AquaNews July/Aug. 2006

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A Minnesota Aquarium Society Publication JULY/AUGUST 2006

3 President’s Message | Jen Kruckenberg
4 Membership News | Bob Carter
5 Darter Collecting ‘06 | Randy Carey
7 Cichlid Matters | Bob Randall
10 Fishroom Tour: Mike Fries | Dani Ellickson
13 How to Get Kids Interested in Fishkeeping
(or how to sneak more tanks into the house)
| Mike Harris
14 Planted Aquarium Substrates | Matt Proost
18 Aquarium Society Rules of Acquisition | Dale Skiba
19 Newsletter Exchange Report | Brentt Helland
21 Bowl Show Report | Bob Randall
22 Bowl Show 2006-07 | Tiffany Severson
23 BAP Report | Chris Smith and Randy Carey
26 HAP Report | Milo Squires and Dave Behler

Where oh where to begin? How ful means of publishing our articles, not have the ability to read the news-
about I start by saying hello! Anchor photos and stories at a minimal cost. letter online.
has passed his position as Aqua News Let’s take advantage of the tools avail-
editor along to me. I thank Anchor for able to us! I’m also hoping to bring a tour of
putting in years of hard work and time people’s fish rooms in each volume
to put together the Aqua News for our For a short time, I will be publishing of the Aqua News. This will give us
enjoyment and education. I can only the online version of the Aqua News an opportunity to get to know our
hope I can live up to his reputation alongside the normal print version that fellow members and provide insight
and do as great of a job as he did! you are accustomed to having in your to the many different ways that we
mailbox. I want to know what you, the can keep fish. If you are interested in
As I take on my position as the new membership, have to say about the having your fish room highlighted in
editor and webmaster, I have some new version of the Aqua News. Your an Aqua News, please let me know!
ideas that I plan on testing and put- comments, thoughts and suggestions I’m interested in all fish rooms and fish
ting in place. The first and biggest are welcome. Please forward them to keepers, be they single-tank homes or
change that I will be working toward me at the new email address for the ponds, or high tech rooms with hun-
will be to make the Aqua News avail- Aqua News editor: dreds of tanks!
able as an online publication. With the
talented design capabilities of Mr. Joe I’m excited to serve as the new Aqua
Lover, we will be providing a bright, I do understand that some folks do not News editor! I hope I can continue
colorful and wonderful online Aqua have access to the internet. When we to provide a high quality, interesting
News. We are in an age where tech- do move to the online version, conces- and educational news letter into the
nology can help us provide a beauti- sions will be made for those that do future!
President* ........................................... Jenny Kruckenberg
651-457-2302 .................................... Hello MAS members, considered small, no suggestion is
Vice-President* (tie breaker only) ...... Carter McAninch disregarded. Remember too, for
763-784-4937 This is my final message to you as some BOD members, sending an
Treasurer* .....................................................Tom Gromek your President. I’m sad because I email, a phone call or face to face
651-462-8223 so enjoy serving in this capacity, dialogue at a meeting is the best
Secretary* ................................................ Anchor Sarslow but I know Mike will do a fan- way to communicate. Forums are
763-856-0940 tastic job!! His leadership skills wonderful places, but they’re not
Under-director* ............................................ Milo Squires as Show Chair have been truly for everyone. Dani will be work-
952-448-4153 ................................... remarkable. ing on setting up email addresses
Director-2yr.* ..............................................Dani Ellickson for the various chairs and direc-
As a wrap up, I’d like to mention tors through the website.
Director-2yr,* .............................................. Brad Hedlund how wonderful it’s been to lead
the club through this historic 75th As we go into the 76th year,
Director-1yr.* ...................................................Jim Mathis year. We’ve had many interesting we’ll not forget our history. We’ll
talks by nationally known speak- acknowledge those who have
Director-1yr.* ....................................................Mike Fries
ers. We’ve had special gatherings “been there and done that” and
on additional days besides Thurs- we’ll encourage the next genera-
Aqua News Editor ......................................Dani Ellickson days. Our membership numbers tion (or those returning to the
continue to climb and I was very hobby) to “be all they can be.”
Auction Chairs ................................................Chris Smith
651-487-8073 ................................. pleased to meet many new folks We’ll continue to laugh, share
Auction Chairs ........................................... Brad Swanson
and exchange hundreds of emails ideas and educate and although
612-522-4399 and phone calls. the medium may be changing as
BAP Data ....................................................... Ted Jolivette we view the Aqua News, the mis-
763-783-9416 ............................... As Tom would say regarding the sion remains the same. Education
BAP Spokesperson ....................................... Randy Carey Prez position, “the buck stops and fun!! Please join us as we
651-780-8068 here” but I prefer this quote “a tour Koiacres in Scandia and catch
Bowl Show Chair .................................... Tiffany Severson chain is only as strong as its weak- trout/picnic at the farm in Star
....................................................... est link.” I’ve been honored and Prairie, WI on July 15th.
Book Points Chair ...........................................Chris Smith appreciative to work amongst the
651-487-8073 ................................. dedicated committee chairs and I thank you for your membership.
Darter Collection Chair ..................... Jenny Kruckenberg current board of directors. These Final quotes (and these are my
651-457-2302 .................................... are creative, hard working people two all time favorites!!) “Wheth-
Donations Chair.......................................... Dennis Drews who challenge themselves and er you think you can, or think you
952-529-3596 .................................
are drawn together by our one can’t, you’re probably right.” And
Exchange Editor ........................................ Brentt Helland shared link...a love of fish. I’m “The difference between extraor-
sometimes amazed how long the dinary and ordinary is that little
HAP Spokesperson ....................................... Milo Squires BOD meetings last, but it’s only extra.” Take these quotes and do
952-448-4153 ...................................
because we’re constantly striv- some great things with your fish.
HAP Data ........................................................Dave Behler
ing to improve each and every
Librarian ............................................................ Jon Heyer aspect of how the club runs and Jen K.
952-215-2043 ....................................
what we’re trying to accomplish. MAS President
MAS/ACA Liaison ...........................................Bob Randall Please remember, no question is
952-432-6298 ...................................
MAS/FAAS Liaison ................................. Carter McAninch
Membership Chair ...........................................Bob Carter
651-633-4351 .........................................
Program Chair .............................................. Randy Carey
Show Chair .....................................................Bob Randall
952-432-6298 ...................................
Webmaster ..................................................Dani Ellickson
Historian .................................................Rodger Anderson
763-535-4364 ..................................
►ABOUT THE MAS Well folks, it is done. We’ve made tomfoolery is over and done.
The Minnesota Aquarium Society (MAS) is an it to the end of our 75th Anni- Congratulation Tiffany, Jim and
incorporated, non-profit organization of tropi-
cal fish enthusiasts that was established in the
versary Year. Seems to me that Paul. I’m sure you will all put the
1930s. The MAS is one of the largest local level it lasted quite a bit longer than gift certificates to good use. I
clubs in the U.S., averaging about 200 current a year. I am definitely proud to would have asked for a MAS gift
members. MAS is a member of the Federation have been a part of it. This past certificate to help defray some of
of American Aquarium Society (FAAS).
year of speakers and programs my spending at the auctions and
►MONTHLY MEETINGS has been incredible. I look back the BAP/HAP table.
Monthly meetings are held on the 1st Thursday over the last year (much like we
of each month (note: there are no meetings in did at the last monthly meeting) Congratulations to our new
July) at 7:30pm at St. Christopher’s Episcopal
Church, 2300 N. Hamline Ave., Roseville, MN (at
and can not think of one single board members Bob Randall and
the NE corner of Hwy 36 and Hamline). Most topic or speaker that did not Anchor Sarslow. And to Mike
meetings focus on a presentation by a speaker grab my attention. I even appre- Harris for volunteering to take
who is often nationally-recognized. Visitors are ciated the talk about clams. I will over the Secretary role vacated
welcome to attend.
never be a saltwater fishkeeper, by Anchor. Leading this group
►BOARD MEETINGS but that was pretty interesting will be no cakewalk, but I’m sure
MAS Board of Directors meetings are held on even to me. So who was the that Mike will be up to the task.
the 2nd Thursday of each month, except for best? That is really hard to pin It looks to be an interesting year
July, at the same location as our general meet- down. I’m sure that if you asked shaping up.
ings at 7pm and are open to MAS members.
that question of ten members
►AQUA NEWS you would get ten different an- Last but not least, check your
Aqua News is a bi-monthly publication of the swers. Oliver Lucanus was won- mailing label. The labels have
MAS. It has been recognized with national derful at the show, and his topics your expiration date on them
awards and is included with membership.
Members are encouraged to send original
for talks were incredible. But right on top of your name. If this
articles and photos for publication. Submit then again, I was really interest- date is highlighted this is the last
them by sending to the MAS mailing address or ed by Mike Helwig, no wait how AquaNews you will receive unless
to the editor via meetings or email. Electronic about Lee Finley. Oops – let’s try you renew. I will also be send-
versions of the article are strongly recom-
mended. Photo quality/resolution will deter- Bob Allen or Wayne Leibel. It ing email out to those whose
mine whether it is used. All articles are subject was also nice to here from one membership have expired or will
to editing. of our own – Dean Hougan. And shortly expire. We are creeping
Chicago isn’t that far away so we our way toward 2007; it would
Exchanges with other non-profit groups are
can claim some Midwestern ties be nice to make it to that goal.
welcomed. Articles may be reprinted provided to Scott Davis. Ricky Cain’s talks
proper credit is given to the author, the MAS, were also of great interest to me I’m constantly looking forward
and AquaNews. Two (2) copies of the publica- and I enjoyed them as well. So I to the first Thursday night of the
tion containing the article must be sent to the
exchange editor at the address below. Any said you had to ask ten people month. I’ll have a couple of BAP
other reprinting is by permission of the author and you would get ten differ- and HAP submissions coming up
only. ent answers. Looks like I covered soon. I might even work harder
them all – no need to ask nine at getting stuff ready ahead of
►MINNESOTA FISH KEEPERS FORUM other members. time so that I can enter more
The Minnesota Fish Keepers Forum is a great
local online resource for fish keepers of all I wish to offer a big thank you bowl shows. My plan is be there
kinds. Stop by and share fish knowledge with from me to anybody who had and participate. I hope you all
fellow fish keepers in Minnesota! The MFK is anything to do with making the will join me.
endorsed by the MAS.
75th Anniversary year a truly
►E-MAIL GROUP LIST memorable one. I won’t soon See you in the fishroom,
MAS has a monitored e-mail announcement list forget this past year.
available to all members. Messages are sent to Bob Carter
all members on the list. If you’d like to broad-
Anchor’s participate bribery Membership Chair
cast a message or subscribe to the list, send
your request to


