B. A. Economics Paper - III Indian Economy
B. A. Economics Paper - III Indian Economy
B. A. Economics Paper - III Indian Economy
Module IV: Industry and services Structure, Growth and employment of Industry ; Industrial policies of 1956 and 1991, Growth and problems of small scale Industries, Foreign Capital and Aid , FEMA, Disinvestment policy in India FDI ; Growing importance of service sector in India education and health. Module V: Andhra Pradesh State Economy Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) Trends and Composition ; Demographic features ; Agriculture Land Utilization, cropping pattern and irrigation ; Industry Growth structure and employment of Industry ; Poverty and Unemployment in Andhra Pradesh; Service sector in Andhra Pradesh.
References :
(1) Dhingra, I.C. Indian Economy, Sultan Chand, New Delhi (2009) (2) Ruddar Dutt and K.P.M. Sundaram Indian Economy, S.Chand & Co., 2008 (3) G.M. Meier Leading Issues in Economic Development , Oxford University Press, New York, 3/e. (4) M.P.Todaro Economic Development , Longman, London 6/e, 1996. (5) Reserve Bank of India Handbook of Staistics on Indian Economy (Latest) (6) S.K. Mishra and V.K.Puri - Indian Economy, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai (2009). (7) R.S. Rao, V. Hanumanth Rao & N.Venu Gopal (Ed.) Fifity Years of Andhra Pradesh (1956- 2006), Centre for Documentation, Research and Communications Hyderabad, 2007. (8) Telugu Academy Publications. (9) United Nations, World Development Report, Oxford, 1990-2008, Different editions (10) AUSDE Study Material.
Model Question Paper B.A. III Year Paper III - Indian Economy Time: 3 hours PART A Note: I. Answer all the following in one or two sentences each. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sustainable Development Objectives of Eleventh Five Year Plan Crop Insurance FEMA Definition of service sector PART B II. Answer the following not exceeding one page each. 6 (a) (b) PQLI or Explain Labour or Capital Intensive Methods. 5 x4=20 Max. Marks: 80 5x2=10
7. (a) Explain Unemployment and its causes. or (b) Comment on Growth of Population in India. 8. (a) Examine Micro Finance or (b) Examine the issue of Food Security. 9. (a) Explain problems of small scale industries in India. or (b) Explain Dis investment policy in India. 10. (a) Explain Demographical features of A.P. or (b) Write about Service Sectors in Andhra Pradesh.
5 x 10=50
1. (a) Distinguish between economic growth and development. Explain how it is measured. or (b) Explain Balanced Growth.
2. (a) State the basic features of Indian Economy. or (b) Review the trends and composition of Indias national income. 3. (a) Critically review the new agricultural strategy adopted in India. or (b) Examine the new Agricultural price policy in India. 4. (a) State the Industrial Policy of 1991.
or (b) Briefly explain the growing importance of service sector in India. 5. (a) Explain trends and composition of G S D P of Andhra Pradesh. or (b) Explain the recent trends in growth of industry of Andhra Pradesh.
Module 1 : PUBLIC FINANCE AND TAXATION Meaning and scope of public finance, Distinction between public and private finance. Principle of Maximum Social Advantage Public goods vs Private goods Sources of public Revenue [(a) Taxes (b) Administrative revenues (c) Commercial revenues (d) Gifts and grants (e) Deficit Finance] Concept of fiscal deficit Canons of taxation (Adam Smith & Modern) Impact, Shifting and Incidence of Taxation , Effects of taxation The concept of Value Added Tax (VAT). Module 2: PUBLIC EXPENDITURE AND PUBLIC DEBT. Meaning and Classification of Public expenditure, Principles of Public expenditure Reasons for the growth of Public expenditure Wagners law Public Debt Classification of Public debt Methods of debt redemption Causes and effects of Public Debt. Module 3: THEORIES OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE Inter regional and International Trade Importance of International Trade. Theories of International Trade - (a) Theory of absolute advantage (b) Theory of Comparative costs and (c) Hecksher Ohlin theory ; Trade as an engine of Economic Growth, Terms of Trade - Gross Net Barter Terms of Trade, Net Barter terms of trade, ITT. Module 4 : TARIFFS AND QUOTAS - BALANCE OF PAYMENTS Tariffs and quotas, Concept of optimum Tariff: Balance of Trade, Balance of Payments, Indias Balance of Payments before and after 1991; Disequillibrium in BOP - Causes and adjustment ; Trends and composition of Indias Public revenue, expenditure and debt . Module 5 : PUBLIC FINANCE FOREIGN TRADE IN INDIA Trends in the composition and direction of Indias foreign trade Exim policy, IMF, IBRD Impact of WTO on India.
References :
(1) B.P. Tyagi Public Finance Jai Prakash Nath - 2004.
(2) H.D. Bhatia Public Finance - Vikas Publishing House 2006. (3) B.O. Sodersten International Economics Macmillan -1995. (4) C.P. Kindleberger International Economics (5) J. Bhagawathi International Trade Selected Readings Cambridge University Press. (6) D.M. Mithani & G.K. Murthy Fundamentals of Business Economics Himalaya 2007. (7) Telugu Academy Publications. (8) AUSDE - Study Material.
