Hfs Cvty

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1. Introduction
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

2. Theory
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Edge Elements


COSMOSCAVITY Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 CAV3D: The Three-Dimensional Cavity Field Solver . . . . 2-2 CAVAXI: The Axisymmetric Cavity Field Solver . . . . . . . 2-3 Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 Material Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Conductor Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 Secondary Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 The Quality Factor and RLC Equivalent Circuit Calculation 2-6

3. Description of Commands
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Detailed Description of Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Common Commands . . . . . . . . . . . Material Property Commands . . . Boundary Condition Commands Integration Paths Commands . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 . . . . . . . . . 3-11

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Analysis Options Commands . . . . . . . Performing the Analysis Commands . Available Results Commands . . . . . . . Postprocessing Commands . . . . . . . . . Graphing Results Commands . . . . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

.. .. .. .. ..

. . . . .

.. .. .. .. ..

. . . . .

. . . . .

.. .. .. .. ..

. . . . .

.. .. .. .. ..

3-12 3-13 3-13 3-14 3-15


Module-Specific Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17 COSMOSCAVITY Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17

4. Detailed Example
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 MICAV1: A Conical Dielectric Resonator Inside a Cylindrical Cavity (CAVAXI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 Creating the Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2


Assigning Material Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 Meshing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 Refining Mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11 Applying Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 Running Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16 Visualization of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18

5. Verification Problems
Introduction 25 MICAVV1: Multi-Mode Calculations for Homogeneously Filled Rectangular Cavities . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26 MICAVV2: An Inhomogeneously Filled Rectangular Cavity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-27 MICAVV3: A Rectangular Cavity with a Dielectric Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-28 MICAVV4: Dominant Mode Calculations for Inhomogeneously Filled Cylindrical Cavities; a High-Q Dielectric Resonator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-29
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MICAVV5: Dominant Mode Calculations for Inhomogeneously Filled Cylindrical Cavities; a Dielectric Resonator Over a Microstrip Substrate . . . . . . . . 5-30 MICAVV6: Multi-Mode Calculations for Inhomogeneously Filled Cylindrical Cavities . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-31 MICAVV7: Equivalent Lumped Resonant Circuits of a Cylindrical Cavity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-32

A. Material Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



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For years the finite element method (FEM) has been the key design and simulation tool for engineers working in a wide range of disciplines. The principle beneficiaries of the flexibility and power of this method have traditionally been people working on mechanical, structural, fluid, and thermal problems. Those working in the area of high frequency electromagnetics (from radio frequencies, RF, to optics) have, on the other hand, relied more on analytical approaches, whenever possible, on empirical and semi-empirical models, or on simple solution techniques with limited accuracy and range of applicability. Several numerical difficulties associated with the nature of the high frequency electromagnetic fields and their representation in a descritized space have slowed the introduction of the FEM as a reliable tool in RF, microwave, millimeter-wave, and optical designs. Now, Integrated Microwave Technologies Inc. and Structural Research and Analysis Corporation, bring the power of the FEM to you through the COSMOSHFS, a High Frequency Simulation suite that contains three basic components marked with accuracy, speed, efficiency and ease of use. The three basic solvers are COSMOSHFS 2D, COSMOSCAVITY, and COSMOSHFS 3D as shown in Figure 1.1.

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Figure 1.1 Components of the COSMOSHFS Suite

The C OS MOS H FS S yste m

CO S MO S HFS 2 D 2D Guiding Structures High sSpeed Digital Interconnects CO S MO S CAV ITIE S Axi-symmetric and Arbitrary 3D Cavities and Resonant Structures CO S MO S HFS 3 D Arbitrary 3D Passive Structure S-parameter Simulator

This manual describes the COSMOSCAVITY package by presenting the theory behind it, its implementation, some detailed step-by-step examples, and a number of verification problems.


COSMOSCAVITY is a general frequency domain program for the analysis of resonant structures. Its applications include the analysis and design of cavities, dielectric resonators, frequency meters, connectors, cavity filters, and oscillators. It solves the vector wave equation for the resonant frequency and the corresponding modal field distributions. Depending on the geometry of the problem being solved, one of two sub-modules (MICAV-3D and MICAV-AXI) will be invoked (see Figure 1.2). MICAV-3D is a fully three-dimensional program for arbitraryshaped cavities. It uses an edge-based finite elements approach to represent the electric or magnetic field in tetrahederal elements. MICAV-AXI, on the other hand, is a program for axially symmetric cavities. It uses a hybrid node/edge approach to represent the electric or magnetic fields on the edges and nodes of triangular elements. Both MICAV-3D and MICAV-AXI give spurious modes-free solutions.

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Figure 1.2 COSMOSCAVITY Modules


2 DHFQ R Full-wave Solution of Arbitrary 2D Guiding Structures 2 DXTALK Quasi-static Solution of Arbitrary Ttransmission Lines with Transient Analysis XTALK Transient Analysis of High Speed Digital Interconnects

COSMOSCAVITY modules handle arbitrary conductors, dielectric and ferrite shapes as well as dielectric and conductor losses.


This manual is intended to be used in conjunction with the standard COSMOSM documentation. In particular, COSMOSM Users Guide and the Command Reference manuals in addition to the on-line help in GEOSTAR are essential complement to the this manual. The on-line help should be consulted for detailed explanation of the commands described in Chapter 3 and the ones used in the detailed examples of Chapter 4. In addition, Chapters 2, 3 and 5 of the COSMOSM Users Guide can help you have a global picture of the COSMOSM system and will give you a clearer understanding of GEOSTAR, the pre- and postprocessing interface.

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In this chapter, a general overview of the theory and implementation of the two main modules of COSMOSCAVITY namely CAVAXI and CAV3D will be given. Since both modules of the COSMOSCAVITY system rely on the use of vector basis functions, called edge elements, to represent the electromagnetic fields in the domain of computation, a brief discussion of these elements is first presented.

Edge Elements [1] [2]

The edge-based finite element method is based on using vector basis functions designed specifically for the solution of vector field problems and constructed to be divergence free. For a tetrahedral element, in 3D problems, and triangular element, in 2D and axisymmetric problems, the vector basis function is defined as: (2-1) where i and j are the node numbers of the tetrahedral or triangular elements. The s are the regular node-based finite element shape functions. Clearly, the divergence of such vector basis functions or edge element is zero. Therefore, unlike nodebased finite elements, there is no need to enforce a gauge by a penalty function or in a least squares-sense. Since the vector field quantities are expanded in terms of
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these basis functions, they will, in turn, be divergence free leading to a complete elimination of the vector parasites or the spurious modes. In addition, the unknown coefficients in this approach are the tangential components of the electromagnetic fields; hence enforcing a Dirichlet boundary condition for the electric field formulation can be easily achieved. The edge elements also produce less populated matrices than does the node-based approach. Such elements allow for the direct discretization of the curl-curl form of the vector Helmholtz equation and yield a straightforward boundary value problem that does not require any modification or any special treatment at the boundaries. In addition, as physically required, only the tangential components of the field are forced to be continuous and the normal components are allowed to change along material interfaces.



This COSMOSCAVITY Figure 2.1. A Schematic Representation of a General Resonant Cavity package combines two modules Structure for the analysis of resonant cavity structures as illustrated in Figure 2.1. For arbitrary, three-dimensional structures, the CAV3D sub-module is used with a fully three-dimensional mesh of four-node/six-edge tetrahedrons. When the cavity has an axial symmetry, considerable savings can be achieved by using the CAVAXI sub-module with only a two-dimensional mesh of hybrid node-edge triangular elements. Both modules implement a full-wave analysis as will be illustrated below.

CAV3D: The Three-Dimensional Cavity Field Solver

This sub-module analyzes fully three-dimensional cavities without assuming any symmetry, hence, the structure has to be meshed in its entirety. The boundary value problem governing these structures is also represented by a vector wave equation and a set of boundary conditions.

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Upon discretization using the edge elements, we obtain a generalized eigenvalue problem which is then solved for the eigenvalues (the resonant frequencies) and the eigenvectors (the modal electric field distributions) for a specified number of modes. (2-2)


where: ko is the free space wavenumber and is equal to r is the complex relative permittivity, and r is the complex relative permeability. To complete the specification of the boundary value problem to be solved, the following boundary conditions are used: (2-3) ,


(2-4) The unknown electric field is represented by first order tetrahedral elements as shown in Figure 2.2. Clearly, each tetrahedron has six unknowns associated with its edges.

Figure 2.2. Unknowns on a Tetrahedral Element in MICAV-3D

Node2 Edge5

( E t5 )

Edge4 ( E t4 ) Edge6 ( E t6 )

Edge1 ( E t1 ) Edge3 ( E t3 )


CAVAXI: The Axisymmetric Cavity Field Solver


Edge2 ( E t2 )


For axisymmetric geometries, a quasi-two-dimensional analysis is performed by considering a cross section of the cavity at any arbitrary -plane. The vector wave equation (2-2) with the boundary conditions given by equations (2-3) and (2-4) are still valid for these geometries. However, given the symmetry of the structure, the field is assumed to have the following -dependence:
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(2-5) where a cylindrical coordinate system is used. By substituting the electric field expression of equation (2-5) back in the vector wave equation (2-2), we obtain a generalized eigenvalue problem which is then solved for the eigenvalues (the resonant frequencies) and the eigenvectors (the modal electric field distributions) for a specified number of modes. Note that m, the harmonic number, is a parameter of the problem that must be specified at the time of the solution.
Figure 2.3. Unknowns on a Triangular Element in MICAV-AXI


Node3 (E ) 3 Edge3 ( E t3 ) Edge2 ( E t2 )

Node1 (E ) 1

Edge1 ( E t1 )

Node2 (E ) 2


Since at a given constant -plane, the azimuthal direction is purely normal to that plane, a hybrid node/edge approach is used whereby a nodal representation is used for the azimuthal component of the field and a vector representation is used for the transverse component as shown in Figure 2.3. Again, each triangle has three unknowns associated with its nodes and another three associated with its edges. Finally, note that the axis of the symmetry of the cavity must coincide with the y-axis of the x-y coordinate system.

