IB Revision v1.0

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IB Design Technology


Student Name: Tutor Group:

J. Zobrist, Head of Design & Technology- Version 1.0

West Island School, Hong Kong

IB Design Technology Revision West Island School, Hong Kong -1-

Course outline
This is your course in a nutshell:
• Exams - 64% Three papers based on CORE THEORY and OPTIONS in May of Year 13.
• Internal assessments – 18% Assignments over the whole course.
• Design Project – 18% Project of your choice started at the end of Year 12 and finished at the end of
December of Year 13.

Looking at the ‘theory’ more closely

You all learn the following 7 topics. They are called CORE TOPICS. The number of hours spent on teaching
and learning for each one is shown:
Topic 1: Design Process.
Topic 2: Product Innovation.
Topic 3: Green Design.
Topic 4: Materials.
Topic 5: Product Development. All Compulsory for both SL and HL
Topic 6: Product Design.
Topic 7: Evaluation.

Total for CORE THEORY: 65 hours

Overall grade boundaries (from 2007 examination report)

You will be awarded a level at the end of your course. The levels range from 1-7.
Grade: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
SL Mark
0 - 16 17 - 32 33 - 44 45 - 55 56 - 66 67 - 77 78 - 100

Grade: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
HL Mark
0 – 17 18 - 33 34 - 43 44 - 55 56 - 66 67 - 78 79 - 100

Exams and assessment

Standard level: 45 minutes.
30 multiple choice questions on the CORE TOPICS 1-7
Paper 1:
20% Higher level: 1 hour.
40 multiple choice questions on the CORE TOPICS 1-7 plus HIGHER LEVEL TOPICS 8-12

Standard level: 1 hour.

Section A: Data based question plus several short answer questions – all compulsory
based on CORE TOPICS 1-7
Section B: One extended question from a choice of three based on the CORE
Paper 2:
24% Higher level: 1 hour 45 minutes.
Section A: Data based question plus several short answer questions – all compulsory
based on CORE TOPICS 1-7 plus HIGHER LEVEL TOPICS 8-12
Section B: One extended question from a choice of three based on the CORE

Standard level: 1 hour.

Several short answer questions and one extended response question based on the
Paper 3:
20% Higher level: 1 hour 15 minutes.
Several short answer questions and one extended response question based on the

IB Design Technology Revision West Island School, Hong Kong -2-

These words are used a lot in the course. The glossary is there to help you learn them and refer to them
when answering questions, conducting research, etc.

Mathematical Requirements
You need to be reasonably competent at Maths in this course. You will not be expected to learn equations
but be able to carry out a basic range of mathematical calculations.

Command terms
Command terms are used a lot in this course, and especially in examination questions. It is important to
understand what they mean. They are divided up into 3 ‘Objectives’. These command terms indicate the
depth of treatment required for a given assessment statement.

Objective 1 verbs require a simple response and are worth 1 mark

Define Give the precise meaning of a word, phrase or physical quantity.
Draw Represent by means of pencil lines.
Label Add labels to a diagram.
List Give a sequence of names or other brief answers with no explanation.
Measure Find a value for a quantity.
State Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or

Objective 2 verbs require a justified or explained response and are worth 2 marks
Annotate Add brief notes to a diagram or graph.
Apply Use an idea, equation, principle, theory or law in a new situation.
Calculate Find a numerical answer showing the relevant stages in the working (unless
instructed not to do so).
Describe Give a detailed account.
Distinguish Give the differences between two or more different items.
Estimate Find an approximate value for an unknown quantity.
Identify Find an answer from a given number of possibilities.
Outline Give a brief account or summary.

