Split 4
Split 4
Split 4
Tapping Mute Bridge Mute Harmonics Pinch Harmonics Slap+Slap Noises Scrapes Legato (1-2 Steps) HammerOn (Legato) Slide (Legato) Repetition (NoteOff) Tremolo Tremolo 1-beat Trill Trill 1-shot Slide Up SlideUp (trigger) Slide Down (Fall) SlideDown (trigger) Bend Reverse Bend Unison Bend Hold (1-2 Steps Mono) Interval Fret Position PickPosition String select Wah-Wah Violining Sustainer (trigger) FeedBacker (trigger) Chucka FullRange Chucka MuteKeys Chucka VeloLayers Mode Toggle velo> velo< MonoBend (Lower note bend) VeloAdd (Velocity +/- control) Open Strings Lock** Slow Strum** Effect, Key/Pedal/Mod.Wheel switch Effect, Key/Pedal/Mod.Wheel/Velocity Switch Effect, Key/Pedal/Mod.Wheel/Velocity Switch Effect, Key/Pedal/Mod.Wheel/Velocity Switch Effect, Key/Pedal/Mod.Wheel/Velocity Switch Effect, Key/Pedal/Velocity Switch Effect, Key/Pedal/Mod.Wheel/Velocity Switch Effect, Key/Pedal/Mod.Wheel Switch Effect, Key/Pedal/Mod.Wheel/Velocity Switch Effect, Key/Pedal/Velocity Switch Key/Pedal/Velocity Switch Effect, Key/Pedal/Velocity Switch Effect, Key/Pedal/Velocity Switch Effect, Key/Pedal/Velocity Switch Effect, Key/Pedal/Velocity Switch Key/Pedal/Mod.Wheel/Velocity Switch*, P.Bender Key Switch Key/Pedal/Mod.Wheel/Velocity Switch*, P.Bender Key Switch Key/Pedal/Velocity Switch Key/Pedal/Velocity Switch Key/Pedal/Mod.Wheel/Velocity Switch Effect, Key Switch Effect, Key/Pedal/ Mod.Wheel/Velocity Switch Mouse*, Key/Pedal Switch Mouse*, Key/Pedal Switch Key Switch Effect*, Key/Pedal*/Mod.Wheel Switch Effect, Key/Pedal/Mod.Wheel Switch Key/Pedal Switch, P.Bender Key/Pedal/Mod.Wheel Switch, P.Bender, AfterTouch Effect, Key/Pedal* Switch Effect, Key/Pedal* Switch Effect, Key/Pedal/Mod.Wheel/Velocity Switch Key/Pedal/Mod.Wheel Switch Key/Pedal/Velocity Switch Key/Pedal/Velocity Switch P.Bender, Mod.Wheel P.Bender Pedal Switch Velocity Switch
All FXs are available in Solo mode except for the marked: * - available in Chords, Bass&Chord, Bass&Pick modes as well. ** - available only in Chords, Bass&Chord, Bass&Pick modes.
Tapping FX reduces initial sound attack and allows to produce legato Hammer-Ons/Pull-Offs both lower and higher the held note within 24 semitone range. Works in monophonic mode with initial note and Hammer-Ons/Pull-Offs played on the same string. Mute FX - left-hand muted sound for notes in the Main zone. Note that the volume of the Mute FX is controlled by Mixer > Sounds > Mute slider. BridgeMute FX - sound muted near the guitar bridge for notes in the Main zone. It is a similar effect to Mute FX, however produces a slightly different sound. Note that the volume of the BridgeMute FX is controlled by FxMixer > Bridge Mute slider. Harmonics FX - chromatic Artificial Harmonic sound for notes in the Main zone. Note that the volume of the Harmonics FX is controlled by FxMixer > Hrmnx slider. PinchHarmonics FX - non-chromatic Pinch Harmonic sound for notes in the Main zone. Note that the volume of the PinchHarmonics FX is controlled by FxMixer > Pinch Hrmnx slider. Slap FX - slap sound and noises for notes played in the Main zone. Notes played from E1 through D#2 are left-hand fret smacks. Notes played from E2 through A4 are a short slap sound when played with low velocity and a long slap sound when played with a fast velocity. Notes played from A#4 through D5 are right-hand pickup smacks. Note that the volume of the Slap FX is controlled by FxMixer > Slap slider. Scrapes FX - 46 different string scrapes, each controlled by the different notes in the Main zone ranging from E1 to C#5. Note that the volume of the Scrapes FX is controlled by FxMixer > Scrapes slider. HammerOn (Legato) FX produces Hammer-On/Pull-Off articulation. Hammer-On and Pull-Off guitar effects enable the playing of grace notes, mordents, trills with a single pick (and single initial attack). With Hammer-On enabled, press and hold a single key. When a second key is played, it plays without the initial attack and stops the first note. While continuing to hold the first key, release the second key and the first note is played again without the initial attack. When the second key is played higher than the second key, this is typically called a hammer-on. If the second key is lower than the first key, this is typically called a pull-off. The Hammer-On effect has a numeric box allowing the user to select in semi-tones the greatest distance between the first and second note played to be triggered with the Hammer-On/Pull-Off effect. Slide (Legato) FX produces sliding articulation between two notes played legato (glissando with initial attack on the first note only). The Slide FX numeric box controls the maximum number of semi-tones between two notes that the slide FX will occur. The Slide FX slider