MAS maintains a monitored discussion list
through yahoo groups. MAS members can
subscribe at:

By Randy Carey

In the same waters, we pulled out two brilliantly-

Hello everyone who were found in the mix. colored male Green-Banded Darters. We kept
signed up for darter col- those for pairing with the females we that we
lecting in May. I thought The river was high and were taking from the Cannon.
I’d write to everyone and swift, but the channel
summarize our produc- shown above was work- Then we moved to Belle was ideal. We drove well
tive Saturday. able – and quite produc- Creek. Lee and I found a past our normal stopping
The crew met at the tive new collecting area that place, parked along the
traditional parking lot in road, and walked to a
Welch. Lee Finley and I fairly fast moving stream
arrived early and scouted that was crystal clear and
the area so we would between one and three
have a game plan by our feet in depth. Our most
9:45 start time. productive spot was a
Cannon River – Green side channel. We could
Banded Darters have pulled out dozens
Yes, the Cannon was of Fantail Darters here.
higher and moving much We found mature speci-
too rapidly to go out into mens (ready-to-go) of
the middle, or to most both sexes.
areas where we have col-
lected in the past. But we Along side the fantail
found a side channel that channel was the wide
averaged about three and faster part of the
feet in depth, so we tried Collecting Rainbow Darters stream. It was here that
it. It was quite productive we caught about a half
yielding over two dozen dozen brilliantly-colored,
green banded darters. adult Rainbow Darters.
These specimens were These obviously were
a bit on the small side from last year’s repopula-
and lacked their intense tion project. As requested
spawning colors. Still, from Konrad, we released
we were able to identify these after taking photos.
males and females. A
couple of Johnny Darters In the same waters, we
One of the more spectacular fantail specimens

|5| cont. on page 6

pulled out two brilliantly-
colored male Green-
Banded Darters. We kept
those for pairing with the
females we that we were
taking from the Cannon.

We did walk up the

stream nearly a quarter
mile and sampled along
the way. We pulled a few
more fantails here and
there, but the productiv-
ity was nothing like that
of the small side channel.

We divvied up the Belle

Creek Fish, had lunch in
Welch, and then divvied
up the green bandeds
from the Cannon.
Two of the Rainbow Darters we netted in the Belle
Marine on St. Croix
– stream of rainbows
Everyone was so im-
pressed with the Rain-
bows that the whole crew
wanted to go to Marine
on St. Croix. Fortunately, I
had cleared that location
a day earlier with the
DNR, so we took the 75
minute drive up.
Our guess was “eel pout,” but no one knew for sure
As usual, the collection of
Rainbow Darters in this rine-on-St.-Croix because
short stream was fairly my camera battery died
easy. The colors of these at the end. I’ll be submit-
specimens were not as ting photo to the MAS
spectacular as what we web site and to the AN.
found on the Belle Creek
rainbows, but there were The group broke up
nice. Males and females a little after 6:00 pm,
were easily distinguished. after an 8+ hour day of
enjoying great weather,
We also netted trout and exploration, and frater-
what we thought was eel nal camaraderie. Lee
pout. was impressed with the
experience, and he plans
I brought a photo tank to write an article for his Collecting the fantails
and have photos sam- club’s publication.
pling all species – except
for the rainbows of Ma-

by Bob Randall

NEWS yes MAS’ own Willie
Loh won Best in Show
Let us take a few mo-
with a beautiful discus,
ments to mourn the loss
Mandarin I think. Jen
of our past AquaNews
Kruckenberg, another
editor, Anchor Sarslow.
MAS cichlid keeper, took
I was so broken up over
home a few trophies
this lose I did not write a
herself. Dani and her
column last issue. An-
nephew, Nick Ellickson
chor saved me when he
were present as was Tif-
re-published a column.
fany Severson (our new
Thanks Anchor. Thanks
Bowl Show Chair). There
for serving as editor
were numerous wild fish
Anchor. Our new editor is
in the auction on Sunday.
Dani Ellickson. Welcome
I successfully bid on a
to AquaNews Dani.
pair of Neolamprologus
mustax and picked up
Expo 2006 recently held
some tiny blue labridens.
in Des Moines and hosted
Of course Jen, Dani and
by Midwest Cichlid Asso-
Tiffany also were success-
ciation was a great event.
fully in bringing home
This cichlid convention
some unique cichlids
was the closest cichlid
and catfish too. It was
convention to Minne-
a great weekend. Look-
sota since MAS hosted an
ing forward to next year
American Cichlid Associa-
tion (ACA) convention
in 1993. We heard Rusty
As much fun as Expo was,
Wessel talk about cich-
the three ring circus of one may donate cichlids cichlids, lots and lots of
lids from Honduras and
cichlids will open 19 July to this auction. Another cichlids to buy and sell
Mexico. Ad Konings gave
in Chicago. It is ACA 2006. auction will feature new all over the hotel. If you
us presentations about
There will be 14 speakers hard goods donated by are going have fun and
collecting fish in Lake Ma-
(some speaking twice) Ray Lucas’ sponsors. The please do not buy too
lawi and Tanganyika. Lar-
from Africa, Europe and big auction on 23 July many fish.
ry Arnold told us about
North America speak- will offer hundreds of
Synodontis (these are not
ing. Randy Carey (BAP bags of cichlids. I have CICHLID HEALTH
cichlids). Willie Goh and
chair and Programs Chair) not attended an ACA Not long ago on Minne-
Jack Taylor showed us
is one of the speakers. convention that did not sota Fish Keepers forum
their discus and hatchery.
ACA2006 will include an have at least 500 bags of there was a lot of talk
However, the presen-
all-cichlid show with over cichlids available. In addi- about fish and disease.
tation that seemed to
200 entries. There will be tion, there will be excur- I want to use this soap-
capture everyone was a
three separate oral auc- sions for fish wives and box for some remarks
surprise. Mo Devlin’s Con-
tions and two-day silent fish husbands. There will about that subject. When
fessions of a Middle Aged
auction. One of the oral be dozens of exhibitors disease is mentioned, the
Cichlaholic was clearly
auctions is to raise money showing off their prod- first thought that comes
enjoyed by all. Expo 2006
for Endowment Funds ucts. There will be a toga to many cichlid keep-
show classes were cichlids
sponsored by ACA. Any- party. And there will be
and catfish. Willie Loh,
|7| cont. on page 8
by Bob Randall

ers’ minds is infectious isms. However, if a cichlid going to be large. The Cichlids can be kept
disease. However, there is subjected to chronic result is constant chasing disease free if proper
is another type of disease stress, infectious disease of each other back and maintenance is followed.
that I would like to dis- has a chance of infect- forth through the tank. So what determines
cuss. That is environmen- ing one or many fish. In these cichlids, the gut proper maintenance?
tal disease or stress. The greater the chronic is perhaps ten times as First is water quality. One
stress, the greater the risk long as the fish itself. parameter of water qual-
What is stress? Stress is for infectious disease. Or This long gut contains ity is oxygen; water must
a physiologic response a fish that has adapted food and our vegetar- contain 6 ppm or more.
to environmental condi- to chronic stress may be ian cichlid suffers a new At 3 ppm expect fish
tions. Stress death. Next
can be rec- is carbon
ognized in dioxide,
cichlids that levels of 3
refuse to eat, ppm or less
healthy cich- is consistent
lids are vora- with health
cious eaters. but levels
A cichlid that of 15 ppm
becomes or higher
hyperactive result in
is also show- fish death.
ing signs Nitrate con-
of stress, as centrations
are cichlids are also im-
with labored portant. Less
breathing. than 1 ppm
What is hap- and fish
pening inside will remain
our cichlids healthy vs.
during stress? 100 ppm,
Cortisol levels go up, healthy and then a sud- acute stress. This results which is lethal. The
kidney and gut activity den acute stress is added in decreased gut motility. list goes on with tem-
go down, red blood cell to equation resulting in In turn, gut protozoan perature, pH, ammonia,
concentration rises, white either immediate death that are normally in check nitrite, chlorine, heavy
blood cells decline and or infectious disease to now flourish, attack the metals, organics, hydro-
blood ammonia levels occur. gut wall, breach it and gen sulfide (possible with
increase. infect the abdominal cav- deeper substrates), etc…
Stress presents a particu- ity with gut bacteria and all affecting water qual-
There are two types of lar problem to cichlids protozoan. Even if the ity. Each of these factors
stress, acute and chronic. that are algae eaters. gut is free of protozoan, has been discussed in
A number of experts First, these cichlids are anaerobic bacteria will previous columns and
agree that stress is the often under chronic begin to flourish. These will be again. Population
most important factor stress due to territorial bacteria can also breach density is another factor
in preventing infectious disputes amongst each the gut wall leading to in regards to mainte-
disease also. The reason is other. It takes a lot of abdominal infection. In nance. Cichlids kept in
that a stress free cich- algae to feed one of addition, these bacteria crowded conditions will
lid has active defenses these cichlids and thus release hydrogen sulfide, begin to fin nip or worse
against infectious organ- their feeding territory is a cellular poison.
|8| cont. on page 9
by Bob Randall

perform bodily damage Removal of chronic stress is also true for cichlids acute stress, including us-
to each other. There are returns our cichlids to an that are not displaying ing a net in the tank, and
exceptions such as an optimum state of health. external signs of chronic the infection goes from
mbuna only latent sub-
tank, but clinical to
even here obvious
there may infection
be damage. where the
Just as other fish ap-
animals have pears sick.
space issues,
so do cich- We do not
lids. Tank induce
size is also disease in
an important our fish
consider- deliberate-
ation when ly, we are
considering well inten-
stress to a tioned but
cichlid. It never-
should be theless,
noted that something
environmen- happens
tal stress resulting
elicited by in sick
water quality and dying
affects all cichlids within If stress is not removed, stress; an acute stress that cichlids. I suggest we can
a tank. Population den- fish must adapt. Adapta- is great enough will result prevent sick cichlids if we
sity and tank size may or tion is only sufficient for in a dead fish that looks study the factors lead-
may not elicit stress in a low levels of stress or healthy (hmm, dead fish ing to stress. We take
given tank resident. for short time periods. If looks healthy). steps to reduce stress to
chronic stress levels are greatest degree pos-
Think about those fac- not kept low or if they Returning to infectious sible. Some day, when we
tors that determine water continue for longer time disease... Chronic stress least expect it, when we
quality, note there is a periods, then cichlid grow may allow sub-clinical cannot control it, some
range between what is declines; the fish begin infections to arise. Here unexpected acute stress
healthy and what elicits to darken in color. Tis- our cichlids are carrying will happen. When that
death. Consider popula- sues between fin rays of a virus or bacteria and occurs, will our cichlids
tion density and tank caudal, anal and pectoral appear to be healthy adapt or will this be the
size, these two have rang- fins may begin to disap- but physiologically they end?
es from healthy to death. pear, resulting in a frayed are stressed by the sub-
Chronic stress is what lies fin appearance. Cichlids clinical infection. Thus, Pseudotropheus polit
in the middle between a that are displaying this the cichlid is exposed to photography by Tanya
healthy parameter and appearance may have chronic environmental Sabby
death. We have already adapted to chronic stress, stress allowing a sub-
discussed the effects of but any acute increase in clinical infection to occur.
stress on cichlids. What stress will kill the fish. It Cichlid looks and acts
can we do about it? can no longer adapt. This healthy. Now add an

