MAXUM edition II
Siemens PA 01 2006
Process Analytical Instruments
MAXUM edition II
The MAXUM edition II is a universal process gas chromatograph
for flexible process applications with a wide variety of analytical
possibilities. The MAXUM edition II combines various functional
modules with a flexible oven concept and can therefore also op-
timally solve complex applications.
The MAXUM edition II is used in all sectors of the chemical in-
dustry, petrochemicals and refineries. It analyzes the chemical
composition of gases and liquids in all production phases. The
MAXUM edition II is suitable for installation in an analysis cabinet
close to the process or in a close laboratory. Thanks to the fle-
xible application possibilities, it can be used to analyze the initial
material, the end product and also secondary products. The
MAXUM can also be used for many applications with environ-
mental measurements.
The MAXUM edition II has extremely rugged and specially desi-
gned hardware and software. It automatically takes a sample
from the process, and injects it into the chromatographic co-
With its powerful software and hardware, it satisfies the highest
demands for measurement repeatability, and can be operated
for a long time without manual interventions. Using powerful
communications tools, the MAXUM edition II can send its results
to process control systems and recording devices. The compre-
hensive networking facilities can be applied to use several
MAXUM edition II chromatographs together in large networks.
MAXUM edition II with its combination of different analytical
components offers a wide range of analytical possibilities. It is
therefore possible to solve highly different measuring tasks with
just one product. This reduces the costs for investment, training
and stocking of spare parts.
The MAXUM edition II platform offers:
Numerous oven configurations
permit an optimum solution for almost every application
Numerous types of detector and valve
for the optimum analytical solution
Smart electronics, local operation and central workstation
for fast and simple operation, monitoring and maintenance
Powerful software for improved results
Comprehensive I/Os and serial interfaces
for internal and central interfacing
Versatile networking possibilities
for central maintenance and secure data transfer
Many analytical possibilities
as result of large application database
Large and experienced support team provides global sup-
Hardware and software features:
Densification: Use one MAXUM edition II to provide the functio-
nality of several GCs
Parallel chromatography: Separate complex analytical tasks
into simple parallel tasks
Cost of ownership: Flexible oven concept results in low con-
sumption of air and energy.
Process Gas Chromatographs
MAXUM edition II
Siemens PA 01 2006
Chemical industry
Monitoring of benzene in styrene in the ppb range
Traces of residual gases in ultra-pure gases
Determination of traces of hydrocarbons in air separation
Fast analysis of CS
and H
S in seconds
Fast measurement of C6 to C8 aromatic compounds including
the measurement of C9+ aromatics
Monitoring of hydrogen in chlor-alkali plants
Measurement of sulfurous components
Measurement of C9 to C18 paraffins
Determination of vinyl chloride in room air in a 60-second cy-
Gas analysis during manufacture of vinyl chloride monomer
Oil & gas
Crack gas analysis
Natural gas: chromatographic determination of hydrocarbon
dew point and calorific value
Fast determination of benzene in naphtha
Determination of high boiling aromatics in a distillation fraction
Fast measurement of acetylene in ethylene
Total sulfur in petrol and diesel.
Water/waste water
Determination of halogenated hydrocarbons
Simultaneous determination of chlorinated hydrocarbons, aro-
matics and alcohols in water
Wastewater monitoring with PGC and stripper.
Power engineering
Power generation in coal-fired power plant.
Automotive industry
Fast analytical measurement of methane in car exhausts
High-speed chromatography for small molecules in propel-
Chromatographic measuring equipment consists of a sampling
system matched to the application, sample conditioning with
switchover to various sample streams, and the gas chromato-
graph with the analytical and electronic hardware as well as data
processing, operation and communications software.
The MAXUM edition II gas chromatograph is divided into three
The upper section contains the electronics with the power
supply, controllers and analog electronics.
The center section contains the pneumatics and some of the
The bottom section contains the oven and the complete ana-
lytical components responsible for the separation.
The MAXUM edition II is available prepared for wall mounting or
for free mounting on a rack.
Extension of functionality
Network Access Unit:
a MAXUM edition II without analytical section. Available with or
without HMI. Has 7 slots for optional I/O plug-in cards. Offers
central Modbus interfacing of several chromatographs to the
control system.
