2011 Dawson Stemmer
2011 Dawson Stemmer
2011 Dawson Stemmer
Professor, Department of CSE, M.I.T., Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India. 1 giri.shakarad@manipal.edu
Abstract --- Information Retrieval (IR) is essentially a matter of deciding which documents in a collection should be retrieved to satisfy a user's need for information. The user's need for information is represented by a query or profile, and contains one or more search terms, plus some additional information such as weight of the words. Hence, the retrieval decision is made by comparing the terms of the query with the index terms (important words or phrases) appearing in the document itself. The decision may be binary (retrieve/reject), or it may involve estimating the degree of relevance that the document has to query. Unfortunately, the words that appear in documents and in queries often have many morphological variants. So before the information retrieval from the documents the stemming techniques are applied on the target data set to reduce the size of the data set which will increase the effectiveness of IR System. In this paper, surveys of stemming techniques have been presented. Keywords --- Affix, IR System, Morphology, Semantic interpretation, Stemming, Suffix, and Web.
1. INTRODUCTION The words that appear in documents and in queries often have many morphological variants. Thus, pairs of terms such as "computing" and "computation" will not be recognized as equivalent without some form of natural language processing (NLP).
size, that is, the number of distinct terms needed for representing a set of documents. A smaller dictionary size results in a saving of storage space and processing time. There are several types of stemming algorithms which differ in respect to performance and accuracy. 2.1. Brute Force Algorithms Brute force stemmers employ a lookup table which contains relations between root forms and inflected forms. To stem a word, the table is queried to find a matching inflection. If a matching inflection is found, the associated root form is returned. Brute force approaches are criticized for their general lack of elegance in that no algorithm is applied that would more quickly converge on a solution. In other words, there are more operations performed during the search than should be necessary. Brute force searches consume immense amounts of storage to host the list of relations (relative to the task). The algorithm is only accurate to the extent that the inflected form already exists in the table. Given the number of words in a given language, like English, it is unrealistic to expect that all words form can be captured and manually recorded by human action alone. Manual training of the algorithm is overly timeintensive and the ratio between the effort and the increase in accuracy is marginal at best.
Brute force algorithms do overcome some of the challenges faced by the other approaches. Not all inflected word forms in a given language "follow the rules" appropriately. While "running" might be easy to stem to "run" in a suffix stripping approach, the alternate inflection, "ran", is not. Suffix stripping algorithms are somewhat powerless to overcome this problem, short of increasing the number and complexity of the rules, but A stemming algorithm is a process of linguistic normalization, brute force algorithms only require storing a single extra in which the variant forms of a word are reduced to a common relation between "run" and "ran". While that is true, this form, for example, assumes someone bothered to store the relation in the first (Connection, Connections, Connective ,Connected) connect place, and one of the major problems of improving brute force It is important to appreciate that we use stemming with the algorithms is the coverage of the language. intention of improving the performance of IR systems.The 2.2. Affix (Suffix/Prefix) Stripping Algorithms stem need not be identical to the morphological root of the word; it is usually sufficient that related words map to the same In linguistics, the term affix refers to either a prefix or a suffix. stem, even if this stem is not in itself a valid root. For this In addition to dealing with suffixes, several approaches also reason, a number of so-called stemming Algorithms, or attempt to remove common prefixes. For example, given the stemmers, have been developed, which attempt to reduce a word indefinitely, identify that the leading "in" is a prefix that word to its stem or root form. Thus, the key terms of a query or can be removed. Suffix stripping algorithms do not rely on a document are represented by stems rather than by the original lookup table that consists of inflected forms and root form words. This not only means that different variants of a term relations. Instead, a typically smaller list of rules is stored can be conflated to a single representative form it also which provide a path for the algorithm, given an input word reduces the dictionary form, to find its root form. Some examples of the rules include: In most cases, morphological variants of words have similar semantic interpretations and can be considered as equivalent for the purpose of IR applications. In linguistic morphology, stemming is the process for reducing inflected (or sometimes derived) words to their stem, base or root form generally a written word form. 1. if the word ends in 'ed', remove the 'ed
