Jopdf0705 Turning A Security
Jopdf0705 Turning A Security
Jopdf0705 Turning A Security
n todays global economy, business organizations are required to comply with regulations from many countries by virtue of their global presence and/or their serving of customers outside of their country of operations. Some regulations impact them directly, while many others impact them as expectations from customers. For example, a business organization operating from a country and serving a customer in a different country must comply with the relevant laws and regulations of both countries. With stringent penalties for noncompliance, customers are increasingly making their compliance expectations explicit in their contracts. Many laws and regulations have important implications on information security controls and thereby make the security compliance program a priority for an organization. This article discusses an approach to set up an effective security compliance program that can result in long-term competitive business advantage.
among the key inputs for setting up the information security management system (ISMS). Such an approach usually requires mapping the regulatory requirements to the controls in the framework and then implementing the ISMS incorporating the controls. This approach also enables due consideration to be given to other requirements, such as customer requirements, internal business requirements and industry norms. A framework provides structure and stability, and implementation of a framework generally results in greater levels of process orientation within the organization and leads to many operational benefits. Most common methodologies of implementation of ISMS using a framework emphasize the extensive involvement of all the stakeholders and invariably stress management commitment and support, which are critical for success. A framework-based approach usually facilitates the systematic setup of a continuous improvement process accommodating changes in regulations and incorporating new regulations as they become applicable. Many frameworks have associated standards and/or certification (e.g., ISO 27001 with ISO 17799 or ISO 20000 with ITIL). Such certifications give substantial credibility and independent ongoing verification. Frameworks provide a common language for the business processes, which is useful if the organization interacts with global customers and suppliers who have also adopted these frameworks for their compliance efforts. Frameworks have evolved out of best practices and experiences of numerous organizations from many parts of the world. Therefore, they help businesses identify practices that make the organization more successful, especially in the current global context.
adopting the appropriate risk management methodology for the enterprise, assessing and treating the risks with appropriate controls (and thereby bringing them within acceptable levels based on cost-effectiveness) and by managing the risks on an ongoing basis. Compliance itself should be viewed as a risk that must be managed the same as all other risks to the business.1 Business requirements are the drivers used to justify the entire risk management program. Figure 1 shows all the aspects mentioned previously and the resulting ISMS.2
Make Security Compliance Strategy Part of the Regular Business Strategy and Annual Plans
No organization can fulfill compliance requirements instantly. An initial compliance project could, for example, take an organization from an initial state to a desired state as shown in figure 2, with the desired state having been decided upon by business priorities. Further efforts are required not only to maintain the state reached (desired), but also to improve the position. Therefore, it is necessary for the organizations regular business plan to provide ways of maintaining compliance and ensuring continuous improvement on this front.
Control Objectives and Controls From the Frameworks (as chosen by the organization)
Optimized Security
Defined Process
Initial/Ad Hoc
Source: CISM Review Manual 2005. 2004 Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA). All rights reserved.
Nonexistent Security
This could also mean that the compliance program should be suitably integrated with the strategy of the organization for other management systems, such as a quality management system, and certifications. The organization should pursue certification against standards such ISO 27001 for the ISMS wherever business demands justify.
scorecards, including balanced scorecards. The chief information security officer and/or compliance professional can use these to demonstrate to the board the value of the compliance program and to answer often-posed questions8 such as: Are we meeting the security compliance requirements better than in the past? How do we compare with others in this regard? Are we secure and meeting compliance needs sufficiently?
Figures 4 and 5 show the results of self-assessments/audits carried out using software that enables administration of a predefined questionnaire to all the stakeholders on a periodic basis and subsequent consolidation and analysis. Such a self-assessment process can help engage all stakeholders, lead to corrective and preventive actions becoming routine and, thereby, result in better compliance levels. When this is done in conjunction with an effective internal audit and controls testing process, the result is sustained and successful compliance in the organization.
Compliance is 35%.
Compliance is 57%.
Compliance is 0%.
Compliance is 0%.
Access Control
Compliance is 0%.
Compliance is 100%.
Compliance is 0%.
Compliance is 0%.
Compliance is 55%.
Compliance is 55%.
Compliance is 100%.