controls the speed of the slide. Repetition (NoteOff) FX automatically plays additional same note(s) on key(s) release allowing to produce semi-automatic tremolo with easy dynamics control. Tremolo FX plays the note(s) repeatedly with the base speed provided by the Tempo setting (is synched with hosts tempo). Multiples above the Tempo setting are controlled by the Tremolo FX pull-down menu with choices of 4th, 4T (triplet), 8th, 8T, 16th, 16T, 32nd, 32T, 64th, and 64T note durations. Note that while Tremolo FX is enabled any secondary notes played are sustained for as long as the first note is played. Tremolo 1-beat FX works similar Tremolo FX but plays number of notes fitting in one beat of a measure before sustaining. The speed is controlled by the Tempo setting (is synched with hosts tempo). Trill FX plays a continuous trill for as long as the note(s) is held. The Trill FX numeric box specifies (in semi-tones above the note(s) played) the interval of the trill. The speed of the trill is controlled by the Tempo setting and the Trill FX pull-down menu with choices of 4th, 4T (triplet), 8th, 8T, 16th, 16T, 32nd, 32T, 64th, and 64T note durations. 32
Trill 1-shot FX plays a mordent ahead of the note(s) played. The Trill 1-shot FX numeric box specifies (in semi-tones above the note(s) played) the interval of the mordent. The speed of the mordent is controlled by the Tempo setting and the Trill 1-shot FX pull-down menu with choices of 4th, 4T (triplet), 8th, 8T, 16th, 16T, 32nd, 32T, 64th, and 64T note durations. SlideUp FX articulates automatic slide up TO the note(s) played. The SlideUp FX numeric box specifies (in semi-tones) the interval to start the slide from. The SlideUp FX slider controls the speed of the slide. SlideUp (trigger) FX triggers automatic slide up FROM the sustaining note(s). Velocity of trigger key affects slide dynamics. SlideDown FX articulates automatic slide down FROM the note(s) played. The SlideDown FX numeric box specifies (in semi-tones) the destination interval for the slide. The SlideDown FX slider controls the speed of the slide. SlideDown (trigger) FX triggers automatic slide down FROM the sustaining note(s). Velocity of trigger key affects slide dynamics. Bend FX articulates automatic bend up TO the note(s) played. The Bend FX numeric box specifies (in either 1 or 2 semi-tones) the interval to start the bend from. The Bend FX slider controls the speed of the bend. ReverseBend FX articulates automatic pre-bend and release down to the note(s) played. The ReverseBend FX numeric box specifies (in either 1 or 2 semi-tones) the interval to start reverse bend from. The ReverseBend FX slider controls the speed of the bend. UnisonBend FX articulates two notes played, one being the played on the Main zone, and the second one starting from one or two semi-tones below is bent up to the note played. The UnisonBend FX numeric box controls if the second bent note starts from one or two semi-tones below. The UnisonBend FX slider controls the speed of the bend. Hold FX provides sustain effect similar to the Sustain Pedal. Interval FX plays additional note(s) to the one played in the Main zone. Interval FX pull-down menu options are: mono, 4th down, 5th up, Octave up, Power (5th + 4th up), Power2 (5th + 4th up), 2 Octaves up, Power Oct (two power chords in octave) and Power 2 Oct (two power chords 2 in octave). Note that when Interval FX is enabled, the keyboard is in monophonic mode and only a single key can be played at a time. FretPosition FX controls the Capo along the fretboard. The FretPosition FX pull-down menu option of D#5 C6 allows the Capo to be controlled by the 10 Right Repeat keys starting from D#5, up to C6 selecting the 18th fret. The FretPosition FX pull-down menu option of Open" forces the Capo to remain open. The remaining pull-down menu options select one of the 18 frets (frets numbers marked with *, or ** correspond to the frets marked on the RealStrat fretboard). PickPosition FX controls the position of the pick on the strings to provide different sound (farther or closer to the bridge). The PickPosition numeric box ranges from -7 to +7. The Pick Position can also be changed via the main RealStrat window by clicking and dragging the pick between the pickups on the high E-string. String Select Fx allows to manually select the needed string, which lets you play as many notes on the selected string as possible for the string range. Wah-Wah FX provides a traditional guitar wah-wah pedal effect. The Wah-Wah FX pull-down menu options for control are: MIDI-Control, Auto Positive, Auto Negative and Modulation. WahWah FX parameters can be modified in the Wah-Wah panel accessible from Right Menu bar in the upper right corner of the RealStrat window.
