Gaaap-The Manual
Gaaap-The Manual
Gaaap-The Manual
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Our corporate identity is best summarized in the ten principles upon which GAAAP is founded. 1. Love for and commitment to the Apostles doctrine foreshadowed in the Old Testament and revealed in the New Testament through the early church as taught to us by our Pentecostal pioneers. 2. Cultivation of a consistently healthy, functional and fruitful state of well-being, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, physically and ministerially. 3. Biblical affirmation and inclusion of all people. Recognition of individuals who meet Biblical standards for ministry. Spiritual covering for affiliated churches. Fellowship for supporting individuals. 4. Build positive relationships through appropriate motives, actions and education with traditionally non-affirming people in hopes of elevating marginalized people to greater inclusion. 5. Advance the educational standing of our ministers and those to whom we minister. 6. Raise the standard of ethical conduct among our members and those under our influence. 7. Promulgate that which brings glory to God, edifies the body of Christ and brings the lost to full salvation.
GAAAPs mission is three fold in respect to Almighty God our Creator, the Church of Jesus Christ of which we are a part by virtue of the new birth and the lost world to which we believe we are sent as ambassadors. Our mission statement reads. GAAAP exists to glorify God through loving service, to edify the body of Christ through a healthy life and ministry, and to evangelize the world as the open arms of Christ to all people without distinction. Every member of this fellowship needs to feel a heavy responsibility to be proactive in the ministry, bearing fruit that contributes to a good reputation with God and our communities.
The F.A.C.E. values that GAAAP holds are not academic or theological in nature only. These values are areas of emphasis which we firmly and mutually agree should define us corporately and individually. It should be known, as well as appreciated, that these values are treasured not solely because they are right but because members and leaders alike suffered, fighting to defend them. These four values set GAAAP apart, distinguishing us among the family of affirming Christian groups. Every minister or church belonging to our fellowship, should strive to emphasize these basic and fundamental values so that they are ingrained in thinking and conduct. 1. Fellowship in unity Lovingly cultivate and preserve unity on matters essential to our Biblically inclusive faith and organizational well-being. 2. Apostolic in doctrine Intelligently proclaim and exemplify Biblical truths of Oneness Pentecostalism in healthy balance. 3. Character of holiness Practically reflect the holiness of God without legalism by total submission to the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. 4. Excellence through passion Disciplined pursuit of high standards through a zeal for measurable achievement in all areas of life and ministry.
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Individual Affiliation
Interested persons seeking credentialing with the Global Alliance of Affirming Apostolic Pentecostal must complete an application and submit to a background check and screening. There is a $20.00 fee associated with the application and must be submitted at the time of application. Once an application and the applicant has been reviewed by and approved by the Executive Presbytery, there will be an annual affiliation assessment fee of $120.00. All GAAAP ministers must be at least 18 years of age and able to maintain stable, consistent and balanced lives, with healthy habits that foster functionality and fruitfulness. Ministers are expected to contribute to the alliances unity and to strive for excellence in all things. All ministers must maintain a good reputation within the church and within their communities and must uphold the dignity of the ministry with professionalism and discretion. No affiliate shall speak or act contrary to the doctrines and disciplines of this organization. All
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1. Christian Worker License: Christian Worker Licenses are for people who assist ministers, are exploring ministry formation and development or laity who have credible lives and valid ministries other than preaching, teaching, pastoring, or evangelizing such as music, children, youth, gender specific outreach, HIV ministry, etc. Christian Workers are on a probationary status for the first year of their affiliation. Those holding a Christian Worker License shall not be permitted to vote or hold office. However, they may serve as voting designees for a church and/or pastor if asked and approved. 2. Local License: Local licenses are reserved for new, inexperienced ministers called to preach, teach, evangelize and pastor, who accept closer supervision and guidance of another more established GAAAP mentor assigned by the Executive Board. Ministers holding a local license are on a probationary status for the first year and are not permitted to vote in business sessions or hold office, but may minister locally or elsewhere under the auspices of their GAAAP mentor. Upon satisfactory completion of the one year probationary period, Local Licensed ministers may vote in business sessions and may hold offices available to their level of licensure. 3. General License: General Licenses are given to those who are more experienced and actively involved in preaching, teaching, pastoring, or evangelizing but are not yet seasoned. They may vote and hold office except that of a Bishop or Executive Presbyter.
Educational Standards The time spent sharpening the sickle is not lost in the harvest. ~unknown
Measurable Outcomes: Individuals must present at least a 10 page double spaced research paper or briefing document that clearly delineates the readers understanding of critical concepts discussed in each text. Christian Workers Encountering the Old Testament: A Christian Survey (with CD enhancements) Bill T. Arnold and Bryan E. Beyer Available at Encounter the New Testament: A Christian Survey (with CD enhancements) Dr. Walter A. Elwell and Robert W. Yarbrough Available at NOTE: clearly defines traditional concepts of the Trinity and antihomosexuality Introduction to Apostolic Pentecostal Theology Dr. David K. Bernard Available at Pentecostal Publishing Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine Dr. Wayne Grudem Available at Local License Christianity and Homosexuality Reconciled: New thinking for a new millennium. Dr. Joseph Adam Pearson Available online at Dr. Pearsons website Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling Dr. Mark R. McMinn Available at Communication and Conflict Management in Churches and Christian Organizations Kenneth O. Gangel Available at
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