AHDRA Rulebook 09

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AHDRA 2009


The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to pro-
vide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish mini-
mum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules shall
govern the condition of all events, and by participating in these
events, all participants are deemed to have complied with these
THESE RULES AND/OR REGULATIONS. They are intended as a
guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee
against injury or death to a participant, spectator or official.

The race director shall be empowered to permit minor deviation

from any of the specifications herein or impose further restric-
tions that in his opinion do not alter the minimum acceptable
CATIONS. Any interpretation or deviation of these rules is left to
the discretion of the officials. Their decision is final.

AHDRA Contact Information

Office Phone......................................................................(336) 924-2095
Office Fax...........................................................................(336) 924-0072
Web Address....................................................................www.ahdra.com
Mailing Address.......................................................................PO Box 377
Tobaccoville, NC 27050
In consideration of being allowed to enter and by being issued
credentials to an AHDRA event or an event at an NHRA member
track, the motorcycle owner, the motorcycle rider, crewmembers,
extra crewmembers, advertisers, sponsors and other holders of
event credentials (the “participant”) agree as follows.
1. All rights to advertising, promotion, filming, recording, exhibi-
tion and other exploitations of the event, the participants
and motorcycles entered in the event, and their activities at
the site of the event before, during and after the event and
reasonably related to the event, are reserved to AHDRA and
its assigns.
2. Participants hereby grant AHDRA and its assigns (a) full and
unconditional permission to make still or motion pictures and
any other type(s) of audio or visual recordings of their and
their motorcycles’ participation in the event and their activi-
ties at the site of the event before, during and after the event,
and reasonably related to the event; and (b) the exclusive,
worldwide and perpetual rights to use the same, together
with their names, likeness and biographies of participants and
the names, likeness and date of or relating to, their entered
motorcycles for publicity, advertising, exhibition or exploita-
tion, whether or not for profit, in print, audio, video and other

communications media by reproduction and sale or other WHO WINS WHAT?
distribution by any and all means now known or hereafter A drag racer’s primary objective is to become the overall winner
developed. of the category of competition in which his/her motorcycle is clas-
3. Participants agree (a) without the prior written consent of sified. A series of two-motorcycle, tournament-style eliminations
AHDRA, they shall not make any still or motion pictures or are conducted. The losing motorcycle in each race is eliminated,
make an audio or visual recording of the event for use other while the winning riders progress into succeeding rounds of
than personal, in-home use of the participant, or cause or competition. This series of races continues until one winning rider
permit others to do so or to use the same; (b) AHDRA shall remains. That rider is declared the category’s winner.
have exclusive, worldwide, perpetual and universal use of any
pictures or recordings made or used in violation of this para- E.T. HANDICAPPED RACING
graph; (c) AHDRA shall be irreparably harmed by the making While some racers choose to race motorcycles they build to
or use of such pictures or recordings in such fashion without specifications that fit a certain AHDRA class (outlined elsewhere
such permission. in this rulebook), an ever-growing number of racers choose to
4. Participants agree that, without the prior written consent of race on a local level in categories divided on the basis of per-
AHDRA, they shall not offer for sale, sell, give away or other formance or E.T. (elapsed time) Brackets. This is known as E.T.
wise distribute, at the site of the event, any token, any souvenir Handicap racing. This form of drag racing offers a good starting
any product or thing of value, or permit others to do so, that point for the novice wishing to become involved in the sport.
AHDRA shall be irreparably harmed by a violation of this paragraph. (However, thousands of drag racers enjoy E.T. Handicap Racing so
much that they have participated in it for many years.) In this form
THE BASICS OF DRAG RACING of racing, two motorcycles of varying performance levels can race
WHAT IS A DRAG RACE? on a potentially even basis. The anticipated elapsed times for each
In basic terms, a drag race is an acceleration contest from a stand- motorcycle are compared, with the slower motorcycle receiving
ing start between two motorcycles over a measured distance. The a head start equal to the difference of the two. With this system,
accepted standard for that distance is either a quarter-mile or an virtually any two motorcycles can be paired in a competitive drag
eighth-mile. These contests are started by means of an electronic race. For example: motorcycle “A” has been timed at 17.78, 17.74
device commonly called a “tree”. Upon leaving the starting line, and 17.76 seconds for the quarter-mile and has opted for a 17.75
each contestant activates a timer, which is stopped when the same “dial-in”. Motorcycle “B” has recorded elapsed times of 15.27,
motorcycle reaches the finish line. The start-to-finish clocking 15.22 and 15.26 on the same track, and he has opted for a “dial-in”
is the motorcycle’s E.T. (elapsed time), which serves to measure of 15.25. Accordingly, motorcycle “A” will get a 2.5 second head
performance and often serves to determine handicaps during start over motorcycle “B” when the “tree” counts down to each
competition. motorcycle’s starting green light. If both motorcycles cover the
quarter-mile in exactly the predetermined elapsed time, the win
WHO CAN COMPETE? will go to the rider who reacts quickest to the starting signal. That
Virtually anyone can compete in drag racing. Riders are required reaction to the starting signal is called “reaction time”. Both lanes
to have a valid AHDRA Competition License and must be capable are timed independently of one another, and the clock does not
of the safe operation of the motorcycle. The motorcycle must start until the motorcycle actually moves. Because of this, a motor-
meet basic safety criteria (i.e.; have good brakes, be equipped cycle may sometimes appear to have an advantage in comparative
with good tires, etc.). This applies to most street legal and mildly elapsed times, but mathematically, actually lose the race once the
modified motorcycles. Faster, all-out race motorcycles must meet reaction time is factored in. This fact makes starting line reflexes
more stringent requirements as outlined throughout this AHDRA extremely important in drag racing.
Rulebook and must have a current AHDRA competition License.
SAFETY’S IMPORTANCE Essentially, drag racing is a pairing of two motorcycles against one
Prime responsibility for the safe condition and operation of a another in a race through a straightway course. Hence, the start is
motorcycle in competition rests with the motorcycle’s owner the key to its uniqueness, because all races start from a standstill.
and rider. The track operator’s main concern is that of providing Today’s modern starting system, commonly referred to as the
a place to conduct events. AHDRA produces guidelines based on “tree”, is a product of continued development, designed to pro-
experience gained at many events each year and circulates valid vide each competitor with the fairest start possible. The system
information to help perpetuate the sport and maintain organiza- features a vertical series of lights, displaying a visual countdown
tion. However, total responsibility for drag racing’s progress must for each rider. Most riders try to make their move between the
be shared by everyone associated with the sport. Close obser- last amber light going off and the green light coming on. Technique
vance of the standards set forth in this Rulebook is an important in staging and starting is one of the most vital skills a drag racer
fundamental. can develop, since many races are won or lost at the starting line.
Close observation and a lot of practice pay off.


Two separate performances are monitored for each run: the
elapsed time and the speed. On an elapsed time run, the motor- GENERAL RULES
cycle first leaves the starting line “breaking” the beam, which ac- 1. ALL RACERS MUST BE AHDRA MEMBERS.
tivates the electronic timer. As the motorcycle continues through 2. All race motorcycles must be Harley-Davidson®‚ or 45°-90°
the course, the timer records the elapsed seconds and fractions V-Twin built of similar design (at judge’s discretion).
of seconds until the motorcycle breaks the finish line beam and 3. There will be a set entry fee to be paid before each event for
stops the timer. Top speed (mph) is determined by the motorcycle all classes.
breaking two additional light beams at the finish line. 4. Free tech fee and gate entry will be provided for all current
year #1 Plate Holders.
WHAT IS “BREAK-OUT” AND/OR “RED LIGHT”? 5. You must carry AHDRA number plate(s) and number assigned
Should a rider go quicker than his/her predetermined E.T. “dial-in”, to you for each class. TWO PLATES are needed for all motor-
it is a “break-out” and is grounds for disqualification. In the case cycles. This is necessary for us to identify racers and maintain
of both motorcycles making their runs under their dial-ins, the the points system. These number plates will be available at
win goes to the rider who breaks out the least. Another form of “Tech Inspection” at each event.
disqualification is a foul start (“red-light”). This happens when the 6. Rider may compete in different classes. Sportsman and ET
rider reacts to the “tree” too quickly and drives away from the riders may run the same motorcycle in multiple Sportsman
starting line before the green “go” signal. Should dual infractions classes. Pro classes require different motorcycle entered in
occur, a red light and then a breakout, the red light would be clas- each class.
sified as the worst infraction. 7. Payout will be at the track! If you do not pick it up, you must
designate someone to pick it up for you! All money(s) that
CATEGORIES are not picked up will be put toward the banquet fund.
1. PROFESSIONAL (PRO) CLASSES 8. E.T. and MPH record claims must be presented to and vali-
Top Fuel, Pro Fuel, Pro Stock, Pro Dragster, Pro Gas, Pro dated by an AHDRA official by end of the event for points
Modified, Street Pro considerations.
Compete on a heads-up, even start basis. 9. All mandatory rule violators will be subject to a fine and/or
Pro Tree Start 10. All structural threaded fasteners must be grade 5 or better.
4/10ths of a second. All entries must qualify to compete in 11. All competitors must have a valid AHDRA competition
eliminations. license (See “LICENSE REQUIREMENTS” section).
12. A single motorcycle, ridden by a single competitor, must be
2. SPORTSMAN CLASSES used throughout qualifying and eliminations in each class.
Super Gas, Super Sport, Super Eliminator, Screamin’ Eagle Per- 13. All crewmembers going to the starting line must be at least
formance 16 years old and display a valid membership card and re-
Compete on a heads-up, even start basis, 9.70, 10.30, 10.90 stricted area pass.
and 11.50 Index. 14. A crewmember or rider must remain with the motorcycle at
all times in the staging lanes.
Hot Street, SSC,V-Rod,V-Rod Destroyer 15. ET Class riders are responsible for insuring that their dial-in
Compete on a heads-up, even start basis with no index. is correct before staging.
16. Operating a foot shifter by hand is prohibited.
Pro Tree Start 17. The speed limit in pit area is 10 mph.
4/10ths of a second. All entries must qualify to compete in 18. The rider or a crewmember from each entry must attend
eliminations. riders meeting.
19. Handlebar and riser combined height is limited to 12 inches
3. ET CLASS maximum.
ET Class 20. Pro and Sportsman Classes will be paired according to quali-
fied positions on ladder charts.
Full tree start 21. If a racer is in question on anything, he must tell an official
5/10ths of a second. All compete on a dial-in, handicapped before he heats the tire.
start basis. 22. Competing motorcycles may have up to six (6) people plus
the rider in the staging lanes. Only four (4) people may go
beyond the water box with motorcycle and rider.
23. Do not fire the motorcycle until you have official approval
and/or do not heat the tire until you have approval.


24. All motorcycles competing in classes required to provide fuel days before AHDRA qualifying begins. Competitors in viola-
samples must be equipped with a valve in the fuel supply line tion of this rule will be disqualified from competing in the
for sampling purposes. AHDRA event. In the event that AHDRA conducts a Friday
25. Pro category motorcycles will be allowed one (1) hour qualifying session, a variance would be allowed to competitors
between runs to perform maintenance and report to the that had run at the track on the prior Sunday or equivalent.
starting line.
26. Nitrous oxide bottles must be securely mounted within the
perimeter of the frame and protected in the case of an accident. PROCEDURES
Nitrous bottles may not be heated with an open flame.
27. All tow vehicles and starter/pit carts must display the AHDRA ALTERNATES
class and motorcycle number with which they are associated. Alternates are allowed in Pro categories only. Once qualifying
28. Operating a motorized vehicle on track grounds requires has concluded and a ladder has been established, pairings will not
possession of a valid state issued drivers license. be changed. In the event that a qualified entry cannot make the
29. To be eligible for any and all posted awards, points and re- first round of eliminations, an alternate may be inserted into the
cords, all competitors must display the mandatory official original qualifier’s position on the ladder. Alternates will not be
AHDRA logo, class sponsor logo and series sponsor logo on inserted once eliminations begin for their class. All qualifying and
both sides of the entered motorcycle and on the chest of 1st round points and the cash awards associated with qualifying
their racing uniforms and/or leathers. and 1st round will be awarded to the original qualifier.
30. An entry may not be withdrawn from a class after qualifying
begins. There is an exception concerning this rule for a dis- If an event is disrupted and rescheduled prior to the start of elimi-
rupted event (see “POINTS” section). nations for that class, it is necessary that the qualified motorcycle
31. A competitor has the right to make an additional qualifying and rider be in attendance at the rescheduled event to be eligible
attempt in the event of the competitor in the adjacent racing for points and awards based on eliminator competition. If an
lane crossing the centerline abreast of or in front of the alternate is inserted into the rescheduled event for a non-return-
other competitor during his/her qualifying attempt. A rerun, ing qualifier, the alternate will receive full round points and awards.
if allowed, must be completed during the event qualifying Points and awards based solely on qualifying will remain with the
session. The run will not be allowed if the competitor does original qualifier.
not report to the starting line in the allotted time.
32. Any competitor striking a reflector block that requires re BREAK-OUT FOR E.T. AND INDEX
placement will be charged $50.00 per block. The breakout rules are enforced at national and divisional events
33. Any competitor who experiences breakage that results in as follows. Contestants who race below the posted index or
oil or other fluids being deposited on the racing surface will category standard during eliminations are disqualified with the
be charged $5.00 per minute for the actual cleanup time. following exceptions.
34. Failure and/or refusal to provide motorcycle, rider and safety 1. When an opponent fouls and/or crosses a boundary line
equipment for any inspection requested by an AHDRA official 2. On a single run
will result in the rider’s disqualification and forfeiture of any 3. When both riders run under their Dial-Ins, the rider that is
points, awards and purse for the event the least under is the winner
35. All participants must wear full coverage footwear at all times 4. If two contestants run under by the same margin (with
when on the active racing surface. elapsed times extended to a thousandth of a second), the
36. All liquid cooled motorcycles must use water and/or Propyl- rider crossing the finish line first is the winner.
ene Glycol coolant only.
37. All riders running 9.99 or quicker are required to have a valid BURNOUTS
medical/physical certificate on file with AHDRA. AHDRA At national events, Top Fuel, Pro Fuel, Pro Dragster, Pro Stock,
physicals are valid for two (2) full racing seasons and expire Pro Gas and Pro Modified are permitted one (1) burnout across
on December 31st. the starting line under power. Length and time duration must be
38. In the event that both motorcycles of a laddered pair break reasonable and in line with the opponent’s procedures. Sports-
and neither can continue to the finish line under their own man and E.T. may not cross the starting line under power during
power or the inertia stored in the motorcycle mass, the win- a burnout. Stationary burnout limit is five seconds. No one nor
ner will be determined by the quickest reaction time. In the anything may touch the rider or motorcycle during the burnout.
event both riders having identical reaction times, the rider
that had lane choice for that pass will be the winner. CONTINGENCY AWARDS
39. An AHDRA competitor shall not participate in any testing Winner and Runner-up contingency must be verified after final
or competition on the same motorcycle as will be entered round of eliminations at the racetrack.  To be eligible for contin-
in an AHDRA event at the same track for a period of five gency awards you must bring your bike to the Tech Trailer and the