Violining FX provides a volume swell with a smooth attack. The Violining FX slider controls the swell time. Sustainer (trigger) FX triggers a sustainer effect for any notes currently being played in the Main zone. The sound swells with every key press and can sustain as long as you trigger the effect. FeedBacker (trigger) FX triggers a harmonic feedback for the note(s) being played in the Main zone (for the last in time pressed note in case of a chord). The FeedBacker FX pull-down menu provides the following harmonic selections: 8 (octave), 5 (octave and a fifth), 8 (two octaves), 5 (2 two octaves and a fifth), 8'' (three octaves), and 5 (three octaves and a fifth). ChuckaFull FX provides muted chords in 4ths (so called, chucks) played in the Main zone which emulates chucka-chucka guitar technique. Main zone is in mono mode with each key triggering individual chord/fret. With notes played from E3 and higher, ChuckaFull FX chords will move higher with each increased semi-tone along the fretboard. Right Repeat zone keys repeat the chords played in Main zone and can alternate between two string groups: D#5 through F#5 trigger lower strings (5-4-3 strings), and G5 and higher trigger upper strings (3-2-1 strings). Left Repeat keys (D#1 and lower) repeat the last layer produced in Right Repeat zone. ChuckaMuteKeys FX provides muted chords in 4ths with Black Repeat (Mute) keys (Main zone and white keys of Repeat zone continue to work normally). Right Repeat zone Mute keys can alternate between two string groups: D#5 through F#5 trigger lower strings (5-4-3 strings), A#5 and higher trigger upper strings (3-2-1 strings), and Left Mute keys (D#1, C#1, etc..) repeat the last layer produced in Right Repeat zone. ChuckaVeloLayers FX provides muted chords in 4ths played in the Main zone similar to ChuckaFull FX, however can produce 3 velocity controlled string groups by any key of the whole range. Low velocity strokes trigger 5-4-3 string layer, middle velocity strokes trigger 4-3-2 strings layer, while high velocity strokes trigger 3-2-1 string layer (the higher velocity value - the higher string group is triggered). Mode Toggle FX toggles from Solo mode to Chords, Bass&Chord, or Bass&Pick mode, and back to Solo. Velo > FX activates higher Velocity Switch FX selected in Higher Velocity Switch box. Velo < FX activates lower Velocity Switch FX selected in Lower Velocity Switch box.
Chord Map
RealStrat can detect 30 chord types. The following chart lists the available chord types and the degrees unnecessary for chord detection that you can omit while entering chords. Chord type ma 6 add9 sus4 sus2 6/9 maj7 maj9 maj7(b5) maj7(#5) m m6 m(add9) m7 m(maj7) m7(b5) m9 m7(11) 7 7sus4 7(b5) 7(#5) 9 9sus4 7(b9) 7(#9) 9(b5) 7(add13) dim7 aug Can be omitted V, III V V, V+III V V V V III, V VII, V V, III+V V V V V V III, VII, III+VII -
All chords except ma6, min6, min7(11), ma6/9 are detected in all inversions and note combinations.
User Chords
Chord Editor implemented in version 3 allows to easily change any factory chord to any fingering you want, and save edited chords within User Chord banks for future use. Being in any chordal mode click User Chords button to open Chord Editor window:
Chord Editor
Select chord you want to edit by pressing keys on external MIDI keyboard, or by selecting Root/Type/Bass/Position in chord select boxes Editing chords Click on fret to change/insert a note Click Compare button to compare edited and initial chord Click Add/Apply button to add edited chord to current bank Click Delete button to remove the selected chord from current Bank.
/Note, that any User Chord lowest note will be used as Bass I Stroke for Pattern, Bass&Pick, and Bass&Chord layouts, regardless of Root note in the chord name/ Auditioning chords a) Press button with speaker icon /Small button at the right with a dot symbol activates Auto audition mode (any loaded or selected chord will be played automatically) / b) Right-click fretboard and strum strings with a mouse. Saving User Chord Bank Press Save button, or rename bank and press Enter to save chord bank to Chord Library. Delete Bank from Library by pressing Delete icon. All user chord names will be displayed with * symbol in the Info bar. User Chords view In the right part of Editor window you see the list of all user chords of all Banks you've created (except for current Bank selected in Bank view at the left), which allows you to compare edited chord fingerings from different Banks, as well as copy any user chord from one Bank to another by simply selecting chord in User Chord view list and pressing Add button. Note, the Bank you select in User Chord Bank combo box will be used for all modes working with chords. Exporting/Importing User Chord Banks You can export/import single Chord Banks as well as the whole User Chord Library by clicking button with triangle icon and selecting the appropriate item in pop up menu:
If you want any Bank to load as default every time you run the plug-in, load the bank and check Set as default item in popup menu.