CAN expansion unit:
for 10 additional I/O plug-in cards which can be controlled over
the CAN bus.
Can be connected to the NAU or directly to any MAXUM
edition II or MicroSAM chromatograph.
DataNET Hub:
Converts standard Ethernet into a completely redundant Data-
NET. Uses twisted standard pairs or class-fiber technology. Co-
vers large distances.
Supply with carrier gas, combustion gas and auxiliary gases
A gas chromatograph must be supplied with carrier gas and, if
applicable, combustion gas and other auxiliary gases. The car-
rier gas is used to transport the sample through the analytical
system. Auxiliary gases are used to operate valves, as combus-
tion gases for flame ionization detectors, and to purge the oven.
Injection system
The injection system is the link between the continuous process
stream and the discrete analytical process. It is responsible for
injecting an exactly defined portion of the sample in a reprodu-
cible and pulsed manner (as far as possible) into the carrier gas
The injection can be carried out in the conventional manner
using valves or by means of a live injection:
Gaseous samples (0.1 to 5 ml) as well as
vaporizable liquid samples (0.1 to 10 l) can be injected.
Gas injection valves
Model 50 10-port valve:
Combined gas injection and backflushing valve
Activation by pressure on the diaphragm without moving
Model 11 6-port valve:
Can be used as gas injection valve, liquid injection valve or for
column switching
Diaphragm controlled by tappet
One million switching cycles without maintenance.
Liquid injection valve FDV
A constant quantity of a liquid sample can be automatically in-
jected using the liquid injection valve, and subsequently vapori-
zed rapidly and completely. The valve can also be used to inject
small volumes of gas.
The liquid injection valve consists of three sections:
Thermostatically-controlled vaporization system
Sample passage section with seal
Pneumatic drive.
Process Gas Chromatographs
MAXUM edition II
Siemens PA 01 2006
Liquid injection valve FDV
Vaporization temperature 60 to 400 C
Injection volume 0.3 to 9.5 ml
Ambient temperature -20 to +150 C
Material of parts wetted by sample: Stainless steel, mat.
no. 1.4571, Hastelloy, Monel or special materials
Control pressure 4000 to 6000 hPa
Max. sample pressure 50 000 hPa, recommended 5 to
10 000 hPa
Connections for pipe: 3 mm outer diameter.
Live injection
Flexible selection of the injection volume which is exactly mat-
ched to the requirements of the columns is possible with a live
Live injection
A further important factor for the separating performance is the
temperature. This has a very high influence on the vapor pres-
sure of the individual components, and thus on the diffusion bet-
ween the mobile and stationary phases of the column. This influ-
ences the retention times, and thus the identification of
components. Therefore very high demands are placed on the
temperature stability of the oven and also on the injection equip-
ment and the detectors.
Two different types of oven are available:
Airless oven for extremely stable isothermal oven temperatures
(0.02 C control accuracy) up to 280 C (requires no air).
Airbath oven for
isothermal (5 to 225 C) or
temperature-programmed mode.
Both types of oven are available as
single ovens or
dual ovens.
With the dual ovens, two separate heating circuits provide inde-
pendent oven temperatures. It is then possible to carry out two
different applications in one chromatograph.
In order to measure sample components with highly different vo-
latilities, a temperature program is frequently used for the chro-
matographic separation. In this case the column temperature is
continuously increased according to a selectable heating-up
rate. This method (PTGC) is available with the MAXUM edition II.
Carrier gas
Carrier gas
Q+ Q-
NV Needle valve
SV Solenoid valve
Pressure regulator
DV lnjection valve
A Live switching
Process Gas Chromatographs
MAXUM edition II
Siemens PA 01 2006
The internal oven consists of a chamber with low thermal capa-
city located within the standard oven. It contains the capillary co-
lumn used for the separation.
The ovens have separate, independent temperature control. The
temperature of the internal oven is freely programmable. The
temperature changes according to the time-dependent profile
assigned to the respective analysis. Up to three linear ramps
and four constant periods can be configured.
It is then possible to determine components with low and high
boiling points in one analysis. Laboratory applications can be
opened up by PTGC for use in the process industry.
"Simulated distillation" is an important application of PTGC in re-
fineries. The distillation range - a quality criterion for fuels - is
chromatographically traced "online".