Objective 3 verbs require an interpreted or calculated response with explanation and are worth 3 marks
Analyse Interpret data to reach conclusions.
Comment Give a judgment based on a given statement or result of a calculation.
Compare Give an account of similarities and differences between two (or more) items,
referring to both (all) of them throughout.
Construct Represent or develop in graphical form.
Deduce Reach a conclusion from the information given.
Derive Manipulate a mathematical relationship(s) to give a new equation or
Design Produce a plan, simulation or model.
Determine Find the only possible answer.
Discuss Give an account including, where possible, a range of arguments for and
against the relative importance of various factors, or comparisons of
alternative hypotheses.
Evaluate Assess the implications and limitations.
Explain Give a detailed account of causes, reasons or mechanisms.
Predict Give an expected result.
Show Give the steps in a calculation or derivation.
Sketch Represent by means of a graph showing a line and labelled but unscaled axes
but with important features (for example, intercept) clearly indicated.
Solve Obtain an answer using algebraic and/or numerical methods.
Suggest Propose a hypothesis or other possible answer.

IB Design Technology Revision West Island School, Hong Kong -3-

Topics 1-7 (SL & HL)

Related IB Glossary Glossary description Revision Notes/ Exemplar

Topic # Word
1.2.3-4 adaptation A solution to a problem in one field is
used to provide a new idea for a
design problem in another.
3.3.14 adhesive An adhesive is a substance that is
5.1.2 applied between two surfaces in
order to bond them together
1.3.15-17 algorithm A sequence of instructions to describe
a set of actions
4.1.1 alloy A mixture that contains at least one
4.4.3 metal. This can be a mixture of metals
4.4.5 or a mixture of metals and non-metals
1.2 analogy The transfer of an idea from one
context to another
6.1 anthropometrics The aspect of ergonomics that deals
with body measurements, particularly
those of size, strength and physical
5.3.3-4 assembly-line The mass production of a product via
production a flow line based on the
interchangeability of parts, pre-
processing of materials,
standardization and work division
4.1.1-2 atom The smallest part of an element that
4.4.3 can exist chemically

IB Design Technology Revision West Island School, Hong Kong -4-

1.2.9-10 attribute listing Attribute listing identifies the key
attributes of a product or process and
then enables designers to think of
ways to change, modify or improve
each attribute
5.4.1-2 automation A volume production process
5.4.9-10 involving machines controlled by
5.5.4 computers
5.3.6-7 batch production Limited volume production (a set
number of items to be produced)
1.2.7-8 brainstorming A form of group think. A group with a
recommended size of 10–12 people
first devises wild ideas, all of which are
written down. No criticism or
evaluation is allowed until this is
finished, as it is impossible to be
creative and critical at the same time.
The ideas are then criticized and
2.3.12 brand A brand is a product from a known
6.2.7 source (organization). The name of
the organization can also serve as a
4.4.1 charge The quantity of unbalanced electricity
4.4.7 in a body (either positive or negative)
4.4.8 and construed as an excess or
deficiency of electrons and is
measured in coulombs
4.1.1 composite A mixture composed of two or more
4.1.5 substances (materials) with one
4.3.1 substance acting as the matrix or glue
1.3.13 computer-aided The use of computers to aid the
2.1.2 design (CAD) design process

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2.1.2 computer-aided The use of computers to aid
5.4 manufacture manufacturing
1.3.13 computer A computer program that attempts to
modelling simulate an abstract model of a
particular system
5.4.3-4 computer Refers specifically to the computer
numerical control control of machines for the purpose of
(CNC) manufacturing complex parts in
metals and other materials. Machines
are controlled by a program
commonly called a “G code”. Each
code is assigned to a particular
operation or process. The codes
control X,Y,Z movements and feed
1.2.1-2 constructive Analysing a situation that would
discontent benefit from redesign, and working
out a strategy for improving it
1.1.14-15 convergent The ability to analyse information in
1.1.17 thinking order to select an answer from
2.3.3-5 corporate Long-term aims and objectives of a
strategy company and ways of achieving
them by allocation of resources
1.1.3 cost-effectiveness The most efficient way of designing
7.2.2 and producing a product from the
manufacturer’s point of view
5.2 craft production A small-scale production process
5.2.1 centred on manual skills
4.7.7 current The rate of flow of electrons
data reliability The completeness and accuracy of a
data set that is being used to inform a
design decision. Refer to quantitative
and qualitative data collection

