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Current Address:
Office: Australia South Asia Research Centre, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200 Australia Home: 63 Tipiloura Street, Ngunnawal, ACT 2913 Australia Phones: (+) 61-2-6125 2683 (direct line in office) (+) 61-2-6125 4482 (ASARC) 0415 888 547 (mobile) Direct line at home: (+61)-2-6253 8356 (private) Fax: (+) 61-22-6125 0443 E-mail address: r.jha@anu.edu.au raghbendrajha@hotmail.com

Ph.D. Economics (1978) Dissertation: Essays in Economic Theory Columbia University, New York, N.Y. USA, Ph.D. Supervisor Prof. Edmund S. Phelps: 2006 Nobel Laureate in Economics M.Phil. Economics (1977) Columbia University, New York, N.Y. USA M.A. Economics (1975) Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University, Delhi, India. (First Division) B.A. (Honours) Economics (1973) St. Stephens College, Delhi University, Delhi, India. (First Division)

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Research Interests:
Public Economics, Macroeconomics, Development Economics Major Topics/Areas of Publication: Public Policy towards the environment in developing countries, Poverty alleviation, agricultural growth, inequality and food security in developing countries, Optimal direct and indirect taxation; Fiscal federalism, Macro problems of developing countries, Indian economic problems including poverty, nutrition, price behavior in agricultural and financial markets, modeling of inefficiency in industry; Global environmental institutions.

Teaching Interests:
Macroeconomic Theory, Monetary Theory, Public Economics, Development Economics with particular reference to India. Courses Taught Public Economics Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy Public Economics, Macroeconomics Public Economics, Macroeconomics for Development Macroeconomics, Demand Forecasting Public Economics Public Economics Macroeconomics Public Economics Macroeconomics Principles of Economics, Macroeconomics, Public Economics Economic Theory, Econometrics Principles of Economics, Economic Theory Year(s) 2008, 2009 2005, 2006, 2007 1995, 19972000 1996 Institution Australian National University Australian National University IGIDR, India Department of Economics, University of Warwick, UK Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India Department of Economics, Queens University, Canada Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics, India Department of Economics, Queens University, Canada Department of Economics, Williams College, USA Department of Economics, Columbia University, USA Level Graduate Graduate Graduate Graduate




198388 199192 1989,1990

Graduate Undergraduate Upper level Undergraduate Graduate

Introductory, Upper level undergraduate Introductory and upper level undergraduate. Introductory and upper level undergraduate.



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Professional Employment:
Rajiv Gandhi Chair Professor and Executive Director, Australia South Asia Research Centre, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200 Australia, since January 2001. Senior Professor, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, General A.K. Vaidya Marg, Goregaon (East), Bombay 400 065, India, March 2000 to December 2000. Professor of Economics, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, General A.K. Vaidya Marg, Goregaon (East), Bombay 400 065, India, June 1995-February 2000 (tenured). Visiting Faculty, Department of Economics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK, January 1996 to December 1996. Professor of Economics, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore 560 076, India, June 1994 to May 1995. Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6, January 1993 to June 1994. Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6, January 1989 to December 1990 Visiting Professor, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi, India, March 1988 to December 1988 Reader, Department of Economics Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University, Delhi, India, June 1983 to December 1992 Larsen and Toubro Fellow, Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad, India, March 1983 to May 1983 Assistant Professor, Williams College, Williamstown, MA, USA, July 1979 to May 1983 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA, January 1979 to June 1979 Instructor, Economics Department, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA, July 1978 to December 1978 Preceptor, Economics Department, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA, September 1977 to June 1978

Administrative Responsibilities:
Executive Director of ASARC, Australian National University since January 2001. Member of the Committee to reform the College of Asia and the Pacific, 2009 Deputy Convener, The Arndt-Corden Division of Economics, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University, 2008-. Steering Committee Member, South Asian Node of AustraliaPacific Futures Network (Australian Research Council & AusAID).

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Consultancy and Advisory Assignments:

Consultant to Department for International Development, UK. Project on forecasting demand for food in India, 2009. Consultant to Asian Development Bank Project on Supporting the Achievement of the MDG in Asia Pacific II Paper on Poverty and Hunger, 200708. Consultant to International Fund for Agricultural Development, 2006 (topic of research: vulnerability and natural crises in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and the Kyrgyz Republic) Consultant to the Asian Development Bank, 2005 (topic of research: theme chapter of Key Indicators 2006 to be published by the ADB). Consultant to the UNDP Macro Policies to attain Millennium Development Goals (2005). Consultant to the United Nations, 2004-05 (topic of research: the prospects of inflation targeting in India) Member Advisory Board of United Nations Development Program for a Project on Public Finance in a Globalizing World, 20032004. Consultant to Twelfth Finance Commission, Government of India, 2004. Consultant to the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (2002-03) (topic of research: design of pro-poor fiscal adjustment programs) Consultant to the World Bank, Millennium Development Goals, July 2003, August 2003 (evaluation of WB report on attaining MDG in India) Consultant to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Government of Australia, May 2002 (topic of research: tariff reforms in Indian Ocean rim countries) Consultant to International Fund for Agricultural Development, Rome, 2001 (topic of research: anti-poverty policy in rural India). Consultant to Citicorp, 20002001 (topic of research: price behaviour in regional stock markets in India). Consultant to WIDER, United Nations University in Helsinki, Finland, 1998, 1999, 20002001, 2002 (topics of research: 1) economic reforms and the development of poverty and inequality in India; 2) sustainability of fiscal policy in developing countries; 3) enhancing funding for international aid.) Consultant to Reserve Bank of India, Bombay, India, 19941995 (topic of research: tax efficiency in Indian states). Consultant to Ministry of Civil Supplies, Government of India, 19941995 (topic of research: price policy in food-grain markets of India) Consultant, Department of Posts, Government of India, 1988 (topic of research: Pricing policy in Indian postal services).

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Honours and Grants:

Research Grants:
1. Research Grant Australian Research Council and AusAID to study the design of social safety nets in India, 20072009 2. Research Grant from International Development Research Centre (Canada) and National Council of Applied Economic Research (India) to study Rural Governance and Inclusive Growth in India, 20092010. 3. Research Grant from International Fund for Agricultural Development to study Risk, Vulnerability and Poverty in Central Asia and Pacific Island countries Emerging Challenges and Policy Priorities, 20072008. 4. Research Grant from DFID, UK to study poverty nutrition traps in India, 20022006. 5. Grants to support the Narayanan Oration 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Australia India Council, Commonwealth Government of Australia 6. Research Grant, MacArthur Foundation, Chicago, USA, 200103, to study the design of global environmental institutions 7. Research Grant, MacArthur Foundation, Chicago, USA, 19982000 8. Research Grant Price Water House and Company, 199798 9. Research Grant, Shastri IndoCanadian Institute, New Delhi, India, 199192 10. Research Grant, Department of Posts, Government of India, 1988 11. Research Grant, Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi, India, 198788 12. Research Grant, Shastri IndoCanadian Institute, New Delhi, India, 198384 13. Econometric Society, Travel Grant. 1980

1. Member Golden Key International Honour Society, 20092. Editor, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, 20103. Member Editorial Board, MACROECONOMICS AND FINANCE IN EMERGING MARKET ECONOMIES, 2006 4. Biographed in International Whos Who of Professionals, 200607 5. Honorary Member Australia Institute, 2009 6. Biographed in Marquis Whos Who in the World, 2004, 2005 7. Included in the List of 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, UK, 2004 8. Program Director (Economic Growth and Development) Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis) 2004 9. Fellow of the World Innovation Foundation, 2002