As the new editor bring- life, so much so that he ease of maintenance. feature when babysitting
ing in an online Aqua and Sue bought their cur- (Mike says THANKS for their fish while on vaca-
News, I thought a nice rent house with the vision doing a fantastic job tion, it’s SCHWEEEET!).
feature would be to of building a fish room in Brad!) Highlights of the There is an R/O unit and
highlight fish rooms of the unfinished basement. room are that half of the holding tanks, a brine
fellow MAS’ers, especially tank lights are on a timer shrimp hatchery, an air
since we can show photos exchanger to help with
in color! I encourage humidity and a HEPA
everyone to share their filter to help with air
fish rooms with the rest quality through the
of us. It doesn’t matter rest of the house.
if you keep one two-gal-
lon tank, or hundreds of As you can see, they
tanks! I would love it if have a lot of tanks!
folks would write up an They have sixteen ten-
article and send me pic- gallon tanks, nine fif-
tures of their fish rooms. teen-gallon tanks, five
This is a great opportuni- fifty-five-gallon tanks,
ty to shine and show off twenty-seven
your fishy world. If you’re twenty-gallon
interested in having your tanks, a sev-
fish room highlighted, enty-two-gal-
please contact me. lon bowfront
(which houses
Our first fish room tour Their current fish room some lovely
is of our incoming Presi- took over two years to discus!), a
dent, Mike Fries. Mike build. With the help of thirty-five-
has been keeping fish family and friends, they gallon hex,
since college in the 70’s. finished their basement a 125-gallon
He shared a tank with his to prepare for the build tank, a turtle
roommate and has kept out of the fish room tank and their
at least one tank up and itself. Our own fellow and each tank is plumbed alarm system who goes
running ever since. His MAS’er Brad Swanson individually for water by the name of Jingles.
longtime passion has a built the fish room and changes (I’ve personally Jingles is also the fish
significant impact in his plumbed the tanks for had a chance to use that food vacuum cleaner!

| 10 | cont. on page 11
Mike keeps a wide variety
of fish, ranging from
African rift lake cichlids,
to Apistogrammas, to
Knight Gobies.

I asked a few questions of

Mike to give us a chance
to know him better as a
fellow fish keeper.

Favorite fish: Elephant

Most frustrating fish:
Celebes Rainbowfish and
Knight Goby
Only named fish: A puffer
named The Crusher
Nicest thing about having
drilled tanks: Being able
to save hours and hours
of time spent on tank
maintenance by being
able to perform water
changes more often in
less time.
Area that needs the most that area the 500-point level for foods. To get more into
work: Not very good with Future goals: A pond in BAP (almost there!). To fish photography. (Cur-
plants. Still need help in the back yard. To reach learn more about live rently Mike photographs

| 11 | cont. on page 12
his fish and Sue uses the
photos to make cards.)
Favorite Fish Story: Our
grandson had his sev-
enth birthday party at
our house. He brought
all the kids to the fish
room to see the fish. All
of the kids wanted to go
home with fish! Each kid
went home with a bag of
Endlers Livebearers. The
parents were in shock to
see the fish room, but
they were happy that the
kids went home with the

What sage advice would

you give someone new
to the hobby: Buy the
biggest tanks that you
can afford. Check that
your spouse or significant
other enjoys your fish
before you get in too
deep. Warn your kids and FISH
spouses when you put ROOM
worms and live food in
the fridge!

| 12 |
How to Get Kids Interested in Fishkeeping
(or How to Sneak More Tanks Into the House)
By Mike Harris why it’s needed. It’s best yourself, it will help them ested in their fish tank.
to just start off with a understand that some- Babies also keep my wife
couple of fish, more can times impulse purchases interested in the hobby,
Having four kids in the
be added later to get can be bad decisions, but that’s a whole dif-
house and 14 tanks set
the cycle started. Besides you can read the book ferent article. It’s a great
up made getting the
what kid doesn’t think to them or they can read way to get kids talking
kids interested in our
talking about poo is it themselves if they’re about their fish. Pointing
hobby a little easier, but
funny? old enough, it’s quality out where mommy fish
it wasn’t always that way.
bonding time, you can laid her eggs and watch-
I’ve come up with a few
2) It’s a fish eat fish world discuss why or why not a ing them do a little fish
ideas that may help get
out there. Take the little fish might not be a good mating dance is all funny,
your kids and grandkids
tyke to the fish store to choice if it’s a community but they are learning and
interested in keeping
see what types of fish are tank, plus it also gets kids staying interested. Keep
their own fish. Hopefully
available for their first reading which is always this in mind when help-
providing them a life-
tank. Have them write good. ing them select their fish.
long hobby that they can
down the types of fish Most common fish are
someday pass along to
that they think are cool 3) Fishies don’t like pretty good at making
their kids.
or pretty and they’d like bubble baths. After the babies. You also need
to have in their room. Do fish get home, it’s a good to think of what you’re
1) Dead fish aren’t fun
not buy fish on this trip. idea to help the kids with going to do with the fry.
to play with. Although it
After the fish store, stop feeding the new fish and It may become a sticky
may seem very boring at
at the local library and cleaning out their tank. situation later on if the
first, it’s imperative that
check out some books on You should do this with child doesn’t want to give
they know the basics of
the fish that they like. My the child until you feel them up.
fish keeping. Water just
kids had to read at least comfortable letting them
isn’t water when it comes
three books, kid books do it on their own. We’ve 5) Fishin’ buddies. Once
to fish keeping. Hard
not grown-up books, on all heard or experienced the kids are old enough,
water, soft water, drink-
the types of fish they stories of kids dumping MAS meetings, bowl
ing water, acidic water,
liked before they got to whole cans of fish food shows, the big fish show
black water, there are
buy the fish. The reasons into tanks before. It hap- and auctions are all great
a lot of different terms
behind making them do pens. But with guidance, places for kids to be
that would make any kids
a little research before a the likelihood should be exposed to other fish-
eyes glaze over, but at
purchase are these; it may at a bare minimum. Also keepers, see cool new fish
the very least they should
not be a fish you’ve kept be truthful with the kids. they’d like and may just
understand that water
before so you don’t know These are living animals make new friends who
out of the kitchen sink is
a whole lot about them and death is a part of also like to keep fish.
ok for us, but will kill the
the life cycle. Don’t try They might just also find
fishies. Help them choose
to replace the fish with a new area of the hobby
what kind of decorations
another without their they like that you may
the new fish’s home is go-
knowledge, they’ll know not, such as an interest in
ing to have. I recommend
if it’s a different fish. If keeping live plants or a
some fake plants for
the fish dies, talk about particular type of fish.
the fish’s sakes but if
why it died and have
they want Sponge
a nice little funeral Long story short, do
Bob or Hello Kitty
service in the garden what it takes to get them
decorations they
for it. involved. I’ve found that
should get them. It
my kids really like keep-
is their tank after
4) Sex in the kid’s ing their own fish. And
all. Most impor-
room. Baby fry are sharing a hobby as a fam-
tantly they need
in my opinion one ily is just more fun!
to know about the
of the best ways to
Nitrogen cycle and
keep the kids inter-
| 13 |
Planted Aquarium by matt proost

It seems one of the most What is a planted aquar- 2. Porosity: You want a 5. Aesthetics: It’s a visual
commonly asked ques- ium substrate? Simply, it material that is porous. It hobby; it should look
tions when someone is is the stuff you put in the gives places for the bene- good to you. I prefer
starting a new planted bottom of the tank to ficial bacteria to colonize substrates that look like
aquarium is “what kind plant the plants in. Usu- to process the detritus natural gravels, sands, or
of substrate should I ally, it is a gravel or sand- and places for the root even that look like soil.
use?” This is for good like material. Just like hairs to take hold.
reason. It is one of the house or garden plants 6. Weight: It is a benefit
first decisions one needs that grow best in a good 3. C.E.C. Cation Exchange to have a heavier sub-
to make when starting a soil, your aquatic plants Capacity quantifies the strate so it stays in place
new planted tank. Grant- will grow best in a good ability of a substrate to and holds the plants
ed the substrate is only substrate. provide a nutrient reserve down.
one piece of the planted for plant uptake. Sub-
aquarium puzzle and by There are several fac- strates with a high C.E.C. There are three basic
itself will not make or tors that make a good actually store nutrients groups of substrates, the
break your success with substrate: when they are in excess “Brand Name” substrates,
aquatic plants. But, a 1.Grain size: Anything in the water column and the “soil conditioners”
good substrate can make from a coarse sand release it to the plants and the plain gravels
growing healthy plants a texture to a fine gravel when levels drop in the and sands. The options I
lot easier. It can pay off texture works best. If the water column. This is listed below are generally
in the long term to invest grain is too large, it will added insurance for you easily obtained and are
some time researching be difficult to keep plants liquid fertilizer regime the ones that I have tried
and invest a little extra down and most people and seems to really help except for the ADA soils.
money on a good sub- think large grain gravel plants that are heavy root I have only seen those in
strate. It is a one-time does not look very nice in feeders. action in other people’s
expense and changing a planted aquarium. If it tanks. If you are connect-
out the substrate after is too fine it can compact. 4. Nutrient content: Some ed to the internet, some
the tank is established is That will limit the avail- substrates also come of the images below have
very difficult or impos- ability of oxygen to the with beneficial nutrients links built into the images
sible in some cases. I hope roots and toxic gases can built-in and are consid- to larger images to show
to help with the research build up in it. Don’t count ered “rich” substrates. detail. Ctrl+click on those
portion of that here. on gravel vacuuming to It is helpful to have a images to enlarge.
First, I will try to briefly keep a fine substrate substrate that is high in
explain what makes a turned. It is generally Iron and other neces- “Brand-Name” sub-
good substrate. Then, I not advisable to vacuum sary micro-nutrients. In strates
will list some of the com- the gravel in a planted addition, some substrates The first group is the
monly available quality aquarium. You want the include some macro nutri- “Brand Name” substrates.
substrates and additives detritus to build up in ents (Nitrogen, Phospho- These are some the sub-
in the Twin Cities, their the substrate; your plants rous, Potassium, Calcium strates manufactured or
attributes, and where you will feed on that stuff. and Magnesium). Having marketed specifically to
can buy them. Finally, I Besides, if all goes well it nutrients available out of aquarists through your
will also give some sug- will be difficult to get at the bag is not a necessity, local fish store (LFS) or
gestions on which I would the substrate because of but is an added plus of online aquatic supply
recommend. the plant cover. the better substrates. stores. All of these will

