How To Learn Homeopathy 1
How To Learn Homeopathy 1
How To Learn Homeopathy 1
Pocket Manual of Materia Medica with Repertory, William Boericke, MD ( Indian Edition also available) (This is a classic book that virtually every homeopath has. A good basic materia medica. First Materia Medica, Margaret Roy, RSHom (This book provides excellent summary information about the leading medicines.) Homeopathic Remedy Pictures: Studying with Cartoons, Alexander Gothe and Julia Drinnenberg (This book provides insightful words along with clever cartoons that are helpful in studying a medicine
Studies of Homoeopathic Remedies, Dr. D.M. Gibson (Written in the 1960s, this semi-modern book provides an excellent overview of 100 remedies) Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms, by Roger Morrison, MD (This modern textbook is used by almost all of the homeopathic schools as an important way to learn the leading features of 300 or so medicines.) Synoptic Materia Medica, volume II, Frans Vermeulen (Written in the late 1990s, this is the best materia medica of the new and little known medicines. This materia medica is a follow-up volume to PRISMA, described in the next section) Keynotes of the Materia Medica, H.C. Allen, MD Materia Medica of Homeopathic Remedies, Dr. S. Phatak Nash's Expanded Work (including "Leaders"), E.B. Nash, MD
PROFESSIONAL LEVEL MATERIA MEDICA (see also materia medica on "constitutional types")
Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica, James Tyler Kent, MD (a classic) Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica (3 volumes), John Clarke, MD (a classic with lots of details) Concordant Reference, Frans Vermeulen (This is one of the leading materia medica textbooks. This is the 2011-2012 edition) Prisma: The Arcana of Materia Medica Illuminated, Frans Vermeulen (This book brings our medicines to life by describing the nature, behavior, chemistry, applications in medicine or technology, history, and folklore.) Drug Pictures, Margaret Tyler, MD (This book is a classic. The author synthesizes the thoughts and experiences of the original classical homeopaths.) Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica (10 volumes), Constantine Hering, MD (This is an enormous body of information and experience.) Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica (12 volumes), Timothy Allen, MD (This is an enormous body of information and experience.) Nature's Materia Medica, Robin Murphy, ND (This is an almost 2,000 page reference book that includes many little known medicines.)
The Sensations in Homeopathy, Rajan Sankaran (a brilliant new materia medica that links families of medicines with miasms, and it gives new insights about KEY features of many medicines) Sensation Refined, Rajan Sankaran (Sankaran refines his thinking to help us get to the deepest acting medicine for the patient.) PLANTS: A four-volume set. Frans Vermeulen and Linda Johnston, MD. (This set of books is a literal "magnum opus" on the subject!)
Synoptic Materia Medica, volume II, Frans Vermeulen (Written in the late 1990s, this is the best materia medica of the new and little known medicines.) Carbon: Organic and Hydrocarbon Remedies in Homeopathy byRoger Morrison, MD, DHt (a cutting edge textbook on the carbon medicines, with a refined integration of modern scientific information and homeopathic applications). Animal Minds, Human Voices, Nancy Herrick, PA (7 new provings of animal remedies, including horse, wolf, elephant, butterfly, rat, dolphin, and dinosaur bone) Sacred Plants, Human Voices, Nancy Herrick, PA (new provings into plants used in ritual, including peyote, ayahuasca, ginseng, lotus, mandragora) Materia Medica of Milk: Collected Articles (a collection of article of various medicines made from the milk of various animals)