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2. if the word ends in 'ing', remove the 'ing' 3. if the word ends in 'ly', remove the 'ly' Suffix stripping approaches enjoy the benefit of being much simpler to maintain than brute force algorithms, assuming the maintainer is sufficiently knowledgeable in the challenges of linguistics and morphology and encoding suffix stripping rules. Suffix stripping algorithms are sometimes regarded as crude given the poor performance when dealing with exceptional relations (like 'ran' and 'run'). The solutions produced by suffix stripping algorithms are limited to those lexical categories which have well known suffixes with few exceptions. This, however, is a problem, as not all parts of speech have such a well formulated set of rules. Lemmatization attempts to improve upon this challenge. Additional Algorithm Criteria:Suffix stripping algorithms may differ in results for a variety of reasons. One such reason is whether the algorithm constrains whether the output word must be a real word in the given language. Some approaches do not require the word to actually exist in the language lexicon (the set of all words in the language). Alternatively, some suffix stripping approaches maintain a database (a large list) of all known morphological word roots that exist as real words. These approaches check the list for the existence of the term prior to making a decision. Typically, if the term does not exist, alternate action is taken. This alternate action may involve several other criteria. The non-existence of an output term may serve to cause the algorithm to try alternate suffix stripping rules. It can be the case that two or more suffix stripping rules apply to the same input term, where there becomes an ambiguity in which rule to apply. The algorithm may assign (by human hand or stochastically) a priority to one rule or another. Or the algorithm may reject one rule application because it results in a non-existent term whereas the other overlapping rule does not. For example, given the English term friendliest, the algorithm may identify the ies suffix and apply the appropriate rule and achieve the result of friendly. Friendly is likely not found in the lexicon, and therefore the rule is rejected. One improvement upon basic suffix stripping is the use of suffix substitution. Similar to a stripping rule, a substitution rule replaces a suffix with an alternate suffix. For example, there could exist a rule that replaces ies with y. How this affects the algorithm varies on the algorithm's design. To illustrate, the algorithm may identify that both the ies suffix stripping rule applies as well as the suffix substitution rule. Since the stripping rule results in a non-existent term in the lexicon, but the substitution rule does not, the substitution rule is applied instead. In this example, friendliest becomes friendly instead of friendly. Diving further into the details, a common technique is to apply rules in a cyclical fashion (recursively, as computer scientists would say). After applying the suffix substitution rule in this example scenario, a second pass is made to identify matching rules on the term friendly, where the ly stripping rule is likely identified and accepted. In summary, friendliest becomes (via substitution) friendly which becomes (via stripping) friend. This example also helps illustrate the
difference between a rule based approach and a brute force approach. In a brute force approach, the algorithm would search for friendliest in the set of hundreds of thousands of inflected word forms and ideally find the corresponding root form friend. In the rule based approach, the three rules mentioned above would be applied in succession to converge on the same solution. Chances are that the rule based approach was faster. Different Stemming Algorithms (Affix): The following are the different Stemming Algorithms. 1. Paice/Husk Stemming Algorithm 2. Porter Stemming Algorithm 3. Krovetz stemming Algorithm and 4. Dawson Stemming Algorithm 2.3. Lemmatization Algorithms A more complex approach to the problem of determining a stem of a word is lemmatization. This process involves first determining the part of speech of a word, and applying different normalization rules for each part of speech. The part of speech is first detected prior to attempting to find the root since for some languages, the stemming rules change depending on a word's part of speech. This approach is highly conditional upon obtaining the correct lexical category (part of speech). While there is overlap between the normalization rules for certain categories, identifying the wrong category or being unable to produce the right category limits the added benefit of this approach over suffix stripping algorithms. The basic idea is that, if we are able to grasp more information about the word to be stemmed, and then we are able to more accurately apply normalization rules (which are, more or less, suffix stripping rules). 