following criteria must be adhered to: will be disqualified. Riders committing a red-light foul start will
be reinserted on to the ladder in the event that their opponent
1. Decals must be placed on both sides of the race bike, unless commits a centerline, boundary or object violation at or before
the individual sponsor approves another location. the finish line. Riders eliminated during competition will be also
2. All decals and products must be on the race bike prior to be reinserted on to the ladder in the event that the winning rider
the first round of eliminations.  IF ANYONE IS CAUGHT OR is disqualified for a centerline or safety cone violation beyond the
ADMITS TO APPLYING DECALS AFTER THE FIRST finish line. In the event that both riders are eliminated in this way
ROUND OF ELIMINATIONS, ALL THEIR CONTINGENCY during a final round, the following ranking of violations will prevail
AWARDS WILL BE FORFEITED FOR THAT EVENT.  IF to determine the winner and runner-up.
you are switching to the ET class on Sunday (Elimination day),
you must get the decals and put them on your bike on Satur- 1. centerline or object violation at or before the finish line
day (Qualifying day). 2. centerline or safety cone violation beyond the finish line
3. Decals may not be altered or overlaid without permission of 3. contact with the wall or crossing the outside boundary line at
the sponsor. or before the finish line
4. Any or all sponsors may require proof of purchase; keep your 4. leaving the starting line before the tree is activated
serial numbers and receipts. 5. red-light foul
5. Mandatory decals- AHDRA, Series Sponsor Decal and Class
Sponsor decal.  Mandatory means that no points or awards In the event that both riders commit the same violation in the
will be given without these decals on your race bike. final round, the first rider to commit the violation would be elimi-
nated. In the rare case that a winner cannot be determined both
It is the responsibility of the rider to purchase the products from riders will be awarded runner-up championship points and purse.
the manufacturers and ask for decals at that time.  The AHDRA
will try to have some available, but the AHDRA is not responsible Competitors officially determined, as a result of protest or fuel
to obtain and have in stock all decals for posted products. analysis, to be in violation of any rule during qualifying will have all
previous qualifying runs disqualified. Infractions determined during
DISQUALIFICATIONS or after eliminations will result in the competitor being disquali-
A run will be disqualified for crossing the centerline or boundary fied from the event and no championship points or purse will be
lines as specifically described below. At tracks without outside awarded, and the competitor’s total races considered for points
boundary lines the wall will be considered the boundary. will be reduced by one (1) on each occasion. Items found to be in
violation are subject to impound as described in the “IMPOUND-
The centerline is considered continuous from the starting line, ED ITEMS” section of this rulebook.
and beyond the finish line, to a point designated and clearly
marked by AHDRA officials based on safety and track conditions. Any rider and/or pit crewmember obstructing or infringing on an
In determining centerline and lane boundary crossing violations, Official’s efforts to administer instructions and or directives will
it is considered a disqualification when any portion of a tire result in the disqualification of the rider and forfeiture of any and
completely crosses the painted line surface. In situations where all points, awards and purse for the event.
multiple boundary lines are utilized, the line directly adjacent to
the competitors racing lane will be used for reference. Intentional Any rider and/or pit crewmember found to be under the influence
crossing of boundary lines (in a safe and controlled manner) to of alcoholic beverages or drugs, regardless of amount, will be dis-
leave track or avoid depositing debris on track is not grounds for qualified and ejected from the event. Such a condition is cause for
disqualification. suspension, fine and/or revocation of competition privileges.

After illuminating the staged light, a run will be disqualified if the DISRUPTED EVENT
rider and/or the motorcycle come into contact with any object In the case of an AHDRA event being disrupted by weather or
other than the track surface. other reasons to the extent that it cannot be completed within
the scheduled time, the following procedures shall apply.
Boundary line, centerline and object violations will remain in effect 1. If the disruption occurs before at least one (1) complete
for single and bye runs. round of qualifying for all classes has been completed, the
event will be canceled. Five (5) championship points will be
A run will be disqualified for leaving the starting line before the awarded to eligible competitors (see POINTS section).
timing system is activated except on bye runs. 2. If the event is disrupted after at least one (1) round of
qualifying for all classes has been completed, but elimina-
Both riders of a laddered pair committing a centerline, boundary tions have not proceeded through one (1) complete round
line, object, or a “leaving before the tree is activated” violation for all classes, the event will be terminated. Entry, qualifying


and first round championship points will be awarded to all AHDRA practices several methods to assure competitor compli-
eligible competitors. All officially entered and qualified com- ance with fuel regulations. Specified fuels must meet color and
petitors will also be paid the equivalent of the first round odor comparisons to certified samples. Dielectric tests are also
purse as posted for their class at the event. ET Class com- utilized. Gasoline is a good electrical insulator or dielectric, and its
petitors will receive free ET Class entry at one (1) AHDRA relative effectiveness as an insulator is represented by its dielectric
event. The number one (1) qualifier will also be awarded the constant. A gas chromatograph is used on a random basis and for
posted qualifying awards. No entry fees will be refunded. final decisions when other tests are not conclusive. These tests
3. If at least one (1) complete round of eliminations for all classes yield very accurate graphs that are compared to base line tests of
has been completed, the event will be considered complete, certified samples to determine compliance.
and a portion of the purse for the event will be awarded. The
amount of the purse will be determined by the degree of IMPOUNDED ITEMS
completion of eliminations. All qualified competitors will be Participants in AHDRA events grant to AHDRA and its assigns
paid and championship points will be awarded based on each the right to impound and/or take possession of items, parts and
competitor’s position at the time of the disruption. assemblies found to be in violation of AHDRA rules or procedures
4. No gate/ticket fees will be refunded in any case. as set forth in this rulebook or revisions thereof. In the case of an
accident AHDRA may impound the entire motorcycle and support
FUELS equipment as it sees fit to aid in ascertaining the cause or results
Nitromethane (nitrocarbol) CH3NO2: of the accident.
Nitromethane is allowed only in Top Fuel, Pro Fuel and Pro Drag.
It must be utilized in its pure form as supplied by the approved LADDERS
fuel suppliers. Nitromethane may be mixed with Methanol in vari- Category pairings are based on established AHDRA ladder chains.
ous percentages to yield characteristics desired by competitors. Professional category ladders are based on qualifying elapsed
No other additives are allowed. times. Sportsman category ladders are established on a “closest to
the index” basis for each class. All competitors must be officially
Methanol (methyl alcohol) CH3OH: entered and must have completed a valid qualifying pass to be
Methanol is allowed in its pure form in several classes. Reference placed on the ladder. Professional classes with thirteen (13) or
specific class rules to determine its legality. It may also be utilized less qualified entries will run on an eight (8)-motorcycle ladder.
in solution with nitromethane in classes approved for use of Fields totaling less than eight (8) qualifiers will be laddered for one
nitromethane. When methanol is used in AHDRA classes other (1) or no bye runs in the first round as generated by the timing
than Top Fuel, Pro Fuel or Pro Drag it must be used in its pure system computer. Fourteen (14) qualified entries will compete
form as supplied by approved fuel suppliers. No other additives on a fourteen (14)-motorcycle ladder. Fifteen (15) or sixteen (16)
are allowed. qualified entries will compete on a sixteen (16)-motorcycle ladder.
All professional classes will be limited to a sixteen (16)-motor-
Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) C2H5OH: cycle field. All sportsman classes will be limited to a 32-motorcycle
Ethanol is allowed in its pure or blended form in classes designat- field. In ET class all entries will compete. ET class will be laddered
ed as alcohol being an allowed fuel. It is produced chemically from by best reaction time after initial random pairings have reduced
ethylene or biologically from the fermentation of various sugars the number of competitors to sixteen (16).
from carbohydrates found in agricultural crops and cellulose
residues from crops or wood. Known as ethyl alcohol, “alcohol”, LANE CHOICE
“grain-spirit”, or “neutral spirit”, etc. A clear, colorless, flammable In the Professional categories, lane choice is determined by
oxygenated hydrocarbon. It has a boiling point of 78.5°C in the elapsed times. The rider with the better qualifying E.T gets first-
anhydrous state. round lane choice, and in subsequent rounds, lane choice goes to
the rider with the lowest E.T. in the previous round. In all other
Gasoline: categories, competing riders are to determine lane choice by reac-
Gasoline is defined for purposes of this rulebook as a mixture of tion time.
hydrocarbons only. Non-hydrocarbons that do not increase the
specific energy of the gasoline are allowed to the extent that they LICENSE REQUIREMENTS
do not exceed 0.15% by volume and are blended in the gasoline by Forms to request a license are available from Tech or AHDRA
the refiner or fuel manufacturer. AHDRA has mandated the use of office.
specific gasoline for use in some classes. Reference the class rules
section for guidelines concerning the use of specific gasoline. No Top Fuel/Pro Fuel/Pro Drag/Pro Stock/Pro Gas
Propylene Oxide may be added to gasoline. 1. Motorcycle must pass technical inspection.
2. Rider and team must demonstrate start-up and shutdown
Testing/Certification: skills and on-track capabilities as follows:

10 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 11

a. Step one: Must complete a controlled burn out and 60-foot dredth of a mile-per-hour. If two contestants tie for the elapsed
launch of the motorcycle. time record to the thousandth of a second at the same event, the
b. Step two: Must complete a controlled burn out, launch, and tiebreaker will be the fastest mile-per-hour reading for the run
half-track pass with shut-off at half-track. that established the record. If the record is tied at a later race, the
c. Step three: Must complete a controlled burn out, launch, record will stay with the rider who set it first. Similarly, if two con-
and full track pass to the satisfaction of the AHDRA Techni- testants tie for the speed mark, the tiebreaker will be the quickest
cal Officials, and be within one and one half (1-1/2) seconds elapsed time on the run that established the new national record.
of the number one (1) qualifier of the applicable class at the
event. A contestant cannot set records with one motorcycle, and then
3. Technical Director and two licensed riders from same or compete in eliminations with another motorcycle. Only the rider
higher class must approve riding ability and endorse the holding the record at the conclusion of the event will be credited
license application. with the record. A rider setting and then losing a record at the
same event will not receive credit for establishing a record.
Pro Modified/Street Pro Records can only be established during qualifying runs and elimina-
1. Motorcycle must pass technical inspection. tions runs, unless it is specified differently.
2. Rider must demonstrate skills and capabilities as follows.
a. Step one: Must complete a controlled burn out and launch Racers, it is your responsibility to report your record to AHDRA
of the motorcycle. officials along with E.T. slip to confirm the runs.
b. Step two: Must complete a controlled burn out, launch, and
half-track pass with shut-off at half-track. All record runs must report to scales for weight and fuel checks,
c. Step three: Must complete a controlled burn out, launch, before returning to pit, for record validation.
and full track pass to the satisfaction of the AHDRA Techni-
cal Officials, and be within one and one half (1-1/2) seconds NUMBER ASSIGNMENT
of the number one (1) qualifier of the applicable class at the All AHDRA racers will be assigned a number to be used on their
event. number plates. The numbers one through ten will be reserved for
3. Technical Director is only approval needed. AHDRA National Points Standing.


1. Motorcycle must pass technical inspection. Participants at AHDRA events are required to conduct themselves
2. Rider must demonstrate skills and capabilities to safely oper- in a professional and non-disruptive manner. Any participant who,
ate the motorcycle entered in competition in the sole judgment of AHDRA officials, verbally or physically
3. Technical Director is only approval needed. threatens another participant, engages in unsportsmanlike like
conduct or conduct detrimental to the sport, creates a situa-
NATIONAL RECORD PROCEDURES tion that is unsafe or is out of order will be asked to leave or be
The standard of excellence of performance in drag racing is the removed from the event.
AHDRA National Record. These records are established under
controlled conditions at authorized record events throughout the PLACEMENT OF BASTARD MOTORCYCLES
season at AHDRA National Records Events. AHDRA classes are set up to run the most popular and modern
race motorcycles (Street or Pro). Therefore, competitors who
Each record run is made under close observation of starting pro- have motorcycles that do not fit into our existing classes, but will
cedures, running, finish and timing. Each motorcycle is thoroughly pass our safety standards, can be placed into a given class where
inspected to determine its compliance with class requirements, in- the Tech Director feels they should be competitive.
cluding weight, engine displacement, mechanical limitations and fuel
checks where necessary. In a sport where records play such a vital POINTS SYSTEM
role, every effort is made to maintain their accuracy and validity. In Contestants may choose a maximum of 10 AHDRA National
order to ensure the validity of all new records, a backup perfor- Events to be used in calculating National Championship points.
mance of within one percent of the new mark is required at the
same event. In the event that two runs exceed the existing record, All points are awarded to the rider and cannot be transferred
but are not within one percent of each other, the quicker time or under any circumstances. Points are not transferable from one
faster speed will be acceptable as the backup for the slower time, category to another.
which will stand as the new record.
Points will be deducted from a competitor’s point total for the
Professional elapsed time records will be recorded and listed to following specific infractions.
the thousandth of a second. Speed records will be to the hun- -10 point penalty for breakage or malfunction that results in