The columns are the central component of the chromatograph.
They resolve the gas mixture into its individual components. The
following distinction is made:
Packed/micropacked columns with internal diameter of
2 to 5 mm and
Capillary columns with internal diameter of 0.15 to 0.53 mm in-
ternal diameter.
Packed columns are mechanically stable and simple to handle.
Capillary columns have a significantly higher separating perfor-
mance, often with a shorter analysis period and lower analysis
Types of column
narrow-bore 0.15 mm
wide bore 0.53 mm
narrow bore 0.32 mm
Packed columns
Capillary columns
Solid stationary phases
Liquid stationary phases
lnside diameter 2-4 mm
lnside diameter 0.15-0.53 mm
(narrow, normal and wide bore)
Adsorptive change effect
Distribution, solubility
Packed column 3 mm
Process Gas Chromatographs
MAXUM edition II
Siemens PA 01 2006
Column switching systems
Process chromatographs are almost always equipped with co-
lumn switching functions. Column switching is understood to be
the combination of several columns in the carrier gas path which
are arranged in succession or parallel. These columns usually
have different separating performances, and are interconnected
by valves for switching over the gas path. A distinction is made
between backflushing, cut and distribution.
A wide range of techniques is available for column switching.
The techniques comprise highly stable diaphragm gas valves,
diaphragm piston valves, sliding vane rotary valves and also
valveless switching techniques.
Model 50 10-port valve:
Combined gas injection and backflushing valve
Activation by pressure on the diaphragm without moving parts
Switches gas samples at an overpressure of 0 to 5000 hPa.
Model 11 6-port valve:
Can be used as gas injection valve, liquid injection valve or for
column switching
Diaphragm controlled by tappet
One million switching cycles without maintenance.
Valveless switching technique
The valveless live column switching is exactly controlled by elec-
tronic pressure regulators, and prevents falsification of results
since the sample does not come into contact with valves. A spe-
cial pressure-controlled coupling element connects the capillary
This technique is optimally suitable for capillary columns, and of-
fers the best long-term stability and reliability. Live column swit-
ching is a technique where backflushing, cut or distribution is
carried out on two different columns without any switching of val-
ves or other moving components in the separation path.
This is achieved using a unique coupling unit, the live T-piece.
Its function is based on a pressure difference controlled by the
electronic precision pressure controllers of the MAXUM edition
II. Because there is no dead volume whatsoever, it is ideally sui-
table for the low flow rates used with capillary columns. Mainte-
nance of the column switching configuration is then superfluous,
the separating performance is improved, and complicated se-
parating procedures are simplified.
Column switching systems (examples)
Straight forward Backflushing Backflushing
Cut Distribution
(one detector) (two detectors)
Process Gas Chromatographs
MAXUM edition II
Siemens PA 01 2006
Live switching
Solenoid valve control module
Contains all control elements in one module in order to reduce
downtimes during repairs to a minimum
Has 3-way and 4-way distributors for control of many different
types of valve
Uses separate, plug-on pipe connectors to permit implemen-
tation of variable gas supplies.
Electronic pressure controller module (EPC)
Permits exact control of pressure without needle valves. Shor-
tens the setup time since the pressure is set by an operator in-
Permits programmable pressure changes for fast chromato-
graphy and modern applications
Controls the supply of carrier gas and combustion gas. Avoids
drift and deviations which can occur with mechanical pres-
sure control.
Thermal conductivity detectors (TCD) and flame ionization de-
tectors (FID) are mainly used in process chromatography. Spe-
cific detectors such as flame photometer detector (FPD), elec-
tron capture detector (ECD), helium ionization detector (HID) or
electrolytic conductivity detector (ELCD) are used to a lesser ex-
The detector modules described above can be combined toge-
ther in many different manners in the MAXUM edition II.
A maximum of three detector modules can be used in the air-
bath oven.
Up to two modules can be used in the airless oven, the dual
airless oven and the ovens with temperature programming.
Multiple modules can be operated in parallel at offset times in
order to increase the number of analyses within a specific
Parallel modules can each be used for one sample stream.
This shortens the total cycle time with multi-stream applicati-
Parallel use of two identical modules provides redundant
measurements which can be compared together, thus redu-
cing the necessity for calibration.