IB Design Technology Revision West Island School, Hong Kong -6-

4.2.1-2 density The mass per unit volume of a material
3.3.2-3 design for Designing taking account of assembly
assembly at various levels, for example,
component to component,
components into sub-assemblies and
subassemblies into complete products
3.3.12-14 design for Designing a product so that when it
disassembly becomes obsolete it can easily and
economically be taken apart, the
components reused or repaired, and
the materials recycled
3.3.1-2 design for Designers design specifically for
3.3.4 manufacture optimum use of existing
(DfM) manufacturing capability
3.3.2-3 design for Designing in relation to materials
3.3.13 materials during processing
3.3.2-3 design for process Designing to enable the product to be
manufactured using a specific
manufacturing process, for example,
injection moulding
2.2.7 diffusion into the The wide acceptance (and sale) of a
marketplace product
1.1.7 divergent thinking Using creative ability to produce a
1.1.14 wide range of possible solutions to a
1.1.16-7 problem
2.3.13-14 diversification Involves a company both in the
development of new products and in
selling those products to new
2.2.7-8 dominant design The design contains those implicit
features of a product that are
recognized as essential by a majority
of manufacturers and purchasers
4.2.3-4 ductility The ability of a material to be drawn
4.4.9 or extruded into a wire or other
extended shape
3.1.3 efficiency Mechanical efficiency is the
5.4.6 effectiveness of a simple machine

IB Design Technology Revision West Island School, Hong Kong -7-

4.2.1-2 electrical This is a measure of a material’s ability
resistivity to conduct electricity. A material with
a low resistivity will conduct electricity
6.1.1-2 ergonomics The application of scientific
6.1.7-8 information concerning the
relationship of human beings to the
design of objects, systems and
7.1.13-14 expert appraisal The reliance on the knowledge and
skills of an expert in the operation of
the product
1.3.9-10 exploded An isometric drawing of an object with
isometric drawing more than one component that
depicts how the parts of assemblies fit
6.2.5-7 fashion A style or trend
1.1.18 fibre A class of materials that are
4.1.5 continuous filaments or are in discrete
4.3.1 elongated pieces, similar to lengths of
4.7.2 thread with a length to thickness ratio
of at least 80
7.2.8-9 field trial A test of the performance of some
new product under the conditions in
which it will be used
5.5.2-5 fixed costs The costs that must be paid out before
production starts, for example,
machinery. These costs do not
change with the level of production
1.3.17-20 flow chart A schematic representation of a
1.3.1-3 freehand drawing The spontaneous representation of
ideas on paper without the use of
technical aids
3 green design Designing in a way that takes account
5.6.6 of the environmental impact of the
6.2.1 product throughout its life
4.2.1-2 hardness The resistance a material offers to
4.3.7 penetration or scratching

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1.1.14-15 incremental Small changes to the design of a
design product that seem trivial but the
cumulative effect of which over a
longer period can be very significant
2.2.1-6 innovation The business of putting an invention in
2.210 the marketplace and making it a
2.2.15 success
2.2.1 invention The process of discovering a principle.
2.2.3-5 A technical advance in a particular
2.2.15-16 field often resulting in a novel product
1.3.7-9 isometric drawing A 3D representation of an object
drawn with the horizontal plane at 30°
to the vertical plane
5.4.5-6 just-in-case (JIC) A situation where a company keeps a
small stock of components (or
complete items) or ones that take a
long time to make, just in case of a
rush order
5.4.5-6 just-in-time (JIT) A situation where a firm does not
allocate space to the storage of
components or completed items, but
instead orders them (or manufactures
them) when required. Large storage
areas are not needed and items that
are not ordered are not made
3.2.1-4 life cycle analysis The assessment of the effect a
3.2.9-11 product has on the environment from
3.2.13 the initial concept to disposal
2.3.16 lifestyle The way a person or group lives,
7.3.7 including patterns of social relations,
consumption, entertainment and dress