| 14 | cont. on page 15
have a high C.E.C. and many, including myself, hold down the plants and not consider these rich
excellent porosity. I will have used it with great break up the uniform substrates because they
include some VERY ap- success. color if desired. only contain iron. They
proximate LFS prices and are chemically inert so
web (online store) prices Carib-Sea Eco-Complete ADA Aqua Soils ($45- they will not affect ph.
including shipping based ($28-35 LFS; $27-31 web): 50 web(Dallas, TX)): They are all generally
on what I have seen at a available in a 20 lb bag available in a 9 liter light in weight at first,
small sampling of stores. enough for a 10 gal- bag enough for a but they are hydroscopic
You may find different lon. Packed in a liquid 20 gallon. Available and absorb lots of water
prices, but they should be that according to the in Amazonia(black), and seem to weigh down
close. I suggest purchas- manufacturer contains Malaya(light sand), over time. But, they never
ing these items at your “Heterotrophic bacte- Africana(dark sand).These achieve the same plant
LFS if they have what ria” to aid in cycling. It are the substrates mar- hold down ability of the
you are looking for. The is a black substrate with keted by Takashi Amano plant-specific substrates
cost difference is usually a grain size that varies and sold in the U.S. only or regular gravel. The dif-
minor and in my opinion from coarse sand to fine by Aquarium Design ferences in the soil-condi-
it is better to support gravel. It almost looks Group at http://www. tioners are in size, color
the local stores when like soil in the aquarium. High in and where you purchase
you can. Call some local It is high in Iron, a wide iron, micros and some them. As far as I know
stores to see if they carry range of micros, and macros. This also buffers none of these are found
the product you want contains some macro ph to slightly acid, which at traditional LFS’.
or if they can order it in. nutrients. The texture is benefits the plants, espe- Schultz’s Clay Soil Con-
Most stores will only carry excellent to plant in and cially difficult acid loving ditioner ($19.99 local
one or two of the “name fine foreground plants plants. Easy to plant in large garden centers) is
brand” substrates. This is grow well in it. Personally and nice fine texture. available in a 40 lb bag
by no means a complete my favorite substrate, the Because of their unique enough for a standard 55
list, but just the common black color emphasizes characteristics they do gallon. It is a somewhat
ones I have used or the the greens and red of not mix well with other solid orange/brown color,
ones I could find enough the plants. But, it is also materials. In my opinion and has a varying grain
good info to include in very expensive. It can be the best substrate. There size like natural flint
this list. mixed with Soilmaster is no need to purchase gravel. It can be helpful
Select Charcoal discussed the entire ADA substrate to cap the Schultz’s with
Seachem Flourite ($25- below; black 3M color system, unless you want similar sized natural grav-
29 LFS; $21-25 web): quartz, or even coarse to. The Aqua soils work el to help hold the plants
available in a 7 kg bag, black sand. great by themselves. down and break up the
enough for a 10 gallon. uniform color. Excellent
Available in regular (nat- Red Sea Flora Base ($30 Soil Conditioners substrate for the price.
ural mixed gravel look) or LFS; $28-30 web): avail- Schultz’s Aquatic Plant
The next group is the
Flourite “Red” that is a able in a 12 lb bag Soil is the exact same ma-
Soil Conditioners: These
solid clay red color. It has enough for a 10 gallon. terial sold with pond sup-
are fired clay products
a varied somewhat coarse Produced from natural plies in smaller bags for a
that are sold as terrestrial
grain size. It is high in volcanic ash-based soil, it higher price per pound. I
soil conditioners, but are
Iron and other micro-nu- is a solid brownish color. have used quite a bit of
useful as plant substrates.
trients making it a “rich” It is high in iron and mi- the Schultz’s product with
They are significantly
substrate. It does not con- cros. It also buffers Ph to good results.
cheaper than the “name-
tain any macro nutrients. 6.5-7.0, which is preferred
brand” substrates. The
It’s heavy and can mixed by aquatic plants. When Pro’s Choice Soilmaster
soil conditioners are all
with up to 50% natural it is fully saturated it has Red or Brown, and Soil-
chemically similar because
gravel or one of the soil an almost spongy tex- master Select Charcoal
they are all made from
conditioners described ture, and it is rather light and Red ($16-20 at lesco)
basically the same mate-
below to save some making it a little more are available in a 50 lb
rial. They all have a very
money on a large tank. difficult to plant in. It can bag enough for a stan-
high C.E.C., and are high
This is one of the most be capped with a layer dard 75 gallon. The regu-
in available iron. But, I do
popular substrates and of natural gravel to help lar Soilmaster Red and

| 15 | cont. on page 16
Brown are a somewhat There are too many op- but some add macros. I the clear water or filter it
solid red/brown color, and tions for natural gravels prefer the ones that just out with something. Try
have a varying grain size and sands to list them add Iron and micros. The and get it as thick as pos-
like natural flint gravel or here. Sources for natural ones that add macros sible, because you do not
Flourite. Soilmaster Select gravels and sands can be can be very effective, but want the peat moss to
is available dark charcoal from a supply house, LFS, can also throw off your float. Then, as with any
color or clay red color and or even a home improve- nutrient balance if you planted aquarium, fill the
has a fine rather uniform ment store. Just make accidentally pull one up tank as slowly as you can.
grain size. The Select is sure it is fine enough to with your plants. Tablets If not, you will have peat
preferred for fine fore- effectively hold plants are excellent for add- moss floating all over the
ground plants and I think down and look good. ing a boost under heavy tank.
the texture is nearly per- But, not too fine so that root feeders like Sword
fect for planted aquaria. it will compact. Also, try plants. They are difficult Other Substrates
The Select charocoal can to get something that is and expensive to use as
There are many other
mixed with Eco-complete at least a little porous. a sole source of substrate
substrates that people
or capped with black 3M Sealed or coated gravels fertilization because you
have used that include
color quartz. The red can are not recommended. have to continually re-
kitty litter, soil mixes, zeo-
be mixed with Flourite or plenish them. The brands
lite and countless other
capped with fine regular Substrate Additives I have tried are Seachem
things. Kitty litter and soil
gravel. Available only at Flourish tabs and a similar
These are the things that are a little risky because
Lesco dealers, www.lesco. tablet by Aquarium Phar-
can be added to a sub- it is difficult or impossible
com, they may have to maceuticals. They both
strate to add nutrients, to know exactly what you
order it in for you, but work as advertised and so
usually high iron and are adding and are not
there is no charge for should the other brands.
micro nutrients or organic recommended unless you
that. I have also used
carbon and bacteria. feel like experimenting. I
both the Soilmaster Red Fine Peat Moss and
have not tried Zeolite or
and Select Charcoal with Mulm are recommended
Laterite is the original anything else, so I cannot
good results. as a base layer of any
and most common sub- provide an opinion on
planted aquarium sub-
strate additive. It adds them.
Regular Gravel and strate. The peat moss
a lot of iron, and some
Sand adds an organic carbon
other micros. It is avail- Substrate Prep and
Fine Natural gravel and source and a nutrient tank filling
able in several brands
sand have been used source for your beneficial
and types. I recommend To rinse or not to rinse?
for years in successful bacteria to feed on until
the pelletized types that That is the question, and
plant tanks, usually with detritus can build up in
look like gravel. The pow- it is really up to you and
a substrate additive like the substrate. Mulm is
dered types can be a mess your tolerance for some
laterite in the bottom a source of the bacteria
when you uproot a plant. suspended particles. Per-
layer. They are gener- to help give your tank a
Laterite is usually mixed sonally, I do not rinse the
ally not the best option jump start and minimize
into the bottom layer of “Name-brand” substrates
because they have a low any cycling. Mulm is the
the gravel. Many success- at all, specially Eco-Com-
or no C.E.C. and usually cruddy looking stuff you
ful planted aquaria over plete, which is meant to
do not contain any Iron get from cleaning your
the years have used this be added liquid and all.
or other nutrients. Also, filters or a deep gravel
simply mixed with gravel. All that dusty stuff in the
some gravels and sands vac of a healthy tank.
It can also be used as others is usually high in
are not porous at all so Mulm can be collected
added insurance under nutrients and you did pay
there is limited area for in a few ways: You can
the “rich” plant specific by the pound for it. The
the bacteria to colonize squeeze out the filter
substrates. soil conditioners can be
or root hairs to grab hold. media (foam, floss, etc)
from a healthy tank in especially dusty so some
But, with the laterite Fertilizer tablets are rinsing may be necessary,
addition and good water a bucket of tank water
individual tablets that although I do not. I get
column fertilization it can or deeply gravel vac a
are added periodically around a murky tank by
be an effective substrate. healthy tank saving the
into an existing substrate just rinsing the top 1/2”
A good option for black water. Then, either let it
to add nutrients. Most or less, filling very slowly,
sand is 3M color quartz. settle out and siphon off
add just iron and micros, and doing a 100% water
| 16 | cont. on page 17
change right after fill- the substrate. Use a col- But, a quality substrate in the plan. Flourite for
ing it the first time. The ander with small holes or will be a small additional general plants, espe-
immediate 100% water a low dish to slow down cost in that type of setup, cially if your plans include
change will remove most the flow. Also, you can so why not buy the extra things like swords and
of the particles that are use wet paper towels or insurance. Also, some of crypts. 100% is best, but
going to become sus- wet newspaper to cover the most difficult to grow in larger tanks or bud-
pended in the water. It the substrate to keep the plants prefer an acidic get limited tanks both
also takes less time than dust down. But, either substrate, so buying one of these can mixed with
rinsing all that substrate. way fill the tank as slow that buffers to slightly other materials. But, if
Then, filter floss or a as you can. acid will make things eas- mixing with plain gravel
micron filter will remove ier. Overall, I prefer natu- and sand, I suggest mix-
the rest. Besides, rinsing All of this seems like a ral looking substrates. ing these with no more
a lot of substrate can be lot of extra work and will Especially the dark ones, than 30% of the plain
very time consuming. add an extra 30 minutes they show off the colors sand or gravel. Other
to an hour to you tank of the plants best. Un- wise, mixing with one of
I recommend a layer setup time. None of the natural colored gravels the soil conditioners is
of fine peat moss (no above is required. But, it just don’t look right in a great way to save some
lumps) and mulm under will help get your tank planted aquarium. It is money. As above a thin
any planted aquarium going and can easily save a visual hobby after all. dusting of peat moss and
substrate. Though not you hours of dealing with Here are my suggestions mulm will help here to.
necessary, I have found cycling and algae issues for certain situations: If it is still too expensive,
them very useful in new due to the plants not be- try….
plant tanks to help the ing established as quickly. Budget is no object high-
plants get a jump start tech, CO2 enriched tank: Large or budget limited
and minimize any cycling. Substrate The ADA soils. These are tank: If you have a large
If it is going to be a low- Recommendations simply the best available, tank, sometimes it is
maintenance, low-tech, Any one of the substrates and are the best looking hard to buy several bags
non-co2 enriched tank, above can be a part in my opinion. Second of substrate at $25+ per
use ½ to 1” of peat moss. of properly balanced best in my opinion is Eco- bag. Then, try one the
If it is going to be a CO2 healthy planted tank. complete because of its soil conditioners, capped
fed tank, use only a fine texture and appearance. with a layer of one of the
dusting of peat moss on What do I suggest? But, it does not buffer to “name-brand” substrates
the bottom glass below acid. A very thin dusting or natural gravel/sand.
substrate, just enough so Buy the best substrate of fine peat moss and Yep, peat moss and mulm
that you can still barely your budget will al- mulm are beneficial un- are recommended here
see through it. The ad- low. Remember, it is a der either of these. too.
dition of the acidic CO2 one-time expense and
gas could break down the you will have a good Low-tech, low mainte- Keep in mind these are
peat moss and cause a ph substrate for years. This nance, non-co2 tank: just my opinions based
crash if you use too much especially applies if you 100 % Seachem Flourite on my experiences and
in that type of tank. It is are looking for a some- or Eco-complete with a research. I hope this helps
helpful to mist the peat what low-maintenance ½”-1” layer of fine peat you make your own deci-
moss to moisten it before tank and do not want moss and mulm under sion about what substrate
adding substrate to help to do frequent water the substrate.. Since you to choose.
keep it in place. Then, column fertilization. The probably won’t be fre-
add as much thick mulm rich substrate will provide quently (or ever) adding If you want more advice,
as you can collect without nutrients that you are liquid fertilizers a “rich” there are several large
making the peat moss not adding via the water substrate is critical to aquatic plant specific
float. Finally cover with column. This also applies your success. forums available with
the substrate of your to high-tech, frequently many knowledgeable
choice. fertilized tanks. If you Nice general plant tank: people who are willing
are frequently fertilizing Eco-complete or Seachem to help. Do not assume
Then fill the tank VERY the water column, the Flourite. The Eco-com- your questions are too
slowly without disturbing substrate is less critical. plete if fine plants are basic or stupid; everyone

