Csir Brochure
Csir Brochure
Csir Brochure
= +
S = GATE Score (normalised) of a candidate,
M = Marks obtained by a candidate in a paper,
= Qualifying Marks for general category candidates in the paper,
t M
= Average Marks fo top 0.1% or 10 (which ever is higher) of candidates in the paper,
= GATE Score assigned to
t M
(around 900), and
= GATE Score assigned to M
(around 300),
is usually 25 marks (out of 100) or , + which ever is higher. Here is the mean of marks in a paper and
is the standard deviation.
4. Generally, GATE results will be announced in every around march 15.
Eligibility for GATE according to the 2013 notification
Only the following categories of candidates are eligible to appear for GATE 2013. Necessary supporting
documents must be submitted ONLINE or by post during the submission of the application form for
the exam. Please read this carefully and make sure that your year of qualification is not later that what
is specified below.
H.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-9. B.O.: 25/8, Old Rajender Nagar Market, Delhi-60
Ph:. 011-45629987, 09999329111, 09999197625 || Email: ims4ims2010@gmail.com, www.ims4maths.com
Institute for IAS/ IFoS/ CSIR/ GATE Examinations
Qualifying Degree
Qualifying Degre e/
Examination (De scriptive)
Description of Eligible
Year of qualificat ion
cannot be later than
Copies of Certificates to be submitted
Passed in the year 2012
or earlier
Expec ted to
complet e i n 2013
or later
Bachelor s degr ee in
hitecture (4 years after 10+2/
Post B.Sc./ Post-Diploma)
year of c ompleted 2013
Degree Certificate/
Pr ovisional Certif icate/
Course Comple tion
Certif icate
Certificate from
Pr incipa l
Masters degree in any
branch of Sc ience/
Mathe matics/ Stat istics/
Computer Applica tions or
Final year or completed 2013
Degree Certificate/
Pr ovisional Certif icate/
Course Comple tion
Cer tificate (pertaining to
Masters degree)
Certificate from
Pr incipa l
Int. M.E./M.Tech or
DD (after 10+2 or
Integrated Master s degre e
programs or Dual Degree
programs in Engineering/
Tec hnology (Five years
t h
t h
year or completed 2014
Degr ee Certificat6e /
Pr ovisional Certif icate/
Course Comple tion
Certif icate
Certificate from
Pr incipa l
I nt. M.E/M.Tech (Post
Post-BSc Integrated Masters
degr ee pr ogr ams in
Engineering/ Technology
( Four year programme)
/ 3
ye ar or
Degree Certificate/
Pr ovisional Certif icate/
Course Comple tion
Certif icate
Certificate from
Pr incipa l
Pr ofessional Society
(equivalent to
B.E/B.Te ch equivalent
examinations, of Professional
Soc ieties, recognized by
AMIE by I nstitution of
Engineer s- India, AMICE by
the I nstitute of Civil
Engineers India)
Completed section A or
e quivalent of such
professional courses
Professional Certificate/
Pr ovisional Certif icate/
Cour se Completion/
Membership Certificate
issued by the Society or
Copy of
Marksheet from
Section A
Certificate from Principal
Candidates who have to submit a certificate from their Principal, as determined from the above table,
have to obtain a signature from their principal on a certificate that will be printed on the application PDF
file provided after completion of online application submission.
Candidates with backlogs
Candidates who have appeared in the final semester/year exam in 2012, but with a backlog (arrears/
failed subjects) in any of the papers in their qualifying degree should submit
1. A copy of any one of the marks sheets of the final year, OR
2. A letter from the principal indicating that the student has a backlog from an earlier semester/year to
be cleared, and therefore cannot produce a course completion certificate now. This certificate will
also be present in the last portion of the PDF application form provided to you after you submit
application online.
GATE Papers according to the 2013 notification
GATE 2013 wi l l be conducted i n the f ol l owing subj ects (al so ref erred to as papers).
Candi dates must f amil i ari ze wi th the paper code for the paper of thei r choice, as thi s
knowl edge wi ll be requi red at the time of appl i cati on form submissi on and appeari ng for the
H.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-9. B.O.: 25/8, Old Rajender Nagar Market, Delhi-60
Ph:. 011-45629987, 09999329111, 09999197625 || Email: ims4ims2010@gmail.com, www.ims4maths.com
Institute for IAS/ IFoS/ CSIR/ GATE Examinations
Aerospace Engineering AE Instrumentation Engineering IN
Agricultural Engineering AG Mathematics MA
Architecture and Planning AR Mechanical Engineering ME
Biotechnology BT Mining Engineering MN
Civil Engineering CE Metallurgical Engineering MT
Chemical Engineering CH Physics PH
Computer Science and Information Technology CS Production and Industrial Engineering PI
Chemistry CY Textile Engineering and Fibre Science TF
Electronics and Communication Engineering EC Engineering Sciences XE*
Electrical Engineering EE Life Sciences XL**
Geology and Geophysics GG
Engineering Mathematics (Compulsory) A Chemistry (Compulsory)
Cluid Mechanics B Biochemistry
Materials Science C Botany
Solid Mechanics D Microbiology
Thermodynamics E Zoology
Polymer Science and Engineering F Food Technology
Food Technology G
GATE Examination Schedule according to 2013 notification
GATE Paper Codes Examination Time Examination Type
AR, CE, GG, MA, MT, PH, and TF 09:00 hrs 12:00 hrs ONLINE
AE, AG, BT, CH, CY, MN, XE and XL 14:00 hrs 17:00 hrs ONLINE
CS, ME and PI 09:00 hrs 12:00 hrs OFFLINE
EC, EE and IN 14:00 hrs 17:00 hrs OFFLINE
ONLINE Examination: A computer based t est (CBT) where the candi date wi l l use a
computer mouse to choose a correct answer or enter a numeri cal answer vi a a vi rtual
OFFLINE Examination: A paper based examination where the candidate will mark the correct
answer out of four options in an Optical Response Sheet (ORS) by darkening the appropriate bubble
with a pen.