12 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 13

a delay of competition of more than 4 minutes (determined 7th & 8th...........................................3
at the sole discretion of the Official Starter or AHDRA Official) 9th through 12th.............................2
-10 point penalty for not having a team representative 13th through 16th...........................1
(preferably the rider) attend the mandatory riders meeting.
Establishing an official 1/4 mile ET record (20 Irrevo-
If a contestant, not eliminated before a disruption, wishes to be cable Points)
withdrawn from the disrupted event and desires not to receive
points earned up until the point of cancellation, contestant must PROTEST PROCEDURE
contact the AHDRA Competition Department. If a contestant Mechanical protests require some form of disassembly of the
withdraws from a disrupted event, the disrupted event will not motorcycle and can only be filed after eliminations are complete
count against the 10-race quota for championship points. and in reference to a competitor in the same class, who placed
higher in eliminations.Visual protests can be validated by AHDRA
AHDRA Championship Contestants in each of the racing catego- officials without major disassembly and must be filed at least 60
ries compete for the AHDRA Championship title on the basis minutes before last round of qualifying for the protested competi-
of total points won at AHDRA National events. All contestants tor. All protests must be filed in writing and on the form available
entered in an event, who complete one (1) valid, qualifying pass, from the AHDRA Tech and Registration location. There is no fee
will receive 10 irrevocable points. Contestants entered and pres- required for a visual protest. A $300.00 fee must accompany a me-
ent at an event that is disrupted before one (1) complete round of chanical protest. If the protested motorcycle is found to be legal,
qualifying is complete will be awarded five (5) irrevocable points. the protested owner shall receive the protest fee for his trouble. If
the protested motorcycle is found to be illegal, the protest fee will
Ties in points will be resolved by most wins, runner-ups, semis, etc. be returned to the individual(s) that filed the protest. Tech Inspec-
until the tie is broken. tors may protest a motorcycle at no cost. See “DISQUALIFICA-
TIONS” and “IMPOUNDED ITEMS” sections for specific penalties
Professional Point System and consequences.
16 Motorcycle Field
Winner..........................................100 QUALIFYING
Runner-up.......................................80 All qualifiers must have a valid elapsed time recorded in order to
Third-round loser.........................60 be placed into eliminator competition. Any rider leaving the start-
Second-round loser......................40 ing line before the start system is activated, including riders on a
First-round loser...........................20 single run, will have their time disqualified for the run. In order to
8 Motorcycle Field constitute an official qualifying attempt, all motorcycles must start
Winner..........................................100 and stage under power. A contestant cannot ride more than one
Runner-up.......................................80 motorcycle in the same category at the same event. If conditions
Second-round loser......................40 curtail scheduled qualifying attempts in categories, the Event Director
First-round loser...........................20 has the option of placing non-qualified entrants into the field.

Sportsman and ET Points System for fields of nine In the event of identical qualifying elapsed times in Pro and Sportsman
(9) or more (20 Points Per Round) categories, the rider with the faster top speed recorded on the quali-
First-round loser...........................20 fying runs in question will be awarded the lower qualifying position.
Second-round loser......................40
Third-round loser.........................60 The Event Director has the option of permitting rider or motor-
Fourth-round loser.......................80 cycle changes, but only under the following conditions.
Fifth-round loser.........................100 1. All previous event times are void for motorcycles and riders
Sixth-round loser........................120 involved.
2. Motorcycle must pass a technical and safety inspection.
Sportsman categories will be awarded Pro style points for fields 3. Changes must be made, and rider must re-qualify, during the
less than 9 motorcycles. normal schedule, as posted, for the event. No changes are
permitted after qualifying has been completed.
Qualifying position points 4. Rider must stay within original eliminator category entered
1st.......................................................8 and must have proper credentials to ride replacement
2nd.....................................................7 motorcycle.
3rd......................................................6 5. Only one change permitted during the course of an event.
5th & 6th..........................................4 Motorcycle changes for a postponed event are permitted with

14 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 15

advance notification and approval of the Event Director. Replace- the formally warned competitor for each further infraction.
ment motorcycle must be of same class and category.
The practice referred to as “deep staging” is prohibited in
SINGLE RUNS/BYE RUNS Sportsman and ET categories (permitted in all other categories,
Pro Class and Sportsman ladder charts will dictate Bye Runs. If a unless stated otherwise). Both pre-stage and stage lights must be
motorcycle is staged under power and breaks the beam, this will activated to constitute a legal start in those categories. The “Blue
count as a Bye for Eliminations. Light” system monitors the tree when activated, and will “red
light” a competitor for a “deep staging” foul.
Single qualifying runs must record a valid elapsed time in order to
constitute a valid qualifying pass. On single runs, it is legal to red light. THE FINAL STAGING MOTION MUST BE IN A
A rider on a Bye Run that leaves before the tree is activated TO STAGE POSITION.
would advance. However, any E.T.s posted would be void for lane
choice or other considerations. Failure to stage a motorcycle when instructed to do so by an AH-
DRA or track official will result in a disqualification of the run.
Once a motorcycle reaches the front of the staging lanes for a run, STARTING SYSTEM
it must be prepared to fire and race. Contestants have 30 seconds Top Fuel, Pro Fuel, Pro Stock, Pro Dragster, Pro Gas, Pro Modi-
to make the call after being given the order to fire. Pro classes fied, Street Pro and Sportsman utilize the three-amber “Pro Start”
running on gasoline or alcohol must start in the water box. Pro starting tree. All amber lights are activated simultaneously, with a
classes running on nitromethane must start before the water box four-tenths (.400) delay to green. E.T. classes utilize a full three-am-
and on a secure jack stand. Motorcycles in TF, PF and PD classes, ber countdown with five-tenths (.500) delay between lights.
once started, may not restart engines. Gas classes have 30 seconds
to restart. Only one (1) restart will be allowed per motorcycle per TECHNICAL INSPECTION (TECH)
round. No restart will be allowed once the rider has pre-staged Prior to practice and qualifying, all motorcycles and riders, with
the motorcycle. their protective gear and credentials, must report to the TECH
area to register and pay entry fee. A Tech Inspector will then per-
Sportsman class competitors running in two (2) or more sequen- form an inspection for approval in AHDRA competition. Technical
tial classes will be afforded a three (3) minute maximum wait time inspection is first and foremost a safety inspection to insure that
to make the call once their designated opponent has reached the motorcycle’s tires, brakes, mechanical systems and overall
the front of the staging lane. This concession will only be allowed condition are acceptable for competition. In certain instances, and
for competitors that have properly registered as multiple class at the sole discretion of AHDRA officials, a competitor may be
competitors on the form at the AHDRA Tech and Registration required to submit to a more detailed inspection of class specific
location. Once the three (3) minutes has elapsed all normal staging requirements. If a competitor’s motorcycle is involved in an ac-
rules and procedures will apply. cident, it is required to be inspected by a TECH official before it
can return to competition. Race information and requirements can
On occasion, AHDRA utilizes orange safety cones to preserve be obtained at TECH.
track conditions. Motorcycles competing on treaded tires must
stage to the out side of the cones whenever the cones are present
on the racing surface.
All motorcycles on all qualifying and elimination runs must start ET CLASS
and stage under power. [Elapsed Time]
Designation: “ET” followed by motorcycle number.
The application or use of any device, mechanical or electronic, that
permits the rider to ascertain the position of their motorcycle in rela- Reserved for street legal or non-street legal single or twin cyl-
tion to the starting line is prohibited. Only visual observation of track inder motorcycles with any frame configurations. All entries will
equipment may be used to ascertain the motorcycle’s position. compete in eliminations. Eliminations will be run in random pairs
until 16 or less motorcycles remain in competition. A sixteen-mo-
AHDRA competitors shall observe courtesy staging techniques. torcycle sportsman ladder will be created by reaction time.
When staging, both contestants must have their pre-stage lights
activated before either may advance into the staging beams. Current Record Holders
Habitual offenders of this procedure will be formally warned. Sub- 1/8 MILE: No record can be established
sequent to the formal warning, a fine of $100.00 will be levied on 1/4 MILE: No record can be established

16 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 17

Requirements and Specifications 7. ELECTRICAL
1. ENGINE Ignition: Any ignition system is allowed. Computers: only data
Engine: Must be single or twin cylinder engine. Any configuration gathering computers allowed. No delay boxes or electronic
and engine is legal. Must be approved by Tech Inspector. Crank- throttle stops.
case vent tube must be routed to catch can or have a non-spilling Charging System: Not necessary.
breather system on motorcycle. Any engine modifications are legal. Starting System: Electric or kick, external starter. No rollers.
Example: fuel injection, supercharger, E.F.I., turbo-charger, nitrous No push starts.
oxide, double engine, etc. Engine restraint system recommended Control Switches: Must be mounted and constructed in a safe,
for nitrous oxide engines. craftsman-like manner. Must have an emergency kill switch on all
Fuel: Gasoline, alcohol and nitrous allowed. No propylene oxide. motorcycles with 12.00 E.T. and quicker.
Computers: Only data gathering computers allowed. No delay
2. DRIVE TRAIN boxes or electronic throttle stops.
Chain Guard: Must have chain or belt guard for primary and Lights: Not necessary.
secondary drives.
Transmission: May be of any variety or manufacturer with 8. RIDER
any number of speeds. Must be approved by Tech Inspector. May Helmet: Full coverage helmets only! Must be Snell-2000 ap-
have any variety of manufactured clutch. Belt drives are legal. Rear proved. Eye protection required.
wheel drives may consist of any ratios and materials. Air shifters Protective Clothing: Leather jackets, full-finger leather gloves
and automatic transmissions are legal as are other shifting devices. and hi-top leather shoes or boots. Riders exceeding 120 mph
must wear full leathers.
Brakes: Front and rear mandatory (Disc or Drum) 9. TECH
Controls: Handlebar controls must be located in safe, work- Tech: All motorcycles must be teched in before practice. Motor-
able position. Foot pegs and foot controls must be located in safe, cycle, rider and his protective gear must be present at tech area.
workable position and must be mounted in a safe, craftsman-like Tech official will have final say on any unclear rule or equipment.
manner. All controls must meet or exceed OEM equipment stan-
dards. Snap-back throttle return is mandatory.
Suspension: Front suspension minimum size 30 mm and minimum SEP CLASS
travel of 2 inches. Rear suspension is not necessary. Struts allowed. [SCREAMIN’ EAGLE PERFORMANCE PARTS®]
Designation: “SEP” followed by motorcycle number.
Frame: Any style and material frame is legal. Must meet Tech Reserved for street legal or non-street legal Harley-Davidson
Inspectors approval for safety. and Buell V-Twin motorcycles with VIN # on frame or engine.
Ground Clearance: Minimum of 2 inches with rider on motor- All entries must have an 11.50 E.T. dial-in index. Must use some
cycle and 10 p.s.i. in rear tire (includes exhaust and kickstand). Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts and display Screamin’ Eagle
Wheelbase: Unlimited. Performance Parts decals.
Wheelie Bars: Are legal and recommended. Motorcycles fitted
with racing slicks must use wheelie bars. Current Record Holders
1/4 MILE: No record can be established
5. WHEELS AND TIRES 1/8 MILE: No record can be established
Tires: Can be D.O.T. approved with 2/32 tread or specified for
racing use by manufacturer. Any size is legal. Requirements and Specifications
Wheels: Stock OEM wheels or aftermarket performance wheels. 1. ENGINE
Any size. Engine: Must be V-Twin cylinder engine. Must be approved by
Tech Inspector. Crankcase and all tanks containing fluids must have
6. BODY vent tubes routed to catch can or have a non-spill breather system
Body: Stock OEM fenders and gas tank, or custom fenders and on motorcycle. Any engine modifications are legal. Example: fuel
gas tank are allowed but must be mounted and constructed in injection, supercharger, E.F.I., turbo-charger, nitrous oxide, double
a safe, craftsman-like manner. Shells are legal. Rear fender must engine, etc.
cover the width of the rear tire and extend beyond the vertical Fuel: Gasoline, alcohol and nitrous allowed. No propylene oxide.
centerline of the rear axle.
Fairing: Allowed. 2. DRIVE TRAIN
Seat: Stock OEM or seat with a step to prevent the rider from slid- Chain Guard: Must have chain or belt guard for primary and
ing backwards. (Motorcycle must have a manufactured seat on it.) secondary drives.

18 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 19

Transmission: May be of any variety or manufacturer with any 8. RIDER
number of speeds. Must be approved by Tech Inspector. May have Helmet: Full coverage helmets only! Must be Snell-2000 ap-
any variety of a manufactured clutch. Belt drives are legal. Rear proved. Eye protection required.
wheel drives may consist of any ratios and materials. Air shifters Protective Clothing: Leather jacket, full-finger leather gloves
and automatic transmissions are legal as are other shifting devices. and hi-top leather shoes or boots. Riders exceeding 120 mph
must wear full leathers.
Brakes: Front and rear mandatory (disc or drum). 9. TECH
Controls: Handlebar controls must be located in safe, work- Tech: All motorcycles must be teched in before practice. Motor-
able position. Foot pegs and foot controls must be located in safe, cycle, rider and his protective gear must be present at tech area.
workable position and must be mounted in a safe, craftsman-like Tech official will have final say on any unclear rule or equipment.
manner. All controls must meet or exceed OEM equipment stan-
dards. Snap-back throttle-return is mandatory.
Suspension: Front suspension minimum size 30 mm and SE CLASS
minimum travel of 2 inches. Rear suspension not necessary. Struts [SUPER ELIMINATOR]
allowed. Designation: “SE” followed by motorcycle number.
Reserved for street legal or non-street legal V–Twin cylinder
4. FRAME motorcycles with any frame configurations. All entries must have a
Frame: Any stock production or any style chrome moly or steel 10.90 E.T. dial-in index.
frame. Only mass-produced aluminum frames allowed.
Ground Clearance: Minimum of 2 inches with rider on motor- Current Record Holders
cycle and 10 p.s.i. in rear tire (includes exhaust and kickstand). 1/4 MILE: No record can be established
Wheelbase: Unlimited. 1/8 MILE: No record can be established
Wheelie Bars: Are legal and recommended. Motorcycles fitted
with racing slicks must use wheelie bars. Requirements and Specifications
5. WHEELS AND TIRES Engine: Must be V-Twin cylinder engine. Any configuration and
Tires: Can be D.O.T. approved with 2/32 tread or specified for engine is legal. Must be approved by Tech Inspector. Crankcase and
racing use by manufacturer. Any size is legal. all tanks containing fluids must have vent tubes routed to catch
Wheels: Stock OEM wheels or aftermarket performance wheels. can or have a non-spill breather system on motorcycle. Any engine
Any size. modifications are legal. Example: fuel injection, supercharger, E.F.I.,
turbo-charger, nitrous oxide, double engine, etc. Engine restraint
6. BODY system recommended for nitrous oxide engines.
Body: Stock OEM fenders and gas tank, or custom fenders and Fuel: Gasoline, alcohol and nitrous allowed. No propylene oxide.
gas tanks are allowed but must be mounted and constructed in a
safe, craftsman-like manner. Rear fender must cover the width of 2. DRIVE TRAIN
the rear tire and extend beyond the vertical centerline of the rear Chain Guard: Must have chain or belt guard for primary and
axle. Shells are legal. secondary drives.
Fairing: Allowed. Transmission: May be of any variety or manufacturer with
Seat: Stock OEM or seat with a step to prevent the rider from any number of speeds. Must be approved by Tech Inspector. May
sliding backwards. (Motorcycle must have a manufactured seat on it.) have any variety of manufactured clutch. Belt drives are legal. Rear
wheel drives may consist of any ratios and materials. Air shifters
7. ELECTRICAL and automatic transmissions are legal as are other shifting devices.
Ignition: Any ignition system is allowed. No delay boxes or
electronic throttle stops. 3. SUSPENSION AND BRAKES
Charging System: Not necessary. Brakes: Front and rear mandatory (disc or drum).
Starting System: Electric or kick, external starter. Battery top Controls: Handlebar controls must be located in safe, work-
covers are required. No rollers. No push starts. No dry hops in pits. able position. Foot pegs and foot controls must be located in safe,
Control Switches: Must be mounted and constructed in a safe, workable position and must be mounted in a safe, craftsman-like
craftsman-like manner. Must have an emergency kill switch. manner. All controls must meet or exceed OEM equipment stan-
Computers: Only data gathering computers are allowed. No dards. Snap-back throttle return mandatory.
delay boxes or electronic throttle stops. Suspension: Front suspension minimum size 30 mm and
Lights: Not necessary. minimum travel of 2 inches. Rear suspension not necessary. Struts