Control gas
Sample gas
Process Gas Chromatographs
MAXUM edition II
Siemens PA 01 2006
Suitable detectors for process gas chromatography
Detector Measured value
dependent on:
Selectivity Typical detection limit Application example
Concentration Universal 10 ppm
Main and subsidiary
Mass stream Hydrocarbons 0.1 ppm Hydrocarbons
Mass stream
containing S or P
0.1 ppm
Traces of sulfur
in HC matrices
(except He)
25 ppb
Analysis of
ultra-pure gases
Mass stream
Molecules with
0.1 ppb
Traces of
Process Gas Chromatographs
MAXUM edition II
Siemens PA 01 2006
Thermal conductivity detectors (TCD)
The measuring principle of the TCD is based on the difference
between the thermal conductivity of a pure carrier gas stream
and that of a gas mixture containing carrier gas and a compo-
nent eluted from the column. Therefore all components whose
thermal conductivity differs from that of the pure carrier gas can
be detected by a TCD.
TCDs mainly comprise two measuring cells and two reference
cells which are electrically heated and contain wire resistors
connected in the circuit of a Wheatstone bridge.
The bridge resistors are balanced as long as pure carrier gas
flows through the measuring and reference cells. If a mixture of
carrier gas and sample component flows through the measuring
chamber, the change in thermal conductivity of the gas mixture
also changes the temperature and thus the resistance of the he-
ating wires.
The resulting offset in the bridge circuit is directly proportional to
the current concentration of the sample component in the carrier
gas stream.
Versions of TCDs:
Thermistor detector
Filament detector.
Both detectors are available for universal use, except that the fi-
lament detector is more sensitive than the thermistor detector
and can also be used at higher temperatures. The thermistor de-
tector is available as a block with 6 measuring detectors and two
reference detectors. The filament detector is available as a
4-fold block.
Flame ionization detector (FID)
With the flame ionization detector (FID), the gas mixture leaving
the column is burnt in a hydrogen flame. If this gas mixture con-
tains flammable organic compounds, ions are generated during
the combustion which are collected on an electrode.
An acceleration voltage is applied between the nozzle from
which the flame burns and the ion collector electrode positioned
above it.
The resulting current is amplified, and is the measured signal.
In contrast to the TCD (concentration-dependent signal), the si-
gnal with the FID is proportional to the mass flow of the compo-
The FID features a linear range of 6-7 powers of ten, and permits
detection limits of less than 0.1 ppm (referred to the concentra-
tion of the hydrocarbon in the sample). Non-flammable compo-
nents (e.g. inert gases and water) cannot be measured with the
In addition to the carrier gas, hydrogen and air are required as
the flame gases to operate this detector.
Flame photometer detector (FPD)
Further detector principles are used for determination of trace
concentrations of specific components. For example, the flame
photometer detector is used to determine traces of compounds
containing sulfur or phosphor. The emission of light of characte-
ristic wavelengths is measured when burning the substances in
a hydrogen flame.
Ionization detectors
Ionization detectors (e.g. ECD) can be used to determine traces
of halogens and also of inert gases down to the ppb range.
Accessories: Catalytic air purifier
Instrument air is usually contaminated by traces of hydrocar-
bons. If this air is used as the combustion gas for a flame ioniza-
tion detector (FID), the impurities are evident as disturbing back-
ground noise.
The catalytic air purifier eliminates interfering impurities of hydro-
carbons in the combustion gas for the FID detector. The pro-
ducts of the catalytic oxidation (H
) have no influence on
the detector. Use of the catalytic air purifier significantly reduces
the background noise. It has a flameproof enclosure and is
therefore explosion-proof.
The air within the purifier is passed through a spiral lined with
palladium. This metal spiral is heated up to approx. 600 C. Pal-
ladium has a high activity at this temperature, and almost com-
plete catalytic oxidization is achieved despite the short dwell
time. The air subsequently passes through a cooling loop, and
is output purified and cooled.
Parallel chromatography
This function divides a complex application into several simple
sub-applications which are analyzed in parallel. This reduces
the cycle times.
The hardware and software of the MAXUM edition II permit a
complex chromatographic analysis to be divided into several
simple analyses. Each of these simple analyses (referred to as
"Applets") can then be simultaneously executed in parallel. This
not only simplifies the complete analysis, it can also be carried
out faster and with greater reliability.
