Capacity Duration Functions of Short-Term Memory
Encoding Storage Retrieval Forgetting Reconstruction
What Events Do People Remember?
ou sign up for a study of memory, and when you appear for the session, the experimenter says that youll hear several lists of words over a tape recorder. Listen carefully. After each list, you will hear either a tone or a knocking sound to signal whether you should spend the next two minutes writing down the words in that list or working on some arithmetic problems. After the rst list, youll hear a second list, a third list, and so on, until youre nished. You have no questions, so the session begins. The experimenter turns on the tape recorder and you hear a male voice reciting a word every 1.5 seconds. Try it: bed, rest, awake, tired, dream, wake, night, blanket, doze, slumber, snore, pillow, peace, yawn, drowsy. Got it? Now look away, take out a sheet of paper, and take two minutes to write down as many of these words as you can. Okay, times up. Heres the next list: note, sound, piano, sing, radio, band, melody, horn, concert, instrument, jazz, symphony, orchestra, art, rhythm. Again, try to recall as many words as you can. After completing all the lists, you are told that your ability to recognize the original words will now be tested. Youll receive a set of ninety-six words, some of which appeared earlier. For each word, you should indicate whether it is new (never presented before) or old (presented earlier on tape). Next, for each word you recognize as old, youre asked: Are you sure you vividly recall hearing the speaker say that word on tape? Try it. Cover the last paragraph and
circle each of the following words that you recognize from before: tooth, beach, sleep, art, trafc, pillow, kitten, music. As a participant in this experiment, you know that some of the test items are new, others old. What you dont know is that some of the new items were meaningfully related to words that did appear in the original lists. The experimenters referred to these as lures. The question is, how easy was it to tell the difference?
Think about the recognition test. Participants were reshown some of the same words they had seen just minutes earlier. So how well could they recognize these items? And will they ever remember hearing the lure words not on the list? To get you started, the percentage of old items correctly seen as old is presented below. As you can see, participants recognized 79 percent of these words57 percent of which they were absolutely sure about. Using these numbers as a guideline and the table below, predict how often (0100 percent) the participants falsely recognized and were sure about the lures that were never actually presented.
Yes Sure
79% 57%
______ % ______ %
In this study, Henry Roediger and Kathleen McDermott (1995) were curious to see whether they could get people to create false memories of words not previously heard. So what did you predict? How often did participants recognize lure words compared to the percentage of old items correctly and confidently recognized? The results were striking. As shown below, participants could not tell the difference between words that were on the list and those that were not.
Yes Sure
79% 57%
81% 58%
After hearing sleep-related words such as bed and yawn and music-related words such as jazz and instrument, didnt you think that you had also heard sleep and musicwords that t but were not actually on the list? Most people do. I was at a conference a few years ago where Henry Roediger, in a talk he titled Creating False Memories in the Classroom, reproduced this result with an audience of psychology professors, including myself. Many other researchers have obtained this same result. Psychologists liken human memory to a computer that faithfully records information for later use. This study reveals, however, that there is much more to the story. As well see in this chapter, remembering is an active process, and we sometimes construct memories in light of our own beliefs, wishes, needs, contextual factors, and information received from outside sources.
memory The process by which information is retained for later use. information-processing model A model of memory in which information must pass through discrete stages via the processes of attention, encoding, storage, and retrieval. sensory memory A memory storage system that records information from the senses for up to three seconds. short-term memory (STM) A memory storage system that holds about seven items for up to twenty seconds before the material is transferred to long-term memory or is forgotten. long-term memory (LTM) A relatively permanent memory storage system that can hold vast amounts of information for many years.
n November 22, 1963, thousands of Dallas residents watched one of the most tragic events in modern American history: the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. What happened? Some witnesses said they saw a lone gunman in the sixth-oor window of a nearby building. Others recalled the presence of two or three men in the same window. Still others insisted that they saw someone shooting from a grassy knoll. To add to the confusion, some witnesses recalled hearing three shots red; others swore they heard ve or six. To this day, no one is certain of what actually occurred. The disputes over this historic trauma raise an important question: Can remembrances of the past be trusted? Human memory is often the subject of controversy. Sometimes we seem able to recall a face, a voice, the contents of a lecture, a foreign language, a news event, a rst date, the birth of a child, or the death of a loved one with precision and certainty. Yet at other times, memory is limited, flawed, and biasedas when we forget a phone number we just looked up, the items on the grocery list we left at home, coursework from last semester, or the name of someone we recently met. How are experiences stored in the brain and then later retrieved? What causes us to preserve some events but not others? How accurate are our recollections of the past? To answer these questions, cognitive psychologists study memory, the process by which information is retained for later use (Baddeley, 1999; Schacter, 2001).