H.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-9. B.O.: 25/8, Old Rajender Nagar Market, Delhi-60
Ph:. 011-45629987, 09999329111, 09999197625 || Email: ims4ims2010@gmail.com, www.ims4maths.com
Institute for IAS/ IFoS/ CSIR/ GATE Examinations
CSIR New Pattern of Examination
(Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Human Resources Development Group Examination Unit)
CSIR-UGC (NET) Exam for Award of Junior Research Fellowship and
Eligibility for Lectureship
Exam Scheme
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks:200
From June, 2011 CSIR-UGC (NET) Exam for Award of Junior Research Fellowship and Eligibility for
Lectureship shall be a Single Paper Test having Multiple Choice Question (MCQs). The question paper
shall be divided in three parts.
This part shall carry 20 questions pertaining to General Aptitude with emphasis on logical reasoning,
graphical analysis, analytical and numerical ability, quantitative comparison, series formation, puzzle
etc. The candidates shall be required to answer any 15 questions. Each question shall be of two marks.
The total marks allocated to this section shall be 30 out of 200.
This part shall contain 40 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) generally covering the topics given in the
syllabus. A candidate shall be required to answer any 25 questions. Each question shall be of three
marks. The total marks allocated to this section shall be 75 out of 200.
This part shall contain 60 questions that are designed to test a candidates knowledge of scientific
concepts and or application of the scientific concepts. The questions shall be of analytical nature where
a candidate is expected to apply the scientific knowledge to arrive at the solution to the given scientific
problem. The questions in this part shall have multiple correct options. Credit in a question shall be
given only on identification of all the correct options. No credit shall be allowed in a question if any
incorrect option is marked as correct answer. No partial credit is allowed. A candidate shall be required
to answer any 20 questions. Each question shall be of 4.75 marks. The total marks allocated to this
section shall be 95 out of 200.
For Part A and B there will be Negative marking @25% for each wrong answer. No Negative
marking for Part C.
To enable the candidates to go through the questions, the question paper booklet shall be distributed
15 minutes before the scheduled time of the exam.
On completion of the exam i.e. at the scheduled closing time of the exam, the candidates
shall be allowed to carry the question Paper Booklet. No candidate is allowed to carry the
Question Paper Booklet in case he/she chooses to leave the test before the scheduled
closing time.
Source: CSIR
H.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-9. B.O.: 25/8, Old Rajender Nagar Market, Delhi-60
Ph:. 011-45629987, 09999329111, 09999197625 || Email: ims4ims2010@gmail.com, www.ims4maths.com
Institute for IAS/ IFoS/ CSIR/ GATE Examinations
(Common Syllabus for Part B & C)
Elementary set theory, finite, countable and uncountable sets, Real number system as a complete ordered
field, Archimedean property, supremum, infimum. Sequences and series, convergence, limsup, liminf.
Bolzano Weierstrass theorem, Heine Borel theorem.
Continuity, uniform continuity, differentiability, mean value theorem.
Sequences and series of functions, uniform convergence.
Riemann sums and Riemann integral, Improper Integrals.
Monotonic functions, types of discontinuity, functions of bounded variation, Lebesgue measure, Lebesgue integral.
Functions of several variables, directional derivative, partial derivative, derivative as a linear
transformation, inverse and implicit function theorems.
Metric spaces, compactness, connectedness. Normed linear Spaces. Spaces of continuous functions as examples.
Linear Algebra:
Vector spaces, subspaces, linear dependence, basis, dimension, algebra of linear transformations.
Algebra of matrices, rank and determinant of matrices, linear equations.
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Cayley-Hamilton theorem.
Matrix representation of linear transformations. Change of basis, canonical forms, diagonal forms,
triangular forms, Jordan forms.
Inner product spaces, orthonormal basis.
Quadratic forms, reduction and classification of quadratic forms .
Complex Analysis:
Algebra of complex numbers, the complex plane, polynomials, power series, transcendental
functions such as exponential, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions.
Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations.
Contour integral, Cauchys theorem, Cauchys integral formula, Liouvilles theorem, Maximum
modulus principle, Schwarz lemma, Open mapping theorem.
Taylor series, Laurent series, calculus of residues.
Conformal mappings, Mobius transformations.
Permutations, combinations, pigeon-hole principle, inclusion-exclusion principle, derangements.
Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, divisibility in Z, congruences, Chinese Remainder Theorem,
Eulers - function, primitive roots.
Groups, subgroups, normal subgroups, quotient groups, homomorphisms, cyclic groups, permutation
groups, Cayleys theorem, class equations, Sylow theorems.
Rings, ideals, prime and maximal ideals, quotient rings, unique factorization domain, principal
ideal domain, Euclidean domain.
