AHDRA Rulebook 09
AHDRA Rulebook 09
AHDRA Rulebook 09
The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to pro-
vide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish mini-
mum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules shall
govern the condition of all events, and by participating in these
events, all participants are deemed to have complied with these
THESE RULES AND/OR REGULATIONS. They are intended as a
guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee
against injury or death to a participant, spectator or official.
communications media by reproduction and sale or other WHO WINS WHAT?
distribution by any and all means now known or hereafter A drag racer’s primary objective is to become the overall winner
developed. of the category of competition in which his/her motorcycle is clas-
3. Participants agree (a) without the prior written consent of sified. A series of two-motorcycle, tournament-style eliminations
AHDRA, they shall not make any still or motion pictures or are conducted. The losing motorcycle in each race is eliminated,
make an audio or visual recording of the event for use other while the winning riders progress into succeeding rounds of
than personal, in-home use of the participant, or cause or competition. This series of races continues until one winning rider
permit others to do so or to use the same; (b) AHDRA shall remains. That rider is declared the category’s winner.
have exclusive, worldwide, perpetual and universal use of any
pictures or recordings made or used in violation of this para- E.T. HANDICAPPED RACING
graph; (c) AHDRA shall be irreparably harmed by the making While some racers choose to race motorcycles they build to
or use of such pictures or recordings in such fashion without specifications that fit a certain AHDRA class (outlined elsewhere
such permission. in this rulebook), an ever-growing number of racers choose to
4. Participants agree that, without the prior written consent of race on a local level in categories divided on the basis of per-
AHDRA, they shall not offer for sale, sell, give away or other formance or E.T. (elapsed time) Brackets. This is known as E.T.
wise distribute, at the site of the event, any token, any souvenir Handicap racing. This form of drag racing offers a good starting
any product or thing of value, or permit others to do so, that point for the novice wishing to become involved in the sport.
AHDRA shall be irreparably harmed by a violation of this paragraph. (However, thousands of drag racers enjoy E.T. Handicap Racing so
much that they have participated in it for many years.) In this form
THE BASICS OF DRAG RACING of racing, two motorcycles of varying performance levels can race
WHAT IS A DRAG RACE? on a potentially even basis. The anticipated elapsed times for each
In basic terms, a drag race is an acceleration contest from a stand- motorcycle are compared, with the slower motorcycle receiving
ing start between two motorcycles over a measured distance. The a head start equal to the difference of the two. With this system,
accepted standard for that distance is either a quarter-mile or an virtually any two motorcycles can be paired in a competitive drag
eighth-mile. These contests are started by means of an electronic race. For example: motorcycle “A” has been timed at 17.78, 17.74
device commonly called a “tree”. Upon leaving the starting line, and 17.76 seconds for the quarter-mile and has opted for a 17.75
each contestant activates a timer, which is stopped when the same “dial-in”. Motorcycle “B” has recorded elapsed times of 15.27,
motorcycle reaches the finish line. The start-to-finish clocking 15.22 and 15.26 on the same track, and he has opted for a “dial-in”
is the motorcycle’s E.T. (elapsed time), which serves to measure of 15.25. Accordingly, motorcycle “A” will get a 2.5 second head
performance and often serves to determine handicaps during start over motorcycle “B” when the “tree” counts down to each
competition. motorcycle’s starting green light. If both motorcycles cover the
quarter-mile in exactly the predetermined elapsed time, the win
WHO CAN COMPETE? will go to the rider who reacts quickest to the starting signal. That
Virtually anyone can compete in drag racing. Riders are required reaction to the starting signal is called “reaction time”. Both lanes
to have a valid AHDRA Competition License and must be capable are timed independently of one another, and the clock does not
of the safe operation of the motorcycle. The motorcycle must start until the motorcycle actually moves. Because of this, a motor-
meet basic safety criteria (i.e.; have good brakes, be equipped cycle may sometimes appear to have an advantage in comparative
with good tires, etc.). This applies to most street legal and mildly elapsed times, but mathematically, actually lose the race once the
modified motorcycles. Faster, all-out race motorcycles must meet reaction time is factored in. This fact makes starting line reflexes
more stringent requirements as outlined throughout this AHDRA extremely important in drag racing.
