment must be rated and warranted to withstand and operate under lowest-record-low and highest-record-high temperature for the location. The type of system control may be either by hard wiring to a small photovoltaic panel which drives a DC pump with linear booster or by use of a temperature differential sensor and controller. The following design requirements apply: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Provide a separate solar water heating system for each building unit designated. System tilt angle mounted facing due south at a tilt of approximately 45 degrees. Provide for freezing ambient conditions and highest temperature conditions Provide for stagnation conditions and when there is excess hot water produced System must be simple and easy to maintain by design System must have automatic operation not requiring operator intervention System design should keep DHW recirculation lines clear from solar storage system. H. Optionally, include a monitoring system to measure system performance. I. Design shall include system components that consist of solar collectors, manifolds, storage tank, interconnecting piping and fittings, necessary controls, heat exchangers, pump(s) with hard wired photovoltaic panel or in-line power, pressure relief, tempering and balancing valves, sensors and controller, expansion tank, as well as all other accessories and equipment required for completion and proper operation of the solar water heating system. 1.1.2 Performance Requirements

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Solartech solar water pumps in China used in agriculture irrigation by pumping water from ponds and rivers A. Solar water heating systems must be safe, reliable, require no operator intervention for normal operation, be visually unobtrusive, and be designed and installed in accordance with all applicable codes. B. Install solar domestic hot water panels on the building in a location and manner that is acceptable to historic preservation requirements. C. Design and size the system so that solar energy supplies the amount of heat that minimizes life cycle cost, but not less than 50 percent of the annualized hot water demand @ 15 gpd/person. Design collection area should approximate 10 sq. ft. per bedroom. System design must include proper expansion tank sizing for total fluid volume expansion. D. Solar Storage should be sized so that we have at least 1.5 gallons of storage for every 1 square foot of collector. Do not include the boiler fired indirect tank. In systems of lower angle (summer optimized), more storage is advisable. Provide a detailed analysis of sizing using manufacturer specifications. E. Only closed loop glycol systems. F. Estimated incoming cold water temperature and hot water delivery temperature G. Include with the system all labor, supervision, equipment inside and outside the building, tools, materials and incidentals necessary to design, procure, install, check/commission and place into operation, a complete solar water heating system ready for use in the building. 1.2 SUBMITTALS Submit the following. A. Commercial Products Data with Performance Charts and Curves B. Annotate descriptive data to show the specific model, type, and size of the item. C. Provide SRCC Ratings specified for selected collectors and systems 1.2.1 Solar System Design A. Submit a complete description of the design of the system, including drawings, specifications, wind load and flow calculations and written narrative. B. Submit calculations of solar system performance leading to the proposed design. Include mechanical, electrical and structural drawings and specifications in sufficient detail for construction of the system. 1.2.2 Statements Prior to installation, submit data showing that the contractor has successfully designed and installed systems of the same type and design as specified herein and proposed by the contractor and has support from the original collector and component manufacturer(s) during all phases of the project. 1.2.3 Drawings

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Solartech solar water pumps in China used in agriculture irrigation by pumping water from ponds and rivers A. Provide drawings for the system type and size containing a system schematic; B. A collector layout and roof plan noting reverse-return piping for the collector array; C. A system elevation; D. A schedule of operation and installation instructions; E. A schedule of design information including collector height and width, gross area of collectors, collector filled weight, weight of support structure, and tilt angle of collectors from horizontal. F. Include in the drawings, complete wiring and schematic diagrams, proposed pipe pitch, expansion tank, and any other details required to demonstrate that the system has been coordinated and will properly function as a unit. G. Show proposed layout and anchorage of equipment and appurtenances, and equipment relationship to other parts of the work, including clearances for maintenance and operation. H. Provide a detail of the joint connection between the solar collector mounting brackets and the roof membrane. 1.2.4 Instructions

Submit instructions, in typed form, explaining preventive maintenance procedures, methods of checking the system for normal safe operation and procedures for safely starting and stopping the system, methods of balancing and testing flow in the system, and methods of testing for control failure and proper system operation. 1.2.5 Operating and Maintenance Manuals A. Submit manuals that detail the step-by-step procedures required for system filling, startup, operation, and shutdown. Include in the manuals the manufacturer's name, model number, service manual, parts list, and brief descriptions of all equipment and their basic operating features. B. List routine maintenance procedures, possible breakdowns and repairs, recommended spare parts, troubleshooting guides, piping and equipment layout, Glycol fluid replacement procedure, and simplified wiring and control diagrams of the system as installed. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS 2.1.1 Standard or Pre-approved Products Furnish materials and equipment that are the standard products of a manufacturer regularly engaged in the manufacture of such products. At a minimum, solar collectors are required to be SRCC OG-100 certified and score high on the SRCC OG-100 Clear C rating. The Vermont State incentive is based on the Clear C rating.

