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WRITINg & lAYouT John Wick eDITINg & CoveR Annie Rush INvAluABle DeSIgN CoNTRIBuTIoNS Jess Heinig

plAYTeSTeRS Jess Heinig, Sean Mooney, Annie Rush, Baron Silverton, Vachon Simien, Robert Telmar, and Josh the Cursed Wasta INSpIRATIoN (DIReCT AND oTHeRWISe) Jared Sorensen, Unheilig, Scott Thrym Knipe, Annie Rush; Michael Moorcock, Robert E. Howard, Homer, Joseph Campbell
To Ganesha, Lord of Categories, He who bestows Good Fortune on Long Journeys. To Athena, Goddess of Craft, who guided our hands on this endeavor. To Caliope, Muse of Epic Works, whose Song never left our ears. To Snake, Fire-Bringer and Trickster, whos tongue tickled our ear as he whispered to us. And to Prometha, Lady of Imagination. We are your humble servants.
Enemy Gods and all its contents are and 2004 by John Wick. Used by permission. No part of this book may be reproduced (except the character sheets) without the authors written permission. The mention of any trademarks or copyrights not owned by the author is not a challenge to those marks. No characters, situations, or events depicted in this book are real. Except the Gods. Theyre real.


Table of Contents
What is Enemy Gods? Sword and Sorcery What Do I Need to Play?

Table of Contents
5 5 5 Devotion and Hubris Devotion Hubris Advantage Dice Risk Difficulty Re-Tries Contested Risks Mythic Risks 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 14

4. Combat
Combat Phases Initiative Action Heroes vs No Names Heroes vs Heroes Gaining Wounds Additional Successes Gaining and Losing Advantage Winning the Fight Fighting More Than One Opponent Divine Intervention Winning and Losing Combat Details Melee Weapons Ranged Weapons Maneuvers Healing Non-Violent Combat Optional Repartee Rules Getting Hurt Other Ways Falling Fire Poison Knock Outs

23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29

1. Creating Characters

One: Your God 6 Creation by Design 6 Creation by Accident 6 Creation by Will 6 Make Your Own! 7 The Pantheon 7 God of the Battlefield: Falvren Dyr 7 God of Craft: Aelon Valeron 7 God of Fortune: Ashalim Avendi 7 Goddess of the Hearth: Manna Renay 7 God of Justice: Jonan Drax 7 Goddess of Love: Talia Yvarai 7 God of Wisdom: Tyane Bran 7 Lesser Gods 7 Two: Your Hero 8 Step 0: Description 8 Birth & Youth 8 The Call to Adventure 8 The Wastelands & Transformation 8 The Underworld & The Beast 9 Step 1: Backgrounds 10 Step 2: Devotions 10 Step 3: Heroic Flaw 10 Step 4: Hubris 10 Step 5: The Game of 20 Questions 10 Step 6: Divinity 11

3. Devotion & Divinity

2. Playing the Game

Taking Risks


Starting Divinity Points Domain Divine Authority Contesting Domain An Optional Rule: Divine Convocation Divine Inspiration Within Your Domain Outside Your Domain Divine Intervention (Miracles) Step One: Devotion Rank Step Two: Influence Step Three: Help and Hindrances Step Four: Making the Roll Divine Retribution (Smiting) Step One: Using the Heros Hubris Against Him Step Two: Determine the Curses Strength Burning a Curse Blessings Ranks of Faith Devotion 4: Acolyte Prayer Devotion 5: Anointed Mystery Rites Devotion 6: Champion Requirements Benefits The Heros Flaw


15 15 15 16 16 17

17 18 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22

5. Making Your Hero Better

Hubris Defining Moments

30 30

Appendix 1: The Pantheon 31

God of the Battlefield: Falvren Dyr Allies & Rivals Blessings Battle Cunning Berserk 31 31 31 31 31

Master Parry Two-Weapons Slash God of Craft: Aelon Valeron Allies & Rivals Relics (Aelons Blessings) The Sword of Elder Fire The Shadow Kiss Medallion The Dead Mans Eye God of Fortune: Ashalim Avendi Allies & Rivals Blessings Disguise Lucky Coin Glamour Lucky Shot Trust Me Goddess of the Hearth: Manna Renay Allies & Rivals Blessings Beasts Tongue Circle of Protection Hearthbread Cookies Hearthward Outpost God of Justice: Jonan Drax Allies & Rivals Blessings Vow of Compassion Vow of Fidelity Vow of Truth Vow of Valor The Final Vow Goddess of Love: Talia Allies & Rivals Blessings Befuddling Kiss The Black Kiss The Enchanting Kiss Goodnight Kiss The Muses Kiss

32 32 32 32 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39

Table of Contents
God of Wisdom: Tyane Bran Allies & Rivals Blessings A Moment of Insight Wisdoms Clarity The Softest Spot The Hearts Riddle Revealed The Most Evident Truth Lord of Death: Uhmume Blessings Allies & Rivals The Fell Gods 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 Blessings 50 The Darkest Fear 51 The Malice Hammer 51 The Sweetest Sting 51 Wits Teeth 51 Dafhil: Afhils Children 51 Allies & Rivals 51 The Lord of Demons: Sorcel Shem 52 Blessings 52 Allies & Rivals 52


Lets play Gods! Me, circa 8th Grade Way back in junior high school, when I was playing Dungeons & Dragons, the ultimate goal was uplifting our favorite characters to god status. Now, we heard all kinds of ways to do that: become 36th level, kill a god to assume his mantle, or even sleep with a god (something my boys never believed, no matter how much verisimilitude I employed). And so, many years later, Im thinking back to those days, wondering the same thing I was wondering then: How would a roleplaying game for gods work? After all, cant gods do anything?



Its a role-playing game where you play two characters: a God and a Hero. The Hero is a mortal trying to win the favor of the Gods by doing the kind of things Heroes do. In exchange, the Gods help the Hero out with acts of divine intervention, trying to win enough favor from him (or her) the Hero. The more the God helps the Hero, the more the Hero helps the God, and it all goes round and round in a big symbiotic circle.

e NemY g oDS ?

Appendix 2: The Shanri Primer

The Ven History Government Castes Technology Commerce Moderation Citizenship Mages and Sorcerers Baliven: The Mountainmen

Appendix 4: Creating Your 53 Own Pantheon

Define Your Pantheon Two Examples The Four Elements Death Finally 53 53 54 56 56

43 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 44 44

Conclusion About the Author Character Sheets Blatant Plug

57 57 58 60

Appendix 3: The Fell Gods45

The God of Murder: Ikhalu Blessings The Ikhalu Knife The Hidden Blade The Deepest Cut False Death The Stolen Mask Avali: Sacred Murder Allies & Rivals The Bloody-Eyed Widow: Mahl Allies & Rivals Blessings:Monsters The Grinning Man: Afhil 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 50

Well, as it turns out, that isnt exactly true. A college mythology course taught me that most gods are just as limited as human beings are. That is, gods are limited by the imaginations of the men who create them. (Mythological gods, that is. Not real gods. You know, the gods you worship, as opposed to other peoples gods.) And so, heres Enemy Gods. A roleplaying game for those of us who arent content with just playing heroes, but want a step up into the heavens, to play what may be the worlds most dangerous game


While Enemy Gods is a fantasy game, the setting is more in line with the Conan and Elric genre of fantasy than the high romance of The Lord of the Rings. The world of Enemy Gods is steeped in the age from before the fall of Atlantis; prehistoric times that man does not remember, except sometimes in dreams. For a real world comparison, the world of Enemy Gods is closer to 500 BC than 1300 AD.


While you can play Enemy Gods in just about any culture including a high fantasy world the default setting provided with the game is definitely more Elric than Aragorn. For more information on the world of Enemy Gods, take a look at Appendix 2.

W HAT D o I N eeD


You need this book, pencils and 6-sided dice. Tasty beverages help.

p lAY ?

Creating Characters

1: Creating Characters
Gods and Heroes share a very special relationship. As a Hero performs fabulous acts of unbelievable heroism (or despicable villainy), he increases a Gods fame in the mortal world, thus increasing the Gods power and influence. But he cant do it alone; he needs divine help. The more assistance the God gives the Hero, the more the Hero can accomplish. The more the Hero accomplishes, the more power he gives back to the God, which is more power the God can use to help the Hero. If your Hero wins enough favor from one of the Gods, he becomes that Gods Champion (and gains access to even more powers). The Greeks had this game down to a science: the whole Trojan War was about battles between the Gods and their Champions. In the myths, Athenas Champion was Odysseus, Zeus was Heracles and Aphrodites Champion was Hector. You need a Hero to further your cause in the world of mortals. Most players assume their Hero and God get along famously, but more daring players even go so far as to make enemies of their Hero and their God. Whatever relationship you have, consider it carefully. So, with all that in mind, think of all the classic heroes from mythology. Theres Arthur, the reluctant King of Britain; Roland, Charlemagnes noble knight; Siegfried, the Norse dragon-slayer; and Manabozho, the Algonquin trickster. (Okay, maybe you dont know about Manabozho. Thats okay I didnt either until a month ago.)

God of the Battlefield: Falvren Dyr

Falvren Dyr is also known as the Blood God. He is a strong God who demands nothing from his followers but self-reliance. He despises the weak and favors the strong. He never bestows blessings on those who ask: only those who deserve it.

God of Wisdom: Tyane Bran

Whenever man asks a question, Tyane Bran is there. When he wonders, Tyane Bran is there. When he dreams, Tyane Bran speaks to him. The world is full of secrets, but the God of Wisdom knows them all and reveals them to those worthy of his knowledge.

oNe: YouR goD

The first step in playing Enemy Gods is picking out a God for each player in the game. Is your God the God of the Battlefield? The God of Craft? The Goddess of Love? Because there can only really be one God of the Battlefield, youll need a method for choosing who gets to play who in the Pantheon. Here are a few ways to pick Gods for the game.

God of Craft: Aelon Valeron

Brother to the Bloody God, Aelon Valeron is the master forger, the master craftsman, the master tradesman. He taught men how to cultivate fire, struck the very first coin, and gave men the skills they needed to rise above the beasts.

m Ake Y ouR o WN !

God of Fortune: Ashalim Avendi

When a coin is tossed, he knows how it will fall. When a card is drawn, he knows its face and rank. There is no Fate, no Destiny only the whim of the God of Fortune.

Finally, if you want to make up your own Pantheon, theres some free advice in the Appendices (and we all know what free advice is worth) on creating your own Gods. Enjoy!

leSSeR goDS
There are other Gods in the world, although they do not have the same power as the Gods listed above. These City Gods are worshipped locally and sometimes are just different manifestations of Greater Gods. The Lady of the Well, for example, is a minor Goddess in the city of Tjir. Often called the Patron Saint of Thieves, she protects the lower classes (pick pockets, burglars, confidence men, etc.) from the tyranny of the corrupt monarchy and merchant class. While she does protect the criminal classes, she is a lesser manifestation of the God of Justice. Also, in the city of Shurr, tales of the Cookie Queen (obviously, a manifestation of the Goddess of the Hearth) are abundant. This goddess manifests once a year, delivering cookies to the children of the city. They leave out a cup of milk for her at night and wake to find a plate of cookies in the morning.



The GM assigns Gods to the players based on their personalities and player types. The guy who always plays fighters gets the God of the Battlefield, the guy who always plays bards gets the God of Love, the guy who always plays thieves gets the God of Fortune... you get the picture.


Goddess of the Hearth: Manna Renay

She is the Mother of the World, the one who taught men to tame the beasts, who taught them how to make the crops grow, taught them the rituals to bring the world back to life after the long sleeping death of winter. She is Mother To Us All.

God of Justice: Jonan Drax

It was he who gave men laws and the will to enforce them. It was he who gave men the promise of justice. Jonan Drax and his devoted paladins walk the earth for the sole purpose of bringing justice to the wicked and to protect those who cannot protect themselves.



The group throws all th God names in in a hat. Everybody picks out one and you get what you draw. Whether or not everybody gets to trade afterward or not is up to you.




The GM says, Were playing Enemy Gods! and lets the players decide among themselves who gets to play which God.

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Goddess of Love: Talia Yvarai

More than just the Goddess of Love, Talia is the worlds muse. Through her divine inspiration, all great works of art are made. It is by her hand that artists paint, with her voice that singers sing, with her passion that lovers love.

T He p ANTHeoN

Here are the Gods. Choose them in whatever method you see fit. A more detailed description along with rituals, miracles, allies and enemies is in Appendix 1.

Chapter 1
TWo: YouR HeRo
Once you have your God figured out, its time to figure out your Hero. Heroes in Enemy Gods arent your typical adventurer types; instead, they are touched by the divine, selected by the Gods themselves for greatness. Also, they are characters with pasts. Your Hero isnt some first level nobody; hes a great and mighty symbol of what is best in humanity. A conquering warrior, a sly trickster, a subtle seductress; these are all the kinds of characters youll be making for Enemy Gods. it as unique? Does he have a divine heritage? Was he abandoned by his real parents, only to be discovered later? from the blood of the creature he must ultimately defeat. This potion takes many forms, but the theme remains: in order to defeat the beast, you must see through its eyes, live in its skin, and walk in its footsteps. To know its secrets, you must be the thing you fear the most. Only the Hero is strong enough to survive such an ordeal, and by surviving it, he is no longer the young fool who wandered away for home in search of adventure. He is transformed into something greater, something powerful and not entirely of this world. He is finally the Hero he was born to be. What kind of skills did your Hero learn in the Wastelands? Who was his Mentor? What was the greatest lesson he learned? How was he transformed by his experiences?

Creating Characters
Slaying the dragon represents destroying the traditions of the past; those rites and rituals whose meaning has been forgotten by current generations. The Hero represents the present, the action of the moment. He kills the tradition of the past and makes the new tradition. And, perhaps one day, he will face another Hero and face the final confrontation with his own future. The old King must give way to the new King. That is the way of the world. What was the nature of your Heros dragon? What did he represent to you? What did you learn from defeating him? Now that you have a better understanding who your Hero is and what hes capable of doing (and what he isnt capable of doing), lets start writing numbers down on the sheet.

The Call to Adventure

A Hero spends most of his life isolated from the rest of his community. Hes seen as an outsider, a dreamer, a stranger. Its only when adventure invites him away does the Hero find his true calling. Often, the Heros community is endangered by some terrible evil and only the Hero has the courage (and imagination) to confront it. He isnt always enthusiastic about the adventure, sometimes refusing it outright. However, deep in his heart, he knows hes the only person who can save the community from danger. He goes forth even halfheartedly to save the people who have treated him like an outsider all this time. Your Hero has heard and answered this call, going forth from his homeland into the great unknown to confront an evil only he has the imagination to understand and defeat. What called your Hero away from his home and what did he find when he left everything behind?

S Tep 0: D eSCRIpTIoN

Mythic Heroes have many traits in common, all of which you should consider while creating your Hero. Listed below are some of the most common characteristics about mythic heroes. Read through and answer the questions at the end of each section. When youre finished, youll have a better idea of not only who your Hero is, but why hes a Hero. (This, of course, is a very abbreviated and truncated version of Joseph Campbells heros adventure cycle. Lets give the man a tip of the hat, shall we?)

The Wastelands & Transformation

Far from his home, the Hero wanders through the Wastelands, a vast wounded world of strangers. The world is wasting away, an open and festering wound in need of healing. The Hero will heal it, although he doesnt know that yet. Walking through the Wastelands, he encounters beasts of all kinds and men who are strong and cunning enough to live in such an awful place. There, in the middle of the world, the Hero finds a mentor who teaches him the skills he needs to survive in the world. With the mentors help, the Hero wanders the Wasteland, encountering and overcoming dangers as he goes. It is also here he learns a deep secret: in order to fully succeed in his mission, he must drink a magic potion made

Birth & Youth

Some sort of miracle often marks a Heros birth. Whether it is an omen, a blessing, or even divine conception, the Heros birth is miraculous, isolating him from the rest of the world. Because he is marked as different, the Hero is often a loner in his young life and must spend it in self-reflection, learning how to rely on his own strengths to survive. Often, the Hero is an orphan, ignorant from his true heritage until he is called upon to fulfill his destiny. A reoccurring theme is the Hero being sent down the sea (the worlds biggest symbol for the human unconscious). Think about your Heros birth. What marks

The Underworld & The Beast


Finally, he reaches the darkest part of the journey the Underworld. It is here the Hero typically loses his mentor and must face the darkest challenge all on his own. Whether or not he succeeds in the challenge is up to him. The creature waiting for him is the dragon; the ultimate metaphor for the sickness of the world. The Hero must confront and slay the dragon, but more often than not, once the deed is done, the dragon turns out to be another Hero one from the past who reflects the future waiting for our current protagonist.

