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Obituaries 2
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World News 10
Submitted by the V.W.
Conventions and Visitors
The year was 1912. The
American automobile industry
was in its infancy, having been
started in 1891 when John
Lambert built his Buckeye
gasoline buggy in the small vil-
lage of Ohio City. Henry Ford
began building cars in 1896
and started his own company,
the Ford Motor Company in
1903. Nine years later, those
who could afford to buy an
automobile did so more for
the novelty than practicality.
In 1912, there were almost no
good roads to speak of in the
United States. The relatively
few miles of improved road
were only around towns and
cities. A road was improved
if it was graded; one was
lucky to have gravel or brick.
Asphalt and concrete were yet
to come. Most of the 2.5 mil-
lion miles of roads were just
dirt: bumpy and dusty in dry
weather, impassable in wet
weather. Worse yet, the roads
didnt really lead anywhere.
They spread out aimlessly
from the center of the settle-
ment. To get from one settle-
ment to another, it was much
easier to take the train.
Living in Indianapolis,
Indiana, Carl Fisher developed
a plan that wouldnt go away.
Fisher was man of ideas. His
Indianapolis Motor Speedway
was a success, and he would
later turn a swamp into one
of the greatest beach resorts
Miami Beach, Florida.
However, in 1912, he dreamed
of another grand idea: a high-
way spanning the continent,
from coast to coast. He called
his idea the Coast-to-Coast
Rock Highway.
The gravel road would
cost about $10 million.
Communities along the route
would provide the equipment
and in return would receive
free materials and a place
along Americas first trans-
continental highway. The
highway would be finished in
time for the 1915 Panama-
Pacific Exposition and would
run from the expositions host
city, San Francisco, to New
York City.
To fund this scheme,
Fisher asked for cash dona-
tions from auto manufactur-
ers and accessory compa-
nies of one percent of their
revenues. The public could
become members of the
highway organization for a
donation of $5 Henry Ford
refused to support the plan,
but the country had become
so enthusiastic about the
highway that Fisher would
not give up. Two men from
the automobile industry who
pledged money to the proj-
ect were Frank Seiberling,
president of Goodyear,
and Henry Joy, president
of the Packard Motor Car
Company. It was Joys idea
to name the highway after
Abraham Lincoln. Congress
was considering spending
$1.7 million on a marble
memorial to Lincoln; but
Joy thought a good road
across the country would be
a better tribute to the late
And so it was that in 1913,
construction of the transconti-
nental highway began. Several
different routes were mapped
out, but the final decision rest-
ed on directness. By bypassing
many scenic attractions and
larger cities along the way,
narrow winding roadways and
congestion would be avoid-
ed. This thinking brought the
Lincoln Highway right to our
In 2013, the nation will
observe the Lincoln Highways
100th birthday. There will be
celebrations throughout the
year in communities all along
its 5,869 miles. Van Wert will
be no exception. There will be
hundreds of classic cars in three
tours coming through our city
in May, June and July, and we
are planning our own local cel-
ebration to mark the occasion.
A volunteer committee
made up of the Van Wert
Area Convention and Visitors
Bureau, Main Street Van
Wert, representatives of the
Van Wert County Historical
Society and interested com-
munity members had started to
work on our celebration plans.
One of the projects we are
working on is a booklet trac-
ing the history of the Lincoln
Highway through Van Wert
County. We are asking for
the publics help in locating
photographs of homes, farms,
businesses, and other build-
ings found along the Lincoln
Highway between the years
1915 and 1930. Some of you
may have family photos with
some of these buildings in the
background, or perhaps your
family once owned a farm or
business along the Lincoln
Highway and you might still
have an old photo tucked away
somewhere that could be used.
We urge you to look in
boxes or trunks or drawers
where old pictures could be
stored and maybe forgotten,
but now can be used for a very
worthwhile project. We would
also be interested in stories
you may remember concern-
ing events that happened along
the Lincoln Highway during
this time period.
Photographs and stories
may be shared at the offices
of the Convention and Visitors
Bureau and Main Street Van
Wert located at 136 E. Main
Street. Or you can us at 419-
238-3978 or 419-238-6911.
Van Wert CVB looking for
Lincoln Highway stories
Highs in
the mid
clear in
the evening. Not as cold.
Lows around 30.
Highs in the
lower 40s.
Partly cloudy
in the eveningwith a 20 per-
cent chance of snow showers.
Windy. Lows around 20.
Mostly cloudy with a 30 percent chance of snow showers.
Highs around 15. Lows around 10.
Highs in
the lower
cloudy in the evening with a
30 percent chance of snow
showers. Lows around 10.
Child sex case ends in 8-year prison sentence
Times Bulletin Editor
Wert man who was origi-
nally arrested on a charge
of rape of a person under
the age of 13 was sentenced
to an eight-year prison term
on a reduced charge of
sexual battery, a felony of
the second degree. As part
of the sentence, George
Tromblay, 56, was also
classified as a Tier Three
sex offender and must reg-
ister with law enforcement
every 90 days for the rest
of his life.
At Wednesdays sen-
tencing hearing in Van Wert
County Court of Common
Pleas, Tromblay offered an
apology for his actions but
the mother of the young
victim also spoke out.
This man, for years,
took my daughters inno-
cence. He was like part of
the family. We trusted him.
He looked us straight in
our faces, knowing what he
was doing since my daugh-
ter was six years old, the
woman stated as she choked
back tears. She stated that
her daughter had not said
anything for fear Tromblay
would not be friends with
the family anymore.
Judge Charles D. Steele
gave Tromblay credit for
220 days already served in
custody during the legal
process and told Tromblay
that after the prison sen-
tence, there would be five
years of post-release con-
trol as well as the reporting
requirement. Tromblay was
arrested in the case back in
June of 2012.
Also sentenced on
Wednesday was Scott
Spry, 36, Van Wert who
was placed on community
control for three years on a
fourth-degree felony charge
of aggravated trafficking in
drugs. Sprys sentence also
includes a pair of 30-day
jail terms, 100 hours of
community service, sub-
stance abuse treatment, a
six-month drivers license
suspension, restitution
of $120 to the Van Wert
Police Department, as well
as fees and court costs. A
nine-month prison sentence
was deferred pending the
successful completion of
community control.
Kyle Barnes, 26, Van
Wert, was sentenced to
up to six months at the
WORTH Center in Lima
as part of three years of
community control. Barnes
admitted to violating the
terms of his probation by
testing positive for mari-
juana, not reporting to his
probation officer since
August and not doing his
required community ser-
Megan Wannemacher,
27, Van Wert, was also
sent to the WORTH Center
as part of three years
of community control.
Wannemacher admitted to
violating her parole terms
by not reporting to her pro-
bation office since October,
not paying court costs and
restitution and completing
only 20 hours of the 200
required hours of commu-
nity service.
Klarisa Mendoza, 25, Van
Wert, was in court to answer
to a parole violation caused
by being unsuccessfully ter-
minated from the WORTH
Center. Her hearing was con-
tinued until today to give
the court time to get more
Gary Stephens, 55,
Convoy, pleaded no contest
to fifth-degree felony break-
ing and entering. Stephens
plea was part of a plea deal
that saw a burglary charge
against him dismissed.