Polynomial rings and irreducibility criteria.
Fields, finite fields, field extensions, Galois Theory.
basis, dense sets, subspace and product topology, separation axioms, connectedness and compactness.
H.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-9. B.O.: 25/8, Old Rajender Nagar Market, Delhi-60
Ph:. 011-45629987, 09999329111, 09999197625 || Email: ims4ims2010@gmail.com, www.ims4maths.com
Institute for IAS/ IFoS/ CSIR/ GATE Examinations
Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs):
Existence and uniqueness of solutions of initial value problems for first order ordinary differential
equations, singular solutions of first order ODEs, system of first order ODEs.
General theory of homogenous and non-homogeneous linear ODEs, variation of parameters, Sturm-
Liouville boundary value problem, Greens function.
Partial Differential Equations (PDEs):
Lagrange and Charpit methods for solving first order PDEs, Cauchy problem for first order PDEs.
Classification of second order PDEs, General solution of higher order PDEs with constant
coefficients, Method of separation of variables for Laplace, Heat and Wave equations.
Numerical Analysis:
Numerical solutions of algebraic equations, Method of iteration and Newton-Raphson method,
Rate of convergence, Solution of systems of linear algebraic equations using Gauss elimination
and Gauss-Seidel methods, Finite differences, Lagrange, Hermite and spline interpolation, Numerical
differentiation and integration, Numerical solutions of ODEs using Picard, Euler, modified Euler
and Runge-Kutta methods.
Calculus of Variations:
Variation of a functional, Euler-Lagrange equation, Necessary and sufficient conditions for extrema.
Variational methods for boundary value problems in ordinary and partial differential equations.
Linear Integral Equations:
Linear integral equation of the first and second kind of Fredholm and Volterra type, Solutions with
separable kernels.
Characteristic numbers and eigenfunctions, resolvent kernel.
Classical Mechanics:
Generalized coordinates, Lagranges equations, Hamiltons canonical equations, Hamiltons principle
and principle of least action, Two-dimensional motion of rigid bodies, Eulers dynamical equations
for the motion of a rigid body about an axis, theory of small oscillations.
Descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis Sample space, discrete probability, independent
events, Bayes theorem. Random variables and distribution functions (univariate and multivariate);
expectation and moments. Independent random variables, marginal and conditional distributions.
Characteristic20 functions. Probability inequalities (Tchebyshef, Markov, Jensen). Modes of
convergence, weak and strong laws of large numbers, Central Limit theorems (i.i.d. case).
Markov chains with finite and countable state space, classification of states, limiting behaviour of
n-step transition probabilities, stationary distribution, Poisson and birth-and-death processes.
Standard discrete and continuous univariate distributions. sampling distributions, standard errors
and asymptotic distributions, distribution of order statistics and range.
Methods of estimation, properties of estimators, confidence intervals.
Tests of hypotheses: most powerful and uniformly most powerful tests, likelihood ratio tests. Analysis
of discrete data and chi-square test of goodness of fit. Large sample tests.
Simple nonparametric tests for one and two sample problems, rank correlation and test for
independence. Elementary Bayesian inference.
H.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-9. B.O.: 25/8, Old Rajender Nagar Market, Delhi-60
Ph:. 011-45629987, 09999329111, 09999197625 || Email: ims4ims2010@gmail.com, www.ims4maths.com
Institute for IAS/ IFoS/ CSIR/ GATE Examinations
Gauss-Markov models, estimability of parameters, best linear unbiased estimators, confidence
intervals, tests for linear hypotheses. Analysis of variance and covariance. Fixed, random and
mixed effects models. Simple and multiple linear regression.
Elementary regression diagnostics. Logistic regression.
Multivariate normal distribution, Wishart distribution and their properties. Distribution of quadratic
forms. Inference for parameters, partial and multiple correlation coefficients and related tests. Data
reduction techniques: Principle component analysis, Discriminant analysis, Cluster analysis,
Canonical correlation.
Simple random sampling, stratified sampling and systematic sampling. Probability proportional to
size sampling. Ratio and regression methods.
Completely randomized designs, randomized block designs and Latin-square designs.
Connectedness and orthogonality of block designs, BIBD. 2K factorial experiments: confounding
and construction.
Hazard function and failure rates, censoring and life testing, series and parallel systems.
Linear programming problem, simplex methods, duality. Elementary queuing and inventory models.
Steady-state solutions of Markovian queuing models: M/M/1, M/M/1 with limited waiting space, M/
M/C, M/M/C with limited waiting space, M/G/1.
All students are expected to answer questions from Unit-1. Mathematics students are expected to
answer additional questions from Unit-II and III. Statistics students are expected to answer additional
questions from Unit-IV.
H.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-9. B.O.: 25/8, Old Rajender Nagar Market, Delhi-60
Ph:. 011-45629987, 09999329111, 09999197625 || Email: ims4ims2010@gmail.com, www.ims4maths.com
Institute for IAS/ IFoS/ CSIR/ GATE Examinations
GATE: Examination Related Information
-: Pattern of Question Papers and Marking Scheme :-
Duration and Exam Type:
The GATE examination consists of a single paper of 3 hours duration that contains 65 questions carrying
a maximum of 100 marks. The question paper will consist of only objective questions.