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Solartech solar water pumps in China used in agriculture irrigation by pumping water from ponds and rivers The following is a suggested list of equipment for the major components used in the solar system, by major component. Other components and packaged systems will be considered if equal. Solar Liquid Flat Plate Collectors o Heliodyne - Gobi 408-001 and 410-001 o SunEarth EC-24, EC-32 and EC-40 o Viessmann - Vitosol 200F o Bosch FKB, FKC, FKT o Stiebel Eltron- Sol 25 Plus o Thermo-Dynamics G Series o Alternate Energy Technologies (AET) All o Shuco Premium o Sunward Micro-flo Solar Pump Stations o Caleffi - series 255 - 256 o TAKO SPS-PC-1 o Heliodyne HPAK o Viessmann- Solar-Divicon o Bosch KS o Thermo-Dynamics: Solar Boiler o Sunward: Heat Exchanger Solar Controllers o Caleffi o Heliodyne Delta T o Viessmann SCU### o Bosch TR0603mcU o PAW Solar Storage SRCC OG-300 Certified Two categories o Stainless (preferred) HTP - Superstore Ultra Triangle Tube SME series o Glass lined (Value choice) HTP Superstore Contender Stiebel Eltron SB and SBB Caleffi Solarflex insulated stainless steel piping w/ insulation. Rheem Solaraide HE

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Solartech solar water pumps in China used in agriculture irrigation by pumping water from ponds and rivers Heat Transfer Fluids: o Solution of propylene glycol U.S.P. and distilled water as recommended by manufacturer of system components with freeze (burst) protection to -30 degrees F. 2.1.2 Nameplates Secure to the major item of equipment, the manufacturer's name, address, type or style, model or serial number. 2.2 PIPING SYSTEM Provide a piping system complete with pipe, pipe fittings, valves, strainers, expansion loop hangers, inserts, supports, anchors, guides, sleeves, and accessories with this specification and the drawings. Provide, install and test the piping. Provide piping flow rates below 5 feet per second. Piping shall be Type L or M copper tubing, with tinantimony soldered joints or pre-insulated stainless steel piping. 2.2.1 Pipe Insulation A. Furnish interior pipe insulation and coverings such as Armaflex, Insul-Tube, Rubatex, or approved equivalent. B. Provide outside array piping insulation with a capability of withstanding 250 degrees F, except that piping insulation within 1.5 feet of collector connections shall be capable of withstanding 400 degrees F. C. Protect outside piping insulation from water damage and ultraviolet degradation with a suitable outer coating manufactured for this purpose (aluminum, sunlight resistant PVC or approved equal). 2.2.2 Pressure Gauges Provide pressure gauges with throttling type needle valve or a pulsation dampener and shutoff valve. Furnish a 3-1/2 inch minimum dial size. 2.2.3 Thermometers Supply thermometers with wells and separable bronze sockets. 2.2.4 Pipe Hangers and Supports Support and hang piping so that the weight of the piping is not supported by drywall , siding, or other building members not designed to bear load. Support piping so that thermal expansion and contraction of pipe lengths is accommodated. 2.2.5 Valves

