AC Aug 2012
AC Aug 2012
AC Aug 2012
SENIOR EDITOR Rachael K. Bosley
TECHNICAL EDITOR Christopher Probst
Stephanie Argy, Benjamin B, Douglas Bankston, Robert S. Birchard,
John Calhoun, Michael Goldman, Simon Gray, Jim Hemphill,
David Heuring, Jay Holben, Mark Hope-Jones, Noah Kadner,
Jean Oppenheimer, Jon Silberg, Iain Stasukevich,
Kenneth Sweeney, Patricia Thomson
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OFFICERS - 2012/2013
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Victor J. Kemper
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Sergeant At Arms
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Steve Gainer
American Society of Cine ma tog ra phers
The ASC is not a labor union or a guild, but
an educational, cultural and pro fes sion al
or ga ni za tion. Membership is by invitation
to those who are actively en gaged as
di rec tors of photography and have
dem on strated out stand ing ability. ASC
membership has be come one of the highest
honors that can be bestowed upon a
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motion footage and graded by Company 3. Prometheus 2012 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.
2012, Inc. All rights reserved.
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team traveled light, with only the camera,
lenses, tripod, a case of 512 GB Phantom
CineMags and some basic accessories.
Though he tended to favor wider
lenses, Squires was still challenged by
composing an ultra-wide frame for a city
thats all about verticality. He explains, I
had to find a way to work a tilt into the shot
of the Queensboro Bridge. Otherwise, there
was no way to get far enough away and still
have the river as our principal foreground
while taking in the entire bridge. It took
some careful moves to make that work,
because on a screen as large as the
museums, every move is magnified you
can give people motion sickness with a
quick pan or tilt. Even someone with his
hand on the follow-focus gear is likely to
cause unwanted movement!
On the street, Squires used focal
lengths as long as 350mm to compress the
bustle of New York pedestrians into a
mosaic of motion and intensity. He
photographed such iconic interiors as
Grand Central Stations main concourse,
and even managed to sneak a few shots in
the subway station beneath it. We just
walked down there with our big camera
and set it up under one of the MTAs secu-
rity cameras, he says. We were there for
an hour capturing arrivals and departures,
and, amazingly, no one bothered us.
No cinematic document of the Big
Apple would be complete without a birds-
eye view of the city, so Squires took to the
skies in a helicopter piloted by Al Cerullo,
and mounted the Phantom 65 to a remote-
operated Eclipse stabilization system. The
shot where we fly in low over Central Park
14 August 2012 American Cinematographer
Top: An Eclipse
system was affixed
to a helicopter
piloted by Al
Cerullo for the
projects aerial
views. Middle:
Squires stands
next to the
Phantom 65 Gold
camera on location
in Times Square.
Bottom: The crew
captures the
sunrise over
Manhattan from a
vantage in
Weehawken, N.J.
might be one of the many places where the
4.71:1 aspect ratio works the best, the
cinematographer observes. That shot
encompasses four long avenues, Fifth
Avenue to Central Park West, and offers a
perspective of the park that is almost
vertigo-inducing. When youre shooting
from the air, you dont always get a real
sense of the park, which is an emerald in
the middle of the city. With that aspect ratio
and that much resolution, we could actually
be low over the park, looking south, and see
its entire width.
To minimize banding and color-
temperature shifts, the Phantom 65 required
a black balance after almost every shot.
Normally the operation called for Squires to
physically cap the lens, but in the air, the
camera was mounted beneath the heli-
copters nose, so Eclipse engineers in Los
Angeles devised a custom cabling system
that connected to a capping shutter an
external aperture enabling Squires to
remotely block light from the lens.
The production ended up renting
one Red MX for a few nighttime shots,
including aerials of Manhattan and the
Statue of Liberty, which Squires captured
with a Fujinon Alura 18-80mm zoom, and a
simulated cab ride through Times Square,
for which the camera was mounted on a
Libra head. The Phantom image had a
greater sense of presence than the Red, but
one of the disadvantages of the Phantom
was its ISO 200 sensor, and the fact that the
fastest prime we could use with it was
T3.6, says Squires. The Red MX looked
great at ISO 800, and we were also able to
use fast Zeiss Super Speeds and Arri Master
Primes with it.
The Filmworkers Club handled all the
dailies and sent time-coded 4K ProRes files
to editor Jamie Pence at Videobred in
Louisville, Ky., for real-time editing and
compositing in Adobe Premiere and
AfterEffects. Pence output the locked 4K
edit as three independent 10-bit 1080p DPX
streams that were delivered by Videobred to
the New York Historical Societys installation
team. That team, led by Tony Peugh of Elec-
trosonic, Inc., converted the DPX streams to
1920x1080 DCPs for the theaters three HD
Over the course of New York Storys
18-minute running time, the screen width
transforms from 25' to 73' while sectioned
panels lower and raise in an impressive
display of interactive theatrical lighting and
surround-sound cues.
New York is a city of icons, and
theyre photographed thousands of times
every day by tourists and New Yorkers
alike, says Squires. If youre going to film
them, youd better damn well do it in a way
that feels impressive.
New York Story opens with a 25'-wide scene (top) and then transforms as panels lower and raise
(middle) until the piece ends with a series of 73'-wide seamless panoramas (bottom).
16 August 2012 American Cinematographer
18 August 2012 American Cinematographer
Traveling Full Circle
By Jean Oppenheimer
Adapted from Arthur Schnitzlers play Der Reigen, Fernando
Meirelles ensemble drama 360 is structured as a series of encounters
between various pairs of individuals. Some hook up, others break up,
and still others merely cross paths. They also cross international
borders; the storys settings include Paris, London and Vienna, and
the entire picture was shot on location.
According to cinematographer Adriano Goldman, ABC,
Meirelles initially wanted to shoot digitally. Fernando is very
concerned about the pace on the set, notes Goldman. He is very
quick and doesnt like to wait, and he reasoned that digital would be
faster. However, I felt that because of the cast and the different land-
scapes, film would be a better choice. He had previously combined
Super 16mm and Super 35mm and maintained a good pace on two
features Meirelles had produced, City of Men and The Year My
Parents Went on Vacation, and he convinced Meirelles to take the
same approach to 360.
Super 16mm proved especially useful for handheld camera-
work in automobiles, where space was severely limited. Little by
little, though, I started shooting more 35mm, recalls Goldman, who
did his own operating. In the end, I think we shot more than half
of the picture on [3-perf] Super 35. Matching the two formats was
our primary task in the DI, which we did with [colorist] Adam Glass-
man at Deluxe London. This was my first film with him, and hes
The cinematographer recalls that the look of the film devel-
oped gradually as the team scouted locations and considered the
various characters. Fernando knew from the beginning that he
wanted to steer clear of vibrant colors. He envisaged a soft, desatu-
rated world, and we basically achieved that look by toning down the
colors and skin tones in post.
There was a slight color orientation for characters, but noth-
ing too strong, continues Goldman. For instance, Rose [Rachel
Weisz], who is married to Michael [Jude Law] and having an affair
with a younger man, is the white character everything in her life
is monochromatic and clean, and we kept our lighting for those
scenes clean as well.
By contrast, Bratislava, home to sisters Mirkha (Lucia Siposov)
and Anna (Gabriela Marcinkova), feels somewhat chaotic. For these
scenes, Goldman and his gaffer, Andy Long, gelled their lights to
match the mixed colors they found at the locations, with a slight
emphasis on yellow, to suggest the instability in the young womens
lives. For the touch of yellow, we usually used household bulbs
dimmed down for a warmer tone, says Goldman.
Yellow is prominent in an early scene that shows Michael in a
hotel bar looking for Mirkha, who works as a prostitute. The bar
featured a huge backlit yellow pane of glass, and we decided to
embrace that, relates Goldman. We found a yellow gel to put on
our Kino Flos that matched perfectly. We didnt want a vivid yellow,
however, so in post I desaturated it.
Throughout the shoot, Meirelles was keen to avoid postcard
images, Goldman notes. He wanted to show everyday urban land-
scapes, not tourist spots, because the film isnt about London or
Paris; its about the people who live there.