20 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 21

Frame: Any stock production or any style chrome moly or steel [SUPER SPORT]
frame. Only mass-produced aluminum frames allowed. Designation: “SS” followed by motorcycle number.
Ground Clearance: Minimum of 2 inches with rider on motor- Reserved for street legal or non-street legal V–Twin cylinder
cycle and 10 p.s.i. in rear tire (includes exhaust and kickstand). motorcycles with any frame configurations. All entries must have a
Wheelbase: Unlimited. 10.30 E.T. dial-in index.
Wheelie Bars: Are legal and recommended. Motorcycles fitted
with racing slicks must use wheelie bars. Current Record Holders
1/4 MILE: No record can be established
5. WHEELS AND TIRES 1/8 MILE: No record can be established
Tires: Can be D.O.T. approved with 2/32 tread or specified for
racing use by manufacturer. Any size is legal. Requirements and Specifications
Wheels: Stock OEM wheels or aftermarket performance wheels. 1. ENGINE
Any size. Engine: Must be V-Twin cylinder engine. Any configuration and
engine is legal. Must be approved by Tech Inspector. Crankcase and
6. BODY all tanks containing fluids must have vent tubes routed to catch
Body: Stock OEM fenders and gas tank, or custom fenders and can or have a non-spill breather system on motorcycle. Any engine
gas tanks are allowed but must be mounted and constructed in a modifications are legal. Example: fuel injection, supercharger, E.F.I.,
safe, craftsman-like manner. Rear fender must cover the width of turbo-charger, nitrous oxide, double engine, etc. Engine restraint
the rear tire and extend beyond the vertical centerline of the rear system recommended for nitrous oxide engines.
axle. Shells are legal. Fuel: Gasoline, alcohol and nitrous allowed. No propylene oxide.
Fairing: Allowed.
Seat: Stock OEM or seat with a step to prevent the rider from 2. DRIVE TRAIN
sliding backwards. (Motorcycle must have a manufactured seat on it.) Chain Guard: Must have chain or belt guard for primary and
secondary drives.
7. ELECTRICAL Transmission: May be of any variety or manufacturer with
Ignition: Any ignition system is allowed. No delay boxes or any number of speeds. Must be approved by Tech Inspector. May
electronic throttle stops. have any variety of manufactured clutch. Belt drives are legal. Rear
Charging System: Not necessary. wheel drives may consist of any ratios and materials. Air shifters
Starting System: Electric or kick, external starter. Battery top and automatic transmissions are legal as are other shifting devices.
covers are required. No rollers. No push starts. No dry hops in pits.
Control Switches: Must be mounted and constructed in a safe, 3. SUSPENSION AND BRAKES
craftsman-like manner. Must have an emergency kill switch. Brakes: Front and rear mandatory (disc or drum).
Computers: Only data gathering computers are allowed. No Controls: Handlebar controls must be located in safe, work-
delay boxes or electronic throttle stops. able position. Foot pegs and foot controls must be located in safe,
Lights: Not necessary. workable position and must be mounted in a safe, craftsman-like
manner. All controls must meet or exceed OEM equipment stan-
8. RIDER dards. Snap-back throttle return mandatory.
Helmet: Full coverage helmets only! Must be Snell-2000 ap- Suspension: Front suspension minimum size 30 mm and mini-
proved. Eye protection required. mum travel of 2 inches. Rear suspension not necessary. Struts allowed.
Protective Clothing: Leather jacket, full-finger leather gloves
and hi-top leather shoes or boots. Riders exceeding 120 mph 4. FRAME
must wear full leathers. Frame: Any stock production or any style chrome moly or steel
frame. Only mass-produced aluminum frames allowed.
9. TECH Ground Clearance: Minimum of 2 inches with rider on motor-
Tech: All motorcycles must be teched in before practice. Motor- cycle and 10 p.s.i. in rear tire (includes exhaust and kickstand).
cycle, rider and his protective gear must be present at tech area. Wheelbase: Unlimited.
Tech official will have final say on any unclear rule or equipment. Wheelie Bars: Are legal and recommended. Motorcycles fitted
with racing slicks must use wheelie bars.


Tires: Can be D.O.T. approved with 2/32 tread or specified for
racing use by manufacturer. Any size legal.

22 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 23

Wheels: Stock OEM wheels or aftermarket performance wheels. all tanks containing fluids must have vent tubes routed to catch
Any size. can or have a non-spill breather system on motorcycle. Any engine
modifications are legal. Example: fuel injection, supercharger, E.F.I.,
6. BODY turbo-charger, nitrous oxide, double engine, etc. Engine restraint
Body: Stock OEM fenders and gas tank, or custom fenders and system recommended for nitrous oxide engines.
gas tanks are allowed but must be mounted and constructed in Fuel: Gasoline, alcohol and nitrous allowed. No propylene oxide.
a safe, craftsman-like manner. Shells are legal. Rear fender must
cover the width of the rear tire and extend beyond the vertical 2. DRIVE TRAIN
centerline of the rear axle. Chain Guard: Must have chain or belt guard for primary and
Fairing: Allowed. secondary drives.
Seat: Stock OEM or seat with a step to prevent the rider from Transmission: May be of any variety or manufacturer with
sliding backwards. (Motorcycle must have a manufactured seat on it.) any number of speeds. Must be approved by Tech Inspector. May
have any variety of manufactured clutch. Belt drives are legal. Rear
7. ELECTRICAL wheel drives may consist of any ratios and materials. Air shifters
Ignition: Any ignition system is allowed. No delay boxes or and automatic transmissions are legal as are other shifting devices.
electronic throttle stops.
Charging System: Not necessary. 3. SUSPENSION AND BRAKES
Starting System: Electric or kick, external starter. Battery top Brakes: Front and rear mandatory (disc or drum).
covers required. No rollers. No push starts. No dry hops in pits. Controls: Handlebar controls must be located in safe, work-
Control Switches: Must be mounted and constructed in a safe, able position. Footpegs and foot controls must be located in safe,
craftsman-like manner. Must have an emergency kill switch. workable position and must be mounted in a safe, craftsman-like
Computers: Only data gathering computers are allowed. No manner. All controls must meet or exceed OEM equipment stan-
delay boxes or electronic throttle stops. dards. Snap-back throttle return mandatory.
Lights: Not necessary. Suspension: Front suspension minimum size 30 mm and mini-
mum travel of 2 inches. Rear suspension not necessary. Struts allowed.
Helmet: Full coverage helmets only! Must be Snell-2000 ap- 4. FRAME
proved. Eye protection required. Frame: Any stock production or any style chrome moly or steel
Protective Clothing: Leather jacket, full-finger leather gloves frame. Only mass produced aluminum frames allowed.
and hi-top leather shoes or boots. Riders exceeding 120 mph Ground Clearance: Minimum of 2 inches with rider on motorcycle
must wear full leathers. and 10 p.s.i. in rear tire (includes exhaust and kickstand).
Wheelbase: Unlimited.
9. TECH Wheelie Bars: Are legal and recommended. Motorcycles fitted
Tech: All motorcycles must be teched in before practice. Motor- with racing slicks must use wheelie bars.
cycle, rider and his protective gear must be present at tech area.
Tech official will have final say on any unclear rule or equipment. 5. WHEELS AND TIRES
Tires: Can be D.O.T. approved with 2/32 tread or specified for
racing use by manufacturer. Any size is legal.
SG CLASS Wheels: Stock OEM wheels or aftermarket performance wheels.
[SUPER GAS] Any size.
Designation: “SG” followed by motorcycle number.
Reserved for street legal or non-street legal V–Twin motorcycles 6. BODY
with any frame configurations. All entries must have a 9.70 E.T. Body: Stock OEM fenders and gas tank, or custom fenders and
dial-in index. gas tanks are allowed but must be mounted and constructed in a
safe, craftsman-like manner. Rear fender must cover the width of
Current Record Holders the rear tire and extend beyond the vertical centerline of the rear
1/4 MILE: No record can be established axle. Shells are legal.
1/8 MILE: No record can be established Fairing: Allowed.
Seat: Stock OEM or seat with a step to prevent the rider from
Requirements and Specifications sliding backwards. (Motorcycle must have a manufactured seat on it.)
Engine: Must be a V-Twin cylinder engine. Any configuration and 7. ELECTRICAL
engine is legal. Must be approved by Tech Inspector. Crankcase and Ignition: Any ignition system is allowed.

24 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 25

Charging System: Not necessary. rally aspirated and all air and fuel must be delivered through a
Starting System: Electric or kick, external starter. Battery top single, float type carburetor and a one-piece split runner mani-
covers are required. No rollers. No push starts. No dry hops in pits. fold or through a Harley-Davidson factory installed EFI unit
Control Switches: Must be mounted and constructed in a safe, (no physical modifications are allowed to the EFI system). No
craftsman-like manner. Must have an emergency kill switch. portion of the intake or exhaust manifold may extend past the
Computers: Only data gathering computers are allowed. No mounting/sealing surface of the cylinder head. No fuel pumps
delay boxes or electronic throttle stops allowed. are allowed. Must be approved by Tech Inspector. Crankcase
Lights: Not necessary. and all tanks containing fluids must have vent tubes routed to
catch can or have a non-spill breather system on motorcycle.
8. RIDER Active crankcase evacuation systems are not allowed.
Helmet: Full coverage helmets only! Must be Snell-2000 ap- Fuel: VP racing Fuels C-10 is the Specified fuel. No Fuel additives
proved. Eye protection required. and /or combustible oil additives are allowed. Dielectric constant,
Protective Clothing: Full finger leather gloves, above the as per AHDRA testing meter, must match baseline reading of
ankle leather boots, one piece or full circumference zippered specified fuel. Fuel must match color of specified fuel. Fuel must
leather suits are required. AHDRA highly recommends reinforce- match AHDRA generated graphs in random Gas Chromatography
ment and/or armor in the knee, elbow, shoulder and knuckle areas. analysis of specified fuel.”


Tech: All motorcycles must be teched in before practice. Motor- Chain Guard: Must have chain or belt guard for primary and
cycle, rider and his protective gear must be present at tech area. secondary drives.
Tech official will have final say on any unclear rule or equipment. Transmission: Only stock or aftermarket castings are allowed.
Transmission must be stock appearing. Internal modifications are
limited to back-cut, clearance and lightening operations. Automatic
HS CLASS transmissions are not allowed. No shifting devices are allowed
other than stock or aftermarket foot operated shift levers. Clutch
must be stock type and spring actuated. No weights, balls or levers
Designation: “HS” followed by motorcycle number.
(other than a hand operated clutch lever) may in anyway enhance
Reserved for V–Twin cylinder configuration motorcycles. Motor-
nor control the actuation or release of the clutch.
cycle must be ridden under it’s own power to staging, starting line
and back to the pit area after completion of the run (no towing
allowed). This is a heads up, .400-second, Pro tree class. Combined 3. SUSPENSION AND BRAKES
weight of motorcycle and rider must equal at least 8 pounds per Brakes: Front and rear mandatory (disc or drum).
cubic inch at the conclusion of all runs. Controls: Handlebar controls must be located in safe, workable
position. Foot pegs and foot controls must be in the stock loca-
Current Record Holders tion. All controls must meet or exceed OEM equipment standards.
1/4 MILE: ET-9.556 by Bruce Croneberger @ Rockingham Snap-back throttle return mandatory.
MPH-135.74 by Bruce Croneberger @ Rockingham Suspension: Front suspension minimum size 30 mm and mini-
1/8 MILE: ET-6.051 by Bruce Croneberger @ Rockingham mum travel of 2 inches. Travel limiting straps are not allowed. Rear
MPH-113.80 by Bruce Croneberger @ Rockingham suspension may be strutted.

