Lecture Notes On Game Theory

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Lecture notes on game theory

Reading group CSC March April 2008

Probability Theory

Denition 0.1 (Sample space). The set of all possible outcomes in an experiment is called the sample space. Denition 0.2 (Event). A subset of the sample space is called an event. Denition 0.3 (Probability for at most countably innite sets). Let S be a nite or countably innite set. A function p : P(S) R is a probability measure (or a probability distribution) if it satises the following three axioms: 1. E S : 0 p(E) 1, 2. p(S) = 1 3. For any sequence E1 , E2 , . . . S with Ei Ej = for i = j,




p(Ei )

We refer to p(E) as the probability of the event E. Exercise 0.4. Show that p() = 0. Exercise 0.5. Show that p(E c ) = 1 p(E). Exercise 0.6. Show that for E F , p(E) p(F ). Exercise 0.7. Show that p(E F ) = p(E) + p(F ) p(E F ). Denition 0.8 (Conditional probability). If p(F ) > 0 then p(E|F ) = p(E F ) p(F )

is called the conditional probability that E occurs, given that F has occurred. Denition 0.9 (Independence). If p(E F ) = p(E)p(F ), i.e. p(E|F ) = p(E), then we say that E and F are independent. Denition 0.10 (Random Variable). A random variable is a map from a sample space into a state space (typically R) equipped with a probability distribution. A random variable is discrete if it takes on at most countably innitely many values. Denition 0.11 (Expected Value). If X is a random variable, mapping a sample space S into an at most countably innite subset of R equipped with a probability distribution p, then E(X) = xX(S) x p(x) is dened to be the expected value of X. 1

Exercise 0.12. The expected value is monotone, in the sense that for X Y E(X) E(Y ). Exercise 0.13. Show that the expected value is linear. That is, for random variables X, Y E(X + c) = E(X) + c for c R. E(X + Y ) = E(X) + E(Y ) for random variables X, Y E(aX) = aE(X), for a R.


Decision Theoretic Foundations

Game Theory, Rationality, and Intelligence

Game Theory can be dened as study of mathematical models of conict and cooperation between intelligent rational decision makers. A game is any social situation involving two or more players, decision-makers, or, individuals. The usual assumptions are that players are rational and intelligent. A decision-maker is called rational, if he makes decisions consistently in pursuit of his own objectives (objective being maximizing expected value of his own payo). A player is called intelligent, if he knows everything about the game that we know about the game and can make the same inferences about the situation as we can.


Basic Concepts of Decision Theory

Logical roots of Game Theory are in Bayesian Decision Theory. Game Theory can be considered an extension in that two or more decision-makers are considered. There are two models, probability model and state-variable model, which will be combined in a minute. In both models, a decision-maker chooses among lotteries. Dierence in the models is the denition of a lottery. probability model probability distrib. over set of prizes objective unknowns gambles depending on coin tossing state-variable model functions from set of possible states into set of prizes subjective unknowns stock market, outcome of future sport events

lottery events examples

Denition 1.1 (Set of Probability Distributions). For any nite set Z, the set of probability distributions over Z is denoted by (Z), dened as follows (Z) = q : Z R |

q(y) = 1 and zZ : q(z) 0

Denition 1.2 (Set of prizes). Let X denote the set of all prizes that the decision-maker could ultimately get. Prizes are mutually exclusive and exhaust the possible consequences of the decisionmakers decisions. A prize could be any commodity bundle or resource allocation. Denition 1.3 (Set of states). Let denote the set of possible states, one of which will be the true state of the world. Assumption: X and are nite (to simplify maths.)