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10. Member Editorial Board, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT ISSUES, August 2001 11. Associate Editor, INTERNATIONAL TAX AND PUBLIC FINANCE, 1999 12. Special Invitee to the Economic Affairs Committee of Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 19992000 13. Member, Panel of Experts, Fiscal Affairs Division, International Monetary Fund, since March 1996 14. Larsen and Toubro Chair, Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad, India, 1983 15. Presidents Fellowship, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA 197677 16. Graduate Fellowship, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA 197576 17. Delhi School of Economics Scholarship, Delhi School of Economics, Delhi, India, 197375 18. National Merit Scholarship, Government of India, 197073

Books and Monographs (Authored):
1. MODERN PUBLIC ECONOMICS, Routledge, London & New York, 2nd edn, 2010 2. ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY: A CONSUMPTION APPROACH Oxford and New York: Routledge (2006 hardback; 2009 print and digital) (235pp+xvi). Treatise on links between consumption and global environmental sustainability (with K.V. Bhanu Murthy) 3. MACROECONOMICS FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES (2nd edn) London & New York: Routledge (2003) (xiv+496 pp). Adopted in a number of University departments including University of Florence, Italy, Universita Degli Studi di Firenze (Italy), Bradford University, Bath University, UK, Sistema University, Mexico, Kobenhavns University, Denmark, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University, Japan, International University of Japan, Technological Institute of Superior Studies of Monterrey, Mexico, Institute of Economic Research, Mexico. (Reviewed in JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC LITERATURE, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY) 4. ECONOMIC REFORMS, ECONOMIC GROWTH AND ANTI-POVERTY STRATEGY IN INDIA, Country Strategic Opportunities Paper, International Fund for Agricultural Development, Rome, 2001 5. MODERN PUBLIC ECONOMICS, Routledge, London & New York, 1998 (xv + 558pp). Published in Chinese by China Youth Press in 2001. Senior undergraduate and graduate level text on public economics. (Reviewed in JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC LITERATURE, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY, RESERVE BANK OF INDIA OCCASIONAL PAPERS.) Has been used as a text in upper level undergraduate/graduate courses in Public Economics in a number of university departments, including the University of Chicago,

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US, Purdue University, US, University of Nevada, Reno, US, Beijer Institute in Stockholm, Carleton University, Canada, University of Washington, USA, Purdue University, USA, University of Chicago, USA, Wesleyan University, USA, University of West Virginia, USA, University of Warwick, UK, York University, UK, Bath University, UK, European University in St. Petersburg, Russia, University of Illinois at Urbana Champagne, US, Universitat Paderborn, Fakultxt Wirtschaftswissfnschaften, Germany, Queens University in Canada, University of Siegen, Germany, University of Aix-Marseille II, France, University of Oslo, Norway, Universitat St. Gallen, Switzerland, Feng Chia University, Taiwan, University of Tsinghua, China, University of Ottawa, Canada, Keio University, Japan, Toyama University, Japan, University of Tasmania, Australia, University of Queensland, Australia, H. North Gujarat University, India, Shivaji University, India, Northeastern Hill University, India, Benares Hindu University, India, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China 6. MACROECONOMICS FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, Routledge, 1994 (ix + 321pp) (senior undergraduate and graduate level text on macro problems peculiar to developing countries). Paperback simultaneously from London and New York. Published in hardcover and paperback simultaneously from London and New York. (Reviewed in JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC LITERATURE, JOURNAL OF DEVELOPING AREAS, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY.) Has been used as a text in upper level undergraduate/graduate courses in Macro and Development Economics in a number of university departments, including University of Southern California, and University of Warwick, UK 7. IMF QUOTA STRUCTURES AND THE DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, 1998, 200pp. Detailed examination of the rationale for the quota structures of the developing countries with the IMF and suggestions for reform (with Mridul Saggar) 8. INTEGRATION AND PRICE DISCOVERY IN INDIAN STOCK MARKETS (for Price Waterhouse and Company), 1998. Analysis of the short-run and long-run behavior of prices of stocks in national and regional stock markets in India (with Hari K. Nagarajan) 9. STRUCTURE OF FOODGRAIN PRICES IN INDIA (for Ministry of Civil Supplies, Government of India), New Delhi, 1995 (1,100pp). Detailed theoretical and empirical modeling of the behaviour of rice and wheat prices throughout various regions of India (with Ashok Seth, K.V. Bhanu Murthy and H.K. Nagarajan) 10. FISCAL EFFICIENCY IN THE INDIAN FEDERATION, Development Research Group, Reserve Bank of India, Bombay, 1995 (79pp). Detailed examination of tax efficiency/productivity of Indian states (with M.S. Mohanty and S. Chatterjee). Subject of a news item in major newspapers in September 1995 11. INDUSTRIAL EFFICIENCY: AN INDIAN PERSPECTIVE, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1993 (ix + 126pp). A detailed examination of allocative efficiency, economies of scale, factor substitution and biases of technical progress in major Indian industries and the railways. Also examines technical efficiency in the generation of electricity in India. Subject of a news item in major Indian newspapers in January 1993 (with B.S. Sahni) 12. CONTEMPORARY MACROECONOMIC THEORY AND POLICY, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1991 (416pp) (advanced text on macroeconomics). (Reviewed in JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE ECONOMICS)

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13. PRICING OF POSTAL SERVICES IN INDIA, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi, 1990 (102pp). First detailed examination and theoretical and empirical modeling of postal services in India. (Reviewed in INDIAN ECONOMIC REVIEW). Subject of an editorial in THE HINDU (with M.N. Murty and S. Paul) 14. EFFICIENCY AND DISTRIBUTIONAL EQUITY: THE EVALUATION OF PUBLIC SECTOR PRICES IN INDIA, Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi, 1990 (80pp). Theoretical and empirical analysis of optimal pricing in the Indian public sector (with M.N. Murty) 15. ESSAYS IN THE THEORY OF AGGREGATE SUPPLY, Commonwealth, New Delhi 1988 (xii+160pp). Theoretical modeling of the microeconomic foundations of the Phillips curve and aggregate economic growth with unemployment. (Reviewed in JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE ECONOMICS) 16. THE INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER, Commonwealth, New Delhi (1988) x+239 pages. Review of the arguments for a new international economic order 17. PRICING AND PREFERENCE POLICY FOR THE PUBLIC SECTOR IN INDIA, Economic and Scientific Research Foundation, New Delhi, 1988 (x+48pp). Evaluation of the government of Indias policy of granting preference to public sector firms when finalizing government contracts. 18. MODERN THEORY OF PUBLIC FINANCE, Wiley Eastern Ltd, New Delhi, 1987 (viii+482pp). Advanced text on Public Economics. (Reviewed in INDIAN ECONOMIC REVIEW and JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE ECONOMICS)

York. Routledge, forthcoming 2011.


Palgrave/Macmillan, Hampshire, UK and New York. Eighteen papers on the state of the Indian economy sixty years after independence, December 2008.




SOUTH ASIA, Palgrave/Macmillan, Hampshire, UK and New York. Nineteen papers on the economies of South Asia. 2005.

5. INDIAN ECONOMIC REFORMS, Palgrave/Macmillan, Hampshire, UK and New

York. Twenty one papers on the state of the Indian economy in the aftermath of reforms (2003). (Reviewed in JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY and DEVELOPMENT POLICY REVIEW).