Production Slate
In a scene from 360, a gangsters driver (Vladimir Vdovichenkov) is intrigued by a young Bratislavan woman (Gabriela Marcinkova).
motion footage and graded at Light Iron. Flight 2012 Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.
2012, Inc. All rights reserved.
Opposite: Batman (Christian Bale) revs up the Batpod. This page, top: The Caped Crusader faces one of
his toughest foes in Bane (Tom Hardy), a brutal ex-convict who breathes through a muzzle-like
apparatus strapped to his head. Bottom: Cinematographer Wally Pfister, ASC positions one of the
productions Imax cameras.
32 August 2012 American Cinematographer
couldnt even pull focus by hand. I had
to use the Preston FI+Z 3 [remote focus
controller] with the torque motor
turned all the way up.
During prep, the filmmakers
approached Imax with a few requests
based on their prior experience with the
technology. Pfister recalls, I asked
Mike Hendriks [director of Imaxs
camera department] if he would be
open to involving Panavision techni-
cians, specifically [optical engineer] Dan
Sasaki, in improving some lenses and
creating a new viewfinder.
The cinematographer took
Sasaki an 80mm T2 Mamiya lens that
Imax had adapted for The Dark Knight
and a 50mm T2.5 medium-format still
lens. In the case of the 80mm, we
discarded the Imax mechanics and
replaced them with a cine-style
Panavision transport, explains Sasaki.
Also, we had to rebuild the entire lens
head so it could accommodate an iris
mechanism, because the original Imax
lens conversion did not have a variable
iris mechanism. The 50mm T2.5
conversion was a little different. We
basically had to rehouse a majority of
the lens elements into an assembly that
we could adapt into a more stable lens
transport. This mechanical system was
very similar to the mechanical system
used on the 80mm lens.
We also made a 50mm T2
custom lens based on an inverted tele-
photo-lens layout, Sasaki continues.
The front objective was based on a
Schneider design complimented by
proprietary Panavision optics. The
mechanical part of the lens was built
around a helical lens transport similar to
those used in our Primo prime lenses.
Panavision also supplied parts for
the image processing of the PAV II
NTSC tap to facilitate a flicker-free
image in the MSMs optical viewfinder,
and Sasaki rebuilt the viewfinder itself
from the ground up. He explains, This
consisted of new relay optics, orientat-
ing prisms, eyepieces and mechanical
components. Hall calls the result an
extreme improvement over the original
MSM eyepiece.
Opposite: Spider-
Man (Andrew
Garfield) leaps into
action in The
Amazing Spider-
Man. This page,
top to bottom:
Director Marc
Webb embraced
point-of-view shots
to take advantage
of the films 3-D
Spider-Man steals a
moment with love
interest Gwen
Stacy (Emma
John Schwartzman,
ASC (left) and
gaffer David
Christensen check
their lighting.
48 August 2012 American Cinematographer
capture Spider-Man in the style Webb
and Schwartzman wanted with
smaller cameras and rigs and a more
efficient data workflow.
Webb and Schwartzman then
consulted with James Cameron, and the
Avatar director took them through his
process, lobbying strongly that they
should capture in 3-D. Schwartzman
recalls, He pointed out that you recon-
verge the movie based on how you cut
it, and you cut it differently than you
think you will if you dont shoot and
view it in stereo. We then discussed the
issue of the convergence point; he felt
convergence and focus should be at the
same point. But as it became clear that
we could use the Red Epic, which has a
5K sensor, Rob Engle advocated shoot-
ing with a large image pad to allow for
convergence adjustments in post, and so
we could shoot parallel and get less
Before the Epic, a change in
convergence required you to slightly
enlarge a 1920-by-1080 image to allow
room to move it right or left, he contin-
ues. With the Epic, our image size was
4608 by 1930 pixels, so when we made
our framing leader, we simply left 4
percent on either side of the frame to
allow for convergence. The I/O [inte-
rocular distance] does have to be built in
it defines your spatial geometry and
your depth. Later, if you dont like your
I/O choices for a specific shot, your only
fix is to throw away one eye and convert
the other. Convergence, though, is
where your brain reconciles the two
images; this is controlled by where the
right and left images meet, and can be
changed later by moving one eye relative
to the other by several pixels with no
effect on your I/O.
It wasnt clear from the outset,
however, that any Epics would be avail-
able to the production. As Spider-Man
swung into prep, Red was on the verge
of releasing the first Epics for Peter
Jacksons The Hobbit. Schwartzman
contacted Red to examine the technol-
ogy. The camera body, he says, was
about 5 pounds and the size of my
Hasselblad 501 [still camera], and it
Web-Slinging in Stereo
Top: Dr. Curt
Connors (Rhys
Ifans) undergoes a
dramatic change
that pits him
against the
Middle: Spider-
Mans alter ego,
Peter Parker,
refines his web
formula. Bottom:
Garfield sports a
Doggicam body
mount rigged by
key grip Les
Tomita for one of
Spider-Mans first
nights out.
always annoyances, never catastrophes.
The imaging part was never a problem;
what improved over the course of the
show was the ease of use.
The basic methodology for
moving the image data was worked out,
implemented and managed by Willard,
data-management supervisor Steve
Freebairn and data technician Zachary
Hilton, who used data carts provided by
Light Iron. (In fact, the movie served as
R&D for Light Irons Outpost mobile-
processing lab technology.) Their work-
flow ensured instant capture, backup
and on-set color correction of raw files
to create looks and maintain those
creative choices all the way through
dailies, editorial and visual effects. I was
could record to a card [160 RedMag
128GB SSD cards at 5:1 compression]
that was about the size of a chocolate
bar. I saw light at the end of the tunnel,
but we didnt know if Red could build
them for us on time.
When The Hobbit experienced a
delay, Jacksons cinematographer,
Andrew Lesnie, ASC, ACS, gave
Schwartzman his blessing to use the
cameras first, as long as we gave him
our R&D, says Schwartzman. Thus,
The Amazing Spider-Man became the
first major studio feature to shoot 3-D
with the Epic.
Schwartzman then decided to
work another system that had not yet
made its feature debut: 3ality Digitals
TS-5 stereo rig. (See sidebar on page
48.) Rounding out his camera package,
he chose Zeiss Ultra Prime lens pairs.
With lenses, our stereo rig weighed
just under 50 pounds, and that allowed
us to shoot extensively on cranes and
cable rigs, he notes.
Panavisions help in providing
eight complete sets of Ultra Primes was
crucial, adds Schwartzman. We had six
sets of lenses to run three rigs on first
unit, and I sent all of them to
[Panavision optical engineer] Dan
Sasaki, who made sure they were rebuilt
and matched. By the time we started
shooting, the cameras were as close [to
identical] as two cameras could be.
Production got underway in late
2010, and its seven Epics were essen-
tially still in the beta stage. We had a
solid plan, but we were heading into
uncharted territory, says chief digital-
imaging technician Brook Willard.
It took awhile for the workflow to
become intuitive for the crew. The
images we got the first two weeks were
just as good as the images we got later,
but they were captured with a camera
that had no remote on/off switch and
no frame lines and could only run at 24
fps, says Schwartzman. When we got
back after the Christmas break, we had
the Epic thats in use today. Red engi-
neers were always on set to address any
problems, but those problems were
When his experiment goes awry, Connors transforms into the monstrous Lizard, and its up to
Spider-Man to protect New York City and Peter Parkers high school. August 2012 49
50 August 2012 American Cinematographer
with the cameras at all times, and I also
did on-set color correction for dailies
and editorial, Willard explains. Steve
and Zachary handled data. After
reloading, I would take the left- and
right-eye RedMag SSDs to my color
cart, where I was able to read the files
with my Apple Mac Pro tower
[running two Red Rocket cards to
enable real-time rendering and viewing
of the footage on a 24" monitor] and
color correct them.
I used Redcine-X software to
color-correct the dominant eye
creatively, as per John Schwartzman,
Willard continues. Then, I would sync
the left and right eyes to make a 3-D
clip, and color-correct the non-domi-
nant eye until there was no discernible
color difference between the two. Then,
Id hand the mags to Steve and Zach,
who used Light Iron carts on set to
ingest all the footage onto Maxx Digital
[Evo 6G SAS 48TB] RAIDs. From
there, we generated all dailies and edito-
rial files and sent drives to Sony
Colorworks so wed have a backup in
another physical location. Additionally,
Steve and Zach would copy all original
raw data to LTO-5 tape.