Denition 1.4. A lottery is a function f : X R+ (x, t) f (x|t) such that for xed t , f (x|t) is a probability distribution over X. We denote the set of all such lotteries by L: L = {f : (X)}. f (x|t) is to be interpreted as the objective conditional probability of getting prize x in lottery f given that t is the true state of the world. For this to make sense, the state must be dened broadly enough to summarize all subjective unknowns that might inuence the prize to be received. Thus the denition of lottery allows the representation of any gamble in which the prize may depend on both objective and subjective unknowns. Denition 1.5 (World events). The information that a decision maker has of the world is described by events, subset of . The set of all events is denoted by . = {S | S , S = } We make the assumption that a decision maker has well-dened preferences over lotteries given any event in . Denition 1.6 (Preferences in lotteries). Let f, g L, S . We write f S g, i f is at least as desirable as g for the decision-maker if he learned that the true state of the world is in the set S. f S g, i f f >S g, i f

g and g g and g


f. f.

We leave out the subscript S when S = . Denition 1.7. For f, g L, [0, 1], we write f +(1)g for the lottery f (x|t)+(1)g(x|t) Example 1.8. Let an urn be lled with N balls N of which are white balls and (1 )N black balls. Suppose the decision maker gets to play lottery f if a white ball gets drawn from the urn, and lottery g if a black ball gets drawn. Thus the decision-makers ultimate probability to win prize x, if t is the true state of the world, is f (x|t) + (1 )g(x|t). So f + (1 )g represents the compound lottery built up from f and g by this random lottery selection process. Denition 1.9. For any prize x X, we write [x] for the lottery that always gives prize x for sure. 1 y=x t : [x](y|t) = 0 y=x Example 1.10. [x] + (1 )[y] is the lottery which gives prize x with probability and prize y with probability 1 .



Note that the following set of axioms is not minimal. Its just a collection of axioms from literature. The following axioms represent a rational decision-makers preferences. In the following the quantiers are e, f, g, h L, S, T , 0 , 1. Preferences form a complete transitive order over the set of lotteries:

Axiom 1.11 (Completeness/Transitivity). f f Exercise 1.12. Transitivity of S Exercise 1.13. f >S g g


g or g



h = f

h = f >S h

Only possible states are relevant to the decision-maker. Axiom 1.14 (Relevance). If f (|t) = g(|t) for all t S, then f S g. A higher probability of getting a better lottery is better. Axiom 1.15 (Monotonicity). If f >S g, 0 < 1, then f + (1 )g >S f + (1 )g Any lottery whose preference is nested between two other lotteries can be written as combination of them. Axiom 1.16 (Continuity). If f

h, then there is 0 1 such that g S f + (1 )h

The following axioms are also known as independence or sure-thing axioms. They are quite important in that they restrict the decision-makers preference system heavier than the others. The axioms express that preference of alternatives should be consistent independent of additional information. In other words, if we prefer option 1 over option 2 when an event occurs, but also when the event does not occur, then well prefer option 1 even if we dont know whether the event occurred. Axiom 1.17 ((Strict) Objective Substitution). If e e + (1 )g Strict version: If e >S f and g

f and g

h, 0 1, then

f + (1 )h.

h, 0 < 1, then

e + (1 )g >S f + (1 )h. Axiom 1.18 ((Strict) Subjective Substitution). If f f


g and f

g, S T = , then


Strict version: If f <S g and f <T g, S T = , then f <ST g. Example 1.19 (Trouble without Substitution). Given: [x] > [y], .5[y] + .5[z] > [w] > .5[x] + .5[z] (violating substitution with x, y). Consider following situation: 1. Decide whether to take w or not. 2. If w is not taken, coin toss: heads gives z 3. If tails, decide between x and y. There are three possible strategies: 1. Take w, leading to [w]. 4