Requirements and Specifications 4. FRAME

Frame: Only stock, production, Harley-Davidson or Buell frames
for licensed street motorcycles are allowed.
Engine: Only push-rod, air-cooled, 45-degree V-Twin cylinder
Ground Clearance: Minimum of 2 inches with rider on motor-
engines are allowed. Maximum displacement is limited to 98
cycle and 10 PSI in the rear tire (includes exhaust and kickstand).
cu.i. Engine case and cylinder heads must be stock or stock
Wheelbase: Maximum wheelbase is 68 inches. Wheelbase may
appearing aftermarket castings. No raised port heads allowed.
be obtained by lengthening the swing arm. Swing arm extensions will
Intake port, exhaust port and stud locations will be verified
be inspected for quality of workmanship and structural integrity.
against templates based on dimensions and angles of the Buell
Wheelie Bars: Wheelie bars are not allowed.
XB9 and the Harley-Davidson Screamin’ Eagle “HTCC” cylinder
heads. Only one (1) sparkplug is allowed for each cylinder. In-
ternal modifications are legal. Valves are limited to two (2) per 5. WHEELS AND TIRES
head. Compression releases are not allowed. A single oil return Tires: Tires must be V rated, DOT motorcycle tire. No car tires
line may be added to each cylinder head and routed directly to are allowed. Tires must have 2/32” of tread on front and rear. The
the crankcase. Engine must maintain steel crankshaft and rods. tread radius of the tires, when viewed in cross section, shall not be
Cylinders must be stock appearing. All engines must be natu- greater than 12 inches.

26 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 27

Wheels: Stock OEM wheels or aftermarket performance wheels. Current Record Holders
Any size. 1/4 MILE: ET-9.206 by Mike Roberts @ Texas Motorplex
MPH-145.17 by Mike Roberts @ Summit Motorsports Park
6. BODY 1/8 MILE: ET-5.791 by Mike Roberts @ Atlanta Dragway
Body: Stock OEM fenders and gas tank, or custom fenders and MPH-120.00 by Mike Roberts @ Gainesville Raceway
gas tanks are allowed but must be mounted and constructed in a
safe, craftsman-like manner. Rear fender must cover the width of the Requirements and Specifications
rear tire and extend beyond the vertical centerline of the rear axle. 1. ENGINE
Fairing: Allowed. Engine: Must be S&S 124 cubic inch Evo style, or twin cam style,
Seat: Stock OEM or seat with a step to prevent the rider from or TC with V2 mounts, and must use all S&S “124” components.
sliding backwards. (Motorcycle must have a manufactured seat on it.) S&S logos must be clearly visible. S&S pistons are supplied with a
dry film lube from the factory. No additional internal engine coat-
7. ELECTRICAL ing is permitted (i.e., friction reduction or thermal barrier treat-
Ignition: Any ignition system is allowed. No delay boxes, two ments). Crankcase and all tanks containing fluids must have vent
steps or electronic throttle stops. tubes routed to a catch can or have a non-spill breather system on
Charging System: Stock OEM charging system must be pres- the motorcycle.
ent and in working order. Configuration: 4-1/8 bore x 4-5/8-inch stroke. Maximum over-
Starting System: Electric or kick on board starters are re- bore .030. Connecting rod length 7.668.
quired. No jump-starts from an external battery are allowed in the Induction: Naturally aspirated S&S VFI with supplied module or
staging lanes. No rollers. No push starts. No dry hops in pits. one S&S carburetor or S&S G-Extreme Dual Carburetor System.
Control Switches: Must be mounted and constructed in a safe, VFI must use a radiused inlet, air cleaner assembly, or tuned run-
craftsman-like manner. Must have an emergency kill switch. ners. Carburetor(s) may be modified and air filter, velocity stack,
Computers: Computers are not allowed. No electronic devices or radiused inlet is required.
with the exception of a shift light are allowed. Cylinder Heads: Must use either S&S SSW or B2 style heads.
Lights: D.O.T. approved headlight (high and low beam), taillight Porting is allowed, but the original factory port opening size, shape,
and brake light must be present and working properly. and location must be maintained. Oversize valves are not allowed.
No titanium valves are allowed.Valve sizes are to be as follows. For
8.RIDER the SSW head: 2.00-inch int. and 1.605-inch exh. For the B-2 head:
Helmet: Full coverage helmets only! Must be Snell-2000 ap- 2.220-inch int. and 1.800 exh. Stock 124 rocker arm or S&S part
proved. Eye protection required. number 90-4098 (1.725:1) rocker arm only.
Protective Clothing: Leather jacket, full-finger leather gloves Pistons: Any S&S 4-1/8” bore (up to +.030 oversize) piston may
and hi-top leather shoes or boots. Riders exceeding 120 mph be used. Piston crown and valve pockets may be machined for
must wear full leathers. AHDRA highly recommends reinforce- clearance. Gas porting of the top ring is allowed. No welding or
ment and/or armor in the knee, elbow, shoulder and knuckle areas. other piston modifications are allowed.
Back/spine protectors are mandatory. Camshaft: S&S .640 or .675 lift grind only.
Fuel: VP Racing Fuels C-25 is the specified fuel. No Fuel additives
9. TECH and /or combustible oil additives are allowed. Dielectric constant,
Tech: All motorcycles must be teched in before practice. Motor- as per AHDRA testing meter, must match baseline reading of
cycle, rider and his protective gear must be present at tech area. specified fuel. Fuel must match color of specified fuel. Fuel must
Tech official will have final say on any unclear rule or equipment. match AHDRA generated graphs in random Gas Chromatography
Winner and runner-up will be subject to teardown after final round. analysis of specified fuel.

SSC Class Chain Guard: Chain or belt primary and chain or belt second-
ary must have guards.
Transmission: Any type of five or six-speed foot shift only
Designation: “SSC” followed by bike number.
transmission is allowed. No automatic transmissions. Clutch
Reserved for V-Twin cylinder configuration motorcycles powered
must be hand operated. No clutch assists or lockup clutches are
by S&S 124 c.i. Super Sidewinder Plus Evo style or Twin Cam engine
allowed. No ignition electric kill or interrupt, or air shifters or
competing heads up on a .400 pro tree. Motorcycle must be ridden
electronic solenoid shifters are allowed to aid shifting. Internal
under its own power to staging, starting line and back to the pit area
modifications are limited to back-cut, clearance, and lightening
after completion of run - no towing or pushing allowed (except for
verified breakage after the conclusion of a run). Minimum weight at
conclusion of run, including rider, must be 750 lbs.

28 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 29

3. SUSPENSION AND BRAKES ing 120 mph must wear full leathers. AHDRA highly recommends
Brakes: Front and rear mandatory (disc or drum). reinforcement and/or armor in the knee, elbow, shoulder and
Controls: Handle bar controls must be located in safe, workable knuckle areas. Back/spine protectors are mandatory.
position. Foot pegs and foot controls shall be located ahead of
swing arm pivot. Snap-back throttle return is mandatory. 9. TECH
Suspension: Must have a working front and rear suspension. Rigid Tech: All motorcycles must be tech approved prior to any runs.
frames are not allowed. Front suspension minimum size is 32 mm Motorcycle, rider, and protective gear must be present at the tech
with a minimum of 2-inch travel. Rear suspension must have shocks, area. The tech official will have final authority on any unclear rules
not struts. Rear suspension must have a minimum of 1-inch travel. or equipment. Winner and runner-up will be subject to teardown
after final round.
Frame: Must be commercially available with at least 25 units be-
ing produced per year. Frame modifications are not allowed with VR CLASS
the exception of AHDRA approved notching of the backbone to
clear cylinder head.
Designation: “VR” followed by motorcycle number.
Ground Clearance: 2-inch minimum with rider on bike (in-
Reserved for Harley-Davidson V-Rod, 60 degree, overhead cam,
cluding exhaust and kickstand) and rear tire pressure of 10 PSI.
water-cooled,V–Twin cylinder configuration motorcycles. Motor-
Wheelbase: 68 inches maximum.
cycle must be ridden under it’s own power to staging, starting line
Wheelie Bars: Are not allowed.
and back to the pit area after completion of the run (no towing
allowed). This is a heads up, .400-second, Pro-tree class. Combined
5. WHEELS AND TIRES weight of motorcycle and rider must be at least 700 pounds at the
Tires: Tires must be V-rated, D.O.T. approved, commercially avail- conclusion of all runs.
able motorcycle tires. No car tires are allowed. Must have 2/32
tread on front and rear. Any size. Current Record Holders:
1/4 MILE: ET-9.242 by Lou Gerencer @ Rockingham Dragway
Wheels: Stock O.E.M. wheels or aftermarket performance MPH-145.66 by Lou Gerencer @ Rockingham Dragway
wheels of any size. 1/8 MILE: ET-5.889 by Jamie McNaughton @ Rockingham Dragway
MPH-120.72 by Lou Gerencer @ Rockingham Dragway
Body: Any type allowed. Requirements and Specifications
Fairing: Allowed
Seat: Stock O.E.M. or seat with a step up. All seats must be
Engine: Only 60 degree, overhead cam, water- cooled,V–Twin
cylinder configuration engines are allowed. Maximum displacement
is limited to 82 cubic inches. Crankshaft stroke dimension must
7. ELECTRICAL remain stock. Engine case and cylinder heads must be OEM sup-
Ignition: Any type is allowed. Delay boxes, two steps, or elec- plied and available to the general public. Internal modifications are
tronic throttle stops are not allowed. legal. Engine must maintain steel crankshaft and connecting rods.
Charging System: Must be present and working O.E.M. type Cylinders must be stock appearing. All engines must be naturally
(no lightening of magnet rotor). aspirated and all air and fuel must be delivered through an OEM
Starting System: Must be electric on board. External jump- supplied EFI unit. Must be approved by Tech Inspector. Crankcase
starts, push starts, rollers, or external starters are not allowed. and all tanks containing fluids must have vent tubes routed to
Control Switches: Must be mounted and constructed in a catch can or have a non-spill breather system on motorcycle.
safe, craftsman-like manner. Must have emergency kill switch with Fuel: Gasoline or alcohol. No nitrous oxide allowed. Gasoline
tether to rider. blends containing more than 5% Nitromethane (by chromato-
Computer: No data gathering computers are allowed. Shift light graph analysis) will be disqualified. Winner and Runner-up may be
is allowed. subjected to fuel analysis.
Lights: Must have D.O.T. approved headlight, taillight, and brake
light present and properly functioning.
Chain Guard: Must have chain or belt guard for primary and
8. RIDER secondary drives.
Helmet: Full-coverage (Snell-2000 or better) approved helmets Transmission: Transmission must be stock appearing. Internal
only. Eye protection required. modifications are limited to back-cut, clearance and lightening
Protective Clothing: Leather jacket, full-finger gloves, and operations. Automatic transmissions are not allowed. Air and
high-top leather shoes or boots are mandatory. Riders exceed-

30 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 31

electro-magnetic shifting devices are allowed. The rider’s hand or Control Switches: Must be mounted and constructed in a safe,
foot must manually control the shifting device. Slipper clutches are craftsman-like manner. Must have an emergency kill switch.
not allowed. Lock-up clutches are allowed. The stock clutch cover Computers: Only data gathering computers are allowed.
must be retained, but it may be altered or spaced to allow clear- Lights: Stock headlight (high and low beam), taillight and brake
ance for the clutch hat. Alterations to the clutch cover must be light must be present and working properly.
made in a good workmanship like manner and shall maintain the
“stock” appearance. 8. RIDER
Helmet: Full coverage helmets only! Must be Snell-2000 ap-
3. SUSPENSION AND BRAKES proved. Eye protection required.
Brakes: Front and rear hydraulic disc brakes are mandatory. Protective Clothing: Full finger leather gloves with knuckle
Controls: Handlebar controls must be located in safe, work- armor and palm reinforcement, one piece or full circumference
able position. All controls must meet or exceed OEM equipment zippered leather suit with knee, elbow and shoulder armor or
standards. Snap-back throttle return mandatory. reinforcement, spine/back protector and above the ankle leather
Suspension: Front suspension must be stock appearing for boots with toe area reinforcement are required.
model and OEM supplied. Fork tube angle must be stock. Internal
modifications are legal. Travel limiting straps are not allowed. Rear 9. TECH
suspension may be strutted. Tech: All motorcycles must be teched in before practice. Motor-
cycle, rider and his protective gear must be present at tech area.Tech
4. FRAME official will have final say on any unclear rule or equipment.Winner
Frame: Only stock, production, OEM frames for licensed street and runner-up will be subject to teardown after final round.
motorcycles are allowed. No modifications to the rake angle are
allowed. All entries must be a complete production motorcycle
available for sale to the general public. V-ROD “Destroyer” CLASS
Ground Clearance: Minimum of 2 inches with rider on motor- (V-ROD Destroyer)
cycle and 10 PSI in the rear tire (includes exhaust and kickstand). Designation: “VRD” followed by motorcycle number.
Wheelbase: Wheelbase must be stock length as supplied by Reserved for Harley-Davidson V-Rod, 60 degree, overhead cam,
manufacturer. water-cooled,V-Twin cylinder configuration motorcycle models
Wheelie Bars: Wheelie bars are not allowed. produced as a purpose built vehicle (VRXSE) Screamin’ Eagle V-Rod
Destroyer. Engines must carry racing engine VIN code from Harley-
5. WHEELS AND TIRES Davidson Motor Company. Motorcycle must maintain stock cooling
Tires: Tires must be V rated, DOT motorcycle tire. No car tires system (using water and/or propylene glycol only) and intake system
are allowed. Tires must have 2/32” of tread on front and rear. The as installed at time of production. Motorcycle must be ridden under
tread radius of the tires, when viewed in cross section, shall not be its own power to staging, starting line and back to the pit area after
greater than 12 inches. completion of the run (no towing allowed except for breakage).This
Wheels: Stock OEM wheels or aftermarket performance wheels. is a heads up, .400-second, Pro-tree class. Combined weight of bike
Wheel diameter must be consistent with stock appearance of and rider must be a minimum of 770 pounds at the conclusion of all
V-Rod. runs. Ballasts must be secured in a weight box or securely bolted to
frame by a minimum of one 3/8” bolt per 5-pound weight. All mo-
6. BODY torcycles will be required to qualify and compete with the Screamin’
Body: Stock OEM fenders, headlight, and gas tank (or shell) are Eagle stock fuel injection map and a 10,800 RPM rev limit. AHDRA
required. All other OEM fairings and panels must be present and officials will load this program at random in staging.
be stock appearing.
Fairing: Stock OEM fairings only Current Record Holders
Seat: Stock OEM or seat with a step to prevent the rider from 1/4 MILE: ET-9.036 by Michael Ray @ Rockingham Dragway
sliding backwards. (Motorcycle must have a manufactured seat on it.) MPH-147.81 by L.E. Tonglet @ Atlanta Dragway
1/8 MILE: ET-5.680 by L.E. Tonglet @ VA Motorsports Park
7. ELECTRICAL MPH-121.50 by Danny Harvey @ VA Motorsports Park
Ignition: Any ignition system is allowed. No delay boxes or
electronic throttle stops. Requirements and Specifications
Charging System: Charging system must be present and in 1. ENGINE
working order. Engine: Only H-D V-Rod, 60 degree, overhead cam, water-cooled,
Starting System: Electric on board starters are required. No V-Twin cylinder configuration, purpose built model (VRXSE) – De-
jump-starts from an external battery are allowed in the staging stroyer engines, as supplied by Harley-Davidson are allowed. All
lanes. No rollers. No push starts. No dry hops in pits. competitors are subject to dynamometer verification of horsepower