Chen notes that the workflow
did require new players on set who
collaborated closely with the camera
team. The Red people, the 3ality
people, data-wrangling people and the
wireless-communication people
suddenly, there were five teams around
the camera! That illustrates the
complexity of shooting in stereoscopic
The workflow also illustrates how
the fine line between production and
post is growing ever finer. The lab has
moved from post to the set, says
Willard. Everyone is now backing up
footage on set, and most cinematogra-
phers now do some form of color
correction on set. We used no post
houses to color correct or generate
dailies on Spider-Man. We kept that all
within the camera department. It keeps
total control of the image in the cine-
matographers hands.
Schwartzman emphasizes that
Web-Slinging in Stereo
he Amazing Spider-Man marks the
Hollywood debut of 3ality
Technicas TS-5 stereo camera rigs,
but the technology was familiar to
Sony, parent company of Columbia
Studios, because the rigs had been
used for training at the Sony 3-D
Technology Center and were already
on the radar of colleagues who had the
ear of John Schwartzman, ASC.
Among those colleagues was Andrew
Lesnie, ASC, ACS, who was planning
to use the rigs for The Hobbit. Lesnie
advised Schwartzman that if he
wanted to reduce rig size and weight,
the TS-5 engineered to accommo-
date smaller digital cameras and
featuring miniaturized and lighter
beam-splitter technology might be
a good fit.
In fact, 3ality did not have to
do much of a selling job on
Schwartzman, according to company
CEO Steve Schklair, an ASC associ-
ate member. Spider-Man was origi-
nally scheduled as a 2-D shoot, and
when that changed, they were not
about to change their shooting sched-
ule, says Schklair. That meant they
needed a smaller, less bulky 3-D
camera system. On-board recording
with the Epic made it tetherless, and
that opened up the ability to use the
rigs on Steadicam, cranes and cable
rigs without customizing a lot of
Schwartzman adds that the
TS-5 is an evolutionary step because
its computerized to monitor the rig
100 times a second. Our experience
with 3-D rigs that had to be aligned
by hand was that it took too much
time and was not accurate.
Remember, we had to give Sony
Pictures Imageworks the best possi-
ble 3-D as early as we could to fit into
the visual-effects pipeline.
My concern was the on-set
speed, he continues, and 3ality blew
everyone else away and delivered to
Imageworks a better 3-D image with
a ton of metadata out of the stereo
imaging processing computer. That
allowed those shots to move quicker
through the system.
The TS-5 rig has since been
used on The Great Gatsby and Jack the
Giant Killer.
Michael Goldman
Supporting Stereo Capture
Schwartzman checks the frame while working with 3ality Technicas TS-5 stereo rig. August 2012 51
the workflow never took his attention
away from realizing Webbs creative
intent, which encompassed the pictures
overall palette and a strategy for using
dimensionality to tell the story. In terms
of the overall aesthetic, the director
requested something akin to French
Connection meets Spider-Man, says
Schwartzman. He wanted to see a dirty
New York, gritty and real. Peter Parker
[Andrew Garfield] is an angry young
man with these powers out in the real
streets of New York, which has all the
traffic, pollution and graffiti that you
might expect.
Regarding his vision for the
dimensionality, Webb developed what
he calls the three Vs of 3-D: volume,
velocity and vertigo. I feel all of those
elements are present or possible with
this character, he says.
The mobility of their stereo rigs
enabled the filmmakers to more
precisely contextualize and accentuate
Spider-Mans movements through
particular environments. We created
visual elements and story points to
specifically take advantage of the
dimensionality of the environment,
Webb notes. They maintained this
aesthetic for all-CG shots as well. For
instance, the movie ends with a CGI-
intensive sequence that shows Spider-
Man swinging through an alley. Viewers
can sense the space, feel like they are
moving forward or being propelled
themselves, says Webb.
In that sequence, and in certain
other key sequences, we were able to
open up the aspect ratio [for Imax
presentation], going from 2.35:1 to a
1.9:1 Imax digital ratio, and immerse
the viewer in the action, says Engle.
Most of the taller-aspect-ratio footage
was created as all-CG shots, but there
are many non-visual-effects and plate-
based visual-effects shots in the
sequences. In most cases, the extra
height of the Red Epic [sensor] was
used while keeping extra width for
convergence adjustments. In some cases,
we had to recompose just for Imax. The
camera follows Spider-Man, and some-
times we watch him, and sometimes we
Above: Police
Capt. Stacy
(Denis Leary)
attempts to
bring the
vigilante to
justice. Left: A
Nightsun Xenon
on a motorized
head fitted to
an overhead
truss simulates a
searchlight for
52 August 2012 American Cinematographer
swing with him. Its a palette of really
great 3-D moves, edited in such a way as
to avoid quick cuts, so you can really see
and sense what the character is seeing
and sensing. Schwartzman adds, It is
quite something in Imax!
Spider-Man can run, jump and
climb the ceiling, continues the cine-
matographer. He moves in X-Y-Z
space, and 3-D gave us a heightened
sense of that [movement]. Marc and I
developed a photographic approach
and a stereo plan to make the most of it.
When Peter is at home or at school, we
use some 3-D depth, but we dont push
it. About halfway through the movie,
when he dons the suit and grows to
become Spider-Man, we go to a wider
lens and change the I/O instead of
32mm, were on a 24mm, and instead
of a .3 I/O, we are at a .6.
For location work in New York,
Webb insisted on as much realism as he
could get, seeking what Schwartzman
calls imperfections in the environment
and in human movement. Marc didnt
want to use a CG Spider-Man at first
he wanted to swing Andrew every-
where on cranes! We were in
Manhattan up the block from the
Flatiron Building on a 150-foot
construction crane, with Spider-Man
swinging and landing on a taxicab for
real. We rigged a traveling truss on a
crane in Harlem with a stunt driver,
making Spider-Man swing down the
street and chasing him in a camera car
with a Russian arm. We tried to do as
much in-camera as possible, and if they
couldnt use what we captured, [visual
effects] replaced it with a CG character.
In those cases, what we shot informed
animators on how Andrew would
Overall, Schwartzman was
thrilled with how quickly he was able to
work while evaluating the 3-D imagery
on location. The rig sent data to the
engineering station to be captured, and
from there, it went to [728 video-play-
back engineer] Dave Deever, who
recorded both eyes and sent a 3-D
signal to a 50-inch Sony monitor that
Web-Slinging in Stereo
Right: Balloon
lights illuminate
the Williamsburg
Bridge set, which
was constructed at
Falls Lake on the
Universal backlot
in Los Angeles. The
crew also
employed a
Spidercam system
to capture some of
the action in the
sequence, during
which the Lizard
flings cars that
Spider-Man has to
catch with his
webs. Below: An
8K (left) and 4K
(right) tungsten
balloon, as well as
4K nooks on the
truss, help light a
Manhattan rooftop
set for a stunt
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54 August 2012 American Cinematographer
we could watch using passive 3-D
glasses, he recalls. We watched
rehearsals in 3-D and made sure we
liked the I/O, and then [during the
takes], I was at the camera and Marc
was at video village, watching a 2-D
image on a standard 19-inch flatscreen
monitor. So, we had the ability to [check
the image] in 3-D and still run video
village like a 2-D show.
Webb was also comfortable with
the methodology. There was a nimble-
ness to the way it was organized and a
flexibility that I really appreciated. We
were operating on [Technocranes]
much of the time, which allowed us to
move pretty fast.
On the lighting front, Schwartz-
man approached things from an
emotional place, not a technical one, as
he would do on any other picture.