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7.1.5-7 literature search The use of consumer reports and
newspaper items to follow historical
development. Useful sources of
information could include CD-Roms,
such as encyclopedias and
newspapers, or more specific disks,
subject-specific magazines and
manufacturers’ information
2.2.11-13 lone inventor An individual working outside or inside
2.2.15 an organization who is committed to
the invention of a novel product and
often becomes isolated because he
or she is engrossed with ideas that
imply change and are resisted by
2.2.4 manufacturing A specific manufacturing term,
5.1.1 technique sometimes relating to one material
group only
2.3.9-10 market Finding new applications for existing
development products, thereby opening up new
2.3.7-8 market Increasing sales to existing customers
penetration or finding new customers for an
existing product
2.2.7 market pull The initial impetus for the
2.2.10 development of a new product is
generated by a demand from the
2.3.15 market sector A broad way of categorizing the kinds
of market the company is aiming for
2.3.15 market Markets divide up into smaller
segmentation segments where the purchasers have
similar characteristics and tastes
5.4.7-8 mass A sophisticated CIM system that
customization manufactures products to individual
customer orders. The benefits of
economy of scale are gained whether
the order is for a single item or for

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5.3.6-7 mass production The production of large amounts of
5.6.1 standardized products on production
lines, permitting very high rates of
production per worker
1.3.24-26 mathematical A model using mathematical symbols
model that can be manipulated numerically
5.3.1-2 mechanization A volume production process
5.3.4-5 involving machines controlled by
4.4.1 molecule Two or more atoms that are normally
4.4.3 bonded together covalently
1.2.11-12 morphological Morphological synthesis is an
synthesis elaboration of attribute listing. After
completing the list of attributes, list
them along two sides of a 2D grid.
Think creatively about how the
attributes can be developed through
new ideas in each of the cells to
improve the design
3.1.1 non-renewable A natural resource that cannot be re-
resources made or re-grown as it does not
naturally re-form at a rate that makes
its use sustainable, for example, coal,
petroleum and natural gas
5.2.1 one-off An individual (often craft-produced)
production article or a prototype for larger-scale
1.3.4-6 orthographic A series of flat views of an object
drawing showing it exactly as it is in shape and
6.1.1 percentile range That proportion of a population with a
6.1.3 dimension at or less than a given
6.1.6 value

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7.2.6-7 performance test An evaluation of the actual
performance of the task or learning
objective using the conditions under
which it will be performed and the
absolute standard for acceptable
1.3.11-12 perspective A 3D drawing that realistically
drawing represents an object by utilizing
foreshortening and vanishing points
(usually imaginary ones)
6.2.2-4 planned A conscious act either to ensure a
6.2.6-7 obsolescence continuing market or to ensure that
safety factors and new technologies
can be incorporated into later
versions of the product
4.4.6 plastic The permanent deformation of a solid
4.4.9 deformation subjected to a stress
2.214-15 product An influential individual, usually
2.3.4 champion working within an organization, who
develops an enthusiasm for a
particular idea or invention and
“champions” it within that
2.3.11-12 product The creation of new, modified or
development updated products aimed mainly at a
company’s existing customers
2.3.17-18 product family A group of products having common
classification criteria. Members
normally have many common parts
and assemblies
7.2.4-5 quality assurance This covers all activities from design to
7.3.5 documentation. It also includes the
regulation of quality of raw materials,
assemblies, products and
components, services related to
production, and management and
inspection processes

