Hand Book Planning For Floor Heating
Hand Book Planning For Floor Heating
Hand Book Planning For Floor Heating
The following standards have to be observed when planning and installing floor heating: EN 1991 EN 1264 DIN 4109 Action on structures Underfloor Heating, Systems and Components Sound Insulation in the Building Industry
EN 13813
Screed Material and Floor Screeds Local building regulations. Professional information on interface co-ordination when planning heated underfloor constructions (ref: BVF).
EN 1264 is crucial for the construction of underfloor heating. With the inclusion of EN 13813 Screed Material and Floor Screeds three Basic Danfoss constructions are possible.
Estimated pre-calculations
The output tables of Danfoss SpeedUp and Basic heating systems show output values for various room temperatures as well as the temperatures of the central heating water in relation to different floor finishes. These tables give calculations of the mean central heating water temperature with which to run the underfloor heating in order to achieve the desired output.
The required excess heat source temperature determines the supply temperature which is described in more detail in the chapter Calculating the supply Temperature. The heat flow densities are distributed evenly over the edge and comfort zones. The main central heating water temperature is determined by the type of installation (see output tables).
QH = (1 + x)* QN,f
It is important to consider the thermal resistance of the insulation below the underfloor heating so that the heat of the underfloor heating radiates mainly upwards. In accordance with EN 1264, Part 4 there are three different kinds of floor/storey constructions and various minimum heat resistances.
Thermal Insulation A B above rooms with similar use above rooms with different use*, unheated rooms (e.g. cellar) and on ground floor above external air (-15C) (e.g. garages, passage ways) R Ins, min 0.75 m2 K / W 1.25 m2 K / W 2.00 m2 K / W
the heat resistance R.ins with a single insulation layer is calculated as follows:
Sins ins
with: Sins: effective insulation thickness [m] ins: thermal conductivity [W/m K]
In accordance with EN 1264 maximum surface temperatures for phsysiological reasons are set as follows: Comfort zone: 29 C Edge zone: 35 C Bathrooms: ti + 9 C = 33 C Standard room temperatures of 20 or 24 C in bathrooms result in a difference in surface
temperature and room temperature of 9K (in comfort zones and bathrooms) or 15K (in edge zones). Limiting the surface temperature has the effect of limiting the heat output of the underfloor heating. It is an important factor when deciding whether to choose additional heating. However, with modern insulation the heat output in underfloor heating is sufficient in 99 of 100 cases.
The position of the heating pipe can further influence the output. Depending on the position, varying surface temperatures can occur. Output is higher above the pipes than in between. The difference between the maximum and minimum surface temperatures is called fluctuation (W).
case, average floor temperature is significantly lower than the maximum permitted temperature.
max 29C W
F max - f min
Larger distances between pipes cause larger fluctuation. Lower lying pipes slow down the heating system but the long way to the surface distributes the temperature evenly, the fluctuation remains small. Since the maximum floor temperature must not be exceeded, larger fluctuation causes greater loss in output than a smaller fluctuation. In the first
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Heat output q
Since the characteristic base line has idealised physical parameters and is valid independent of the system, no system, kept at the maximum permitted surface temperature, can reach an output of more than 100 W/m2 or 175 W/m2 in edge zones. Consequently the specific heat output q of the floor surface depends on the difference between room and surface temperatures as well as the transferability. The latter is dependent on the room data, including the needs to air the room and is described as heat transfer coefficient ges here 11.1 W/m2K.
50 30 20
ges (f - i)
With a surface temperature of 9K above room temperature an output of approx. 100W/m2 is achieved, with an excess temperature of 15K a heat output of approx. 175 W/m2.
Example: At a room temperature of 20 C and a floor temperature of 27 C a heat output of q = 11.1 W/m2 K * 7K (27 C - 20 C) = 77.7 W/m2 would be achieved.
The mean heat source temperature is a firm component of many calculations. It is calculated from the mean value of the supply and return temperatures:
with: H: i: m:
Excess Heat Source Temperature Standard - Inside Temperature Heat Source Temperature
m = i + H
Installation types
The heating system Danfoss Basic comprises two different installation types in edge zones and three in comfort zone areas.
The SpeedUp and SpeedUp Eco heating systems has installation types for the edge and comfort zones. They differ in pipe distance.
