Unit Outline: Geotechnical Engineering 268
Unit Outline: Geotechnical Engineering 268
Unit Outline: Geotechnical Engineering 268
Semester 2 2011
Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology. CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. ESSENTIAL ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION ........................... Error! Bookmark not defined. TEACHING STAFF .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. UNIT COORDINATOR .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. UNIT SYLLABUS ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. LEARNING OUTCOMES ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. LEARNING ACTIVITIES .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. STUDENT FEEDBACK ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. LEARNING RESOURCES .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. TEXT BOOK .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Recommended Texts: .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. ASSESSMENT DETAILS ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Assessment Summary ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Assessment Task Details ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Supplementary and Deferred Assessments ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Referencing Style ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Awarding of Grades ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. STUDENTS RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ........................... Error! Bookmark not defined. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Telephone Contacts: .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. UNIT STUDY CALENDAR .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Semester 2 2011 ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Welcome to Curtin Engineering. The School of Engineering at Curtin aspires to be nationally and internationally recognised as a leader in Engineering education and research. We are dedicated to the enhancement of teaching and research and the pursuit of excellence and innovative applications of engineering technology as a contribution to the advancement of scientific knowledge, understanding and community relevance.
Result Type Ancillary Fees and Charges Unit Website Faculty or School Website Tuition Pattern
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The lecturer or tutor for this unit and their contact details are below: Your lecturer or tutor: Email: Phone: Building: Room: Contact Hours: Dr Mohamed Shahin m.shahin@curtin.edu.au 9266 1822 204 513 TBA
Your lecturer or tutor: Email: Phone: Building: Room: Contact Hours: TBA
The teaching staff will assist you with your learning and any problems or difficulties you may be experiencing while undertaking this unit. They will also mark your assignments and provide feedback in relation to your progress in this unit.
Every unit also has a person who is responsible for the overall administration of that unit. This person is the Unit Coordinator. If you cannot contact the person who is teaching you (named above) or if you have further queries about this unit, you may wish to contact the Unit Coordinator for this unit. Their contact details are below:
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Basic physical geology, rock formation and classification. Phase relations and soil classification. Stresses in soil depoits. Seepage in soils.
On successful completion of this unit you will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Identify origin of rocks and soils based on geological process. Describe the physical properties of soil and classify soil as a geotechnical engineering material for engineering design. Evaluate stresses in soil and assess their relevance to soil strength and stability. Analyse soil water behaviour when water is at rest (hydrostatic) and at motion (seepage).
2 hours lecture. 2 hours lecture/tutorial. 3 hours labaratory.
For Semester 1 and Semester 2 eVALUate is open for student feedback: 9 May - 19 June Semester 1 16 September - 6 November in Semester 2 For other study periods see http://evaluate.curtin.edu.au/info/dates.cfm We welcome your feedback as one way to keep improving this unit. Later this semester, you will be encouraged to give unit feedback through eVALUate, Curtins online student feedback system (see http://evaluate.curtin.edu.au).
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You will need to purchase the following textbook in order to complete this unit: None.
Recommended Texts:
You do not have to purchase the following textbooks but you may like to refer to them. Lecture notes will be available on Blackboard. Plummer et al. "Physical Geology", McGraw-Hill, NY. Craig, R. F. "Craig's Soil Mechanics", Spon Press, NY. Whitlow, R. "Basic Soil Mechanics", Longman, London. Nikraz, H. "Geotechnical Engineering 268", Curtin University, WA.
Assessment Summary
The assessment for this unit consists of the following items. Assessment Tasks Final Examination Mid-Semester Examination Assignment(s) Week Due Worth 60 30 10
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Referencing Style
Curtin Engineering advises students that Curtin University supports the "Chicago Referencing Style" for written work and oral presentations. For a guide to this style please see http://library.curtin.edu.au/referencing/index.html However, students are permitted to use other recognised styles that appear in the Engineering literature. Note also that individual lecturers can stipulate that a particular style is used when it best matches the type of work in the assessment of the particular unit.
Awarding of Grades
To pass this unit you must: Achieve a grade/mark greater than or equal to 5/50.
Telephone Contacts:
If you have a query relating to administrative matters such as: requests for deferment of study difficulties with accessing online study materials obtaining assessment results
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Semester 2 2011
WK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Tuition Free Week 9. 10. 11. 12. Study Week Examinations Examinations Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Class-Test
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