| 17 | cont. on page 28
Aquarium Society Rules of Acquisition
At all the society meetings, and especially the auctions,
I always felt a strange mood of nostalgic deja-vu. The
sub culture, the dealing, the general atmosphere. I’ve
seen it someplace before. It took a while, but I finally
figured it out. It was from a TV series some years ago.
Quark’s bar at Deep Space Nine.

I know you may be scoffing at this, but in addition to

all the weird creatures at the meetings (yes, some even
humanoid) they were always talking about the rules.
Let’s check those rules and see if they fit:

#3 Never pay more for an acquisition than you

have to.
#18 A MAS member without aquariums is no MAS
member at all.
#21 Never place friendship above fishkeeping.
#23 Nothing is more important than your health...
except for your aquariums.
#41 Aquariums are their own reward.
#89 Ask not what your aquariums can do for you,
but what you can do for your aquariums.
#97 Enough ... is never enough.
#109 Dignity and an empty aquarium is worth the
#117 You can’t free a fish from water.
#141 Only fools pay retail.
#218 Always know what you’re buying.
#239 Never be afraid to mislabel a product.

In addition to the Rules, there were the five Stages of

1. Infatuation
2. Justification
3. Appropriation
4. Obsession
5. Resale

Can there be any doubts?

- Dale Skiba

| 18 |
Newsletter Exchange Report
Recognition members to “Check it didn’t hesitate to think
out!”- “Cichlid Matters” ‘outside the tank’ and
Tim Rutz’s article, “Black
column by Bob Randall feed some night crawlers
Emperor Tetras Made
in the January/February that were left over from
Easy”, was REPRINTED
2006 issue of Aqua News. a fishing trip. He was
in the January/February
rewarded not only with
2006 issue of the South-
Bob’s “Cichlid Matters” fry, but also was able
western Michigan Aquari-
column in the Janu- to observe their unique
um Society’s SWAM.
ary/February 2006 issue spawning behavior.”
of Aqua News was also
Ken Balfanz’s article,
mentioned in the March Randy Carey’s article
“Linear Air Pump Cen-
2006 issue of the Greater about the Piaba Project
tral Air Systems”, was
Detroit Aquarium Soci- and Randy’s preparation
mentioned in the De-
ety’s Tropic Tank Talk and for travel to Brazil in the
cember 2005 issue of
the February 2006 issue January/February 2006 is-
Michiana Tropical Times,
of FIN FLAP. Marti Horan, sue of Aqua News as well
the Michiana Aquarium
EIAA’s Exchange Editor as Randy’s website, www.
Society Newsletter; was
commented, “His column
mentioned in the Janu-
is always an interest- were mentioned in the
ary/February 2006 issue
ing read.” Bob Randall’s February 2006 issue of
of SWAM; and was RE-
“well written” column, Fins & Tales. “The Piaba
PRINTED in the April 2006
“Cichlid Matters”, which Project” by Randy Carey
issue of the Eastern Iowa
“gives a good introduc- was also mentioned in
Aquarium Association’s
tion to the colour and the February 2006 is-
FIN FLAP. “Culturing Vin-
behaviour of Mbuna” sue of FIN FLAP and the
egar Eels” by Ken Belfanz
in the March/April 2006 March/April 2006 issue of
was mentioned in the
issue of Aqua News was SWAM.
October/November 2005
mentioned in the April
issue of Tank Topics, the
2006 issue of the Kitch- Richard J. Goodkind’s
official publication of The
ener-Waterloo Aquarium “excellent article that
Greater Akron Aquarium
Society’s Fins & Tales. This helps in the understand-
Society. And Ken’s article,
“Cichlid Matters” column ing of water chemis-
“Fish Tank Fry Boxes”,
by Bob Randall was also try and how it affects
was mentioned in the
mentioned in the March plants”, “How to Achieve
March 2006 issue of Mi-
2006 issue of Michiana a Flourishing Plant Tank”,
chiana Tropical Times.
Tropical Times. Pam Chin which was published in
mentioned Bob Randall’s the Volume 8 No. 2 issue
Bob Randall’s column
article in the May/June of the Aquatic Gardener
“Cichlid Matters”, about
2005 issue of Aqua News and can also be seen at
“Cichlasoma nigrofascia-
on Cyphotilapia which http://ww.aquatic-garden-
tum, the Convict Cichlid,
“starts out with a good
as a beginners’ cichlid” in
explanation of the latest to.html was mentioned
the September/October
nomenclature changes in the February 2006
2005 issue of Aqua News
for this group of cichlids issue of FIN FLAP. “How
was mentioned in the
as well as the basics for to Achieve a Flourishing
November 2005 issue of
frontosa/gibberosa repro- Plant Tank” by Richard J.
FIN FLAP. In the Febru-
duction” under “Cichlids Goodkind was also men-
ary 2006 issue of Fins &
in the News” in the Feb- tioned in the February
Tales, Zenin Skomorows-
ruary/March 2006 issue of 2006 issue of Fins & Tales.
ki, Kitchener-Waterloo
the Pacific Coast Cichlid
Aquarium Society’s Ex-
Association’s CICHLIDAE Dani Ellickson’s “humor-
change Editor, told KWAS
communique. “...he ous story,” “My Name is

| 19 | cont. on page 20
Newsletter Exchange Report
Lucky!”, was mentioned showed a live specimen to talk with and learn
in the November 2005 of Paretroplus polyactis. from other friendly and
issue of FIN FLAP. Having attended the last knowledgeable aquarists,
two ALA Conventions including Jim Langham-
“Discus- The Other Way” with Jim Mathis, I was mer, at the convention.
by Paul Garrity was also surprised this year to see
mentioned in the No- many more rare Xiphoph- The East Coast Guppy As-
vember 2005 issue of FIN orus species which were sociation held its Show in
FLAP. obtained from the Xi- the same hotel, the same
phophorus Genetic Stock weekend as the ALA
And Jenny Kruckenberg’s Center in San Marcos, TX. Convention. I was not
“enthusiasm for her At this ALA Convention, surprised that New Jersey,
‘Trip to the WAKO 25th I was also happy to learn at one time, had the
Annual Show’” in the that a group of scientists highest male newborn
January/February 2006 is- in Mexico City claim to circumcision rate in the
sue of Aqua News and at know a location where a United States after Bob
her Aquaforums thread, small population of Zoo- Larsen, “a mentor and
http://www.aquafo- goneticus tequila, a spe- legend in the NJ hobby,” cies which was previously who spoke about “Gup-
php?showtopic=4539, thought to be extinct pies Then & Now” men-
were mentioned in the in the wild, exists in the tioned guppy breeders’
March/April 2006 issue of wild. Other good news- practice of cutting the
SWAM. Kees de Jong, one of the tails of male fish...Other
speakers at the conven- than, momentarily, being
Other News tion, informed me that reminded of humankind’s
Allodontichthys polylep- cruelty to animals and
Jim Mathis and I flew to
sis, a Goodeid that is children, my two other
Newark Liberty Airport
likely extinct in the wild, greatest disappointments
and attended The Annual
has been maintained by were no swimming pool
Convention of the Ameri-
aquarists in Europe for in hotel and $45 one-way
can Livebearer Associa-
20+ years. I was able to shuttle for two people
tion, April 28th -30th, in
acquire Girardinichthys from airport to the hotel.
East Hanover, NJ. High-
viviparus “Chapultepec Jim Mathis was rec-
light of the trip for me
Park”, a Goodeid that is ognized with Century
was meeting and asking
critically endangered, and Breeder award, having
Dr. Paul Loiselle questions
Pachypanchax sakaramyi, bred over 100 species of
about the conservation
a critically endangered livebearers, at the ban-
status of endemic fresh-
Malagasy killifish, at quet. Jim also won Best
water fishes of Madagas-
this convention. Being of Show-Goodeids with
car for about one and
a collector of books, I a male Characodon sp.
one-half hours while visit-
was thankful to have the “Guadalupe Aguilera”.
ing the New York Aquar-
opportunity to purchase
ium. Dr Loiselle showed
a copy of “Lebendge- Be sure to congratulate
a room with tanks,
barende Zierfische”, a Jim when you see him
containing several spe-
rare German book on next. Also, note this is Jim
cies of rainbowfishes and
livebearers, with dust Mathis’ third year win-
killifishes from Madagas-
jacket in fine condition ning Best of Show-Goo-
car, to a group of people
from Mike Schadle. And deids at the ALA’s Annual
that included Jim and
as always, it was a joy Convention.
me. Dr. Paul Loiselle also