Boundary Conditions
In high frequency electromagnetics, there are several possible boundary conditions, COSMOSCAVITY recognizes the following: Perfect electric conductor (fc/gc): Surfaces/curves of grounded conductors (gc) and/or floating conductors (fc) could be assigned this type of boundary condition. As a result, COSMOSCAVITY forces the tangential component of the electric field on those surfaces/curves to be zero.

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Perfect magnetic conductor (pmc): COSMOSCAVITY forces the component of the magnetic field that is tangential to perfect magnetic conducting surfaces/curves (usually surfaces of symmetry) to be zero. This boundary condition could be used to terminate the mesh for open outer boundaries.


A special axial boundary condition for the CAVAXI sub-module is applied internally to axisymmetric cavities and the user need not specify it explicitly. Axial element nodes/edges should just be left as free nodes/edges or have oob-type boundary condition.

Material Properties
COSMOSCAVITY can treat isotropic dielectric and ferrite materials with a ), a complex relative complex relative permittivity ( = r o, with permeability ( = r o, with ), and an electrical conductivity (). In MKS units, the free space permittivity o and permeability o have the values 8.8541853x10-12 F/m and 410-7 H/m, respectively, and is in S/m. For materials having non-zero electrical conductivity, the complex permittivity used by COSMOSCAVITY is the following: (2-6)


where is the angular frequency.

For each material used in the model, the user needs to specify the real and imaginary parts of the relative permittivity and permeability as well as the electrical conductivity. The default values are those of free space. See the on-line help for the MPROP and USER_ MAT commands (Propsets > Material Property and User Material Lib) for more details).

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Conductor Properties
In applying the boundary conditions discussed above, all conductors are treated as perfect conductors (i.e., infinite conductivity and zero penetration depth). However, the finite conductivity and the relative permeability of the metals are taken into account when calculating such quantities as the attenuation constant of a waveguide or the quality factor of a resonator due to the conductor loss. The default conductor properties used are those of copper. For other metals, the user should specify the values of the relative permeability and the electrical conductivity of the metal.


Secondary Calculations


So far, only a description of the fundamental theory and the basic solutions available through the various COSMOSCAVITY modules have been given. In this section, we present the theoretical formulation used for the various secondary calculations available within COSMOSCAVITY.

The Quality Factor and RLC Equivalent Circuit Calculation

In the MICAV module, the user has the option of calculating the quality factor and of determining the RLC equivalent circuit of the resonator analyzed. The Quality Factor The quality factor Q of a resonator is defined as [4]: (2-7)

where r is the angular resonant frequency and (2-8)

However, the average power dissipated can be due to conductor loss and/or dielectric loss; we therefore define the quality factor due to conductor loss as:
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where Rm is the skin-effect surface resistance and is given by:



where and are the conductivity and the permeability of the metal. The quality factor due to dielectric loss is defined as: (2-11)

where ffi is the filling factor for the ith dielectric region which is the ratio of the


electric energy stored in the ith region to the total electric energy stored in the cavity. The total quality factor of the cavity is then given by: (2-12)

Note that each mode has a different field distribution, and hence a different quality factor. The RLC Equivalent Circuit The RLC equivalent circuit of a resonator is often informative, especially in giving an idea about what minor perturbations will do to the properties of the resonator [4]. The elements R, L, and C are responsible for the power dissipated, the stored magnetic and electric energy, respectively. Since the magnetic and electric energies are equivalent at resonance, we can write: (2-13)

and from the average electric energy we can compute C using the following relationship:

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However, the voltage across the resonator needs to be computed first as (2-15)

Theory where Path follows the curve of maximum electric field. It should be clear here that such integration path need not be a straight line and is in general formed by N straight line segments each of which is defined by two end points. Note that the determination of the path will depend on the particular mode being considered and the resulting field distribution. The user may wish to make an initial examination of the results before defining the integration path for subsequent calculations. Once V is computed, C is obtained from equation (32). Next, L is computed using equation (31). Finally, the equivalent resistance R, is related to the quality factor Q and the equivalent inductance L via (2-16) It should be clear that each mode will have a different RLC equivalent circuit and should have an appropriate integration path to define the voltage associated with it.


[1] Daniel R. Lynch and Keith D. Paulsen, Origin of vector parasites in numerical Maxwell solutions, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. March 1991. [2] A. Bossavit and I. Mayergoyz, Edge-element for scattering problems, IEEE Trans. Magn, vol. MAG-25, pp. 2816-2821, 1989. [3] A. Khebir, A. B. Kouki, and R. Mittra, Asymptotic boundary conditions for finite element analysis of three-dimensional transmission line discontinuities, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol 38, pp 14271432, 1990. [4] O. P. Gandhi, Microwave Engineering and Applications, Pergamon Press, 1987.

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Description of Commands


The use of COSMOSCAVITY for solving high frequency electromagnetic problems involves generating a proper finite element mesh, specifying the material properties, imposing the boundary conditions, and specifying the appropriate solution parameters. All of this is done through the GEOSTAR preprocessor. Similarly, using GEOSTAR postprocessor, the results of the various COSMOS CAVITY modules can be viewed in graphical and text formats. The general commands for model creation, mesh generation and postprocessing are documented in the COSMOSM Users Guide Volume (1) and will not be described here. Only commands that are specific to COSMOSCAVITY or that have an implementation related to it will be described in this chapter.

Detailed Description of Commands

This section is divided into two sub-sections. The first describes commands that are common to all COSMOSCAVITY modules while the second describes the module-specific commands.

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Common Commands
These commands cover the definition of material properties, boundary conditions, integration paths and the context-sensitive postprocessing features. They are described in the following eight sub-sections.

Material Property Commands

Description of You may use the library or define numerical properties directly. Commands USER_MAT (Menu: PROPSET > User Material Library) The USER_MAT command accesses COSMOSM library for electromagnetic materials.
USER_MAT Material set Material name unit-label


Where: Material set Material set number between 1 and 90 (default is highest set number defined + 1) Material name Name of the material property. Select a material from the drop-down menu. Unit-label Units used. MPROP (Menu: PROPSET > Material Property) The MPROP command is a general purpose GEOSTAR command for specifying the material properties for different model regions. The pertinent material properties for HFESAP are given below and can be set as follows:
MPROP set name1 value1 name2 value2 ...

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Where: set Material set number between 1 and 99 (default is highest set number defined + 1) name1, name2, ... Name of the material property. EQ. permit_r Real part of the relative permittivity. EQ. permit_i Imaginary part of the relative permittivity. EQ. mperm_r Real part of the relative permeability. EQ. mperm_i Imaginary part of the relative permeability. EQ. econ The electric conductivity. value1, value2, ... Corresponding real values to the material properties with defaults: permit_r 1.0. permit_i 0.0. mperm_r 1.0. mperm_i 0.0. econ 0.0.

Description of Commands


 At least one property must be defined for each material set.

MPROP, 1, permit_r, 10.0, permit_i, 1.e-03

This command defines the real part of the real permittivity for material set 1 to be 10 and imaginary part be 0.001. The remaining properties (mperm_r, mperm_i, econ) assume their default values.