When I tested the Epics sensitivity, I
found it to be ISO 800 in full daylight
and ISO 640 in tungsten light. But with
3-D, the beamsplitter cuts out one stop
of light, so that goes down to 400
[daylight] and 320 [tungsten], which is
pretty much what Im used to when I
shoot anamorphic. So I didnt have to
make any major concessions to the
The only real trick was keeping
stray light off the mirror [in the 3-D
rig], because a flare or a veiling glare
would be in different places in the frame
between the two eyes, and thats a prob-
lem, he continues. The grips worked
hard to keep backlight off the mirror,
and because of the inherent depth in
3-D, I used less backlight than I would
in 2-D, where I tend to use rimlight to
model the subject and create layers of
Webb and Schwartzman agree
that their ability to adhere to a standard
shooting schedule helped them carve
out a lengthy post period, which had to
accommodate visual effects, stereogra-
phy, conform and DI processes. We
finished photography on time, and that
allowed us time to be very thorough in
post, says the director. Rob Engles
team [including on-set stereographers
Eric Deren and Jason Goodman] was
good about finding the artful balance
between discretion and excitement. You
dont want the 3-D to be so oppressive
or violent that it takes you out of the
Spider-Man features approxi-
mately 1,600 visual-effects shots. Chen
credits the Epic cameras for providing
high-resolution plates, but notes that
this impacted the rendering process for
CG material to combine with those
Web-Slinging in Stereo
Top: Spider-Man sends strands of webbing through Manhattans water works a set the
crew dubbed The Onion and waits to feel the vibrations made by the approaching
Lizard. Bottom: Schwartzman shapes the light as A-camera 1st AC Richard Mosier keeps
the action in focus.
plates. The imagery was incredibly
clean, with almost no noise, he says.
Normally, when CG elements are
combined with filmed images, we add
grain in the composite to dirty it up and
help integrate it, but the Epic images
presented a different set of challenges.
In many cases, our CG images had
more noise than the footage!
Imageworks renderer, Arnold, makes
beautiful, realistic images, but they can
be noisy. We increased the quality
settings in the software to combat the
noise, but that can have an exponential
effect on how long it takes to render an
Throughout the show, visual-
effects pulls were sampled down to
2.5K from the 5K 16-bit
RedLogFilm/RedColor2 DPX files
that were acquired on set and housed on
Sony Production Backbone servers.
However, Chens team could hunt for
higher-resolution material within shots
as needed, and then deliver those pieces
back at 2.5K to preserve camera fram-
ing and image formatting.
We worked with Reds color
scientists to define the best workflow,
says Chen. 2.5K resolution was the
most efficient choice in terms of image
fidelity and file size. Remember, we had
to store two sets of images for each
frame of a stereo shot. With 2.5K, we
could center-extract the DCI 2K spec
Web-Slinging in Stereo
The crew gets a shot of Garfield and Stone as they ride a web into the night.
and still have plenty of extra pixels to use
for post moves and stereo convergence.
Because the Epic captures at 5K, if I had
to push into the image, I could go back
and request a 4K pull. We had cases
where we could scale up to 140 or 150
percent without seeing softness.
Still, every pair of stereo images
required a degree of match processing
before visual-effects work could be
done. Its a laborious, unavoidable
process, says Chen. Youre acquiring
two images, and each goes through a
different lens and camera body at a
different perspective. For each frame,
the two images must be matched in
terms of color and geometry, meaning
that if there is a zoom mismatch, one
image has to be scaled to match the
other. Highlights off surfaces will
appear at different places in each frame;
some may require removal to avoid
distractions and eyestrain during stereo
viewing. In the end, its mostly brute
force and skilled work that gives us the
[matching] quality we want.
Engles team put all native stereo
shots through some degree of image
alignment and color matching before
adding them to the picture as either
visual-effects plates or as non-effects
shots. Their primary tools included the
stereo tools within SGO Mistika,
Nukes Ocula plug-in and, for particu-
larly complicated shots, Reliance
At Colorworks, the 3-D conver-
gence pass was sent directly from the
productions Mistika system to the
FilmLight Baselight 8 color-correction
system via a customized pipeline.
Colorist Steve Bowen then applied final
color to the movie using the Baselight.
The final conform was done using
Autodesks Smoke system, and final
convergence tweaks were addressed at
Colorworks during that process.
ino Flos new Celeb
Memory Upgrade
of anamorphic lenses.
That made it difficult to get
wide-angle shots, and Len tends to
want to go wide, notes Cameron. We
eventually found a middle ground
that worked. For the really wide stuff
he wanted, I supplemented our
[Panavision] C-Series and E-Series
lenses with the G-Series, but theyre a
lot cleaner and dont have the flare char-
acteristics that the Cs and Es have, so
we tried to avoid them.
We decided to use the Cs and Es
when we thought we were going to
shoot film, and I stayed with them after
the switch, he continues. [Panavision
optical engineer] Dan Sasaki had them
shipped to us, along with some special
flare lenses, which were basically some
of the C-Series anamorphics with little
ventricular mirrors added to increase the
flare characteristics.
Total Recall became a film about
lens flares! he laughs. We were pushing
it all the time, aiming little Xenon flash-
lights right at the lens or putting pin-
sized sources into the frame. They add a
lot of visual punctuation. I like flares, but
Len loves flares, so we really went for it.
Wed be setting up a shot and discussing
the details, and Len would walk across
the room shaking his hands, showing
me where he wanted the flare. It was a
lot of fun to make that happen.
The Epic was so new that
Camerons crew had to spend a lot of
time making basic camera-support
materials for it. This wasnt an estab-
lished camera system with its own body
of accessories, he notes. It felt like we
were going through the Industrial
Revolution again; we were making base
plates, rods, bracketry, follow-focus
units, lens lights and handles, and hand-
held configurations. We had to manu-
facture power-distribution boxes to send
out power to the tons of
accessories around the camera. We also
built some beautiful handheld rigs that
we could screw additional weights to
when we wanted to make the camera
heftier. [A-camera operator] Angelo
Colavecchia, [B-camera operator] Mike
Top: This lighting plot illustrates Camerons overall approach to the Tripping Den inside Rekall.
Bottom: McClane (John Cho, right) and his assistants prep Quaid for his mind trip.
Cirella and I all felt more comfortable
with a camera that felt more like a
Panaflex Platinum. That was our
comfort zone when it came to hand-
held, and we did a lot of handheld on
this film.
The camera team was also
concerned about Reds established
pattern of frequent firmware updates
and the complications those might pose
for the production. 1st AC Russell
Bowie set a ground rule early on that no
updates would be made to the cameras
on set. If an update was to be consid-
ered, Red would send the updated Epic
to Panavision Toronto, and the camera
would be thoroughly tested before
being sent to set. Red was very
supportive, says Cameron. They sent
a tech to us for the first two weeks to
make sure we got rolling smoothly, and
they responded very quickly to any
questions or problems we had. The
Epic workflow is very well thought out,
and the camera is very user-friendly. So
far, the post process has been very
The switch to digital affected the
filmmakers creative approach as well.
When you want things to look a
certain way on film, you attack lighting
a certain way because you know how
aggressive you can be with film stocks,
says Cameron. With digital, how close
to the edge you can go depends greatly
on which camera system youre using.
Some of them like overexposure more
than underexposure, and vice versa.
Sensors are different beasts; they see
color differently, and they see exposure
differently. When youre trying to push
things, you cant take anything for
granted. You have to monitor it very
closely. Generally speaking, with film,
Im pretty fearless, but with digital, I
find Im a little more cautious and
reserved I tend to back off on the
highlights a bit.
Cameron did not embrace the
light-from-the-monitor approach. I lit
with my meter, the same way I do with
film. Looking at an electronic image is
very different from looking right
through the glass in an optical finder. I
feel Im better off lighting by eye and
with my meter than judging an elec-
tronic image on the set.
In order to travel from the UFB,
where he lives, to New Asia, where he
works, Quaid takes a ship called the August 2012 61
For an action
piece in which
takes down a
team of federal
police inside the
Tripping Den,
director Len
envisioned what
looked like seven
dolly moves
racing around the
room, says
Cameron. It was
all in one shot
and moving at
different levels.
Cameron utilized
super sliders
(pictured at left)
synchronized on a
winch to achieve
the effect.