Pattern of Question Papers:
The examination for the papers with codes AE, AG, AR, BT, CE, CH, CY, GG, MA, MN, MT, PH, TF, XE
and XL will be conducted ONLINE using computers where the candidates will be required to select the
answer for each question using a mouse. For all other papers (CS, EC, EE, IN, ME & PI), the candidates
will have to mark the correct choice on an Optical Response Sheet (ORS) by darkening the appropriate
bubble against each question.
In all the papers, there will be a total of 65 questions carrying 100 marks, out of which 10 questions
carrying total of 15 marks are in General Aptitude (GA). The remaining 85 % of the total marks is
devoted to the syllabus of the paper (as indicated in the syllabus section).
GATE 2013 would contain questions of four different types in various papers:
(i) Multiple choice questions carrying 1 or 2 marks each; Each of the multiple choice objective questions
in all papers and sections will contain four answers, of which one correct answer is to be marked.
(ii) Common data questions (which are also multiple choice questions), where two successive
questions use the same set of input data;
(iii) Linked answer questions (which are also multiple choice questions), where the answer to the
first question in the pair is required to answer its successor;
(iv) Numerical answer questions, where the answer is a number, to be entered by the candidate.
Marking Scheme
For 1mark multiple-choice questions, 1/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer. Likewise, for 2
marks multiple-choice questions, 2/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer. However, for the linked
answer question pair, where each question carries 2 marks, 2/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong
answer to the first question only. There is no negative marking for wrong answer to the second question
of the linked answer question pair. If the first question in the linked pair is wrongly answered or is
unattempted, then the answer to the second question in the pair will not be evaluated. There is no
negative marking for numerical answer type questions.
General Aptitude (GA) Questions
In all papers, GA questions are of multiple choice type, and carry a total of 15 marks. The GA section includes 5
questions carrying 1 mark each (sub-total 5 marks) and 5 questions carrying 2 marks each (sub-total 10 marks).
Question papers other than GG, XE and XL
These papers would contain 25 questions carrying one mark each (sub-total 25 marks) and 30 questions
carrying two marks each (sub-total 60 marks). Out of these, two pairs of questions would be common
data questions, and two pairs of questions would be linked answer questions.
In the ONLINE papers, the question paper will consist of questions of multiple choice type and
numerical answer type. For multiple choice type questions, each question will have four choices for the
answer. For numerical answer type questions, each question will have a number as the answer and
choices will not be given. Candidates will have to enter the answer using a virtual keypad.
H.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-9. B.O.: 25/8, Old Rajender Nagar Market, Delhi-60
Ph:. 011-45629987, 09999329111, 09999197625 || Email: ims4ims2010@gmail.com, www.ims4maths.com
Institute for IAS/ IFoS/ CSIR/ GATE Examinations
GATE Syllabus
General Aptitude (GA): Common to All Papers
1. Verbal Ability: English grammar, sentence completion, verbal analogies, word groups, instructions,
critical reasoning and verbal deduction.
2. Numerical Ability: Numerical computation, numerical estimation, numerical reasoning and data
Syllabus Mathematics
Linear Algebra:
Finite dimensional vector spaces; Linear transformations and their matrix representations, rank; systems
of linear equations, eigen values and eigen vectors, minimal polynomial, Cayley-Hamilton Theroem,
diagonalisation, Hermitian, Skew-Hermitian and unitary matrices; Finite dimensional inner product spaces,
Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization process, self-adjoint operators.
Complex Analysis:
Analytic functions, conformal mappings, bilinear transformations; complex integration: Cauchys integral
theorem and formula; Liouvilles theorem, maximum modulus principle; Taylor and Laurents series;
residue theorem and applications for evaluating real integrals.
Real Analysis:
Sequences and series of functions, uniform convergence, power series, Fourier series, functions of
several variables, maxima, minima; Riemann integration, multiple integrals, line, surface and volume
integrals, theorems of Green, Stokes and Gauss; metric spaces, completeness, Weierstrass
approximation theorem, compactness; Lebesgue measure, measurable functions; Lebesgue integral,
Fatous lemma, dominated convergence theorem.
Ordinary Differential Equations:
First order ordinary differential equations, existence and uniqueness theorems, systems of linear first
order ordinary differential equations, linear ordinary differential equations of higher order with constant
coefficients; linear second order ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients; method of
Laplace transforms for solving ordinary differential equations, series solutions; Legendre and Bessel
functions and their orthogonality.
Normal subgroups and homomorphism theorems, automorphisms; Group actions, Sylows theorems
and their applications; Euclidean domains, Principle ideal domains and unique factorization domains.
Prime ideals and maximal ideals in commutative rings; Fields, finite fields.
Functional Analysis:
Banach spaces, Hahn-Banach extension theorem, open mapping and closed graph theorems, principle of uniform
boundedness; Hilbert spaces, orthonormal bases, Riesz representation theorem, bounded linear operators.
Numerical Analysis:
Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations: bisection, secant method, Newton-Raphson
method, fixed point iteration; interpolation: error of polynomial interpolation, Lagrange, Newton
interpolations; numerical differentiation; numerical integration: Trapezoidal and Simpson rules, Gauss
H.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-9. B.O.: 25/8, Old Rajender Nagar Market, Delhi-60
Ph:. 011-45629987, 09999329111, 09999197625 || Email: ims4ims2010@gmail.com, www.ims4maths.com
Institute for IAS/ IFoS/ CSIR/ GATE Examinations
Legendrequadrature, method of undetermined parameters; least square polynomial approximation;
numerical solution of systems of linear equations: direct methods (Gauss elimination, LU decomposition);
iterative methods (Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel); matrix eigenvalue problems: power method, numerical
solution of ordinary differential equations: initial value problems: Taylor series methods, Eulers method,
Runge Kutta methods.