32 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 33

and torque curves before being allowed to compete in the event and Frame: Only Destroyer, OEM frames supplied by Harley-David-
before points and/or monetary awards are presented. After market son are allowed. No modifications are allowed. All entries must be
valve springs, retainers, rod bolts, case bolts and steel connecting rods a complete production motorcycle.
may be submitted to AHDRA for approval. No other modifications to Ground Clearance: Minimum of 2 inches with rider on motor-
engine/transmission assembly are allowed. Any wear parts measuring cycle and 10 PSI in the rear tire (includes exhaust).
more than .005” out of nominal factory specifications will be consid- Wheelbase: Wheelbase must be stock length as supplied by
ered modified, and non-wear parts must fall within published factory manufacturer, 68” maximum.
tolerances. All engines must be naturally aspirated and all air and fuel Wheelie Bars: Wheelie bars are mandatory and must be as
must be delivered through the OEM supplied throttle body, 58mm supplied by the manufacturer.
diameter above and below the throttle plate. No physical modifica-
tions to fuel system are allowed. No auxiliary fuel pumps, oil pumps 5. WHEELS AND TIRES
or vacuum pumps are allowed. Exhaust system must be as supplied Tires: Front tires must be a Dunlop and have 23.5” x 4.5”
by Harley-Davidson. AHDRA reserves the right to exchange any com- dimension on front. Rear tire must be a Dunlop 25” x 7” x 18” as
petitor’s engine/transmission assembly.This is a “SPEC” class of racing supplied on production motorcycle. Front and rear tire must be
and refusal to comply with an exchange order will cause an automatic from Dunlop.
forfeiture of all accumulated AHDRA championship points. Crankcase Wheels: Stock Destroyer OEM wheels only.
and all tanks containing fluids must have vent tubes routed to factory
installed non-spill breather system on motorcycle. 6. BODY
Fuel: VP Racing Fuels U-4.2 is the specified fuel. No Fuel addi- Body: Stock OEM fenders, simulated headlight, and air box must
tives and /or combustible oil additives are allowed. Dielectric con- remain stock. All other OEM fairings and panels must be present
stant, as per AHDRA testing meter, must match baseline reading and be stock appearing. No raised tank shell brackets are allowed.
of specified fuel. Fuel must match color of specified fuel. Fuel must No modifications to the injector air box are allowed
match AHDRA generated graphs in random Gas Chromatography Seat: Stock OEM seat with a step to prevent the rider from slid-
analysis of specified fuel. ing backwards with a minimum seat height of 20”.


Chain Guard: Top chain guard must be stock as supplied by Ignition: OEM system only. No delay boxes or electronic
manufacturer. Lower chain guard may be removed for clearance of throttle stops. Two-step RPM controls are approved as supplied
lowered foot pegs. by the manufacturer. No modifications to the wiring harness are
Transmission: Transmission must be stock as supplied by man- allowed. No sensor defeat devices are allowed
ufacturer and cannot be modified. Air and electro-magnetic shifting Charging System: Charging system must be present and in
devices are allowed as supplied by the manufacturer. The rider’s working order.
hand or foot must manually control the shifting device. Clutch as- Starting System: Electric on board starters are required. No
sembly must be as supplied by the manufacturer. Aftermarket billet jump-starts from an external battery are allowed in the staging
clutch baskets may be submitted to AHDRA for approval. Clutch lanes. No rollers. No push starts. No dry hops in pits.
basket rivets may be modified in a manner consistent with the Control Switches: Must be mounted and constructed in a safe,
OEM specs . Approved examples are available from AHDRA Tech craftsman-like manner. Must have an emergency kill switch with a
Department. tether to rider.
Computers: Only data gathering computers or data boxes are
3. SUSPENSION AND BRAKES allowed. No traction control devices or RPM shifted solenoids are
Brakes: Front and rear hydraulic disc brakes as supplied by the allowed. No external ignitions or fuel controllers allowed.
manufacturer are mandatory. Lights: Simulated headlight and working taillight are required.
Controls: All controls must be OEM equipment. Triple clamps
supplied by OEM must be used and the fork tubes may not be 8. RIDER
modified in any way. Aluminum handlebars are not allowed. Snap- Helmet: Full coverage helmets only! Must be Snell-2000 ap-
back throttle return mandatory. proved. Eye protection required.
Suspension: Front suspension must be stock for model and Protective Clothing: Full finger leather gloves with knuckle
OEM supplied. Fork tube angle must be stock. Internal modifica- armor and palm reinforcement, one piece or full circumference
tions are legal. Travel limiting straps are not allowed. Rear suspen- zippered leather suit with knee, elbow and shoulder armor or
sion must use OEM struts. A single hydraulic steering damper reinforcement, spine/back protector and above the ankle leather
may be fitted in a good workmanship manner, which does not boots with toe area reinforcement are required.
substantially modify the frame or forks.
4. FRAME Tech: All motorcycles must be teched in before practice. Motor-

34 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 35

cycle, rider and his/her protective gear must be present at tech area. 2. DRIVE TRAIN
Tech official will have final say on any unclear rule or equipment.Win- Chain Guard: Must have chain or belt guard for primary and
ner and runner-up will be subject to teardown after final round. secondary drives.
Transmission: Must be based transmission, modifications are
10. APPEARANCE legal. Must have based clutch, any modifications are legal. Belt
The Harley-Davidson logo must be displayed on the tank as sup- drives are legal. Rear wheel drives may consist of any ratios and
plied manufacturer. Dimensions (71/2” W x 11/16” H) and designs materials. Manually operated air shifters or electric engine kills are
of painted or repaired logos must be the same as supplied by allowed. No automatic transmissions. No slipper clutches allowed.
manufacturer. The Screamin’ Eagle decal must be displayed on the
Brakes: Front and rear mandatory (disc or drum).
Controls: Handlebar controls must be located in safe, workable
SP CLASS position. Foot pegs and foot controls shall be located within the
(STREET PRO) perimeter of the frame cradle. All controls must meet or exceed
Designation: “SP” followed by motorcycle number. OEM equipment standards. Snap-back throttle return mandatory.
Reserved for Sportster, Buell, Big Twin, Harley-Davidson V-Rod and Suspension: Front suspension minimum size 30 mm and mini-
aftermarket based motorcycles. Motorcycle must be ridden under mum travel of 2 inches. Rear suspension not necessary. Struts allowed.
it’s own power to staging, starting line and back to the pit area
after completion of the run (no towing allowed except for verified 4. FRAME
breakage after the conclusion of a run). Frame: Stock Harley-Davidson OEM frame or after market
frame of which at least 25 of the same design have been manu-
Current Record Holders factured and are available to the general public. Backbone may be
1/4 Mile: ET-8.500 by Andy Simon @ Rockingham Dragway raised to accept taller cylinders. Rake may be altered 3 degrees
MPH-158.59 by Andy Simon @ Gateway Int’l Raceway only. Swing arm may be altered or changed. No specialized race
1/8 Mile: ET-5.474 by Andy Simon @Rockingham Dragway frames. A frame-mounted kickstand is required.
MPH-130.86 by Andy Simon @ Gateway Int’l Raceway Ground Clearance: Minimum of 2 inches with rider on motor-
cycle and 10 p.s.i. in rear tire (includes exhaust and kickstand).
Requirements and Specifications Wheelbase: 70 inches maximum (measure center to center,
Minimum weight at conclusion of run, including rider and safety front and rear axle), including chain adjustment.
gear, must be 5.50 lbs. per cubic inch for all air-cooled, push rod Wheelie Bars: Are not allowed.
engines and 6.80 pounds per cubic inch for V-Rod engines.
1. ENGINE Tires: Must be V rated/D.O.T. motorcycle tire. No car tires al-
Engine: Must be Harley-Davidson based 45 degree, air cooled XL, lowed. Must have 2/32 tread on front and rear. Any size. The tread
FX , aftermarket V-Twin or Harley-Davidson V-Rod 60 degree water radius of the tire, as viewed in cross section, shall not be more
cooled V-Twin. Maximum displacement is 140 cu.i.. All engines must than 12”.
be naturally aspirated carburetion or open loop EFI. EFI unit must Wheels: Stock OEM wheels or aftermarket performance wheels.
be submitted to AHDRA for approval. Any other engine internal Any size.
modifications are legal. No Finless Cylinders. Aftermarket heads are
legal. Lateral valve stem angle must be zero degrees and minimum 6. BODY
longitudinal valve stem angle is 18 degrees as measured parallel Body: Stock OEM front and rear fenders and gas tank, or custom
from a vertical line centered in the respective cylinder bore. Air fenders and gas tanks are allowed. Rear fender must cover the
induction is limited to concentric, continuous reducing diameter width of the rear tire and extend beyond the vertical centerline of
velocity stack(s) with a maximum opening area of 20 square inches the rear axle.
each. No cups or scoops are allowed. Crankcase vent tube must be Fairing: Allowed.
routed to catch can or carburetor air intake system. Seat: Stock OEM or seat with a step to prevent the rider from
Fuel: VP Racing Fuels C-25 is the specified fuel. No Fuel additives sliding backwards. (Motorcycle must have a manufactured seat on it.)
and /or combustible oil additives are allowed. Dielectric constant,
as per AHDRA testing meter, must match baseline reading of 7. ELECTRICAL
specified fuel. Fuel must match color of specified fuel. Fuel must Ignition: Any ignition system is allowed.
match AHDRA generated graphs in random Gas Chromatography Charging System: Stock OEM system including the battery
analysis of specified fuel. (no lightening of magnet rotor) and must work.
Starting System: Electric or kick. (No external starter, no
push starts, no rollers. No jump starts from an external battery

36 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 37

will be allowed in the staging lanes.) specified fuel. Fuel must match color of specified fuel. Fuel must
Control Switches: Must be mounted and constructed in a safe, match AHDRA generated graphs in random Gas Chromatography
craftsman-like manner. Must have an emergency kill switch. analysis of specified fuel.
Computers: Only data gathering computers are allowed.
Lights: D.O.T. approved light system. Hi-low beam, taillight and 2.DRIVE TRAIN
brakelight must work. Chain Guard: Must have chain or belt guard for primary and
secondary drives
8. RIDER Transmission: Must have XL or FX based 4 or 5 speed trans-
Credentials: Valid AHDRA 7.90 competitor license. missions. Belt drives are legal. Rear wheel drives may consist of
Helmet: Full coverage helmets only! Must be Snell-2000 ap- ratios. Air shifters and electric shifting devices must be manually
proved. Eye protection required. operated. No automatic transmissions. No variable speed belt
Protective Clothing: Full finger leather gloves with knuckle drives. No slipper clutches allowed. Clutch must be manually oper-
armor and palm reinforcement, one piece or full circumference ated by rider’s hand.
zippered leather suit with knee, elbow and shoulder armor or
reinforcement, spine/back protector and above the ankle leather 3.SUSPENSION AND BRAKES
boots with toe area reinforcement are required. Brakes: Front and rear mandatory (disc or drum).
Controls: Handlebar controls must be located in safe, workable
9. TECH position. Minimum Handlebar width is 20 inches. Foot pegs and
All motorcycles must be teched in before practice. Motorcycle, foot controls must be located in safe, workable position and must
rider and his protective gear must be present at tech area. Tech be mounted in a safe, craftsman like manner. Foot pegs are recom-
official will have final say on any unclear rule or equipment. mended to be 12 inches in front of rear axle. All controls must
meet or exceed OEM equipment standards. Snap-back throttle
return mandatory.
PM CLASS Suspension: Front suspension minimum size 30 mm and mini-
(Pro Modified) mum travel of 2 inches. Fork tops required.
Designation: “PM” followed by motorcycle number.
Reserved for non-street legal based Buell, XL and FX models. 4.FRAME
Frame: Stock production, aftermarket and specialized racing
Current Record Holders frames any style chrome moly or steel frames allowed.
1/4 Mile: ET-8.430 by Greg Krenik @ Rockingham Dragway Ballast: Permitted. Ballast must be in weight box or securely
MPH-158.30 by Randy Borho @ Atalnta Dragway bolted to frame by a minimum of one 3/8-inch bolt per 5 lbs.
1/8 Mile: ET-5.331 by Greg Krenik @ Rockingham Dragway Ground Clearance: Minimum of 2 inches with rider on motor-
MPH-130.89 by Randy Borho @ Rockingham Dragway cycle and 10 p.s.i. in rear tire (includes exhaust and kick stand).
Wheel Base: 70 inches maximum (measure from center to
Requirements and Specifications center of front and rear axles), includes chain adjustment.
Minimum weight at conclusion of run including rider must be: Wheelie Bars: Wheelie bars are required. Maximum length
-Single cam 5.4 pounds per cubic inch from center of front axle to center of wheelie bar axle cannot
-Twin cam 5.6 pounds per cubic inch exceed 130 inches.
-XL and FX, 4 cam 5.7 pounds per cubic inch
1.ENGINE Tires: All tires must be “V” rated or specified for racing use by
Engine: Will consist of 45-degree XL 4 Cam, FX Twin Cam and the manufacturer. Maximum rear tire width is 7 inches. Minimum
Big-Twin Single Cam designs. Any Engine modifications are legal. front tire width is 3 inches. Tire width is actual tread or friction
Maximum engine displacement: 114 CI. Engines must be naturally as- surface width.
pirated and all air and fuel must be delivered through a single carbure- Wheels: Rear wheel minimum 15 inch, maximum 18 inch. No
tor. Maximum 1.937 venturi bore allowed. 4.030 inch bore maximum. Carbon Fiber front or rear wheels.
Must use fork and knife connecting rods. No cups or scoops allowed.
No CPR systems or vacuum pumps are allowed. No belt driven or 6.BODY
rotor gear oil pumps allowed. Crankcase vent tube must be routed to Body: All motorcycles must have front and rear fender with gas
catch can. Cylinder heads must be production-manufactured, pushrod tank or shell to resemble street motorcycle appearance. Must be
with stock HD valve angles. (+/- 5 degrees). mounted and constructed in a safe, craftsman like manner.
Fuel: VP Racing Fuels C-25 is the specified fuel. No Fuel additives Fairing: Allowed
and /or combustible oil additives are allowed. Dielectric constant, Seat: Stock OEM or seat with a step to prevent the rider from
as per AHDRA testing meter, must match baseline reading of sliding backwards.