2. Take x if tails, leading to .5[x] + .5[z]. 3. Take y if tails, leading to .5[y] + .5[z]. According to ranking above, a rational decision maker likes third option best. But if he starts following that strategy, when tails comes up, he should prefer x over y, indicating a preference for second strategy. But the second strategy is worse than w, so maybe he should take w! Without the last two axioms, one would need to discuss whether strategies can be changed after committing to them (leading to the third strategy, at rst). If not, we would need to discuss whether future inconsistencies can be foreseen (leading to choice of [w]) or not (leading to .5[x] + .5[z]) The next axiom asserts that the decision-maker is never indierent between all prices. (Avoiding states where nothing of interest would happen, a regularity condition.) Axiom 1.20 (Interest/Regularity). For every state t there exist prizes x, y X such that [x] >{t} [y]. Finally an optional axiom, which will not be used for the main theorem. It states that the same preference ordering will be maintained across all states. Axiom 1.21 (State neutrality). For all r, t , if f (|r) = f (|t) and g(|r) = g(|t) and f then f {t} g.



The Expected-Utility Maximization Theorem

Denition 1.22 (Conditional probability). A conditional-probability function on is a function p : () such that p(t|S) = 0, if t S, and rS p(r|S) = 1. (S ). We write p(R|S) = rR p(r|S) for R . Denition 1.23 (Utility function). A utility function is any function u : X R. u is state independent if there is U : X R such that u(x, t) = U (x). Denition 1.24 (Expected Utility Value). For any conditional-probability function p, utility function u, lottery f , event S , the expected utility value of the prize determined by f when p(|S) is the probability distribution for the true state of the world is Ep (u(f )|S) =


u(x, t)f (x|t).

The following theorem asserts that for any rational decision-maker there is a way of assigning utility numbers to the possible outcomes such that he will always choose the option that maximizes his expected utility. Theorem 1.25. All but the last axiom are jointly satised if and only if there exists a utility function u : X R and a conditional-probability function p : () such that t : max u(x, t) = 1 and min u(x, t) = 0
xX xX

(1) (2) (3)

R S T , S = : p(R|T ) = p(R|S)p(S|T ) f, g L, S : f

g Ep (u(f )|S) Ep (u(g)|S)

In addition, the last axiom is satised if and only if (1)-(3) can be satised with a stateindependent utility function. (1) is just a normalization, (2) is Bayes formula. (3) states that the decision-maker always prefers lotteries with a higher expected utility. Thus, once we have assessed u and p, we can predict the decision-makers optimal choice in any decision making situation. We now consider a procedure [Raia 1968] for assessing u(x, t) and p(t|S). 5

a1 : lottery that gives the decision-maker best prizes in every state. a0 : lottery that gives the decision-maker worst prizes in every state. Thus: t y, z X : a1 (y|t) = 1 = a0 (z|t) and x X : y {t} x {t} z. Such best and worst prizes exist in every state by niteness of X and transitive ordering of . We dene some special lotteries, bS and cx,t (c only needed in proof of theorem) with the following properties: For S a1 (|t) t S bS (|t) = gives the best possible prize when t S, and the worst possible else. a0 (|t) t S cx,t (|r) = [x](|r) r = t gives the worst prize, except when in state t. a0 (|r) r = t The procedure to asses p and u is now as follows. Ask decision-maker:

for each x and t, for what is decision-maker indierent between [x] and a1 + (1 )a0 , if t was true state of the world. (Number exists by continuity axiom). This denes u(x, t) such that [x] {t} u(x, t)a1 + (1 u(x, t))a0 for each t and S, for what is decision-maker indierent between b{t} and a1 + (1 )a0 , if the true state of the world was in S. (Number exists by continuity axiom.) This denes p(t|S) such that b{t} S p(t|S)a1 + (1 p(t|S))a0 (Subjective substitution guarantees that a1


a0 .)

This is a nite procedure, because X and are nite.