MODEL QUESTION PAPER B.A. ECONOMICS III B.A.PAPER IV (a) PUBLIC AND INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS Time: 3hours PART A I. Answer the following in one or two sentences 1. VAT 2. Peacock Wiseman Hypothesis 3. Income Terms of Trade 4. Balance of Trade. 5. Concept of Outsourcing. PART B II. Answer the following not exceeding 2 pages each. 6. (a) Write about Public Goods or (b) Explain Canons of Taxation 7. (a) Write a note on Wagners Law? or (b) Explain Principles of Public Expenditure 8. (a) Write about Inter Industry and Intra Industry Trade or (b) Explain Trade and Economic Growth 9. (a) Discuss Tariffs or (b) What do you under stand by Depreciation 10.(a) Examine Composition and Direction of Indias Foreign Trade or (b) Write a note on IBRD 5x6=30 Max. Marks: 100 5x2 =10
PART C III. Answer the following not exceeding 3 pages each. 5x12=60
1. (a) Distinguish between Public Finance and Private Finance. What are different sources of Public Revenue? or (b) Explain classification of Public Expenditure. 2. (a) Explain the Principle of Maximum Social Advantage or (b) State the reasons for the growth of public expenditure in recent years. 3. (a) Explain Hecksher Ohlin Theory of international trade or (b) Explain about causes and adjustment in disequilibrium in BOP. 4. (a) Explain the concept of Optimum Trade. or (b) Explain the EXIM policy of India. 5. (a) What are the methods of debt redemption or (b) Write the impact of WTO in India.
Module I: Functions: Function Concept and type of Functions Graphical Solution Differentiation of a function Maxima & Minima, Elasticities; Interpretation of revenue and cost functions: Module II: Matrices Matrices- Types of Matrices: simple operation on matrices - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Equality of Matrices; Determinants Rank of a matrix, Inverse of a matrix (2x2 only) Module III: Central Tendency and Dispersion Techniques of data collection: Sampling and Census methods; Measures of Central Tendency - Mean, Median, Mode; Measures of dispersion - Range, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation, Coefficient of Variation, Lorenz Curve. Module IV: Correlation and Regression Meaning - Correlation and Regression; The distinction between correlation coefficient and Regression, Karl Pearsons correlation coefficient and Spearmans, Rank correlation, Regression analysis Estimation of Regression line. Uses and limitations of correlation and regression analysis in economics. Module V: Time Series and Index Numbers Time series analysis Concept and components; Determination of trends, by moving average method; Index numbers- concept and uses; methods of estimation Laspeyers , Paasches and Fischers index numbers, problems in the construction of index numbers and limitations of index numbers.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
K. Sydsater & P.J. Hammond Mathematics for Economic Analysis, Pearsons Education, Delhi, 2002. A.C. Chiang- Fundamentals Methods of Mathematical Economics, Mc Graw Hill, 1984. Yamane Taro Mathematics for Economists, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1988, 2nd edition. A. Mizrahi and M. Sallivan Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences Applied Approach, John Wiley,1985. S.P. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, S.Chand &Co., 2005. Stephen Bernstein & Ruth Bernstein Theory and Problems of Elements of Statistics, Schaums Outline Series, Tata Mc Graw Hill,2005. E. Dowling An Introduction to Mathematical Economics, Schaums Outline Series, 2007.
MODEL QUESTION PAPER B.A. ECONOMICS III B.A.PAPER IV (b) - QUANTITATIVE TICHNIQUES Time: 3 hours PART A Note: Answer the following in one or two sentences 1. Function 2. Transpose of a Matrix 3. Median 4. Positive Correlation. 5. Laspeyers Index Number PART B II. Answer the following not exceeding 2 pages each. 5x6=30 5x2 = 10 Max. Marks: 100
6. (a) Find the critical values of the function. Z= 6X2 + 4Y2- 2XY SUBJECTED TO X + Y = 60. or (b) Explain the concept of maxima and minima. 7. (a) If A = 2 4 6 8 B = 3 7 6 9 Find A x B using matrix method.
or (b) Explain the Properties of Determinants 8. (a) Compute Arithmetic Mean for the following data 0 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50 5 10 25 30 20 or (b) Explain the Sample and Census Methods 9. (a) Explain the concept of correlation and its importance. or (b) Discuss uses and limitations of regression analysis in Economic 10. (a) Explain the concept and components of Time series data. or (b) Explain the problems in construction of Index numbers. Marks No. of Students 50 - 60 10
1.(a) Find extreme values Z= 72X-3X2-6XY-2Y2+48Y. Determine whether the function is minimum or maximum. or (b) Write about price and income Elasticities. 2. (a) Explain various types of Matrices. or (b) Explain the addition and subtraction theories of Matrices 3. (a) Explain different methods of data collection or (b) Calculate standard deviation for the following data. Marks No. of Students 0-10 8 10-20 12 20-30 20 30-40 6 40-50 4
4. (a) Explain the concept of Rank correlation and its usefulness. or (b) Calculate Karl Pearson Correlation coefficient for the following data. X Y 5 10 10 22 14 19 20 45 22 32 28 40
5. (a) Calculate Fishers index for the following data. 2000 2007 Quantity Price Quantity (Units) (Rs.) (Units) 100 20 120 200 4 240 120 12 150 60 24 15 or (b) How do you compute trend component by moving average method in data? Commodity Price (Rs.) A 12 B 4 C 8 D 20