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Refereed Journal Articles:

1. How Pervasive is Eating Out in India, JOURNAL OF ASIAN AND AFRICAN STUDIES (with R. Gaiha, and Vani S Kulkarni) forthcoming 2010 2. Vulnerability to Poverty in Papua New Guinea in 1996, ASIAN ECONOMC JOURNAL, 24(3), 2010 (with Tu Dang) 3. Economic Vulnerability and Poverty in Tajikistan ECONOMIC CHANGE AND RESTRUCTURING, 43(2), 2010 (with Tu Dang and Yusuf Tashrifov). 4. Calorie and Micronutrient Deprivation and Poverty Nutrition Traps in Rural India, WORLD DEVELOPMENT, 37(5), 2009 (with R. Gaiha and A. Sharma). 5. Capture of Anti-Poverty Programs: An Analysis of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Program in India JOURNAL OF ASIAN ECONOMICS (with Sambit Bhattacharyya, Raghav Gaiha and Shylashri Shankar), 20(3), 2009. 6. National Rural Employment Guarantee Program in Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan: Some recent evidence, CONTEMPORARY SOUTH ASIA (with Raghav Gaiha and Shylashri Shankar) forthcoming 2010. 7. Modelling Variety in Consumption Expenditure on Food in India, INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF APPLIED ECONOMICS (with R. Gaiha and A. Sharma), 23(4), 2009. 8. Mean Consumption, Poverty and Inequality in Rural India in the Sixtieth Round of the National Sample Survey JOURNAL OF ASIAN AND AFRICAN STUDIES (with R. Gaiha, and A. Sharma) forthcoming 2010. 9. Vulnerability to Poverty in Select Central Asian Countries (with Tu Dang) EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE ECONOMICS, 6(1), 2009. 10. Vulnerability to Poverty in Fiji (with Tu Dang, and K.L. Sharma) INTERNATINOAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS AND QUANTIATIVE STUDIES, 6(1), 2009. 11. Economic Reforms and Human Development Indicators in India, ASIAN ECONOMIC POLICY REVIEW, 3(2), 2008. 12. Inflation Targeting in India- Issues and Prospects, INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF APPLIED ECONOMICS, 22(2), 2008. 13. A Divisa Type Saving Aggregate for India, MACROECONOMICS AND FINANCE IN EMERGING MARKET ECONOMIES, 1(1), 2008 (with Ibotombi S. Longjam). 14. Reviewing the National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY, 42(11), March 15, 2008 (with R. Gaiha and S. Shankar). 15. Vulnerability of Consumption Growth in Rural India, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY 42(8), February 24, 2007. 16. Vulnerability and Natural Disasters in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and the Kyrgyz Republic, INDIAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 55(2), 2007. 17. IMF Quota Increase: Indefensible Decision, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY, 41(39), September 30, 2006. 18. The Economic Contributions of Edmund Phelps An Appreciation, INDIAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 54(3) 2006.

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19. Structure of Financial Savings during Indian Economic Reforms, EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS, 31(2), 2006 (with Ibotombi S. Longjam). 20. Fragmentation of Wholesale Rice Markets in India, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY, 40(53), December 31, 2005 (with K.V.B. Murthy and A. Sharma. 21. Debt Sustainability in East Asia After the Financial Crisis, THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN ECONOMY, 6(2), Fall 2005 (with Hyeon-seung Huh and Chung Mo Koo). 22. Financial Norms: Complying with Standards, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY, 40(10), March 5, 2005. 23. Innovative Sources of Development Finance: Global Cooperation in the Twenty-First Century, THE WORLD ECONOMY, 27(2), 2004. 24. Structural Breaks, Unit Roots and Cointegration: A Further Test of the Sustainability of the Indian Fiscal Deficit, PUBLIC FINANCE REVIEW, 32(2), 2004 (with A. Sharma). 25. Budgetary Subsidies and Fiscal Deficit: Case of Maharashtra, ECONOMIC AND POLIITICAL WEEKLY, 39(34), 2004 (with M. Anand) 26. Optimistic Assumptions Comments on the 200405 Budget of India, ECONOMIC AND POLIITICAL WEEKLY, 39(33), 2004. 27. The Spatial Distribution of Rural Poverty in the last three Quinquennial Rounds of the NSS, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY, 38(47) (with A. Sharma) 28. Fiscal Consolidation, ECONOMIC AND POLIITICAL WEEKLY, 38(1213), 2003. 29. An Inverse Global Environmental Kuznets Curve, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE ECONOMICS, 31(2), 2003 (with K.V. Bhanu Murthy) (reprinted as Chapter 6 of Environmental Sustainability: A consumption approach, Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy, London & New York: Routledge, 2006) 30. Noisy Vertical Markets ECONOMIC AND POLIITICAL WEEKLY, 37(51), 2002 (with Hari K. Nagarajan) 31. The Downward Rigidity of Indian Interest Rates, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY 37(2), 2002. 32. Wholesale Spreads and the Dynamics of Retail Price Volatility in Indian Rice Markets, APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS 9(6), 2002 (with Hari K. Nagarajan). 33. An Asian Perspective on a World Environmental Organization, THE WORLD ECONOMY 25(5), 2002 (with M. Panda and A. Ranade). 34. The Structure and Evolution of the Two-Wheeler Industry in India, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT ECONOMICS 28(1), 2002 (with Sunila George and Hari K. Nagarajan). 35. The Real Effects of Anticipated and Unanticipated Money: A test of the Barro Proposition in the Indian Context, INDIAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL 48(4), 2001 (with Kshitija Donde). 36. Debt for Nature: A Swap Whose Time has Gone? United Nations: ECLAC, ESTUDIOS Y PERSPECTIVAS 4, 2001, Mexico City (with Claudia Schatan) 37. Determinants of Sovereign Borrowings from the IMF, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (with M. Saggar) 36(36), 2001

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38. mall is Efficient: a frontier approach to cost inefficiencies in Indian State road transport undertakings, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT ECONOMICS 28(1), 2001 (with Sanjay K. Singh) 39. Towards a More Rational IMF Quota Structure: Some Suggestions for the Creation of a New International Financial Architecture, DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE, 31(3), 2000 (with Mridul Saggar) 40. The Structure and Price Efficiency of an Emerging Market, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT 10(2), 2000 (with Hari K. Nagarajan) 41. Productivity, Technical and Allocative Efficiency and Farm Size in Wheat Farming in India: A DEA Approach, APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS 7(1), 2000 (with Puneet Chitkara and Santanu Gupta) 42. Growth, Inequality and Poverty in India: Spatial and Temporal Characteristics ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY 35(11) (March 2000). 43. A 20/20 View of Budget 2000, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY 35(12), (March 2000). 44. Tax Efficiency in Selected Indian States, EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS 24(4), 1999 (with Puneet Chitkara, Somnath Chatterjee and M.S. Mohanty). Reprinted in ADVANCES IN PUBLIC ECONOMICS, Robin Boadway and Baldev Raj (eds), Heidelberg: Physica Verlag, 2000 45. Components of the Wholesale Bid-Ask Spread and the Structure of Grain Markets: The Case of Rice in India, AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS 21(2), 1999 (with K.V. Bhanu Murthy, Hari K. Nagarajan and Ashok Seth). 46. Real Consumption Levels and the Public Distribution System in India, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY, 34, 1999 (April) (with K.V. Bhanu Murthy, Hari K. Nagarajan, and A. Seth) 47. Will the Right Monetary Target for India Please Stand Up? ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY 34(9&10) 1999 (March) (with I.S. Longjam). 48. Market Integration, Price Discovery and Short-run Dynamics: A Tale of Two National Stock Markets, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY 34, 1999 (January) (with Hari K. Nagarajan) 49. A Matter of Connections: OECD Telecommunications Sector Productivity and the Role of Technology Diffusion, INFORMATION ECONOMICS AND POLICY 11(3), 1999 (with Sumit Majumdar) 50. Some Imperatives of the Green Revolution: Technical Efficiency and Ownership of Inputs in Indian Agriculture, AGRICULTURAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS REVIEW 28(1), 1999 (with Mark Rhodes) 51. The Provision of Public Services by Government Funded Decentralized Agencies, PUBLIC CHOICE 100(3&4), 1999 (with Robin Boadway and Isao Horiba) 52. Wholesaler Stocks and Hoarding in Rice Markets in India, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY 1998 (October) (with Hari K. Nagarajan) 53. The Challenge of Macroeconomic Management after the 199899 Union Budget, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY 1998 (July).