Equivalent Representations

Denition 1.26 (Preference representation). Given S , we say that a utility function u and a conditional-probability function q represent the preference ordering S , i f, g L : Eq (u(f )|S) Eq (u(g)|S) f

Consider (1). Without it, we can have several utility functions with equivalent representations. Any economic or other theory, should not change based on dierent utility functions with equivalent representations. Thus want to be able to recognize equivalent representations. Theorem 1.27. Let notation be as in the preceding theorem. Then v, q represent the preference ordering S if and only if there exists A R+ and B : S R such that for all t S, x X q(t|S)v(x, t) = Ap(t|S)u(x, t) + B(t) Theorem 1.28. Let notation be as in the preceding theorem, but u, v are additionally assumed to be state-independent, and decision-makers preference assumed to satisfy the last axiom above. Then for all t S, x X, q(t|S) = p(t|S) and there are A, C R, A > 0 such that v(x) = Au(x) + C


Bayesian Conditional-Probability Systems

Denition 1.29 ((Bayesian) Conditional-probability System). A conditional probability system on the nite set is any conditional-probability function p on which satises Bayes formula: S : p(|S) () s.t. p(S|S) = 1 and p(R|T ) = p(R|S)p(S|T ) for all R S, T S. () denotes the set of all Bayesian conditional-probability systems on . Denition 1.30. 0 (Z) = {q (Z)|q(z) > 0, z Z} Every p 0 () gives rise to p () via p(t) p(r) p(t|S) = rS 0



of conditional-probability distributions {k } in 0 () obtained this way. p k=1

Conditional-probability systems generated this way do not cover all of (), but () can be obtained as the limit pk tS lim k pk (r) p(t|S) = rS 0 tS


Limitations of the Bayesian Model

Three examples: Example 1.31 (Challenging objective substitution). Let X = {$12, $1, $0}, f1 = .1[$12] + .9[$0], f2 = .11[$1] + .89[$0], f3 = [$1], f4 = .1[$12] + .89[$1] + .01[$0]. Many peoples preference is given by f1 > f2 , f3 > f4 . But thats not satisfying strict objective substitution, as .5f1 + .5f3 = .5f2 + .5f4 . Example 1.32 (Challenging subjective probability). Let X = {$100, $100}, = {A, N }. Let bA ($100|A) = 1 = bA ($100|N ) be a bet that a team from the American league wins the next All-star game. Let bN ($100|N ) = 1 = bN ($100|A) be a bet that a team from the National league wins the next All-star game. Most people who dont know much about baseball, will have the following preference: .5[$100] + .5[$100] > bA and .5[$100] + .5[$100] > bN , i.e. would prefer betting on a fair coin toss. But this does not work for any subjective probability distribution over , since at least one state must have a probability greater or equal .5. This can also be seen as a violation of the strict objective substitution: .5bA + .5bN = .5[$100] + .5[$100] Thus with .5bA + .5bN > bA and .5bA + .5bN > bN we obtain .5bA + .5bN > .5bA + .5bN . Example 1.33 (Diculty of constructing a model of decision-making). Theater scenario A You lost your $40 ticket. Do you buy another $40 ticket? Theater scenario B You have no ticket to begin with, but lost $40 cash on the way to the theater. Do you still buy a $40 ticket (with your cc)? Even if both scenarios set you back $80, people will behave dierently in the two scenarios. Some of these problems can be avoided with salient perturbations, i.e. small changes to the problem which place the decision-maker into a more familiar scenario for example. Such a perturbation could be a tip from a friend about the Baseball leagues in the second-to-last example. 7

Basic models

We want to represent all possible ways in which a game can be played. There are two forms of representing games: the extensive form (Kuhn, 1953) the strategic (or normal) form (to be generalized to the Bayesian form).