62 August 2012 American Cinematographer
China Fall through the center of the
earth. As the ship passes the earths core,
it goes through zero gravity, and the
travelers can see the brilliant light at the
planets molten center. The China Fall
set was built onstage at Pinewood on a
rotating gimbal. The camera moved
with the set on a nodal rig (designed
and fabricated by Mike Johnson) that
fit onto a Libra head and rotated the
camera on its optical axis.
For moments when the ship
passes the planets core, Cameron
wanted a lighting effect that would
suggest molten lava. It looked a bit like
a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert, he
laughs. We had a massive rig of 50
lights outside the small windows of the
ship. I used a cluster of [Chromlech]
Jarag fixtures, several rows of MR16s
that were designed for rock n roll light-
ing. They react to dimmer cues very
quickly and can go from zero to 100
percent almost instantly; if you use
Nine-light Maxis, it can take them a
little more time because of the size of
the filament. For the core rig, we put
those Jarag fixtures on a vertical tower
along with a 7K Xenon, and we
surrounded the Jarags with almost 100
Par cans. Then wed move that up and
down to get the feel of the ship passing
the core. It was a massive rig, especially
considering the small size of the ships
window, but the effect was quite
impressive. At 800 ISO, the effect gave
me close to an f16 through the
For practical lighting inside the
China Fall, production designer Patrick
Tatopoulos incorporated a number of
LED strips and small fixtures into the
set, and Cameron made full use of the
integrated fixtures while supplementing
with some soft sources, mainly Kino
Flos. Cameron and his gaffer, Patrick
Reddish, built a number of soft boxes
using Kino Flo Barfly fixtures with
black foamcore snoots and white bed
sheets for diffusion on the face. Six 4x4
HMI lighting balloons provided low
One of the advantages of the
Epic is that you can immediately see the
results of pumping in just 5 more foot
candles of light, notes the cinematogra-
pher. Thats particularly helpful when
youre going in for a close-up, because
you can very easily fill the eyes.
When the ship arrives at its desti-
nation, emergency lights signal the end
of the journey. A set of Atomic 3,000-
watt Xenon fixtures was rigged into the
set for this effect.
Thanks to a number of collabora-
tions with director Tony Scott,
Cameron has developed a stylistic
approach that incorporates multiple
cameras. Tony and I would often have
four or five cameras in a kind of visual
symphony, and I now work a lot with
three and four cameras, he says. You
always add cameras when you do action,
Memory Upgrade
Right: A frame
grab of Quaid
inside his
apartment in New
Asia. Below: The
crew prepares a
setup on the
exterior portion
of Quaids
apartment set. August 2012 63
but I even add cameras to dialogue
scenes. It allows me to get a lot more
coverage quickly, and it has a much
realer feel because the coverage is from
the same take youre getting the same
energy from the actors. There are some
compromises, of course. You have to
light for a 20mm and a 600mm at the
same time, and you often have to be off
the eyelines a little more than you might
like. But I now see scenes and blocking
in a different way; I see the pieces of a
scene unfold, and I want to capture
them as quickly and genuinely as possi-
ble. Seeing where you can squeeze in
another camera is a bit like threading a
needle, but you get amazing coverage,
and the actors really love the freedom it
gives them.
Len really got into this
approach, and Ive found that most
directors do, continues the cinematog-
rapher. Once they get a taste of what
they can do with three or four cameras,
and they see the dailies, they really start
to love it. It does require tight coordina-
tion between the camera operators.
Blocking with multiple cameras means
a lot of reframing and resizing within a
scene, and it becomes like conducting a
visual orchestra, but if youre mindful
about how you approach it, its really
quite satisfying to see it all come
together. In addition, it seems like
production schedules are getting tighter
and tighter these days, and shooting
multi camera seems to be one of the
only ways to make them.
When Quaids Rekall procedure
goes wrong and he is suddenly thrust
into the middle of a political whirlwind,
police agents storm the Rekall facility
and attempt to capture him. In a
moment of clarity, he realizes he
possesses extraordinary skills, and he
singlehandedly defeats the entire team
of armed officers. Wisemans previsual-
ization of this moment presented
Cameron with a huge challenge,
recalls the cinematographer. The previs
looked like seven super-high-speed
dolly moves racing around the room. It
was all in one shot and moving at differ-
ent levels.
Top and middle: The crew shoots a hover-car chase sequence. Bottom: This image shows the sequences
composited background.
Memory Upgrade
Right: Overhead
coops and built-in
practical fixtures
light the lowest
level of the New
Asia set, which
included a
3'-deep canal and
was built on the
Jumbo stage at
Toronto Studios.
Below: The China
Fall helipad was
constructed inside
Toronto Studios
foot Mega
stage; here,
Quaid and Melina
attempt to take
off in one of
the aircraft.
As he gathers the fallen guards
weapons, the team outside tries to gain
a tactical advantage by seeing into the
room before they breach it. They do this
by firing a rocket into the room that
detonates and releases 60 cameras,
which mount themselves to the walls.
The combined footage creates a 3-D
image of Quaid in the room.
To achieve these images,
Camerons crew mounted 60 GoPro
HD Hero2 cameras all around the set
and painted them to blend into the
walls. Eight of the cameras failed, but
the footage from the other 52 provided
enough information to create the 3-D
A multi-camera setup was
employed at another key point in the
story. As Quaid discovers details about
Hauser, his alter ego, he finds a black
piano key in a safety-deposit box. Later,
when he finds a piano with a missing
key, he slips his key into the spot and
triggers a holographic message from
Hauser. The camera dollies around
Quaid as he watches the hologram, and
Memory Upgrade
A lens flare cuts
across this frame
grab of Quaid.
Cameron jokes,
Total Recall
became a film
about lens
we see a full 3-D effect of the miniature
projection. To create the projection
effect, Cameron built an 8' circular rig
lined with 32 Canon EOS 5D Mark IIs
that filmed Farrell from all angles. We
had to create customized on/off
switches for the 5Ds so we could start
and stop them at the same time, he
recalls. Mike Johnson, who also built
the nodal rig for our Libra head, created
those switches.
When Cameron spoke to AC, he
was in the midst of assisting with the
final grade, which Wiseman was carry-
ing out with colorist Steve Bowen at
Sony Colorworks in Culver City.
Unfortunately, I couldnt be there for
the color work, but Steve and I were
able to time the trailer together, so he
knows what Im looking for, says
Cameron. Im seeing his work in
batches. This weekend, for example, Ill
see a DCP projection of what hes done
so far in New York, and then Ill send
him my notes.
Len has an incredible eye, too,
and he wants the same look I want, he
adds. His attention to detail is truly
extraordinary. He not only knows every
shot in the movie, but he also knows
every layer of every effects shot inside
and out, so even though weve started
timing before the effects are done, he
understands which layers are missing
and how our color work will affect those
layers when theyre added. Working
with him has been a great experience all
around, and I look forward to more
Digital Capture and 35mm
Red Epic; Canon EOS 5D
Mark II; GoPro Hero2;
PanArri 235
Panavision C-Series, E-Series,
Fujifilm F-64D 8522,
Eterna 250D 8563
Digital Intermediate
Vampire Hunter. It was the best title ever, he says with a
laugh. Unless youre a complete purist about history, you have
to love it.
Based on the novel by Seth Grahame-Smith, the movie
proposes that Honest Abe (played by Benjamin Walker) was
motivated to become a political leader not only by his sense of
morality and patriotism, but also by his deep hatred for the
vampires threatening his divided country. Lincoln alone is a
fascinating subject, and I found the idea of combining his
story and that turbulent period with vampires to be really
intriguing, says Deschanel. In my research, I found that
some reviews of John Fords Young Mr. Lincoln [1939] actually
suggested Lincoln had a sort of Nosferatu quality. There was
certainly a tragic quality to his life that suggested some bad
karma surrounded him: he lost his mother at a young age, he
lost three of his four children, and he had to face the horrors
68 August 2012 American Cinematographer
ost filmmakers probably believe theyve seen it all after
spending more than 30 years in the business, but Caleb
Deschanel, ASC confesses he was a bit nonplussed
when he received a script titled Abraham Lincoln:
Caleb Deschanel, ASC explores
digital capture and 3-D post on
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.