Partial Differential Equations:
Linear and quasilinear first order partial differential equations, method of characteristics; second order
linear equations in two variables and their classification; Cauchy, Dirichlet and Neumann problems;
solutions of Laplace, wave and diffusion equations in two variables; Fourier series and Fourier transform
and Laplace transform methods of solutions for the above equations.
Virtual work, Lagranges equations for holonomic systems, Hamiltonian equations.
Basic concepts of topology, product topology, connectedness, compactness, countability and separation
axioms, Urysohns Lemma.
Probability and Statistics:
Probability space, conditional probability, Bayes theorem, independence, Random variables, joint and
conditional distributions, standard probability distributions and their properties, expectation, conditional
expectation, moments; Weak and strong law of large numbers, central limit theorem; Sampling
distributions, UMVU estimators, maximum likelihood estimators, Testing of hypotheses, standard
parametric tests based on normal, X2 , t, F distributions; Linear regression; Interval estimation.
Linear programming:
Linear programming problem and its formulation, convex sets and their properties, graphical method,
basic feasible solution, simplex method, big-M and two phase methods; infeasible and unbounded
LPPs, alternate optima; Dual problem and duality theorems, dual simplex method and its application in
post optimality analysis; Balanced and unbalanced transportation problems, u -u method for solving
transportation problems; Hungarian method for solving assignment problems.
Calculus of Variation and Integral Equations:
Variation problems with fixed boundaries; sufficient conditions for extremum, linear integral equations of
Fredholm and Volterra type, their iterative solutions.
H.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-9. B.O.: 25/8, Old Rajender Nagar Market, Delhi-60
Ph:. 011-45629987, 09999329111, 09999197625 || Email: ims4ims2010@gmail.com, www.ims4maths.com
Institute for IAS/ IFoS/ CSIR/ GATE Examinations
1. Let w
, w
, w
be subspaces of a vector space
V such that
3 1
w w c . Then which one of the
following is correct ?
1 2 3 2 1 3
( ) w w w w w w + = +
1 2 3 3 1 2
( ) ( ) w w w w w w + = +
1 2 3 2 1 3
( ) w w w w w w + = +
(d) None of the above
2. Let
1 2 3
, and be vectors of a vector space
V over the field F. If r and s are arbitrary
elements of F and the set { }
1 2 1 2 3
, ,r s + + is
linearly dependent, then { }
1 2 3
, , is:
(a) linearly dependent set
(b) a null set
(c) linearly independent set
(d) None of the above
3. Consider the following vectorspaces over the reals:
1. The set of all complex numbers with
usual operations
2. The set of all polynomials with real
coefficients of degree
3 s
3. The set of all 2 , , 4 , x t y t z t t = = = e
4. The set of all 33 matrices having real
entries with usual operations
The correct sequence of these vector spaces
in decreasing order of their dimensions is:
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4 (b) 2, 1, 4, 3
(c) 4, 2, 1, 3 (d) 4, 3, 2, 1
4. Consider the following assertions:
1. Rank (ST) = Rank S = Rank T
2. Rank (ST) = Rank S, if T is non singular
3. Rank (ST) = Rank T, if T is non singular
where S, T : V V are linear transfor--
mations of a finite dimensional vector space.
Which of these is/are correct
(a) 1 Only (b) 2 Only
(c) 1 & 2 (d) 2 & 3
5. Consider the linear transformation
4 4
: T
given by
( , , , ) ( , ,0, 0) ( , , , ) T x y z u x y x y z u = e
Then which one of the following is correct
(a) Rank of T > Nullity of T
(b) Rank of T = Nullity of T = 3
(c) Nullity of T > Rank of T
(d) Rank of T = Nullity of T = 2
6. If V is the real vector space of all mappings
, { }
( ) ( ) V f V f x f x = e =
and { }
( ) ( ) , V f V f x f x = e = then
which one of the following is correct
(a) Neither V
nor V
is a subspace of V.
(b) V
is a subspace of V, but V
is not a
subspace of V.
(c) V
is not a subspace of V, but V
is a
subspace of V.
(d) Both V
, and V
are subspaces of V.
7. Consider the field
(a) 1 and a (b) 1 and a
10. Let
1 1 2
1 2 3
2 3 3
i i
M i i
i i
+ | |
= +
\ .
. If
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
x y z
B x y z
x y z
| |
\ .
1 1
2 2
3 3
x y
x y
x y
| | | |
| |
| |
| |
\ . \ .
| |
\ .
are linearly
independent eigenvectors of M, then the main
diagonal of the matrix B
MB has
(a) exactly one real entry
(b) exactly two real entries
(c) exactly three real entries
(d) no real entry
11. Let A be a 33 matrix with eigenvalues 1, 1
and 3. Then
(a) A
+ A is non-singular
(b) A
A is non-singular
(c) A
+ 3A is non-singular
(d) A
3A is non-singular
12. A 22 real matrix A is diagonalizable if and
only if:
(a) (tr A)
< 4Det A
(b) (tr A)
> 4Det A.
