Amy Diamond, Executive Director: ... Where Lifelong Learning and The Community Come Together
Amy Diamond, Executive Director: ... Where Lifelong Learning and The Community Come Together
Amy Diamond, Executive Director: ... Where Lifelong Learning and The Community Come Together
have this
It Cannot Get Much Better Than This! By Jean Berg, Class Participant
During the first cycle of DavidsonLearns, I enrolled in theclassonpolitics.Iknowa bit about the topic and thought I would emerge knowing a bit more. And it was election season 2012, so the topics were timely. For example,onesessionfocused on economics. Another on the Supreme Court. Another onpollingandpersuasion. All that and more was taught by scholar/teachers who brought intensity and intelligence to the issues of theday.Ilearnedalot. During the second cycle of DavidsonLearns I enrolled in theclassontheArtofRomare Bearden. I know absolutely nothingabouttheartistorhis art. It's a sure bet I will emerge knowing something, which is more than I know now! The opening lecture was dazzling in content and the context of this renowned artist. We in the Charlotte area have a special claim on him and it's pleasing to learn Beardenreceivedanhonorary degree from Davidson Col lege. Along with my two class experiences there are dozens more who are also finding that Davidson's new and stimulating programs are in tellectuallychallenging.Keep themcoming!
TwoWinterCourseswillstartinFebruaryand youstillhavetimetoregisterforthem!
ChristianScriptureandtheJews:CriticalIssues forJewishChristianRelationsToday
Instructor:RabbiMichaelShieldshasservedtheLake NormanareaforfiveyearsattheTempleKolTikvah. HewasordainedbytheReformMovementin2008 andisdedicatedtothoseideals.
ginningPoetryandotherswhohavehadsomeex perienceinthewritingandpublicationofpoetry.) Instructor:Dr.TonyAbbott,theCharlesA.DanaPro fessorofEnglishEmeritusatDavidsonCollege.Heisa novelistandPulitzernominatedpoet.
PlannedSpringCourseOfferings(morewillbe announcedsoon):
TheEvolutionoftheU.S.IntelligenceCommu nity:anHistoricalOverview
Instructor:ThomasM.Rhyne,aretiredIntelligence OfficerfromtheDefenseIntelligenceAgency,with24 yearsofservice.Hewasasenioranalystandmanager.
Instructor:JoeySchnople,MBA,usingthebookby TomStandagethattheorizesthatsixdrinksinparticu larbeer,wine,spirits,coffee,teaandcolachartthe flowofworldhistory.
Thrilling to