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5.5.1 quality control Involved in development systems to
7.2.4-5 ensure that products or services are
designed and produced to meet or
exceed customer requirements and
1.1.14 radical design Where a completely new product is
1.1.16 devised by going back to the roots of
a problem and thinking about a
solution in a different way
3.3.6-7 reconditioning Rebuilding a product so that it is in an
“as new” condition, and is generally
used in the context of car engines and
3.3.6-8 recycling Recycling refers to using the materials
3.3.10-12 from obsolete products to create
3.3.13 other products
3.1.1 renewable Resources that are naturally
resources replenished in a short time
3.3.6-8 repair The reconstruction or renewal of any
part of an existing structure or device
3.3.6-8 reuse Reuse of a product in the same
context or in a different context
2.3.17-18 robust design Flexible designs that can be adapted
to changing technical and market
4.2.3-4 stiffness The resistance of an elastic body to
deflection by an applied force
2.3.1 technocautious Someone who needs some
convincing before embracing
technological change
2.2.7 technology push Where the impetus for a new design
2.2.10 emanates from a technological
2.3.1 technophile Someone who immediately welcomes
a technological change
2.3.1 technophobe Someone who resists all technological

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4.2.3-4 tensile strength The ability of a material to withstand
4.3.1 pulling forces
4.2.1-2 thermal A measure of how fast heat is
4.4.6 conductivity conducted through a slab of material
with a given temperature difference
across the slab
4.2.1 thermal A measure of the degree of increase
expansion in dimensions when an object is
(expansivity) heated. This can be measured by an
increase in length, area or volume.
The expansivity can be measured as
the fractional increase in dimension
per kelvin increase in temperature
4.2.3-4 toughness The ability of a material to resist the
propagation of cracks
7.1.10-12 user research Obtaining users’ responses
7.1.8-9 user trial The observation of people using a
7.1.12 product and collection of comments
7.1.14 from people who have used a
7.2.7 product
1.1.3 value for money The relationship between what
7.3.1-3 something, for example, a product, is
7.3.6 worth and the cash amount spent on
5.5.2-3 variable costs Costs that vary with output, for
5.5.5 example, fuel or raw materials

IB Design Technology Revision West Island School, Hong Kong - 14 -

TOPICS 8-12 (HL only)

Related IB Glossary Glossary description Revision Notes/ Exemplar

Topic # Word
8.3.1 active solar The use of the Sun’s energy to heat up
12.2.1 collection water and air directly.
3.3.14 adhesive An adhesive is a substance that is
5.1.2 applied between two surfaces in
11.1.6 order to bond them together
11.3.4 alloy A mixture that contains at least one
11.3.7 metal. This can be a mixture of metals
or a mixture of metals and non-metals
12.1.1-3 appropriate Technology appropriate to the
technology context in which it is applied.
Appropriate technologies are low in
capital cost, use local materials
wherever possible, create jobs using
local skills and labour, involve
decentralized renewable energy
sources, make technology
understandable to the people who
use it, are flexible, and are not
detrimental to quality of life or the
12.2.1 black water Water that contains animal, human or
food waste and would not be reused
for other purposes
12.2.1 building envelope The exterior surface of a building’s
12.2.9 construction: the walls, windows, roof
12.2.13 and floor. Also referred to as “building
11.4.8 composite A mixture composed of two or more
substances (materials) with one
substance acting as the matrix or glue
IB Design Technology Revision West Island School, Hong Kong - 15 -
8.1.2 craft production A small-scale production process
centred on manual skills
12.2.1 daylighting The passive solar practice of placing
12.2.17 windows, or other transparent media,
and reflective surfaces so that, during
the day, natural sunlight provides
effective internal illumination
8.2.10 density The mass per unit volume of a material
11.2.1 die A tool used in the manufacture of
11.3-7 parts by moulding, forging, swaging or
11.6 stamping processes
11.2.1 draft angle The angle of taper, expressed in
degrees (usually 5° to 7°), given to the
sides of the forging and the side walls
of the die impression
8.2.2 efficiency Mechanical efficiency is the
10.1.1 effectiveness of a simple machine
11.4.3 fabric A material made up of a network of
natural or artificial fibres formed by
knitting, weaving or pressing into felt
11.4.3 fibre A class of materials that are
11.4.5 continuous filaments or are in discrete
11.4.11 elongated pieces, similar to lengths of
thread with a length to thickness ratio
of at least 80
11.2.1 flash Excess material on a moulded part,
11.2.7 forming a thin fan where two parts of
the mould meet
12.2.1 grey water Waste water generated from
12.2.5 processes such as washing dishes,
bathing and laundry
11.2 injection The direct introduction of molten
moulding plastic under pressure into a die,
which then cools rapidly, allowing the
formed object to be released from the