By David E. Williams
| August 2012 69
of the Civil War. If you think of the
vampires in this movie as metaphors or
allegories for the real issues Lincoln
faced, the story gains an interesting
Deschanel was also attracted by
the prospect of working with director
Timur Bekmambetov, and he made a
point of watching Night Watch (Nochnoy
dozor), Bekmambetovs first foray into
vampire lore, before he met with him.
Its a wonderful movie, the cinematog-
rapher says. Its incredibly dark and
mysterious, and it has a brooding quality
that I loved.
By the time Deschanel received
the script, Bekmambetov was already
in the early stages of prepping the
project, and he and his collaborators had
already decided to shoot digitally.
Coincidentally, Deschanel had just
wrapped his first digital feature, William
Friedkins Killer Joe, which he had shot
on the Arri Alexa. He thought the Alexa
would be well suited to Abraham
Lincoln, though he had some concerns
about the plan to extract a 2.39:1 image
from the cameras 16x9 Alev-III sensor.
We shot Killer Joe in 1.85:1, and the
image held up well on the big screen
because we were using most of the chip, P
Opposite page:
Abraham Lincoln
(Benjamin Walker) has
an axe to grind with
the undead in
Abraham Lincoln:
Vampire Hunter. This
page, top to bottom:
Vadoma (Erin Wasson)
bares her fangs;
commanding vampire
Adam (Rufus Sewell)
exerts his power;
Caleb Deschanel, ASC
(left) and director
Timur Bekmambetov
stake out a location.
70 August 2012 American Cinematographer
he explains. By comparison, we had to
use a smaller part of the chip to extract
our widescreen image for Abraham
Lincoln, and to me it looks slightly more
digital on the big screen. Of course, the
newer Alexa model allows you to shoot
anamorphic with a 4x3 sensor, but that
technology wasnt available to us at the
There was also a mandate that
Abraham Lincoln would be released in
3-D, and when Deschanel came aboard,
production had not yet decided whether
to capture in 3-D or convert in post. In
prep, we went out and saw every 3-D
film we possibly could, those that had
been shot in 3-D and those that had
used a stereo post process, he recalls.
We wanted to analyze them and deter-
mine for ourselves what worked and
what didnt work. I was initially
convinced that shooting native 3-D
would be the best approach, but I was
shocked by how many problems were
not solved by doing that. It became clear
that the expertise and technique of the
people using the camera system was as
important as the camera itself, and that is
really no surprise.
Ive also noticed that in every
movie Ive seen that was shot in 3-D,
including the latest Pirates of the
Caribbean [ACApril 11], there is often a
weird miniaturization effect in certain
shots. I first noticed it years ago, while
watching the 3-D Imax movie Wings of
Courage [AC Aug. 95]. The movie was
beautiful, but I felt like everyone had
been reduced to the size of a toy. I know
this has something to do with the
manipulation of the interocular distance
between the two cameras lenses, and
perhaps its more apparent if youre
shooting in Imax, but I was concerned
about it.
The biggest problem with shoot-
ing stereo, of course, is the time it adds to
the schedule, and although Abraham
Lincoln is a big film, we did have limited
time and a limited budget. The movies
we watched that had been converted
from 2-D to 3-D generally looked really
good, and the techniques used for
conversion were getting better all the
Vampire Veto
Top: Young Abe
journals about
his secret life.
Middle and
bottom: Lincoln
trains to slay
vampires with
his mentor,
Henry Sturgess
Cooper). August 2012 71
time. Because we could shoot more
quickly in 2-D, we decided to do that
and convert in post. The rub with that is
that you have to leave time in post to do
a good job; that has to be built into the
Throughout the shoot,
Bekmambetov and Deschanel had to be
vigilant about choosing widescreen
compositions that would work well in
3-D. If youre only thinking about 2-D,
you compose shots differently, says
Deschanel. Your more painterly
compositions can create problems and
fall apart in 3-D. In general, we
composed shots so the action was more
central in the frame. We also did many
more clean singles than we otherwise
would have because in 3-D, over-the-
shoulder coverage gives you a big glob
floating in the foreground of the frame.
Actually, anything in the foreground is a
I had to keep reminding myself
of things like that because when youre
under the pressure of shooting, its very
easy to resort to what you would
normally do, he adds. (Stereographer
Graham D. Clark of Stereo D, the facil-
ity that handled the stereo conversion,
was on set throughout the shoot to
provide guidance.)
Given its unusual blend of period
drama, supernatural creatures and high-
octane action, Abraham Lincoln also
presented the filmmakers with the chal-
lenge of finding the appropriate tone.
Its not tongue-in-cheek, a spoof, or a
comedy of any sort, says Deschanel.
Its a serious historical drama that
transforms into a vampire movie. Its
two totally conflicting ideas duking it
out, like those tattoos of love and hate
on Robert Mitchums fists in Night of the
Hunter. Finding the right visual tone
was definitely an issue; we wanted to
establish realism and then have this
over-the-top quality creep in.
This tonal shift occurs in one of
the films early scenes, which shows
Lincolns mother being brutally killed
by a vampire. The lighting up to that
point is fairly true to life, motivated by
candles or moonlight, which gives us a
Top: Sturgess
Lincoln after
sensing the
anger within
him. Middle:
After being
transformed into
a vampire,
indulges his
blood lust.
Bottom: Will
Mackie, left),
Lincolns adviser
and childhood
friend, fends off
an attack.
72 August 2012 American Cinematographer
realistic foundation, says Deschanel.
But as the vampires entered the story,
we tried to maintain reality but move
away from those motivated sources and
instead light based on the tone of the
scene. The lighting becomes increasingly
off-kilter for instance, the moon gets
bigger and brighter and the camera-
work becomes more point-of-view. It
felt as if wed given into the vampires and
left history behind. It was like a Ouija
board was guiding the shooting.
Bekmambetovs affinity for slow-
motion effects led Deschanel to add a
Vision Research Phantom Flex to his
camera package, albeit with some reluc-
tance. Timur fell in love with the
Phantom camera, and the slow-motion
shots you get with it can be mesmeriz-
ing, but the digital artifacting, especially
the clipped highlights, was a problem
for me, he says. It gives you wonderful
results when you can completely control
the light, but you cant always do that.
As soon as anything was 3 stops over, all
the detail disappeared.
The Phantom Flex can capture
up to 2,570 fps at 1920x1080 in stan-
dard mode, and the filmmakers used it
mainly for Civil War combat action.
When the guns would fire, the muzzle
blasts would go completely white and
fall apart, and, out of necessity, we just
had to embrace that, says Deschanel.
For some high-speed scenes, he also
shot 4-perf Super 35mm, running Arri
435s at 150 fps and using Kodak
Vision3 200T 5213 or 500T 5219.
The high-speed work ended up being
a hodgepodge, at least in the fight
sequences, he recalls. I just kept shoot-
ing film until Timur wanted to go
beyond 150 frames. I would have
preferred not to use the Phantom at all,
and I think Timur came around after he
started to examine the images we were
getting. We do have some shots in the
movie that would not have been possi-
ble without the Phantom, but without
very controlled lighting, the image
Using two cameras for most
setups, Deschanel teamed the Alexa
with Zeiss Ultra Primes and, occasion-
Vampire Veto
Top: Lincoln
surveys the
gruesome scene
after dispatching
a group of
capture the
action from two
ally, a Fujinon Alura 18-80mm zoom
lens. Footage was recorded in ArriRaw
to Codex recorders and, as backup, to
SxS cards. Deschanel notes that the
backup step paid off when the team
discovered a corrupt file in the Codex
material and was able to retrieve the
intact data from the card.
One aspect of digital production
Deschanel has no love for is the neces-
sity of looking at the monitor to see
what youre getting. It was really my
own worry. With film I always know,
pretty well, what Im going to get and
how to expose to get that. In terms of
latitude, the Alexa is close enough [to
film] that I was comfortable shooting
with it the way I would shoot film, but I
never got comfortable enough to not
check the monitor and the scope. The
image always looked good on the moni-
tor, but I was concerned about certain
wide shots and how they would hold up
[in 2.40:1] on a big screen. Those wide
shots are where I feel that digital look I
really wanted to get past. With digital,
every image is recorded by the same
array of dots on the sensor, whereas with
film, theres a whole new set of dots for
every frame because the emulsion
moves. That makes film much more
forgiving, especially to the human face
and skin tones.