George Tromblay (right), seen above at his sentencing
hearing on Wednesday, was given an eight-year prison
sentence for sexual battery. The charge stems from a series
of incidents with a young girl, beginning when the girl was
only six years old. (Times Bulletin/Ed Gebert)
See COURT, page 2
Sheriffs, state lawmakers
push back on gun control
(AP) From Oregon
to Mississippi, President
Barack Obamas proposed
ban on new assault weap-
ons and large-capacity maga-
zines struck a nerve among
rural lawmen and lawmak-
ers, many of whom vowed
to ignore any restrictions
and even try to stop federal
officials from enforcing gun
policy in their jurisdictions.
A lot of sheriffs are
now standing up and saying,
Follow the Constitution,
said Josephine County Sheriff
Gil Gilbertson, whose territo-
ry covers the timbered moun-
tains of southwestern Oregon.
But their actual powers to
defy federal law are limited.
And much of the impassioned
rhetoric amounts to politi-
cal posturing until and
if Congress acts. Senate
Majority Leader Harry Reid,
a Democrat, said Wednesday
its unlikely an assault weap-
ons ban would actually pass
the House of Representatives.
Absent action by Congress,
all that remains are 23 execu-
tive orders Obama announced
that apply only to the fed-
eral government, not local or
state law enforcement. Gun
advocates have seen Obama
as an enemy despite his
expression of support for the
interpretation of the Second
Amendment as a personal
right to have guns. So his call
for new measures includ-
ing background checks for all
gun buyers and Senate con-
firmation of a director of the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms and Explosives
triggered new vows of defi-
ance. In Mississippi, Gov.
Phil Bryant, a Republican,
urged the Legislature to make
it illegal to enforce any exec-
utive order by the president
that violates the Constitution.
If someone kicks open my
door and theyre entering my
home, Id like as many bul-
lets as I could to protect my
children, and if I only have
three, then the ability for me
to protect my family is greatly
diminished, Bryant said. And
what were doing now is say-
ing, Were standing against
the federal government taking
away our civil liberties.
Tennessee Republican state
Rep. Joe Carr wants to make it
a state crime for federal agents
to enforce any ban on firearms
or ammunition. Carr instead
called for more armed guards
at schools.
Were tired of political
antics, cheap props of using
children as bait to gin up
emotional attachment for
an issue that quite honestly
doesnt solve the problem,
Carr said.
Legislative proposals to
pre-empt new federal gun
restrictions also have arisen in
Wyoming, Utah and Alaska.
A Wyoming bill specifies
that any federal limitation on
guns would be unenforceable.
It also would make it a state
felony for federal agents to
try to enforce restrictions.
I think there are a lot
of people who would want
to take all of our guns if
they could, said co-spon-
sor Rep. Kendell Kroeker,
a Republican. And theyre
only restrained by the opposi-
tion of the people, and other
lawmakers who are con-
cerned about our rights.
Republican state Sen.
Larry Hicks credited
Wyomings high rate of gun
ownership for a low rate of
gun violence.
Our kids grow up around
firearms, and they also grow
up hunting, and they know
what the consequences are
of taking a life, Hicks said.
Were not insulated from the
real world in Wyoming.
First Energy
letters sent in error
Some area residents
may receive an additional
letter from First Energy
Solutions regarding the
citys aggregation.
These letters were
sent out in error and
can be disregarded.
For more information,
call First Energy Solutions
at 866-636-3749.
Project Recycle
set for Saturday
Delphos Project Recycle
will be offered from 9-11:30
a.m. Saturday at Pacific
Pride Fuel and Wash behind
Double A Trailer Sales
on East Fifth Street.
All contain-
ers must be clean.
Plastic and glass
can be comingled.
Items that need to be
separated are: tin cans,
magazines, newspaper, alu-
minum and clean cardboard.
Recycle does not accept
styrofoam, salt or feed bags,
window or ornamental glass,
TVs or computer monitors.
Computer and electi-
cal equipment and bat-
teries are accepted.
Proceeds ben-
efit Girl Scouts and
Columbian Squires.
Cage tickets on sale
Both St. Johns and
Jefferson are selling pre-
sale boys basketball tickets
for games this weekend.
The Blue Jays are at New
Knoxville with a 6:30 p.m.
(JV) tip Friday. Adult tick-
ets and all those at the gate
are $6; student cost is $4.
Tickets will be sold during
normal high school office
hours until 1 p.m. on Friday.
Jefferson is selling pre-
sale tix at all four City
School buildings and the
Administration Building
for its road games at
Lincolnview Friday and
home game with Pandora-
Gilboa Saturday for $5 for
adults and $5 for students;
all tix at the doors are $6.
Girls Basketball (6 p.m.):
Lincolnview at Jefferson
(NWC); Fort Jennings
at Continental (PCL);
Spencerville at Columbus
Grove (NWC); Shawnee
at Elida (WBL); Van Wert
at Bath (WBL); Paulding
at Crestview (NWC); New
Knoxville at St. Johns
(MAC) - V only, 7 p.m.
*Price refects minimum6 month commitment, billed monthly, only at participating locations.
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2 The Herald Thursday, January 17, 2013
For The Record
The Delphos
Vol. 143 No. 155
Nancy Spencer, editor
Ray Geary, general manager
Delphos Herald, Inc.
Don Hemple,
advertising manager
Tiffany Brantley,
circulation manager
The Delphos Herald
(USPS 1525 8000) is published
daily except Sundays, Tuesdays
and Holidays.
By carrier in Delphos and
area towns, or by rural motor
route where available $1.48 per
week. By mail in Allen, Van
Wert, or Putnam County, $97
per year. Outside these counties
$110 per year.
Entered in the post office
in Delphos, Ohio 45833 as
Periodicals, postage paid at
Delphos, Ohio.
No mail subscriptions will
be accepted in towns or villag-
es where The Delphos Herald
paper carriers or motor routes
provide daily home delivery for
$1.48 per week.
405 North Main St.
TELEPHONE 695-0015
Office Hours
8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri.
Send address changes
405 N. Main St.
Delphos, Ohio 45833
Teen, his mother rescued
from icy flood waters
Delphos weather
Police arrest
2 men after
gunfire hits
Fairy Sterling
Delphos man
arrested on
violence charge
High temperature
Wednesday in Delphos was
34 degrees, low was 27. High
a year ago today was 53, low
was 30. Record high for today
is 59, set in 1984. Record low
is -8, set in 1989.
men have been arrested after
authorities say bullets from
an assault rifle they were fir-
ing traveled into the homes of
residents 500 yards away.
The Akron Beacon Journal
reports the panicked home-
owners called 911 to report
sounds of rapid gunfire hit-
ting their houses in Montville
Township in northeast Ohio.
Bullets became lodged into
walls and a microwave.
Sgt. Matthew Neil of the
Montville Township police
says officers went to inves-
tigate the shots and a second
round of gunfire started. An
office reported hearing bullets
going over his head.
Neil said the two men were
shooting at paper targets with
no back stop, and they had
been drinking.
Officers seized an AK-47
assault rifle with 628 rounds
and three handguns.
Fairy Sterling, 89, of
Delphos died Wednesday at
Vancrest Healthcare Center.
Arrangements are incom-
plete at Harter and Schier
Funeral Home.
At 10:18 p.m. on
Wednesday, Delphos Police
were called to the 600 block of
East Fifth
S t r e e t
in refer-
ence to a
domest i c
vi ol ence
at a resi-
dence in
that area.