| 20 |
Bowl Show Results

August 2005 (Class 1 and 2 to be determined by February 2006 Sue MacMillan

membership vote)
Class 1 True Bony Fishes (knife fish, Class 1 Smallest fish 3rd Poecilia reticulate, red guppy
elephant nose, rainbows, gobies, shown by Jen Kruckenberg
blennies, snakeheads, arowanas, 1st Boraras brigittae shown by
November 2005 Carter McAninch Junior
spiny eels, puffers, pipe fish)
Class 1 African cichlids 1st Microsynodontis batesii, 1st Zoogoneticus tequila, crescent
1st Melanotaenia maccullochi, goodeid shown by Brianna Harris
common dwarf rainbowfish shown African bumblebee shown by Jen
1st Pundamilia nyererei, Makobe Kruckenberg
by Dani Ellickson Island shown by Jen Kruckenberg 2nd Poecilia reticulate, guppy
3rd Paracheirodon innesi, neon shown by Brianna Harris
2nd Glossolepis dorityi, location 2nd Aulonocara sp. “lwanda”,
Jaiquim shown by Jen Kruckenberg tetra shown by Mike Harris Class 2 Cyprinidae (sharks, gold-
common name redtop peacock
shown by Jen Kruckenberg 3rd Pseudepiplatys annulatus, fish, algae eaters, minnows, barbs,
3rd Iriatherina werneri, common danios, rasboras)
threadfin rainbowfish shown by clown kille shown by Milo Squires
3rd Labeotropheus fuelleborni
Dani Ellickson shown by Dani Ellickson 1st Boraras maculates, dwarf ras-
bora shown by Carter McAninch
Class 2 Pond Plants - maybe grown Class 2 Non-African cichlids Class 2 Largest fish
emerged but roots have to be in 2nd Barbus titteya, cherry barb
the pond 1st Symphysodon aequifasciatus 1st Amphilophus citrinellus, midas shown by Jen Kruckenberg
axelrodi, Rio Alenquer shown by cichlid shown by Bob Randall
Jen Kruckenberg 3rd Barbus tetrazona, tiger barb
2nd Barbus filamentosus, black shown by Mike Harris
September 2005 2nd Microgeophagus altispinosus spotted barb shown by Jen Kruck-
shown by Dani Ellickson enberg Junior
Class 1 Killies - peat spawners
1st Barbus conchonius, rosy barb
1st Nothobranchius korthausae, lo- shown by Brianna Harris
cation Rungungu TAN 02-11 shown December 2005 March 2006
by Jen Kruckenberg
Class 1 Plants grown aquarium Class 1 Labyrinth fish excluding
2nd Nothobranchius foerschi, immersed Betta splendens (aquarium strains) May 2006
shown by Craig Rees
1st Vesicularia dubyana, java moss 1st Betta albimarginata, shown by Class 1 South American catfish
Class 2 Killies - mop spawners shown by Jen Kruckenberg Peng Lee
1st Ancistrus punctatus, starlight
1st Chromaphyosemion riggenba- Class 2 Red and green fish 2nd Microctenopoma ansorgii, bristlenose pleco, L 182 shown by
chi, location Dibeng shown by Jen shown by Jen Kruckenberg Dani Ellickson
Kruckenberg 1st Paracheirodon axelrodi, cardi-
nal tetra shown by Jen Kruckenberg 3rd Trichogaster leeri , pearl 2nd Peckoltia ucayalensis, bola
2nd Fundulopanchax marmoratus, gourami shown by Tiffany Severson pleco, L 146, L 232, LDA 30 shown
shown by Jen Kruckenberg 2nd Hemigrammus bleheri, rummy by Tiff Severson
nose tetra shown by Jen Krucken- Class 2 Betta spendens (aquarium
3rd Aplocheilicthys luxopthalmus, berg strains) 3rd Hypancistrus sp. unknown,
common lampeye killie shown by queen arabesque pleco shown by
Milo Squires 1st shown by Susan MacMillan
Dani Ellickson
January 2006 2nd shown by Susan MacMillan
Class 1 Perch 3rd shown by Jen Kruckenberg
October 2005 1st Hypostomus punctatus, com-
1st Etheostoma spectabile, orange Junior mon pleco shown by Amy Marvin
Class 1 Ugliest fish
throat darter shown by Jen Kruck- 1st shown by Amy Marvin Class 2 non South American catfish
1st Aplocheilus lineatus gold, enberg
shown by Jen Kruckenberg No awards, exhibition only.
2nd Badis badis shown by Milo
Class 2 Prettiest fish Squires April 2006
1st Acanthicus adonis, common Class 2 Freshwater invertebrates Class 1 Livebearers (platys, guppies, June 2006
polka dot lyretail pleco shown by mollies, swordtails, half beaks, four
Tiff Severson 1st Atyopsis species, African wood eyes, goodeids) Class 1 Loaches (includes botia)
shrimp shown by Milo Squires
2nd Dario dario, common scarlet 1st Phalloceros caudimaculatus Class 2 Characins (tetras, head-
badis shown by Carter McAninch 2nd Caridina japonica, amano shown by Carter McAninch standers, hatchet fish, pencil fish,
shrimp shown by Milo Squires piranhas)
3rd Tateurndina ocellicauda, com- 2nd Xiphophorus montezumae,
mon peacock goby shown by Jen 3rd Marisa rotula, red ramshorn Montezuma swordtail shown by
Kruckenberg snail shown by Jen Kruckenberg

| 21 |
Bowl Show 2006-07

My name is Tiffany and I’m every meeting, but one fish August 2006 January 2007
taking over the bowl show. to one meeting in the year. Class I True Bony Fishes - (knife Class I Old World Cichlids
Bob has moved on to run- You can bring more, you’re fish, elephant nose, rainbows,
gobies, blennies, snakeheads, Class II New World Cichlids
ning the big show this year more than welcome to enter
arowanas, spiny eels, puffers, pipe Class III Oddballs - Gobies, puffers,
and I’ve stepped into his five a month if you want to, fish) and any other fish we don’t have a
shoes to run our monthly but please try to bring one. bowl show class for.
Class II Pond Plants - grown
little show. Many things This is your chance to show emerged but roots have to be in February 2007
about our bowl show will off what you have without the pond
Class I South and Central American
remain the same but a few any entry fees. It’s also a Class III Corydoras and Brochis Catfish
changes are in store. I’m good time to surprise people
September 2006 Class II Non-South American
adding on a third class to by bringing in what people Catfish
Class I Killies - With enough entries,
help promote the show. In never thought you’d have this class will be split in to peat Class III Bowl Beautiful - Miniature
researching other clubs bowl or keep. *See the month of and mop spawners. planted tank competition. All tanks
shows, I found that many June. Class II Characins - (tetras, head- must be less than five gallons and
have a third class that seems standers, hatchet fish, pencil fish, contain at least three varieties of
piranhas plants and two types of fish and or
to be devoted to entertain- As always, the classes are invertebrates. This is an aquascap-
ing the club members. I subject to change and any Class III Fish art - Photos, illustra- ing competition. Miniature species
thought it might be fun to input is appreciated and will tion, artwork, etc…It must have are encouraged. **
been created by you. No time
give it a try in our show. We be taken into consideration. frame except done at some point March 2007
tend to have more entries If I see we are having a after you were born. ** Class I Biggest Fish
on our goofy classes, such as speaker with a specialization October 2006 Class II Smallest Fish (Fish must be
the ugly/pretty fish and the in an area that we have a an adult. No fry allowed.)
Class I Ugliest Fish **
red/green fish than in our class for, I may switch some Kids Class My favorite fish. Bring in
Class II Prettiest Fish **
other classes. Also thrown months around so that we your favorite fish or two or three.
into the mix will also be a can show the speaker we Kids Class Decorate your bowl for No species just one that you’re
Halloween. Round bowls, sub- REALLY fond of.
couple chances that ONLY do have an interest in that strate and decorations are allowed.
members under 18 can area. Heck, I’ll add on an At least one fish or invertebrate April 2007
have an entry in. If there is extra class for the month if must be present in tank to win. Class I Egg layers, school or family
Halloween/Harvest colored fish and - Group of at least six fish, parents
enough adult interest the need be. I’ve tried to set decorations are encouraged. All plus six fry or a combination of six
over 18-ers can also play. I it up where you have more “bowls” must be under five gallons adult and juvenile fish (If you are
am also adding in more than one chance to bring a and not leaking (I say this because showing juveniles with adults, you
I have fear one or more of you can bag the juvies and BAP them
plant categories this year to fish in. For instance a Killie might carve a pumpkin and try to after the bowl show). *
help draw some of you plant that doesn’t make it in Sep- get a fish to live in it). **
growers into the fold. tember could be brought in Class II Livebearers, school or
November 2006 family, Group of at least six fish,
October, December, Febru- parents plus six fry or a combina-
Class I Livebearers - (platys, gup-
It’s time to refresh some ary, or even April. The rules pies, mollies, swordtails, half beaks, tion of six adult and juvenile fish.
interest in our club’s bowl regarding how to show the four eyes, goodeids) (If you are showing juveniles with
adults, you can bag the juvies and
show. On average we have fish will remain the same un- Class II Cyprinidae - (sharks, gold- BAP them after the bowl show) *
five entries per month with less it is specified in the class. fish, algae eaters, minnows, barbs,
danios, rasboras) Class III ...........................................
the same core group enter- Freshwater invertebrates - Snails,
ing fish each month. I feel As always, Have fun with Class III Anabantoids crabs, shrimps, etc… You may
also bring an amphibian ONLY if
like a telethon host saying your tanks and keep on December 2006 it spends the majority of its time
it, but here goes. My goal fishin’. Class I Floating plants * underwater.
this year is to have each
Class II Rooted plants * May 2007
person bring one fish to one Tiffany aka Saltydapleco
Class III Red and Green fish. ** Class I .............................................
meeting. Not one fish to
| 22 | cont. on page 28
I think most MAS regu-
lars will agree that the
75th anniversary Blitz
programs (BAP and HAP)
Breeders Award Program
that seems to be missing
from many of us. [1] The
expert breeder is often a
witness and could de-
them, then the rules
might expand like the tax
BAP meeting open to
any MAS member. Here
is your chance to tell
what you like or don’t
were successful. At every scribe the spawning act. I argue for simplicity of like about BAP. We’ll
meeting we had one or [2] The expert breeder the rules. And I argue listen. Attendees are
two dozen bags of Blitz works with the species for simplicity of the welcome jump in and
submissions. over successive spawns. program’s intentions. The debate – as long as the
[3] The expert breeder point of the program is banter stays pleasant J.
One reason I liked the can describe the devel- to encourage members If you have some sugges-
Blitz programs was that opment of the offspring to try breeding fish and tions or requests to bring
it allowed us to return from fry to viable adults. to try various species up, please email them
to some species we’ve and fish groups. Once to me (Randy) at BAP-
bred or propagated Some argue that we someone becomes a fish program@TwoWetHands.
before – perhaps many should try to socially en- breeder, he or she will com. We’ll be announc-
years earlier. These two gineer the participants in have to decide for him- or ing the day, time, and
award programs aim to BAP. We should establish herself just what kind of place via the email list.
introduce people to the rules that provide strong breeder he or she will be. If you want to get on
practice of breeding and incentive to pursue fish that list, email a request
propagating. Unfortu- breeding the way we Did you catch the poor to join it using mas-
nately, often a partici- think they should. I’m re- wording in the opening
pant will focus so much sistant to such intentions. of as my second para-
on points and “ranking” For one thing, who am I graph? I said the Blitz The BAP committee is
that he stops working to impose my perspective “allowed us to return to preparing to debate
with a species once he of what is valuable about some species…” Baloney! two issues: [1] what is
successfully obtains a fish breeding. I found No one has been stop- our criteria in accepting
spawn. OK, this is natural what I feel is valuable to ping us from returning non-fish species like snails
if one is to be a regular me, but those are often to species we’ve bred and shrimp (and should
in BAP, but I feel a serious different values from years ago. BAP prob- we accept them), and
breeder ought to find a what other hold. For a ably got you started, but [2] how can we support
few species to work with second thing, I like simple don’t revere it so much some form of species
over several spawns. programs. Most people that it stops you. I hope maintenance program.
like programs that are you still feel the thrill of My thanks to Brent Hel-
When I researched the easy to understand. Our the spawn, even after all land for bringing up spe-
expert breeders like Zu- BAP point system is in- those years. cies maintenance at the
kal, Richter, et al, I read credibly simple compared June meeting. It’s time
between the lines and to all that it covers. If we Notes: we at least discuss it.
realized three practices try to socially engineer
BAP will be holding a