The ability for dividing the chromatographic measurements into
simple, parallel Applets also makes it possible to define stan-
dard configurations for frequently encountered applications.
This significantly reduces the requirements for stocking spare
parts, and shortens the cycle times. These standard Applets can
be configured on their own or combined depending on the
measuring requirements.
Process Gas Chromatographs
MAXUM edition II
Siemens PA 01 2006
State-of-the-art communication
TCP/IP communication and standard Ethernet hardware mean
that MAXUM edition II is compatible with many networks.
For simple operation and maintenance, MAXUM edition II offers
an online software system with local operation over an HMI and
a flexible GUI accessible using a computer workstation.
The online software system is installed in every MAXUM edition II
or NAU and contains:
pSOS operating system
Polyhedra database machine
Embedded EZChrom evaluation
Embedded MaxBasic in the runtime version
Communications software, network software I/O driver in order
to operate the GC.
The workstation software consists of:
MAXUM edition II workstation tools:
System manager for network overview
EZChrom method builder
MMI maintenance panel emulator
Data logger
MODBUS download utility
Backup and restore utilities
Online system download utilities
Optichrom Advance APC version 8.1 (emulation of old Opti-
chrom operation)
Online help and documentation
and optional packages for individual ordering, e.g.:
MaxBasic editor
Simulated distillation method
Air monitor reporter
OPC communications server.
MAXUM edition II is compatible with all older types of chromato-
graphs from Siemens: PGC 302, RGC 202, Advance Maxum,
Optichrom Advance.
Certain parameters must be observed during application and
subsequent operation of the MAXUM. It can then be determined
qualitatively whether the task is fulfilled. The basic prerequisite
for this is that all components can be detected clearly isolated
from the interfering components. Important parameters are:
Analysis time, measuring ranges, detection limits and reprodu-
cibility of the results.
Process Gas Chromatographs
MAXUM edition II
Siemens PA 01 2006
Technical specifications
Measuring ranges
(depending on application)
Thermal conductivity:
0 ... 500 ppm
Flame ionization: 0 ... 1 ppm
Temperature range in oven 5 ... 225 C
Temperaturregelung 0.02 C
EMI/RFI design CE-compatible; certified accor-
ding to 89/336/ECC (EMC direc-
CE-compatible; certified accor-
ding to 73/23/EEC (low voltage
Tested according to
EN 61010-1 / IEC 1010-1
Type Manual or automatic
Zero value Automatic baseline correction
Span Standard sample cylinder
Design, enclosure
Monting Spacing on left: 460 mm from
walls and other devices
Spacing on right: 460 mm in all
Spacing at front: 654 mm in all
Wall-mounted units
Center-to-center: 1120 mm in all
Weight 77 kg
Degree of protection IP54, NEMA 3
Danger class Standard configurations:
Certified according to CSA C/US
for use in Class I, Zone 2, Groups
Suitable for use in Zone 2, Groups
IIB and H2 with local approval
Suitable for use in non-hazardous
areas and with non-dangerous
Optional configurations:
Certified according to CSA C/US
for use in Class I, Zone 1, Groups
B,C,D with air or nitrogen purging
Certified by CENELEC as EEx
pedmib IIB + H2 with air or nitro-
gen purging and purging control
for Zone 1 or 2.