Boundary Condition Commands

The boundary condition commands are the following: CBEL, CBEDEL, CBCR, CBCDEL, CBSF, CBSDEL, CBRG, CBRDEL, CBPLOT and CBLIST. They are described next. CBEL (Menu: LOADS-BC > E_MAGNETIC > Hi-Freq_B-C > Define by Elements) The CBEL command specifies a boundary condition on faces of elements in the specified pattern.
CBEL bel bc cond_num conductivity increment

permeability face_num eel

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Where: bel Beginning element in the pattern. bc Boundary condition type. EQ. fc Floating conductor. EQ. gc Grounded conductor. EQ. pmc Perfect magnetic conductor. EQ. oob Open outer boundary. (default is fc) cond_num Conductor number associated with the boundary condition. conductivity Conductivity of the conductor number cond_num. permeability Relative permeability of the conductor number cond_num. face_num Face of the elements on which the boundary condition is to be applied. eel Ending element in the pattern. increment Increment between elements in the pattern. Example:
CBEL, 4, fc, 2,,, 5 ,3, 5,,

Description of Commands


This command defines a floating conductor number 2 on face number 5 of elements 4 and 5 using the default conductivity and permeability (copper). CBCR (Menu: LOADS-BC > E_MAGNETIC > Hi-Freq_B-C > Define by curves) The CBCR command defines a boundary condition on a pattern of curves.
CBCR bcurve bc cond_num conductivity permeability ecurve increment

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Where: bcurve Beginning curve in the pattern. bc Boundary condition type. EQ. fc Floating conductor. EQ. gc Grounded conductor. EQ. pmc Perfect magnetic conductor. EQ. oob Open outer boundary. (default is fc) cond_num Conductor number associated with the boundary condition. conductivity Conductivity of the conductor number cond_num. permeability Relative permeability of the conductor number cond_num. ecurve Ending curve in the pattern. increment Increment in curve numbering. Example 1: CBCR, 2, fc, 1,,, 2,, This command defines a floating conductor on curve 2 of default conductivity and permeability (copper). Example 2: CBCR, 5, gc, 1, 6.1e7,, 9, 2, This command defines curves 5, 7 and 9 to be grounded conductors made of silver. CBSF (Menu: LOADS-BC > E_MAGNETIC > Hi-Freq_B-C > Define by Surfaces) The CBSF command defines a boundary condition on a pattern of surfaces.
CBSF bsurface bc cond_num conductivity

Description of Commands


permeability esurface increment

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Where: bsurface Beginning surface in the pattern. bc Boundary condition type. EQ. fc Floating conductor. EQ. gc Grounded conductor. EQ. pmc Perfect magnetic conductor. EQ. oob Open outer boundary. (default is fc) cond_num Conductor number associated with the boundary condition. conductivity Conductivity of the conductor number cond_num. permeability Relative permeability of the conductor number cond_num. esurface Ending surface in the pattern. increment Increment in surface numbering. Example:
CBSF, 1, gc, 1,,, 6,,

Description of Commands


This command defines surfaces 1 through 6 to be grounded conductor #1 and to have the default conductivity and permeability (copper). CBRG (Menu: LOADS-BC > E_MAGNETIC > Hi-Freq_B-C > Define by Regions) The CBRG command defines a boundary condition on a pattern of regions.
CBRG bregion bc cond_num conductivity

permeability eregion increment

Where: bregion Beginning region in the pattern.

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bc Boundary condition type. EQ. fc Floating conductor. EQ. gc Grounded conductor. EQ. pmc Perfect magnetic conductor. EQ. oob Open outer boundary. (default is fc) cond_num Conductor number associated with the boundary condition. conductivity Conductivity of the conductor number cond_num. permeability Relative permeability of the conductor number cond_num. eregion Ending region in the pattern. increment Increment in region numbering. Example:
CBRG, 3, fc, 2,3.43e+07,, 3,,

Description of Commands


This command defines a floating conductor (number 2) on region 3 of conductivity 3.43e+07 mho/m and default permeability (aluminum). CBEDEL (Menu: LOADS-BC > E_MAGNETIC > Hi-Freq_B-C > Delete by Elements) The CBEDEL command deletes previously defined High Frequency (HF) boundary conditions for the specified face for a pattern of elements.
CBEDEL bel face eel inc

Where: bel Beginning element in the pattern. face Face number of the elements for which existing HF boundary condition is to be deleted.

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eel Ending element in the pattern. (default is bel) inc Increment between elements in the pattern. (default is 1) Description of Example: Commands CBCDEL (Menu: LOADS-BC > E_MAGNETIC > Hi-Freq_B-C > Delete by Curves) The CBCDEL command deletes previously defined HF boundary conditions for elements associated with a pattern of curves.

CBEDEL, 3, 2, 10, 1

This command deletes the boundary conditions on face 2 of elements 3 through 10.






Where: bcr Beginning curve in the pattern. ecr Ending curve in the pattern. (default is bcr) inc Increment between curves in the pattern. (default is 1) Example:
CBCDEL, 1, 10, 1

This command deletes HF boundary conditions for elements associated with curves 1 through 10. CBSDEL (Menu: LOADS-BC > E_MAGNETIC > Hi-Freq_B-C > Delete by Surfaces) The CBSDEL command deletes previously defined HF boundary conditions for elements associated with a pattern of surfaces.
CBSDEL bsf esf inc

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Where: bsf Beginning surface in the pattern. esf Ending surface in the pattern. (default is bsf) inc Increment between surfaces in the pattern. (default is 1) Example:
CBSDEL, 1, 10, 1

Description of Commands

This command deletes HF boundary conditions for elements associated with surfaces 1 through 10. CBRDEL (Menu: LOADS-BC > E_MAGNETIC > Hi-Freq_B-C > Delete by Regions)


The CBRDEL command deletes previously defined HF boundary conditions for elements associated with a pattern of regions.
CBRDEL brg erg inc

Where: brg Beginning region in the pattern. erg Ending region in the pattern. (default is brg) inc Increment between regions in the pattern. (default is 1) Example:
CBRDEL, 1, 10, 1

This command deletes HF boundary conditions for elements associated with regions 1 through 10. CBPLOT (Menu: LOADS-BC > E_MAGNETIC > Hi-Freq_B-C > Plot)

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The CBPLOT command plots a predefined symbol at elements with prescribed HF boundary condition for a pattern of elements. The symbol is shown in the STATUS2 table.
CBPLOT bel eel inc


Description of Commands

bel Beginning element in the pattern. (default is 1) eel Ending element in the pattern. (default is elmax) inc Increment between elements in the pattern. (default is 1) Example


The above command plots a predefined symbol at elements with prescribed HF boundary conditions. CBLIST (Menu: LOADS-BC > E_MAGNETIC > Hi-Freq_B-C > List) The CBLIST command lists element HF boundary conditions for a pattern of elements.
CBLIST bel eel inc

Where: bel Beginning element in the pattern. (default is 1) eel Ending element in the pattern. (default is elmax) inc Increment between elements in the pattern. (default is 1)
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CBLIST, , 10, 2,

The above command lists all the specified HF boundary conditions for elements 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.

 For all boundary condition commands, it is recommended that the conductor

numbering for conductors (particularly for floating conductors) be sequential starting from one. Description of Integration Paths Commands Commands HF_PATH (Menu: ANALYSIS > Hi-Freq_Emagnetic > Integration Path > Define) The HF_PATH command defines one or more integration paths for the 2-dimensional field simulator or for cavity analysis. The integration paths are used in voltage computation based on electric field line integrals.
HF_PATH PN Y2 X1 Z2 Y1 X3 Z1 Y3 X2 Z3.....


Where: PN Path number. The maximum number of paths is 2. Xn,Yn,Zn X, Y, Z coordinate triplets that define the integration paths straight line segments. The minimum number of triplets per path is 2 and the maximum is 13. The list of triplets is terminated by entering a ; or by repeating the last triplet.

 The path X, Y, Z triplets can be picked using the mouse on any specified
plane. For this, the grid must be turned on with the GRIDON command. Example:

This commands defines integration path #1 by 3 points (i.e., 2 straight line segments). HF_PATHDEL (Menu: ANALYSIS > Hi-Freq_Emagnetic > Integration Path > Delete) The HF_PATHDEL command deletes an integration path previously defined by the HF_PATH command.
HF_PATHDEL path_number

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Where: path_number Path number. (1 or 2) Example:


This commands deletes the second integration path defined. HF_PATHLIST Description of Commands (Menu: ANALYSIS > Hi-Freq_Emagnetic > Integration Path> List) The HF_PATHLIST command lists coordinate triplets of an integration path defined by the HF_PATH.
HF_PATHLIST path_number



path_number Path number. (1 or 2) (default is 1) Example:


This commands lists coordinate triplets making up the first integration path.

Analysis Options Commands

A_HFRQEM (Menu: ANALYSIS > Hi-Freq_Emagnetic > Analysis Options) The A_HFRQEM command defines the high frequency analysis to be run and sets the distance units to be used in the analysis.
A_HFRQEM option unit

Where: option Analysis option. EQ. 2dhfrq Run the 2-dimensional full-wave field solver.

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EQ. 2dxtalk

EQ. xtalk EQ. cavaxi EQ. cav3d EQ. sparam

Description of Commands unit

Run the 2-dimensional quasi-static field solver to compute RLCG matrices then the time-domain cross-talk simulator to compute cross-talk and distortion. Run the time domain cross-talk simulator with pre-computed RLCG matrices. Run the time axisymmetric cavity field solver. Run COSMOSCAVITY (the time 3D cavity field solver). Run COSMOSHFS 3D (S-Parameter Simulator). (default is 2dhfrq)


Unit for distance measurement to be used. EQ. 0 Dimensions are in mm. EQ. 1 Dimensions are in cm. EQ. 2 Dimensions are in m. EQ. 3 Dimensions are in mils. EQ. 4 Dimensions are in inches. EQ. 5 Dimensions are in microns. (default is 0) Example:
A_HFRQEM, xtalk, 4

This command sets the high-frequency analysis option to run the cross-talk time domain simulator using pre-computed RLCG matrices with lengths specified in inches.

Performing the Analysis Commands

R_HFRQEM (Menu: ANALYSIS > Hi-Freq_Emagnetic > Run Analysis) The R_HFRQEM command runs the electromagnetic analysis specified by the A_HFRQEM command.