Backgrounds represent skills and talents from your Heros past. You get 7 points of Backgrounds, each representing an additional die to roll for Risks. You can divide them up any way you see fit, however, no Background can start higher than rank 4. You could have one four-point Background and one three-point Background, seven one-point Backgrounds, three one-pointers and two two-pointers, or however you want to split them up.

S Tep 1: B ACkgRouNDS

S Tep 2: D evoTIoNS

On the sheet, youll see a number of spaces for DEVOTIONS. List all the Gods in the game (including Non-Player Gods in the

Chapter 1
Pantheon). Your Hero begins with one point of Devotion to every God. You have 10 additional points to customize your Devotions. No Devotion can be higher than 4 at this point. Every point of Devotion is another die you can roll when taking an action in that Gods Domain. In other words, if youre in a fight, you call on the power and blessings of the God of the Battlefield. Or, if you want to connive your way by a guard, you want to call on the eloquence of the Goddess of Love. If youre making a boat, you call on the God of Craft. The higher your devotion to the God, the more dice you can use.

Creating Characters
S Tep 5: T He g Ame q ueSTIoNS


To whom does your Hero owe the most loyalty? What are some of your Heros reoccurring mannerisms? Figures of speech, physical habits, etc.? How would your Heros parents describe him? If you could give one piece of advice to your Hero, what would it be? What would be the most appropriate death for your Hero? What quality about his personality does your Hero like most? What quality about his personality does your Hero like least? Rank the Seven Deadly Sins in order from deadliest to most benign: Lust, Greed, Anger, Pride, Jealousy, Sloth, and Gluttony. Rank the Seven Beautific Virtues from most noble to least noble: Prudence, Temperance, Fortitude, Justice, Faith, Hope, and Charity.

Finally, take another moment and answer these questions. What social caste does your Hero come from? Is he poor, rich, a landowner? Your social caste has a lot to do with your attitude toward others; describe whether or not you fit the clich of your caste. Which of the five senses is most important to your Hero? Which of the five senses are the least important? How does your Hero feel about her parents? Her family in general? Does she have any siblings? Did she lose any siblings or family members before now? What are your Heros favorite foods? Drinks? What does he like to wear? Does your Hero hold any grudges or vendettas? Does he owe any favors or boons? Does he have any obligations at all? What kind of person is your Hero most attracted to? What kind of person drives you to fits of rage? How does your Hero define love? If given the opportunity, would your Hero kill for profit? If not, what would your Hero kill for? What is more important, to be feared or to be loved? (Yes, is not an acceptable answer.) Who does your Hero trust most? Why does she trust this person above all others? Which God does your Hero revere most and why? Which God does he revere least?


I have 7 Background Points. My Hero has a bit of training with a sword, so I take Swordsman as one of my backgrounds. I put three points into that. Hes also a Dukes son, so he has Nobleman as his second background. I put four points into that. Finally, hes a bit of a romancer, so I put Silver Tongued Devil as his final Background. He has three points in that. Looking at the Hero Sheet, I spend my points on Devotions like this: Battlefield: 3 Craft: 2 Fortune: 3 Hearth: 2 My Hero has a bit of combat training, so his Devotion to the God of Battle is a bit higher than usual. As a Dukes son, hes also learned the art of romance, so hes got a little bit of Devotion to the Goddess of Love. Finally, he also tends to get into rough spots and puts a bit of faith in the God of Fortune. My Heros Flaw is his wandering heart. He just cant fall in love or trust anyone. He wont stay in one place for too long and he wont let anyone get too close to him. One day, this will cost him. Not today, and probably not tomorrow, but one day. Justice: 2 Love: 3 Wisdom: 2

S Tep 3: H eRoIC F lAW

Your Hero has one Flaw. This can be nearly anything you like. Achilles had the most famous Flaw in the world, Lancelot had his blind devotion, and Oedipus suffered from an entirely different kind of blindness (his Flaw is a dark secret from his past). Your Flaw can also be someone who depends on you or someone you owe fealty to. For example, Gwenevere could be considered Arthurs Flaw (Lancelot, too, for that matter). Its up to you. Theres a mechanic for bringing your Flaw into the game, and well talk about Calling on the Flaw in Chapter 3: Devotion & Divinity.

S Tep 6: D IvINITY

S Tep 4: H uBRIS

The Greek word hubris means dangerous vanity or as the Merriam-Webster likes to say: exaggerated pride or self-confidence. In Enemy Gods, Hubris is a trait measuring your Heros self-confidence; his ability to rely on his own skills rather than the blessings of the Gods. Every Hero begins the game with two points of Hubris. Well take a better look at Hubris, and what it does for you in Chapter 2: Playing the Game.

Now, as your God, ask each Hero how much Devotion he has to you. Write all those down and add them up. The total Devotion the Heroes have for your God is your Gods starting Divinity. This is how many Divinity Points you start with at the beginning of the game. If a Heros Devotion to you increases, so do the number of Divinity Points you start with at the beginning of each game. There are spaces on your Gods sheet for Heroes Devotion to your God.



Playing the Game

2: Playing the Game

First off, playing Enemy Gods is just like playing any other role-playing game. Youve got a character sheet, youve got dice and a Game Master. All you do is play as usual. Go delve into dungeons, go wander through shadowy cities, or go maneuver your way through the intrigue of kingly courts. Its all the same, just a switch of perspective. This time, you have a Gods-eye view. relies on his own skill, you roll dice equal to his Hubris. Here are examples of how both work.

whose influence does not cover your current Risk, they may only lend you dice up to half your Devotion, rounded down.

Hey, Mr. and Mrs. GM! Dont skimp on the Advantage Dice! Theyre what make the world go round. Advantage Dice came out of a response to watching another system in action. (The system shall remain nameless, but its initials are DAD.) In that system, all the advantages a character could have were preloaded: right there on his sheet. The player didnt have to think about how to gain bonuses because all his bonuses were already in front of him. Besides, the wimpy circumstantial bonus (+2) didnt match the Feats he had on his sheet. This led to the classic I roll to hit syndrome that drives me crazy. So, I decided to come up with something I liked more. Advantage Dice make the player engage the world around him, make him look for any advantage his character can get. Rather than rely on his sheet, the player has to think outside his sheet and think of ways to gain advantages. The advantages arent front loaded and calculated ahead of time. When all the thinking is already done for the player, he resorts to I roll to hit. He doesnt even address the situation with an in-character voice. I roll to hit. With advantage dice, he must think about the fight in-character. He must address the situation going on. If he just rolls to hit, hes missing out on all the goodies. As the GM, it is your job to reward his creativity. Do it. You might be surprised at the response.

You may choose for your Hero to rely on his own skills rather than call upon the favor of the Gods. If you do so, you roll a number of dice equal to your Hubris (plus any Advantage Dice). Your Heros Hubris increases and decreases during the course of the game. See Chapter 3: Devotion & Divinity: Curses, and Chapter 5: Making Your Hero Better, below.

If your Hero wants to call on the power of the Gods to guide his hand through his Risk, roll a number of d6s equal to your Heros Devotion to the appropriate God. If you are fighting, roll your Devotion for the God of the Battlefield; when you are building a wall, roll your Devotion to the God of Craft, when youre trying to seduce the Queen of the Black Mask, use your Devotion to the Goddess of Love. Theres a trick, however. The player of the appropriate God decides how many dice you may roll. He may allow you to roll your total Devotion or he may allow you to roll only a portion of that number. For example, if youre in a sword fight with one of the Assassin-Priests of Ikhalu, you call upon the God of the Battlefield for strength in the fight. Your current Devotion to the God of the Battlefield is 5, so the player of that God can allow you to roll up to 5 dice for the fight. He may, however, allow you less dice. It all depends on what youve done for him lately. You may choose to call upon a God whose powers are not appropriate to your roll. For example, calling on the Goddess of Hearth and Home in a fight for your life or calling on the God of Justice for picking a lock is invoking a God outside that Gods sphere of influence. If you choose to call upon a God


The only time a thief should have to bother rolling dice to pick a lock is if theres a big monster chasing him. Jared Sorensen Most days, a Hero can get by without ever rolling a die. He doesnt need to roll dice for most actions, just the ones that are really risky. Eventually, Jareds aforementioned thief above will pick the lock; otherwise, the story sits still with the thief on one side of the door and the adventure on the other. Rolling dice should only occur if: The success of the Heros action is in question, and/or Rolling dice adds tension and drama to the situation. So, instead of using the standard Task Resolution System clich, Ive chosen to call it Taking Risks.

One of the most important elements of the Enemy Gods system is Advantage Dice. These are dice the GM hands out to players for showing initiative and for good roleplaying. Each Advantage Die is another die the player can roll for a chance of rolling another success. Advantage Dice represent advantages your Hero has in any given Risk. GMs should not be shy about giving Advantage Dice; they are here to reward good roleplaying, planning, and innovative thinking. Here are some examples of when the GM should award Advantage Dice. A player says, I have three advantages over my opponent. My Hero has a sword. Also, Im on higher ground. Finally, my Hero has the sun behind him, shining in my opponents eyes. The GM agrees and says, Okay. You have three advantages. You can roll three additional dice on your attack. In many ways, a Heros Backgrounds are like permanent Advantage Dice. Because a Hero has a past, he can use the skills he learned from that past as Advantage Dice.

D evoTIoN


When your Hero takes a Risk, he must make a choice: either he may rely on the blessings of the Gods or he can rely on his own skills and talents. When he invokes the Gods, you roll dice based on his Devotions. When he




Chapter 2
Each Risk has a degree of Difficulty. You roll your dice whether theyre from Hubris or Devotion and count the number of evens you roll and compare it to the Difficulty assigned by the GM (see below). Your GM picks the Risk Difficulty depending on how hard he feels the Risk is. A Hard Risk is something that requires an incredible amount of effort; a Mythic Risk that the Hero only makes once or twice in his lifetime (or game session, depending on how heroic you want your campaign to be). We recommend most actions be set to a 3 Difficulty or even a 2 Difficulty. That way, most Heroes (who are heroes, after all) succeed most of the time on most of the tasks they want to accomplish. All mundane tasks such as tying sandals, picking up a piece of paper and successfully sneezing into a handkerchief are actions requiring no dice roll: theyre just not risky. You should only roll dice if the success of the Heros action is either important, or in doubt. In other words, if the success of a simple action means the life and death of thousands, by all means, force a roll. But if it means stalling the game for an hour while we determine if Bill the Barbarian can count to three, ignore it and move on. There are many more important (and dramatic) actions in store for our Heroes and weve only got until midnight before the GMs girlfriend starts calling on his cell phone. First, both contestants roll dice (add any Advantages) and keep the evens. The Hero with the most successes gains a Moderate Success. If the successful Hero gets double the successes of the other Hero, he gains a Complete Success. You will find rules later on in this book for Moderate and Complete Successes, but in general, just what Complete and Moderate Successes mean is up to the GM and the players. They are just a handy tools to make the process less binary and more colorful.

3: Devotion & Divinity

Every once in a while, a Hero needs your help, and whats a God for if it isnt answering petitions of prayer? Your Divinity Points are sitting right in front of you, and they are your key to helping Heroes out in their times of need. Domain is an important concept to understand because it is the lynchpin for using Divinity. Using a Gods Divinity is easier within his or her Domain. Using Divinity outside your Domain is much more difficult.


Mythic Risks are the kind of actions that defy logic. Everything Heracles does in his twelve tasks is a Mythic Risk. But Heroes should be taking on Mythic challenges from time to time. Re-routing rivers, holding up the world and fooling the God of Fortune isnt the bread and butter of Heroes, but... well, actually, it is. So, every once in a while, Heroes get to do something spectacular. Isnt that why theyre heroes afterall?


Gods start each session with a number of Divinity Points equal to the total Devotion the Heroes have for your God. Go around the table and have each Hero tell you how much Devotion he has for you. The total Devotion is the number of Divinity Points you gain at the beginning of the game. You retain any Divinity you saved from last game, so add these new points to your old points. Divinity can be used in many ways. You can spend Divinity to assert your divine authority, help a Hero, curse him, create miracles, or bestow blessings. Each is discussed below.


In most RPGs, if players have questions, they ask the GM. In Enemy Gods, if players have questions, they consult the proper authority: the Gods. If a question is ever raised during the game and a God can answer the question, he spends one Divinity to assert his authority over reality. When a God has Domain, it is easier for the God to give inspiration, bestow miracles, and otherwise use Divinity. For example, a group of Heroes are standing in a village. Raiding trolls are stealing away villagers. They come in the night, attack a single homestead, leaving no one alive to tell the tale. One of the Heroes asks, Im a hunter. What do I know about trolls? Usually, this question would go to the GM, but in this circumstance, the God of Wisdom the font of all knowledge can answer the question. The God of Wisdom spends one Divinity and answers the question. You know very little, he replies. But you do know trolls cannot simply be killed. They must be burned or they rise up again under the light of the moon.

If your Hero screws up on his first attempt, he can try again, but he loses one die from his original die total. For every subsequent re-try, subtract an additional die.

Easy Risks = Diff 1 Normal Risks = Diff 2 Difficult Risks = Diff 3 Hard Risks = Diff 4 Mythic Risks = Diff 8

A God has a certain amount of power based on whether or not he has authority on a matter. For example, when you seduce the barmaid (again), the Goddess of Love has Domain. When you fight a villain with knives, the God of the Battlefield has Domain. When you call on your knowledge of poisons and venoms, the God of Wisdom has Domain.


Actions that directly test your skills against another Hero are called Contested Risks. Heres how theyre handled.



Chapter 3
Another example: two armies stand ready to match skills and swords. A player has a question: who has the advantage? The GM turns to the God of the Battlefield. Who does have the advantage? The God of the Battlefield spends a Divinity and answers, The army of the Yellow Moon. They have the advantage. A final example: a player asks, How long would it take me to forge a sword? The God of Craft spends a Divinity and answers: One month. The GM always has final say over Divine Authority, but if he does veto a Gods answer, the God does not have to spend Divinity. For example, the God of the Battlefield has just answered, The army of the Yellow Moon has the advantage. The GM replies, No. They dont. The God of the Battlefield does not have to spend Divinity because the GM has vetoed his Authority. If two Gods ever disagree on an issue of authority, a Divine Convocation can be called. Either the GM or a God may call a Convocation. When it is called, all mortal activity ceases while the Gods gather to discuss the issue of authority. When the Convocation is called, each God has the opportunity to spend one Divinity. He does not need to spend a Divinity to attend the Convocation, but he does need to spend a Divinity to vote at the end of it. If a God does not spend a Divinity, he may speak at the Convocation, but he may not have a say in its decision. During the Convocation, all the Gods discuss the matter at hand, deciding the issues presented. At the end of the Convocation, all the Gods who spent Divinity at the beginning of the gathering are allowed a single vote. The winning side has Divine Authority over the matter. At any time during the Convocation, if the GM feels the meeting is going too long or the arguments are getting stale, he may call for an immediate vote. For example, in the instance of the villagers and the trolls above, one Hero prays to the God of Justice, asking if the trolls actions against the villagers are just. The God of Justice spends a Divinity and says, Yes. The Goddess of the Hearth, on the other hand, spends a Divinity and says, No, it is not. Because two Gods have spent Divinity to assert authority, a Convocation is called. Now, all the other Gods have an opportunity to spend Divinity for an opportunity to vote on the issue. The God of Justice argues the trolls are, in fact, making justice by attacking the villagers. Long ago, the trolls lived here and the fields and crops belonged to them. But, humans moved into the land and drove out the trolls. Now, many generations later, the trolls are taking their land back. By declaring that the trolls actions are just, the God of Justice is saying the battle is under his Domain, and not any other Gods Domain. The Goddess of the Hearth argues that the people living on the land now should not be punished for what their ancestors did. She also brings up the fact that the God of the Battlefield should be careful the God of Justice is trying to usurp the Bloody Gods authority and Domain in this circumstance. The God of the Battlefield agrees and snarls at the God of Justice. Finally, the GM announces theres been enough discussion and all the Gods should vote. Each God secretly votes and in the end it is decided the God of Justice is wrong; the trolls action is not just and the Goddess of the Hearth is correct. The villagers are protecting their homes, and thus, the Goddess of Hearth and Home has Domain over the matter.