Extensive form

Example 2.1. Consider the following simple card game: Assume a shued deck of red and black cards. Two players (A and B) each put a dollar in the pot. A draws a card and has two options: fold, then A shows his card; card is red A takes pot card is black B takes pot raise, then A adds a dollar to the pot and B has two options: pass A takes pot meet then B adds a dollar to the pot and A shows his card; card is red A takes pot card is black B takes pot

Fol d

et Me


(b la

) ed (r





ck )


et Me


Fol d





A game representation has three types of nodes: decision nodes (in which a player takes a decision to perform a move), choice nodes (in which the next state is randomly determined according to some probability distribution), and nal nodes (in which the pay-out for each of the players is determined). In order to express that a player cannot make a distinction between certain nodes, we group decision nodes together (such a group is called an information state). 8

Denition 2.2. Let N be the set of players, of size n. Let U be the set of possible utilities. Let P rob = [0..1] denote the set of probabilities. Let S denote the set of information states. Let M denote the set of moves. An n-person extensive-form game is a rooted node-labeled, edge-labeled tree e = (Vd , ld , st, Vc , Vf , lf , r, Ed , mv, Ec , ch), such that (setting V = Vd Vc Vf ): Vd is a set of decision nodes, controlled by a player, ld : Vd N ; st : Vd S determines the information state of the player controlling the node; Vc is a set of chance nodes; Vf is a set of nal nodes, lf : Vf (N U ) determines the payo for each of the players; r V is the root of the tree; Ed Vd V is the set of move edges, mv : Ed M determines the move, if mv((v, v )) = mv((v, v )) then v = v ; Ec Vc V is the set of chance edges; ch : Ec P rob determines the probability of a chance edge, s.t. for all v Vc , {ch((v, v )) | v V (v, v ) Ec } = 1 For all v, v Vd , if ld (v) = ld (v ) and st(v) = st(v ) then moves(v) = moves(v ), where moves(v) = {mv((v, v )) | v V (v, v ) Ed }; Furthermore, we assume perfect recall. A game is said to have perfect recall if each player knows and remembers everything he or she did (but not necessarily what the opponent did). In the model this means that if a player cannot make a distinction between two states, then the history of steps leading to these two states must also be indistinguishable to him. Let path(v) denote the sequence of edges from the root to node v. Denition 2.3. A game e has perfect recall if x, y Vd ld (x) = ld (y) st(x) = st(y) path(x) ld (x) path(y), where i (i N ) is inductively dened by i (where is the empty sequence of edges). p (v, v ) i and i p (v, v ) (where p a sequence of edges). p (v, v ) i q (w, w ) = p i q (ch(v, v ) > 0 ch(w, w ) > 0) if v Vc . p (v, v ) i q (w, w ) = p i q mv(v, v ) = mv(w, w ) ld (v) = ld (w) st(v) = st(w) if v Vd and i = ld (v) i = ld (w). p (v, v ) i q (w, w ) = p i q mv(v, v ) = mv(w, w ) ld (v) = ld (w) if v Vd and i = ld (v) i = ld (w). In the above denition we assumed that a player can observe chance events, so he can distinguish between one chance event and a sequence of two chance events. However, he can only observe the outcome of the chance event, not the probability with which it happened. Further, we assumed that a player can observe which players make which moves. Reducing the observational power of a player will lead to slightly dierent denitions of perfect recall. If no two nodes have the same information state, then we say that the game has perfect information. A strategy is any rule for determining a move at every possible information state in the game. Denition 2.4. If Si denotes the set of information states player i can be in, then Strategy sSi moves(s). (Where moves(s) is the set of moves possible from information state s.)

Example 2.5. In the running example, player A has two information states ( red and black) and in each state he has two moves ( raise and fold). So, the four possible strategies are ( raise,raise), ( raise,fold), ( fold,raise), ( fold,fold). For instance, ( raise,fold) denotes the strategy in which player A raises if the card is red and folds if the card is black. Because player B has only one information state, he has two strategies: meet and pass. Exercise 2.6. Which strategies are possible in the following two games? Which strategies would be smartest? 2,2 B R 4,0 A L B R 3,1 1,0 L B R 3,1 1,0 X R 4,0 2,2