U p o n
of f i cer s
a r r i v a l ,
they spoke with the subjects
involved and the victim and
witness in the matter refused
to fill out paperwork or pursue
charges in the altercation.
Officers did find enough
probable cause to arrest Derek
Wisher, age 25 of Delphos,
on charges of domestic vio-
lence. Wisher was transported
to the Allen County Jail and
will appear in Lima Municipal
Court on the charge.
The Associated Press
TONIGHT: Partly cloudy.
Lows 15 to 20. West winds 5
to 15 mph.
FRIDAY: Partly cloudy.
Highs in the mid 30s.
Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph
becoming 15 to 20 mph in the
clear. Not as cold. Lows
around 30. Southwest winds
15 to 20 mph.
cloudy. Windy. Highs in the
lower 40s. Southwest winds
20 to 30 mph.
Partly cloudy with a 20 per-
cent chance of snow showers.
Windy. Lows around 20.
SUNDAY: Partly cloudy.
Highs in the lower 20s.
JR. DAY: Mostly cloudy
with a 30 percent chance of
snow showers. Lows around
10. Highs around 15.
Partly cloudy. Lows 5 to 10
TUESDAY: Partly cloudy
with a 20 percent chance of
snow showers. Highs around
These Ohio lotteries were
drawn Wednesday:
Classic Lotto
0 7 - 2 2 - 2 5 - 2 6 - 3 8 - 4 0 ,
Kicker: 9-6-6-3-6-3
Estimated jackpot: $26.1 M
Mega Millions
Estimated jackpot: $70 M
Pick 3 Evening
Pick 3 Midday
Pick 4 Evening
Pick 4 Midday
Pick 5 Evening
Pick 5 Midday
0 9 - 2 1 - 2 8 - 3 2 - 5 1 ,
Powerball: 35
Estimated jackpot: $90 M
Rolling Cash 5
Estimated jackpot:
(Continued from page 1)
Stephens faces up to 12
months in prison when he is
sentenced on March 6.
A Van Wert woman plead-
ed guilty to four third-degree
felony charges of aggravat-
ed trafficking in drugs on
Wednesday. Patricia Bigham,
29, was accused of selling
oxycodone on Oct. 21, 2011,
and selling morphine on Oct.
26, Nov. 1, and Nov. 3 that
same year. Two of the counts
were reduced from second-
degree felonies. As part of
that plea agreement, Bigham
agreed to pay $2,854 in res-
titution to the West Central
Ohio Crime Task Force. She
faces up to 12 years in prison
and up to $40,000 in fines
when she is sentenced on
March 13.
Zachary Baker, 25, Van
Wert, entered a guilty plea
to one count of possession
of drugs, a felony of the fifth
degree. Baker was caught
with heroin on Sept. 27,
2012. A second drug posses-
sion charge was dismissed in
exchange for the guilty plea.
Baker will be sentenced on
March 6.
Audrey Houser, 34, Van
Wert, pleaded guilty to aggra-
vated trafficking in drugs, a
felony of the fourth degree in
a negotiated plea. The charge
stems from a June 19, 2012
incident when she was alleg-
edly selling oxycodone. Two
similar charges were dropped
in exchange for her guilty
plea. Houser will be sen-
tenced on March 13.
Tyler Torrey, 20, Convoy,
was granted treatment in lieu
of conviction after pleaded
guilty to to fifth-degree felo-
ny counts of drug trafficking,
linked to incidents on July
23-24, 2013. A third traffick-
ing charge was dismissed in
the plea agreement. Torrey
will have one year to success-
fully complete his treatment
program in order to have the
current charges dismissed.
Also on Wednesday, Paula
Wilder, 57, Van Wert entered
a not guilty plea to a sec-
ond-degree felony charge of
endangering children. Wilder
was released on bond with a
pretrial hearing set for Jan.
northeast Ohio school dis-
trict plans to allow a sci-
ence teacher to carry a
firearm during class a
move the superintendent
says was prompted by last
months mass shooting at
a Connecticut elementary
WEWS-TV in Cleveland
reports that the science teach-
er at Orrville City Schools
is also an officer with the
nearby Lawrence Township
Police Department.
Orrville City Schools
Superintendent Jon Ritchie
says there was little opposi-
tion to the move from the
district, which is about an
hour southwest of Cleveland.
Ritchie says the district
approached the teacher about
the idea. He says it saves the
schools from hiring security
Orrville resident Nicole
Walker tells the station that
having someone inside her
childrens school following
the Newtown, Conn., shoot-
ing puts her mind even more
at ease.
Ohio school votes to arm
science teacher with gun
Conrad Bain of Diffrent Strokes dead at 89
The Associated Press
Bain, a veteran stage and film
actor who became a star in
middle age as the kindly white
adoptive father of two young
African-American brothers
in the TV sitcom Diffrent
Strokes, has died.
Bain died Monday of natu-
ral causes in his hometown of
Livermore, Calif., according to
his daughter, Jennifer Bain. He
was 89.
The show that made him
famous debuted on NBC
in 1978, an era when tele-
vision comedies tackled rel-
evant social issues. Diffrent
Strokes touched on serious
themes but was known bet-
ter as a family comedy that
drew most of its laughs from
its standout child actor, Gary
Bain played wealthy
Manhattan widower Philip
Drummond, who promised his
dying housekeeper he would
raise her sons, played by
Coleman and Todd Bridges.
Race and class relations
became topics on the show as
much as the typical trials of
growing up.
Coleman, with his sparkling
eyes and perfect comic timing,
became an immediate star, and
Bain, with his long training as
a theater actor, proved an ideal
straight man. The series lasted
six seasons on NBC and two
on ABC.
In the shows heyday,
Bain didnt mind being over-
shadowed by the focus on the
shows children. He praised
Coleman and Bridges as natu-
ral talents without egos.
But Diffrent Strokes
is remembered mostly for its
child stars adult troubles.
Coleman, who died in 2010,
had financial and legal prob-
lems in addition to continuing
ill health from the kidney dis-
ease that stunted his growth and
required transplants. Bridges
and Dana Plato, who played
Bains teenage daughter, both
had arrest records and drug
problems, and Plato died of an
overdose in 1999 at age 34.
Bain said in interviews later
that he struggled to talk about
his TV childrens troubled
lives because of his love for
them. After Bridges started to
put his drug troubles behind
him in the early 1990s, he
told Jet magazine that Bain
had become like a real father
to him.
Bain went directly into
Diffrent Strokes from
another comedy, Maude,
which aired on CBS from 1972
to 1978.
As Dr. Arthur Harmon, the
conservative neighbor often
zinged by Bea Arthurs lib-
eral feminist, Bain became so
convincing as a doctor that a
woman once stopped him in an
airport seeking medical advice.
At a nostalgia gathering in
1999, he lamented the fading
of situation comedies that he
said were about something.
I think they got off the
track when they first hired a
standup comic to do the lead,
he said. Instead of people cre-
ating real situations, you get
people trying to act funny.
Before those television
roles, Bain had appeared
occasionally in films, includ-
ing A Lovely Way to Die,
Coogans Bluff, The
Anderson Tapes, I Never
Sang for My Father and
Woody Allens Bananas.
He also played the clerk at
the Collinsport Inn in the
1960s television show Dark
A native of Lethbridge,
Alberta, Canada, Bain arrived
in New York in 1948 after
serving in the Canadian army
during World War II. He was
still studying at the American
Academy of Dramatic Arts
when he acquired his first role
on televisions Studio One.