Devotion & Divinity

Goddess of Love wants to help a Hero seduce the barmaid (there she is again), every Divinity Point she spends gives that Hero a number of dice to roll equal to his Devotion to the Goddess.

Outside Your Domain

Helping Heroes outside your sphere of influence costs a bit more. Inspiring your Hero outside your Domain costs one Divinity Point per die rolled. Thus, if the Goddess of Love wants to help a Hero in a sword fight, she has to spend one Divinity Point to give him one bonus die.

Quick Note
Gods do not use Divinity Points to give Heroes dice for Risks; those are part of the basic system. The dice Gods give out as Inspiration are a separate mechanic all together. Just in case you were confused.


Sometimes, an issue of Domain isnt quite clear. For example, if a man is fighting for his true love, does the Goddess of Love or the God of the Battlefield hold Domain? If a group of farmers want to better their crops, does the God of Wisdom or the Goddess of the Hearth hold domain? If the issue of Domain is contested, both Gods have the opportunity to spend Divinity to assert their right of Domain. The God who spends the most Divinity is the one who may assert his authority on the matter.

Heroes use their Devotion to a God to determine how many dice they roll for a Risk, but sometimes, that isnt quite enough. When a Hero needs it, Gods reach down into the world and touch that Heroe, giving his abilities a little umph. This moment of Divine Inspiration augments the existing strengths of the Hero, making him a little stronger, a little faster or a little smarter than he already is. We call this Divine Inspiration and it allows you to give your Hero additional dice to roll for any action. Divine Inspiration costs differently depending on the circumstances.


Gods are powerful beings, capable of ripping up mountains, draining oceans, creating rivers, and making lead into gold. At the beginning of this game, we talked about defining the nature of your pantheon, and what your Gods were capable of doing. Can they directly manipulate nature? Can they turn the sky black and make the clouds rain blood? Can they send manna down to feed their hungry people? Its all up to you and the GM. Talk about it. There is one rule about Divine Intervention that really should not be broken, and thats killing a Hero. This is strictly forbidden. You can smite down an army of ten thousand with thunderbolts from the sky if you like, but you cannot kill a Gods Hero. Ony another mortal can do that.

A N o pTIoNAl R ule : D IvINe C oNvoCATIoN

For players who want to emulate the disagreements between Gods and play some of the political game between Deities, the following rules are recommended.

Within Your Domain

If you help your Hero in a field that falls under your influence, every Divinity Point you spend gives that Hero a number of dice equal to his Devotion to you. That is, if the



Chapter 3
If you are Poseidon and you want to keep Athenas Champion away from home for twenty years (thus drawing Athenas wrath), thats all right. Just remember: never make an enemy who you cant kill. Odysseus is actually a good example to bring up right about now, because being lost at sea for twenty years is exactly what he deserved. After the Trojan War, Odysseus looted the temples of Troy, destroying altars of all the Gods. Poseidon didnt like that, so he punished Odysseus by keeping him away from home for two decades. At the end of the Odyssey, he asks Athena his patron why she didnt help him (a common question for Heroes; they never notice when youre around). Athena just shook her head and said, I couldnt help you. You may also forbid a Hero from touching a specific material. A Hero who cannot touch iron, for example, would put out any combat-oriented Hero quite well. On the other hand, a scholarly Hero who cant touch books without suffering a Wound is in a whole different world of pain. Using a Heros vanity against her is a classic method of divine punishment. Medusas curse is the most famous, of course, but there are so many examples of Gods punishing Heroes with curses related to their greatest strength. Be creative and just a little cruel. But, be warned! If you are too cruel, you may lose the Devotion of the other Heroes.

Devotion & Divinity

Step One: Devotion Rank
When performing a miracle, determine the target Heros Devotion Rank. For every Divinity Point you spend, you can roll a number of dice equal to the Devotion of the Hero. For example, the Hero you want to target has 3 Devotion to you, so every Devotion Point you spend gives you 3 dice to roll for your miracle. If the miracle does not affect a specific Hero (or NPC), you must spend 1 Divinity for every die. But the God of Craft doesnt appreciate the Goddesss meddling, so he decides to interfere. At the moment, the Goddess of Love has 12 Divinity and the God of Craft has 14. Thus, the God of Craft has more Divinity than the Goddess of Love, so interfering with her miracle will not cost double. The priestess has a 2 Devotion to the God of Craft, so every Divinity he spends subtracts 2 dice from the Goddess of Loves miracle roll. He may only spend one Divinity to interfere, but there is nothing stopping him from convincing the God of Fortune to interfere as well

This implies rules mortals are not aware of, rules that bind even the Gods. Come up with a set of rules for your pantheon. What happens to a mortal who offends them? Do the Gods have the right to meddle with them, even if they are Heroes of a rival God? And can the patron of that Hero aid their beloved mortal, or must they watch from the sidelines and hope? Athena did. And at the end of it all, she got the greatest Greek Hero of them all. Most curses can take the form of a simple die penalty related to the Gods sphere of influence.


Step Two: Influence

If your miracle falls within your sphere of influence, there is no penalty. If it does not, the miracles Divinity cost is doubled. For example, the God of the Battlefield wants to prevent a Hero in a Dukes court from drinking a cup of poisoned wine. The Hero has a 4 Devotion to the God of the Battlefield. Because this miracle does not fall within the Gods sphere of influence, Dyr must spend two Divinity to gain four dice (based on the Heros Devotion of four.)

Step Four: Making the Roll

The GM assigns a Target Number, you roll the dice, and see if your God succeeds: TN 5: Small Interventions such as healing wounds, stopping a fatal blow, or letting a Hero walk on water. TN 7: Major Interventions such as moving a Hero across the world overnight, making a marching army get lost in the woods, or draining a lake. TN 10: Vast Interventions such as raining fire and ash down an entire city, parting a sea, leveling a mountain range, or making every first-born child in a city die. If you succeed, your miracle works. If not, your miracle fails.

Every once in a while, a God has to really pull off some serious mojo to help his Hero out. Whether this is parting the Red Sea, knocking down arrows flying at the Heros back or saving his ship from sinking between the Scylla and Kharibdis, we call this blatant use of divine power Divine Intervention. Any God can push his Hero a little here and there, but it takes some serious power to change the world, even for just a moment. Divine Intervention is a little trickier than simply inspiring a single person, and it requires a lot of Divinity Points.

D IvINe I NTeRveNTIoN (m IRACleS )

Step Three: Help and Hindrances

Finally, other Gods can either help or hinder your miracle. Gods with more Divinity Points than you (before you started spending them for your miracle) can spend one Divinity Point to subtract or add a number of dice equal to the Heros Devotion to them. A God can only do this once per Divine Intervention. If a God has less Divinity than you, the cost to interfere is doubled. For example, the Goddess of Love wants to aid one of her priestesses by making another Hero fall in love with her. The priestess has a 5 Devotion to the Goddess of Love, so every Divinity the Goddess spends gives her 5 dice for her miracle.


Sometimes, Heroes get out of line and need to be reminded of their place in the world (which is worshiping the Gods, of course). When its obvious a Hero has become too big for his britches, you may decide to give him some Divine Retribution also known as Cursing the Hero. (Smiting is a good word, too.)


Chapter 3
Mythology is full of Gods who take offense at the littlest things and punish mortals mercilessly for it. (Theres even a story about one God who did it for nothing more than a bet.) You may choose to smite a Hero at any time; youre a God, theres nothing stopping you from being jealous, wrathful, and belligerent if you feel a mortal has offended you. When you choose to smite a Hero, use a formula similar to the formula for performing a miracle. Hubris and a 3 Love Devotion. She spends three Divinity for 9 dice (3 Hubris x 3 = 9). The Goddess player rolls the dice and gets 4 successes. Because she rolled more successes than the Heros Devotion, the curse is successful. The player of the Hero writes Cursed by the Goddess of Love: 4 on his Heros sheet. The Hero decides not to lower his Devotion to the Goddess, hoping he can win her favor again. The Blessing can do one thing. The berserker rage, the lustful kiss, the knowledge to make a specific kind of weapon or item are all good examples of Blessings that do a single thing. Blessings cost 5 Divinity to bestow and 5 Divinity to revoke it. For example, a follower of the God of the Battlefield has a Battle Devotion of 3. He may use up to 3 Battle Blessings per game session. So far, the God of the Battlefield has given this follower two Blessings: Berserk and Slash. The follower may use Berserk three times in one day and never use Slash at all, or he may use Slash three times. Or, he may choose to use Slash twice and Berserk once. A God of the Battlefield who gives his warriors the ability to become bloodthirsty berserks on the battlefield; a Goddess of Love whos priestesses can make any man fall in love with them with a single kiss; a God of Craft who teaches his followers the secrets of metalworking no other living soul knows; these are just some examples of Blessings that Gods can give to the faithful. Again, if youd like to see some sample Blessings, check out the sample Gods in Appendix 1.

Devotion & Divinity

prayers more intently. A Hero may be an acolyte of many Gods, but be careful; those Gods are known to be both jealous and wrathful. Your Hero may also choose not be an Acolyte of a God. The same warnings apply.

When the Acolyte calls upon the God in question, he may re-roll one die per Risk. For example, an Acolyte of the God of Wisdom calls upon the God of Wisdom for knowledge about a specific regions history. When he rolls his dice, he may re-roll any one die for the chance of rolling another success.

Burning a Curse
There are two ways of getting rid of a curse.

Step One: Using the Heros Hubris Against Him

When casting a curse, every point of Divinity you spend gets you a number of dice equal to that Heros Hubris.

Step Two: Determine the Curses Strength

Roll your dice, and if you roll higher than the Heros Devotion to your God, your curse is successful. If not, it doesnt affect him. Tell the hapless Hero what Doom has befallen him, and tell him the number of successes you got on your roll. The Hero writes down the curse and your number of successes.


At the end of each game, a Hero is given 2 Devotion Points to put toward increasing his Devotions. He may burn one of those Devotion Points to burn one Curse Rank. The Hero may also burn one Hubris Rank to burn one Rank of the Curse.

D evoTIoN 5: A NoINTeD

At Devotion 5, the Hero is considered an anointed priest or priestess of the God and may be initiated in the mystery rites of the God. A Hero may only be a priest of one God at a time, regardless of his other Devotions. In other words, a Hero can have multiple Devotions of 5, but he can only be a Priest of one God at a time.


A God can also use Divinity to give a Hero Blessings. These are permanent bonuses on the Heros sheet permanent until that Hero loses favor with you and you take them away, that is. The rules for Blessings are as follows: A Hero may call upon a number of Blessings from a God equal to his Devotion to that God. The Blessing should adhere to the Gods theme.

Mystery Rites
When a priest calls upon a God, his Devotion to the God provides great power. Once per game, a priest can perform rites to give his God power. Performing the rite takes an entire night, leaving the priest exhausted at the end of the ritual (an Advantage to any opponents). At the end of that time, the God gains Divinity equal to the Devotion of his Priest.

As a Heros Devotion increases, his relationship to that God also increases, allowing for more potent uses of Divinity. Devotions up to 3 are typical for Heroes and do not bestow any special benefits. Devotions of 4 or higher, on the other hand, give a Hero and the God in question a few notable advantages.

Whenever a God successfully curses a Hero, the Hero decides if his Devotion to that God falls by one. He doesnt have to drop his Devotion; the choice is his. For example, the Goddess of Love wants to curse a Hero for performing a poem without invoking her (he used his Hubris rather than invoking the Goddess). The Hero has a 3

D evoTIoN 6: C HAmpIoN

D evoTIoN 4: A ColYTe

If a Hero has a 4 Devotion to a God, he is known as an acolyte. He is considered favored by that God who listens to his

A champion is a Hero who has so much Devotion for a single God, he becomes a living symbol of that Gods power. Becoming a Champion is not easy; the Hero needs more than just Devotion to be a Gods champion.


Chapter 3
In order for a Hero to become a Champion, she must first accomplish a few minor tasks. The Hero must have at least 5 Defining Moments. The Heros Devotion to that God must be at least 6 and no other Devotion can be higher than 5. As soon as a Hero becomes a Champion, all other Devotions higher than 5 drop to 5. Finally, a God may have only one player character champion at a time. Although, there may be other Champions out there, somewhere Hero must face her worst fears alone, without the help of the Gods. This is that time. In order for a Heros Flaw to come into play, a God (PC or NPC) must Call the Flaw. A God spends five Divinity Points to call a Heros Flaw. By spending five Divinity Points at the beginning of a game session, before anything else happens, a Hero becomes destined to encounter his Flaw during that game session. When it happens is up to the player (or GM) who spent the Divinity Points. When your Heros Flaw is invoked, no God may spend any Divinity Points to help her in any way. The Hero must overcome the situation without any divine help. There is an upside to all this, by the way. If your Hero survives the situation, it is automatically considered a Defining Moment. If your Hero doesnt survive encountering her Flaw well, its time to get a new Hero.

4: Combat
This combat system is designed to encourage the kind of epic battles found in Greek, Roman, and Norse myths. Where bigger-than-life Heroes duke it out in earthshattering, pulse pounding battles until one makes the killing blow. In order to do that, we had to throw out a few standard fantasy conventions (hit points, for example) and replace them with a system that feels mythic and encourages players to keep that feel alive rather than resort to the standard I roll to hit clich. Dont worry, theres still an initiative and to hit rolls, so youre not completely in the dark. The biggest change here is one of timing. Instead of announcing your action, then rolling to see if you succeeded you roll for successes, then use those successes to describe your characters actions. Its a little different, and it requires a little bit of explaining, but its also a lot simpler than a lot of other systems. successes, right down the line. If two characters roll the exact initiative, the one with the higher Battle Devotion goes first. If there is still a tie, their actions are simultaneous (or the God of Battle decides; your choice). The God of Battle may spend a Divinity to put a character (Hero or otherwise) at the front of the initiative order.

There are many benefits to being a Gods Champion: When your God Divinely Intervenes on your behalf, it costs other Gods double to interfere. If your God wants to give you a Blessing, it costs only 3 Divinity Points rather than 5. Finally, if your God wants to invoke a miracle, he can do so by channeling Divinity through you. Under normal circumstances, Gods have to use Divinity 1-for-1 for miracles that do not directly target you. Because you are a living avatar of your God, he can send the Divinity through you, allowing you to call upon his power and perform miracles at the usual cost (1 Divinity = your Devotion in dice).

When it comes time for your Hero to do something, he can take one action. That action can be any number of things, but it all boils down to doing one thing. You could run across the room, jump over a table, use your sword to slice open a guys artery whatever you like. It just has to be one thing.

Dont let me go out like a sucka. - attributed to Samuel Jackson speaking to George Lucas Character death can be senseless, but a Heros death is almost never without reason or meaning. Were talking about mythological heroes here, folks. Everything about them has meaning. How they were born, how they live, how they brush their teeth, and yes, how they die. Killing a character because some punk gets a lucky roll is not only unfun, it also flies in the face of everything myth is about. A Heros death is just as important as his life. Dont waste it on an unlucky die roll. Make something of it.

HeRoeS vS. No-NAmeS

Before we get any further in the combat procedure, lets talk a moment about Heroes and No-Names. You already know about Heroes the Chosen of the Gods. But No Names are characters in the world who are just walk on characters. Theyre extras. They really arent an essential part of the script. When a Hero attacks No-Names, he rolls a number of dice equal to his Battle Devotion + any Advantages he may have. The number of successes he gains is the number of NoNames he can dispatch with a single action.

Every combat consists of the following phases: 1. Initiative 2. Action 3. Resolution

T He H eRo S F lAW

At some time during the game, a Heros Flaw will come into play, either by chance or fate. No God can spend Divinity Points to protect him. They cant summon floods to wash her away from danger, they cant lift her onto a cloud away from poison arrows nothing. At some time in every myth, the

At the beginning of the round, everyone involved in the combat rolls a number of dice equal to their Battle Devotion. The Hero with the most successes acts first, followed by the second-highest number of

HeRoeS vS. HeRoeS

When a Hero faces another Hero, the combat system is a little different.