Oven options Single isothermal oven or divided
oven with two independent iso-
thermal zones
Single oven or two independent,
fan-free ovens. The dual version
has two separate oven areas
which operate completely inde-
Detector modules for thermal conductivity, flame ioniza-
tion, flame photometry, helium
ionization, electrolytic conducti-
vity and electron capture
Number of detector modules 1, 2 or 3 in any combination of
detector module types for airbath
1 or 2 in any combination of
detector module types for fan-free
Sampling and column valves Diaphragm valves, diaphragm
piston valves, sliding vane rotary
valves or slider valves
Valveless option "Live" switching
Columns Packed, micropacked or capillary
Regulation of gas supply Up to 8 electronic pressure
gauges and up to 6 mechanical
pressure gauges
Electrical characteristics
Power supply Single-phase AC,
100 ... 130 V or 195 ... 260 V
(selectable), 47 63 Hz
Single oven: max. 14 A
Dual oven: 2 circuits, max. 14 A
Gas inlet conditions
Sample volume 5 ... 20 cm/min
(depending on application)
Sample filter size 5 m
Minimum sample pressure 35 kPa, standard
Maximum sample pressure 2070 kPa standard,
higher pressure as option
Maximum sample temperature 121 C standard;
higher temperature as option
Materials wetted by sample Stainless steel and Teflon; other
materials as option
Liquid injection (valve)
Vaporization temperature 60 ... 400 C
Injection volume 0.3 ... 9.5 ml
Ambient temperature -20 ... +150 C
Material of parts wetted by sample SS, mat. no. 1.4571, Hastelloy,
Monel or special materials
Control pressure 4000 ... 6000 hPa
Sample pressure Max. 50 000 hPa,
recommended 5 ... 10 000 hPa
Connections for pipe 3 mm outer diameter
Measuring response
(depending on application)
0.5% of span
(depending on application)
2% of span
Effects of vibrations Negligible
Repeatability in % of full span
2 and 100%: 0,5%;
0.05 and 2%: 1%;
50 and 500 ppm: 2%;
5 and 50 ppm: 3%;
0.5 and 5 ppm: 5%
Detection limits See detectors
Influencing variables
Effects of ambient temperature None with electronic pressure
Different effects with mechanical
pressure control (depending on
Process Gas Chromatographs
MAXUM edition II
Siemens PA 01 2006
Electrical inputs and outputs
Standard input and output 2 outputs;
4 digital outputs (1 for output of
system faults, 3 are user-configu-
4 digital inputs;
1 serial output
Card slots for optional inputs and
Input and output cards AO 8: 8 electrically isolated ana-
log output channels
D IO: 4 digital inputs and 4 digital
A I/O: 2 digital inputs and 2 digital
outputs, 2 analog inputs and 2
analog outputs
Digital inputs Optocoupler with internal power
supply (12 24 V DC);
switchable by floating contacts.
Alternative: switchable by exter-
nal power supply 12 24 V DC
(only floating relay contacts),
external power supply, negative
connection linked to ground, for a
specific digital input.
Digital outputs Floating changeover contacts,
max. contact rating:
1 A with 30 V DC
Diode bypass suppression
should be used for inductive
Analog inputs -20 ... +20 mA in 50 or
-10 ... +10 V R
= 1 M, alternate
insulation up to 10 V
Analog outputs 0/4 ... 20 mA in max. 750 ,
common negative pole, electri-
cally isolated from ground; freely-
connectable to ground
Termination Screw terminal for shielded or
solid cable with a maximum area
of 16 AWG or 1.5 mm
Climatic conditions
Ambient temperature -18 ... 50 C
Gas supply
Instrument air At least 350 kPa for units with
valves Model 11 or Valco
At least 825 kPa for units with
valves Model 50
At least 175 kPa for airbath ovens;
85 l/min per oven
No instrument air for fan-free
Carrier gas Nitrogen or helium in compressed
gas cylinder, purity 99.998%, or
hydrogen with a purity of 99.999%
(depending on application).
Typical consumption quantity:
5100 l/month per detector module
Combustion gas Hydrogen with a purity of
Typical consumption quantity:
2000 l/month per detector module
Combustion air Reference air (< 1 ppm THC,
concentration 20 21%).
Supply through instrument air with
catalytic purification (optional).
Typical consumption quantity:
26000 l/month
Corrosion protection Purging with dry air to protect the
Oven with stainless steel lining
Steel lining painted on outside
(epoxy powder coating)
Serial output RS232, RS485
Ethernet Standard 10BaseT Ethernet with
RJ45 connectors
DataNET Special high-speed TCP/IP net-
work (redundant pair of cables)
Data highway Special serial communication net-
work (redundant pair of cables)
Process Gas Chromatographs
MAXUM edition II
Siemens PA 01 2006
Dimensional drawings
Notes: Only for airbath oven:
Left outlet for applications with one single oven
Left and right outlets for applications with divided oven
MAXUM edition II, dimensions in mm
edition ll
Process Gas Chromatographs
MAXUM edition II
Siemens PA 01 2006
Selection and ordering data
Order No.
Compact Manual
Process Gas Chromatographs
MAXUM edition II
Siemens PA 01 2006