(c) (tr A)
= 4Det A.
(d) Tr A = Det A.
13. The minimal polynomial of the 33 real matrix
0 0
0 0
0 0
| |
\ .
(a) (X a) (X b) (b) (X a)
(X b)
(c) (X a)
(X b)
(d) (X a) (X b)
14. Let V be the subspace of R
spanned by
(1,1,1) u = and (1,1, 1) v = . The orthonormal
basis of V obtained by the Gram-Schmidt
process on the ordered basis (u,v) of V is
1 1 1 2 2 4
, , , , ,
3 3 3 3 3 3
| | | |
` | |
\ . \ . )
(b) {(1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1)}
1 1 1 1 1 2
, , , , ,
3 3 3 6 6 6
| | | |
` | |
\ . \ . )
1 1 1 2 1 1
, , , , ,
3 3 3 6 6 6
| | | |
` | |
\ . \ . )
15. Let
2 /5 i
and the matrix
2 3 4
2 3 4
2 3 4
3 4
0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Then the trace of the matrix
I M M + +
(a) 5 (b) 0
(c) 3 (d) 5
16. Let
1 1 2 9
1 3 4 7
2 4 5
9 7 7
i i
i i
i i
i i
+ | |
\ .
. Then
(a) M has purely imaginary eigen values
(b) M is not diagonolizable
(c) M has eigen values which are neither real
nor purely imaginary
(d) M has only real eigen values
H.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-9. B.O.: 25/8, Old Rajender Nagar Market, Delhi-60
Ph:. 011-45629987, 09999329111, 09999197625 || Email: ims4ims2010@gmail.com, www.ims4maths.com
Institute for IAS/ IFoS/ CSIR/ GATE Examinations
17. Which one of the following group is simple?
S (b) (2, ) GL R
2 2
Z Z (d) A
18. Let M denote the set of all 22 matrices over
the reals. Addition and multiplication on M
are as follows:
( ) and ( ),
ij ij
A a B b = = then A+B=(c
ij ij ij
c a b = + and . ( )
A B d = where
ij ij
dij a b = Then which one of the following
is valid for ( ) , , ? M +
(a) M is a field
(b) M is an integral domain which is not a field
(c) M is a commutative ring which is not an
integral domain
(d) M is a non-commutative ring
19. In ( , ), n + denotes the subgroup of all
integral multiples of n. If , P j k = then
what is P equal to ?
(a) j k (b) j + k
(c) LCM of j & k (d) GCD of j & k
20. Which one of the following group is cyclic ?
12 9
10 85
4 25 6
22 21 65
21. Let { } :1 55, gcd( , 56) 1 G n Z n n = e s s = be
a multiplicative group modulo 56.
Consider the sets
{ }
1, 9,17, 25, 33, 41 S = and
{ }
1,15, 29, 43 S =
which one of the following is TRUE ?
S is a subgroup of G but
S is NOT a
subgroup of G.
(b) S
is NOT a subgroup of G but S
is a
subgroup of G.
(c) Both S
& S
subgroups of G
(d) Neither S
nor S
is a subgroup of G.
22. Consider the alternating group
{ }
4 4
: is an even permutation A S = e
which of the following is FALSE ?
(a) A
has 12 elements
(b) A
has exactly one subgroup of order 4.
(c) A
has a subgroup of order 6.
(d) Number of 3 cycles in A
is 8.
23. G is a group of order 51. Then which one of
the following statement is false ?
(a) All proper subgroups of G are cyclic
(b) If G has only one subgroup of order 3
and only one subgroup of order 17, then
G is cyclic
(c) G must have an element of order 17.
(d) If G is abelian then there exists no proper
subgroup H of G such that product of all
elements of H is Identity.
24. Let M
(R) be the ring of all 33 real matrices.
, ( ) I J M R _ are defined as
0 0 0 , , ,
0 0 0
a b c
I a b c R
| |
= e
\ .
0 0
0 0 , , ,
0 0
J b a b c R
| |
= e
\ .
(a) I is a right ideal and J a left ideal
(b) I and J are both left ideals
(c) I and J are both right ideals
(d) I is a left ideal and J a right ideal
25. Let F
, F
and F
be finite fields of 4, 8 and
16 elements respectively. Then,
(a) F
is isomorphic to a subfield of F
(b) F
is isomorphic to a subfield of F
(c) F
is isomorphic to a subfield of F
(d) none of the above
H.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-9. B.O.: 25/8, Old Rajender Nagar Market, Delhi-60
Ph:. 011-45629987, 09999329111, 09999197625 || Email: ims4ims2010@gmail.com, www.ims4maths.com
Institute for IAS/ IFoS/ CSIR/ GATE Examinations
26. Let G be the group with the generators a and
b given by
4 2 1
, : 1, G a b a b ba a b
= = = =
If Z(G) denotes the centre of G, then / ( ) G Z G
is isomorphic to
(a) the trivial group
(b) C
, the cyclic group of order 2
(c) C
(d) C
27. Let I denote the ideal generated by
4 3 2
1 x x x x + + + +
[ ] Z x and
[ ] . F Z x I =
(a) F is an infinite field
(b) F is a finite field of 4 elements
(c) F is a finite field of 8 elements
(d) F is a finite field of 16 elements
28. Let { }
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 3
: , , , R i j k Z = + + + e
be the ring of quaternions over Z
, where
2 2 2
1 i j k ijk = = = = ; ; ; ij ji k jk kj i = = = =
. ki ik j = = Then,
(a) R is a field (b) R is a division ring
(c) R has zero divisors
(d) none of the above
29. Let , , a b c e be integers. Consider the
5 3
( ) 12 34 43 . p x x ax bx c = + + +
(a) ( ) p x is irreducible over
if and only
if ( ) p x is reducible over
(b) ( ) p x is irreducible over
if and only
if ( ) p x is irreducible over .