Chapter 4
The Hero with the higher initiative goes first. He rolls his Battle Devotion + any Advantages he has. His TN is his opponents Battle Devotion + any defensive Advantages he may have. If the attacker succeeds (hits his TN), he gains one Advantage Die for his next action and must explain how he gained some kind of advantage over his opponent. It could be as simple as I throw sand in your face, or I kick your feet out from under you, or I parry your sword so its out to the side, or any other kind of advantage the player describes. The GM can veto any advantage as too advantageous. For example, Jallan is attacking Borvir. Jallans Battle Devotion is 4 and Borvirs Battle Devotion is 3. When Jallan attacks Borvir, he needs to roll at least 3 evens to gain an advantage in the battle. To make matters worse, Borvir has a large shield which gives him an additional defensive Advantage. This increases Jallans TN to succeed by 1, making his total TN 4. Jallan knows he cannot get 4 successes with just 4 dice, so he looks for advantages to give him some Advantage Dice. I have a sword, he says. Thats worth 1 Advantage Die. I have a Soldier Background of 3, he says. Thats worth 3 Advantage Dice. I also have the sun behind my back, he says. Borvir disputes that advantage, so they consult the God of Battle. The God of Battle shakes his head. No, he says. You do not have that Advantage. So, Jallan has the following advantages: 4 Battle Devotion 1 Sword 3 Soldier He has a total of 8 Advantages, so he can roll 8 dice to beat the 4 TN. He rolls his dice and gets 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6. Four evens! Jallans strike succeeds! Jallans player explains that his sword strikes Borvir on the shoulder, making a deep slash. Because Jallan succeeded in his attack, he gains one additional Advantage die on his next attack.

The winner can also give the loser any number of Wounds he choses. As the fight proceeds, you keep all Advantage Dice you gained from the previous rounds. That is, if you gain 1 Advantage in the first round, 2 in the second, and 1 more in third, you roll 4 additional dice for each subsequent attack, gaining even more Advantage Dice with each round as long as your attack succeeds. If any of your attacks fail, you lose all Advantage Dice you gained from the combat. You do not lose Advantage Dice from weapons, armor, or Backgrounds; just the Advantages you gained from successful attacks.

F IgHTINg m oRe T HAN o Ne o ppoNeNT


If your Hero is fighting more than one opponent, each opponent gets a number of Advantage Dice equal to the additional opponents. So, if three people are attacking your Hero, each gets 2 additional Advantage Dice.

If the attacker gains additional successes above and beyond the TN, he may exchange each success for an Advantage Die for his next roll as well. However, he must explain how he gained each Advantage. For example, it is now Borivirs turn to attack Jallan. He has the following Advantages: 3 Battle Devotion 2 Spear (it is a weapon; and it has reach on Jallans sword) 4 Barbarian Background Thats a total of nine Advantages to roll against Jallans 4 Battle Devotion. Borivir rolls 9 dice and gets: 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6. Six successes! Not only did he roll his required 4, but he got two additional successes. So, Borivir says, When you cut my shoulder, I hit you in the face with the butt of my spear, spinning you around. Thats for his one Advantage for succeeding. However, Borivir also has two additional successes. So, he says, When your back is turned to me, I slash your heel. Thats one success. Then, he says, I slash your back as well. Because he described the two advantages he gained from the fight, Borivir gains two additional Advantage Dice on his next attack (for a total of three Advantage Dice).




There are two ways to win a fight. First, if your opponent cannot overcome his Wounds (the number of applicable Wounds is greater than the dice he can throw), your opponent falls and has lost the fight. Second, as soon as one combatant rolls a number of successes equal to his opponents Battle Devotion + 5, he wins the fight.


The Gods may interfere in a battle, but they need Divine Authority to do so. If a God has Authority, he may give Divine Inspiration, create Miracles, or otherwise interfere. The God of Battle and the Goddess of the Hearth, however, always have Divine Authority over a battle in two very specific ways.

The winner has the choice to kill the loser or spare him; he determines how the fight ends. This could be as simple as I kill my opponent, or it could be, I slam my shoulder into you and you fall to the ground, losing your sword. I step on your chest and put my sword at your throat.

The God of Battle has Domain when giving Advantage Dice to the attacker; he is always eager to see more bloodshed. He may spend 1 Divinity to give the attacker a number of Advantage Dice equal to the attackers Battle Devotion for one round. The Goddess of the Hearth has Divine Authority when protecting the Defender; all the creatures in the world are her children, and she will protect them to the end. She may spend 1 Divinity to increase the TN to hit the defender for one round. The TN increase is equal to the defenders Devotion to her.


Chapter 4
When other Gods try interfering in a battle, they must justify their action. For example, if the Goddess of Love wants to interfere in the battle, she must have a reason to assert her authority; either the Hero is protecting his true love, or two lovers are fighting to the death, or some other excuse. Likewise, the God of Fortune or the God of Craft must justify their meddling in the God of Battles Domain.

C omBAT D eTAIlS Ranged Weapons
On the other hand, theres no doubt a skilled archer shooting at a target from three hundred yards has a definite advantage. When a Hero uses a ranged weapon, give him 3 Advantage Dice and his opponet, if he doesnt have a ranged weapon of his own, cant do anything about it but try hiding. Aint ranged weapons cool? Weapons, armor, tactics all of these are represented by Advantage Dice. Here are the details. situation. However, a more heroic campaign should emphasize the heros ability to overcome his Wounds.

Melee Weapons
When it really comes down to it, a knife can kill you just as quickly as a sword can. The whole notion of a knife doing d4 hit points while a sword does d8 or d10 is really very silly. In the hands of a professional (and lets assume our Heroes are professionals; they do get paid for what they do), a knife and a two-handed bastard sword are really the same thing. Theyre just means to the same end: piercing your opponents heart or cutting his throat. A weapon provides an advantage. If you have a weapon, it gives you an advantage. Swords, knives, pole arms and back-of-the-hand claws all provide your character an advantage, you get Advantage Dice: one, two or three, depending on the circumstances. If you have a knife and your opponent has a pole arm, one of you has a definite advantage and it aint you. On the other hand, if you can get by your opponents pole arm and get into some tight fighting, the advantage of a pole arm disappears. In a fight between professionals, the advantages weapons give are entirely circumstantial, depending on the fight, the fighting ground and the fighters. A good GM will take that into account when the fun starts and apply the bonuses as necessary.

NoN-vIoleNT ComBAT
Not all contests are physical; some are mental or even social. For example, lets use the classic fantasy RPG contest, better known as seducing the barmaid. My character has 3 Devotion for the Goddess of Love. The GM (playing the barmaid) decides this buxom wench has 2 Devotion for the same Goddess. We both roll dice and we keep rolling using the same method just described above: We keep making attacks (me, flirting; her rebuking) until my character gets a kiss or a slap, depending on the outcome of the contest.

W INNINg & l oSINg

An ingenious playtester came up with the idea of incorporating maneuvers into the above system. A maneuver involves dropping a die from your current roll to make your opponent drop a die from his subsequent roll. For example, if you want to get cancel an opponents Advantage Dice he gets because of weapon reach, drop one die from your roll. If you make the roll, your opponent has to drop one Advantage Die out of his next roll. The same can work to cancel Advantage Dice gained from armor, advantageous ground, etc. Dropping dice allows a more naturally skilled fighter to cancel the circumstantial advantage of his opponent. If your Heros Wounds cancel out any dice hed get to use for a Risk, he cannot take that Risk and must choose to do something else.

If a combatants Wounds are equal to or outnumber the number of dice he would roll for an action, he may not take that action. For example, if a Hero has 3 Wounds and a 2 Devotion to the Goddess of Love, he may not take any actions that would call upon the Goddess of Love unless she provides him enough dice to overcome his Wounds.

If a Hero is confronted with an attack and has no dice to defend himself, the attacker automatically wins and determines what happens to the loser. Yes, this means your opponent can say, I kill him.


o pTIoNAl R epARTee R uleS

How do I get rid of my Wounds? Well, a good nights rest will take care of little Wounds like cuts and abrasions, but more serious Wounds stick around a lot longer. Like everything else in this section, theres reality and how it is in the books. I personally like characters having to deal with Wounds; I think it adds drama to the

Now, some players are very witty and some are not. Some can be funny on the fly while some get a good line in every once in a while, and there are a few you just have to pry out of their shells with a big, fat character reward crowbar. While this is a roleplaying game, which intimates good roleplaying should be rewarded with bonuses and bad roleplaying punished with penalties, I dont see why a player who isnt clever or crafty cant get a reward for trying. So, heres what I do to make sure everybody gets a chance to get a kiss from the barmaid.

Remember: all effects of combat do not occur until the end of the current combat round. That means the effects of I kill him do not occur until everyone has taken their action. This gives other Heroes the opportunity to pull your fat out of the fire at the last moment.

Bonus Dice
First, if the player just rolls dice for the exchange with the barmaid without even trying to be clever, charming or witty, he gets no help from me. (If you dont try, you dont get the prize.) If he makes even a simple attempt at being witty, I give him one bonus die for the effort. If he lives up to his own abilities at being clever, I give him two dice (that way, both the clever and non-


Chapter 4
clever player both get the same reward for living up to their own potential). If the player goes above and beyond his usual level of performance, I give him three bonus dice to roll. But, thats just me. You may like giving roleplaying bonuses or you may not. Thats why this here is what we call an optional rule.

Now we come to all the nitty gritty details. How much damage does fire do? How about poison? How about falling damage? Well, to be honest, I usually handle this stuff on the fly when Im the GM, even in games that give me specific rules for it (I dont like pausing the game to look up a rule). So, Ill give you a few guidelines and encourage you to be creative and treat every circumstance as its own specific rule.

p oISoN

The Repartee Reserve

This is a pool of dice the player adds to whenever hes clever, witty or just plain funny. In other words, if the player roleplays well, actively contributes to conversations and otherwise makes his character seem real, I give him one Point to add to his Repartee Reserve at the end of each session. He keeps these Points between sessions and can trade them in for dice he uses during any verbal exchange. And once theyve been spent, you cant get them back unless you earn yourself more.

F AllINg

If you have to wonder if a hero can survive a fall, he probably cant. My buddy the forensic specialist tells me if the human body takes a 20 to 30 foot fall, it generally doesnt get back up on its own. Anything higher than that is risking internal hemorrhaging and a slow, painful death. If you want something a bit more heroic, roll one die per ten feet the character falls. Every odd is a Wound.

Most poisons kill you right on the spot, rather than just make you sick or kill you over time. But in fantasy literature, theres a rich tradition of the slow poison, giving the hero ample opportunity to find an exotic cure for his impending doom. Thus, Id suggest giving each poison a deadline and divide the amount of time between contact and that deadline into even segments. For example, if a poison has a twenty-four hour deadline (you get poisoned on Saturday at noon, you die on Sunday at noon), divide those twenty-four hours into 4 segments. Each segment gives the character a cumulative 1 to all actions. So, every 6 hours he gets another penalty. If the deadline is one month (now thats a slow poison), divide into days. If the deadline is minutes, divide the penalties into seconds. Thats how Id do poisons.

Wounds are a way for the GM to communicate to the player. They indicate a general degree of health the player's character is in. The more Wounds a character has, the more it communicates to his player that he'd better keep an eye on his character. Use Wounds as a guide; not as an absolute. Not all Wounds are the same: a broken leg is not on the same level as a gash across the forearm. Use Wounds to tell stories, not keep track of gory details.

This rule is put here at the end for those of you who like a deadlier combat system. Use it at your own risk. If you ever succeed at an attack against your opponent, you deliver one Wound. A Wound is a description of a cut, bruise, bump or otherwise slightly incapacitating injury. Wounds not only give your character scars, they also affect his actions. Whenever your Hero gets a Wound, the person who gives it to you gets to describe the nature of the Wound. A cut over your right eye, a broken wrist, a spained ankle, are all examples of Wounds. Whenever your Hero takes a Risk, check her Wounds to see if any are applicable to the Risk. If the number of applicable Wounds is equal to or greater than the number of dice you can generate for that Risk, you cant take that Risk. You must either find more dice (by praying to a God or finding more Advantages) or fail at the Risk.In case youre wondering, the effects of multiple Wounds can apply to one action.

k NoCk o uTS


veRBAl AND CeReBeRAl DuelS

Duels of wit and intellect can be just as much fun - and just as dangerous - as a fight with sword and shield. Tales of samurai playing Go with the loser bowing his head for a quick slice of his opponent's katana are rampant through Japanese folklore. Arthur's knights were faced with puzzles just as often as jousts. And what knight's tale would be complete without a run-in with an enchantress, looking for a few knights to fill her bedcha-I mean, court, court!

Getting burned for real isnt like getting burned in the movies. You cant out-run an explosion: you have mass, fire has next to none. However, it is fun to watch the hero run down the corridor away from the tumbling pillar of flame, so lets work something out. Once fire hits you, it continues to burn. Youve got to get any burning clothes or accoutrements off before they get to your skin (as opposed to real life where the fire just melts your clothes and skin together). Id say roll dice equal to the size of the fire and every odd does one Wound until the fire is put out. A small fire (campfire) is three dice. A large fire (like your classic fireball) is five dice. For every item of clothing, the GM gets to roll once for the fire. Thus, if your shirt and pants are on fire, the GM gets to roll twice.

If someone hit me over the head with something heavy, I wouldnt be checking for hit points, Id be on the floor, bleeding from the head, suffering from a concussion, throwing up all over myself. Of course, we want a system that simulates the literature that inspired it, so if you successfully sneak up and hit someone over the head, theyre knocked out and wont wake up until its absolutely the least opportune time for them to do so.


Like everything else on a character sheet, Wounds are a method of communication between the player and the GM. "I want to be strong!" the player says; he communicates this to the GM by having a strong character. "I want to be a social character!" the player says; she communicates this by having lots of social skills.



5: Making Your Hero Better

At the end of every game session, your Hero and your God both receive two Devotion Points. Your Heros sheet has a place for Devotion Points. Every point invested in a Devotion represents you trying to increase your relationship with that God. First, your Hero spends his Devotion Points. He has two, so he can put them both in one Devotion or one point in two Devotions. Second, your God gives his two Devotion Points to a Hero or Heroes. He may only put Devotion Points toward his own Devotion (the Goddess of Love can only put Devotion Points on your Devotion to her, not your Devotion to the God of War). Likewise, he can give two Devotion Points to one Hero or one Point to two Heroes. If a Hero has a number of Devotion Points equal to three times his current Devotion, that Devotion increases by one. For example, at the end of a game, my Hero has 2 Devotion Points to spend. Likewise, my God has 2 Devotion Points to give away. I decide my Hero spends one Devotion on the God of the Battlefield and one on the Goddess of Love. Likewise, I decide my God (the God of Wisdom) grants two Devotion Points to a single Hero. These points are automatically allocated to his Wisdom Devotion. fit. Your Hubris can also fluctuate depending on other circumstances. See Devotion & Divinity, above.

Appendix 1: The Pantheon
The Pantheon below is the default set of divinities for Enemy Gods. If youd like to use a different pantheon or even make up your own, consult Appendix 4.

A llIeS & R IvAlS

D eFININg m omeNTS

There are moments in a Heros life that are so remarkable, so memorable, that they become part of his legacy. These are his Defining Moments. Theseus defeating the Minotaur in the heart of its own labyrinth, Odysseus slaying all the suitors, Thor winning back Mjolnir from the Frost Giant Thrym (in a dress, no less); these are moments for a Hero that live on throughout Eternity. When a Hero does something so remarkable that even the Gods must pause and gape in awe game mechanics must be invoked! As a player, you know these moments. When everything is right, when every player stands up and cheers, when the GM stands slack jawed at the unexpected brilliance of a players actions this is a Defining Moment. When such a moment occurs, the Gods have an opportunity to reward the Hero appropriately. Each God may give up Divinity Points in recognition of the mighty deed. A God may only give a number of Divinity Points equal to the Heros Devotion to that God. If 5 Divinity Points are given up in this way, the Hero earns a Defining Moment. Write it down on his Hero sheet. At the end of each game session, if a Hero had a Defining Moment during that game, he gains one free point to allocate to any Devotion or Hubris.