Deschanel also believes that on
digital productions, too many important
decisions are made on set too quickly.
Judging by the monitor is great if youre
a camera assistant trying to verify that
something is in focus, but its difficult to
make critical decisions about perfor-
mance and composition under the
immense pressures of the production
day. When you watch dailies some-
where else, separated by time and with-
out those direct influences, you might
have a very different interpretation of
what youre seeing, and you might see
what youve done differently. I think the
time we used to have for that process is
something we shouldnt give up when
shooting digitally.
One of the aspects of his 3-D
learning curve was discovering that one
thing you cannot do when youre shoot-
ing 2-D for stereo conversion is atmos-
phere, whether that be smoke or fog
effects; and if youre shooting something
underwater, you have to avoid all those
fascinating floating particles. The
conversion process just doesnt identify
Top: In a unit
still from the
set, Vadoma
pins Lincoln
beneath a chair.
Bottom: In a
frame pull from
the movie that
shows the full
look applied
during the DI,
Joshua Speed
Simpson) rides
to Lincolns
rescue. August 2012 73
74 August 2012 American Cinematographer
and separate all those tiny elements
well. That said, Timur had some good
ideas on how to utilize that volumetric
space. He suggested creating atmos-
pheric elements as an added layer of
3-D CGI. For example, for a picnic
scene featuring Lincoln and his wife,
Mary, they floated CG milkweed seeds
in the air to give it a more complete
3-D reality.
Abraham Lincoln was filmed in
Louisiana, where Deschanel also shot
Killer Joe, and he brought on some of
the same crew, including gaffer Paul
Olinde, key grip Richard Ball and dolly
grip Richard Hoover. My primary
crew was some of my usual guys,
including first AC Tommy Tieche and
A-camera/Steadicam operator B.J.
McDonnell, who are great, he adds.
When he spoke to AC,
Deschanel was in the midst of color-
timing the 3-D version of Abraham
Lincoln at Technicolor Hollywood with
senior/supervising colorist David Cole.
With a laugh, Deschanel says, At first,
Timur and I had the idea that the movie
should be in black-and-white because
of the great, iconic Civil War photogra-
phy by Matthew Brady and others
thats such a part of our collective
psyche. After we wrapped, I went on to
another feature, and Timur and Dave
Cole experimented with some things.
Eventually, Dave and I came up with a
desaturated look that suggests the
appropriate feel and puts us in the right
period. Of course, a lot of that look
went by the wayside at the last minute
as they rushed to convert to 3-D.
The cinematographer notes that
there are significant differences in
grading for 3-D vs. 2-D. There are
multiple 3-D exhibition systems, and
depending on the process being used,
the picture might be projected at 3
foot-lamberts or 6 foot-lamberts. At
that level, the eye perceives color and
contrast differently than it does when
the image is presented at the standard
15 or 16 foot-lamberts. So the timing of
the 3-D version is completely different.
We have a lot more control over
the image today, so there are many more
choices as well, and those two things
dont always line up exactly right, he
concludes. But Im always looking to
try something new, and Abraham
Lincoln, with its mash-up of high-brow
and low-brow ideas, was exactly that. It
allowed me to fully immerse myself in
something completely different.
Vampire Veto
Top: Lincoln
makes a journal
entry on a train
transporting a
shipment of
silver to Union
soldiers battling
Bottom: An older,
wiser Lincoln
attempts to
abolish slavery
and unify the
United States.
Digital Capture and
4-perf Super 35mm
Arri Alexa, 435;
Vision Research Phantom Flex
Zeiss Ultra Prime,
Arri/Fujinon Alura
Kodak Vision3 200T 5213,
500T 5219
Digital Intermediate
Stereoscopic Conversion
76 August 2012 American Cinematographer
Creating Reality for a Greenscreen Shoot
By Noah Kadner
The Polish feature film Man, Chicks Are Just Different, shot by
Jerzy Zielinski, ASC, PSC, is a simple story about two men (Adam
Woronowicz and Robert Wieckiewicz) conversing as they drive
through city streets at night. The concept was very anti-cinematic,
says Zielinski, who shot the picture for director Marek Koterski. The
question was, how can we make this premise interesting and bring
the audience along for the ride?
The filmmakers explored the possibility of shooting entirely
onstage, with the actors in a stationary car in front of greenscreen,
and compositing the backgrounds during post. Zielinski researched
the look of nighttime car interiors by driving around at night and
shooting short videos, and he paid close attention to the optical
quality of the resultant imagery and the interactive lighting in the
footage. He then shot a series of tests with actors and crew using a
car on a stage to show the producers that the greenscreen approach
could look credible.
This movie depended on two things: the dialogue and the
performances, Zielinski explains. Marek wrote a very precise script,
and the actors werent allowed to improvise at all. Ive shot a lot of
driving sequences, and in real moving cars, youre always limited to
very few camera angles and lighting positions, and the sound is
often compromised. It was a very exciting challenge to shoot every-
thing onstage and then try to make it look real.
Chicks was shot at Film Production Studios in Ldz, Poland.
Zielinski used a primarily local crew that included camera operator
Ernest Wilczynski, gaffer Hubert Stawicki and key grip Wojtek
Piasecki. He shot in 1.85:1 using a Panaflex Millennium XL, Primo
lenses and Kodak Vision3 500T 5219.
Shooting the actors and the backgrounds separately gave
us visual options that simply wouldnt have been possible on loca-
tion, says Zielinski. For example, I could shoot the actors with a
50mm lens and then capture the background plate later with a
10mm in order to see more of the surrounding environment. This
enabled us to create a complex, hyper-real look.
In order to maximize the shooting time with the actors, Zielin-
ski devised a fixed lighting setup for the greenscreen. We created
a chandelier fixture out of 20 4-foot Kino Flo 3,200K tubes. We
bounced them up like a shining tube just above the roof of the car,
and they evenly lit the entire greenscreen backing. It was very simple,
and it ensured that the background was lit and ready to go first thing
each morning.
For the two actors, Zielinski used a variety of Rosco LitePad
LED panels to emulate the look of the cars dashboard lighting.
Post Focus
During a long drive, Pucio (Robert Wieckiewicz, pictured) and his friend Adam (Adam Woronowicz) complain non-stop about their difficult
relationships with women in the Polish feature Man, Chicks Are Just Different, shot by Jerzy Zielinski, ASC, PSC. August 2012 77
Completing the general look of the car
scenes, he created a system of moving lights
to approximate the effects of various exter-
nal sources, such as other cars and street
lamps. For the streetlight effects, we used
2,000-watt and 1,000-watt Arri Fresnel
lamps either direct or bounced off a rotating
mirror, he says. We sometimes added
2 CTO to create a sodium-vapor look.
Finally, we placed an 800-watt Redhead on
a dolly to simulate the headlights of passing
The production used two versions of
the car, and each was stripped down to
facilitate rigging and accommodate a vari-
ety of shooting angles. The rigging team
removed everything from the cars that we
didnt need, including the engines and the
windows, says Zielinski. To help the actors
concentrate on something, we placed a
large TV monitor that played POV driving
footage in front of the car.
After completing the three-week
studio shoot, Zielinski went out with a
smaller crew and a Panavision Genesis to
shoot exteriors for the background plates
and the reflections that would be added to
the cars windows in post. I wanted the
texture, grain and deep blacks of 35mm film
for the actors faces, but for the night
plates, I switched to the Genesis because I
knew wed have to shoot a lot of material,
and that wed have minimal lighting. This
hybrid approach gave me the option to
build up the depth in post. Referencing
storyboards that depicted each scenes
setting and background requirements,
Zielinski shot the plates slightly out of focus
to achieve a more natural optical look.
Going into post, Zielinski collabo-
rated closely with Warsaw visual-effects
house The Chimney Pot. The work entailed
selecting the desired takes from the green-
screen shoot, matching them with the
appropriate background footage, and then
adding digital windows complete with
reflections, dirt and interactive lighting.
