RC Airplane
RC Airplane
RC Airplane
1.The Problem Requires 2. Theory of Flight 3. Basic Forces acting on an Aircraft in Flight 4. Parts of Aircraft 5. Lift Generation 6. Three basic Control Surfaces 7. Control Surfaces of an Aircraft 8. Stability 9. Steps to make an Aircraft 10. Structures 11. Controls 12. Making Balsa Wood Aircraft 13.Leading & Trailing edges
14. Making wings 15. Horizontal Tail Plane 16. Fuselage 17.Landing Gear 18. Controls 19 Propulsion 20.Control Horns 21.Connecting rods 22. Motors 23. Power Source 24. Mounting Mechanism 25. Electronics of Aircraft 26.Take off 27.Payload 28.Video links
2. Theory of flight
How to make your own remote controlled aircraft from scratch ?
The more the value of L/D ratio the better would be the aircraft performance.
For a non-powered aircraft, L/D ratio of 10-12 is preferred; whereas in case of a powered aircraft, L/D ratio of 6-8 is preferred.
Lift is directed perpendicular to the flight path and drag is directed along the flight path.
Because lift and drag are both aerodynamic forces, the ratio of lift to drag is an indication of the aerodynamic efficiency of the aircraft.
Under cruise conditions lift is equal to weight. A high lift aircraft can carry a large payload. Under cruise conditions thrust is equal to drag. A low drag aircraft requires low thrust.
Following is the equation indicates the relation between lift L and the lift coefficient Cl. Where, r => Air density V => Velocity A => Wing area Similarly, the drag equation relates the aircraft drag D to a drag coefficient Cd:
Dividing these two equations give: L/D = Cl/ Cd Hence, lift to drag ratio is equal to the ratio of their corresponding constants. Lift and drag coefficients are normally determined experimentally using a wind tunnel. But for some simple geometries, they can be determined mathematically.
4. Parts of aircraft
The wing supports the aircraft. The tail surfaces provide stability.
The fuselage holds the wing and tail in proper relationship to each other and also provides cockpit space for the motor and servos.
5. Lift generation
Lift is generated on the basis of Bernoulli's principle. Cross section of a wing is known as an Airfoil. Upper edge of an airfoil is longer than the lower edge.
Elevator Movement
8. Stability
It is the ability of the aircraft to reject any in-flight disturbance like sudden gust or downwash. A stable aircraft always remains in steady flight (constant heading and speed) irrespective of any disturbances. Dihedral wing configuration is used to give aircraft inherent roll stability. Similarly proper C.G placement gives us pitch stability.
Now that weve understood the basic theory of aircraft lets start making one.
9. Trimmed Flight
Decide the span of the wing according to the weight it has carry, aspect ratio and hence the cord length. Look for an airfoil which has these basic features: Low Reynolds's no. High L/D ratio. Following database will help you choose an appropriate airfoil. Link for the database: www.ae.uiuc.edu/m-selig/ads/coord_database.html Look for low Reynolds's no. or sailplane airfoil.
Make sure the airfoil design is simple and not very difficult to fabricate .
Softwares like javafoil can be used to find lift coefficient of airfoils.
Next step is Choosing material for construction, balsa wood and high density thermocole, construction foam. Reinforcements for additional strength and preventing damage while landing . Covered with polymer sheets, butter paper .
Ailerons are used for roll control, usually ailerons are not preferred in aircrafts as it leads to decrease in altitude. Rudders are used to control heading. Elevators are used to control altitude.
Making Ribs
Ribs incorporate the airfoil shape of the wing, and the skin adopts this shape when stretched over the ribs. Number of ribs varies depending on the size of the wing and the required structural strength.
known as spars.
14.Making Wings
Make slots in leading and trailing edge. Ribs are placed in these slots and glued. Spars are placed along span-wise direction , they provide strength against bending stresses.
Both leading and trailing edge are first glued and are later sanded to fair into the ribs. Skin of the wing is then tightly glued.
The extruding part are used to fix winglets at a certain angle to the main wing. This angle is called cant angle.
The fuselage performs the function of holding the wing and tail in proper relationship to each other. It also houses the control-components viz. batteries, servos. Should be made with least weight. Care must be taken to place tail and wing in such a way so that.
17.Landing Gear
Landing gear help the aircraft to take off from the ground just like a real plane. Mount the landing gear on the fuselage using rod linkage which should be strong enough to sustain jerks during landing. The CG of the aircraft should be between the front and rear wheels.