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12.2.1 intelligent Intelligent buildings apply
12.2.3 building technologies to improve the building
environment and functionality for
occupants and tenants while
controlling costs to improve end-user
security, comfort and accessibility and
help user productivity
8.1.4-5 invention The process of discovering a principle.
A technical advance in a particular
field often resulting in a novel product
12.2.1 living building Houses and offices designed to
12.2.4 function like living organisms,
specifically adapted to place and
able to draw all of their requirements
for energy and water from the
surrounding sun, wind and rain
10.1.1-2 mechanical This is the factor by which a machine
10.1.6 advantage multiplies the force put into it
8.1.4 mechanization A volume production process
involving machines controlled by
8.1.1 molecule Two or more atoms that are normally
bonded together covalently
11.2.1 parison A short length of extruded pipe for use
11.2.5 in blow moulding
12.2.1 passive solar The technique of heating and cooling
12.2.14- design a building naturally without the use of
15 mechanical equipment
11.1.5-7 permanent A permanent join is a type of fastening
joining that is not supposed to be removed. It
techniques is only possible to remove such joins by
drilling, cutting or grinding the join
11.1.7 planned A conscious act either to ensure a
obsolescence continuing market or to ensure that
safety factors and new technologies
can be incorporated into later
versions of the product

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9.1.5 plastic The permanent deformation of a solid
deformation subjected to a stress
11.2.3 quality control Involved in development systems to
ensure that products or services are
designed and produced to meet or
exceed customer requirements and
12.5.5 recycling Recycling refers to using the materials
12.5.7 from obsolete products to create
other products
9.2.7 resolution A measure of the clarity of an image
12.2.7 reuse Reuse of a product in the same
context or in a different context
11.2.1-2 sprue This is the passage through which a
liquid material flows into a die, where
it solidifies to form parts
9.1.8 stiffness The resistance of an elastic body to
9.3.1-2 deflection by an applied force
8.2.12 sustainable Development that meets the needs of
8.3.4-5 development the present without compromising the
12.1.1 ability of future generations to meet
12.1.5-9 their own needs
9.1.4 tensile strength The ability of a material to withstand
pulling forces
12.2.12 thermal A measure of how fast heat is
conductivity conducted through a slab of material
with a given temperature difference
across the slab
10.2.4 torque “Rotational force” commonly
measured in units of newton metres
12.1.1 triple bottom line An expanded spectrum of values and
12.1.4 sustainability criteria for measuring organizational
success: economic, environmental
and social
12.2.1 U value A measure of the thermal
12.2.11 conductance of a material. The
12.1.13 higher the U value, the greater the
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10.1.1-2 velocity ratio A measurement of force amplification
9.1.1 Young’s modulus The stiffness of a material

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OPTION E: Human Factors
Topics E1-E7 (SL only)

Related IB Glossary Glossary description Revision Notes/ Exemplar

Topic # Word
E 7.5 aesthetic-usability A condition whereby users perceive
effect more aesthetically pleasing designs to
be easier to use than less aesthetically
pleasing designs
E4 appearance An appearance prototype, or
prototype appearance model, is a physical
representation of an object that
literally appears like the production
product. However, it does not function
and is made from wood, foam, clay or
other prototyping materials
E 2.17-18 biomechanics The research and analysis of the
mechanics of living organisms
E 2.10 converging The synergistic merging of
technology nanotechnology, biotechnology,
information and communication
technologies and cognitive science
E 1.1 efficiency Mechanical efficiency is the
E 1.9 effectiveness of a simple machine
E 7.7
E 4.1 ergonome A 2D physical anthropometric model
E 4.4-5 based on a specific percentile, which
is used with drawings of the same
scale as the model to consider the
relationship between the size of an
object and people
E1 ergonomics The application of scientific
information concerning the
relationship of human beings to the
design of objects, systems and