System BasicRail BasicRail BasicRail BasicRail BasicRail BasicGrip and BasicClip BasicGrip and BasicClip BasicGrip and BasicClip BasicGrip and BasicClip BasicGrip and BasicClip SpeedUp and SpeedUp Eco SpeedUp and SpeedUp Eco
H =
V - R V - i In R - i
with: V: Supply temperature R: Return temperature i: Standard-inside temperature When keeping to maximum permitted temperatures, the above factors will give, apart from fluctuation, limiting curves (calculated according to EN 1264, Part 2). The intersections indicate the heat flow limits and the limits to excess heat source temperatures.
q = KH + H
with: q: Heat output [W/m2] KH: Equivalent heat transfer coefficient [W/m2 K] (official DIN check) H: Excess heat source temperature
When doing the calculations for underfloor heating, the calculated heat flow density is to be worked out as follows in accordance with DIN EN 1264, Part 3 :
QN,f Af
with: qdes Calculated heat flow density [W/m2] QN,f Standard-heat load of an underfloor heated room [W] Af Floor area to be heated [m2] The heat output achieved from underfloor heating is
Qf = q * Af
with: qdes Calculated heat flow density QN,f Standard-heat load of an underfloor heated room Af Floor area to be heated where q is evenly distributed over the edge zone (maximum 1 m wide) and the comfort zone:
The data for the heat flow densities of the edge zones or comfort zones qR and qA can be calculated from the output diagrams where the excess temperature of the heat source applies. The approved threshold of the heat flow density (intersection of curves with limiting curve) must not be exceeded. The approved density depends on the thermal resistance of the floor covering and the construction type. If one value of the calculated and distributed heat flow density (qR/qA) is above the threshold heat flow density, the threshold density rather than the heat flow density applies. The resulting decrease in excess heat source temperature also reduces the heat flow density of the other combination type of installation. If the standard heat load of a room heated with underfloor heating is greater than the heat output of the underfloor heating, additional heating for the shortfall should be considered. QN,f - Qf.
q =
AR AA * qR + * qA Af Af
V, des H, des +
with H, des H, G 2
j = 3 * H, j *
V, des = H, des +
+ 2
(12 H, des)
4(V, des - H, j) 3 * H, j
For calculating the size of the circulating pump the mass flow rate is determined as mH (flow rate of heating water in kg/s). It is independent of the total output (floor heating output, and heat losses to other rooms) as well as differential temperature. Af * q * CW
The sum of the downwards thermal conductivity and downwards thermal resistances is: Ru = R, ins + R, floor + R, render + R, floor
mH =
Ro Ru
i - u q * Ru
with R, floor = 0.17 m2 K/W The mass flow rate mH can also be expressed when converted as the flow rate VH: mH
with CW = 4190 J/kgK The partial heat transfer resistance of the floor construction Ro (upwards) encompasses both the thermal conductivity and thermal resistance upwards: 1 Su u
VH =
with = 0.998 kg/dm3 Ro = + R ,B + To determine the flow rate of a heating circuit the flow rate of the room VH must be divided by the number of heating circuits: VH Number of heating circuits
Here it must be mentioned that the area layout and the number of heating circuits are determined by the type of screed, i.e. the heating circuits must be compatible with the screed sections.
The smaller the differential temperature: the higher the volume flow the higher the flow speed of the medium and the higher the pressure loss
Threshold values
The maximum supply temperature must not exceed 55 C for wet cement and calcium sulphate (CAF) screed Heating circuits should not be longer than 100 m, 110 m maximum. The optimum length is 120 m. Pressure loss of 250 mbar must not be exceeded since the circulating pump, apart from maintaining the pressure head, has to cope with pressure losses in the heating circuits and in the whole system (in manifold, its valves, supply and return pipes, mixing valves, etc.). The maximum supply must not exceed 50 C for gypsum plaster.
Quick and easy dimensioning of the floor heating system The proper dimensions for floor heating systems can be calculated in a matter of minutes by using the Internet-based Danfoss Floor Heating Dimensioning Programme. With a few, basic inputs, this easy-to-use software will provide all the necessary information regarding system design, product selection, and commissioning. This makes the Danfoss Floor Heating Dimensioning Programme a very valuable tool in both the bidding and the implementation phases.