A quick study who
could play anything from
Shakespeare to ONeill, he
found work in stock compa-
nies in the United States and
the Bahamas, making his New
York debut in 1956 as Larry
Slade in The Iceman Cometh
at the Circle in the Square.
Income Tax and
Business Tax
and Accounting
Reitz LLC
945 E. Fifth
(by bowling alley)
By The Associated Press
Today is Thursday, Jan. 17,
the 17th day of 2013. There
are 348 days left in the year.
Todays Highlight in
On Jan. 17, 1963, Attorney
General Robert F. Kennedy,
appearing as amicus curiae
(friend of the court) before
the U.S. Supreme Court, told
the justices in Gray v. Sanders
that Georgias county unit
voting system in Democratic
primaries discriminated
against urban voters. (The
court later struck down the
county unit system, citing the
concept of one person, one
On this date:
In 1562, French Protestants
were recognized under the
Edict of St. Germain.
In 1863, British politician
and statesman David
Lloyd George was born in
Manchester, England.
In 1893, the 19th
president of the United
States, Rutherford B. Hayes,
died in Fremont, Ohio, at
age 70. Hawaiis monarchy
was overthrown as a group
of businessmen and sugar
planters forced Queen
Liliuokalani (lee-LEE-
oo-oh-kah-LAH-nee) to
In 1917, the United States
paid Denmark $25 million for
the Virgin Islands.
In 1929, the cartoon
character Popeye the Sailor
made his debut in the
Thimble Theatre comic
In 1945, Soviet and Polish
forces liberated Warsaw
during World War II; Swedish
diplomat Raoul Wallenberg,
credited with saving tens
of thousands of Jews,
disappeared in Hungary while
in Soviet custody.
In 1950, the Great Brinks
Robbery took place as seven
masked men held up a Brinks
garage in Boston, stealing
$1.2 million in cash and $1.5
million in checks and money
orders. (Although the entire
gang was caught, only part of
the loot was recovered.)
Corn $7.46
Wheat $7.60
Soybeans $14.50
A boy was born Jan. 16 to
Jennifer Johnson and Dustin
Osting of Delphos.
Times Bulletin News Writer
WREN - A flooded roadway caused a
local driver and his mother a very cold, wet
experience on Tuesday night.
Around 8:20 p.m. the Van Wert Sheriffs
Office received a 911 call from a mother
reporting that her son had driven into the
high water on St. Rd. 49, south of Piqua
Rd. and was stuck there. The driver of the
vehicle, Jared Moses, went around barri-
cades on the road and crossed one section
of flooded highway and was trying to get
through a second flooded area when the car
stopped in the water which was a foot-and-
a-half feet deep across the road.
When deputies arrived, Moses was still
inside the car. He climbed out onto the top
of the car at the request of a deputy. Moses
advised authorities that only his feet were wet
and he was otherwise fine.
The Willshire Fire Department and the
Wren squad arrived next on the scene. The
Van Wert Fire Department was also dis-
patched for a water rescue. A Samaritan
helicopter was put on standby and was later
requested to fly to the Wren ballpark.
Moses soon notified personnel that he
could no longer feel anything from the
waist down from the cold as he was not
dressed to be exposed to cold temperatures
for a long period of time. A crew from the
Van Wert Fire Department soon arrived
with a boat. Rescuers took the boat out
to the vehicle which was about 50 yards
from the edge of the water on the roadway.
Moses was rescued from the stranded vehi-
cle and was checked over by paramedics.
The night was not over for responding per-
sonnel though. Moses got into a vehicle with
his mother, Robyn E. Moles of Willshire, but
when she tried to drive around some high
water, she drove off the left side of the road
and had to be retrieved by the water rescue
squad. Both vehicles were towed from the
Thursday, January 17, 2013 The Herald 3
Ohio warns of
potential fraud in
use of mobile app
Ohio universitys
rules questioned
Ohio universitys
rules questioned
Gambling foes
Kasich over slots
Injections could
help fight Asian
beetle in Ohio
State officials are warning
Ohioans about the potential
for fraud and identity theft
from smartphone applications
that claim to offer access to
account balances for cash and
food assistance programs.
The mobile apps costing
less than $2 require users to
provide confidential financial
The Ohio Department of
Job and Family Services said
Wednesday the agency does
not recommend purchasing
or downloading this type of
app, which isnt approved
by the state or its partners.
The department says it never
charges individuals for access
to account information. The
agency is directing people to
check their account informa-
tion on the states secure web-
The Associated Press
eral judge has ruled that
Ohio health authorities must
begin providing or pay-
ing for an intensive treat-
ment for an autistic 2-year-
old whose parents say was
denied federally mandated
Robert and Holly Young
of Williamsburg filed a law-
suit in Cincinnati last month
accusing the state of dis-
criminating against children
with autism by failing to
provide a treatment known
as applied behavioral analy-
sis. The ruling this week
ordered their son Romans
treatment to be provided or
paid for as the case pro-
ceeds. It follows an earlier
order for provision of basic
U.S. District Judge
Michael Barrett ordered the
Ohio Department of Health
and Clermont Countys
board of developmental dis-
abilities to provide or pay
for the intensive therapy of
40 hours a week that costs
some $2,750 weekly.
Its the latest develop-
ment in a case that could
affect how other autis-
tic children are cared for
in Ohio. Were just over-
joyed, Holly Young told
The Cincinnati Enquirer on
Tuesday. Were so excited,
so hopeful.
The Department of Health
wont comment on the law-
suit, but a spokesman has
said federal guidelines dont
specifically require states to
provide applied behavioral
analysis. The lawsuit came
just days before Gov. John
Kasich expressed his sup-
port of a plan for the state
to require health insurance
companies to cover therapy
and treatment for children
with autism starting in 2014.
The ruling is complicated
because Roman, who was
diagnosed with moderate to
severe autism, turns 3 next
week. He will be covered
under a different part of the
law applying to older chil-
dren with disabilities, but
that doesnt affect the pro-
vision of intervention ser-
vices, Barrett concluded.
In issuing the tempo-
rary order, the judge found
that the Youngs estab-
lished a likelihood of suc-
cess on their claims that
the Ohio health department
and Clermont board vio-
lated the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act.
Under the act, states are
required to provide early
intervention services for
children with autism, a
developmental disorder
characterized by difficulties
communicating, emotional
detachment and excessively
rigid or repetitive behav-
ior, among other symptoms.
States get federal money to
provide the treatment, with
the goal of turning chil-
dren with autism into self-
sufficient adults who wont
have to depend on public
The Youngs said the
state repeatedly denied their
requests for the intensive
therapy, offering just two
hours of speech therapy a
month. They say autism
experts had recommended
Roman get more than 40
hours of the intensive treat-
ment a week, much of it
one-on-one with a therapist.
The lawsuit seeks more than
$3 million in compensatory
damages for the Young fam-
ily and a declaration that the
state systemically violates
the rights of infants and tod-
dlers with disabilities when
it unilaterally and categori-
cally excludes certain inten-
sive early intervention ser-
Administrators at the
University of Toledo say
budget woes could force full-
time professors to teach more,
increase class sizes and reduce
course offerings.
The Blade newspaper
reports the university presented
the proposed rules for profes-
sors workloads to deans and
department heads last week.
The universitys provost and
executive vice president for
academic affairs says the rules
stem from a projected budget
deficit of more than $30 mil-
lion for the 2014 fiscal year.