Available Results Commands

HF_RESLIST (Menu: RESULTS > LIST > HF_RESLIST) The HF_RESLIST command lists the results of the performed high-frequency electromagnetic analysis based on the analysis options chosen and the solution parameters.
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RESULTS? (Menu: RESULTS > Available_Results) The RESULTS? command lists the available nodal and/or elemental results for postprocessing from the performed analysis. For 2DHFRQ, the command lists the Description of frequency points (freq), mode number (Mode), mode flag (M_Flag) and Frequency Commands (GHz). This listing is used to establish a correspondence between the frequency point number and the actual simulation frequency in GHz. The mode flag indicates whether the computed mode is propagating (M_Flag = 1) or evanescent (M_Flag = -1). For 2DXTALK the command lists the fundamental modes calculated.


Postprocessing Commands


MAGPLOT (Menu: RESULTS > Plot > Electromagnetics) The MAGPLOT command is a postprocessing command that plots the results of the analysis.
ACTMAG freqn moden nd/el comp

Where: freqn Time step number (use RESULTS? for corresponding frequency values). Prompted only for 2DHFRQ as frequency step number. (default is 1) nd/el Flag to activate results at nodes or centers of elements. EQ. 1 Nodes. EQ. 2 Elements. (default is 1) comp Field component. Admissible components depend on the type of analysis performed as follows:
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Description of Commands

For 2DHFRQ and CAV3D: EQ. EX Electric field intensity in the X-direction. Real. EQ. EY Electric field intensity in the Y-direction. Real. EQ. EZ Electric field intensity in the Z-direction. Real. EQ. ER Resultant electric field intensity. Real. EQ. HX Magnetic field intensity in the X-direction. Real. EQ. HY Magnetic field intensity in the Y-direction. Real. EQ. HZ Magnetic field intensity in the Z-direction. Real. EQ. HR Resultant magnetic field intensity. Real. For 2DXTALK analysis: EQ. POT Electrostatic potential. Real. EQ. EX Electric field intensity in the X-direction. Real. EQ. EY Electric field intensity in the Y-direction. Real. EQ. ER Resultant electric field intensity. Real.

 This command is not needed for XTALK analysis.


MAGLIST (Menu: RESULTS > List > Electromagnetics) The MAGLIST command is a postprocessing command that lists results of the analysis. MAGMAX (Menu: RESULTS > Extremes > Electromagnetics) The MAGMAX command is a postprocessing command that lists the extremes of the results of the analysis.

Graphing Results Commands

ACTXYPOST (Menu: DISPLAY > XY_Plots > Activate Post-proc) The ACTXYPOST is a postprocessing command that sets the parameters to be used for viewing X-Y type results using the XYPLOT command.
ACTXYPOST graph-num mode y-axis symbol-type (line) graph-id

graph-color line-style

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Where: graph-num Graph number. (1 to 6) (default is highest defined + 1) mode Mode number. (defaults is1)


Description of y-axis Commands For COSMOSHFS 2D: The y-axis may be one of the components described below. The x-axis is not prompted for and is fixed to be frequency in GHz. ALPHA Real part of propagation constant. Non-zero for decaying modes only. BETA Imaginary part of propagation constant in m-1. EPSEFF Effective dielectric constant. PHASEV Phase velocity in m/s. ALPHAC Attenuation constant in dB/m due to conductor losses in dB/m. ALPHAD Attenuation constant in dB/m due to dielectric losses in dB/m. (default is EPSEFF) The following components are computed only when the number of conductors is non-zero and are based on the power-current definitions. ZMI Modal impedance (). LMI Modal inductance (nH/m). CMI Modal capacitance (pF/m). RMI Modal resistance (/m). GMI Modal conductance (S/m). The following components are computed only when the number of integration paths is non-zero and are based on the power-voltage definitions. ZMV Modal impedance (). LMV Modal inductance (nH/m). CMV Modal capacitance (pF/m). RMI Modal resistance (/m). GMV Modal conductance (S/m). For XTALK and 2DXTALK: The following components are plotted versus mode number for 2DXTALK only.


Imaginary part of propagation constant in m-1.

Effective dielectric constant.

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Description of Commands


Phase velocity in m/s. Attenuation constant in dB/m due to conductor losses. Attenuation constant in dB/m due to dielectric losses. Modal impedance (). Modal inductance (nH/m). Modal capacitance (pF/m). Modal resistance (/m). Modal conductance (S/m). (default is EPSEFF)

The following components are plotted versus time for both XTALK and 2DXTALK. VTLSNEAR Near end voltages (V). VLTSFAR Far end voltages (V). (line)


Line number (prompted only when the y-axis is VLTSNEAR or VLTSFAR in XTALK OR 2DXTALK). graph-color Color to be used for plotting. line-style Line style to plot graph. symbol-type Symbol type for plotting at points on the x-y graph. graph-id Graph identification. Default depends on the y-axis entry.

Refer to the COSMOSM Command Reference Manual for more help on graphcolor, line-style, symbol-type and graph-id.

Module-Specific Commands COSMOSCAVITY Commands

HF_CAVSOLN (Menu: ANALYSIS > HF_Emag > Cavities > HF_Cav-Soln)

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The HF_CAVSOLN command defines the solution options for the cavity simulator.
HF_CAVSOLN model_flag nmodes fharmonic lharmonic

Where: model_flag

Description of Commands

Flag to specify model type. EQ. 0 Axisymmetric cavities. EQ. 1 3-dimensional cavities. (default is 0) nmodes Number of desired modes. (default 1) fharmonic First harmonic (for axisymmetric cavities). (default 0) lharmonic Last harmonic (for axisymmetric cavities). (default 0) Example:
HF_CAVSOLN, 0, 2, 1, 3


This command sets the cavity simulators solution options to simulate an axisymmetric cavity and compute its 2 most dominant modes for each of the harmonics: 1, 2, 3. HF_CAVOUT (Menu: ANALYSIS > HF_Emag > Cavities > HF_Cav-Out) The HF_CAVOUT command sets the output options for axisymmetric and 3-D cavity solvers.
HF_CAVOUT compQ_flag compRLC_flag output_flag

Where: compQ_flag Flag for cavity quality factor computation. EQ. 0 Quality factor is not computed. EQ. 1 Quality factor is computed. (default is 0)
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compRLC_flag Flag for equivalent RLC circuit computation. EQ. 0 Equivalent RLC circuit is not computed. EQ. 1 Equivalent RLC circuit is computed. (default is 0)

Description of Commands

output_flag Flag to specify the type of output. EQ. 0 No output. EQ. 1 Output nodal values only. EQ. 2 Output element values only. EQ. 3 Output both nodal and element values. (default is 0)

1. If compQ_flag is set to 0, compRLC_flag is ignored and the RLC equivalent circuit is not computed.


2. If compQ_flag is set to 1 and compRLC_flag is also set to 1, an integration path must be specified for RLC computation. Example:
HF_CAVOUT, 1, 1, 1

This command sets the cavity simulators output options to compute the cavitys quality factor and its equivalent RLC circuit and to output nodal values only of the modal electric and magnetic fields.

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Detailed Example


This chapter presents step by step procedures for solving a problem with COSMOSCAVITY.

MICAV1: A Conical Dielectric Resonator Inside a Cylindrical Cavity (CAVAXI)

The geometry of the conical resonator, its dielectric ring support and the metallic enclosure cavity are shown in Figure 4.1. The dimensions of the problem are h = r = 4 mm for the resonator, R = 8 mm and H = 7 mm for the cavity and, for the ring support with square crosssection, a = 1 mm with inner and outer radii of 1 mm and 2 mm, respectively. The material of the resonator is nonmagnetic and slightly lossy with r = 35.7 - j4.2x10-4 while the ring support has a dielectric constant of 2.2.
Figure 4.1.Geometry of the Conical Resonator with a Dielectric Ring Support Inside a Metallic Cavity
y R

r1 r2
a h x

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To start a new problem in GEOSTAR:


Launch GEOSTAR. GEOSTAR starts and the Open Problem Files dialog box opens. Browse to the directory which you want to use for the new problem. In the File name field, enter micav1, for example, for the problem name. Click Open. GEOSTAR sets the new problem and creates all related database files in the specified folder.


Detailed Example



Creating the Model

To set up the proper working plane and the view:



From the Geometry menu, select Grid, Plane. The Plane dialog box opens.

2. 3.

Click Ok to use the default settings. From the Display menu, select View Parameter, View. The View dialog box opens. Click OK to use the default Y-view.


The dimensions of the structure are all integer multiples of 1 mm in both x and y directions. Therefore, defining a grid based on these values will significantly simplify the task of model construction.

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To setup a drawing grid in the active plane:

1. 2.

From the Geometry menu, select Grid, Grid On. The Grid On dialog box opens. Enter the following values:
Origin x-Coordinate Value [0] > <Enter> (accept default) Origin y-Coordinate Value [0] > <Enter> (accept default) X- increment [5] > 1 Z- increment [5] > 1 No of X- increments [20] > 8 No of Z- increments [20] > 7 Grid line color index [2] > <Enter> (accept default)

Detailed Example


Click OK.

To re-scale the grid and fit in the display window:



From the Geo Panel, click the Scale Auto button

At this stage it is a good idea to give a descriptive title of the problem we are about to solve.
To give a title to the current problem:

From the Control menu, select Miscellaneous, Write Title. The Title dialog box opens. Type the title in the Message field as follows:
Message > Conical resonator inside a cylindrical cavity



Click OK.