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54. Market Integration in Indian Agriculture, ECONOMIC SYSTEMS 21(3), 1997 (with K.V. Bhanu Murthy, Hari K. Nagarajan and Ashok Seth) 55. Tax Efficiency and Productivity Analysis: The Case of Canadian Fiscal Federalism PUBLIC FINANCE: FINANCES PUBLIQUES 52(2), 1997 (delayed publication) (with Balbir Sahni) 56. Tax Policy and Human Capital accumulation in a Resource Constrained, Growing Dual Economy, PUBLIC FINANCE REVIEW 25(1), 1997 (with A.P. Sahu) 57. The Determinants of the Price of Food in India, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMICS 6(1), 1997 58. Causal Relations Between Public Expenditure, Money and National Income in France, Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom, THE INDIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 72(3), 1996 (with A.K. Seth) 59. Causal Relations between Public Expenditure, Money and National Income in North America, INDIAN JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE ECONOMICS 11(1), 1996 (with A.K. Seth) 60. The True Cost of Public Expenditure, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY, December 1995. 61. Patterns of Causality between Public Expenditure and Growth of Money and National Income in India INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMICS 4(4), 1995 (with A.K. Seth) 62. Intertemporal and Cross-section Variations in Technical Efficiency in the Indian Railways, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT ECONOMICS 21(1), 1994 (with S.P. Singh) 63. Towards Measuring Allocative Efficiency in Selected Industries of India, ECONOMICS OF PLANNING 27(1), 1994 (with B.S. Sahni) 64. Efficiency Profile of Locomotive Industry in India: Translog Cost Function Estimates and Allocative Efficiency, INDIAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL 41(2), 1993 (with B.S. Sahni) 65. An Analysis of Technological Change, Factor Substitution and Economies of Scale in Manufacturing Industries in India, APPLIED ECONOMICS 25(10), 1993 (with M.N. Murty, S. Paul, and B. Rao) 66. Measures of Efficiency in Private and Public Sector Industries: The Case of India, ANNALS OF PUBLIC AND COOPERATIVE ECONOMICS 63(3), 1992 (with B.S. Sahni) 67. Towards Measuring Airline Technical Inefficiency: The Case of the Canadian Airlines Industry, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT ECONOMICS 19(1), 1992 (with B.S. Sahni) 68. Cross-Sectional and Time Series Variations in Technical Efficiency in the Public Sector: State Electricity Boards in India, INDIAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 27(special number), 1992 (with M.N. Murty and B.S. Sahni) 69. Allocative Efficiency, Scale Economies, and Technical Progress in the Gas and Electricity Industry of India, THE JOURNAL OF ENERGY AND DEVELOPMENT 16(2), 1992 (with M.N. Murty, S. Paul and B.S. Sahni)

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70. Cost Structure of the Indian Cement Industry, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC STUDIES 18(4), 1991 (with M.N. Murty, S. Paul and B.S. Sahni) 71. Cost Structure of Indias Iron and Steel Industry: Allocative Efficiency, Economies of Scale and Biased Technical Progress, RESOURCES POLICY 17(1), 1991 (with M.N. Murty, S. Paul and B.S. Sahni) 72. Technological Change, Factor Substitution and Economies of Scale in Selected Manufacturing Industries in India, JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE ECONOMICS 7(1), 1991 (with M.N. Murty and S. Paul) 73. On Setting the Prices for Certain Manufacturing Commodities in India, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (February) 1991 (with M.N. Murty & S. Paul). 74. Hysteresis and the Natural Rate of Unemployment A Review Article, INDIAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 25(2), 1990 75. Dual Pricing, Rationing and Ramsey Commodity Taxation Theory and an Illustration, THE DEVELOPING ECONOMIES 28(3), 1990 (with M.N. Murty and R. Ray) 76. A Note on Private Corporate Taxation and Effective Tax Rates, PUBLIC FINANCE QUARTERLY 18(4), 1990 (with N. Wadhwa) 77. The Fisher Equation Controversy: A Reconciliation of Contradictory Results, SOUTHERN ECONOMIC JOURNAL 57(1), 1990 (with A.P Sahu and L.H. Meyer) 78. Savings, Investment and Marginal Effective Tax Rates in India, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT BANKING 8(1), 1990 (with B.Purohit) 79. Interest Sensitivity of Household Savings: A Lifecycle Explanation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT BANKING 7(2), 1989 (with S. Mittal) 80. Distributional Equity and Optimal Prices for the Public Sector: The Flexible Coefficients Case, ENERGY ECONOMICS 9(1), 1987 (with M.N. Murty) 81. Optimal Non-Linear Taxation with Interdependent Utilities, JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE ECONOMICS 2(2), 1986 (with M.N. Murty) 82. Optimal Labour Supply and the Accumulation of Human and Financial Capital with Capital Market Imperfections, INDIAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 21(1), 1986 83. Some Aspects of Current Economic Policy and Opportunities for Business, ECONOMIC TRENDS, 1986. 84. Costs and Controls in Indian Industry, ECONOMIC TRENDS, 1984. 85. Pricing in Public Enterprises, IPE JOURNAL, 1983. 86. Inflation and Economic Growth in a Competitive Economy with Exhaustible Resources, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR AND ORGANIZATION 4(1), 1983 (with U. Lachler) 87. Optimum Taxation and Public Production in a Dynamic Harris-Todaro World, JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS 9(3), 1981 (with U. Lachler)

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Chapters in Refereed Books:

1. Inflation Targeting in the Design of Monetary Policy in India, in G. Epstein and E. Yelden (eds) ALTERNATIVES TO INFLATION TARGETING, London: Edward Elgar, 2009. 2. Introduction to the Volume in Raghbendra Jha (ed.) THE INDIAN ECONOMY SIXTY YEARS AFTER INDEPENDENCE, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2008 3. The Indian Economy Current Performance and Short-term Prospects in Raghbendra Jha (ed.) THE INDIAN ECONOMY SIXTY YEARS AFTER INDEPENDENCE, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2008. 4. Market integration in Indian Agriculture in Raghbendra Jha (ed.) THE INDIAN ECONOMY SIXTY YEARS AFTER INDEPENDENCE, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2008 (with K.V. Bhanu Murthy and A. Sharma) 5. Economic Determinants of Newsprint Consumption in India: A time series analysis, in Raghbendra Jha (ed.) THE INDIAN ECONOMY SIXTY YEARS AFTER INDEPENDENCE, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2008 (with U.N. Bhati) 6. India, A Country of Growth: Overcome Obstacles and Structural Strengths, in Batrice Weder di Mauro (ed.) VISIONS OF GROWTH, Berlin: Initiatives New Social Market Economy, 2007. 7. Fiscal Policy, in A. Dutt and J. Ros (eds) INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS, London: Edward Elgar publishers, 2008. 8. Emergence, Severity, and Contours of the Fiscal Deficit in India and South Asia, in A. Siddiqui (ed.) INDIA AND SOUTH ASIA; ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTS IN THE AGE OF GLBALIZATION, Armonk, New York and London, UK: M.E. Sharpe, 2007. 9. An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Public Expenditures on Education and Health on Poverty in Indian States, in Albert Tavidze (ed.) GLOBAL ECONOMICS: NEW RESEARCH, New York: Nova Science, 2007 (with B.Biswal & U. Biswal). 10. Emerging Opportunities for Australia in Indias Paper and Paperboard Market, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL BI-ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF AUSTRALIAN FOREST GROWERS ASSOCIATION, October 2006 (with U.N. Bhati) 11. An Introduction to the Volume, in Raghbendra Jha (ed.), THE FIRST TEN K R NARAYANAN ORATIONS: ESSAYS BY EMINENT PERSONS ON THE RAPIDLY TRANSFORMING INDIAN ECONOMY, ANU E-Press, Australian National University, Canberra, 2006 12. Pro-Poor Fiscal Policy in the Globalized Economy, in A. Cornia (ed.) PRO-POOR MACROECONOMICS, Palgrave/Macmillan, Hampshire, UK and New York, 2006. (Raghbendra Jha) 13. An Inverse Global Environmental Kuznets Curve, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE ECONOMICS, 31(2), 2003 (Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy) (reprinted as Chapter 6 of Environmental Sustainability: A consumption approach, Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy, London & New York: Routledge, 2006) 14. Back to Basics: A way forward for world trade negotiations, in SOUTH ASIAN POSITIONS IN THE WTO DOHA ROUND: IN SEARCH OF A TRUE