38 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 39

7.ELECTRICAL must be naturally aspirated and all air and fuel must be delivered
Ignition: Any ignition system is allowed. through one or two single throat carburetors or one dual throat
Charging System: Not necessary. carburetor. Air induction is limited to concentric, continuous reducing
Starting System: Must be electric, kick and external starter. diameter velocity stack(s) with a maximum opening area of 20 square
Battery top covers are required. No rollers. No push starts. No inches each. No cups or scoops are allowed. A single air dam may be
dry hops in pits. mounted to a carburetor mounted 1/8 inch backing plate.The air dam
Control Switches: Must be mounted and constructed in a safe, may not exceed 2 and ½ inches in height and may not extend for-
craftsman-like manner. Must have an emergency kill switch. ward beyond the centerline of the rear carburetor. CPR systems are
Computers: Not allowed. legal, but they must not have any hoses connected to intake manifold.
Lights: Not necessary. Crankcase vent tube must be routed to catch can or have a non-spill
breather system on motorcycle.
8.RIDER Fuel: VP Racing Fuels C-25 is the specified fuel. No Fuel additives
Credentials: Valid AHDRA 8.90 Competitor license. and /or combustible oil additives are allowed. Dielectric constant,
Helmet: Full coverage helmets only! Must be Snell-2000 ap- as per AHDRA testing meter, must match baseline reading of
proved. Eye protection required. specified fuel. Fuel must match color of specified fuel. Fuel must
Protective Clothing: Full finger leather gloves with knuckle match AHDRA generated graphs in random Gas Chromatography
armor and palm reinforcement, one piece or full circumference analysis of specified fuel.
zippered leather suit with knee, elbow and shoulder armor or
reinforcement, spine/back protector and above the ankle leather 2. DRIVE TRAIN
boots with toe area reinforcement are required. Chain Guard: Must have chain or belt guard for primary and
Race Team Clothing: All team crewman that help start, assist secondary drives.
in burnout and stage race motorcycle must wear a uniform shirt Transmission: Must have XL or FX based 4 or 5 speed
that relates to their specific team. transmissions. Belt drives are legal. Rear wheel drives may consist
of any ratios. Air shifters and electric shifting devices must be
9. TECH manually operated. No automatic transmissions. No variable speed
Tech: All motorcycles must be teched in before practice. Motor- belt drives. No slipper clutches allowed. Clutch must be manually
cycle, rider and his protective gear must be present at tech area. operated by rider’s hand.
Tech official will have final say on any unclear rule or equipment.
Brakes: Front and rear mandatory (disc or drum).
PS CLASS Controls: Handlebar controls must be located in safe, workable
(PRO STOCK) position. Minimum handlebar width is 20 inches. Foot pegs and
Designation: “PS” followed by motorcycle number. foot controls must be located in safe, workable position and must
Reserved for non-street legal and street legal based Buell, XL and be mounted in a safe, craftsman like manner. Foot pegs are recom-
FX models. mended to be 12 inches in front of rear axle. All controls must
meet or exceed OEM equipment standards. Snap-back throttle
Current Record Holders return mandatory.
1/4 Mile: ET-7.974 by Junior Pippin @ Gainesville Raceway Suspension: Front suspension minimum size 30 mm and mini-
MPH-165.48 by Greg Krenik @ Atlanta Dragway mum travel of 2 inches. Fork stops required. Rear suspension not
1/8 Mile: ET-4.997 by Junior Pippin @ Gainesville Raceway necessary if running wheelie bars.
MPH-136.57 by Shaun Reno @ Gateway Int’l Raceway
Requirements and Specifications: Frame: Stock production, aftermarket and specialized racing
Minimum weight at conclusion of run, including rider, must be 5.24 frames any style chrome moly or steel frames allowed.
lbs. per cubic inch. Ballast: Permitted. Ballast must be in weight box or securely
bolted to frame by a minimum of one 3/8-inch bolt per 5 lbs.
1. ENGINE Ground Clearance: Minimum of 2 inches with rider on motorcycle
Engine: Will consist of 45-degree XL or 45-degree FX based and 10 p.s.i. in rear tire (includes exhaust and kick stand).
engines up to 122 cu.i. (2000 c.c. maximum). Must use conventional Wheelbase: 70 inches maximum (measure from center to cen-
fork and knife connecting rod set-up. Any engine modifications are ter of front and rear axles), includes chain adjustment.
legal. Engines must be carbureted. Pushrod aftermarket heads are Wheelie Bars: Wheelie bars are required. Maximum length
legal. Lateral valve stem angle must be zero degrees and minimum from center of front axle to center of wheelie bar axle cannot
longitudinal valve stem angle is 18 degrees as measured parallel from exceed 130 inches.
a vertical line centered in the respective cylinder bore. All engines

40 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 41

5. WHEELS AND TIRES MPH-193.07 by Chip Ellis @ Rockingham Dragway
Tires: Must be V rated or specified for racing use by manufactur- 1/8 Mile: ET-4.383 by Chip Ellis @ Rockingham Dragway
er. Maximum rear tire width 9.5 inches. Minimum front tire width MPH-160.80 by Matt Smith @ Gainesville Raceway
3 inches. Tire width is actual tread or friction surface width.
Wheels: Rear wheel minimum 15 inch, maximum 18 inch. Requirements and Specifications
6. BODY Engine: Must keep design features of V-Twin engines (45° to 90°
Body: All motorcycles must have front and rear fender with gas V-Twin). Aftermarket heads are legal, including 4 valve. Crankcase
tank or shell to resemble street motorcycle appearance. Must be and all tanks containing fluids must have vent tubes routed to
mounted and constructed in a safe, craftsman like manner. Rear catch can or have a spill breather system on motorcycle. Engine
fender must cover the width of the rear tire and extend beyond restraint systems are recommended for nitrous engine. Chest
the vertical centerline of the rear axle. protectors are recommended. Scatter-shield or ballistic blanket
Fairing: Allowed. required on superchargers.
Seat: Stock OEM or seat with a step to prevent the rider from UNLIMITED cu.i. - Gasoline or alcohol. Normally aspirated
sliding backwards. carburetor(s) or fuel injection is allowed. No nitrous oxide or
other supplemental fuels or oxidizers.
7. ELECTRICAL 160 cu.i. - Gasoline or alcohol, single or double engines, car-
Ignition: Any ignition system is allowed. buretor or fuel injection. Nitrous oxide OR supercharger OR
Charging System: Not necessary. turbocharger (any one of these).
Starting System: Must be electric, kick and external starter. 122 cu.i. - Gasoline or alcohol, any induction system, nitrous
Battery top covers are required. No rollers. No push starts. No oxide allowed.
dry hops in pits.
Control Switches: Must be mounted and constructed in a safe, 2. DRIVE TRAIN
craftsman-like manner. Must have an emergency kill switch. Chain Guard: Chain and belt guards are mandatory. Must cover
Computers: Only data gathering computers are allowed. top run of drive. Guard must be .060-inch steel or 1/8 inch aluminum.
Lights: Not necessary. Transmission: Any type transmission may be used. Any type
clutch, belt drives, air shift, etc. are legal. (Clutch must have strong
8. RIDER protective covering.) Guard must be .060 steel or 1/8 inch alumi-
Credentials: Valid AHDRA 7.90 competitor license. num. Transmissions and clutches must exhibit good engineering
Helmet: Full coverage helmets only! Must be Snell-2000 ap- practices and may require data to be submitted for approval.
proved. Eye protection required.
Protective Clothing: Full finger leather gloves with knuckle 3. SUSPENSION AND BRAKES
armor and palm reinforcement, one piece or full circumference Brakes: Hydraulic type, front and rear, mandatory. Minimum size
zippered leather suit with knee, elbow and shoulder armor or is 9-inch diameter, 1/8-inch thickness for rotors.
reinforcement, spine/back protector and above the ankle leather Controls: Handlebar controls must be located in safe, work-
boots with toe area reinforcement are required. able position. Foot pegs and foot controls must be located in safe,
Race Team Clothing: All team crewman that help start, assist workable position and must be mounted in a safe, craftsman-like
in burnout and stage race motorcycle must wear a uniform shirt manner. Lanyard kill switch is mandatory.
that relates to their specific team. Suspension: Front suspension minimum size 32 mm and mini-
mum travel of 2 inches. Steering dampeners are mandatory. Rear
9. TECH suspension not necessary.
Tech: All motorcycles must be teched in before practice. Motor-
cycle, rider and his protective gear must be present at tech area. 4. FRAME
Tech official will have final say on any unclear rule or equipment. Frame: Aftermarket frames permitted. Steering head angle may
not be less than stock rake. All frame components, except braces,
brackets and gussets, must be manufactured from minimum 1.00
PG CLASS inch x 0.58 inch 4130 chrome moly tubing. All welding must be
[PRO GAS] done by approved heliarc process. All frames must have stops that
Designation: “PG” followed by motorcycle number. limit turning arc to 28 degrees. Stop must have a sheer strength
Reserved for alcohol, gas burning dragsters, built specifically for all equal to a 3/8-inch bolt. All butt welds must have visible reinforce-
out drag racing. ment. Plating of frame prohibited. Painting permitted.
Ground Clearance: Minimum of 2 inches with rider on motor-
Current Record Holders cycle and 10 p.s.i. in rear tire (includes exhaust and kickstand).
1/4 Mile: ET-6.879 by Chip Ellis @ Rockingham Dragway

42 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 43

Wheelbase: Unlimited. PD CLASS
Wheelie Bars: Wheelie bars are required. Minimum length (PRO DRAGSTER)
from center of rear axle to center of Wheelie bar axle must equal Designation: “PD” followed by motorcycle number.
at least 70% of wheelbase. Reserved for nitro burning, carbureted, high gear dragsters. Built
specifically for all out drag racing. Combined weight of motorcycle
5. WHEELS AND TIRES and rider at the conclusion of a run must equal at least 5.4 pounds
Tires: Must be specified for racing use by manufacturer. 12-inch per cubic inch including safety gear.
wide rear tire is maximum limit.
Wheels: Rear wheel minimum 15 inch, maximum 18 inch. Front Current Record Holders
wheel minimum 16 inch, maximum 19 inch. 1/4 Mile: ET-7.139 by Rick Moore @ Gateway Int’l Raceway
MPH-191.21 by Scott Truett @ Bristol Dragway
6. BODY 1/8 Mile: ET- 4.541 by Scott Truett @ Texas Motorplex
Body: No body parts are necessary, except rear fender that must MPH-158.87 by Rick Moore @ Gateway Int’l Raceway
cover width of tire and extend past the rear axle.
Fairing: Are legal. Must be mounted solidly to frame tubes. Requirements and Specifications
Seat: Seat, tail section and rear fender may be incorporated into 1. ENGINE
one unit and must include a step to prevent rider sliding backward. Engine: Must keep design features of Harley-Davidson engines
(Pushrod, 45 V-Twin). Carbureted single engine with 122 cu.i. maxi-
7. ELECTRICAL mum displacement. Pushrod aftermarket heads are legal (including
Ignition: Any ignition system is allowed. 4 valve). Crankcase and all tanks containing fluids must have vent
Charging System: Not necessary. tubes routed to catch can or have a non-spill breather system on
Starting System: Must be electric onboard or external starter. motorcycle. Must have “Bellypan” scatter shield under engine. S.F.I.
Battery top covers are required. No rollers. No push starts. Specification 46.1 approved engine restraint systems are required.
Jackstands are mandatory for starting motorcycles with slipper These restraints must be replaced or recertified by the manufac-
clutches. No dry hops in pits. turer every two (2) years. Manufacturers shall only recertify the
Control Switches: Must be mounted and constructed in a safe, restraint system one (1) time. Chest protectors are mandatory.
craftsman-like manner. Must have an emergency kill switch. Fuel: Fuel to be mononitromethane and/or methyl alcohol only.
Computers: Only data gathering computers are allowed. No propylene oxide or nitrous allowed.
Lights: Not necessary.
8. RIDER Chain Guard: Chain and belt guards are mandatory. Must cover
Credentials: Valid AHDRA 6.90 competitor license. top run of drive. Guard must be .060-inch steel or 1/8 inch aluminum.
Helmet: Full coverage helmets only! Must be Snell-2000 ap- Transmission: Not allowed! Single speed drive train only. Any
proved. Eye protection required. centrifugal and/or RPM controlled clutch may be used. The clutch
Protective Clothing: Full finger leather gloves with knuckle must be self-contained. No fluid or electrical inputs may control
armor and palm reinforcement, one piece or full circumference the operation of the clutch. (Clutch must have strong protective
zippered leather suit with knee, elbow and shoulder armor or covering.) Guard must be .060 steel or 1/8 inch aluminum.
reinforcement, spine/back protector and above the ankle leather
boots with toe area reinforcement are required. 3. SUSPENSION AND BRAKES
Race Team Clothing: All team crewman that help start, assist Brakes: Hydraulic type, front and rear, mandatory. Minimum size
in burnout and stage race motorcycle must wear a uniform shirt is 9-inch diameter, 1/8-inch thickness for rotors.
that relates to their specific team. Controls: Handlebar controls must be located in safe, workable
position. Foot pegs and foot controls must be located in safe, work-
9. TECH able position and must be mounted in a safe, craftsman-like manner.
Tech: All motorcycles must be teched in before practice. Motor- Mandatory fuel shutoff must be accessible by rider from riding posi-
cycle, rider and his protective gear must be present at tech area. tion. A secondary shut-off device attached to rider (in the event of
Tech official will have final say on any unclear rule or equipment. premature exit from motorcycle) is recommended but not manda-
tory. Dual cable push-pull throttle assembly is mandatory. Lanyard for
secondary shut-off must be run through eyelet, allowing the lanyard
to be pulled in any direction and closing shut-off.
Suspension: Front suspension minimum size 32 mm and mini-
mum travel of 2 inches. Fork stops required; must limit the turning
arc to 28 degrees. Steering dampeners are mandatory. Rear
suspension not necessary.