Scott Scarborough says the
workloads arent out of line.
But some professors have
questioned the impact the
proposed rules could have on
teaching quality.
Tenured and tenure-track
professors would be expected
to teach up to the contractual
maximum of 12 credit hours
each semester. They would be
guaranteed 20 percent of their
time for unfunded research.
court is about to hear an anti-
gambling groups appeal in a
case challenging Ohio Gov.
John Kasichs authority to
allow slots-like video lottery
terminals at the states seven
horse tracks.
The Ohio Roundtable was
denied legal standing in May
to bring its suit, which alleges
Kasich and others violated the
Constitution by expanding the
lottery without asking voters.
The Roundtable on Thursday
is asking the 10th District
Court of Appeals in Columbus
to reverse the lower court and
allow the case to go forward.
After Ohio voters approved
construction of four casinos in
2009, Kasich cut a deal worth
$150 million to the state that
added VLTs to the state lottery
and allowed so-called racinos.
One such facility has
already opened at Scioto
Downs in Columbus.
The government is proposing
to inject healthy trees with
pesticides to help battle the
tree-killing Asian longhorned
beetle in southwest Ohio.
The beetle was discovered in
a Clermont County area east
of Cincinnati in June 2011.
The Columbus Dispatch
reports that U.S. Department
of Agriculture officials on
Wednesday proposed pesticide
injections for some healthy
trees in areas near infested
trees. The plan had been to
destroy every tree as far as a
half-mile from infested trees to
starve the invasive bug.
So far, about 9,000 infested
trees have been destroyed.
The injections are still a
proposal, which is open to pub-
lic comment until Feb. 16.
The beetles are believed to
have arrived in cargo ship-
ments from Asia. The first
reported U.S. infestation was
in 1996 in Brooklyn, N.Y.
E - The Environmental
Dear EarthTalk: Ive heard that simply
painting your roof white can reduce house-
hold electricity bills by 40 percent. Is this
something any of us can do?
Susan Pierson, Sumter, SC
Yes anyone can do itand the benefits can
be significant, especially for those in warmer
climates who expend a lot of energy keeping
cool. But most of the worlds roofs, including
on some 90 percent of buildings in the U.S.,
are dark-colored.
Dark colored roofs absorb more heat from
the suns rays than light colored ones, and as
such get much hotter. A black roof exposed
to full sun can increase in temperature by as
much as 90 F (50 C), meaning the air condi-
tioning inside has to work that much harder to
compensate for the added heat load.
But a white or reflective roof typically
increases temperatures only 10-25 F (514
C) above ambient air temperatures during the
day. This translates into a savings of up to 15
percent on air conditioning energy use over a
year for a typical one-story residence, accord-
ing to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
The upshot of this energy savings is not only
cost savings for the consumerannual energy
bill savings of 20-40 percent arent uncom-
mon for single story homes in Americas
Sun Beltbut also reduced air pollution and
greenhouse gas emissions generated in the
production of electricity.
A white roof also helps keep buildings and
houses without air conditioning cooler in the
summer than they would otherwise be. And
it also helps mitigate the urban heat island
effect whereby a city can be 6-8 F warmer
than its surrounding areas on warm summer
The non-profit White Roof Project pro-
motes the concept across the U.S. and last
year painted some 30 buildings, helping hun-
dreds of families lower their energy bills in
the process.
A white roof project is low cost, easy
to implement, relieves stress on the power
grid, cuts down on smog, and creates tangible
change for individuals, our communities, and
even globally, reports the group, which is
looking to expand its work across the country
significantly in 2013 and expand internation-
ally in 2014.
The White Roof Projects gives away
instructions (via a free downloadable DIY
Packet) to help do-it-yourselfers paint their
own roofs white without hiring a painter or
roofer. All it takes is a few painting supplies, a
couple of cans of highly reflective elastomeric
white paint, and a plan for how to cover all
relevant surfaces properly and safely. Those
who would rather hire someone to do the lad-
der climbing and paint application can hire
any local painter or roofer.
While green roofs may be preferable from
a strictly environmental perspective in that
they contain plants that filter pollutants and
reduce run-off, white roofs may indeed pro-
vide moreoverall environmental benefit for
the cost of a couple of cans of special white
paint. Indeed, painting the roof white might be
the best energy efficiency improvement you
can make to your building or house.
EarthTalk is written and edited by Roddy
Scheer and Doug Moss and is a registered
trademark of E - The Environmental Magazine
(www.emagazine.com). Send questions to:
earthtalk@emagazine.com. Subscribe: www.
emagazine.com/subscribe. Free Trial Issue:
Some 90 percent of U.S. buildings have dark-colored roofs which, when exposed to full
sun can increase in temperature by as much as 90 degrees. A white roof typically increases
temperatures only 10-25 degrees above ambient air temperatures during the day. Pic-
tured: The White Roof Project at work. (White Roof Project photo)
JAN. 17-19
THURSDAY: Sue Vasquez. Sue Schwinnen, Joyce
Feathers, Linda Spring, Delores German and Martha Etzkorn.
FRIDAY: Darlene Kemper, Norma Vonderembse, Mary
Lou Schulte and Marge Kaverman.
SATURDAY: Lyn Rhoads, Linda Spring, Julie Fuerst and
Helen Bonifas.
THRIFT SHOP HOURS: 5-7 p.m. Thursday; 1-4 p.m.
Friday; and 9 a.m.- noon Saturday.
Anyone who would like to volunteer should contact
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Jettinghoff, 419-692-7331.
If help is needed, contact the Thrift Shop at 419-692-2942
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. and leave a message.
WEEK OF JAN. 21-25
MONDAY: No seniorl luncheon cafe. Closed in obser-
vance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
TUESDAY: Chicken breast, oven-browned potatoes,peas,
roll, margarine, jello with fruit, coffee and 2% milk.
WEDNESDAY: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, peas and car-
rots, bread, margarine, fruit, coffee and 2% milk.
THURSDAY: Cubed steak, gravy, mashed potatoes,
stewed tomatoes, wheat bread, peaches, coffee and 2% milk.
FRIDAY: Chili soup, grilled cheese, potato chips, dessert,
coffee and 2% milk.
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The Associated Press
State University will pay
$268,000 and replace its med-
ical lab director as part of a
settlement with federal health
authorities over the mishan-
dling of test samples at the
universitys medical center
clinical lab, the university
announced Wednesday
The university will also
conduct additional training
for lab personnel as part of
the settlement, which allows
the university to continue to
own, operate and manage its
laboratories without inter-
ruption and keep its federal
certification. As a result, the
university can continue to
receive Medicare payments
for services.
At issue were quality con-
trol samples the government
says were improperly sent from
the universitys clinical lab to
other hospital laboratories,
including the Mayo Clinic in
Minnesota, in violation of uni-
versity and federal policies that
prohibit samples from being
analyzed elsewhere.
The tracking involved
dummy samples and no
patients were affected, the
university said. Ohio State,
which reported the mistake
to the government, said the
mishandling was an accident
and wont happen again. The
Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services said for
months that it was proceed-
ing with sanctions that would
have included loss of the
labs certification and a ban
on receiving Medicare pay-
ments. The government reit-
erated its position in a Dec.
11 administrative court filing
calling for sanctions against
the university.