Compliance is 44%.
preventing them from doing things that may not be in line with expectations. When individuals take actions because they consider themselves responsible, the driver is their intrinsic desire and motivation to do the right thing. Developing a culture in which people feel driven by being accountable would mean that the accountability of top management for security compliance is extended across the organization. Developing a culture in which people feel driven by their need to exhibit responsible behavior would mean sustained and cost-effective security compliance. Responsible behavior comes from ownership and awareness to discern what is right and the knowledge to carry out the right action. Therefore, excellence in security awareness and appropriate security skills are goals to be pursued aggressively.
Integration of the compliance strategy with the business strategy and annual plans Integration of the compliance program with the overall governance framework Appropriate metrics program for the compliance initiative Participation of process owners in the compliance program and the extent of the self-governing nature of the program Involvement of the people in the overall program The extent to which continuous improvement is realized on all the above as a routine Figure 6 shows an example of a scorecard with quarter-toquarter progress for a typical organization as the process gets implemented. For the sake of simplicity, each of the criteria is assessed on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the score for the complete and effective implementation and 1 being the score for the worst case. Equal weight is assumed for the various criteria. As a continuous improvement process gets established, the organization would be able to demonstrate increasing ability to readily fulfill the compliance requirements.
Regulatory compliance and, hence, security compliance are here to stay. Many organizations are increasingly realizing the ability to fulfill compliance requirements readily as a
Integration of compliance program with governance framework Appropriate metrics program Self-governing nature of the compliance program
Remarks Forecast COBIT framework was chosen in 2006 Q2; implemented in 2006 Q3 and Q4; improved in 2007. An appropriate risk management methodology was selected in 2006 Q2; implemented in 2006 Q3 and Q4; improved in 2007. Compliance strategy became part of business strategy in 2006 Q3; reviewed along with business plans regularly from 2006 Q4 onward. Compliance program became integrated with a formal governance framework from 2006 Q4 onward. Metrics program was implemented in 2006 Q3 onward. A self-assessment methodology was piloted in 2006 Q3 and rolled out to the entire organization in 2006 Q4. Vigorous awareness drive was conducted from 2006 Q4 onward. A number of practices were set up to result in continuous improvements on all the aspects of the program from 2006 Q4 onward.
Note: Each of the criteria is assessed at the end of a quarter on a scale of 1 to 10; 10 is for the best possible case and 1 for the worst case. * 2007 Q2, Q3 and Q4 scores are forecasted scores based on the plans finalized.
competitive business strength. In such a scenario, diligent executives, instead of taking a reactive approach, will do well by making their compliance program systematic, making efforts to improve business processes, using the compliance initiatives and the money spent to establish an ongoing process for compliance and, thereby, turning the compliance program into a competitive business advantage.
Spafford, George; Regulatory Compliance and Security, 15 December 2005, columns/article.php/3571171 2 Sethuraman, Sekar; A.J. Vijayakumar; Enhancing Security Compliance of Your Distributed Operations by Selfassessment and Automation, ISSA Journal, July 2006
ISACA, CISM Review Manual 2005, USA, 2004, chapter 1 Frank, Diane; Agencies Seek Security Metrics, Federal Computer Week, 19 June 2000, 2000/0619/pol-metrics-06-19-00.asp 5 Jelen, George; SSE-CMM Security Metrics, NIST and CSSPAB Workshop, Washington DC, USA, 13-14 June 2000, 6 Payne, Shirley C.; A Guide to Metrics, SANS Security Essentials GSEC Practical Assignment, 21 July 2001 7 Opacki, Dennis; Building Business Unit Scorecards,, December 2005 8 Op. cit., Jelen
3 4
Sekar Sethuraman, CISA, CISM, CIA, CISSP, PGDM (IIMC), CSQA, BS 7799 LA, ISO 20000 Auditor is currently head of IT security (Greater Asia) at LexisNexis. He has more than 25 years of experience and has implemented information security systems for large organizations to fulfill the requirements of international standards such as ISO 17799, BS 7799 and ISO 27001. He has also helped many organizations set up effective incident response and business continuity processes. Sethuraman is the program director for the ISACA Chennai Chapter. He is a frequent speaker on various security topics, including measuring and managing the performance of information security, managing security in outsourcing, incident response, COBIT, ISMS and ISO 17799. He can be reached at
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