44 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 45

Frame: Any type permitted. All frames should be heliarc welded Tech: All motorcycles must be teched in before practice. Motor-
and main rails must have a minimum diameter of one inch. All ma- cycle, rider and his protective gear must be present at tech area.
jor frame tubing must be chrome moly and have at least .058-inch Tech official will have final say on any unclear rule or equipment.
wall thickness. Rake angle must be at least 35 degrees. Alternative
frame materials must be submitted to AHDRA for approval.
Ground Clearance: Minimum of 2 inches with rider on motorcycle PF CLASS
and 10 p.s.i. in rear tire (includes exhaust and kickstand). (PRO FUEL)
Wheelbase: Minimum of 75 inches. Designation: “PF” followed by motorcycle number.
Wheelie Bars: Wheelie bars are required. Maximum length Reserved for nitro burning dragsters. Built specifically for all out
from center of rear axle to center of wheelie bar axle must be drag racing.
at least equal the wheelbase but not exceed 120 inches. Must be
securely cross-braced. Current Record Holders
1/4 Mile: ET-6.525 by Takeshi Shigematsu @ Gateway Int’l Raceway
5. WHEELS AND TIRES MPH-214.01 by Armon Furr @ Summit Motorsports Park
Tires: Must be specified for racing use by manufacturer. Rear tire 1/8 Mile: ET-4.243 by John Breckenridge @ Gateway Int’l Raceway
tread width is limited to 11 inches as measured by AHDRA template. MPH-205.66 by Mike Lehman @ Pacific Raceways
Wheels: Rear wheel minimum 15 inch, maximum 18 inch. Front
wheel minimum 16 inch, maximum 19 inch. Requirements and Specifications
6. BODY Engine: Must keep design features of Harley-Davidson engines
Body: No body parts are necessary, except rear fender that must (Pushrod, 45º to 90º V-Twin). Carbureted with transmission or
cover width of tire and extend past the rear axle. fuel injected with high-gear only with 151.1 cu.i. limit or 122 cu.i.
Fairing: Are legal. Must be mounted solidly to frame tubes. with transmission and fuel injection. Pushrod aftermarket heads
Seat: Seat, tail section and rear fender may be incorporated into are legal (including 4 valve). Crankcase and all tanks containing
one unit and must include a step to prevent rider sliding backward. fluids must have vent tubes routed to catch can or have a Non-
spill breather system on motorcycle. Must have “Bellypan” scatter
7. ELECTRICAL shield under engine. S.F.I. Specification 46.1 approved engine
Ignition: Any ignition system is allowed. restraint systems are required. These restraints must be replaced
Charging System: Not necessary. or recertified by the manufacturer every two (2) years. Manufac-
Starting System: Must be electric external starter. Battery turers shall only recertify the restraint system one (1) time. Chest
top covers are required. No rollers. No push starts. Jackstands are protectors are mandatory.
mandatory for starting. No dry hops in pits. Fuel: Fuel to be mononitromethane and/or methyl alcohol only.
Control Switches: Must be mounted and constructed in a safe, No propylene oxide or nitrous allowed.
craftsman-like manner. Must have an emergency kill switch. 2. DRIVE TRAIN
Computers: Only data gathering computers are allowed. Chain Guard: Chain and belt guards are mandatory. Must
Lights: Not necessary. cover top run of drive. Guard must be .060-inch steel or 1/8 inch
8. RIDER Transmission: Any transmission may be used on 151 cu.i.
Credentials: Valid AHDRA 6.90 competitor license. carbureted motorcycles. Single ratio drive train required on 151
Helmet: Full coverage helmets only! Must be Snell-2000 ap- cu.i. fuel-injected motorcycles. Fuel injection and transmission
proved. Eye protection required. allowed on 122 cu.i. motorcycles only. Any dry, friction type clutch
Protective Clothing: Full finger leather gloves with knuckle allowed. Clutch must be engaged by centrifugal force only. Active
armor and palm reinforcement, one piece or full circumference or timed clutch controls are limited to one (1) distinct step. Re-
zippered leather suit with knee, elbow and shoulder armor or lease/engagement mechanism event duration shall not exceed 500
reinforcement, spine/back protector and above the ankle leather milliseconds. Clutch must exhibit reliable disengagement at engine
boots with toe area reinforcement are required. idle speed. Clutch must be contained by suitable “scattershield”
Chest Protection: Chest protectors are mandatory. “Ballis- (engineering data may be required).
tic chest protection” (meaning bullet proof) is a device worn to
protect the rider’s chest from puncture of flying debris in case of
catastrophic engine explosion. 3. SUSPENSION AND BRAKES
Race Team Clothing: All team crewman that help start, assist Brakes: Hydraulic type, front and rear, mandatory. Minimum size
in burnout and stage race motorcycle must wear a uniform shirt for dual rotor is 9-inch diameter, 1/8-inch thickness. Single rotors
that relates to their specific team. must be over 11inch diameter.

46 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 47

Controls: Handlebar controls must be located in safe, work- 8. RIDER
able position. Foot pegs and foot controls must be located in safe, Credentials: Valid AHDRA 5.90 competitor license.
workable position and must be mounted in a safe, craftsman-like Helmet: Full coverage helmets only! Must be Snell-2000 ap-
manner. Rider must be able to shut off fuel without removing proved. Eye protection required.
hands from handlebars. A secondary shut-off device attached Protective Clothing: Full finger leather gloves with knuckle
to rider (in the event of premature exit from motorcycle) must armor and palm reinforcement, one piece or full circumference
control fuel shut off. Dual cable push-pull throttle assembly is zippered leather suit with knee, elbow and shoulder armor or
mandatory. Lanyard for secondary shut-off must be run through reinforcement, spine/back protector and above the ankle leather
eyelet, allowing the lanyard to be pulled in any direction and clos- boots with toe area reinforcement are required.
ing shut-off. Chest Protection: Chest protectors are mandatory. “Bal-
Suspension: Front suspension minimum size 32 mm and listic chest protection” (meaning bullet proof). A device worn to
minimum travel of 2 inches. Steering dampeners are mandatory. protect the rider’s chest from puncture of flying debris in case of
Rear suspension not necessary. Fork stops required; must limit the catastrophic engine explosion.
turning arc to 28 degrees. Race Team Clothing: All team crewman that help start, assist
in burnout and stage race motorcycle must wear a uniform shirt
4. FRAME that relates to their specific team.
Frame: Any type permitted. All frames should be heliarc welded
and main rails must have a minimum diameter of one inch. All ma- 9. TECH
jor frame tubing must be chrome moly and have at least .058-inch Tech: All motorcycles must be teched in before practice. Motor-
wall thickness. Rake angle must be at least 35 degrees. Alternative cycle, rider and his protective gear must be present at tech area.
frame materials must be submitted to AHDRA for approval. Tech official will have final say on any unclear rule or equipment.
Ground Clearance: Minimum of 2 inches with rider on motor-
cycle and 10 p.s.i. in rear tire (includes exhaust and kickstand).
Wheelbase: Minimum of 80 inches. TF CLASS
Wheelie Bars: Wheelie bars are required. Minimum length (TOP FUEL)
from center of rear axle to center of wheelie bar axle must be Designation: “TF” followed by motorcycle number.
at least 79 inches but not exceed 120 inches. Must be securely Reserved for nitro burning dragsters. Built specifically for all out
cross-braced. drag racing

5. WHEELS AND TIRES Current Record Holders

Tires: Must be specified for racing use by manufacturer. Rear 1/4 Mile: ET-6.224 by Doug Vancil @ Rockingham Dragway
tire tread width is limited to 13 inches as measured with AHDRA MPH-230.17 by Takeshi Shigematsu @ Gateway Int’l
template. 1/8 Mile: ET-4.076 by Doug Vancil @ Rockingham Dragway
Wheels: Rear wheel minimum 15 inch, maximum 18 inch. Front MPH-208.39 by Mike Romine @ Rockingham Dragway
wheel minimum 16 inch, maximum 19 inch.
Requirements and Specifications
Body: No body parts are necessary, except rear fender that must Engine: Must keep design features of Harley-Davidson en-
cover width of tire and extend past the rear axle. gines (Pushrod, 45° to 90° V-Twin). Carbureted, fuel injected or
Fairing: Are legal. Must be mounted solidly to frame tubes. supercharged single or double engines with 200 cu.i. maximum
Seat: Seat, tail section and rear fender may be incorporated into displacement. Pushrod aftermarket heads are legal (including 4
one unit and must include a step to prevent rider sliding backward. valve). Crankcase and all tanks containing fluids must have vent
tubes routed to catch can or have a non-spill breather system on
7. ELECTRICAL motorcycle. Superchargers must have rubber manifold connec-
Ignition: Any ignition system is allowed. tions or some form of “sneeze” valve. Supercharger blankets are
Charging System: Not necessary. mandatory. Must have “Bellypan” scatter shield under engine. S.F.I.
Starting System: Must be electric external starter. Battery Specification 46.1 approved engine restraint systems are required.
top covers are required. No rollers. No push starts. Jack stands These restraints must be replaced or recertified by the manufac-
mandatory for starting. turer every two (2) years. Manufacturers shall only recertify the
Control Switches: Must be mounted and constructed in a safe, restraint system one (1) time. Chest protectors are mandatory.
craftsman-like manner. Must have an emergency fuel and ignition Fuel: Fuel to be mononitromethane and/or methyl alcohol only.
kill switch. No propylene oxide or nitrous allowed.
Computers: Only data gathering computers are allowed.
Lights: Not necessary.

48 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 49

2. DRIVE TRAIN cover width of tire and extend past the rear axle.
Chain Guard: Chain and belt guards are mandatory and must Fairing: Are legal. Must be mounted solidly to frame tubes.
cover top run of drive. Guard must be .060-inch steel or 1/8 inch Seat: Seat, tail section and rear fender may be incorporated into
aluminum. one unit and must include a step to prevent rider sliding backward.
Transmission: Drive mechanism must exhibit good engineer-
ing, fabrication and installation practices. Any type dry, friction 7. ELECTRICAL
clutch may be utilized. Clutch engagement must be by centrifugal Ignition: Any ignition system is allowed.
force only. Clutch must exhibit reliable disengagement at engine Charging System: Not necessary.
idle speed. Clutch must be contained by suitable “scattershield” Starting System: Must be electric external starter. Battery top
(engineering data may be required). covers are required. No rollers. No push starts. Jack stands are
mandatory for starting. No dry hops in pits.
3. SUSPENSION AND BRAKES Control Switches: Must be mounted and constructed in a safe,
Brakes: Hydraulic type, front and rear, mandatory. Minimum size craftsman-like manner. Must have an emergency fuel and ignition
for dual rotor is 9-inch diameter, 1/8-inch thickness for rotors. kill switch.
Single rotor must be over 11-inch diameter. Computers: Only data gathering computers are allowed.
Controls: Handlebar controls must be located in safe, work- Lights: Not necessary.
able position. Foot pegs and foot controls must be located in safe,
workable position and must be mounted in a safe, craftsman-like 8. RIDER
manner. Rider must be able to shut off fuel without removing Credentials: Valid AHDRA 5.90 competitor license.
hands from handlebars. A secondary shut-off device attached to Helmet: Full coverage helmets only! Must be Snell-2000 ap-
rider (in the event of premature exit from motorcycle). This device proved. Eye protection required.
must control fuel valve. Dual cable push-pull throttle assembly is Protective Clothing: Full finger leather gloves with knuckle
mandatory. Lanyard for secondary shut-off must be run through armor and palm reinforcement, one piece or full circumference
eyelet, allowing the lanyard to be pulled in any direction and clos- zippered leather suit with knee, elbow and shoulder armor or
ing shut-off. reinforcement, spine/back protector and above the ankle leather
Suspension: Front suspension minimum size 32 mm and boots with toe area reinforcement are required.
minimum travel of 2 inches. A steering dampener is mandatory. Chest Protection: Chest protectors are mandatory. “Ballis-
Rear suspension not necessary. Fork stops required; must limit the tic chest protection” (meaning bullet proof) is a device worn to
turning arc to 28 degrees. protect the rider’s chest from puncture of flying debris in case of
catastrophic engine explosion.
4. FRAME Race Team Clothing: All team crewman that help start, assist
Frame: Any type permitted. All frames should be heliarc in burnout and stage race motorcycle must wear a uniform shirt
welded and main rails must be chrome moly and have a minimum that relates to their specific team.
diameter of 1-1/8 inch. All major frame tubing must have at least
.065-inch wall thickness. Rake angle must be at least 40 degrees. 9. TECH
Alternative frame materials must be submitted to AHDRA for Tech: All motorcycles must be teched in before practice. Motor-
approval. Frames constructed before 1999 and approved for com- cycle, rider and his protective gear must be present at tech area.
petition may use one (1) x .058 inch tubing. Tech official will have final say on any unclear rule or equipment.
Ground Clearance: Minimum of 2 inches with rider on motor-
cycle and 10 p.s.i. in rear tire (includes exhaust and kickstand).
Wheelbase: Minimum of 85 inches.
Wheelie Bars: Wheelie bars are required. Minimum length
from center of rear axle to center of wheelie bar axle must be
at least 84 inches but not exceed 120 inches. Must be securely


Tires: Must be specified for racing use by manufacturer. Any tire
size is legal.
Wheels: Rear wheel minimum 15 inch, maximum 18 inch. Front
wheel minimum 16 inch, maximum 19 inch.

Body: No body parts are necessary, except rear fender that must

50 2009 RULEBOOK 2009 RULEBOOK 51

52 2009 RULEBOOK

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