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DEVELOPMENT AGENDA, CUTS International (ed.), pp. 4562, Jaipur, India (2005) 15. Alleviating Environmental Degradation in the Asia Pacific Region: International Cooperation and the Role of Issue Linkage, in REGIONAL INTEGRATION IN THE ASIA PACIFIC: ISSUES AND PROSPECTS, OECD, The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre and University of South Australia, 2005. 16. Overview, in R. Jha (ed.) ECONOMIC GROWTH, ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE AND WELFARE IN SOUTH ASIA, Palgrave/Macmillan, Hampshire, UK and New York (2005) 17. The Political Economy of Recent Economic Growth in India, in R. Jha (ed.) ECONOMIC GROWTH, ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE AND WELFARE IN SOUTH ASIA, Palgrave/Macmillan, Hampshire, UK and New York. (2005) 18. Recent Trends in FDI Flows and Prospects for India, R. Jha (ed.) ECONOMIC GROWTH, ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE AND WELFARE IN SOUTH ASIA, Palgrave/Macmillan, Hampshire, UK and New York. (2005) 19. Reducing Poverty and Inequality in India: Has Liberalization Helped? In Giovanni Andrea Cornia (ed.) INEQUALITY, GROWTH AND POVERTY IN AN ERA OF LIBERALIZATION, Oxford, U.K. and New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. 20. Macroeconomics of Fiscal Policy in Developing Countries, in T. Addison & A. Roe (eds) FISCAL POLICY FOR DEVELOPMENT: POVERTY, RECONSTRUCTION AND GROWTH, Basingstoke, UK and New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2004. 21. China and India: Short Term Macroeconomic Outlook, in R. Garnaut and L. Song (eds) CHINA: IS RAPID GROWTH SUSTAINABLE?, Canberra: Asia Pacific Press, 2004 (with Y. Huang ) 22. The Spatial Distribution of Calorie Deficiency in Rural India in the Last three Quinquennial Rounds of the NSS in M. Bhattacharya and M. Vicziany (eds) GLOBALISATION AND MARKET PERFORMANCE: EVIDENCE ON SOUTH ASIA, New York: Nova Science, 2004. 23. On the Endogeneity of the Money Multiplier in India, in R. Jha (ed.) INDIAN ECONOMIC REFORMS, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan (2003) (with D.P. Rath). 24. The Fiscal Constraint on Indias Economic Growth, in R. Jha (ed.) INDIAN ECONOMIC REFORMS, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan (2003) (with S. Chand and A. Sharma). 25. Indias Infrastructure Sector in R. Jha (ed.) INDIAN ECONOMIC REFORMS, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (2003) (with P. Thapa). 26. Rural Poverty in India: Structure, determinants and suggestions for policy reform, in R. Jha (ed.) INDIAN ECONOMIC REFORMS, Basngstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan (2003) 27. Some Notes on the Non-global role of the WEO, in TRADE AND ENVIRONMENT RECENT CONTROVERSIES, Sir Hans Singer, Neelambar Hatti and Rameshwar Tandon (eds), Delhi: Vedam Books, 2003 (with K.V. Bhanu Murthy) 28. The Challenges for Fiscal Policy in the New Economy of India, in ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS IN INDIA, P. Banerjee and K. Richter (eds), Hampshire, UK and New Delhi, India: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2002.

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29. The Environmental Regime in Developing Countries, NBER Working Paper (#7305). Published as a chapter in DISTRIBUTIONAL AND BEHAVIORAL EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY: EVIDENCE AND CONTROVERSIES, C. Carraro and G. Metcalf (eds), Chicago: University of Chicago Press for NBER, 2001 (with John Whalley). 30. The Demand for Money in Select SADC Countries: structure, policy and a comparison with the ASEAN countries, in AFRICA AND ASIA IN COMPARATIVE ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVE, P. Lawrence and C.G. Thirtle (eds), Houndmills, Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Publishers, 2001 (with Mridul Saggar). 31. Sustainability: Behavior, Property Rights and Economic Growth (with K.V. Bhanu Murthy), in PROCEEDINGS OF THE WORLD CONGRESS ON MANAGING AND MEASURING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, held in August 2000 in Canada (reprinted as Chapter 5 of Environmental Sustainability: A consumption approach (with K.V. Bhanu Murthy), London & New York: Routledge, 2006). 32. Allocative Efficiency in the Railways: Cost Structure and Efficiency Profile in the Case of India, PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH WORLD CONGRESS ON TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH, Lyon, France, 1992 (with B.S. Sahni) 33. On the Irrelevance of Subsidies to the Attainment of Allocative Efficiency when Prices are Administered, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL SEMINAR ON TRANSPORTATION SUBSIDY, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, 1992. 34. Efficiency Measurement of Non-Profit Maximizing Industries: The Case of Public Sector Enterprises in India PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NON-PROFIT MAXIMIZING FIRMS AND THE COOPERATIVE SECTOR, Aix-en-Provence, France, 1991 (with B.S. Sahni) 35. Search Reinforces Inflation, in PROCEEDINGS OF THE UGC CONGRESS ON STOCHASTIC PROCESSES, S. Biswas (ed.) Academic Publications, New Delhi, 1986. 36. A Non-Walrasian Theory of Unemployment and Growth, PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWENTY-FIRST CONGRESS OF THE INDIAN ECONOMETRIC SOCIETY, 1984. 37. A Game Theoretic Approach to the International Economic Order, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITIES DEVELOPMENT CONSORTIUM CONFERENCE, Williamstown, Ma., 1982. 38. Indias Public Finances at the Beginning of the Third Millennium, in INDIAN ECONOMY IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM, L. Mungekar, D. Nachane and M. Rao (eds), Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House, 2001. 39. Indias Public Finances: Select Issues and Some Suggested Reforms, in INDIA DEVELOPMENT REPORT, Kirit Parikh (ed.), New Delhi: Oxford University Press. 40. Indias Fiscal Position System: Current Position and Some Suggested Reforms, All India Management Association, 1998. 41. Some Rudimentary Macroeconomics of the Budgetary Deficit and Debt, in A. Vasudevan, D. Nachane and A. Karnik (eds) FIFTY YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS, Bombay: Himalaya Publishers, 1999.

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42. The Theory of the Big Push, in J. Cohen (ed.) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, Marcel Decker, New York, 1982. 43. Aggregate Output, Inflation and Growth under Adjustment Costs, in INVENTORIES IN THE MACROECONOMY, A. Chikan (ed.), North Holland, Amsterdam, 1983. 44. The Microfoundations of Aggregate Supply- Inventory, Unemployment, and Wage and Price Dynamics and the Natural Rate Hypothesis, SPECIAL STUDIES SECTION, FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD, Washington, D.C., (June) 1980 (with G. Schinasi).