An Information-Processing Model
In what ways can human memory be likened to the working of a computer? What are the differences among sensory, short-term, and long-term memory?
Memory CHAPTER 6 Aristotle and Plato likened memory to the stamping of an impression into a block of wax. Others, more recently, have compared memory to a switchboard, storage box, workbench, library, layered stack, and tape recorder. Today, cognitive psychologists like to compare the human mind to a computer and memory to an informationprocessing system. If youve worked on a computer, you will appreciate the analogy. Your PC receives input from a keyboard or mouse; it converts the symbols into a special numeric code; it saves the information on a hard drive, CD, or disk; it then retrieves the data from the disk to be displayed on a screen or sends it to a printer. If the computer crashes, if theres not enough space on the disk, if the le was deleted, or if you enter the wrong retrieval command, the information becomes inaccessible, or forgotten. Using the computer as a model, memory researchers seek to trace the ow of information as it is mentally processed. In this information-processing model, a stimulus that registers on our senses can be remembered only if it (1) draws attention, which brings it into consciousness; (2) is encoded, or transferred to storage sites in the brain; and (3) is retrieved for use at a later time (Atkinson & Shiffrin, 1968). Within this information-processing approach, three types of memory have been distinguished: sensory, short-term, and long-term. Sensory memory stores all stimuli that register on the senses, holding literal copies for a brief moment ranging from a fraction of a second to three seconds. Sensations that do not draw attention tend to vanish, but those we notice are transferred to short-term memory (STM), another temporary storage system that can hold seven or so items of information for about twenty seconds. Although STM fades quickly, information can be held for a longer period of time through repetition and rehearsal. When people talk about attention span, they are referring to short-term memory. Finally, long-term memory (LTM) is a somewhat permanent storage system that can hold vast quantities of information for many years. Science writer Isaac Asimov once estimated that LTM takes in a quadrillion separate bits of information in the course of a lifetime. Mathematician John Grifth estimated that, from birth to death, the average person stores ve hundred times more information than the Encyclopedia Britannica. When people talk about memory, long-term memory is typically what they have in mind. As depicted in the owchart in Figure 6.1, this information-processing model is used to structure the present chapter. Note, however, that it is only a model and does
After the 1963 assassination of John F. Kennedy, many eyewitnesses came forward. Some reported seeing one gunman in a sixthoor window of a nearby building; others recalled two or three gunmen in the same building; still others thought the shots were red from the ground. Such are the pitfalls of eyewitness memory.
Sensory memory
Many events register in sensory memory. Those that are noticed are briey stored in short-term memory; those that are encoded are transferred to a more permanent facility. As shown, forgetting may be caused by failures of attention, encoding, or retrieval.
Memory not mean that the brain has three separate storage bins. This is only one view of how memory works. There is a radically different view. Most computers process instructions in xed sequence, one linear step at a time. In contrast, the human brain performs multiple operations simultaneously, in parallel. Thus, some cognitive psychologists have rejected the information-processing model in favor of parallelprocessing models in which knowledge is represented in a weblike network of connections among thousands of interacting processing unitsall active at once (Rumelhart et al., 1986). As you read this chapter, youll see that memory researchers ask two types of questions. First, how are memories stored? Is there a single unitary system, as some believe, or are there multiple memory systems, each uniquely dedicated to storing certain types of information? Second, to what extent are our memories of the past faithful to reality? We will see that researchers have exposed some serious aws and biases in human memorywhat Daniel Schacter (2001) has called the sins of memory. Thus, youll notice this recurring theme: Human beings are both competent and incompetent, and both objective and subjective, in their processing of information.
What is iconic memory, what is echoic memory, and how do they differ?