Rulebook and must have a current AHDRA competition License.
SAFETY’S IMPORTANCE Essentially, drag racing is a pairing of two motorcycles against one
Prime responsibility for the safe condition and operation of a another in a race through a straightway course. Hence, the start is
motorcycle in competition rests with the motorcycle’s owner the key to its uniqueness, because all races start from a standstill.
and rider. The track operator’s main concern is that of providing Today’s modern starting system, commonly referred to as the
a place to conduct events. AHDRA produces guidelines based on “tree”, is a product of continued development, designed to pro-
experience gained at many events each year and circulates valid vide each competitor with the fairest start possible. The system
information to help perpetuate the sport and maintain organiza- features a vertical series of lights, displaying a visual countdown
tion. However, total responsibility for drag racing’s progress must for each rider. Most riders try to make their move between the
be shared by everyone associated with the sport. Close obser- last amber light going off and the green light coming on. Technique
vance of the standards set forth in this Rulebook is an important in staging and starting is one of the most vital skills a drag racer
fundamental. can develop, since many races are won or lost at the starting line.
Close observation and a lot of practice pay off.
After illuminating the staged light, a run will be disqualified if the DISRUPTED EVENT
rider and/or the motorcycle come into contact with any object In the case of an AHDRA event being disrupted by weather or
other than the track surface. other reasons to the extent that it cannot be completed within
the scheduled time, the following procedures shall apply.
Boundary line, centerline and object violations will remain in effect 1. If the disruption occurs before at least one (1) complete
for single and bye runs. round of qualifying for all classes has been completed, the
event will be canceled. Five (5) championship points will be
A run will be disqualified for leaving the starting line before the awarded to eligible competitors (see POINTS section).
timing system is activated except on bye runs. 2. If the event is disrupted after at least one (1) round of
qualifying for all classes has been completed, but elimina-
Both riders of a laddered pair committing a centerline, boundary tions have not proceeded through one (1) complete round
line, object, or a “leaving before the tree is activated” violation for all classes, the event will be terminated. Entry, qualifying
Sportsman and ET Points System for fields of nine In the event of identical qualifying elapsed times in Pro and Sportsman
(9) or more (20 Points Per Round) categories, the rider with the faster top speed recorded on the quali-
First-round loser...........................20 fying runs in question will be awarded the lower qualifying position.
Second-round loser......................40
Third-round loser.........................60 The Event Director has the option of permitting rider or motor-
Fourth-round loser.......................80 cycle changes, but only under the following conditions.
Fifth-round loser.........................100 1. All previous event times are void for motorcycles and riders
Sixth-round loser........................120 involved.
2. Motorcycle must pass a technical and safety inspection.
Sportsman categories will be awarded Pro style points for fields 3. Changes must be made, and rider must re-qualify, during the
less than 9 motorcycles. normal schedule, as posted, for the event. No changes are
permitted after qualifying has been completed.
Qualifying position points 4. Rider must stay within original eliminator category entered
1st.......................................................8 and must have proper credentials to ride replacement
2nd.....................................................7 motorcycle.
3rd......................................................6 5. Only one change permitted during the course of an event.
5th & 6th..........................................4 Motorcycle changes for a postponed event are permitted with
SSC Class Chain Guard: Chain or belt primary and chain or belt second-
ary must have guards.
Transmission: Any type of five or six-speed foot shift only
Designation: “SSC” followed by bike number.
transmission is allowed. No automatic transmissions. Clutch
Reserved for V-Twin cylinder configuration motorcycles powered
must be hand operated. No clutch assists or lockup clutches are
by S&S 124 c.i. Super Sidewinder Plus Evo style or Twin Cam engine
allowed. No ignition electric kill or interrupt, or air shifters or
competing heads up on a .400 pro tree. Motorcycle must be ridden
electronic solenoid shifters are allowed to aid shifting. Internal
under its own power to staging, starting line and back to the pit area
modifications are limited to back-cut, clearance, and lightening
after completion of run - no towing or pushing allowed (except for
verified breakage after the conclusion of a run). Minimum weight at
conclusion of run, including rider, must be 750 lbs.
Body: No body parts are necessary, except rear fender that must