Next, we create the seven outer curves. These curves include the cavity walls the central axis of the cavity. Note that the axis of symmetry must coincide with the x=0 axis. The following procedure creates the necessary curves (the mouse can be used to pick the points on the grid).
To create the seven outer curves:

From the Geometry menu, select Curves, Draw Polyline. The CRPCORD dialog box opens.

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Enter the following coordinates:

Curve [1] > <Enter> (accept default) X, Y, Z Coordinates of keypoint 1> 0, 0, 0 X, Y, Z Coordinates of keypoint 2> 1, 0, 0 X, Y, Z Coordinates of keypoint 3> 2, 0, 0 X, Y, Z Coordinates of keypoint 4> 8, 0, 0 X, Y, Z Coordinates of keypoint 5> 8, 0, 7 X, Y, Z Coordinates of keypoint 6> 0, 0, 7 X, Y, Z Coordinates of keypoint 7> 0, 0, 4 X, Y, Z Coordinates of keypoint 8> 0, 0, 0

Detailed Example

Click OK.

Next, we create three additional curves which, along with curve 2, will delimit the dielectric support rings region.
To create the curves delimiting the dielectric support rings region:

From the Geometry menu, select Curves, Draw Polyline. The CRPCORD dialog box opens. Enter the following coordinates:
Curve [8] > <Enter> (accept default) X, Y, Z Coordinates of keypoint 1 > 2, 0, 0 X, Y, Z Coordinates of keypoint 2 > 2, 0, 1 X, Y, Z Coordinates of keypoint 3 > 1, 0, 1 X, Y, Z Coordinates of keypoint 4 > 1, 0, 0 X, Y, Z Coordinates of keypoint 5 > 1, 0, 0




Click OK.

Finally, we create the remaining curves to delimit the region of the cone resonator.
To create the curves delimiting the region of the cone resonator:

From the Geometry menu, select Curves, Draw Polyline. The CRPCORD dialog box opens. Enter the following coordinates:
Curve [11] > <Enter> (accept default) X, Y, Z Coordinates of keypoint 1 > 0, 0, 0 X, Y, Z Coordinates of keypoint 2 > 1, 0, 1 X, Y, Z Coordinates of keypoint 3 > 4, 0, 4 X, Y, Z Coordinates of keypoint 4 > 0, 0, 4 X, Y, Z Coordinates of keypoint 5 > 0, 0, 4



Click OK. This completes the creation of all necessary 13 curves.

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To plot the curve labels:


Click the box opens.

button. The Status 1 setting


Detailed Example

Click the curve label checkbox as shown in the figure. Click Save. Click the Repaint button to plot the model.

3. 4.

The model at this stage should look as follows:

Figure 4.2. Curves Defining the Geometry of the Model


Next, we build contours using of the curves just created.


From the Geometry menu, select Contours, Define. The CT dialog box opens.

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Enter the following options:

Contour [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Mesh flag 0 = Esize 1= Num. elems [0] > <Enter> (accept default) Average element size > 0.5 Number of reference boundary curves [1] > 3 Pick/Input Curve 1 > 1 Pick/Input Curve 2 > 10 Pick/Input Curve 3 > 11 Use selection set 0 = No 1= Yes [0] > <Enter> (accept default) Redefinition Criterion 0=Prev 1=Redef 2=Max 3=Min elements [1] > <Enter> (accept default)

Detailed Example

Click OK. Contour 1 is now created and plotted in different color.

To define the second contour:

1. 2.

From the Geometry menu, select Contours, Define. The CT dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Contour [2] > <Enter> (accept default) Mesh flag 0 = Esize 1= Num. elems [0] > <Enter> (accept default) Average element size > 0.5 Number of reference boundary curves [1] > 8 Pick/Input Curve 1 > 3 Pick/Input Curve 2 > 4 Pick/Input Curve 3 > 5 Pick/Input Curve 4 > 6 Pick/Input Curve 5 > 13 Pick/Input Curve 6 > 12 Pick/Input Curve 7 > 9 Pick/Input Curve 8 > 8 Use selection set 0 = No 1= Yes [0] > <Enter> (accept default) Redefinition Criterion 0=Prev 1=Redef 2=Max 3=Min elements [1] > <Enter> (accept default)



Click OK.

To define the third contour:

1. 2.

From the Geometry menu, select Contours, Define. The CT dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Contour [3] > <Enter> (accept default) Mesh flag 0 = Esize 1= Num. elems [0] > <Enter> (accept default) Average element size > 0.5 Number of reference boundary curves [1] > 3 Pick/Input Curve 1 > 2 Pick/Input Curve 2 > 9 Pick/Input Curve 3 > 10

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Use selection set 0 = No 1= Yes [0] > <Enter> (accept default) Redefinition Criterion 0=Prev 1=Redef 2=Max 3=Min elements [1] > <Enter> (accept default) 3.

Click OK.

To define the last fourth contour:

Detailed Example

1. 2.

From the Geometry menu, select Contours, Define. The CT dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Contour [4] > <Enter> (accept default) Mesh flag 0 = Esize 1= Num. elems [0] > <Enter> (accept default) Average element size > 0.5 Number of reference boundary curves [1] > 4 Pick/Input Curve 1 > 11 Pick/Input Curve 2 > 12 Pick/Input Curve 3 > 13 Pick/Input Curve 4 > 7 Use selection set 0 = No 1= Yes [0] > <Enter> (accept default) Redefinition Criterion 0=Prev 1=Redef 2=Max 3=Min elements [1] > <Enter> (accept default)



Click OK.

With the contours complete, the next step is to generate the regions to be meshed.
To create the first region:
1. 2.

From the Geometry menu, select Regions, Define. The RG dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Region [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Number of contours [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Pick/Input Outer Contour > 1 Underlying surface [0] > <Enter> (accept default)


Click OK.

To define the second region similarly:


From the Geometry menu, select Regions, Define. The RG dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Region [2] > <Enter> (accept default) Number of contours [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Pick/Input Outer Contour > 2 Underlying surface [0] > <Enter> (accept default)



Click OK.
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To define the third region:

1. 2.

From the Geometry menu, select Regions, Define. The RG dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Region [3] > <Enter> (accept default) Number of contours [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Pick/Input Outer Contour > 3 Underlying surface [0] > <Enter> (accept default)

Detailed Example

Click OK.

To define the fourth region:

1. 2.

From the Geometry menu, select Regions, Define. The RG dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Region [4] > <Enter> (accept default) Number of contours [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Pick/Input Outer Contour > 4 Underlying surface [0] > <Enter> (accept default)



Click OK.

Assigning Material Properties

We are now ready to proceed with material definition and mesh generation. Note that regions 1 and 2 are both air and can, therefore, be meshed together under the same material property set. We define the first material property set for air.
To define material property for air:

From the PropSets menu, select Material Property. The MPROP dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Material property set [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Material Property Name > permit_r Property value [0] > 1.0 Material Property Name ><Enter> (to end this command)


3. 4.

Click OK. Click Cancel button to end the command.

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To mesh region 1 and 2:

From the Meshing menu, select Auto_Mesh, Regions. The MA_RG dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Pick/Input Beginning Region > 1 Pick/Input Ending Region > 2 Increment [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Number of smoothing iterations [0] > <Enter> (accept default) Method 0 = Sweeping 1= Hierarchical [0] > <Enter> (accept default) Element order 0=Low 1=High [0] > <Enter> (accept default)

Detailed Example



Click OK.

Next, we define the second material property set to be that of the dielectric ring support.


To define material property for the dielectric ring support:


From the PropSets menu, select Material Property. The MPROP dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Material property set [1] > 2 Material Property Name > permit_r Property value [0] > 2.2 Material Property Name > <Enter> (to end this command)


3. 4.

Click OK. Click Cancel button to end the command.

To mesh the corresponding region 3:


From the Meshing menu, select Auto_Mesh, Regions. The MA_RG dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Pick/Input Beginning Region > 3 Pick/Input Ending Region > 3 Increment [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Number of smoothing iterations [0] > <Enter> (accept default)


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Method 0 = Sweeping 1= Hierarchical [0] > <Enter> (accept default) Element order 0=Low 1=High [0] > <Enter> (accept default) 3.

Click OK.

Finally, we define the third material property set to be that of the resonator using
permit_r to define the real part of the permittivity and permit_i to define the

Detailed Example

imaginary part as follows.

To define the third material property set for the resonator:

From the PropSets menu, select Material Property. The MPROP dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Material property set [1] > 3 Material Property Name > permit_r Property value [0] > 35.7 Material Property Name > permit_i Property value [0] > 4.2e-04 Material Property Name > <Enter> (to end this command)



3. 4.

Click OK. Click Cancel button to end this command.

To mesh the resonator region 4:


From the Meshing menu, select Auto_Mesh, Regions. The MA_RG dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Pick/Input Beginning Region > 4 Pick/Input Ending Region > 4 Increment [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Number of smoothing iterations [0] > <Enter> (accept default) Method 0 = Sweeping 1= Hierarchical [0] > <Enter> (accept default) Element order 0=Low 1=High [0] > <Enter> (accept default)



Click OK.