(c) ( ) p x is irreducible over
if and only
if ( ) p x is irreducible over .
(d) ( ) p x is irreducible over if and only
if ( ) p x is irreducible over
30. The number of ideals in the ring
| |
( 1)
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
31. A cyclic group of order 60 has
(a) 12 generators (b) 15 generators
(c) 16 generators (d) 20 generators
32. Which of the following is false?
(a) Any abelian group of order 27 is cyclic.
(b) Any abelian group of order 14 is cyclic.
(c) Any abelian group of order 21 is cyclic.
(d) Any abelian group of order 30 is cyclic.
33. Consider the following statements:
S1) Every group of prime order must be cyclic.
S2) Every group of prime order must be
S3) Every group of prime order has only one
subgroup other than itself.
Which of the following is always true?
(a) S1 and S2 are true but S3 is false.
(b) S2 and S3 are true but S1 is false.
(c) S1and S3 are true but S2 is false.
(d) S1, S2 and S3 are true.
(e) None of the above.
34. The number of solutions of
1(mod163) X in
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
35. Pick out the correct statements from the
following list:
(a) A homomorphic image of a UFD (unique
factorization domain) is again a UFD.
(b) The element 2 [ 5] e is irreducible
in [ 5] .
(c) Units of the ring [ 5] are the units of
(d) the element 2 is a prime element in
[ 5].
36. Pick out the true statement(s):
(a) The set of all 22 matrices with rational
entries (with the usual operations of
matrix addition and matrix
multiplication) is a ring which has no
H.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-9. B.O.: 25/8, Old Rajender Nagar Market, Delhi-60
Ph:. 011-45629987, 09999329111, 09999197625 || Email: ims4ims2010@gmail.com, www.ims4maths.com
Institute for IAS/ IFoS/ CSIR/ GATE Examinations
nontrivial ideals.
(b) Let R=C[0,1] be considered as a ring
with the usual operations of pointwise
addition and pointwise multipliction. Let
{ } :[0,1] | (1 2) 0 . I f f = =
Then I is a maximal ideal.
(c) Let R be a commutative ring and let P be
a prime ieal of R. Then R/P is an integral
37. Pi ck out t he cases wher e t he given
subgroup H is a normal subgroup of the
group G.
(a) G is the group of all 22 invertible upper
triangular matrices with real entries,
under matrix multiplication, and H is the
subgroup of all such matrices (a
) such
that a
(b) G is the group of all 22 invertible upper
triangular matrices with real entries,
under matrix multiplication, and H is the
subgroup of all such matrices (a
) such
that a
= a
(c) G is the group of all nn invertible
matrices with real entries, under matrix
multiplication, and H is the subgroup
of such mat rices with positive
38. Pick out the cases where the given ideal is a
maximal ideal.
(a) The ideal
(b) The ideal { } : (0) 0 I f f = = in the ring
[0,1] C of all continuous real valued
functions on the interval [0, 1].
(c) The ideal generated by
1 x x + +
in the
ring of polynomials
[ ], x F where
F is
the field of three elements.
39. Which of the following integral domains an
Euclidean domains?
{ }
3 3 : , a b a b
= + e
| |
2 3
[ ] : 0
x x f a x x a
= = e =
[ ]
[ ]
(2, )
| |
\ .
for any
choice of v.
(b) f is holomorphic on
for a suitable
choice of v.
(c) f is holomorphic on
converges uniformly but not
( )
g x
( )
g x
converges uniformly but not
( )
f x
(c) both
( )
f x
( )
g x
converge ge
(d) neither
1 1
( ) nor ( )
n n
n n
f x g x
= =
converges uniformly
47. Let { }
0 : 1, 2,.... .
4 7
S n
= =
Then the
number of analytic functions which vanish
only on S is
(a) inifinite (b) 0
(c) 1 (d) 2
48. Consider the function
( ) ( ) ( )
2 3
( ) cos 5 sin 3 10 4 f x x x x x = + + +
At which of the following points is f not
5 x
3 x =
10 x =
0 x =
49. Which of the following is/are true?
log log
log for all , 0.
2 2
x y x y
x y
+ +
s >
for all , 0.
x y
x y
e e
e x y
s >
sin sin
sin for all , 0.
2 2
x y x y
x y
+ +
s >
(d) { }
( )
max ,
k k
x y
x y
s for all , 0 x y >
and all
1. k >
50. Which of the following is/are correct?
1 as
e n
| |
\ .
1 as .
e n
| |
\ . +
1 as .
e n
| |
\ .
1 as .
e n
| |
\ .