Dyr doesnt like anyone, but his brilliant tactician mind knows well enough that he cant stand alone. He tries to maintain alliances with the other Gods, but the fact of the matter is his temper always gets the better of him. He has a brotherly hate-love relationship with the God of Craft (his true brother) and doesnt tolerate the God of Fortunes tricks. He is always trying to impress the Goddess of Love (who does her best to dissuade him from doing so), and thinks the God of Wisdom is a sissy. But, if called upon, he would fight to the death to defend any of them. Thats Dyr. And he wouldnt want to be any other way.


I dont need your help, Bloody One! Stay up there in the sky and dont get in the way! Typical prayer to Falvren Dyr Falvren Dyr (dire) appears as a large man with flowing red hair. His armor shines like the sun, his blade carved from the moon. On his shield is the head of the God of Darkness whom he slew in personal combat at the beginning of Time. The scars he bears are from every war ever fought. Dyrs followers espouse a life of selfreliance; a strange dichotomy for those devoted to a God. Dyr despises prayer and those who ask for assistance. Rather, he blesses those who survive on their own wits, cunning, and strength. Dyr only drops his hand to protect those who show courage and prowess in battle; he never assists those who ask for it. A God who doesnt like being relied upon, worshiped by heroes who dont like relying on anyone. Its a perfect fit.


Praying to Falvren Dyr is always a tricky task; he despises those who ask for help and rely on others for strength. Therefore, prayers to the God of the Battlefield sound more like curses and boasts than petitions of humility. Below are listed some of the most common blessings Dyr has been known to bestow. Each costs 5 Divinity.

Battle Cunning
During a battle, the Hero may subtract dice from his attack to subtract dice from his opponents Advantages. This effect lasts until the end of the battle.


Hubris increases differently. Every time you use your Hubris, it gains a point. When you gain six Hubris points, your Hubris increases by one. Also, whenever your Hubris increases, you gain another Background point. You may increase a current Background, or create a new one as you see

In order to invoke this Gift, the Hero must taste blood (it may be his own). Roll a die at the beginning of each round, noting the roll.



If any subsequent roll is lower than the previous roll, the Berserk is invoked. This means a Hero cannot, by default, berserk on the first round. Berserk lasts until the end of the current combat scene. During that scene, the Hero has 4 Advantage Dice to attack and does not suffer the effects of any Wounds. At the end of the combat, he drops unconscious from exhaustion. Also, his Wounds finally take effect. A berserk has no control while under the blood rage, attacking friend and foe alike. While berserking, the God of the Battlefield directs the Hero. That is, Falvren Dyr chooses whom the Hero attacks. The player of the Hero makes all the rolls and chooses how to attack his opponent, but the God of War directs the Heros hand. For example, Thyn has the Berserk Gift and bites his own tongue to taste blood before going into battle. On the first round, he rolls a die and gets a result of 3. Because there was no previous round, he cannot roll lower than his first roll. On the second round, he rolls a 5. Because this is not lower than his previous roll, his Berserk is not yet active. On the third round, he rolls a 1. Because this roll is lower than his previous roll, his Berserk is now active.

The Pantheon
goD oF CRAFT : AeloN vAleRoN
He has only one arm, but he has no need for two. Aelon is often called the Wounded God for he is missing his right arm. He gave it up to forge an anvil, Urdrazen. His blood and flesh cooled the hot metal from the center of the world, his divine essence blessing the hardened iron. Now, anything made from the anvil is stronger than any material found in the world. Blood iron weapons made upon it are the desire of every warrior in the world as is any item Aelon Valeron creates. But Aelon is more than just a blacksmith; he is a God of many means. As God of Craft, he is skilled in nearly every endeavor. He is a master sailor, a cooper, a tailor, and a brewer without peer. Creation is his trade, and any who seek to better their skills need seek no further than the temples of Aelon Valeron. the hero must prove his worth to join the warriors who drink at his table. If he does not, he is cast out into the world as restless dead, forever lamenting he was not cunning enough to sit at Valerons table. But Valeron does not leave his followers helpless; he assists them in subtle ways. He gives them insight into their own abilities, shows them their own strengths and helps them overcome their own weaknesses. His valere also appear from time to time, carrying weapons made from Aelons mighty anvil. Relics are Blessings bestowed by the God of Craft. He does not grant the usual Blessings, but items of great power to aid those who revere him. Whether it is Excalibur, the Aegis Shield, Stormbringer, or the Ancestral Sword of the Crane Clan, as far as game mechanics go, a Relic is a pool of Advantage Dice linked to thematic advantages and weaknesses. So, if Aelon give a Hero an Relic or weapon that gives him +3 Advantage dice, it costs 15 Divinity. Whether that Relic is a Sword of Elder Fire or a Shadow Kiss Medallion or a Dead Mans Eye is irrelevant. All were looking for is how many Advantage Dice it gives the Hero. There are many ways to interpret Advantage and Drawback. We encourage players to be creative with the kinds of powers an item can have, as seen from the examples below.

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Valeron is often depicted disagreeing with his headstrong, bloodthirsty brother. Of the two, Valeron is obviously the more cerebral. While the two dont quite get along, they are brothers. It is also said Aelon has a particular fondness for the Goddess of Love. Some claim the two were lovers, although the affair ended poorly. Followers of Valeron say she still pines for the Blacksmith, although the followers of the Goddess of Love know a different ending of the story.


The Sword of Elder Fire

An enchanted blade that burns when drawn, the Sword of Elder Fire provides three Advantages: When in the dark, the Sword lights the Heros way. It can also set anything flammable on fire. When striking, the heat and flickering flames are distracting and can burn an opponent. (1 Advantage Die in combat.)

Master Parry
If the Hero has any weapon in his hand (including an improvised one), he can cancel four successes in any roll to hit made against him.

Giving a Relic to a Hero costs the God of Craft 5 Divinity per Advantage. For every 5 Divinity spent on the Relic, it must also have a drawback. The most typical drawback for an Item is Can Be Taken Away or Can Be Broken, but there are more creative drawbacks to give Relics. Michael Moorcocks Elric has the worlds most wicked Relic: the willful runeblade Stormbringer. That thing is chock full of drawbacks the fact that the blade likes killing Elrics closest friends and loved ones is just a start.

These three advantages are set-off by the swords three drawbacks: If the sword is wet with water, it will not burn. The sword can be broken. The sword can be taken away.

Your Hero has gained enough skill with a weapon that he may employ one in each hand. This grants him two Advantage Dice in combat.

R elICS (A eloN S B leSSINgS )

You may make two attacks in a row.

Valeron does not act much in the world; heroes go to seek him out. He believes in self-reliance, in making ones own way in the world. It is said that when a follower of the Wounded God dies, Valerons angels, the valere, come to bring the hero to him. There,


The Shadow Kiss Medallion
This Relic said to have been made for the high priestess of the Goddess of Love allows the one who wears it to move between shadows without being seen. (+2 to all Stealth rolls.) Unfortunately, the item also has two drawbacks: Once someone has seen the medallions magic, they are never affected by it again, and The Relics power will not work in brightly lit areas. the rich man on the side of the road, blind and penniless, holding out a cup, pleading for coins from his own servants who no longer recognized him. The followers of the God of Fortune remind the world that the Avendi is a fickle god whose favors can turn on the toss of a coin.

The Pantheon
Glamours Veil
The Hero can make himself or an item appear differently than they normally appear. He cannot change the nature of the item, only alter its appearance. Thus, a copper coin could appear to be a gold coin, a rusted knife could appear to be a silver knife, or a beggar could appear to be a king. The glamour remains until midnight. sees the Hero picking a pocket, the Hero cannot convince the guard he did not see what he thought he saw, but he can convince the guard that the other fellow is a rotten, scabby, foul thief who deserved it.

A llIeS & R IvAlS

The Dead Mans Eye

This item, a golden eye set with sapphires and rubies, is one of the Blacksmiths finest creations. The one who uses it must close his eyes to do so. When he does, he can see if a man or woman is in league with the Fell Gods. He may also see any invisible creatures (or people) within his area of vision. (Two Advantages.) Unfortunately, the Eye has two drawbacks: The eye is very fragile and easily broken. The wielder must shut his eyes to use it and completely concentrate, taking no other action.

No God would openly call wrath on Avendi; his followers would face an endless river of bad fortune. On the other hand, no God openly adores Avendi, for they are very aware Avendi is easily offended and his wrath is ten times worse than his blessing.


All the world is her child. Appearing as a round, happy, middle-aged woman, Manna Renay is commonly known as the Goddess of Hearth and Home. A shrine to her sits in a prominent place in every household. While some may dismiss her as the cooking goddess, she is, in fact, the goddess of Motherhood, Childbirth, Medicine, and Safety. She is often pictured with a cat and dog at her feet or under her hands as she was the one who taught men to domesticate these little guardians. She is also the protector of children and it is known that she whispers the secret language of her protectors (cats and dogs) in an infants ear when it is still in its mothers womb. Those who revere Manna Renay remember this language; those who do not, forget it.

Lucky Coin
The Hero finds a coin in his pocket worth one nights stay in a good inn. The coin can be used to purchase other things as well, the nights stay is just a relative value. At midnight, the coin disappears. This Blessing may be used once per day (rather than the standard once per game session).


goD oF FoRTuNe: ASHAlIm AveNDI

Thank Avendi for small favors, for his wrath is never so small. Ashalim Avendi typically appears as an old, blind man, althoug he has many forms. A story tells of a rich man who was accosted by a poor, blind churl sitting on the side of the road. The rich man shook his purse of coins at the poor man, mocking his poverty and ill fortune. The beggar smiled and said, What you give is what you get. As it turned out, the beggar was none other than the God of Fortune, and the story ends with

Avendis miracles appear as wild luck. A good hand of cards, the flip of a coin, a chance encounter with an unclaimed bag of gold, a cart of hay that happens to pass by when a Hero jumps from a tall window: these are all miracles attributed to Ashalim Avendi. Avendi provides for his followers, but such miracles are not without a price. Avendi only blesses those who realize their fortunes are easily lost and those who assist others who have lost their own good luck. A toss of a coin to a beggar, assisting a helpless lady in distress, or even helping an old woman across the road are small prices to pay for Avendis blessings.

Lucky Shot
When invoked, this Blessing gives your Hero 3 automatic successes on any roll.

Trust Me

The Cloak Deceiveous

The Hero may disguise himself in a general way: a soldier, guard, innkeeper, etc. The blessing requires a cloak. The blessing causes any to look upon the blessed as if he naturally belonged. That is, if he is disguised as a guard in a castle, the other guards would look at him as if he was supposed to be where he was, doing what he was doing. The Cloak Deceiveous only lasts until the disguised Hero takes off the cloak or tells a lie. Once he tells a lie, the disguise is over.

The Hero says one sentence, beginning or ending with the phrase Trust me. When he invokes this Blessing, anyone listening to the sentence will believe it to be sincere. Please note the difference between sincere and true. This Blessing cannot be used to convince someone the sky is orange, but it can be used to convince someone of the Heros integrity. This Blessing also cannot be used to convince someone out of something they know to be true. For example, if a guard


A llIeS & R IvAlS

Manna Renays chief rival is the Goddess of Love whom she sees as a harlot invader who has swooned the hearts of men and women


away from her worship. Meanwhile, she maintains a healthy relationship with the God of Craft. A Hearthbread cookie may be split in two to share with one other person. It may not be split further. poison. They are also completely bound by Draxs laws, and even a slight slip jeopardizes the blessings bestowed by their god. A paladin of Jonan Drax seldom if ever uses weapons. His body is a weapon infused with the power of his god. Draxian paladins are often called upon by judges of the Empire for their ability to sense truth and dispatch villainy. And while they do not stand above the legal system (their god was the one who enacted it), they sometimes operate outside of it, to make sure justice prevails even when law might fail.

The Pantheon
Vow, only his own actions can break it. Vows last until they are broken. At this point, the tattoo fades.


When the Goddesses name is written on the door of a house, no one may secretly enter. As soon as any stranger of the house (someone who is not within the house when the ward is written) enters, the priestess knows someone has violated the home and knows the intruders True Name. Once the ward is broken, it must be re-cast.

Vow of Compassion
It is said that a noble heart recognizes the pain in others and cannot turn from it. The Vow of Compassion makes it impossible for a paladin to turn from those in need. Whenever he is asked for help, a paladin must give whatever assistance he can. As long as he maintains this Vow, he may once per game demand the assistance of another. This person must do everything in their power to meet the paladins request for aid.

Manna Renays miracles are subtle and powerful. Her priestesses teach the delicate arts of mothering. Those who revere her find allies among the guardian animals and may speak their secret language. Children are most often witness to her divine interventions as she looks out for them especially orphans.

Beasts Tongue
When invoking this Blessing, the Hero may hold one conversation with any animal. The conversation cannot be longer than five minutes. Once hearing Manna Renays name, the animal will also perform a single task for the Hero. If the task is lifethreatening, the animal may refuse, depending on the situation and the conversational skills of the Hero.

When her name is written on an object and left behind, the object will warn the Hero whenever anyone passes it by. If the Hero who inscribed the outpost is asleep, he will waken. The Outpost can only send one warning, then its magic is gone.

A llIeS & R IvAlS

Circle of Protection
The Hero must draw a circle on the ground to invoke this Blessing. Drawing a circle takes one round. The circle must be drawn on a solid surface. It cannot be drawn on gravel. If it loses its integrity, the magic of the circle is broken. Drawing the circle on sand, for example, is dangerous. The Hero must also know the True Name of the person inside the circle. Once the circle is drawn, nothing may enter it. Nothing. No arrows, no fire, no swords, nothing. Nothing may damage the circle but the person inside and the Hero who drew it. The circle lasts until dawn the next day.


There is only One Law, and it is His Law. The god who is closest to the people is Jonan Drax, sometimes called the compassionate, sometimes called the lawmaker. It was Drax who handed down the first formal Code of Laws people lived by. This 7-article code outlined a basic system of law and justice. It was because Drax so loved the world he gave it law and the realization that with introspection, compassion and understanding, men could become better than what they were. Those who follow Jonan Drax are called paladins. These warrior-monks wear the Code of Law on their bodies: the very words tattooed to their flesh. The ritual which takes several days and is painful beyond description empowers the paladin with blessings. It is said those who wear the code need not eat, sleep, or drink. They cannot be infected by disease or suffer the effects of

No God calls Drax an enemy. His Paladins fight for justice regardless of the cost. Only a fool would openly call the God of Justice an enemy. Openly.


The Paladins of Jonan Drax do not rely on their God for miracles, but rely on His Word to give them strength. The Laws tattooed to their bodies give them tremendous power over evil, protecting them from evil magics that influence the mind and body. Each Law is also a Vow: an oath the paladin makes to uphold the laws of Jonan Drax.

Vow of Truth

Vow of Fidelity
When a paladin takes a Vow of Fidelity, he vows to stay true to one person, protecting that person from all harm. The person in question is usually an honorable soul, although not always. As long as the paladin maintains his Vow always protecting the subject of his Vow he gains 4 Advantage Dice on any action that directly protects that person.

Hearthbread Cookies
A Blessing originally given to Renays most famous high priestess, a single Hearthbread cookie heals all Wounds when eaten. The cookie also feeds a person for a day.

Unlike other Blessings, the Vows are not invoked. The Words of Jonan Drax are burned onto the paladins body, scaring him and changing him forever. Once hes taken a

Like the other Vows, the Vow of Truth is tattooed to the paladins body: this one to his chest. He swears to uphold the virtue of truth over lies, willing his heart to never suffer falsehood. Once the Hero makes this Vow, he may never again tell a lie or the Vow is broken. Also, as long as he never breaks the Vow, he can always tell when someone is telling him a lie.



Vow of Valor
The paladin makes a promise to never turn from meting out Jonan Draxs justice. As long as he never turns from a battle against evil, he can never be the target of emotionbased magic. that are secret and seldom seen. The use of magic for any mundane purpose is taboo. Even if only to save her own life, Talias priestesses are reticent to their secret magics outside the confines of Talias Domain. month. If the moon has passed through her phases and the priestess has not invoked the power of a kiss, she must re-invoke it with another touch.

The Pantheon
The Muses Kiss
When invoked, the target feels the pure inspirational power of the Goddess of Love fill his heart. He gains four Advantage Dice on his very next action. The effects of the kiss fade thereafter.