Strategic form

The extensive representation is a dynamic model of a game, in the sense that it includes a full description of the sequences of moves. In a strategic representation we abstract from the dynamic behaviour and assume that all players choose their strategies simultaneously before the game starts. The payo is then only dependent on the set of chosen strategies. Denition 2.7. A strategic-form game is a tuple = (N, (Ci )iN , (ui )iN ) such that N is a nonempty set of players; (Ci )iN is a set of non-empty strategy sets for every player (we dene C = iN Ci , as the set of strategy proles); (ui )iN is a set of utility functions for every player, with ui : C R. Example 2.8. Recall that the four possible strategies for player A in the running example are ( raise,raise), ( raise,fold), ( fold,raise), ( fold,fold) and that the two strategies for player B are meet and pass. Given that the chance of drawing a red card is equal to the chance of drawing a black card, we can calculate the expected payo for each combination of strategies, e.g. uA (RF, M ) = 2 0.5 + (1) 0.5 = 0.5

uB (RF, M ) = 2 0.5 + 1 0.5 = 0.5

The complete utility function can be displayed in a table. This is the standard notation for the strategic (or normal) form of a game. 10



M 0,0 0.5,-0.5 -0.5,0.5 0,0

P 1,-1 0,0 1,-1 0,0

Algorithm 2.9. Every game in extensive form e can be transformed into a game in strategic form . Determine all strategies of e , this is the set (Ci )iN of strategies of . For every strategy prole c C we attribute every node v in with the probability P (v | c), which is the probability of the path to v, calculated inductively as follows: if v = r then P (v | c) = 1; if (v , v) Ec then P (v | c) = ch(v , v) P (v | c); if (v , v) Ed and ld (v ) = i, st(v ) = , then if ci () = mv(v , v) then P (v | c) = P (v | c); if ci () = mv(v , v) then P (v | c) = 0; Determine the utility of each strategy by ui (c) = vVf P (v | c) lf (v)(i) Exercise 2.10. Determine the strategic forms of the games in exercise 2.6. (See p. 49/50, Table 2.2/2.3.)


Equivalence of strategic form games

In line with the denition of equivalence on utility functions (see Section 1.5), we dene equivalence of games. Denition 2.11. Two games in strategic form = (N, (Ci )iN , (ui )iN ) and = (N, (Ci )iN , (u )iN ) i are fully equivalent i iN A>0,B cC u (c) = Aui (c) + B i Corollary 2.12. (of Theorem 1.27) Let notation be as in the preceding denition. Let (C) denote the set of probability distributions over the set of strategy proles. and are fully equivalent i iN ,(C) cC (c)ui (c) cC (c)ui (c) cC (c)u (c) cC (c)u (c) i i

(in words: and are fully equivalent if each player would prefer probability distribution over in the game if and only if he would prefer over in the game .) An alternative denition of equivalence that identies more games as equivalent is best response equivalence. Some notation: N i denotes the set of players other than i; Ci denotes the set of all possible combinations of strategies for the players other than i: Ci = jN i Cj ; Given any ei = (ej )jN i in Ci and any di in Ci , (ei , di ) C is a strategy prole; For any set Z and any function f : Z R, we dene argmaxyZ f (y) = {y Z | f (y) = maxzZ f (z)}; Suppose player i believed that some probability distribution (Ci ) predicted the behavior of the other players in the game, then in game , player is set of best responses to would be argmaxdi Ci ei Ci (ei )ui (ei , di ). 11

Denition 2.13. Two games and as dened in the preceding denition are best-response equivalent i the best-response sets always coincide, i.e. iN (Ci ) argmaxdi Ci ei Ci (ei )ui (ei , di ) = argmaxdi Ci ei Ci (ei )u (ei , di ) i

Example 2.14. Consider the following two games. C1 x1 y1 C2 : x2 9,9 8,0 y2 0,8 7,7 C1 x1 y1 C2 : x2 1,1 0,0 y2 0,0 7,7