2.4 Paice/Husk: The Paice/Husk Stemmer was developed by Chris Paice at Lancaster University in the late 1980s, and was originally implemented with assistance from Gareth Husk. When operating with its standard rule-set, it is a rather 'strong' or 'heavy' stemmer. The Paice/Husk Stemmer is a simple iterative Stemmer that is to say, it removes the endings from a word in an indefinite number of steps. The Stemmer uses a separate rule file, which is first read into an array or list. This file is divided into a series of sections, each section corresponding to a letter of the alphabet. The section for a given letter, say "e", contains the rules for all endings ending with "e", the sections being ordered alphabetically. An index can thus be built, leading from the last letter of the word to be stemmed to the first rule for that letter. When a word is to be processed, the stemmer takes its last letter and uses the index to find the first rule for that letter. The rule is examined, and is accepted if: 1. It specifies an ending which matches the last letters of the word. 2. Any special conditions for that rule are satisfied (e.g., the so-called 'intact' condition, which ensures that the
rule is only fired if no other rules have yet been applied to the word). 3. Application of the rule would not result in a stem shorter than a specified length or without a vowel. If a rule is accepted then it is applied to the word. If it is not accepted, the rule index is incremented by one and the next rule is tried. However, if the first letter of the next rule does not match with the last letter of the word, this implies that no ending can be removed, and so the process terminates. When a rule is applied to a word, this usually means that the ending of the word is removed or replaced. For example, the rule : e1> { -e - } , means 'if the current word/stem ends with "e" then delete 1 letter and continue' (the curly brackets just contain a comment showing the rule in another form). So this is a simple 'e-removal' rule, which for example would convert "estate" to "estat". After applying this rule, the new final letter (now "t") would be taken and used to access a different section of the rule table. If, however, the final symbol had been "." instead of "> ", the process would have terminated, and "estat" would have been returned at once. Suppose now that the rule had said: e1i> { -e -i } In this case, the "e" would have been removed and then replaced by the letter "i" giving, in the present case, "estati". Once a rule has been found to match, it is not applied at once, but must first be checked to confirm that it would leave an acceptable stem. For example, it would not be sensible to apply the 'e-removal' rule to the word "me", since the remaining stem would be too short - and would not even contain a vowel!The flow chart for Paice/Husk Stemmer is given fig.1.
evaluation of the worth of a suffix stripping system is correspondingly difficult. The second point is that with the approach adopted here, i.e. the use of a suffix list with various rules, the success rate for the suffix stripping will be significantly less than 100% irrespective of how the process is evaluated. For example, if SAND and SANDER get conflated, so most probably will WAND and WANDER. The error here is that the -ER of WANDER has been treated as a suffix when in fact it is part of the stem. Equally, a suffix may completely alter the meaning of a word, in which case its removal is unhelpful. PROBE and PROBATE for example, have quite distinct meanings in modern English. (In fact these would not be conflated in our present algorithm.) There comes a stage in the development of a suffix stripping program where the addition of more rules to increase the performance in one area of the vocabulary causes an equal degradation of performance elsewhere. Unless this phenomenon is noticed in time, it is very easy for the program to become much more complex than is really necessary. It is also easy to give undue emphasis to cases which appear to be important, but which turn out to be rather rare. For example, cases in which the root of a word changes with the addition of a suffix, as in DECEIVE/DECEPTION, RESUME/RESUMPTION, INDEX/INDICES occur much more rarely in real vocabularies than one might at first suppose. In view of the error rate that must in any case be expected, it did not seem worthwhile to try and cope with these cases. To present the suffix stripping algorithm in its entirety we will need a few definitions: A \consonant\ in a word is a letter other than A, E, I, O or U, and other than Y preceded by a consonant. (The fact that the term `consonant' is defined to some extent in terms of itself does not make it ambiguous.) So in TOY the consonants are T and Y, and in SYZYGY they are S, Z and G. If a letter is not a consonant it is a \vowel\. A consonant will be denoted by c, a vowel by v. A list ccc... of length greater than 0 will be denoted by C, and a list vvv... of length greater than 0 will be denoted by V. Any word, or part of a word, therefore has one of the four forms: CVCV ... C, CVCV ... V, VCVC ... C, and VCVC ... V These may all be represented by the single form [C]VCVC ... [V] Where the square brackets denote arbitrary presence of their contents. Using (VC) {m} to denote VC repeated m times, this may again be written as [C] (VC) {m} [V]. m will be called the \measure\ of any word or word part when represented in this form. The case m = 0 covers the null word. Here are some examples: m=0 TR, EE, TREE, Y, BY. m=1 TROUBLE, OATS, TREES, IVY. m=2 TROUBLES, PRIVATE, OATEN, ORRERY. The \rules\ for removing a suffix will be given in the form (condition) S1 S2 This means that if a word ends with the suffix S1, and the stem before S1 satisfies the given condition, S1 is replaced by S2. The condition is usually given in terms of m, e.g. (m > 1) EMENT