H.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-9. B.O.: 25/8, Old Rajender Nagar Market, Delhi-60
Ph:. 011-45629987, 09999329111, 09999197625 || Email: ims4ims2010@gmail.com, www.ims4maths.com
Institute for IAS/ IFoS/ CSIR/ GATE Examinations
Class Schedule
The classroom coaching will be conducted at Mukherjee Nagar (New Delhi). The duration of the
entire course is 5 months. This particular course is punctuated for catering the need of students
who are going to appear for CSIR-NET. For those aspirants who will appear for GATE examination,
their course will also be finished within the same time, frame as they will get ample time for revision.
The classes will be held in live environment keeping an eye on each and every individual/ aspirant
so that they can get the best out of it. The interacting classroom session will have its repercussions
manifold. The timings for the class and other requisite things will facilited to the aspirants at the
time of admission.
Salient Features of Classroom Coaching
Daily 4 hours class
Proper strategy and guidance in short tricks development.
To the point and very effective study material.
Proper coverage, conceptual and in depth analysis of the syllabus.
Individual interaction and feedback.
Every week one module-wise test equipped with doubt session, feedback and one-to-one
Time-to-Time interaction with successful candidates.
Admission Procedure
The aspirants who want to be the part of our institute, they can take admission by depositing Rs.
26000/- fee either in cash or through demand draft (DD) in favour of IMS (institute of mathematical
sciences) payable at the Delhi. Seats are limited, therefore the candidates are requested to take
admission as soon as possible and reserve their seat in advance within the stipulated time so that
they should not have to face any problem in admission. Once the seat will be filled, no admission will
be entertained.
Contact us:
Head Office: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-9.
Branch Office: 25/8, Old Rajender Nagar Market, Delhi-60
Ph:. 09999329111, 09999197625
Email: ims4ims2010@gmail.com, www.ims4maths.com
H.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-9. B.O.: 25/8, Old Rajender Nagar Market, Delhi-60
Ph:. 011-45629987, 09999329111, 09999197625 || Email: ims4ims2010@gmail.com, www.ims4maths.com
Institute for IAS/ IFoS/ CSIR/ GATE Examinations
by IMS
- Real Analysis (i) H.L. Royden
(ii) S.C. Malik and Savita Arora
- Linear Algebra (i) Hoffman and Kunze
(ii) Schaum Series (3000 Solved Problems Book)
- Complex Analysis (i) Schaum Series
(ii) R.V. Churchill
- Algebra (i) Joseph A. Gallian
(ii) I.N. Herstein
- Topology (i) G.F. Simmons
- Ordinary Differential Equations (i) G.F. Simmons
(ii) M.D. Rai Singhania
- Partial Differential Equations (i) Ian. Sneddon
(ii) M.D. Rai Singhania
- Numerical Analysis (i) Jain and Iyengar
- Calculus of Variations (i) A.S. Gupta
- Linear Integral Equations (i) Shanti Swarup
- Classical Mechanics (i) Gupta Kumar Sharma
- Statistics (i) S.C. Gupta
H.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-9. B.O.: 25/8, Old Rajender Nagar Market, Delhi-60
Ph:. 011-45629987, 09999329111, 09999197625 || Email: ims4ims2010@gmail.com, www.ims4maths.com
Institute for IAS/ IFoS/ CSIR/ GATE Examinations
Name of the Candidate : .........................................................................................................................
(in capital letters)
Fathers Name : ........................................................................................................................
Mothers Name : ............................................................................................................................
Date of birth (DD/MM/Y) : ..................................... Sex ......................... Category....................................
Permanent Address : .........................................................................................................................
............................................................Pin:.................................... ............
Phone :............................ Mobile :................................E-mail Address: ..................................................
S.No. Exam. Passed Board/ University Year of Passing %age Subjects
1. 10th
2. 12th
3. Graduation or
4. Post graduation or
5. Any other Higher
Awards & Extra Qualification : ............................................................................................................................................................
Aspiring for Medium : ....................................................................... Rol No.: .....................................................................
Tick [ ] the following required course(s) IAS IFoS CSAT CSIR GATE
Subjects: Main IAS/IFoS & CSIR/ GATE Examination:. (1) : ...................................................... (2) :...................................................
Number of attempts completed (for Civil Services) : ...............................................................................................................................
Details of DD/Cheque No.: ........................................... Date: ........................... Drawn on : .............................................. And in favour
of IMS (Institute of Mathematical Sciences) Payable at New Delhi
Rules and Regulations of the IMS
1. Every student is expected to maintain discipline in and outside the academy. In case of the Violation of discipline the Academy reserves
the right to expel the insincere fellow out and without the refund of the fee given by the candidate.
2. The academy reserves the right to change the time-table or venue of holding classes at any time.
3. The admission form is the property of the academy.
4. The institute reserves the right to use the student photograph for publicity in case student secures position/ success in IAS/IFoS/CSIR/GATE.
5. After depositing the fees, if a student disintersted or fails to join the classes in the institute due to any reason whatsoever and wants to
take his/her fees (money) back, the institute will not refund that fees under normal conditions.
6. The fees deposited towards a particular course will not be adjusted against any other course and is not transferable to any other person if
a student does not join that particular course.
I have read the reuls and regulations of IMS (Institute of Mathematical Sciences) and will abide by them. I hereby declare that the information
given above is true and I will strictly follow the instructions as long as I will be the part of this institute.
Place :.................
Date :.........................
Signature of the candidate
For office use only Course Consultant
Institute for IAS/IFoS/CSIR/GATE Examination
(Admission Form)