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Solartech solar water pumps in China used in agriculture irrigation by pumping water from ponds and rivers Provide valves compatible with the piping. Ball valves shall be used for shutoff, with full port, bronze body, bronze ball and Teflon seat. Bronze hose-end gate valves shall be used for draining low points of piping. If systems are proposed with multiple collector banks, provide balancing valves suitable for 125 psig and 250 degrees F service. The balancing valves are specified to allow the arrays to be flow balanced. Furnish balancing valves with bronze body/brass ball construction with seat rings compatible with system. 2.2.6 Expansion Tank Provide a diaphragm or bladder type thermal expansion tank appropriately sized according to a thermal expansion coefficient, the total system fluid volume, length and diameter of piping and expected temperature range fluctuation in the system. The expansion tank shall allow the transfer of fluid temperature from 0-200 degrees Fahrenheit without a change in system pressure. 2.3 COLLECTOR SUBSYSTEM 2.3.1 Solar Collector Construction The type of solar collector proposed shall be compatible with the proposed system type: A. Absorber plate shall be coated with high efficient selective coating which ensures maximum radiation absorption and minimize thermal radiation losses. B. Heat transfer fluid shall be non-toxic glycol based C. All supporting structures including bolts and nuts shall be stainless steel D. Collectors should be liquid flat plate type. E. Furnish collectors of weather-tight construction and with stainless steel mounting brackets and hinges. F. Furnish stainless steel assembly hardware including all bolts, washers, and nuts. 2.3.2 Collector Warranty Provide a minimum 10 year collector warranty against the following: failure of manifold or riser tubing, joints or fittings; degradation of absorber plate selective surface; rusting or discoloration of collector hardware; and embrittlement of header manifold seals. Include with the warranty full repair or replacement of defective materials or equipment. 2.3.3 Solar Collector Performance Indicate the manufacturer's recommendations for the number of collectors to be joined per bank while providing for balanced flow and for thermal expansion considerations. 2.4 SOLAR COLLECTOR ARRAY 2.4.1 Net Absorber Area and Array Layout Made by Solartech website :

Solartech solar water pumps in China used in agriculture irrigation by pumping water from ponds and rivers Collector array shall be oriented so that all collectors face the same direction. Space collectors arranged in multiple rows so that no shading from other collectors is evident between 1000 hours and 1400 hours solar time on December 21. Indicate minimum spacing between rows. 2.4.2 Piping Connect interconnecting array piping between solar collectors, in a reverse-return configuration with approximately equal pipe length for any possible flow path. Indicate flow rate through the collector array. 2.4.3 Supports for Solar Collector Array A. Provide support structure for the collector array of stainless steel. Furnish a support structure, which secures the collector array at the proper tilt angle with respect to horizontal and orientation with respect to true south. B. The collector tilt angle shall vary by not more than +/- 25 degrees from the angle of the local latitude, and the azimuthal angle may vary by not more than +/-45% from due true south. C. Provide a support structure that will withstand the static weight of filled collectors and piping, snow loads, wind, seismic, and other anticipated loads without damage. D. Provide structural reinforcement for the roof as necessary to accommodate the additional loads imposed by the solar water heating system. Provide a support structure, which allows access to all equipment for maintenance, repair, and replacement. E. Neoprene or EPDM washers shall separate all dissimilar metals. 2.5 SOLAR PREHEAT STORAGE TANK Provide insulated cylindrical thermal energy storage solar tank(s) with a storage capacity of 120 gallons or less. Larger, ASME stamped tanks may be considered on a case by case basis. Total solar storage volume should be sized for at least 1.5 gallons of storage for every 1 square foot of collector. Expansion tanks shall be installed on the DHW piping to reduce pressure related stresses to the storage tank(s). Provide a tank rated at 100 lb/in2 at 190 degrees Fahrenheit. Tank and pump system to include tank overheating protection. 2.6 HEAT TRANSPORT SUBSYSTEM 2.6.1 Heat Exchanger As required by the approved system, use tank(s) with heat exchanger such as listed in section 2.1.1 above or equivalent. Set tank to charge to a maximum of 203 degrees or

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Solartech solar water pumps in China used in agriculture irrigation by pumping water from ponds and rivers maximum allowable by manufacturer. Furnish heat exchanger with a capability of withstanding temperatures of at least 240 degrees F. 2.6.2 Pump Station Provide a pump station as specified in section 2.1.1. above or equivalent. If applicable to the approved system, set system pump on when collectors are 12 degrees warmer than tank and system pump off when collectors are 6 degrees warmer than tank. 2.6.2 Heat Transfer Fluid Heat transfer fluid shall be compatible with all materials in the system. The nature and amount of heat transfer fluid will depend on the type of system proposed. Any conditioners or corrosion inhibitors added to the heat transfer fluid must be non-toxic and acceptable as per the manufacturers recommendations. 2.7 CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION SUBSYSTEM 2.7.1 Differential Temperature Control Equipment As required by the approved system design, furnish the control equipment as a system from a single manufacturer: A. Furnish a solid-state electronic type controller complete with an integral transformer to supply low voltage. B. Supply controllers that are compatible with the temperature sensors. Controller accuracy shall be plus or minus 1 degree F. Supply controls with a visual indicator when pumps are energized and recording capabilities. C. Supply a controller capable of identifying open and short circuits on both the solar collector temperature sensor circuit and the storage tank sensor circuit. D. Controllers with energy output data monitoring capabilities are preferred. 2.7.2 Temperature Sensors As required by the approved system design, provide temperature sensors that are compatible with the differential temperature controller. Temperature sensors shall be mechanically attached to the surface they are measuring and wire to the sensor must be mechanically attached and protected along its length. 2.7.3 Tempering Valve Systems must have a tempering or mixing valve to limit the temperature of the hot water supplied to the plumbing fixtures. 2.8 PAINTING AND FINISHING