The Final Vow

This Vow may only be given if the paladin has been branded with all of Jonan Draxs other Vows. The paladin makes a personal Vow, I shall do _____. Once this Vow is made, it will come to pass, although the paladin will die accomplishing it. The Vow cannot be used to violate physical laws or to create unrealistic or absurd situations. Rather, it is meant to allow a paladin to set right a great wrong; his ultimate sacrifice is what gives the Vow its power.

A llIeS & R IvAlS

Befuddling Kiss
When activated, this Blessing causes the subject to become confused and bewildered with an overwhelming tide of emotions. The subject loses a number of dice from each action equal to half the priestesss Love Devotion. The effects last until the next sunrise.

It is said her chief enemy is the Goddess of the Home who views Talia as an usurper; a foreign Jenny-Come-Lately who seeks to steal away the faithful followers of the AllMother. Meanwhile, Talia has been romantically linked to nearly every other God in the Pantheon. Allegedly, her favorite lover is the God of Craft, while her recent dalliance with the God of War has created a bit of tension between the two.


The world is an imperfect place only reason is pure. His followers call him the Patient One, or Tyane Bran, the Indefatigable. He is always portrayed as a small man with long, well kept hair and diligent eyes, standing to the side of an event, watching from a distance. He is always watching, never acting. In the tales of the Patient One, even the smallest actions are viewed as monumental and full of meaning. He only chooses to act when it is most appropriate, when it is most necessary, when it is most effective. His devoted follow his example, watching and listening, providing their knowledge when it is needed, acting only when it is most necessary. They distain what they view as the corrupt world of temptation preferring the world of thought and reason, the world of spontaneous and immediate action.

The Black Kiss

Talia first gave her priestesses the Black Kiss in response to violence against them in her temples. The Black Kiss may only be given under specific circumstances; it is the exception to the aforementioned rules. The priestess lips must be blooded (either by her own blood or anothers) and she must know the true name of the target. If she gives the Kiss with blood on her lips, whispering the targets name, he receives a Wound. The Kiss may be maintained with the target gaining an additional Wound every round.


goDDeSS oF love: TAlIA

She is the Muse of All Muses, the Inspiration for All Beauty. Talias temples are exotic and foreign. Her priestesses (she accepts no priests) are beautiful, witty, and well versed in the arts. All the arts. A common misconception of Talias followers is that belong to a sex cult. This is incorrect. Talias priestesses are skilled lovers, but they are also painters, poets, sculptors, and musicians (as well as composers). All artists revere Talia, seeing her as the archetypal muse of all muses. Talias priestesses know the proper methods of preparing and eating elegant meals, the techniques of banter and debate, as well as the high holy art of love. In return for their devotion, the followers of Talia learn secret arts no other school or academy in the entire world knows. In addition, she bestows blessings and magic

Talia almost never uses miracles, finding them vulgar. Instead, she prefers the rigorous use of rituals and ordeals to make her followers stronger. While she will dip her hand occasionally to protect a particularly devoted follower, she generally lets them fight (and win) their own battles with cunning, skill, and charm. And kisses. Priestesses are taught the Seven Secret Kisses; powerful magics that have been known to enslave kings. While they are called kisses, the powers are actually invoked by any particular kind of contact. Each kiss requires only a moment of contact and another vital element: the targets trust. Contact between the priestess and the target cannot be initiated by her; the target himself must touch the priestess. The priestess may extend her hand, but the target must put his own hand in hers. Without this, she cannot invoke any of her powers. If the target touches the priestess, she may then activate any of the effects at any time. It could be immediately or the following week or later that night, just as she invokes the power of the kiss within the current

The Enchanting Kiss

When activated, the priestess can make the target feel the pangs of any emotion she deems fit except love. It can be anger, jealousy, nervousness, or even heart-break, but none can cause a heart to feel untrue love not even the Goddess herself. The effects of this kiss last until the next sunrise.

A llIeS & R IvAlS

Goodnight Kiss
When activated, the Kiss sets the target to sleep until the next dawn. Nothing will wake him except a touch from the priestess who originally kissed him.

Tyane Bran and his followers are too isolated to have enemies or allies, although the Fell Gods despise him more than any other diety more than they do Jonan Drax.




Tyane Brans miracles take the form of bursts of enlightenment and insight in those who revere him. They see connections between disparate facts, spot tiny details most miss and gain an awareness around them unparalleled by any other.

A Moment of Insight
The monk suffers a moment of pure insight, a moment both painful and powerful. He is immobilized by the moment, in touch with the mind of Tyane Bran. Once he recovers with a few moments he awakens with a new perspective. When invoked, this power allows the player of the monk to ask the GM or God of Wisdom one question which must be answered truthfully. complete stranger). When the moment is over, the monk knows that persons motives exactly and what he plans on doing next. The person may be in another town; distance is not an issue. Because the monk knows the target, he can deduce from his knowledge of that person what his plans may be. hair turns white and his skin turns ashen. While there are many stories of men who have seen Uhmume and lived to tell the tale, no one has ever actually met one. Perhaps that is the most telling thing about these tales. There are many tales of Uhmumes appearance. Some say he is a tall figure with a skull for a face, standing in black robes that billow like smoke. Others say he is a beautiful boy who kisses those doomed for death. Others suggest Uhmume can appear as any form he likes. Whatever he may appear to be, Uhmume is the Lord of Death, the inevitable end for all creatures. The world is full of ghosts who still cling to the living lands; the priests of Uhmume assist those ghosts, completing business the ghost feels needs to be resolved before it can move on.

The Pantheon
reverence to other Gods; they just make no secret of the fact that their true devotion lies with the Lord of Death.

T He F ell g oDS

The Most Evident Truth

A monk must have at least three other Blessings before he receives this one. When invoked, the monk declares one fact to be true and he is right. Whether that truth is that ogres cannot walk in sunlight without turning to stone or that the Duke of Belshavay is really a sorcerer, the monk reveals this truth and it is fact. The truth revealed may only be one truth. It cannot be a number of truths linked by a theme. For example, the monk could declare that the Duke is indeed a sorcerer, but he cannot declare that the Duke is a sorcerer plotting to overthrow the Temple of Dyr. One truth. Thats all you get. The monks truth may be disputed by the Gods, but it requires three Divinity to do so. The God of Wisdom can spend one Divinity to cancel the truth, or he can spend one Divinity to cancel out any other Gods dismissal of that truth.

The Fell Gods are dark entities who were defeated and driven from the world into the Land of Shadows. Worship of the Fell Gods is forbidden but that doesnt give the desperate pause. Those who want the kind of power the Fell Gods offer will always find a way to contact their evil devoted. While the names of the Fell Gods are never uttered, their names are well known. They are Ikhalu, the Lord of Murder; Mahl, the Bloody-Teared Widow; the Grinning God These dark, foul entities are listed in Appendix 3, far away from curious players eyes.

Wisdoms Clarity
When invoked, this power allows the monk to sense falsehood. He may not see through illusions and the like, but he knows when things are not true. If he sees one of Ashalim Avendis glamours, he knows something is wrong with the item; that it is not what it appears to be. Likewise, if a person is cloaked with Ikhalus shadow magic, the monk can sense that something is in the room that cannot be perceived.

Uhmume does not give out miracles to his followers. In fact, the Lord of Death doesnt have followers as he has priests who serve the needs of the bereaved. Uhmumes followers assist those who are haunted by departed souls unwilling to move on to their rightful resting place (or unresting place, as it may be). It is also said he sometimes visits omens on those who have been targeted by his evil brother, Ikhalu, the Lord of Murder (see The Fell Gods, below).

The Softest Spot

This Blessing requires one full action to invoke as the monk observes his target. On his next action, the monk knows exactly where the weakness of an object or person lies. Even the weakness of an argument. Using this knowledge, he gains a number of Advantage Dice equal to his Wisdom Devotion. He can also reveal this weakness to another (watching a fight and shouting out the weakness to one opponent, for example), but the person he is communicating to does not have his complete understanding. Another can only gain half his Wisdom Devotion if the monk reveals the weakness to him.

Appendix 2: The Shanri Primer

This is just a brief overview of the world of Shanri: the default setting for Enemy Gods. More in-depth articles can be found at our website, free for download. As time passes, well be adding more articles to the Encyclopedia Shanri (until weve got a book big enough to market on its own). The world of the ven is called Shanri, which literally means little lands. It is a circular chain of islands surrounded by a vast and dangerous ocean, filled with dragons and other foul beasts. Only the sea between the island is safe for sailors; the reefs are too shallow for the foul beasts to enter.

l oRD


Uhmume comes when his duty calls. No sooner, no later. Uhmume is not a God; he is something else entirely. There are legends of the entities known as Lords and Ladies that pre-date the Gods, but no historian has ever found any other Lord than Uhmume. Stories involving the Lord of Death are many and varied. It is said no man may look upon Uhmume (uh-moom or uh-moom-ay; depending on dialect) and live. Others say any living man who sees is struck blind, his

D eATH : u Hmume

Allies & Rivals

The priests of Uhmume tend are devoted solely to the service of the Lord of Death. This devotion earns them no favors from the Gods, although followers of Uhmume care little for what Gods think or do. Uhmume comes to all, is the typical answer for those challenging an Uhmume priest for his fanatical devotion to a single God. This does not mean followers of Uhmume never pay

The Hearts Riddle Revealed

By spending an action, the monk can contemplate upon a person he knows or has knowledge of (the target cannot be a



The chain consists of seven major islands and several dozen minor ones. Dominant families rule over the major islands, snatching up territory whenever possible. The islands are volcanic in nature; each island made up of at least one primary volcano, although many islands are composites of more than one. just to the west of a larger chain of islands, largely uninhabited by humans, that is. These larger islands have small outposts, but the creatures living there dont make exploration easy. Expeditions have brought back reports of gold, silver, copper and ancient ruins. The ruins appear to be from a civilization long gone, but the treasures uncovered have proven to be beyond imagination. It is said an entire city of gold rests somewhere in that jungle if only someone had the courage to find it. More important than gold, however, are the iron ore deposits found on the larger islands. These have proven to be invaluable to the noble class who are the only ones on the island with iron weapons. All other weapons are forged from bronze. Iron weapons have been a part of Ven culture for almost a century, but the noble class has kept the material (mostly) to themselves for that time. Laws forbid common citizens to touch, let alone own, iron weapons; a crime punishable by dismemberment (removing the offending hand). Sailing ships move from island to island, carrying supplies for trade. Risking the dangerous creatures that skim the waters, sailors are regarded as some of the bravest men in the world. Shanris temperatures range from highs in the 80s to lows in the 50s. Rain falls mostly in the winter months, an average of 10.5 inches a year. Although most of the wildlife on the small islands has been hunted to near extinction, the islands native life includes boar, monkeys, deer, bison, goats, lynx, cats, dogs, lions, leopards, wolves, bears, snakes, lizards, and a horde of different kinds of insects. Birds are also abundant and regarded as holy animals to the native peoples. Hawks, falcons, owls, raptors, and other creatures fill the skies over the islands. In the sea, whales and dolphins are abundant, as are crabs, lobsters and other crustaceans. Accompanying them are the many Leviathans: great beasts that prowl the sea, looking for ships to devour. Occasionally, the elements would enter a body and communicate directly to the ven. So was the way of the world for thousands of years. But then, the priests came, bringing named Gods the people could look upon and understand. Religion was no longer a mystery, and worship of the elements fell aside to worship of the new Gods. The sorcerer-kings were discarded as well, bringing in the new aristocracy who carried the banners of the divine into battle. And now, there is no high king, but a government of nobles guiding the fate of the ven.

Shanri Primer
The warrior caste is made up of the warlords who overthrew the sorcerer-kings thousands of years ago. They are the land-owners of ven society and hold the most authority. They make laws, collect taxes and protect the peasants from dangers both seen and unseen. The peasant caste is the workers; mining iron, tilling farms, building roads, etc. The only way a peasant can win his way out of his life is by fighting for his noble lord. Serving ten years in the local army makes a peasant a free man, no longer bound to the land he works on. If he performs well enough, he may even gain noble title and land. Finally, the priests are those who commune with the Gods. There are many churches in ven culture (to house the many gods), but the church is forbidden from owning land. Nonetheless, the church holds powerful sway in noble courts; they are the direct line to the ever-present deities who look over mortal society. A single harsh look could bring a mountain of curses on a nobles head, so the nobles do all they can to keep the priest caste happy. Peasants may join the priest caste, although only those who show the most promise. Just as families buy their way into the military with commissions, they also buy their way into seminaries to better their lots in life. This makes the church a powerful (and profitable) force in ven society.

THe veN
The average adult male ven stands about six feet tall with olive skin, dark eyes and black, curly hair. The female stands a little smaller at around five foot ten inches. They are a slender people, spending most of their time in the sun and shallow waters surrounding the islands.

g oveRNmeNT


Long ago, the ven worshipped the elements: the sun, the moon, the sky, the earth. They communed with these elemental forces, appealing to their power. This was the birth of the sorcerer-kings, men of great power and wisdom. The word the ven used to describe the elements best translates as dragon. It was believed (and still believed by some) that dragons manifest when critical moments occur: when a battle between brothers is about to begin, when new knowedge is discovered, and when true lovers kiss for the first time. Because the elements can only speak in a symbolic language, the only way to communicate with them was through dreams, omens and deep semi-lucid trances.

While the modern ven government is a confederacy of city-states, it wasnt always so. Long ago, ten thousand years or more, sorcerer-kings ruled the known world. But a few brave nobles were able to overthrow the sorcerer-kings and establish a new regime. Now, a independent states govern the people of the known world. There are no more kings: only dukes and barons who meet once a year to vote on matters of state between their lands. The dynastic power of the royalty is still recognized by the people, but the voice of the populous must be represented in government as well. Thus, the ruling noble makes regular visits to the elected Senate, discusses his plans, and the Senate votes on which course of action to take, as prescribed by the noble. The noble is forbidden from taking any action not approved by the Senate, but is given leeway in executing their recommendations.

T eCHNologY

Ven cities have plumbing providing hot and cold running water, advanced blacksmithing, medicine, surgery and beautiful architecture. Most weapons are made of bronze; it is forbidden from any non-noble to handle weapons made from iron. With high roads, the nobles travel by chariot from city to city while the peasant class moves on foot.


There are three distinct castes in ven society: the priest caste, the warrior caste, and the peasant caste.



Ven medicine relies on herbal lore and blessings from the Goddess of Hearth and Home, so not much progress has been made there. (Who needs penicillin when a Goddess is willing to do it without needles?) by common convictions and beliefs. A ven will go a long way to help another ven because they are one people. However, there is a kind of friendly rivalry between the city-states, as each tries to prove its citizens are the strongest, fastest and most capable ven in the world. celebrity. Suddenly, becoming a mountainman was the in-thing for young nobles who also found their souls being called by the King of the Mountain. It was estimated there were as many as fifty baliven living outside the reach of civilization before the Cataclysm. They left seeking peace, but what they found was hardship. Many found the other baliven wouldnt help them, even refusing to speak to them, let alone give them advice on living off the land. Some baliven took in the nave youngsters, teaching them what theyd need to know to survive, but most returned when the first months of winter hit the mountainside or died trying to survive. What they learned was a simple philosophy: a man has to stand on his own. The King of the Mountain respects men who can take care of themselves, wandering the mountainside, testing his followers. When theyre ready, he takes them back to his hall, where they eat food and drink wine that lets them live forever. This belief in the King of the Mountain flies in the face of another fundamental element in baliven philosophy: dont believe in anything you cant see. The baliven dont believe in the Pantheon of Gods, nor the philosophy wise men teach youngsters in the cities. They dont believe in a soul or a spirit or anything so ridiculous as that. I know ven who have seen the King of the Mountain, a baliven may say. But I havent seen him myself. So I dont believe in him. Yet. Mountainmen know blacksmithing, but detest any skills that work with precious metals. A smith makes tools, Brenchur told Truday. Not baubles. They capture and make skins from mountain and subterranean creatures and occasionally traded skins and organs to wizards looking for dangerous magical components for tools and supplies they could not make themselves

Shanri Primer
in the mountains, such as medicine, books and wives. Most women sign up for the trade in exchange for a life of freedom, far away from the evils of the city. Although, the lure of going with your mountainman husband into the immortal halls of Ballur to drink his wine and eat his meat is certainly a lure in itself.