Here S1 is `EMENT' and S2 is null. This would map REPLACEMENT to REPLAC, since REPLAC is a word part for which m = 2.The condition part may also contain the following: *S - the stem ends with S (and similarly for the other letters). *v* - the stem contains a vowel. *d - the stem ends with a double consonant (e.g. -TT, -SS). *o - the stem ends cvc, where the second c is not W, X or Y (e.g. -WIL, -HOP). And the condition part may also contain expressions with \and\, \or\ and\not\, so thatc (m>1 and (*S or *T)) tests for a stem with m>1 ending in S or T, while (*d and not (*L or *S or *Z)) tests for a stem ending with a double consonant other than L, S or Z. Elaborate conditions like this are required only rarely. In a set of rules written beneath each other, only one is obeyed, and this will be the one with the longest matching S1 for the given word. For example, with SSES SS, IES I, SS SS, S (Here the conditions are all null) CARESSES maps to CARESS since SSES is the longest match for S1. Equally CARESS maps to CARESS (S1=`SS') and CARES to CARE (S1=`S'). In the rules below, examples of their application, successful or otherwise, are given on the right in lower case. The algorithm now follows: Step 1a SSES SS IES I caresses caress ponies poni Ties ti caress caress cats cat
SS SS S Step 1b (m>0) EED EE 1.feed feed, 2. Agreed agree (*v*) ED 1.plastered plaster, 2. Bled bled (*v*) ING 1.motoring motor,2.sing sing If the second or third of the rules in Step 1b is successful, the following is done: AT ATE conflat(ed) conflate BL BLE troubl(ed) trouble IZ IZE siz(ed) size (*d and not (*L or *S or *Z)) single letter hopp(ing) hop tann(ed) tan fall(ing) fall fizz(ed) fizz (m=1 and *o) E fail(ing) fail fil(ing) file The rule to map to a single letter causes the removal of one of the double letter pair. The -E is put back on -AT, -BL and -IZ, so that the suffixes -ATE, -BLE and -IZE can be recognised later. This E may be removed in step4. Step 1c (*v*) Y I happy happi Sky sky
Step 1 deals with plurals and past participles. The subsequent steps are much more straightforward. Step 2 (m>0) ATIONAL ATE relational relate (m>0) TIONAL TION conditional condition (m>0) ENCI ENCE valenci valence (m>0) ANCI ANCE hesitanci hesitance (m>0) IZER IZE digitizer digitize (m>0) ABLI ABLE conformabli conformable (m>0) ALLI AL radicalli radical (m>0) ENTLI ENT differentli different (m>0) ELI E vileli vile (m>0) OUSLI OUS analogousli analogous (m>0) IZATION IZE vietnamization vietnamize (m>0) ATION ATE predication predicate (m>0) ATOR ATE operator operate (m>0) ALISM AL feudalism feudal (m>0) IVENESS IVE decisiveness decisive (m>0) FULNESS FUL hopefulness hopeful (m>0) OUSNESS OUS callousness callous (m>0) ALITI AL formaliti formal (m>0) IVITI IVE sensitiviti sensitive (m>0) BILITI BLE sensibiliti sensible The test for the string S1 can be made fast by doing a program switch on the penultimate letter of the word being tested. This gives a fairly even breakdown of the possible values of the string S1. It will be seen in fact that the S1-strings in step 2 are presented here in the alphabetical order of their penultimate letter. Similar techniques may be applied in the other steps. Step 3 (m>0) ICATE IC triplicate triplic (m>0) ATIVE formative form (m>0) ALIZE AL formalize formal (m>0) ICITI IC electriciti electric (m>0) ICAL IC electrical electric (m>0) FUL hopeful hope (m>0) NESS goodness good Step 4 (m>1) AL revival reviv (m>1) ANCE allowance allow (m>1) ENCE inference infer (m>1) ER airliner airlin (m>1) IC gyroscopic gyroscop (m>1) ABLE adjustable adjust (m>1) IBLE defensible defens (m>1) ANT irritant irrit (m>1) EMENT replacement replac (m>1) MENT adjustment adjust (m>1) ENT dependent depend (m>1 and (*S or *T)) ION adoption adopt (m>1) OU homologou homolog (m>1) ISM communism commun (m>1) ATE activate activ (m>1) ITI angulariti angular (m>1) OUS homologous homolog (m>1) IVE effective effect
(m>1) IZE bowdlerize bowdler The suffixes are now removed. All that remains is a little tidying up. Step 5a (m>1) E probate probat, rate rate (m=1 and not *o) E cease ceas Step 5b (m > 1 and *d and *L) single letter controll control roll roll The algorithm is careful not to remove a suffix when the stem is too short, the length of the stem being given by its measure, m. There is no linguistic basis for this approach. It was merely observed that m could be used quite effectively to help decide whether or not it was wise to take off a suffix. For example, in the following two lists: list A list B ---------------RELATE PROBATE CONFLATE PIRATE DERIVATE ACTIVATE DEMONSTRATE NECESSITATE
-ATE is removed from the list B words, but not from the list A words. This Means that the pairs