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Solartech solar water pumps in China used in agriculture irrigation by pumping water from ponds and rivers Furnish equipment and component items, with the factory applied manufacturer's standard finish. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install piping straight and true to bear evenly on hangers and supports. Do not hang piping from sheet rocks or suspended ceilings. B. Keep interior and ends of new piping thoroughly cleaned of foreign matter. Keep piping systems clean during installation by means of plugs or other approved methods. C. Discharge storage tank pressure and temperature relief valves into floor drains as necessary. D. Provide air vents with threaded plugs or caps. E. Install control and sensor wiring in conduit. 3.1.1 System Flushing and Disinfection Flush and disinfect the piping system. 3.1.2 Collector Subsystem 3.1.3 Collector Array Install solar collector array at the proper tilt angle, orientation, and elevation above roof. Install the solar collectors with the ability to be removed for maintenance, repair, or replacement. 3.1.4 Array Piping Install collector array piping in a reverse-return configuration so that path lengths of collector supply and return are of approximately equal length. Install air vents in the high points of the collector array piping. Provide proper pitch for draining of collector array. 3.1.5 Array Supports Install array support system/racking in accordance with the recommendations of the collector manufacturer. 3.1.6 Pipe Expansion Provide for the expansion and contraction of supply and returns. Do not use expansion joints in the system piping. 3.1.7 Valves

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Solartech solar water pumps in China used in agriculture irrigation by pumping water from ponds and rivers Ball valves shall be used for shutoff, with full port, bronze body, bronze ball and Teflon seat. Bronze hose-end gate valves shall be used for draining low points of piping. Install a back flow preventer and tempering valve to control hot water delivery temperature. Install ball valves to isolate storage tank from pump to allow for isolation, draining and flushing of tank. 3.1.8 Roof Penetrations All roof penetrations shall be made permanently waterproof. Contractor shall coordinate work with the current warranty of the existing new roof and install rack system as per manufacturers recommendations. 3.2 INSPECTION AND TESTING 3.2.1 Instructions A. Provide instructions for the system type. Include in these instructions a system schematic, and wiring and control diagrams showing the complete layout of the solar system. B. Prepare condensed operating instructions explaining preventative maintenance procedures, balanced flow rates, methods of checking the system for normal safe operation, and procedures for safely starting and stopping the system, in typed form, framed as specified above, and posted beside the diagrams. C. Post the framed instructions before acceptance testing of the system. 3.2.2 Acceptance Testing and Final Inspection Maintain a written record of the results of all tests, to be submitted in booklet form. Provide the following tests: 3.2.3 Hydrostatic Test Hydrostatically test the system. 3.2.4 Operational Test Operationally test the system over a period of 48 consecutive hours with sufficient solar insolation to cause activation of the solar energy system during daylight hours. 3.2.5 Overall System Operations Demonstrate the solar energy system will operate properly while unattended for a period of at least 72 hours. As required by system design, demonstrate the system controller will start the pumps after being warmed by the sun, and that it will properly shut down during cloudy weather or in the evening over a minimum of three complete cycles. It is permissible to manipulate the temperature of the storage tank by the introduction of cold water. Employ night time heat dumping through panels if available through controller.

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Solartech solar water pumps in China used in agriculture irrigation by pumping water from ponds and rivers 3.2.6 Temperature Sensor Diagnostics As required by system design, demonstrate the controller will correctly identify open and short circuits on both the solar collector temperature sensor circuit and the storage tank sensor circuit. 3.3 FIELD TRAINING Provide a field-training course for operating and maintenance staff members after the system is functionally complete. Include in the training a discussion of the system design and layout and demonstrate routine operation, maintenance and troubleshooting procedures. End of Section Company system:
Shenzhen Solartech Renewable Energy Co.,Ltd

4F, Building 9, Jiu-Xiang-Ling Industrial Park, Xi-Li, Nan-shan District, Shenzhen, China
Tel:86-755-86151888 Fax:86-755-86151018

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