Visual-effects supervisor Jacek Skrobisz and
The Chimney Pots managing director,
Jedrzej Sablinski, worked on the project for
a year, beginning with preproduction test-
The initial challenge in post was to
match the 35mm footage with the HD
Genesis footage. We received the Genesis
material in 1080p on HDCam-SR tapes,
explains Sablinski. The 35mm negative
was scanned at 4K and then downsized to
2K, and we then moved footage through
post as 2K DPX frames.
I spent about four months working
directly with The Chimney Pot, says Zielin-
ski. We sometimes had very soft edges to
key with, because a strong backlight would-
nt have looked right for the interior of the
car at night. I was also missing some kind of
light that would come from outside and
penetrate the interior, so we added edge
flares motivated by the street lamps to help
make it more believable.
Jerzys involvement in the effects
To capture the characters dialogue inside the car from various angles, the filmmakers
worked on two greenscreen mini-stages, positioning prop cars on a fixed platform (top)
and a rotating platform (bottom).
work was extensive, much more than the
director of photography usually has, says
Sablinski. He worked closely with editor
Andrzej Kowalski to select the right fore-
ground takes and then match each with the
corresponding background material. Of
the movies 443 shots, 341 contain visual
The Chimney Pots team of 10 visual-
effects artists and compositors used The
Foundrys Nuke software, supplemented by
Autodesk Flame, for most of the composit-
ing work. They also used Autodesk Maya
for 3-D animation and RealFlow for physical
fluid simulation. In one notable scene, heavy
rain begins to fall as the men are waiting at
a railway crossing for a train to pass. Sablin-
ski explains, The rain was very special,
involving a lot of work with raindrops on the
car window and reflections on the actors.
The wiper blades and windshield were
created entirely in 3-D with Maya. Interac-
tive rain drops and splashes were simulated
with RealFlow. For a scene showing the
men driving across a bridge, the resizing of
the background plates was very demand-
Zielinski continued working with The
Chimney Pot as Chicks was edited, compos-
ited and color corrected (by Victor Sasin).
We used Digital Visions Nucoda Film
Master system with a SAN and Fuse assist
station for the grading and conform, says
Sablinski. Everything was screened with a
Barco D-Cine Premiere DP90 projector on a
4-meter DI screen. Each shot was graded
three or four times for all of the separate
elements and then the final comps. The
final shots averaged up to five layers of
material. It was a big puzzle, and it was a lot
of fun to put together! The Chimney Pot
also created the final film prints and DCP
Having all the post work completed
under one roof really made a difference,
says Zielinski. Typically, you deal with many
different post houses on a project with this
many visual effects. What was really fasci-
nating for me was seeing how we could use
all of this digital technology to create hyper-
realism rather than fantasy.
78 August 2012 American Cinematographer
rehearse a
scene between
takes. Bottom:
To light the
backing evenly,
employed a
consisting of 20
4' Kino Flo
3,200 tubes.
Visual Effects Go There
Visual-effects and production veterans Elliott and Taylor Jobe
have launched There, a bicoastal company that specializes in the
capture and compositing of digital sets with greenscreen produc-
tion. The company provides an alternative to traditional location-
based production, making it possible to capture locations that
would otherwise be impossible to shoot in an expedient and cost-
competitive way.
We combine on-set technology with digital sets using
assets we capture or create, as well as existing assets we repur-
pose, explains Elliott Jobe, Theres creative director. With digital
sets, we can give our clients access and control of lighting so it can
be magic hour all day.
Our studio is a hybrid of practical and digital technology,
which many live-action productions tend to approach separately,
adds Taylor Jobe, the companys development director. You can be
inside the Louvre, Red Square or Grand Central Terminal in one
There enables both director and cinematographer to interact
with talent on the greenscreen stage as if they were shooting in an
actual location. For example, the director can work with actors on
performance while referencing the digital environment as opposed
to having only limited contextual reference within the greenscreen
stage, and the cinematographer can choose which lens to use and
how to light a scene based on actual distances and images within
the digital set.
Among Theres recent projects are commercials for Virgin
America and Crystal Geyser, featuring digital sets of a plane interior
and a modern kitchen, respectively; and a Rock Center promo
with Brian Williams, featuring digital sets for seven floors of Rocke-
feller Center-based productions (such as Late Night with Jimmy
Fallon, Saturday Night Live and 30 Rock) that facilitated shooting
with multiple celebrities.
There evolved from the company LiveLocation. R&D led the
Jobes to launch the brand more precisely as There. Additional clients
include Bravo, Lucasfilm, Geico, Warner Bros. and O Positive Films.
For additional information, visit
New Products & Services
Please e-mail New Products/Services releases to: and include full contact
information and product images. Photos must be
TIFF or JPEG files of at least 300dpi.
Pixomondo Expands to Baton Rouge, Detroit
International visual-effects company Pixomondo has
announced the opening of its 12th and 13th facilities in Baton
Rouge, La., and Detroit, Mich., respectively. The announcement
follows the Academy Award win by Pixomondos visual-effects
supervisor Ben Grossmann and digital-effects supervisor Alex
Henning for their work on Hugo, which featured more than 800
stereo 3-D visual-effects shots created by Pixomondo artists around
the world.
Opening an office in Baton Rouge fits perfectly with our
overall company vision, says Thilo Kuther, founder of Pixomondo.
Louisiana offers a very generous production tax rebate that we can
pass on to our clients to bolster our project load as well as our grow-
ing teams in Los Angeles, London, Germany, China and Canada.
Baton Rouge is a beautiful city with a wealth of resources,
Kuther continues. Weve already connected with the Louisiana
State University science department to help set up remote render
farms and virtualization with our other studios.
Pixomondo DTW, the new studio in Detroit, was formed
through the acquisition of boutique visual-effects company With A
Twist. It will focus on feature, television and commercial work,
handling both local and international projects.
With A Twist has a long-standing relationship with
Pixomondo as a sub-vendor on several features, including The
Amazing Spider-Man, Fast Five, Sucker Punch and Hugo. David
Burton, co-founder of With A Twist, notes that the company had
reached the point where we needed to grow to remain competitive.
Pixomondo has already accomplished much of what we aspired to
do, and done it well, so it was a natural progression to join into their
team. Our cultures mesh well and the timing was right.
The visual-effects industry is such a worldwide market-
place, adds With A Twist co-founder Pam Hammarlund. It is a
tremendous asset to have access to [Pixomondos] global resources.
With extensive experience creating visual effects for such
80 August 2012 American Cinematographer
companies as Audi, VW and Mini,
Pixomondo is aptly suited for work in the
Motor City. The Detroit location will enable
the company to service clients locally while
simultaneously working on other diverse
projects for its other 12 studios around the
For additional information, visit
Spy: LA Opens Doors in
Santa Monica
Spy, a FotoKem company that offers
creative finishing services for commercials
and feature films, has opened a new studio
in Santa Monica, Calif., within the sound
studio Margarita Mix.
Extending the capabilities of Spys
main facility in San Francisco, Spy: LA will
specialize in visual-effects-based commercial
productions. The company recently worked
on spots for UPS, Asics, THQ/UFC, Hillshire
Farm and Canon.
Visual-effects artist Scott Rader joins
Spy: LA as creative director and lead Flame
artist. He previously worked at Radium,
Hydraulx and Digital Domain. Raders work
on numerous television series, feature films,
commercials and music videos as an Inferno
artist/visual-effects supervisor has earned
him a number of awards, including nine
Spy: LA provides the same level of
quality services that is offered in our San
Francisco facility, says co-founder Eric
Hanson. The two studios are securely
connected by a high-speed network [that
offers] real-time interface capabilities
between San Francisco and Santa Monica,
and this new location greatly enhances our
ability to interface effectively with our
The visions always clear in my mind but the trick on every project
is to get it up on the screen, fully realized. No excusesI absolutely hate
compromise. After shooting The Social Network, The Girl With the Dragon
Tattoo, and Hitchcockal l on REDI came to the conclusion that
compromise has been removed from the equation. With RED, my vision
becomes my reality. For what its worth, I feel much better now.