Book Reviews:
1. Chronic Poverty and Development Policy in India, (ed.) A. Mehta and A. Shepherd, Pacific Affairs, 79(4), 200607. 2. Federalism and the Market, by E. Webbels, Cambridge University Press, Development and Change, 38(2), 2007. 3. The Macroeconomics of HIV/AIDS (ed.) M. Haacker, IMF, Economic Record, 82(259), 2006. 4. The WTO and Sustainable Development by G. Sampson, UNU/WIDER, Development and Change, 37(5), 2006. 5. Reforming International Environmental Governance, W. Chambers and J. Green (eds.) UNU/WIDER, Development and Change, 37(5), 2006. 6. India-ASEAN Partnership in an Era of Globalization, Reflections by Eminent Persons, RIS, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 41(3), 2005. 7. India and the Politics of Developing Countries Essays in Memory of Myron Weiner, ed. A. Varney (New Delhi: Sage). Australian Journal of Political Science. 40(2), 2005. 8. Behind the Scenes at the WTO: The real world of International Trade Negotiations by F. Jawara and A. Kwa Zed Books, 2003, Development and Change, 36(1), January 2005. 9. Unholy Trinity: The IMF, World Bank and the WTO, by R. Peet et al., Zed Books, 2003, forthcoming Development and Change, January 2005. 10. Accelerating Growth and Poverty Reduction, by Arvind Virmani, New Delhi: Academic Foundation, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY, 39(27), 2004. 11. The Theory of the Global Firm, by Vinay Bharat Ram, Delhi: Oxford University Press, JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS 57(1), 1998. 12. Public Sector Reform: Rationale, Trends and Problems, J. Lane (ed.), London: Sage Publishers, forthcoming in ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY . 13. The Economic Organization of East Asian Capitalism, M. Orro, N. Biggart and G. Hamilton (eds), Thousand Oaks, London and New Delhi: Sage Publishers, 1997, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY 32(47), 1997.

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14. Cointegration for the Applied Economist, B. Bhaskara Rao (ed.), St. Martins Press, New York, 1994. INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMICS 11(1), 1996. 15. Economic Evaluation of Environmental Management Programmes, by M.N. Murty, Commonwealth, 1988, INDIAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 24(2), 1989. 16. Dynamic Fiscal Policy, by A.J. Auerbach and L.J. Kotlikoff, Cambridge University Press, 1987, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT BANKING 7(1), 1989. 17. Inflation and Corporate Tax Provisions in India, by P. Gupta and S. Gupta, Economic and Scientific Research Foundation, INDIAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 21(1), 1986. 18. Tax Assignment in Federal Countries, Charles E. McLure (ed.), ANU Press, Canberra, INDIAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 19(2), 1984.

Current Working Papers

1. Obesity, Affluence and Urbanisation in India, ASARC Working Paper 2010/10 (with R. Gaiha & V.S. Kulkarni) 2. Affluence, Obesity and Non-Communicable Diseases in India, ASARC Working Paper 2010/08 (with R. Gaiha & V.S. Kulkarni) 3. Food Price Subsidy under Public Distribution System in Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan, ASARC Working Paper 2010/07 (with R. Gaiha & M.K. Pandey) 4. Social Safety Nets and Nutrient Deprivation: An Analysis of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Program and the Public Distribution System in India, ASARC Working Paper 2010/04 (with S. Bhattacharyya & R. Gaiha) 5. Targeting Accuracy of the NREG: Evidence from Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra. ASARC Working Paper 2010/03 R. Gaiha & S. Shankar) 6. Information and Corruption: The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in India, ASARC Working Paper 2010/02 (with S. Shankar & R. Gaiha) 7. Fiscal Policies and Challenges in South Asia, ASARC Working Paper 2010/01 8. Who has Most Say in Cooking?, ASARC Working Paper 2009/19 (with R. Gaiha and S. Kulkarni) 9. How Pervasive is Eating Out in India?, ASARC Working Paper 2009/17 (with R. Gaiha and S. Kulkarni) 10. Limits to Citizens Demand in a Democracy, ANU, RSPAS, Division of Economics, Working Paper 2009/16 (with S. Gupta) 11. Timing of Capture of Anti-Poverty Programs: Rural Public Works and Food for Work Programs in Rural India, ASARC Working Paper 2009/16 (with S. Bhattacharyya and R. Gaiha) 12. Economic Growth, Law and Corruption: Evidence from India, ASARC Working Paper 2009/16 (with S. Bhattacharyya) 13. The global financial crisis and short-run prospects for India, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2009/01

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14. Vulnerability and Poverty in Timor-Leste, ANU, RSPAS, Division of Economics Working Paper 2008/11 (with Tu Dang) 15. Vulnerability to Poverty in Select Central Asian Countries, ANU, RSPAS, Division of Economics Working Paper 2008/10 (with Tu Dang) 16. Economic Vulnerability and Poverty in Tajikistan, ANU, RSPAS, Division of Economics Working Paper 2008/09 (with Tu Dang and Yusuf Tashrifov) 17. Vulnerability to Poverty in Papua New Guinea, ANU, RSPAS, Division of Economics Working Paper 2008/08 (with Tu Dang) 18. Vulnerability to Poverty in Fiji, ANU, RSPAS, Division of Economics Working Paper 2008/07 (with Tu Dang and Krishna Lal Sharma) 19. National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme in Andhra Pradesh: Some Recent Evidence, ANU, RSPAS, Division of Economics Working Paper 2008/05 (with Raghav Gaiha and Shylashri Shankar) 20. National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme in India A Review, ANU, RSPAS, Division of Economics Working Paper 2008/01 (with Raghav Gaiha and Shylashri Shankar) 21. Poverty, undernutrition and vulnerability in rural India: Public works versus food subsidy, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2008/08 (with Katsushi S Imai and Raghav Gaiha) 22. Capture of anti-poverty programs: An analysis of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Program in India, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2008/07 (with Sambit Bhattacharyya, Raghav Gaiha and Shylashri Shankar) 23. National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme in Andhra Pradesh: Some recent evidence, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2008/04 (with Raghav Gaiha and Shylashri Shankar) 24. National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme in India: Some recent evidence, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2008/01 (with Raghav Gaiha and Shylashri Shankar) 25. Resource augmentation for meeting the millennium development goals in the Asia Pacific region, ANU, RSPAS, Division of Economics Working Paper 2007/02 (with T. Palanivel) 26. Economic dominants of newsprint consumption in India: A time series analysis, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2007/10 (with U.N. Bhati) 27. The Indian view of economic development: Resilience and the quest for growth, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2007/06 28. The Indian economy: current performance and short-term prospects, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2007/04 29. Investment and subsidies in Indian agriculture, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2007/03 30. Resource augmentation for meeting the millennium development goals in the Asia Pacific region, ANU ASARC Working Paper 2007/02 (with T. Palanivel) 31. Fiscal policy in developing countries: a synoptic view, ANU ASARC Working Paper 2007/01