This completes the initial meshing of the model which should now look as follows:

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Figure 4.3 Initial Mesh of the Model

Detailed Example


 It is a good idea at this stage to turn on element colors based on material properties.
To turn on element colors based on material properties:

From the Meshing menu, select Elements, Activate Element Color. The ACTECLR dialog box opens. From the Color Flag drop-down menu, select Yes. From the Set Label option, select Material Property. Click OK. You will then be able to easily distinguish the different regions based on their material properties by repainting the screen.


3. 4.

Refining Mesh
So far, the initial mesh thus obtained is coarse and fairly uniform throughout the model. However, because the dielectric resonator region has such a high permittivity (i.e., the wavelength inside it is much shorter), we must refine the mesh

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inside it so as to insure that we keep a ratio of around 10 nodes per wavelength. To do this, we must first select the elements to be refined. Because of the geometry of the resonator, it is best to select the elements based on their reference entity. In this case we would like to select all elements in the resonators region (region number 4).

Detailed Example

To select the elements to be refined:


From the Control menu, select Select, by Reference. The SELREF dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Selection Entity [EL] > <Enter> (accept default) Reference Entity [SF] > RG


3. 4.

Click Continue. Enter the following options:

Pick/Input Beginning Region > 4 Pick/Input Ending Region > 4 Increment [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Boundary element flag [0] > 1



Click OK

A number of elements (119) are then selected and highlighted with a different. Note that the boundary flag should be set to 1 to avoid generating hanging nodes. Next, we proceed with refining the selected elements as follows:
To refine the selected elements:

From the Meshing menu, select Elements, Refine Mesh. The EREFINE dialog box opens. Click OK to accept all the default settings.


We need to ensure smooth elements (i.e., good aspect ratios) after the first refinement.
To smooth the mesh:

From the Meshing menu, select Elements, Smoothen Mesh. The ESMOOTH dialog box opens. Click OK to accept all the default settings.


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Additional refinement passes on the resonator region can be carried out using the above outlined steps. Here, we chose to refine the areas near the tips of the cone since they can be considered as a mild singularity points. However, before each additional refinement pass, we must make sure to unselect the elements from the previous selection set. This can be done by re-initializing the selection set with the command.

Detailed Example

To initialize the selection set:


From the Control menu, select Select, Initialize. The INITSEL dialog box opens. Click OK to accept all the default settings.



Also, click the REPAINT button to view the new mesh. To start the second refinement pass, we must again select which elements to refine. We will select the elements that lie within a circular region centered at the resonators top right tip.
To select the elements to be refined:

From the Control menu, select Select, by Windowing. The SELWIN dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Entity Name [EL] > <Enter> (accept default) Window type 0 = Box 1 = Circle 2 = Polygon [0] > 1 Selection set number [1] > <Enter> (accept default)


3. 4. 5.

Click OK. Select center point of circular window. Select point on perimeter. Choose a circle centered at (4, 4) and of radius roughly equal to 1.5.

The selected elements are once again highlighted and can now be refined.
To refine the selected elements:

From the Meshing menu, select Elements, Refine Mesh. The EREFINE dialog box opens. Click OK to accept all the default settings.


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We need to ensure smooth elements (i.e., good aspect ratios) after the refinement.
To smooth the mesh:

From the Meshing menu, select Elements, Smoothen Mesh. The ESMOOTH dialog box opens. Click OK to accept all the default settings.

Detailed Example


The last refinement pass is once again accomplished by selecting the elements that lie within a circle centered at the origin and having a radius of roughly 0.75 and refining them.
To initialize the selection set:

From the Control menu, select Select, Initialize. The INITSEL dialog box opens. Click OK to accept all the default settings.



To select the elements to be refined:


From the Control menu, select Select, by Windowing. The SELWIN dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Entity Name [EL] > <Enter> (accept default) Window type 0 = Box 1= Circle 2= Polygon [0] > 1 Selection set number [1] > <Enter> (accept default)


3. 4. 5.

Click OK. Select center point of circular window. Choose the origin. Select point on perimeter. Pick a point at roughly 0.75 mm from the center.

To refine the selected elements:


From the Meshing menu, select Elements, Refine Mesh. The EREFINE dialog box opens. Click OK to accept all the default settings.


We need to ensure smooth elements (i.e., good aspect ratios) after the first refinement.

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To smooth the mesh:


From the Meshing menu, select Elements, Smoothen Mesh. The ESMOOTH dialog box opens. Click OK to accept all the default settings.


Detailed Example

The resulting mesh at this stage is deemed acceptable for this problem. Before applying the boundary conditions, we must first merge all duplicate nodes resulting from the meshing of different regions.
To merge nodes:
1. 2.

From the Meshing menu, select Nodes, Merge. Click OK to accept all default settings.

Applying Boundary Conditions


Next, we apply the boundary conditions of this problem. The only boundary condition needed is for the conducting cavity walls which is defined as follows:
To apply the gc boundary condition to curves 1 to 5:

From the LoadsBC menu, select E-Magnetic, Hi-Freq_B-C, Define by Curves. The CBCR dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Pick/Input Beginning Curve > 1 Boundary condition type (fc, gc, pmc, oob) [fc] > gc



Click Continue.
Conductor Number > 1 Conductivity value [5.8e+007] > <Enter> (accept default) Relative permeability value [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Pick/Input Ending Curve > 5 Increment [1] > <Enter> (accept default)


Click OK.

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The boundary condition symbols are then plotted on all edges of the elements that fall on the above curves. The resulting final mesh with the applied boundary conditions is shown in Figure 4.4. Note that no particular boundary condition need be applied to the axis of the structure since the solver does take care of it internally.
Figure 4.4 Final Model Mesh with Boundary Conditions

Detailed Example


Running Analysis
We are now ready to submit the model for solution. First, we set the analysis option to CAVAXI using the units of mm.
To set the analysis options:

From the Analysis menu, select Hi-Freq_EMagnetic, Analysis Option. The A_HFRQEM dialog box opens. From the Analysis Option drop-down menu, select CAVAXI. From the Units option, select mm. Click OK.


3. 4.

Next, we set the solution options, choosing the axisymmetric model and requesting 3 modes each for harmonics 0 and 1.

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To set the solution options:


From the Analysis menu, select Hi-Freq_EMagnetic, Cavities, Set Option. The HF_CAVSOLN dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Model flag 0=Axisymmetric 1=3D [0] > <Enter> (accept default) Number of modes [1] > 3


Detailed Example
3. 4.

Click Continue. Enter the following options:

First harmonic [0] > <Enter> (accept default) Last harmonic [0] > 1 Couple to thermal analysis 0=No 1=Yes [0] > <Enter> (accept default)


Click Continue.


Next, we set the output options to compute the quality factor and give the nodal fields only.
To specify the output options:

From the Analysis menu, select Hi-Freq_EMagnetic, Cavities, Output Option. The HF_CAVOUT dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Compute quality factor 0=No 1=Yes [0] > 1 Compute RLC equivalent circuit 0=No 1=Yes [0] > <Enter> (accept default) Output option 0=None 1=Nodal 2=Elem 3=Both [0] > 1



Click OK.

We can now run the analysis.

To run the analysis:

From the Analysis menu, select Hi-Freq_EMagnetic, Run Analysis. The analysis starts.

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Detailed Example

Upon completion of the solution (of which a log is kept in the file micav1.zlg), control is returned to GEOSTAR for postprocessing. As the results of the analysis comprise both mesh-related electric and magnetic field distributions as well as modal quantities (resonant frequency, conductor and dielectric quality factors and, in the general case, RLC equivalent circuit parameters) two types of postprocessing analyses can be performed. First, we examine the resulting field distribution for a given mode and of a given harmonic.
To list available results:

From the Results menu, select Available Results.

This gives you a list of available nodal and element results in the form of harmonic number, mode number and mode flag. The mode flag indicates whether the solution for that mode converged (1) or did not converge (-1). We start by examining the fundamental mode of the structure (i.e., harmonic 0 and mode 1).


Visualization of Results
To plot the fundamental mode of the structure:

From the Results menu, select Plot, Electromagnetic. The ACTMAG dialog box opens. Enter the following options.
Harmonic number [1] > 0 Mode number [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Entity flag 1=ND 2=EL [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Component [Ero] > Er


3. 4.

Click the Contour Plot button. The MAGPLOT dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Line Flag 0=FILL 1=LINE 2=VECT [0] > <Enter> (accept default) Beginning Element [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Ending Element [1410] > <Enter> (accept default) Increment [1] > <Enter> (accept default)


Click OK.

 Make sure the selection list is re-initialized by selecting Select, Initialize

command from the Control menu otherwise only the field at the last selected elements will be plotted.

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 You can/should turn off mesh plotting by selecting Display Option, Set
Bound Plot from the Display menu.

 You can plot the points by selecting Plot, Points from the Edit menu to see the
end points of the conductors and the curves by selecting Plot, Curves from the Edit menu to see the different curves and region boundaries.

Detailed Example

The resulting field distribution is shown in Figure 4.5. Note that for this mode Ero and Ez are both zero (nearly zero numerically). This can be verified by examining the field plots for the individual field components and noting the relative corresponding scales.
Figure 4.5 Resultant Electric Field Distribution for Harmonic 0, Mode 1


The other field distributions for other (harmonic, mode number) combinations can be examined in a similar manner to the (0, 1) combination above. One way to decide on which combination might be more interesting to examine is to view the modal data results. The summary of these results can be viewed with the command:
To list the results:

From the Results menu, select List, HF Emag Result.

