layers tissue and organs vertic ally and horizontally (there is no sharply limited border according to healthy m ilieu,)- CLINICAL PICTURES: The general and local signs swooped- th flegmone lo ng and tougher than that of apscesaon incizijaon evacuation and gnojaimobilizaci ja of drainage structures of the can (to the transport or to-gospreading the inf ection would not further and reduces pain) and inactionon MEDIKAMENTOZNO analgeti ci ANTIBIOTICI according to antibiogramu (polusintetski penicillini well operate i n g ( +) bacteria)PANARICIJ (Lat legatum PANARITIUM) - KUKAC- vulvovaginitis up alni process in dlanenoj side fingerprints (jagodicama fingerprints)- begins wit h a painful otokom (in the form of tokice) pulsirajuom pain- CLINICAL picture upal ni process zahvaa skin and potkoje and a wider according toon tetivamaon her wrist son bones- th panaricija as well as at other gnojnih plunged into- complications : Like gangrene affects FALANGE ( leads to spontaneous amputacije!)FURUNKUL (Lat legatum FURUNCULUS) - IR- limited gnojna plunged into leather and potkoja which spreads around folikula (backgrounds) hear- gnojenje nekroza on the forefront an d prepared without foods that cause developing NEKROTINOG cheapest no-cork types run knows iperforirati outside! - Furunkul siege on the spot can be source of infection for all structures in ca vum cranii(plunged into brain and modanih ovojnica) spread causers venskim throug h- th furunkulaon local antibiotske fats,ihtiol fatson kirurki (as with all gnojn ih plunged into) + antibiotics per OSKARBUNKUL (Lat legatum CARBUNCULUS)- The f urunkula in one place (zatiljku and was wearing a HDZ badge on this chest often) - susprektan on Diablo (may be diagnostic indicator on diagnosis dijabetesaand o ften at dijabetiara!)- th karbunkulaon incizija,ekscizijaon of drainage structure s ofthe antibioticsinfectionPLINOVITA ANAEROBNE surgical methods like gangrene a ffects (UTAVAC)-ETIOLOGIJA: Sporotvorne anaerobne bacteria from branch of Clostri dija Clostridium perfrigens, Clostridium septicum, Clostridium oedematiens- PATO FIZIOLOGIJA: On miina nekroza leather and potkojaon creating plinovaon hemolitika anemiaon toksem ija- infekciji favor comprehensive and deep serious injury with a strong nagnjeen jima tissue (warserious injury,traffic serious injury)-Clostridiji products plin ove (CO2, H2S, NH3) cause disruptions cirkulacije and damage tissue- CLINICAL pi ctureof usually zahvaen ekstremiteton a strong pain, Isle, tighteningof skin blij eda,tense,great (green and yellow)on the wounds is leaving bloody-and medium-siz ed enterprises most hotly debated problems serozni smellson pressure on skin ove r wounds hear the KREPITACIJE (kripanje) due to plinovacaptured in milieu, (becau se the name plinovita like gangrene affects another and utavac)on temperatureson s ignsof shock and dismay through septikog insuficijencija kidney- th plinovite gan greneon KIRURKA - to ensure normal in an annual turnover in the part cannot zahvae n nekrozom great incizija (along Entire ekstemiteta!) ekscizija nekrotinog tissue d ebt of drainage structures of wounds imobilizacija canon antibiotics in the big d ozama,compensation and vapors in pure phases and elektrolitaon HIPERBARINA OKSIGE NACIJA (stop breeding klostridija)- the correct Profilaksa kirurka processing wou nds! - Complicationson AMPUTACIJA canon mortality was 40-50%tetanus (STATUS A spasm)ETIOLOGIJA: Clostridium tetani o u anaerobnim uvjetima u rani stvara jake neurotoksine koji oteuju neuromuskularne sinapse infekcija nastaje ako je ozljeda oneiena zemljom ili prainom u kojoj ima klostridija KLINIKA SLIKA o gr mimine muskulature (RISUS SARDONICUS sarkastian smijeh) o gr vanih miia zategnutost vilice o opa zategnutost miia o konvulzije skeletne muskulature o poremeaji gutanja i sranog rada o kod gra i PARALIZE DINE MUSKULATURE pacijent pri svijesti SMRT kod generaliziranog oblika!!! / grevi miia se dogaaju jer neurotoksini Klostridija blokiraju prijelaz podraaja prek