The university told the
government in June that such
sanctions would have dire
consequences for patients and
doctors throughout central
Dr. Daniel Sedmak, a pro-
fessor of pathology and long-
time Ohio State doctor, was
named the labs new medical
director. He replaces former
director Dr. Amy Gewirtz,
who will continue her work at
the medical center.
The settlement allows the
hospital labs work to contin-
ue, said Larry Anstine, CEO
of the Ohio State University
Hospital. Last year the labs
performed more than nine
million tests and many of
those tests are unique and not
widely available at other test-
ing facilities, Anstine said in
a statement Wednesday.
Ohio State settles medical lab sanctions case
A politician is a person with whose politics you dont agree; if you agree with him
hes a statesman. David Lloyd George (1863-1945)
4 The Herald Thursday, January 17, 2013
Moderately confused
The Associated Press
President Barack Obamas
sweeping gun-control pack-
age faces an uncertain future
on Capitol Hill, where major-
ity House Republicans are
rejecting his proposals while
the presidents allies in the
Democratic-controlled Senate
are stopping well short of
pledging immediate action.
The fate of his plan could
ultimately hinge on a hand-
ful of moderate Democratic
senators. Although they are
unlikely to endorse the presi-
dents call for banning assault
weapons, they might go along
with other proposals, such
as requiring universal back-
ground checks on gun pur-
Several of these sena-
tors responded warily after
Obama unveiled his propos-
als Wednesday with the chal-
lenge that Congress must act
I will look closely at all
proposals on the table, but
we must use common sense
and respect our Constitution,
said Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont.
Tester told the Missoulian
newspaper in his home
state recently that he sup-
ports background checks but
doesnt think an assault weap-
ons ban would have stopped
the shootings at an elemen-
tary school in Newtown,
Conn., where a gunman mas-
sacred 20 children and six
adults before turning the gun
on himself.
Obamas proposals came
a month after the shootings
in Newtown, which he has
called the worst day of his
presidency. His announce-
ments capped a swift and
wide-ranging effort, led by
Vice President Joe Biden, to
respond to the deaths.
The $500 million plan
marks the most comprehen-
sive effort to tighten gun laws
in nearly two decades. It also
sets up a tough political fight
with Congress as Obama
starts his second term needing
Republican support to meet
three looming fiscal dead-
lines and pass comprehensive
immigration reform.
I will put everything Ive
got into this, and so will Joe,
the president said. But I tell
you, the only way we can
change is if the American
people demand it.
Seeking to circumvent at
least some opposition, Obama
signed 23 executive actions
Wednesday, including orders
to make more federal data
available for background
checks and end a freeze on
government research on gun
violence. But he acknowl-
edged that the steps he took
on his own would have less
impact than the broad mea-
sures requiring approval from
Capitol Hill. He is also calling
for limiting ammunition mag-
azines to 10 rounds or less.
To make a real and last-
ing difference, Congress, too,
must act, Obama said.
The question now is how
and whether that happens.
House GOP leaders have
made clear theyll wait for
the Senate to act first, since
they see no need to move
on the contentious topic if it
doesnt. House committees
of jurisdiction will review
these recommendations. And
if the Senate passes a bill, we
will also take a look at that,
said Michael Steel, spokes-
man to House Speaker John
Many rank-and-file
Republicans scorched
Obamas proposal. The right
to bear arms is a right, despite
President Obamas disdain
for the Second Amendment,
said Rep. Tim Huelskamp,
Senators are expected to
begin discussions on how to
proceed when they return to
Washington next week from a
congressional recess, accord-
ing to a Democratic leader-
ship aide who requested ano-
nymity to discuss internal
deliberations. They could end
up breaking the presidents
proposals into individual
pieces, with votes possibly
starting next month.
Associated Press
President Barack Obama
is likely to name Denis
McDonough, one of his clos-
est national security advis-
ers, as his next chief of staff,
according to people familiar
with the White House think-
However, White House
officials say a final decision
has not been made.
In tapping McDonough,
Obama would be relying on
an inner circle ally for the key
West Wing post. McDonough,
43, currently serves as the
presidents deputy national
security adviser and is high-
ly regarded by Obama and
White House staffers.
McDonough would
replace current White House
chief of staff Jack Lew, the
presidents nominee for trea-
sury secretary.
The people familiar with
the White House thinking
spoke on condition of ano-
nymity because there has
been no announcement an
Before his tenure in the
White House, McDonough
served as Obamas main
adviser on foreign policy
issues during the 2008 presi-
dential campaign. Earlier,
he worked as a foreign pol-
icy specialist in Congress,
including as a senior foreign
policy adviser to former
Senate Majority Leader Tom
Daschle, D-S.D.
McDonough would be
Obamas fifth chief of staff.
Rahm Emanuel, William Daly
and Pete Rouse, as interim
chief of staff, preceded Lew
in the job. If Obama chooses
McDonough it will likely be
less because of his national
security credentials and more
because of McDonoughs
highly regarded status within
the White House.
Hes easy to work with
and focused on getting the job
done for the boss, hammer-
ing out the best policy pos-
sible given the political reali-
ties, said Doug Hattaway, a
Democratic consultant who
worked with McDonough in
the Senate.
McDonoughs place in
Obamas inner circle was
illustrated during the Navy
SEAL raid that killed Osama
bin Laden in May 2011. He
is among those captured in
a White House photograph
seated in the situation room
with Obama and other senior
officials watching the raid
unfold. McDonough grew
up in Minnesota, one of 11
children. Two of his brothers
are priests. He is a gradu-
ate of St. Johns University
in Minnesota and received
his masters degree from
Georgetown University.
Despite a relentless work-
load ahead, President Barack
Obama is lighter on his feet in
one sense as he opens his sec-
ond term. Gone are the hun-
dreds of promises of the past.
Hes toting carry-ons instead
of heavy cargo this time.
Obamas first presidential
campaign and the years that
followed were distinguished
by an overflowing ambition,
converted into a checklist of
things he swore to do. The list
was striking not only for its
length but its breadth, rang-
ing from tidbits in forgotten
corners of public policy to
grand even grandiose
pronouncements worthy of
He made a sweeping vow
to calm the rise of the seas.
And a literally down-in-the-
weeds pledge to aid the sage
grouse and its grassy habi-
Obama worked his way
through that stockpile, break-
ing dozens of his promises
along the way and keeping
many more of them. Thanks
to the messy business of gov-
erning, the presidents record
on promises is not cut and
dried. Some of his most nota-
ble flops, for example, con-
tained seeds of future success.
Failing to achieve a promised
first-term overhaul of immi-
gration law, Obama took stop-
gap executive action to help
as many as 1.7 million young-
er illegal immigrants stay in
the country. Now, after an
election marked by Hispanic
clout, he finds the political
landscape more amenable to
trying again. Climate change
legislation was another prom-
inent broken pledge, but he
came at the issue piecemeal,
imposing the first-ever regu-
lations on heat-trapping gases
blamed for global warming,
setting tough controls on coal-
fired power plants and greatly
increasing fuel efficiency for
cars and trucks.
Likewise, not all of his
successes are all they were
cracked up to be.
Yes, he achieved the trans-
formational health care law,
putting the U.S. on a path
to universal coverage. But it
remains in question whether
costs will come under con-
trol as he said they would
and as the name of the
Affordable Care Act implies.
Obama swore a typical fam-
ilys premium would drop by
up to $2,500 a year by the end
of his first term, but theyve
continued to rise. Thats a
broken promise tucked inside
a kept one.