| 23 | cont. on page 24
►Species BAP’d in 2006◄
Date Species Points
BAP Ellickson, Dani
05/06 Poecilia wingei 10
05/06 Ancistrus punctatus L182 20
►BAP Rookie Breeder of the Year (2006)◄ 04/06 Moenkhausia pittieri 15
04/06 Sciaenochromis fryeri 10
Breeder Ends Points Spawns 04/06 Protomelas sp. steveni taiwan 10
04/06 Corydoras pygmaeus 15
Ellickson, Dani 03/2006 250 24 04/06 Trichogaster trichopterus 10
Johnston, Brian 02/2006 105 11 03/06 Pomacea bridgesii 5
Robb, Chad 03/2006 60 6 03/06 Neolamprologus multifasciatus 10
Benson, Brandon 01/2006 45 6 03/06 Zoogoneticus tequila 10
French, Will 12/2006 30 3 03/06 Protomelas taeniolatus 10
03/06 Poecilia reticulata 5
Hutchinson, Melissa 10/2006 15 2 03/06 Synodontis petricola 25
Carter, Bob 05/2006 15 2 01/06 Aulonocara stuartgranti, Ngara 10
Hansen, Kim 12/2006 10 1 01/06 Neolamprologus brichardi, Fulwe Rocks 10
01/06 Melanochromis joanjohnsonae 10
01/06 Labidochromis chisumulae 10
►BAP Rookie Breeder of the Year (2007)◄ 01/06 Bedotia geayi 15

Randall, Bob
Breeder Ends Points Spawns 06/06 Neolamprologus marunguensis 10
Macmillan, Sue 02/2007 45 5 06/06 Labidochromis caeruleus, “White Morph” 10
06/06 Haplochromis nubilus 10
05/06 Poecilia wingei 10
05/06 Archocentrus sajica 10
►Awards Earned in May and June 2006◄ 05/06 Pundamilia nyererei, Python Island 10
04/06 Callochromis pleurospilus 20
• Will French has earned the 25 Point Beginner Award. 04/06 Neolamprologus pulcher, Isanga 10
04/06 Geophagus sp. orange head tapajos 10
• Steven Morrison has earned the 250 Point Intermedi- 04/06 Pseudotropheus sp. acei, Nkhata Bay 10
ate Award. 04/06 Melanochromis joanjohnsonae 10
• Ron Hansen has earned the 750 Point Expert Award. 04/06 Neolamprologus hecqui 10
04/06 Pseudotropheus sp. acei, Tanzania 10
03/06 Thorichthys sp. blue mixteco 10
►BAP Breeder of the Year (2006)◄ 02/06 Geophagus sp. bahia red 10
02/06 Labeotropheus fuelleborni 10
01/06 Protomelas sp. steveni taiwan 10
Breeder Points Spawns 01/06 Pundamilia sp. crimson tide 10
Ellickson, Dani Spawns:18 Pts:210 01/06 Ptychochromis oligacanthus, Anjingo 15
Randall, Bob Spawns:19 Pts:205
Fries, Mike Spawns:8 Pts:85 Fries, Mike
Hansen, Ron Spawns:7 Pts:70 06/06 Apistogramma hongsloi 15
06/06 Melanotaenia lacustris 10
Sarslow, Anchor Spawns:4 Pts:65 05/06 Ataeniobius toweri 10
Smaciarz, Rich Spawns:4 Pts:60 04/06 Julidochromis transcriptus, Kissi
Chronakos, Tom Spawns:4 Pts:50 04/06 Melanotaenia boesemani 10
Macmillan, Sue Spawns:5 Pts:45 04/06 Archocentrus septemfasciatus 10
Morrison, Steven Spawns:3 Pts:35 04/06 Ancistrus sp. unknown 10
04/06 Chilatherina bleheri 10
French, Will Spawns:3 Pts:30
Mathis, Jim Spawns:2 Pts:25 Hansen, Ron
Balfanz, Ken Spawns:2 Pts:25 05/06 Maylandia hajomaylandi, Cobue 10
Ekstedt, Chuck & Rita Spawns:2 Pts:20 05/06 Haplochromis sp. golden duck 10
Hirsch, Jim Spawns:2 Pts:20 05/06 Thorichthys meeki 10
McAninch, Carter Spawns:2 Pts:20 05/06 Pseudotropheus sp. Msobo higga reef 10
05/06 Tramitichromis intermedius 10
Johnston, Brian Spawns:1 Pts:10 05/06 Oreochromis tanganicae 10
Kruckenberg, Jenny Spawns:1 Pts:10 05/06 Labeotropheus fuelleborni 10
Carter, Bob Spawns:1 Pts:10
Benson, Brandon Spawns:1 Pts:10 Sarslow, Anchor
Hansen, Kim Spawns:1 Pts:10 04/06 Carinotetraodon tra-
| 24 | cont. on page 25
►Species BAP’d in 2006◄ ►Species BAP’d in 2006◄

vancoricus 25 Carter, Bob

04/06 Melanotaenia parva 10 04/06 Xenotoca eiseni 10
03/06 Dario dario 15
02/06 Moenkhausia pittieri 15 Benson, Brandon
01/06 Puntius conchonius 10
Smaciarz, Rich
04/06 Neolamprologus tetracanthus 10 Hansen, Kim
03/06 Corydoras sp. red stripe 15 01/06 Archocentrus sajica 10
01/06 Ophthalmotilapia boops, Nkendwe 20
01/06 Corydoras pygmaeus 15
►BAP Standings as of June, 2006◄
Chronakos, Tom
05/06 Callochromis pleurospilus 20 Participant Points Spawns
04/06 Nimbochromis venustus 10 Carey, Randy 2590 191
03/06 Aulonocara stuartgranti, Cobue 10 Mathis, Jim 2055 189
01/06 Pseudotropheus flavus 10 Ancheta, Lenny 1350 112
Randall, Bob 1250 106
Macmillan, Sue Sarslow, Anchor 1190 96
06/06 Lamprologus ocellatus 10 Smaciarz, Rich 1170 85
04/06 Betta splendens 10 Nordby, Ken & Sharron 1100 93
04/06 Poecilia reticulata 5 Peterzen, Pete & Carol 1075 88
03/06 Xenotoca eiseni 10 Kruckenberg, Jenny 915 86
03/06 Ancistrus sp. unknown 10 Garrity, Paul 795 67
Hansen, Ron 785 66
MacNabb, Larry & JoAnne 780 70
Morrison, Steven
Swanson, Brad & Nancy 730 67
06/06 Poecilia wingei 10
Rees, Craig 655 62
04/06 Ptychochromis oligacanthus 15
Gromek, Tom 640 62
03/06 Geophagus crassilabris 10
Ruzek, Kenneth V. Jr. 630 54
Byers, LeeAnne 555 47
French, Will Nab Dahl, Barry 495 50
05/06 Aulonocara stuartgranti, Cobue 10 Scepurek, Terry 480 45
02/06 Pseudotropheus sp. polit 10 Hougen, Dean & Teague, Cynthia 465 40
01/06 Pterophyllum scalare 10 Fries, Mike 435 41
Jolivette, Kris & Ted 425 35
Mathis, Jim Ellickson, Dani 340 31
06/06 Neocordia denticulata 10 Squires, Milo 335 29
06/06 Characodon sp. Guadulope aquilaria 15 Berglund, Ken 320 29
Lowe, Jay 310 30
Balfanz, Ken Wilson, Zack 300 23
03/06 Melanotaenia parva 10 Chronakos, Tom 295 27
01/06 Glossolepis pseudoincisus 15 Weber, Robin 270 26
Morrison, Steven 250 22
Ekstedt, Chuck & Rita Marchan, Edward 245 23
04/06 Otopharynx lithobates 10 Nystrom, Steve 235 22
04/06 Tanichthys albonubes 10 Balfanz, Ken 230 19
Turley, Paul 225 14
Robertson, Terry 205 19
Hirsch, Jim
Heinen, Shane 205 19
06/06 Poecilia reticulata 5
Lucken, Robby 195 17
06/06 Melanotaenia duboulayi 15
Hallett, David W. 185 17
McAninch, Carter 180 17
McAninch, Carter Ekstedt, Chet 180 14
04/06 Hemichromis cristatus 10 Alegre, John N. 175 14
04/06 Phalloceros caudimaculatus 10 Engelking, Robin 160 13
Bradbury, Richard 150 14
Johnston, Brian Kalvig, Peggy 150 16
02/06 Pseudotropheus sp. acei 10 Ekstedt, Chuck & Rita 140 14
“Black Phase” Schoeler, Karl 135 14
Steffensen, Jerry & Shana 120 10
Kruckenberg, Jenny Hirsch, Jim 120 12
05/06 Aplocheilus lineatus “Gold” 10 Johnston, Brian 105 11
Stemper, John 95 10
Smith, Christopher

