Heroes/Morality Unit: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Heroes/Morality Unit: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Heroes/Morality Unit: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Wrap up prior unit Give pre-test on morality/heroic terms Evaluate over weekend and adjust Teach Lesson 11 Do quick write: Hero in your life Students get in groups to discuss/Share Create lists of characteristics for hero/villain Assign: Writing Prompt 1 2 Collect: Writing Prompt 1 response Review lists from yesterday Read Three Little Pigs Show students how to redefine who plays the role of hero/villain in stories Show how to do this with Three Little Pigs Assign: Brainstorm a story they could do this with Group work: How are you going to switch the roles? Individual work: Begin writing explanation/defense of your role switches in the story. Assign: Finish writing assignment Put Three Little Pigs example on the overhead Sharing whip: What story did you choose? 3 Set copies of Wicked and Wizard of Oz Overview of stories: discuss how the two show different sides of one story The villain can become the victim Explain writing assignment: Students write their own fictional story including a hero (23 pages) Assign: Work on story 4 5 Collect: Writing Assignment/Explanation From Wednesday Group work: share your story plot and the characters with your group give one get one. Peer review on progress. Continue work on your piece using input from the group. Assign: Finish the story for Monday bring 2 copies
6 Collect: Written stories Explain future assignment: Students will rewrite stories from a different perspective Through this they will change the readers understanding of a character (the villain or the hero) Group work: read each others stories, offer ideas on how to re-write the story effectively Assign: Article on Infanticide and Honor Killings Assign: Re-write of story due next Monday
7 Introduce Morality: Are our morals consistent? Where do our morals come from? Can you defend your moral decisions? Challenge answers with examples Discuss Articles Are these things justifiable? WHY? Exit Slip: What did your article offer to your understanding of these cultures? (hand in with article) Assign: Find one article supporting or defending a moral dilemma such as this
8 Split class into groups (3) depending on article topic Group Time: Share your article Explain why you picked your topic Do you support it or not? Why? DISCUSS Group Quick Write: As a group write a synthesis statement about the topic in your group and how it relates to our idea of morality Sharing Whip: Each group shares their statement. Exit Slip: How did your article influence your understanding of your chosen moral dilemma? (hand in with article) Reminder: Work on story re-write!!
Teach Lesson 2 9 Activity: Begin debate on infanticide Quick write: Infanticide Lecture: Debate set-up Intro : 3 min Rebuttal: 2 min each side Rebuttal 2 min each side Closing: 3 min Split kids into pro-con For 2 debates Group work to prepare for debate Assign: Individual brainstorming for debate material Lecture: Forming a convincing argument claim support rebuttal conclusion Example: arguing for honor killings
Group work: Prepare for debate (lots of time to do this) Reminder: Debate AND story re-write due Monday!!
11 Collect: Re-write of Story DEBATE DAY Debate 1: inuit infanticide, Debate 2: general infanticide Hand out peer review sheets for students to fill out while watching other debate Exit Slip: What did you learn about your own debate while watching the other debate? Assign: e-mail in peer review of group
12 Quick write: How does morality play into your understanding of our view of heroes/villains? TTYPS Group discussion: Is there a definite line for morals/what is right or wrong? How do you feel about the morals you hold now? Is this applicable to every day life? How? Assign: brainstorm a list of 5-6 heroes/villains that you think are misunderstood by the general public (a hero who is a villain or a villain who is really a hero)
Lesson 3 13 TTYPS: discuss the list you created and share your rationale for your choices. Lecture: Writing a persuasive paper Similar to a debate Claim Support Rebuttal Conclusion Importance of word choice Citing/Quoting appropriately Individual work: Work on creating an outline for paper Group Time: Share progress with group Assign: Finish the outline for tomorrow
14 Finish outline if not done Begin work on paper on computers if available or on paper if necessary Group work: Peer review of what is written halfway through class Assign: Finish paper for tomorrow.
15 Whole Class: Students who want to can read their paper or share their topic with the class Class Discussion: What did you learn while writing this paper? Was it hard to see someone who is held as a hero or villain differently? Did you make any connections between this paper and your life? 5-10 minute fun debates: tape line across classroom, students can move between sides as their minds change. Follow previous debate layout, debate following characters: Superman Spiderman Cruella deville Peter Pan Geppetto