Let U Go
Let U Go
Let U Go
A. Pengantar a. Instrumen ini bertujuan untuk menjaring data dari siswa tentang Procedure Text dengan menggunakan Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) .Jawablah sesuai dengan kemampuan anda b. Jawaban anda tidak mempengaruhi kedudukan anda di sekolah ini c. Jawaban anda akan dijaga kerahasiaanya B. Petunjuk a. Bacalah pertanyaan berikut dengan seksama! b. Jawablah pertanyaan pada lembar yang tersedia c. Apabila pertanyaan kurang jelas,tanyakan langsung pada pengawas d. Waktu yang tersedia 45 menit
Nama Kelas
: :
C. Pertanyaan Text 1 How to make 15 minutes hot fried rice I would like to share my experience in making my favorite food. It is fried rice in 15 minutes.. Ingredients:
1 sachset of fried rice instant seasoning mix Direction: first,prepare 2 plates of steamed rice and put in a wok Then add 1 sachet of fried rice instant seasoning mix Stir and fry another 5-10 minutes on a low flame Put the garnishes next the fried rice Finally your fried rice is ready to serve.
Answer the question 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is the story about? Hbhb Bjnnjn b What the purpose of this text
a. Scereaming b. Threw
c.opened d.saw
6. 7. 8. 9.
Text II
Slice a lemon in half and squeeze he juice into a cup. Steps Take out the seeds. Pour two tablespoon of juice into glass. Add sugar. Add water and stir well Taste the lemonade. You may want to add more sugar or more
Answer the question 10. Who are main character in the story?/ 11. How did the hunter catch the lion?/ 12. What is the coda of story ? 13. Write the action verb based on the text!
Arief and Yeni Kurniati,Mengeksplorasi Jenis-Jenis Text Bahasa Inggris,(Jakarta barat: Mks,2009) p.51
Text III
How to Make Gado-Gado
Ingredients: Ingredients A small bunch of long beans Young cabbage One cucumber Tofu lettuce 1 00 gr soyabean cake 2 eggs 5 piece of red chili pepper 5 pieces of small pepper 3 pieces of shallots 100 gr peanut,lemon,brown sugar,and salt.
Direction: first, fry tofu and soyabean cake Cut into small pieces Boil one eggs and slice it. Boil young cabbage, long beans,and slice them.
Peanut sauce
Mix and grind all these with brown sugar,lemon,salt and chili pepper,boil with a little bit of water.2
I. II.
Answer the question 14. Can you describe the rabbit character? 15. What the rabbit wants to do? 16. Mention the adjective used in the text? 17. Mention the time word used on the text! 18. How can the Rabbit cross the river?