fact that no attempt is made to identify prefixes can make the results look rather inconsistent. Thus PRELATE does not lose the -ATE, but ARCHPRELATE becomes ARCHPREL. In practice this does not matter too much, because the presence of the prefix decreases the probability of an erroneous conflation. Complex suffixes are removed bit by bit in the different steps. Thus GENERALIZATIONS is stripped to GENERALIZATION (Step 1), then to GENERALIZE (Step 2), then to GENERAL (Step 3), and then to GENER (Step 4). OSCILLATORS is stripped to OSCILLATOR (Step 1), then to OSCILLATE (Step 2), then to OSCILL (Step 4), and then to OSCIL (Step 5). The algorithm is given fig.2. Flowchart for Porter stemmer
returns the stem to a word. The low level of strength with the English language due to nature of the Stemmer causes issues with its usage within the field of IR, where an increased level of strength and index compression may be sought. For this reason, this Stemmer is frequently used in conjunction with other Stemmers, making use of the advantage of the accuracy of removal of suffixes by this Stemmer, which then adds the compression of another Stemmer, such as the Paice/Husk Stemmer or Porter Stemmer. 2. 7 Dawson stemmer The Dawson stemmer was developed by John Dawson and was first presented in 1974. The stemmer is similar to Lovins as it is a single-pass context-sensitive suffix removal stemmer and was developed at the Literary and Linguistics Centre, Cambridge. The main aim of the stemmer was to take the original algorithm proposed by Lovins and attempt to refine the rule sets and techniques, and to correct any basic errors that exist. The first step was to include all plurals and combinations of the simple suffice, this increased the size of the ending list to approximately five hundred. The second phase was to employ what Dawson called the completion principle in which any suffix contained within the ending list is completed by including all variants, flexions and combinations in the ending list. This increased the ending list once more to approximately one thousand two hundred terms, although no record of this list is available. A similarity with the Lovins stemmer is that every ending contained within the list is associated with a number that is used as an index to search an list of exceptions that enforce certain conditions upon the removal of the associated ending. These conditions are similar to the Lovins stemmer in that they may enforce either a minimum length of the remaining stem (with a minimum length of two for all stems) or that the ending can only be removed/shall not be removed when set letters are present in the remaining stem. The major difference between the Dawson and Lovins stemmers is the technique used to solve the problem of spelling exceptions. The Lovins stemmer utilizes the technique known as recoding. This process is seen as part of the main algorithm and performs a number of transformations based on the letters within the stem. In contrast the Dawson stemmer utilizes partial matching which, as described above, attempts to match stems that are equal within certain limits. This process is not seen as part of the stemming algorithm and therefore must be implemented within the information retrieval system. Dawson warns that without this additional processing many errors would be produced by this stemmer. 3. Conclusion Stemming can be effectively used in natural language processing such as in free text search. The use of stemming algorithms before mining will reduce the database size. Stemming is useful for library and information science professional in the fields of classification and indexing, as it
Fig.2. 2.6 Krovetz stemmer The Krovetz Stemmer was developed by Bob Krovetz, at the University of Massachusetts, in 1993. It is quite a 'light' stemmer, as it makes use of inflectional linguistic morphology. The area of morphology (the internal structure of words) can be broken down into two subclasses, inflectional and derivational. Inflectional morphology describes predictable changes a word undergoes as a result of syntax (the plural and possessive form for nouns, and the past tense and progressive form for verbs are the most common in English). These changes have no effect on a words part-of-speech (a noun still remains a noun after pluralizations). In contrast, changes of derivational morphology may or may not affect a words meaning (e.g.; -ise, -ship). Although English is a relatively weak morphological language, languages such as Hungarian and Hebrew have stronger morphology where thousands of variants may exist for a given word. In such a case the retrieval performance of an IR system would be severely be impacted by a failure to deal with such variations. The Krovetz Stemmer effectively and accurately removes inflectional suffixes in three steps, the conversion of a plural to its single form (e.g. -ies, -es, -s), the conversion of past to present tense (e.g. -ed), and the removal of -ing. The conversion process firstly removes the suffix, and then though a process of checking in a dictionary for any recoding (also being aware of exceptions to the normal recoding rules),
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