The resulting listing is as follows:

In de x

Harmonic: 0 Mode: 1 ======================= Resonant Frequency: 9960.8659 MHz Conductor Q Factor: 51413.9778 Dielectric Q Factor: 87485.3252 Overall Quality Factor: 32382.9456 Equivalent Resistance: Not computed Equivalent Inductance: Not computed Equivalent Capacitance: Not computed

Detailed Example

Harmonic: 0 Mode: 2 ======================= Resonant Frequency: 10895.7230 MHz Conductor Q Factor: 7833.8955 Dielectric Q Factor: 564302.5347 Overall Quality Factor: 7726.6310 Equivalent Resistance: Not computed Equivalent Inductance: Not computed Equivalent Capacitance: Not computed Harmonic: 0 Mode: 3 ======================= Resonant Frequency: 15560.5081 MHz Conductor Q Factor: 63340.9538 Dielectric Q Factor: 95728.6514 Overall Quality Factor: 38118.8102 Equivalent Resistance: Not computed Equivalent Inductance: Not computed Equivalent Capacitance: Not computed


Harmonic: 1 Mode: 1 ======================= Resonant Frequency: 11870.3619 MHz Conductor Q Factor: 51554.2298 Dielectric Q Factor: 91618.3162 Overall Quality Factor: 32986.2501 Equivalent Resistance: Not computed Equivalent Inductance: Not computed Equivalent Capacitance: Not computed Harmonic: 1 Mode: 2 ======================= Resonant Frequency: 12710.4828 MHz Conductor Q Factor: 76652.5542 Dielectric Q Factor: 97179.7933 Overall Quality Factor: 42852.0898 Equivalent Resistance: Not computed Equivalent Inductance: Not computed Equivalent Capacitance: Not computed Harmonic: 1 Mode: 3 ======================= Resonant Frequency: 15766.8231 MHz Conductor Q Factor: 18839.0314 Dielectric Q Factor: 210133.1835 Overall Quality Factor: 17289.0219 Equivalent Resistance: Not computed Equivalent Inductance: Not computed Equivalent Capacitance: Not computed

Note from the above results the relatively low Q of harmonic 0, mode 2. A close examination of the field distribution associated with this mode reveals the reasons: the field is concentrated mostly near the bottom tip of the cone and close to the cavity conducting walls as shown in Figure 4.6. It is prudent to make additional mesh refinement in the high-intensity field region to insure accurate results for this particular mode.
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Figure 4.6 Resultant Electric Field Distribution for Harmonic 0, Mode 2

Detailed Example


Finally, we can use xy-plots to examine the variation of the various modal quantities that have been computed versus harmonic number. For example, to examine the change in resonant frequency versus harmonic number for the three modes, we use the following command sequence:
To load the resonant frequency versus harmonic data for mode 1:

From the Display menu, select XY_Plots, Activate Post-Proc. The ACTXYPOST dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Graph Number [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Mode number [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Y_Variable [RFREQ] > <Enter> (accept default) Graph Color [12] > <Enter> (accept default) Graph line style [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Graph symbol style [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Graph id [1N] > MODE_1



Click OK.

To load the resonant frequency versus harmonic data for mode 2:


From the Display menu, select XY_Plots, Activate Post-Proc. The ACTXYPOST dialog box opens.

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Enter the following options:

Graph Number [1] > 2 Mode number [1] > 2 Y_Variable [RFREQ] > <Enter> (accept default) Graph Color [12] > 13 Graph line style [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Graph symbol style [1] > 2 Graph id [1N] > MODE_2

Detailed Example

Click OK.

To load the resonant frequency versus harmonic data for mode 3:


From the Display menu, select XY_Plots, Activate Post-Proc. The ACTXYPOST dialog box opens. Enter the following options:
Graph Number [1] > 3 Mode number [1] > 3 Y_Variable [RFREQ] > <Enter> (accept default) Graph Color [12] > 14 Graph line style [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Graph symbol style [1] > 3 Graph id [1N] > MODE_3




Click OK.

To plot the data:


From the Display menu, select XY_Plots, Plot Curves. The XYPLOT dialog box opens. Enter the following option:
Plot graph 1 0=No, 1=Yes [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Plot graph 2 0=No, 1=Yes [1] > <Enter> (accept default) Plot graph 3 0=No, 1=Yes [1] > <Enter> (accept default)



Click OK.

The resulting plot is presented in Figure 4.7 showing the resonant frequencies in Hz versus the harmonic number for the first three modes. Similar plots for the different cavity Qs can be made by using the above two commands.

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Figure 4.7

Variation of the Resonant Frequency with Harmonic Number for the First Three Modes

Detailed Example


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Verification Problems


This chapter contains verification problems to check the accuracy of the various solvers. The input files for these verification problems are included in the vprobls\hfs sub-directory in the COSMOSM installation folder. Each file may be read to GEOSTAR through the File, Load... command. All files have the .gfm extension

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MICAVV1: Multi-Mode Calculations for Homogeneously Filled Rectangular Cavities


Verification Problems

Figure 5.1

The geometry of the problem is depicted in Figure 5.1. The closed form solution for this structure can be found in [1], for example. The particular dimensions used in this example are: a = 0.7m, b = 0.3m, and c = 1m. The cavity walls are assumed to be made of copper (conductivity = 5.8x107mhos/m, skin depth = 66.1 / f Mhz). Results:

Geometry of the Homogeneously Filled Rectangular Cavity

b a


The first four modes for the cavity shown in Figure 5.1 with the above dimensions and air filling are summarized in Table 5.1 and compared to the closed form formulas [1]. References:

R. E. Collin, Field Theory of Guided Waves, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960.

Table 5.1 Resonant Frequency and Quality Factor for the First Four Modes of the Cavity Shown in Figure 5.1 COSMOSCAVITY Mode f(MHz) TE 101 TE 102 TE 201 TE 103 261.27 368.08 452.54 497.38 Q 41756 52083 53513 62171 f(MHz) 261.38 368.41 453.75 498.07 Computed [1]

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MICAVV2: An Inhomogeneously Filled Rectangular Cavity


Verification Problems

The geometry of the problem is depicted in Figure 5.2. This structure was originally investigated in [1] by both an analytical approach and a perturbational method. The particular case considered is for b1 = b2 = l and the normalized resonant frequency kl = r(l/co) is computed. Results:

Figure 5.2

Geometry of the Inhomogeneously Filled Rectangular Cavity

b2 b1



The first two dominant resonant frequencies a and the quality factors of the cavity shown Figure 5.2 have been computed using COSMOSCAVITY for four different materials. The results are summarized in Table 5.2 and are compared to those obtained in [1], which were computed for the second mode only. The metallic walls are assumed to be made of copper. References:

J. Van Bladel, High-permittivity dielectrics in waveguides and resonators, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech., Vol. 22, pp. 32-37, Jan. 1974.
Table 5.2 Normalized Resonant Frequencies and Quality Factors for First Two Dominant Modes of the Cavity of Figure 5.2 Mode 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Results from [1] Analytical Perturbation 2.5053 2.5987 2.6617 2.6829 2.5220 2.6048 2.6628 2.6833 COSMOSCAVITY

r 2.25 4.0 9.0 16.0

2.2655 2.4995 2.3642 2.5988 2.4293 2.6641 2.4508 2.6892

4.770 x 104 4.348 x 104 2.458 x 104 2.098 x 104 9.132 x 103 7.569 x 103 4.473 x 103 3.682 x 103

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MICAVV3: A Rectangular Cavity with a Dielectric Block


Verification Problems


The geometry of the problem is depicted in Figure 5.3. This structure was investigated in [1] by an integral equation approach as well as measurements. The particular structure considered is with the dielectric block centered in the bottom plane of the rectangular cavity and with a = 9m, b = 4m, c = 5m, w = 4.5m, h = 2.5m and l = 2m. The first three dominant resonant modes (resonant frequencies and quality factors for copper walls) are computed for r = 2.05. Results:

Figure 5.3

Geometry of the Rectangular Cavity with a Dielectric Block


The resonant frequencies of the first three dominant modes and the corresponding quality factors for cavity of Figure 5.3 have been computed using COSMOS CAVITY. The results are summarized in Table 5.8 and are compared to those obtained in [1] where the normalized wavenumber (k oa = a/co) has been computed for the first mode only. References:

M. Albani and P. Bernardi, A numerical method based on the descretization of Maxwells equations in integral form, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech., Vol. 22, pp. 446-450, Apr. 1974.
Table 5.3 Normalized Resonant Frequencies and Quality Factors for the First Three Dominant Modes of the Cavity of Figure 5.3 Results from [1] Mode Computed Measured 1 2 3 5.55 5.22 COSMOSCAVITY

k oa
5.459 6.858 7.332

Q 235.5 1126.6 1236.0

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MICAVV4: Dominant Mode Calculations for Inhomogeneously Filled Cylindrical Cavities; a High-Q Dielectric Resonator 5
Verification Problems Description: The geometry of the structure analyzed by COSMOSCAVITY in this example is depicted in Figure 5.4. The dielectrics used are r1=1.031 and r2=24.6-j8.54x10-4. This high-Q dielectric resonator has been investigated by [1]. The cavity walls are assumed to be made of copper (conductivity = 5.8x107mhos/m, skin depth = 66.1 / f MHz).
Figure 5.4 Geometry of the High-q Dielectric Resonator Investigated in [1]