The following two games are best-response equivalent because, in each game, each player is best response would be to choose yi if he thought that the other player would choose the y-strategy with probability 1/8 or more. Otherwise, is best response would be to choose xi . This can be veried as follows: Consider player 1, having two strategies x1 and y1 . Suppose that (x2 ) = (y2 ) = 1/2. Then e2 C2 (e2 )u1 (e2 , x1 ) = 1/2 9 + 1/2 0 = 4.5, while e2 C2 (e2 )u1 (e2 , y1 ) = 1/2 8 + 1/2 7 = 7.5. So argmaxd1 C1 Likewise we have e2 C2 (e2 )u (e2 , x1 ) = 1/2 1 + 1/2 0 = 0.5, 1 e2 C2 (e2 )u (e2 , y1 ) = 1/2 0 + 1/2 7 = 4.5. 1 This also leads to the preference {y1 } for player 1. We can verify the same for the other player and generalize it to an arbitrary probability distribution. On the other hand, the two games are not fully equivalent, because e.g. each player prefers (x1 , x2 ) over (y1 , y2 ) in the rst game but not in the second game. e2 C2 (e2 )u1 (e2 , di ) = {y1 }.


Reduced normal form representations

The idea is to remove superuous information from games in normal form. Example 2.15. Consider the following game.


8,0 6,0 a1 1 z1 x2 b1 2 0,8 y2 x1 y1 1 z1 .5 0 .5 8,0 8,0 0 .5 .5 6,0 x1 y1 0,8 0,8

6,0 C1 C2 : x2 y2 a1 x1 6,0 6,0 a1 y1 6,0 6,0 a1 z1 6,0 6,0 b1 x1 8,0 0,8 b1 y 1 0,8 8,0 b1 z 1 3,4 7,0 The rst three lines express the same information. That is, the utility is independent of the choice between x1 , y1 , and z1 . Denition 2.16. Let = (N, (Ci )iN , (ui )iN ), let i N and di , ei Ci . We say that di and ei are payo equivalent i ci Ci jN uj (ci , di ) = uj (ci , ei ) Reducing a game in strategic form according to payo equivalence gives the purely reduced normal representation. Example 2.17. Below is the purely reduced normal representation of the previous example. C1 C2 : x2 y2 a1 6,0 6,0 b1 x1 8,0 0,8 b1 y 1 0,8 8,0 b1 z 1 3,4 7,0 Furthermore, we observe that strategy b1 z1 is a linear combination of strategies a1 and b1 y1 : 1/2 (6, 0) + 1/2 (0, 8) = (3, 4), and 1/2 (6, 0) + 1/2 (8, 0) = (7, 0). Some notation: Strategies in the set Ci are called pure strategies for player i; 13

Combinations of strategies in the set (Ci ) are called randomized strategies for i, i.e. a randomized strategy for i is a probability distribution over its pure strategies. Denition 2.18. A strategy di in Ci is randomly redundant i there is a probability distribution i in (Ci ) such that i (di ) = 0 and ci Ci jN uj (ci , di ) = ei Ci i (ei )uj (ci , ei ).

The fully reduced normal representation is derived from the purely reduced normal representation by eliminating all strategies that are randomly redundant. Example 2.19. Below is the fully reduced normal representation of the previous example. C1 C2 : x2 y2 a1 6,0 6,0 b1 x1 8,0 0,8 b1 y 1 0,8 8,0


(Z) X x, y, z t, r L f, g, h f (x|t) (X) (xed t) = {S | S , S = } f S g, f S g, f >S g f + (1 )g [x] p(t|S) () (xed S) u:X R Ep (u(f )|S) = p(t|S)
tS xX

u(x, t)f (x|t)

Set of Probability Distributions Set of prizes Set of states Set of all lotteries lottery f Set of world events Preferences in lotteries lottery f (x|t) + (1 )g(x|t) lottery that always gives prize x for sure. Conditional-probability function Utility function Expected Utility Value


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