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32. On modelling variety in consumption expenditure on food, ANU, RSPAS, Division of Economics Working Paper 2006/10 (with Raghav Gaiha and Anurag Sharma) 33. Local public goods in a democracy: Theory and evidence from rural India, ANU, RSPAS, Division of Economics Working Paper 2006/07 (with Sanatanu Gupta) 34. Vulnerability and natural disasters in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and the Kyrgyz Republic, ANU, RSPAS, Division of Economics Working Paper 2006/05 35. Mean consumption, poverty and inequality in rural India in the 60th round of NSS, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2006/11 (with Raghav Gaiha and Anurag Sharma) 36. On modelling variety in consumption expenditure on food, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2006/09 (with Raghav Gaiha and Anurag Sharma) 37. Emerging opportunities for Australia in Indias paper and paperboard market, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2006/05 (with U.N. Bhati) 38. Vulnerability of consumption growth in rural India, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2006/04 39. Micronutrient deprivation and poverty nutrition trap in rural India, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2006/03 (with Raghav Gaiha and Anurag Sharma) 40. Calorie deprivation and poverty nutrition trap in rural India, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2006/02 (with Raghav Gaiha and Anurag Sharma) 41. Poverty nutrition trap in rural India, ANU, RSPAS, Division of Economics Working Paper 2005/02 (with Raghav Gaiha and Anurag Sharma) 42. Alleviating environmental degradation in the Asia-Pacific region: International cooperation and the role of issue-linkage, ANU, RSPAS, Division of Economics Working Paper 2005/01 43. Inflation targeting in India: issues and prospects, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2005/04, ANU 44. Market integration in wholesale rice markets in India, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2005/03 (with Raghav Gaiha and Anurag Sharma) 45. A consumption based human development index and the global environmental Kuznets Curve, ANU, RSPAS, Division of Economics Working Paper 2004/03 (with K V Bhanu Murthy) 46. Land fragmentation and its implications for productivity: evidence from southern India, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2005/01 (with Hari K. Nagarajan and Subbarayan Prasanna) 47. Budgetary subsidies and the fiscal deficit case of Maharashtra, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2004/17 (with Mukesh Anand) 48. The political economy of recent economic growth in India, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2004/12 49. Undernutrition and growth in rural India a regional analysis, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2004/02 (with Raghav Gaiha) 50. A consumption based human development index and the global environmental Kuznets curve, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2004/01 (with K.V. Bhanu Murthy)

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51. A consumption based human development index and the global environmental Kuznets curve, ANU, RSPAS, Division of Economics Working Paper 2004/03 (with K.V. Bhanu Murthy) 52. A Critique of the Environmental Sustainability Index, ANU, RSPAS, Division of Economics Working Paper 2003/08 (with K.V. Bhanu Murthy) 53. Migration and Pollution, ANU, RSPAS, Division of Economics Working Paper 2003/07 (with John Whalley) 54. Determinants of Undernutrition in Rural India, ANU, RSPAS, Division of Economics Working Paper 2003/06 (with Raghav Gaiha) 55. A divisia type saving aggregate for India, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2003/06 (with Ibotombi Longjam) 56. The spatial distribution of calorie deficiency in rural India in the last three quinquennial rounds of NSS, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2003/05, ANU 57. The spatial distribution of protein deficiency in rural India in the last three quinquennial rounds of NSS, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2003/04, ANU 58. Structure of financial savings during Indian economic reforms, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2003/03 (with Ibotombi S. Longjam) 59. The spatial distribution of rural poverty in the last three quinquennial rounds of NSS, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2003/02 (with Anurag Sharma) 60. Determinants of undernutrition in rural India, ANU, ASARC Working Paper 2003/01 (with Raghav Gaiha) 61. Innovative Sources of Development Finance Global Cooperation in the 21st Century, WIDER Working Paper, 2002/98, Helsinki.

Books under Preparation:

1. 2. 3. 4. THE STRUCTURE OF FOODGRAIN PRICES IN INDIA (detailed analysis of pricing issues relating to rice and wheat in India) THE PUBLIC FINANCES OF INDIA (detailed analysis of the role of the public sector in the Indian economy) THEORY AND PRACTICE OF LOCAL PUBLIC FINANCE (graduate/senior undergraduate level text on problems of local public finance) PUBLIC FINANCE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES (senior undergraduate level text on the economics of public sector intervention in developing countries)

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Contributions to Newspapers and other popular outlets:

The Indian Express Numbers to the Rescue, October 2009 (with R. Gaiha and S. Shankar) Warmed over Inequalities, July 2009 The Tribune New Light on Job Schemes, November 2009 (with R. Gaiha and S. Shankar) Financial Express Expansionary in its Fiscal Stance, March 2008 Price Stabilization as an Objective, March 2007 Full Convertibility in Three Years, Parts 1 and 2, September 1997 Coping with the Pangs of Transition, April 1995 The Australian Investors Punish the Poor, August 2008 Hindustan Times Keep up the Tempo, May 2008 (with Raghav Gaiha and Shylashri Shankar) LiveMint.com Wall Street Journal The Cost of Indias Affluence, October 2009 (with R. Gaiha and V. Kulkarni) Growth and Inclusion, February 2007 Brisbane Courier Mail Bring India into the Club, November 2006 Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee Newsletter Designing International Standards of Good Practice, April 2001 Canberra Times Economic Aftershock the Danger for Asia, January 2005 Sydney Morning Herald The Tragedy in Nepal, June 2001 The Diplomat Indias Economic Miracle will continue for another decade, June-July 2004 Outlook Magazine Too Little, Too Vague (Commentary on budget of government of India 200405) Businessworld Magazine Creative, but not enough (Commentary on budget of government of India 200506) ASEAN Focus Group Restoration of Growth Poverty Reduction Nexus in India, January 2007 India Seeks to Boost Growth rates, February 2006 China and India Contrasting Prospects for Growth, December 2004 India: Short-Term Economic Reforms Fears, June 2004 The Coming Rise in Labour Productivity, January 2004 Recent trends in FDI in India, September 2003 The Indian Economy Coming Out of Recession, January 2003.

Asian Currents The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on India and Policy Responses, November 2008. Howard visit to Deepen India Ties, February 2006

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Economic Times: NREGA: An Employment Mirage November 2009 (with R. Gaiha and S. Shankar) Burden of Undernutrition and Obesity October 2009 (with R. Gaiha and V. Kulkarni) Enfranchising the People October 2004 A Perfect Supplementary Angle October 2004. Soaking in a Colourless VAT August 2004 Resist Populist Pressures May 2004 Prepare for bigger government April 2004 Pricing an IIM MBA education March 2004 Deprived they remain all along February 2004 Economic Growth in India A longer-term view, November 2003 What Ails US Investment Recovery? October 2003 Understanding the Global Slowdown, September 2003 FDI: Is more always better? July 2003 Poor Chance for Anti-poverty Goals June 2003 Cascading Doubts on VAT May 2003 Financing the Grassroots February 2003 Tax Reforms in Times of Fiscal Stress January 2003 Fine-Tuning the Kelkar Panel Report December 2002 What a price to pay! November 2002. Decentralization, Corruption and Growth , October 2002 The Weight of the Umbrella September 2002 The Right to a Proper Meal August 2002 Why it Pays to Target Spending July 2002 A New Trade Challenge June 2002 Combating Chronic Poverty in Asia May 2002 A Tobin Tax? April 2002 Subsidy Reform March 2002 Deflation and the Current Downturn February 2002 Sticky Interest Rates January 2002 Property Rights First December 2001 Think Harder, LDCs November 2001 Invest in Human Development October 2001 The Case Against Core Inflation September 2001 Bailouts and Financial Policy August 2001 Standards versus Internalization July 2001 Misallocating Through the Public Distribution System June 2001 Economic Growth and Rural Poverty Alleviation May 2001 Case for Monetary Restraint April 2001 Too Early to Celebrate March 2001 And What of the Long Run February 2001 Consumption Led Recovery January 2001 Lure of the Variable Peg December 2000 The Way Ahead for Expenditure Reform November 2000 Taxing Times for Tax Policy September 2000 A Question of Timing August 2000 The Quagmire after EFC Report August 2000 On the Reliability of Public Forecasts June 2000