15.617mm 8.05mm

r1 r




Measured [1] f (GHz) 8.383 Q total 19000 f (GHz) 8.384 COSMOSCAVIYT Q dielectric 29712 Q conductor 84015 Q total 21951


Y. Kobayashi, Y. Kabe, Y. Kogami and T. Yamagishi, Frequency and lowtemperature characteristics of high-Q dielectric resonators, 1989 IEEE MTT-S Digest, pp. 1239-1242.
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MICAVV5: Dominant Mode Calculations for Inhomogeneously Filled Cylindrical Cavities; a Dielectric Resonator Over a Microstrip Substrate 5
Verification Problems Description: The geometry of the structure analyzed by COSMOSCAVITY in this example is depicted in Figure 5.5. The dielectrics used are r1=1.0 and r2=35.74-j4.28x10-3. This dielectric resonator has been investigated by [1]. The cavity walls are assumed to be made of copper (conductivity = 5.8x107mhos/m, skin depth = 66.1 / f MHz).
Figure 5.5 Geometry of the Dielectric Resonator Over a Microstrip Substrate




r r1

.6" .3" .15"

Measured [1] f (GHz) 3.4374 Q total 6138 f (GHz) 3.4480 COSMOSCAVITY Q dielectric 8418 Q conductor 30291 Q total 6587


H-C Chang and K. A. Zaki, Unloaded Q's of axially asymmetric modes of dielectric resonators, 1989 IEEE MTT-S Digest, pp. 1231-1234.
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MICAVV6: Multi-Mode Calculations for Inhomogeneously Filled Cylindrical Cavities


Verification Problems

The geometry of the structure analyzed in this example is depicted in Figure 5.6. This dielectric resonators has been investigated by [1]. The dimensions used are d = 14.518mm, h = 13.237mm, d1 = 5.978, h1 = 6.405mm, d2 = 7.686mm, h2 = 3.416mm. The dielectric constants are r = 37.3 for the resonator (height h2) and r = 3.78 for the resonator holder (height h1). The cavity walls are assumed to be made of copper (conductivity = 5.8x107mhos/m, skin depth = 66.1/ f MHz). Results: The first 8 modes for the cavity shown in Figure 5.6 with the above dimensions and dielectrics are summarized in Table 5.4 and compared to the computed and measured results reported by [1]. References:
1. Figure 5.6 Geometry of the Inhomogeneously Filled Resonator Cavity


d d2 h2 h1 d1 h

J. E. Lebaric and D. Kajfez, Analysis of dielectric resonator cavities using the finite integration technique, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech., Vol. 37, pp. 1740-1748, Nov. 1989.
Table 5.4

Resonant Frequency and Quality Factor for the First 8 Modes of the Cavity Shown in Figure 5.6 COSMOSCAVITY Computed [1] Measured [1] f(GHz) 7.073 8.742 8.897 9.296 10.605 11.113 11.226 11.391 f(GHz) 6.943 8.694 8.905 9.185 10.558 10.943 11.184 11.316

Mode f(GHz) TE01 HEM11 HEM12 TM01 HEM21 TM02 HEM13 TE02 7.065 8.778 9.003 9.307 10.661 11.157 11.405 11.457 Q 68388 93124 82330 19165 271000 64045 17972 169806

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MICAVV7: Equivalent Lumped Resonant Circuits of a Cylindrical Cavity


Verification Problems

The geometry of the problem is depicted in Figure 5.7. The equivalent RLC resonant circuit for a cavity is both informative and useful in studying the effects of perturbations on the cavity. An equivalent circuit is defined for a particular mode and requires the definition of an integration path to calculate the cavity voltage which is then combined with the cavity Q and resonant frequency to extract the equivalent RLC circuit [1, 2]. The voltage is computed by a line integral along the path of maximum electric field for the given mode. The particular dimensions used in this example are: d = 3.81cm, h = 2.54cm. The cavity walls are assumed to be made of copper (conductivity = 5.8x107mhos/m, skin depth = 66.1 / f MHz). Results: The equivalent parallel RLC circuit for the cavity of Figure 5.7 has been extracted from the resonant frequency and Q factor calculation with the voltage defined as the integral of the electric field along the axis of the cavity for the dominant TM010 mode. The results are summarized in Table 5.5. References:
1. Figure 5.7 Geometry of the Cavity Analyzed and its Equivalent RLC Circuit


d h L C R

O. P. Gandhi, Microwave Engineering and Applications, Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1988. Dielectric Resonators, D. Kajfez and P. Guillon, eds. New York: Artech House, 1990.
Table 5.5 Equivalent RLC Values for the TM010 Mode of the Cavity of Figure 5.7 3D Formulation f (GHz) Q R (M) L (nH) 6.370 C (pF) 0.110 Axisymmetric Formulation f (GHz) Q R (M) L (nH) 6.545 C (pF) 0.107


6.015 12110 2.920

6.020 12560 3.109

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Material Constants


Table A.1 Dielectric\Constant and Conductivity of Some Materials (at 25C) Material Alumina Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) Germanium (Ge) Glass (plate) Mica Oil (mineral) Paper (impregnated) Paraffin Plexiglass Polyfoam Polystyrene Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Porcelain PVC (expanded) Rubber (neoprene) Quartz Relative Permitivity (r) Conductivity () x107 mhos/m 10-16 depends on doping depends on doping 10-13 10-15 10-14 ~10-15 10-16 10-13 10-17

10.70 12.90 16.00 6.00 6.00 2.20 3.00 2.10 3.40 ~1.05 2.70 2.70 5.00 ~1.10 5.00 5.00

0.0001 0.0300 0.2000 0.0004 0.1000 0.0004 0.0002 0.0040 0.0200 0.0010

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Table A.1 Dielectric\Constant and Conductivity of Some Materials (at 25C) (Concluded) Material Rutile (titanium dioxide) Relative Permitivity (r) Conductivity () x107 mhos/m depends on doping 5x10-3 2x10-3 2x10-4 10-15 10-4 10-2 to 10-3

100.00 11.80 1.50 14.00 10.00 7.00 1.03 4.00 2.20 2.10 80.00 80.00 80.00 2 00

0.0200 0.0003 to 0.5 0.0003 0.005 0.04

Material Constants

Silicon Snow (fresh) Soil (clay) Soil (sandy) Stone (slate) Styrofoam Urban ground Vaseline Teflon


Water (distilled) Water (fresh) Water (sea) Wood (fir plywood)

4 to 5 -

Table A.2 Properties of Some Non-Magnetic Metals Metal Silver (100%) Copper (100%) Silver (7.5% copper) Aluminum (100%) Brass (90% copper) Brass (70% copper) Conductivity x107 mhos/m 6.10 5.80 5.20 3.43 2.41 1.45 Skin Dept m 66.4/_fMHz 66.1/_fMHz 64.0/_fMHz 57.9/_fMHz 53.0/_fMHz 46.6/_fMHz

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A attenuation constant 2-6, 3-17 axisymmetric 2-1, 2-3, 2-5 axisymmetric cavity 3-13 Index B boundary conditions 4-15 C CAV3D 2-1, 2-2 CAVAXI 2-1, 2-2 cavity field solver 3-13 Command Reference 1-3 conductor loss 2-6, 3-17 COSMOSM Users Guide 1-3, 3-1 cross-talk 3-13 cylindrical cavity 5-5, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8 D dielectric block 5-4 dielectric loss 2-7 dielectric resonator 5-6 Dirichlet boundary condition 2-2 distortion 3-13 E edge element 2-1, 2-2 edge-based finite element 2-1 eigenvalue problem 2-3 eigenvalues 2-3 eigenvectors 2-4 electric field intensity 3-15 electrical conductivity 2-5 F floating conductor 2-4, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, 3-7 G GEOSTAR 1-3, 3-1, 3-2, 4-2 grounded conductor 2-4, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, 3-7 H Helmholtz equation 2-2 high-Q dielectric resonator 5-5 I integration path 3-11 M magnetic field intensity 3-15 material properties 3-2 merge nodes 4-15 modal impedance 3-16 N node-based finite element 2-1 O open outer boundary 3-4 output options 4-17 P penalty function 2-1 perfect conductors 2-6 perfect magnetic 2-5 perfect magnetic conductor 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, 3-7 permeability 2-5, 2-6, 2-7 permittivity 4-11 Q quality factor 2-6, 2-7, 3-18


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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z R rectangular cavity 5-2, 5-3 refine mesh 4-11, 4-12 relative permeability 2-6 relative permittivity 2-5 resonant frequencies 2-3, 2-4 RLC circuit 3-19 RLC equivalent circuit 2-6, 2-7, 3-19 RLCG 3-13 run analysis 4-17 S skin-effect 2-7 smooth the mesh 4-15 solution options 4-17 S-parameter simulator 3-13 spurious modes 2-2 T tetrahedral element 2-1 tetrahedron 2-3 triangular element 2-1 V vector basis functions 2-1 vector parasites 2-2 vector wave equation 2-2, 2-3 W waveguide 2-6 X xy-plot 4-21



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