C ommeRCe

The ven use coins, credit notes and good old fashioned bartering to maintain their economy. The coins they use are very small (about the size of a dime).

m AgeS



Sorcery is a forbidden art, taught by the Fell Gods (see below). Sorcerers summon demons, bind them with secret magics, and use the power they gain to further the goals of their dark masters. A sorcerer must keep his true nature secret from the rest of the world or he will be hunted down and killed by the Heroes of the land.


The ven believe in balance and moderation; excess of anything leads to ruin. If a man is excessive with his drinking, he runs the risk of destroying his life. Excess of food also has obvious consequences, as does excess of sex, excess of reading and excess of business. Notice the word is excess, not enjoyment. The ven love pleasure, and that is why they try to avoid overdoing it. Enjoying good food and drink is pleasurable, but eating and drinking for hours on end, until your stomach aches and your head hurts isnt eating for pleasure. Likewise, ven believe sex is something to be enjoyed, not a sinful act to be kept in the dark. On the other hand, if one is reckless with his sexual partners, unthinking of the consequences, the conclusions bring pain and sorrow to all. You could say the ven are cautious, but thats simplifying the matter. They believe in temperance and restraint in their pleasures because they enjoy them. Indulging too much in eat and drink on Monday means you cannot enjoy again on Tuesday, and thats something the ven dont believe in.

Appendix 3: The Fell Gods

I told you they were back here. The Fell Gods can be used with just about any standard fantasy pantheon. Theyre nasty, wicked, evil, dirty, cunning, and all together eeeeviiiilll. Use them at your own risk. Note that the Fell Gods are not openly worshiped and most cities consider revering these Gods a crime punishable by death. Therefore, their temples are hidden away, their cults remain secret, and a Hero who reveres a Fell God takes his own life in his hands.

B AlIveN : T He m ouNTAINmeN

Not all ven appreciate civilization, and a few who have chafed against it have found solace in solitude. Living alone in the mountains are the balluri, men who have abandoned ven culture to live free and alone. It all began with a book written by Sansh Truday, a mountaineer who was injured in a climb through the Ballur mountains. He was saved by what he first thought was an ork, but he quickly discovered his savior to be a fellow ven. He learned the mans name was Agruth Brenchur, and he came to the mountains, in his own words, to get away from ven like you. Trudays leg was broken, and he could not get back to civilization. Brenchur cared for him, nursing him back to health, all the while, Truday asking questions. He learned the man was not alone in the wilderness, but one of many men who heard the call of a mountain god they called Balladur (King of the Mountain). He called his newfound friend a mountainman and after many adventures with Brenchur, he returned, wrote his book and made his reclusive friend a

plAYeRS BeWARe!!!
The information that follows is for the Game Master alone! Taking a peek at the Fell Gods will not only ruin the surprise, but will also make them a lot less scary. The less you know about the Fell Gods, the more... Oh, what am I doing? You know this routine by now. Dont be a wanker. Stop reading unless youre the GM. Youve been warned.


The ven are also great proponents of citizenship and pride. Although they are almost isolated in their city-states, they do recognize themselves as one people, united



THe goD oF muRDeR: IkHAlu
At the beginning of time, two Gods petitioned Men for the right to be the God of Death. Uhmume created a vast palace open to any and all while Ikhalu created a fortress so terrifying only the most courageous could climb its walls. Men chose Uhmumes luxurious palace and Ikhalu has been making Mankind pay for it ever since. The assassin-priests of Ikhalu steal the souls of the living, sending them to their dark lord. Priests of Ikhalu are promised that when they die, they will go to their masters dark fortress where every soul they murdered serves them until the end of time. This promise keeps the assassin-priests very busy. They are masters of disguise and strange shadow-powers their dark lord bestows upon them. He also learns a martial art specifically designed to immobilize targets, the fundamentals of disguise, stealth and infiltration. Also, every Ikhalu priest carries a magical dagger; any person killed by this dagger has their soul sent to Ikhalus fortress where they serve those who are faithful to the God of Murder. intervenes directly on his followers behalf, knowing he must protect what little Devotion he has. This makes him one of the most active Gods, but it also means his Devotion is always low. He protects those he can but more often than not, he doesnt have enough Devotion to go around.

The Fell Gods

The Stolen Mask
By invoking this Blessing upon a body hes murdered, the priest may steal the face of his victim. By stealing the face, he steals the demeanor of the victim as well. The priests clothes appear to be his victims clothes, his voice sounds the same, even his possessions are identical. The deception is true until the mask is removed; the face then shrivels and cannot be used again. her bosom as she looks for more. Blood bleeds from her eyes as she weeps and those who hear her wails are doomed to know her deadly kiss. Children who fall under her care are transformed into awful beasts. Mahls Children are the monsters of the world: vampires, specters, ghouls and the rest. She is the Mother of All Monsters, claiming those society casts away as her own.

The Ikhalu Knife

An Ikhalu knife is a sacred item given to the most trusted assassin-priests. All of Ikhalus Blessings are bestowed through the knife.

Avali: Holy (or Sacred) Murder

Whenever an Ikhalu priest commits holy murder with his knife, he sends the soul to Ikhalus palace rather than the God of Death. The knife immediately gains an Advantage Die. The knife may have a number of Advantage Dice equal to the Devotion of the assassin-priest. To commit avali, the assassin-priest must strike his enemy without the enemy knowing hes present. The priest slices the throat of the victim or pierces his heart. Then, the priest utters a small prayer to Ikhalu, telling his dark Lord that a soul is on its way. Again: the avali ritual may only be committed if the target has no clue the priest has intention to kill the target. The priest could be in disguise or hidden. Then, once the priest is in place, he rolls his Devotion to the God of Murder. If he gains a number of successes equal to or greater than the targets Hubris, the attack is successful; the target is doomed to die in three rounds.

Allies & Rivals

While all the Gods view Mahl as abhorrent, the Goddess of Hearth and Home is (obvious) a particular enemy. She despises Mahl and her children and encourages her followers to destroy them wherever they can be found.

The Hidden Blade

All Ikhalu knives are bestowed with one Blessing: if the priest hides it on his person, it cannot be found. No man, woman, or child can find the knife if the priest hides it.

The Deepest Cut

By invoking this Blessing, the priest gives his opponent a permanent Wound. This Wound cannot be healed by normal means.

B leSSINgS : m oNSTeRS


False Death


Ikhalu assists his followers with powers devious and diabolical. Every assassin-priest is given an unholy dagger that steals souls and sends them to Ikhalu. His shadow-magic helps hide his assassin-priests, giving them the ability to hide in plain sight and disappear into shadows. Ikhalu also

One of the greatest secrets of the Ikhalu assassin-priests is their ability to feign death. By invoking this Blessing, the priest tells Ikhalu I am not yet ready, Lord, and appears by all accounts to be dead. His wounds appear fatal to any onlookers. Only if his heart is removed from his body is the priest actually killed. He remains in this false death until midnight. Then, under the moon, he rises again.

Mahls worshipers revere their dark mother at hidden altars, capturing wayward children to drink mothers milk. A priestess is chosen, and after an exhausting ritual (involving painful ordeals), Mahl possesses the priestess. She then bestows her milk on the children (a combination of blood and breast milk). Slowly, the children are transformed into the horrors associated with Mahl. The followers of Mahl dont have Blessings: they have Monsters. Mahl sends creatures to her devoted; horrible creatures from the worst part of the Nightmare Realm. As a GM, youll need to build Monsters for your Heroes to fight. Monsters are made up of their Parts. For example, some Monsters have one hundred eyes, claws, a tail, and venomous teeth. Other Monsters have wings, scales, and hypnotizing eyes. Each of these descriptors is a different ability the Monster can use against Heroes.

A llIeS & R IvAlS

All Gods of the Pantheon are enemies of Ikhalu and would see him murdered with one of his own daggers.

THe BlooDY-eYeD WIDoW: mAHl

She walks the streets when there is no moon, snatching up children who have no home, drinking their blood, holding them close to


Making Monsters
A Monster can have any number of Parts, but Mahl typically rewards her followers based on their Devotion. A follower of Mahl may have a number of Monsters equal to her Devotion to Mahl. Each Monster cannot have more Parts than double their master (or mistress) Devotion. For example, the Witch-Queen of Falvthrough has a 4 Mahl Devotion. She may have up to 4 Monsters and those Monsters may not have more than 8 Parts. All Monsters only have Devotion for Mahl equal to the number of Parts they have. For example, if a Monster has 4 Parts, it has a 4 Devotion to Mahl.

The Fell Gods

Extra Heads
This Monster has an additional head. For each additional head, the Monster gains an additional action per round. It also adds 1 to the number of successes that must be rolled to defeat the Monster in combat. For example, if a Monster has two heads, the TN to defeat the Monster is: Mahl Devotion + 5 + 1 (additional head). blood of the Monster who turned him to stone. A Monster has enough blood to turn only one victim back to normal.

Rhino Hide
This Monster may, once per game, cancel one of his opponents successful combat rolls.

Giant Size
When multiple opponents fight this Monster, they gain one less Advantage Die for outnumbering the Monster. If the Monster buys Giant Size more than once, he cancels an additional Advantage Die for each time he buys it.

A Monster with scales cannot be effectively attacked with sharp weapons. It must be rolled over to expose its soft underbelly. This Part does not need to be activated. To roll a Monster over, you must make a Contested roll (most appropriate: God of Battle or Fortune) against the Monsters Mahl Devotion.

Eyes of Stone
This part is very deadly and should be reserved for only the most powerful Monsters. This Monster can turn Heroes into stone statues. The Hero and Monster make a Contested Roll (most appropriate defense: Goddess of the Hearth, God of Fortune). If the Monster gets a Complete Success (not a Moderate Success), the Hero is turned to stone. The only way to turn a Hero back to his usual state is by covering him with the

Hypnotic Eyes
The Monster may paralyze one opponent for one round. The opponent can do nothing but gaze at the Monster.

Siren Song
This Monster may use its voice to lure Heroes to their doom. The voice mesmerizes any Heroes who fail a Contested Roll (most appropriate: Goddess of Hearth, Goddess of Love) against the Monster. Once they are enchanted by the song, the Hero will do anything to get find the source of the song. Once enchanted, the Hero is considered helpless for the purposes of the Monster taking liberties with the Heros health and

A Monsters Parts each have a special ability like a Blessing. A Monster may only use each Part once per game. Some Monsters may have a Part more than once, which means they can use each one once. For example, if a Monster has two Claws, it may use each Claw once per game session. If Heroes want to damage specific Monster Parts, they may try to do so as a Contested Action. If the Hero gains a Complete Success, the Part is damaged and the Monster may not use its advantages. If the Hero gains a Moderate Success, the part may not be used for two rounds (including the current round).

Iron Stomach
This Monster can eat anything: wood, stone, brick, people. Anything. This Part is not activated, it is always on.

Many Legs

The reason Monsters are back here in the GM only section should be obvious: so the players dont know what Monsters can do. However, clever players will begin to notice that Monstes with similar physical features (scales, claws, etc.) have similar powers. Use the Parts to give physical descriptions of Monsters. Dont call a Monster by its name; use its Parts. Its big and has seven legs. Its one hundred eyes look at you with malice and its forked tongue strikes out at you! That way, players will begin to learn how Monsters work by recognizing their physical features. Theyll learn what different beasts do, and know the best way to fight them.

This Monster gains 3 Advantage Dice when chasing or running away from Heroes.

Night Eyes
This Monster may see in the dark.

Paralyzing Tongue
The poison of this Monsters tongue knocks an opponent on the ground. The Monster must get a successful Contested Roll (most appropriate: Goddess of Hearth, God of Fortune, God of the Battlefield) to use his Tongue. Once struck, the Hero gains a Wound and is paralyzed until that Wound is healed.

This Monster gains 3 Advantage Dice when trying to hide from opponents.

The God of Wisdom (and his most blessed followers) has the power to define things, but does this include defining what Monstes can do? Well... maybe.

moNSTeRS & THe goD oF WISDom

This Part allows a Monster to deliver a Wound on any successful combat roll. Remember, this Part may only be used once per game.

One Hundred Eyes

If a Monster has One Hundred Eyes, it cannot be surprised. It also gains three Advantage Dice when trying to find a hidden opponent.

Priests of the God of Wisdom may know many things, but the BloodyEyed Widow keeps secrets even the Great Wise One doesnt know. Monsters fall under the Domain of Mahl, not Tyane Bran. That means, in order to define a Monster, Tyane Bran must challenge the Queen of Beasts Domain.



welfare. While this power may only be used once per day, it can effect a large group of Heroes even a whole ship full of them. severed limbs grow back at midnight. The only way to kill a creature with Troll Blood is to completely destroy it (with fire or acid, for example).

Making Your Own Pantheon

The Darkest Fear
Followers of Afhil are distorted creatures so awful to look upon, only the bravest may do so. When he activates this Blessing, the Follower of Afhil causes a Fear Effect equal to his Devotion to the Pain God. He rolls a number of dice equal to his Devotion and counts his evens. Any Hero looking upon him when he activates this Blessing loses a number of dice from their next action equal to the evens the disciple of the Pain God rolled. If a Hero cannot muster any dice, he cannot take any action.

Wits Teeth
The Grinning Man is the twisted jester, the God of Pain and Malice. He delights in causing sorrow and misery; he even draws strength from it. His followers follow his example, and by using this Blessing, are capable of bringing even the greatest warrior to tears. The priest invokes this Blessing and rolls a number of dice equal to his Pain Devotion. The Hero may roll any Devotion he deems fit. If the priest succeeds (even a moderate success), the target falls into a whimpering, sobbing mess. The target is completely helpless and cannot even defend himself for a number of rounds equal to the successes of the priest. If the priest fails, the targets eyes well up with tears and anyone taking any action against him (physical, social, or mental) gains 2 Advantage Dice.

Small Size
This Monster gains 3 Advantage Dice during Contested Rolls when trying to avoid being caught.

Venomous Fangs
This Monster delivers a poisonous bite when it makes a successful attack roll. Roll a die; if the die roll is odd, the Monsters venom inflicts the Hero. He loses one Advantage Die at the end of each round.

Spiked Tail
This Monster may grab an opponent, wrapping the Hero up in its tail, squeezing tightly for the chance at additional Wounds. The Monster and Hero make Contested Rolls (most appropriate: God of War, God of Fortune). If the Monster gains a Moderate Success, the Hero is caught in the Monsters Tail and may only try to escape. He may make no other actions. If the Monster gains a Complete Success, the Hero takes a Wound for every round he remains trapped. At the end (not beginning) of each round, the Hero may try to escape making another Contested Roll with the Monster. If the Hero gains a Moderate Success, he escapes. If he makes a Complete Success, he escapes and the Monster takes a Wound. While the Monster holds a Hero in its Tail, any other Hero gains an Advantage Die to chop off the tail. A Hero needs a Complete Success to chop off the Tail. If a Hero is attacking the Tail while another Hero is held in it, the held Hero should gain an Advantage Die when trying to escape.

This Monster can fly.


Afhil is a tall, spectral figure dressed in immaculate black robes, his fingers are slender and groomed, his hair is black and wet against his skull, his aggressive brow hides his eyes. And his grin any who look upon it risk madness. Under his black robes are barbed whips, butchers knives and other instruments of pain. Afhils followers understand their dark lords master: pain is the path to strength, the truth only the devoted can follow. Afhils followers hide deep scars under their clothes for such scarification is a tell tale sign of Afhil worship. What makes the Grinning Gods worshipers dangerous isnt that they seek wisdom in their own pain, but that they seek wisdom in the pain of others as well. Torture is a routine occurrence in the hidden shrines to the Grinning God.

The Malice Hammer

A devastating curse put upon those who are Afhils enemies, the Malice Hammer makes the target revisit his most tortuous moment. The priest calls upon the power of this Blessing and looks upon the target. In that moment, he knows the one thing that pains the target most. Whether this is a lost love, an estranged parent, a villainous act committed long ago; the priest knows it and the target knows he knows it.