Yes, Obama is extricat-
ing the U.S. from wars as
he promised before and
after he became president,
but what instabilities does
he leave behind? And how
many troops? His vow that,
in 2014, our longest war
will be over is on track to
be true in the main, yet thou-
sands of troops might stay
indefinitely in Afghanistan as
a residual force once the bulk
of the 66,000 now there are
His promise to raise taxes
on the rich finally came to
be at the bitter end of the last
Congress, during the debate
to avoid going off the fiscal
cliff of severe spending cuts
and steep tax increases that
would have started automati-
cally absent an agreement.
He also made good on his
vow to hold rates steady for
everyone else. (The fine print:
Households making $250,000
to $400,000 are off the hook
from the higher rates. Obama
had said hed tax them more,
As for falling sensation-
ally short, the bitterness in
Congress on display in that
debate, and so many others,
was to be swept away as part
of the change Obama prom-
ised to bring to Washingtons
ways and manners. Candidate
Obama vowed to turn the page
from ugly partisanship, only
to concede recently that such
a transformation was beyond
his reach because you cant
change Washington from the
inside. You can only change
it from the outside.
If Obama cant be held
responsible for cantankerous
lawmakers, though, its worth
remembering that not all of
the change he promised to
bring to governance was cen-
tered on Congress. He also
vowed to restrain the power
of Washingtons special inter-
ests by barring lobbyists from
serving in his administration,
only to backtrack by issuing
waivers and other exceptions
to those new rules. That was
strictly an inside job. On
another key promise, deficits
have shot up, not dropped
by half as he pledged in his
2008 campaign and again as
president when the recession
was raging. That inherited
recession, the halting recov-
ery and his heavy spending
to spur growth yielded four
straight years of trillion-dollar
you want to get to the National
Mall on Inauguration Day,
youre probably better off not
The hundreds of thousands
of people spilling into the
nations capital Monday are
encouraged to travel by rail,
bus or bicycle. And no matter
what they choose, those watch-
ing the inauguration activities
will eventually end up on foot
and possibly walking sev-
eral miles if they want to
catch a glimpse of President
Barack Obama.
The regions transporta-
tion infrastructure is strained
during peak driving hours
on a normal day. During the
morning rush hour, it can
take an hour to traverse the
10-mile stretch of Interstate
395 between Springfield, Va.,
and the District of Columbia.
Many Metro subway trains are
standing room only.
However, with much small-
er crowds expected than for
Obamas historic first inaugu-
ration four years ago, getting
in the car will still be an option.
Four years ago, most vehi-
cle traffic into the city was
halted. The five major bridges
over the Potomac River were
closed, except to mass transit
vehicles. This year, most of the
bridges will be open, although
drivers will be diverted from
closed roads surrounding the
Mall raising the prospect of
gridlock for those who drive.
Obviously, we dont want
a lot of automobiles in the
city, Mayor Vincent Gray
There is a potential entice-
ment to drivers: free parking.
Because Inauguration Day
falls on Martin Luther King
Jr. Day, the city wont enforce
street parking restrictions.
Still, as with past inaugura-
tions, Metro will be the most
popular transportation option
and the one encouraged by local
and federal officials. A record
1.1 million people rode Metros
rail service in 2009. This year,
Metro is projecting subway rid-
ership of 600,000 to 800,000
roughly the same as a regular
business day. However, rid-
ers wont be spread across the
systems 94 stations as usual.
Most will head to a handful of
stations close to the Capitol and
National Mall.
The transportation chal-
lenges have Paul Darby pre-
paring for a long day. Darby,
64, a volunteer on the parade
route, plans to leave his home
in Fredericksburg, Va., in the
early hours of the morning and
park at a friends house in
Alexandria before boarding the
Metro, which opens at 4 a.m.
an hour earlier than usual.
I expect it to take a while.
If for any reason there starts
to be concern that we wont
be able to get into town eas-
ily, Ill stay with friends in
Alexandria (and) come up
the night before, Darby said.
Well do whatever it takes,
and be patient and courteous
and kind to everybody because
there will be a lot of stressed-
out people.
In an effort to ease crowd-
ing at the stations around the
Mall, Metro is encouraging rid-
ers not to change trains. For
example, people riding the Blue
Line from Virginia are being
asked to get off at Arlington
National Cemetery and walk
across the Potomac Rivers
Memorial Bridge to the Mall.
Be forewarned that the distance
from the Lincoln Memorial on
the west end of the Mall to the
Capitol is two miles.
Obamas gun measures face
a tough road in Congress
transit options
all have
Obama curbs ambition this time
Promises, promises
McDonough likely for chief of staff
One Year Ago
Students in Missy McClurgs Computer Applications
Class at Jefferson High School completed their semester
exams by scanning QR (Quick Response) codes with their
smart codes. Each question contained a unique QR code that
brought the students to a web address containing the question.
Students downloaded a QR code reader, such as Scanlife, that
uses their cell phone camera as a scanner.
25 Years Ago 1988
St. Johns got off to a quick start and then held Fort
Recovery at bay for the remainder of the night in an 82-74
Midwest Athletic Conference win at Fort Recovery. Mike
Williams scored 20 points in the second half and finished with
a game-high 26. Duane Grothause had 18 and Brian Heitz, 15.
Westrichs Furniture and Appliance Store, 203 N. Main
St., is expanding its warehouse facility at 1105 Elida Ave. by
9,000 square. This is the third expansion of the original ware-
house since it was built about three years ago. Jack Westrich
said after the patio and summer furniture season is over, the
warehouse display area will be used to show other merchan-
dise, such as appliances.
Jefferson made certain Friday night there was not a repeat
performance of their first meeting with Spencerville by out-
scoring the Bearcats 21-10 in the final quarter and win going
away 73-52. The five Jefferson starters hit in double figures
led by Jamey Grogg with 21. Ryan McClure hit for 14, Jason
Huysman and Mike Minnig 12 each and Jon Boggs 10.
50 Years Ago 1963
A Lions Club project in Elida is providing the village
youngsters with many enjoyable and wholesome hours of sport
this winter. In September the Elida club began the planning for
an outdoor ice-skating rink for the village. Community coop-
eration made the project a reality by the time the ice-skating
season began. The Elida Evangelical United Brethren Church
gave permission for the rink to be constructed on the site of its
future building plot on Sunnydale Avenue.
Dr. Walter Wolery addressed the Delphos Rotarians
on the program made in combating polio at their meet-
ing Wednesday in NuMaudes. He was introduced by Mel
Westrich in the absence of Robert Berry, who was program
chairman for the day. Guests included Jack Rozelle and Willy
Vasquez, Jefferson seniors; Rotarians Henry Prior, Van Wert,
Art Hamilton, Marion, and Bob Comins, Dayton.
Sue Wallace was hostess to the Nifty Sixties Club
recently for the clubs monthly meeting. In games played,
the prize went to Judy Adams and Nedra Iricks name was
selected for the hot seat prize. The next meeting is scheduled
for Feb. 19, at the home of Janet Feathers.
75 Years Ago 1938
In a game which was featured by strong defensive play on
the part of both teams, St. Johns High defeated Lima St. Rose
at St. Johns auditorium Sunday afternoon by a score of 17
to 14. In a three-minute overtime period, Gladen scored from
the foul line to break the tie and Grothouse scored a close-up.