| 25 | cont. on page 26
Bishop, Dava 35 4
►BAP Standings as of June, 2006◄ Rossa, Ron 35 4
French, Will 30 3
90 8 Rankins, Ted 20 2
Methven, Paul 90 5 Stowe, Chris 20 2
Routh, Bruce 85 8 Carlson, Jan 20 2
Mechtel, Chuck 65 7 Behler, David 15 1
Heyer, Jon 60 6 Carter, Bob 15 2
Robb, Chad 60 6 OGara, Debbie 15 1
Loh, Willie 60 4 Hutchinson, Melissa 15 2
Lowe, Mike 50 5 Helland, Brentt 10 1
Brobst, Curtis H. 50 5 Siegel, Bob 10 1
Philstrom, Richard K. 50 5 Lauer, Richard 10 1
Benson, Brandon 45 6 Hansen, Kim 10 1
Trembly, Lisa 45 5 Christopherson, Karen 10 1
Macmillan, Sue 45 5 Dale, Andrew 5 1
Meuret, Patrick 40 4 Doyle, Chris 5 1
Newton, Bruce 40 4

Bob Carter
Amy Honsey
►HAP New Members◄
Horticultural Award Program
Najas indica
Pistia stratiotes
Rotala indica
Vallisneria americana
Vesicularia dubyana
Melissa Hutchinson
Amy Honsey
Matt Proost 10 Phyllanthus fuitans
5 Vallisneria spiralis

►HAP New Awards◄ Melissa Hutchinson

10 Anubias barteri var nana (flowering)

Bob Carter – Beginning Aquatic Horticulturist Bob Paulsen

Matt Proost – Beginning Aquatic Horticulturist 10 Anubias barteri var nana (flowering)
Troy Brantner – Beginning Aquatic Horticulturist 10 Aponogeton crispus (flowering)
10 Rotala indica
5 Ceratopteris thalicroides

►HAP April and May 2006 Entries◄ Matt Proost

10 Blyxa japonica
Brent Aitchison 10 Hygrophila difformis
10 Hygrophila corymbosa 10 Limnophila aromatica
10 Lysimachia nummularia
David Behler 10 Mayaca fluviatilis
20 Anubias barteri var coffeafolia 10 Rotala rotundifolia
10 Ludwigia repens
Troy Brantner
Bob Carter 10 Microsorium pteropus
15 Cryptocoryne wendtii “Green” 5 Vallisneria americana
10 Hygrophila corymbosa 5 Vesicularia dubyana
5 Lemna minor

| 26 | cont. on page 27
Chuck Mechtel 12 80
►HAP April and May 2006 Entries cont.◄
Barry Nab Dahl 85 980
Robert Fink Bruce Newton 3 20
5 Ceratopteris thalicroides S & K Nordby 13 105
15 Echinodorus ‘Ozelot’ Steve Nystrom 16 130
10 Echinodorus ‘Ozelot’ (flowering) Bob Paulsen 9 85
5 Hygrophila angustifolia Richard Pelkey 11 105
10 Hygrophila corymbosa Pete & Carol Peterzen 1 10
5 Hygrophila rosaeneruis
10 Lysimachia nummularia Richard Philstrom 69 800
10 Rotala rotundifolia Matt Proost 6 60
Sigrid Rademacher 18 175
Dennis Riebesell 27 300
►Standings thru May 2006◄ Terry Robertson 19 190
P & H Rosa 40 450
Name Entries Points Ron Rossa 3 15
Ken Ruzek 49 515
Brent Aitchison 10 85 Robin Ryan 6 55
Leonard Ancheta 16 180 Anchor Sarslow 51 550
Dat Au 5 45 Janet Sarver 14 150
Tyler Barth 2 20 Larry Scales 5 35
David Behler 42 455 Terry Scepurek 4 35
Jay Bickford 8 70 Cindy Schneider 6 50
Dava Bishop 1 5 Karl Schoeler 145 1730
Richard Bradbury 28 335 Gary Schultze 2 30
Troy Brantner 5 45 Rich Smaciarz 10 120
LeeAnne Byers 17 160 Milo Squires 103 1065
Bruce Cameron 34 365 John Stemper 30 315
Randy Carey 9 95 Jason Stevens 4 60
Jan Carlson 3 35 Chris Stole 3 25
Bob Carter 8 70 Geoff Stone 1 15
Pat Chowen 75 870 Brad Swanson 16 155
Andrew Dale 4 50 Brian Thinnes 5 50
Chuck Domeier 31 315 Jodi Tripp 1 10
Dennis Drews 6 35 Paul Turley 9 115
Charles ‘Chet’ Ekstedt 2 25 Robin Weber 1 10
Chuck Ekstedt 8 70
Lisa Ekstedt 11 85 ►2006 HAP Rookie of the Year Standings◄
Robin Engelking 26 255
Robert Fink 21 195 Name Points Start End
Will French 4 40
Paul Garrity 139 1475 *Robert Fink 125 3/05 2/06
Tom Gromek 13 115 Bob Paulsen 85 11/05 10/06
David Hallett 32 285
Bill Heaney 8 55 * = 1st year in HAP program completed.
Shane Heinen 38 390
Amy Honsey 2 15 ►2007 HAP Rookie of the Year Standings◄
C Teague & Dean Hougen 4 25
Melissa Hutchinson 1 10 Name Points Start End
Ted & Kris Jolivette 31 330
Peggy Kalvig 4 45 Bob Carter 70 4/06 3/07
Jenny Kruchenberg 17 155 Matt Proost 60 4/06 3/07
Robby Lucken 1 15 Troy Brantner 45 2/06 1/07
L & J MacNabb 16 120 Will French 40 3/06 2/07
Chad & Tina Mastbergen 22 175 Amy Honsey 15 4/06 3/07
Jim Mathis 66 725 Melissa Hutchinson 10 4/06 3/07
Carter McAninch 3 20 * = 1st year in HAP program completed.

| 27 | cont. on page 28
Participation Awards!
June ended the 10 month celebration of MAS’s 75th Congratulations to the three of you!
year and along with it ended the with the drawing of Just a note to show you could have won on very little
the Participation Awards work… None of the 3 winners had more than 20 entries
out of 550 to 600 individual participations.
The awards were granted as follows”
$50 – Awarded to Paul Garrity!
$100 – Awarded to Jim Mathis!
And the Grand Prize of $350 went to Tiffany Sever-

Planted Aquarium Substrates, cont. from page

has started somewhere than willing to help if you keeping/breeding certain com for feedback be-
and has probably had the need it. You can get your types of fish. fore submitting them to
same question. There is questions answered by Aquanews.
also the Minnesota Fish someone you can meet If time permits I will be
Keepers forum at www. at the meetings or at the writing comprehensive There are show. Maybe your knowl- follow-up articles on
many members of MAS edge can help someone starting a new-tank with
that are regular contribu- else? Like me, I regularly pictures and posting
tors there and are more have questions about them on www.minnfish.

Bowl Show 2006-07, cont. from page

Pikes and Perches - This class will This is the “showoff /stupe the you have stashed away!) you were born. **
also include all native fish. This other club members” class. Bring
is also a good reminder that the in your fish that no one would Class II Best of the Bowl Show Kids Class To be determined.
Darter hunt is coming up. ever think you keep, or still keep. - Want to bring back your winner?
Names will be posted of who is If your fish has gotten a bowl
Class II Pond fish - What fish you participating separate from the show ribbon this year bring it back * These classes will be combined
will put in your backyard or patio fish. Club members will try to for the bowl show version of the if there are not enough entries to
tub this summer? match the owner to the fish. The playoffs. make up two classes.
Class III Aquarium Plants owner with the least amount of Class III Fish art! - Photos, illustra- ** The winner of this class will be
correct answers wins. More than tion, artwork, etc, it must have voted on by the members of the
June 2007 one entry per person is allowed. been done by you. No time frame club present at the meeting,
Class I I bet you never thought. (Hey Anchor, bring out some acei except done at some point after

HAP, cont. from page

►2007 Horticulturist of the Year Standings◄ ►Horticulturist BLITZ Final Standings◄

Points Plants Member Member Points

125 13 Robert Fink Anchor Sarslow 75+

70 8 Bob Carter Bob Randall 25
60 6 Matt Proost Brent Aitchison 75+
55 6 Bob Paulsen Dave Behler 75+
45 5 Troy Brantner Milo Squires 75+
40 4 Will French Randy Carey 75+
30 2 David Behler Matt Proost 75+
15 2 Amy Honsey Rich Smaciarz 10
10 1 Brent Aitchinson Robert Fink 75+
5 1 Melissa Hutchinson
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Membership application form

Minnesota Aquarium Society

P.O. Box 130483
Roseville, MN 55113-0016

Todays Date__________________

Type of Membership: Method of Payment:

 Adult $15.00/Year Cash__________
 Family $15.00/Year Check #_______
 Junior $12.00/Year

The following information will not be used beyond the Minnesota Aquarium Society

Name: _____________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________

City:_______________ State: ________ Zip Code: ________

Home Phone: (______) _________ — ___________________

Email Address: ______________________________________

Are you Up to Date with your Membership?

| 29 |

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