Dafhil: Afhils Children

The Sweetest Sting

This Blessing does not need to be invoked; it is always active. Followers of the Grinning Man suffer for his wisdom. They swallow glass, carve their bodies, distort their features, and make themselves cruel mockeries of happiness. This makes pain an empowering experience, not a debilitating one. For every Wound a follower of Afhil gains, he also gains a Bonus Die.

Spy Eye
The Devotee may see what this Monster sees. This Part is always on; it doesnt need to be activated. Whenever the Monster takes a Wound, the Devotee takes a Wound as well.

Woe to those who are captured by the followers of Afhil, for they are taught the ultimate lesson in pain. The body is bound and rituals cast upon it. The secret name of Afhil is written in spiral patters along the skin: written with razors. The spiral patterns forbid the spirit from leaving the flesh. The body is wrapped in sacred garments, then slowly smothered to death. The process takes many months. Finally, when the body dies, the soul remains within the rune carved skin. The


Troll Blood
The boiling, oozing blood of trolls runs in many Monsters. A Monster with Troll Blood regenerates all Wounds in one hour and all

The followers of Afhil seem completely impervious to most injuries. This is due to their aggressive torture/training and Afhils blessings. Afhil is also capable of striking down enemies of his followers with incredible wracking pains.


creature is called Dafhil: a Child of Pain. The wretched creature suffers eternal pain so blinding, all it can do is strike out at others. A Dafhil has only one Devotion and that is to the Grinning God. Its Devotion is 8 and it has all the Grinning Mans Blessings. and bindings of demons. By knowing the name of a particular demon, the sorcerer may bind it and put it to service. In this way, a sorcerer is always surrounded by magic items; sorcerous tools containing bound demons. Each demon gives the item particular powers: a cloak that protects from fire, a ruby eye inserted into the skull that sees the intents of those it looks upon, or even a black bladed sword that drinks souls are all good examples of demonic items a sorcerer would have in his forbidden tower. Sorcerers may learn any Blessing listed in this book by summoning demons to their side, binding them, and forcing them to act. Sorcery does have a price, however, and that price is blood and time. A binding requires blood. That blood may be the sorcerers blood or anothers, but it must be spilled: enough blood to draw a circle and write the demons name (about two pints). Any ritual takes about one hour to perform. Once a demon has been summoned, it performs a single action, then leaves. If the sorcerer wishes another Blessing, he must summon another demon, going through the motions again. The demon bestows the Blessing on the sorcerer who may then call upon its power as he sees fit. The power remains until used, then is gone. A sorcerer may call multiple demons to gain the same Blessing many times. A sorcerer may only have a number of Rituals active equal to twice his Devotion to the God of Sorcery.

Making Your Own Pantheon

A llIeS & R IvAlS

Its no joke that nearly every other God of the Pantheon would like to see Afhil suffering under the sharp edges of his own tools if only they werent so certain hed enjoy it.

Appendix 4: Creating Your Own Pantheon

If you want to create your own Pantheon of Gods (You Go Girl!), here are some suggestions on God Titles. Just remember, the Greeks never thought of Athena as the Goddess of War, nor did the Norse consider Thor to be the God of Thunder. They were just Athena and Thor. Sticking a God a title limits him, but it is a good starting place to give your God theme and character. Look the over the list to the right and talk about it.

THe loRD oF DemoNS: SoRCel SHem

Wizards in their isolated towers making deals with demons eventually encounter Sorcel Shem: the Lord of Demons. It is this dark lord who made selling your soul popular on Shanri (the word sorcerer comes from his name). Many have sold their souls to Shem for the power he promises; and that power is great, indeed. Many speculate that Shem is not actually from this world at all, but from another one where the rules are not the same. He is often depicted as a tall, swarthy, beautiful man with long, straight black hair, braided down the back His eyes are like the rainbows of oil mixing with water and his voice is pleasant and almost musical. His charms have deluded many ambitious men and women, and the gifts he gives them always leave them wanting more.

structure. At first, the Greeks worshiped a Thunder God called Zeus, but when they conquered an agrarian culture, they adopted their Earth Mother, marrying her off (in a subservient role, of course) to their own Thunder God. Thus, Hera and Zeus were wed, and always at odds with each other. When the Greeks encountered a people who worshiped a goddess of erotic love, they had her arrive in a shell, off the waters to the East. Thus, Aphrodite was added to the pantheon. When the Greeks encountered Athenas people, it must have been a struggle (the higher up on the divinity chain you are, the tougher you were to conquer supposedly). She is born of Zeus, but not born, bursting from his skull after he devoured (conquered) another God, fully dressed in her armor, helm and spear,


Your first step is to define the nature of your Pantheon. Get together with the Game Master and other players, and decide what kind of Pantheon youll be playing. It could be a dualistic Pantheon, absorbed in the concepts of Good vs. Evil, Order vs. Chaos. Or, it could be that the nature of your Pantheon is more complicated than that. As an example, take a look at two Pantheons we all know from our Mythology class.

goBS AND goBS oF goDS

Art, Beauty, Birds, Birth (usually Motherhood), Chaos, Courage, Craft, Dance, Darkness, Dawn, Deserts (or, if you like, desserts), Destiny, Destruction, Direction (East Wind, West Wind, etc.), Disease, Famine, Fate, Fatherhood, Fertility (again, Motherhood), Fire/Earth/Wind/Water, Flowers, Forests (Trees), Guardianship, Hate, Healing, Hearth & Home, Hunting, Judgment, Justice, Knowledge, Learning, Light, Love (not Sex), Luck (Chance, Fortune), Marriage, Mercy, Moon, Motherhood, Mountains, Music, Night, Order, Plants, Poetry, Politics, Profession (Sailors, Tailors, Blacksmiths, etc.), Seas/Waters, Sex (not Love), Sky, Snakes, Spring, Storms, Sun, Time, Tricks, Volcanoes, War, Winter, Wisdom

T Wo e XAmpleS


Shem does not give miracles to his followers, but instead teaches them spells of power. These are written in accursed black books, bound in demonic flesh. The spells he teaches are, in actuality, the secret names

A llIeS & R IvAlS

All the Gods despise Sorcel Shem for he provides the quickest route to power thus stealing potential followers for himself. Even the other Fell Gods despise him (for the very same reasons). If Ikhalu could get his knives on Shem, he would.

Many interpret the Greek Pantheon as an extension of the human psyche, a statement on the human condition, but they didnt start that way. At first, the Gods were personifications of power: the God of War, God of Making, God of the Waters, all very masculine figures. However, as the Greeks conquered other cultures, they added the conquered pantheon to their own, reinterpreting it to fit into their belief



Ten Commandments
shouting a wild war cry that was heard across the universe. Shes a remarkable figure, and one of the most popular Greek Gods even though she probably came from an enemy culture. The Norse Gods are a little different from their Greek counterparts, although very similar in many respects. The chief god is male, married to a subservient female (although not as subservient as Hera), and Odin (or, Wotan) is a God of Wisdom rather than a Thunder God. His son, the mighty THOR (just have to write his name in all caps like that, he would have demanded it) takes up the role of angry Thunder God. The Norse Gods are less Gods of and more like actual characters than their Greek counterparts, and far more mortal. They can be killed, and will be killed in the Final Battle at the end of the world. This doom casts a shadow over all the stories, a foreboding aura you cannot ignore. The Norse Gods are more human their Greek companions as well, each with his own quirks and mannerisms. The Greek Gods are almost infallible, while the Norse Gods are getting fooled all the time. your Gods, think about all of it. Dont just slap God of War on your character sheet. Think about it. Are you like Athena: a quickwitted, clever and crafty God of War? Or are you a bloodthirsty, reckless warmonger like her brother Ares and their distant cousin THOR? Consider carefully. The character of your God says a lot about how youll be able to use your Divinity Points. must pluck out his own eye to learn the secrets of the world. Thus, fire and wisdom are forever linked: wisdom burns you and scars you. It steals your innocence, changing you forever. That is the nature of fire: a dangerous tool that must be used carefully. Thus, if you choose to be a Fire God, think about what sort of God of Wisdom youll be. There are many Earth Gods, and they are all aspects of the same thing: the circular nature of the world. All things come from the Earth, walk upon the Earth, and return to the Earth. Birth, Life, Death are the true holy trinity, and every day, mankind goes through that cycle. He is innocent, he is experienced, he is stagnant, and he is born again into innocence. The Earth deity is typically female, often represented as the Maiden-MotherCrone. The innocent girl, full of life and vigor, full of the magic of womanhood who gives her life to the baby in her womb, changing from dynamic life-force to protector. Then, finally, she is the old woman whose wisdom cannot be taught, only learned with personal experience. The girl who was mother who now watches her own girl-child as mother, knowing all the experiences her daughter will have. Because the Earth moves through its own cycles, represented by the four seasons, the Earth deity also represents all four of those seasons, including the Season of Death: Winter. The Earth God is often the Death God, far under the ground in his silent subterranean kingdom, greeting the mortal dead. In primitive cultures, snake is often

seen as a servant of death: the creature that goes under the ground, receives messages and commands from his master, then returning again to the surface to do his bidding. Almost any creature that burrows can be associated with the Earth God. Finally, any creature that sheds in the winter and blossoms in the spring is also associated with the magical life cycle. Think of antlers that fall off in the winter and regrow in the spring, bears who sleep the long deathsleep through the winter, only to become re-born when the snows thaw and youll be thinking of Earth animals. The Water God is a creature of mystery, emotion and change. Still waters run deep is the clich, and in this case, the clich is true. Water deities are often Goddesses, keepers of secrets, almost associated with the moon (another symbol of secrets). There are so many Goddesses associated with water and the moon, including Arthurs Lady of the Lake and the Greek sorceress Circe. Generally, Sun-Worshiping Pantheons vilify Water Goddesses, but they are a part of nature, just as fire and earth. Water conceals. Waters are always deeper than they appear. It is the element of creative thought (poets are seldom stable creatures), dreams and nightmares. It is the element of madness and the secret insight it brings. Water is turbulent, mercurial, ever-changing. Water is also the element of purity, the most primal of all the elements. The human body needs water to survive, it is the essential element of life. It may be volatile, protean and ever


So, while both Pantheons have their similarities (God of Thunder, God of Wisdom, God of War), they are also very different. It is important to decide what kind of Pantheon you and your other players want to make before dishing out titles and responsibilities. Think about the character of your myths, think about the mortality of

The four classic Greek elements Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water all carry symbolic meaning. The God of Fire carries the connotation of God of Wisdom. For a primitive people, making fire is a tricky wicket, not something just anyone can do. It requires a specific knowledge that must be learned, and sometimes even stolen. Thus, many Gods steal fire for humanity, bringing it from the other side of the world, to help man conquer his fear of darkness, teach him cooking and tool-making as well. Often times, the Firebringer is punished for stealing fire and marked in some way. In many myths, animals steal fire for man, and the coloring on their furs or wings shows where the fire burned them as they carried it. In Greek myth, Prometheus steals fire for man and gets chained to a rock, his liver eaten away by a giant bird for all eternity. In many Native American traditions, it is Crow or Raven who steal fire, thus their black burned feathers. Odin is considered a God of Wisdom, and is wounded for his gaining of that wisdom he

T He F ouR e lemeNTS


Chapter X
changing, but water is the essential stuff of life. Poetry, music, stories and all come from magical energy of water. We cannot live without art, anymore than we can live without water. And it can only truly be mastered by those who understand it. It can only be captured by those with minds as volatile, protean and ever-changing as the element that guides them. Wind is the element of thought, the element of concepts. It is too inclusive to say wind is the element of intellect, for it is also the element of intuition. It is the element of things that are true, but cannot be seen or explained. It is the element of gnosis, of knowing, not understanding. The belief that some things cannot be taught in books or by teachers, but can only be understood by direct experience. Anyone whos never been to the Grand Canyon cannot explain the sheer awe of standing at the lip of something so enormous, so spectacular. Words fail to capture the sight of a baby and new-born mother, moments after the birth. Men who fly high above and beyond our own Earth, looking down, seeing the whole of our blue globe in one glance. How can words capture these moments? They cant. They must be experienced. You cannot learn them, you must know them for yourself. This is the truth of wind, the element of gnosis, the element of magic. So much knowledge is available for the one who is willing to sit, be quiet and listen. The wind is calm, it is serene. It carries secrets and is willing to share them to anyone who will listen. Wind is power. It powers the windmill, it powers the sail. It carves away the mountain, little by little, year by year. In the end, wind is patient, and that is why its energies never fail. God of Death, responsible for claiming souls and returning them to his dim kingdom? If so, Death Gods are often isolated in some way, set apart from the other Gods. Either the Pantheon shuns him or he just keeps his distance, uninterested in the affairs of Gods or men, his mind set on keen indifference. Is Death even personified at all? In the Hebrew tradition, there may be One God, but there is no Heaven or Hell. In fact, there really isnt a soul! (Theres a lot of different kind of Jews; your faith mileage may differ.) Carefully consider the role of Death in your Pantheon and place him well. We strongly discourage the God of Death be handled by one of the players; generally, its just too much responsibility for a God to handle, let alone a mortal.

Chapter X

Thats about it: everything you need to play your first game of Enemy Gods. If you have any questions or run into any problems, feel free to drop me a line at www.wicked-dead.com. Ill be happy to answer any questions, clarify rules, or just take shameless compliments. But remember this: a roleplaying game is a game of imagination and make-believe. It is one of the only types of games in the world where the players are encouraged to make up things as they go. This not only includes the world but the rules as well. No RPG can suit every groups needs. I encourage you to change rules, make up your own, and modify this game to suit your groups tastes. Believe it or not, I love hearing how players change my games hearing about house rules shows that gamers are still thinking people who dont just follow rules, but make up their own. So, if you do come up with your own set of house rules, be sure to drop by the Brewery and let me know what you came up with. Well also be putting all kinds of new background material up on the site. Youll get to read about the myth cycle, Shanri history, and some new Blessings as well. Maybe even some new Gods Finally, thanks for picking up Enemy Gods. I hope you enjoyed the read, but more importantly, I hope you enjoy playing it. Take care, John W


When making your own Pantheon, keep in mind all the stuff that makes mythology neat. The ambiguous, fast-and-lose rules; the melodrama; the tricks; the Doom Waiting at the End of the World. Make it all part of your own Pantheon. If you dont feel comfortable making up your own, grab an existing one and play with that. Theres nothing wrong with using Enemy Gods to play with the Norse or Greek Pantheon, or even the Egyptian or Roman Pantheons. In the end, the point is to have fun, so do just that.

About the Author

John Wick is the co-creator of the Legend of the Five Rings and 7th Sea games, and the author of the Orkworld roleplaying game. He currently works full time for www.neopets.com and writes roleplaying games for The Wicked Dead Brewing Company with his buddy Jared Sorensen. In his spare time, he is also currently studying Kabala (which will drive him insane, hes told), Theurgy, Theosophy, Tarot, Blake, Crowley, Arthur Machen, Yeats, the OTO, the Golden Dawn, Rosicrucianism, the Craft of Masonry, and has considered creating his own secret esoteric society, just because it would be fun. If you want to learn the secrets of the First Degree, send a reasonable donation to john@wicked-dead.com.


Death is an important subject to discuss. Is death simply a mortal concern, or are the gods subject to its whims as well? Is there a



This Summer The Wicked-Dead Brewing Company Invites you to try its first Import Brew At Gen Con 2004 Get Ready...

A world of dark fantasy Ruled by Gods and Heroes You play both
Enemy Gods is a new roleplaying game from the author of Legend of the Five Rings, 7th Sea and Orkworld. Players take the roles of both Gods and Heroes, fighting for devotion and power. Each player picks a God from a pantheon and designs a mythic Hero. Gods try to win the Heroes favor and the Heroes try to appease the wrathful and jealous Gods. As the Heroes Devotion grows, so does the Gods power and influence. But Gods are jealous and petty things... And theres only so much Devotion to go around... Enemy Gods is a complete roleplaying game. Other than dice, pencils and snacks, you dont need anything else to play. It includes:
* Quick and complete character creation for both Heroes and Gods. * Rules for Divinity, Devotion and Heroic Flaws. * A sample pantheon so you can get started right away. * A simple but engaging system of advantages that rewards player ingenuity and creativity. * Guidelines and advice for creating your own pantheon. * A sneek peek at a brand new fantasy world.

...to Run!

The Game, The Whole Game, and Nothing But The Game!


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