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E 7.4 fashion A style or trend
E4 functional A functional prototype, or functional
E 4.8 prototype appearance model, is a prototype
E 4.9 that “looks like” and “works like” a
production product. Although they
are made from prototype materials,
these models simulate actual finishes
and colours as well as mechanisms
E 6.4 innovation The business of putting an invention in
the marketplace and making it a
E 4.1-5 manikin An anatomical 3D model of the
human body
E 4.2 orthographic A series of flat views of an object
drawing showing it exactly as it is in shape and
E 6.5-8 paper prototyping Representative users perform realistic
tasks by interacting with a paper
version of the user–product interface
that is manipulated by a person
acting as a computer, who does not
explain how the interface works
E 2.15 percentile range That proportion of a population with a
dimension at or less than a given
E 2.7-9 population Responses that are found to be
stereotypes widespread in a user population
E 2.18 torque “Rotational force” commonly
E 9.10 measured in units of newton metres
E 2.1 user population The range of users for a particular
E 2.6 product or system
E 8.6

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OPTION E: Human Factors
Topics E8-E11 (HL only)

Related IB Glossary Glossary description Revision Notes/ Exemplar

Topic # Word
E 8.3 animation The ability to link graphic screens
together in such a way as to simulate
motion or a process
E 8.3 atom The smallest part of an element that
can exist chemically
E 8.7 automation A volume production process
involving machines controlled by
E 8.5-9 digital human Computer simulation of a variety of
mechanical and biological aspects of
the human body
E 10.8 fibre A class of materials that are
continuous filaments or are in discrete
elongated pieces, similar to lengths of
thread with a length to thickness ratio
of at least 80
E 11.1-2 ideo-pleasure Pleasure derived from satisfying
E 11.6 people’s tastes, values and aspirations
E 11.2-3 physio-pleasure Pleasure derived from the sensory
organs, including pleasures
connected with touch, taste, smell
and sensual pleasure
E 8.7 product The creation of new, modified or
development updated products aimed mainly at a
company’s existing customers
E 11.1-2 psycho-pleasure Pleasure derived from people’s
E 11.5 mental and emotional reactions to a
E 8.5 reach envelopes
E 10.9 resolution A measure of the clarity of an image
IB Design Technology Revision West Island School, Hong Kong - 22 -
E 11.1-2 socio-pleasure Pleasure from relationships with others,
E 11.4 for example, specific relationships with
friends, loved ones, colleagues or like-
minded people or with society as a
whole when it is related to status and
E 2.18 torque “Rotational force” commonly
E 9.10 measured in units of newton metres
E 2.1 user population The range of users for a particular
E 2.6 product or system
E 8.6
E 9.2 user research Obtaining users’ responses
E 10.10 work-space A 3D space within which you carry out
envelope physical work activities when you are
at a fixed location

IB Design Technology Revision West Island School, Hong Kong - 23 -

OPTION D: Textiles
Topics D1-10 (SL only)

Related IB Glossary Glossary description Revision Notes/ Exemplar

Topic # Word
D 3.3 automation A volume production process
D 3.5 involving machines controlled by
D 11.14- computers
D 12.2
D 6.1 biocompatibility The property of being biologically
D 6.6-8 compatible by not producing a toxic,
injurious or immunological response in
living tissue
D 7.1-3 biomimetics The application of methods and
systems found in nature to the study
and design of engineering systems
and modern technology
D 6.5 computer A computer program that attempts to
modelling simulate an abstract model of a
particular system
D 5.4 computer Refers specifically to the computer
numerical control control of machines for the purpose of
(CNC) manufacturing complex parts in
metals and other materials. Machines
are controlled by a program
commonly called a “G code”. Each
code is assigned to a particular
operation or process. The codes
control X,Y,Z movements and feed
D 3.1 craft production A small-scale production process
centred on manual skills