Preferably small size landing gears are used to reduce air drag. Some typical types of Landing gears are:
Typically the tail will rise off the ground and the plane will roll along on the mains for a bit before the plane gets airborne.
This design is commonly seen on low-wing aircraft
This equipment is used on scale aircraft to give the plane a realistic look while in the air. Retracts will allow the plane to fly faster due to reduced drag.
A full-function RC plane will use a servo for each function, throttle, rudder, ailerons and elevator. A separate RC channel and servo must be dedicated to the retracts, so this means using a five-channel system. Video Link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwTXeKFRWgY
Two servos can be fixed to the fuselage , one each for elevator and rudder. The servos and a 4.8-6 V battery is connected to a receiver. The receiver can be controlled by a radio signal transmitter. We use push rod linkages for controlling the control surfaces, one may also use magnetic actuators.
Must be strong enough to transfer and withstand the maximum load requirement for the entire pushrod/control surface system.
Futaba RC (remote controllers) are available at most aero modelling outlets. They come along with a receiver which is mounted on the model aircraft. For controlling a simple aircraft a simple 4 channel RC controller will serve the purpose.
Receiver and Transmitter The receivers are mounted on the aircraft help in control. These are available along with the corresponding transmitters. Each pair of transmitter and receiver operate at different frequencies.
An aircraft can be propelled either using a motor-propeller combination or a jet propulsion system. Generally, motor-propeller combination is preferred in aero modelling.
A propeller, when rotated at high speeds by a sufficiently powerful motor, creates an airflow in the direction opposite to the heading, thus creating thrust.
In order to mount each of the control surfaces to their servos: First install control horns onto each of the control surfaces. A variety if materials can be used to make these. One can use plastic control horns that are included in a GWS airplane kit. These can also be cut-out from any stiff material. Cut slots for the horns on the side of the surface where you intend to mount the servo. These slots should be located a short distance from the hinge of the surface. The longer the distance the slot is from the hinge, the less the control surface will be able deflect. It is important to select a location for the slots that will suit the needs of your airplane. You may mount it as close to the hinge as possible.
Once a slot is cut for the control horn, install the control horn by gluing it with hot-glue. A finished control horn is shown below:
22. Motors
Two types of motors can be used: 1. brushed 2. brushless
Brushed motors are more rugged, robust, cheaper and easier to use.
The Servos
After the control horns are installed and their control rods are connected, the servos must be installed on the airplane and attached to the control rod. To attach the servos: You can use a strip of double-sided equal to the size of the servo. The tape is placed on the servo and the servo is placed on the airplane by pressing it onto the airplane firmly. When attaching the control rod to the servo, u can use the outermost hole of the servo arm. This gives the greatest amount of control deflection. If you would later like to reduce the amount of deflection, it will be done digitally with the transmitter.
Controlling Servos
Below is the most common kind of servo connector. It fits onto standard SIPP pins, and has three leads:
For an R/C aircraft, the most common power sources used are Nickel-metal hydride (Ni-Mh) or lithium-polymer (Li-Po).
24.Mounting Mechanism
There are various mounting mechanisms, one of them is depicted through the following pictures.
The motor is mounted slightly downwards (2-3 degrees) for producing down thrust. Also it is made to point slightly to the right for balancing the moments produced.
26.Take Off
While it may seem daunting to the first-time RC pilot, it isn't too hard to take off successfully. With careful preparation and some practice, you'll soon be taking off with your RC plane and soaring into the skies.
Bring the engine up to full speed.
As the plane accelerates, you may need to use gentle pressure on the rudder to keep it going straight. As your plane picks up speed, it will begin to lift off.
If your plane has elevators, give it just a little bit of up elevator now.
27. Payload
Dropping the payload can be done by attachment of an extra bay with the fuselage. The doors of the bay can open up the release and can be controlled by servo-activated mechanism. Attach the bay near the center of gravity. Try not disturbing the center of gravity of your aircraft.
Shown in the picture is the mechanism where you can use elastic material to drop the load.
Remember to give air gap at the end which could push the load to come out due of air pressure.
The flap can be controlled to open up or close down with the proper mechanism.
28.Video links
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jv3D30RGT-g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufmRpaObx0w&feature=related
Technical Head:
Ravish Verma
Email-ravish7v@gmail.com Ph: +91 8768135272
Utkarsh Aggarwal
Email-ritiz1992@gmail.com Ph: +91 9679360289
Mrugank Bhatt
Email-mrugank.iitkgp@gmail.com Ph: +91 8158896151