The visitors tried desperately but were unable to score and the
game ended with St. Johns three points to the good.
An excellent attendance marked the initiation held Sunday
afternoon in the Eagles hall. A class of 14 candidates were
reported with the Delphos degree team and ritualistic officers
in charge. During the meeting President Al. Huysman pre-
sented past worthy president buttons to six past worthy presi-
dents in attendance. Those receiving buttons were Alex Shenk,
Frank Bowers, D. G. Gengler, Max Planer, Clarence Hoelderle
and J. Carl Stopher.
The annual card party held at St. Johns auditorium
Sunday evening under the sponsorship of the Altar Society
was well attended. The following received the awards: five-
hundred, Mrs. Joseph Auer and Carl Lindeman; bunco,
Ruth Warnecke and Cletus Hickey; pinochle, Mrs. William
Noonan and Joseph Lehry; bridge, Mrs. Harold Remlinger
and Alfred Weisgerber; and euchre, Mrs. Elwer and James
Larry McClure
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Thursday, January 17, 2013 The Herald 5
Ottoville Immaculate
Conception Church
9-11 a.m. The Delphos
Canal Commission Museum,
241 N. Main St., is open.
11:30 a.m. Mealsite
at Delphos Senior Citizen
Center, 301 Suthoff Street.
5:30 p.m. The Delphos
Canal Commission meets at
the museum, 241 N. Main St.
5-7 p.m. The Interfaith
Thrift Shop is open for shop-
7 p.m. Spencerville
Local Schools Board of
Education meets.
St. Johns Athletic
Boosters meet in the Little
7:30 p.m. Delphos
Chapter 26 Order of the
Eastern Star meets at the
Masonic Temple on North
Main Street. Delphos VFW
Auxiliary meets at the VFW
Hall, 213 W. Fourth St.
7:30 a.m. Delphos
Optimist Club, A&W Drive-
In, 924 E. Fifth St.
11:30 a.m. Mealsite
at Delphos Senior Citizen
Center, 301 Suthoff Street.
1-4 p.m. Interfaith Thrift
Store is open for shopping.
9-11:30 a.m. Delphos
Project Recycle at Delphos
Fuel and Wash.
9 a.m. to noon Interfaith
Thrift Store is open for shop-
St. Vincent DePaul
Society, located at the east
edge of the St. Johns High
School parking lot, is open.
10 a.m to 2 p.m. Delphos
Postal Museum is open.
12:15 p.m. Testing of
warning sirens by Delphos
Fire and Rescue
1-3 p.m. Delphos Canal
Commission Museum, 241 N.
Main St., is open.
7 p.m. Bingo at St.
Johns Little Theatre.
8-11:30 a.m. Knights
of Columbus benefit for St.
Johns School at the hall,
Elida Ave.
JAN. 18
Leah Ditto
Lisa Bilimek
Hope Meisler
April Grothouse
Connie Askins
Jesse Martin
Matteson Fair-Sevitz
Justin Bohrer
Blake Wiltsie
This combination
makes me hungry just
reading the recipes.
Creamy Ranch Pork
Chops and Rice
1 tablespoon vegetable
4 boneless pork chops,
-inch thick (about 1
1 can cream of mush-
room soup
cup milk
1 package (1 ounce)
ranch salad dressing mix
Ranch-Style Rice
Heat oil in a 10-inch
skillet over medium-high
heat. Add the pork and
cook until well browned
on both sides. Stir the
soup, milk and 1/2 pack-
age salad dressing mix in
the skillet and heat to a
boil. Reduce heat to low.
Cover and cook for 10
minutes or until the pork is
cooked through. Sprinkle
with the paprika. Serve
with the Ranch-Style Rice.
Ranch-Style Rice: Heat
2 1/4 cups water and the
remaining salad dressing
mix in a 3-quart saucepan
over medium-high heat
to a boil. Stir in 1 cup
uncooked regular long-
grain white rice and cook
according to the package
Two-Day Sauerkraut
1 (16-ounce) can sauer-
kraut, drained and chopped
cup sugar
cup chopped red bell
cup chopped green
bell pepper
cup thinly sliced cel-
cup Wesson Best
Blend Oil or vegetable oil
cup apple cider vin-
1 teaspoon dill seed
In a large serving bowl
or resealable plastic bag,
combine all ingredients
and toss well. Cover;
refrigerate for 2 days, toss-
ing 2 to 3 times each day.
Drain liquid and serve
cold. Makes 6 servings.
If you enjoyed these
recipes, made changes or
have one to share, email
Under the Covers
with Sara Berelsman
I didnt want to read it. I
knew Id hate it. I just have a
sense about these things. But,
since every woman and her
mother/sister/cousin friend
was reading it, and then my
book club, I figured Id give
it a try. Oh how very sorry,
sorry, I am. I will never get
that time back. More impor-
tantly, I dont know if I will
ever get that horrible, hor-
rible writing out of my head.
Fifty Shades of Grey
annoyed me from page one.
(If you plan on reading
this, by the way, and plan
on enjoying it, you might
not want to read this.) I just
knew this was a writing style
that gets under my skin. I
despised the main character. I
also abhorred her suitor, Mr.
Grey, partly because he liked
her in the first place.
Anastasia Steele (what
kind of name is that, seri-
ously?) bites her lip a lot. If
Ana wasnt biting her lip,
she was delivering some line
out loud or in her head along
the lines of Holy crap! or
Holy Cow! or Jeez! Her
favorites were some form of
crap, Holy crap, Double
crap, or the crap of all craps,
Triple crap!
Aside from the atrocious
dialogue, there is Anas inner
monologue which goes back
and forth between her inner
goddess and subconscious,
as she calls them. I wanted to
scream when either of these
was mentioned. This while
book is nothing but dreadful,
dull repetition. Characters are
constantly whispering, mum-
bling, murmuring, grinning,
frowning, arching an eye-
brow, cocking their head to
one side its as if the author
threw a few mannerisms in a
bowl and picked one every
time she needed one. She
also repeats the same phrases
throughout the bookon the
same page, even. Then she
randomly throws in a high-
level SAT vocabulary word
maybe from her Word of
the Day calendar, which just
looks ridiculous.
This author is also British,
which makes for some awk-
ward phrasing, since she
apparently had no editor to
guide her whatsoever. In
America we dont go on
holiday, carry a smart ruck-
sack, or go to the cinema.
We go on vacation. We go
the movies. So many of these
throughout the book.
Now to get to the plot. I
know this is a small-town
conservative paper so I cant
get too in-depth here. I really
dont have to. Theahem
erotic scenes really did
nothing for me.
What concerns me is
that even though I know the
main demographics here
are housewives my age
and older, younger women
do read it. And I feel that
this book does nothing more
than glorify physical abuse
and dress it up in a slinky
number, calling it sexy.
It is not sexy. Ive been
involved in abusive relation-
ships. Nothing sexy about
that at all. Ana also drinks
Twinings English Breakfast
tea throughout the book. This
book made me want to hate
tea and this is crazy, because
I love tea.
If I were E. L. James Id
have also refrained from put-
ting my name next to this
book. She is truly the Ke$ha
of literature. I understand
Im a literature major and I
wasnt expecting a master-
piece. I just wasnt expecting
this giant steaming pile of
you know what in every way
possible. It was a challenge
to finish. I threw it across the
room more than once. Im
sorry if you loved it. I wanted
to, I did. I just didnt.