IB Design Technology Revision West Island School, Hong Kong - 24 -

D 2.1-9 fabric A material made up of a network of
D 2.11-15 natural or artificial fibres formed by
D 7.4 knitting, weaving or pressing into felt
D 10.7
D 11.1
D 11.8
D 11.13-
D 13.4
D 13.8-11
D 2.15 fashion A style or trend
D 11.4
D 11.10
D 11.12-
D 1.1-9 fibre A class of materials that are
D 6.4 continuous filaments or are in discrete
D 10.4 elongated pieces, similar to lengths of
D 10.9 thread with a length to thickness ratio
D 10.14 of at least 80
D 11.2
D 13.4
D 13.6
D 13.8
D 4.2 mass A sophisticated CIM system that
customization manufactures products to individual
customer orders. The benefits of
economy of scale are gained whether
the order is for a single item or for
D 3.2 mechanization A volume production process
D 10.5 involving machines controlled by
D 12.1 humans
D 6.1 prosthesis An artificial limb, tooth or other part of
the body manufactured to take the
place of a missing or dysfunctional

IB Design Technology Revision West Island School, Hong Kong - 25 -

D 10.3 protein A complex, high-molecular-weight,
D 10.13- organic compound consisting of an
14 amino acid joined by a peptide bond.
Proteins make up the constituents of
biological organisms
D 4.5-6 sublimation A two-step process in which paper is
printing process first printed with sublimation dyes
and then heat and pressure are
applied to the paper so that the
image is
transferred to another material, for
example, fabric
D 6.3 tensile strength The ability of a material to withstand
pulling forces
D 1.1 yarn A long continuous length of
D 1.3 interlocked synthetic or natural fibres
D 1.6
D 1.9
D 6.4
D 13.4
D 13.8

IB Design Technology Revision West Island School, Hong Kong - 26 -

OPTION D: Textiles
Topics D11-13 (HL only)

Related IB Glossary Glossary description Revision Notes/ Exemplar

Topic # Word
D 3.3 automation A volume production process
D 3.5 involving machines controlled by
D 11.14- computers
D 12.2
D 2.1-9 fabric A material made up of a network of
D 2.11-15 natural or artificial fibres formed by
D 7.4 knitting, weaving or pressing into felt
D 10.7
D 11.1
D 11.8
D 11.13-
D 13.4
D 13.8-11
D 2.15 fashion A style or trend
D 11.4
D 11.10
D 11.12-
D 1.1-9 fibre A class of materials that are
D 6.4 continuous filaments or are in discrete
D 10.4 elongated pieces, similar to lengths of
D 10.9 thread with a length to thickness ratio
D 10.14 of at least 80
D 11.2
D 13.4
D 13.6
D 13.8
D 11.1 haptic Haptic technology is an emerging
technology technology that interfaces the user via
the sense of touch
IB Design Technology Revision West Island School, Hong Kong - 27 -
D 11.1 intelligent fabric A fabric with technology-enhanced
D 11.8 performance used in smart clothing,
D 11.13 for example, enhanced stain
resistance, breathability or
incorporating input sensors
D 11.11 market pull The initial impetus for the
development of a new product is
generated by a demand from the
D 3.2 mechanization A volume production process
D 10.5 involving machines controlled by
D 12.1 humans
D 12.9 recycling Recycling refers to using the materials
D 13.12 from obsolete products to create
other products
D 12.9 reuse Reuse of a product in the same
D 13.12 context or in a different context
D 11.11 technology push Where the impetus for a new design
emanates from a technological
D 12.8 triple bottom line An expanded spectrum of values and
sustainability criteria for measuring organizational
success: economic, environmental
and social
D 1.1 yarn A long continuous length of
D 1.3 interlocked synthetic or natural fibres
D 1.6
D 1.9
D 6.4
D 13.4
D 13.8

IB Design Technology Revision West Island School, Hong Kong - 28 -

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