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An Inflation Target for the RBI April 2000 Budget 2000 and its Critics March 2000 Robert Mundell: The Economist Who Saw Tomorrow Yesterday October 1999 APEC Economies Newsletter The Emerging Constraints to Rapid Economic Growth in India, February 2001 Indo-Pak Tension: The Economic Fallout, February 2002. Oxford Analytica Government Hopes to Double Port Capacity, September 2006 Surging Market Raises Manipulation Fears, October 2005 Oil Majors in Trouble Over Pricing Mismatch, September 2005 Investment Needed to Revive Agriculture, August 2005 New investment activity in Orissa, June 2005 IT boom provides opportunity for trade reform, May 2005 Singh voices doubts on growth targets, April 2005 Left frustrates Singhs privatisation drive, March 2005 Singh prioritises VAT implementation, February 2005 Government mulls forex strategy for investment, January 2005 Manufacturing key to tackling labour woes, December 2004 The Impending Crisis of Rising Unemployment, November 2004 Fiscal woes could harm external debt position, October 2004 Reforming Indias Pension Sector, September 2004 India: Short-run Macroeconomic Prospects, August 2004

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Other Administrative and Professional Activities:

Administrative Responsibilities at Australian National University 1. Member College of Asia and Pacific Reform Committee 200809. 2. Deputy Convener, The Arndt-Corden Division of Economics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, 2008 3. University Awards Committee, 2007 4. Representative of Economics Division, RSPAS, in the Economics Board of Studies, Australian National University, 2002 Committee Membership in IGIDR: 1. Member Board of Management of IGIDR, 19982000 2. Courses Committee 3. Foreign Travel Committee 4. Appointments Committee 5. Ph.D. Committee 6. Executive Committee Conference Presentations: Several, over the years including the American Economic Association, The Econometric Society, Canadian Economic Association, European Economic Association, International Institute of Public Finance, ESRC Development Economics Conferences and others. Conference Organization: At Australian National University Workshop on Risk and Vulnerability in Select Central Asian and the Pacific Island Countries, ANU (Feb. 2009) Conference on National Rural Employment Guarantee Program, New Delhi, (Dec. 2008). Narayanan Oration by Sunita Narayan, (Sep. 2008). Two-day conference on the Indian Economy to mark 60 years of Indian Independence (Aug. 2007) Narayanan Oration by Dr. R.K. Pachauri (Aug. 2007). ASARC-IFAD Conference on Vulnerability and Economic Development, Aug. 2006. Project Completion Workshop, DFID Project on Poverty Nutrition Traps in Rural India, at India International Centre, New Delhi, India (Nov. 2005). Indian Economy and Business Update (Aug. 2005) Conference to mark Ten Years of Australia South Asia Research Centre (Apr. 2004) Business Prospects in India: Culture, Society and Economy, one-day conference (Aug. 2003) Narayanan Oration by Dr. K. Kasturirangan (Jul. 2006) Narayanan Oration by Prof. M.S. Swaminathan (Sep. 2005) Narayanan Oration by Dr Vijay Kelkar (Apr. 2004) Narayanan Oration by Professor Pranab Bardhan (Mar. 2003) Narayanan Oration by Professor Meghnad Desai (Dec. 2002) Narayanan Oration by Dr C. Rangarajan (Nov. 2001) Conference to mark Ten Years of Economic Reforms in India, two-day conference (Nov. 2001). At IGIDR Third Conference on Money and Finance (NovemberDecember 2000) Second Conference on Money and Finance (NovemberDecember 1999) First Conference on Money and Finance in the Indian Economy December 1998

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Ph.D. Thesis Examiner

Australian National University, Australia Department of Economics, Queens University, Kingston, Canada Department of Economics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia RMIT, Melbourne, Australia Indian Institute of Technology Benares Hindu University Bharathiar University University of Sydney University of Madras Editor of the Working Paper Series at Delhi School of Economics, 199192. Secretary, Indian Econometric Society (North Indian Chapter), 198788.

Referee for
Referee for Conference Board of Canada (1995) Referee for Shastri IndoCanadian Institute (19911992) Referee for WIDER, United Nations University, Helsinki, Finland (1998) Referee for United Nations University, Tokyo (2003) (Funding Agencies) National Science Foundation (USA) Economic and Social Research Council (UK) Department for International Development (UK) Australian Research Council (Australia) (Publishers) Blackwell Publishers Oxford University Press Routledge Publishers Palgrave-Macmillan Publishers Stanford University Press

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(Journals) Asian and Pacific Management Journal Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies Canadian Journal of Economics Economic Record Economic and Political Weekly Empirical Economics Environment and Development Economics European Journal of Political Economy Food Policy Indian Economic Review International Economic Journal International Tax and Public Finance Journal of Agricultural Economics Journal of Applied Economics Journal of Comparative Economics Journal of Development Economics Journal of Development Studies Journal of Economic Inequality Journal of Environmental Management Journal of Industrial Economics Journal of Public Economics Journal of Quantitative Economics Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy Oxford Economic Papers Pacific Review Quarterly Journal of Economics World Development World Economy Public Budgeting and Finance

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M.Phil.: I supervised eleven M.Phil. dissertations in Delhi School of Economics and two in IGIDR. I supervised one M.Phil. dissertation at the ANU. Ph.D.: I am currently supervising four Ph.D. dissertations at the ANU. Ph.Ds have been awarded to the following students of mine
Name 1. 2. 3. Tu Dang Kompal Sinha Anurag Sharma Mohammad-Yusuf Tashrifov Sanjay K. Singh Institution ANU ANU ANU Title of dissertation Choice between Exchange Rate Band and Corner Solutions with Imperfect Credibility Essays in Nutrition and Labor Supply: An Empirical Investigation for Rural India Fiscal Deficits, Banking Cries and Adjustment Policy in a semi-open economy. The Impact of Market Reform, Monetary Policy and Financial Aid on Economic Development, with Application to Tajikistan Productivity and Efficiency in State Transport Undertakings in India: Determinants and Implications for Pricing The Structure of Financial Savings in the Indian Household Sector Endogeneity Issues in the Money Supply Process of India Indian Real Exchange Rate Behaviour and Durable Goods Market under exchange rate Uncertainty Essays in Fiscal Federalism and Fiscal Expenditure Issues in Tax Reform and tariff Structure in India Bank Credit, Asset Securitization and Financing Infrastructure: A Case Study of India Some Issues Relating to Exchange Rate Policy in India in the Post Liberalization Period Optimal Regulatory Policy - Applications to the Indian Telecommunications Sector Estimation of Performance Benchmarks: Inefficiency and the Pricing of Power Industrialization Strategy for Less Developed Countries A Comparative Study of India and Pakistan





6. 7.

Ibotombi S. Longjam Deba Prasad Rath



Manas Paul


9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Santanu Gupta Mukesh Anand Sagar Koparkar Mridul Saggar Nibedita Das Puneet Chitkara

IGIDR IGIDR IGIDR IGIDR IGIDR IGIDR Delhi School of Economics, Delhi Univ.


K.V. Bhanu Murthy

CV Raghbendra Jha


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1. Prof. Robin W. Boadway, Department of Economics, Queens University, Kingston, Canada K7L 3N6. Fax: 1-(613) 533 6668; Phone (office): 1-(613) 533 2266 E-mail: boadwayr@qed.econ.queensu.ca Prof. Dan Usher, Department of Economics, Queens University, Kingston, Canada K7L 3N6. Fax: 1-(613) 533 6668; Phone (office): 1-(613) 533 2285 E-mail: usher@qed.econ.queensu.ca Prof. Balbir S. Sahni, Professor Emeritus of Economics Co-Chair, Focus India Education Working Group (DFAIT) Concordia University 1455 de Masionneuve Blvd.West Montreal H3G 1M8 Tele: 514-848-2424 ext. 3085; fax: 514-848-4536 E-Mail: balbir.sahni@concordia.ca Cell: 514-573-5625



RJ/ April 2010

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