Take a ashlight into a dark room, turn it on, shine it on a wall, and wave it quickly in a circular motion. What do you see? If you twirl it fast enough, the light will appear to leave a glowing trail, and youll see a continuous circle. The reason: Even though the light illuminates only one point in the circle at a time, your visual system stores a snapshot of each point as you watch the next point. The visual image is called an icon, and the snapshot it stores is called iconic memory (Neisser, 1967).
Low tone People typically dont realize that a eeting mental trace lingers after a stimulus is removed from view. Nor did cognitive psychologists realize it until George Sperlings (1960) ingenious series of experiments. Sperling instructed subjects to stare at the center of a blank screen. Then he ashed an array of letters for one-twentieth of a second and asked subjects to name as many of the letters as possible. Take a quick glance at Figure 6.2, and try it for yourself. Youll probably recall about a handful of letters. In fact, Sperling found that no matter how large the array was, subjects could name only four or ve items. Why? One possibility is that people can register just so much visual input in a single glancethat twelve letters is too much to see in so little time. A second possibility is that all letters registered but the image faded before subjects could report them all. Indeed, many subjects insisted they were able to see the whole array but then forgot some of the letters before they could name them. Did the information that was lost leave a momentary trace, as subjects had claimed, or did it never register in the rst place? To test these alternative hypotheses, Sperling devised the partial-report technique. Instead of asking subjects to list all the letters, he asked them to name only one row in each arraya row that was not determined until after the array was shown. In this procedure, each presentation was immediately followed by a tone signaling which letters to name: A high-pitched tone indicated the top line; a medium pitch, the middle line; a low pitch, the bottom line. If they saw the entire array, subjects should have been able to report all the letters in a prompted
Here is an array of letters like that used by Sperling (1960). When subjects viewed this array for one-twentieth of a second and tried to name all the letters, they could recall only four or ve. But when signaled after the items to recall only one row, they were able to recall three or four letters per linefor an average of ten letters.
iconic memory A eeting sensory memory for visual images that lasts only a fraction of a second.
Memory CHAPTER 6 row correctlyregardless of which row was prompted. Sperling was right: Subjects correctly recalled 3.3 letters per row. In other words, 10 letters (9.9), not 4 or 5, were instantly registered in consciousness before fading, held briey in iconic memory. To determine how long this type of memory lasts, Sperling next varied the time between the letters and the tone that signaled the row to be recalled. As depicted in Figure 6.3, the visual image started to fade as the interval was increased to one-third of a second and had almost completely vanished two-thirds of a second later. Since this study, researchers have found when it comes to pictures of objects or scenes, words, sentences, and other visual stimuli briey presented, people form eeting memories that last for just a fraction of a second (Coltheart, 1999). Percentage of correct answers
100 80 60 40 20
Partial-report condition
Full-report condition
Delay (seconds)
No signal
FIGURE 6.3 Duration of Iconic Memory How long does an iconic memory last? Sperling (1960) varied A similar phenomenon exists for auditory stimuli. The next time the time between the letters and the tone signaling the row to you listen to the radio, notice after you turn it off how an echo be recalled. The iconic image started to fade after one-third of of the sound seems to reverberate inside your head. This auditory a second and vanished completely after one full second. sensory register is called echoic memory. Just how much auditory input is stored in echoic memory, and for how long? In a study modeled after Sperlings, Christopher Darwin and others (1972) put headphones on subjects and all at once played three sets of spoken lettersin the right ear, in the left ear, and in both ears at once. Subjects then received a visual signal indicating which set to report. Using this study and others, researchers have found that echoic memory holds only a few items but lasts for two or three seconds, and perhaps even longer, before activation in the auditory cortex fades (Cowan, 1988; Lu et al., 1992; Sams et al., 1993). Whether a sensory memory system stores information for one-third of a second or for three seconds, you might wonder: Whats the point of having a memory that is so quick to decay? To answer this question, try to imagine what your perceptions of the world would be like without sensory memories. Without the visual icon, for instance, you would lose track of what you see with every blink of the eyeas if you were viewing the world through a series of snapshots rather than on a continuous lm. Similarly, it would be hard to understand spoken language without the persistent traces of echoic memory. Speech would be heard as a series of staccato sounds rather than as connected words and phrases. In fact, we have other sensory memories as wellfor tactile (touch), olfactory (smell), and gustatory (taste) stimuli.
Short-Term Memory
Whats the limit in the amount of information that can be stored in short-term
Is there also a time limit? What functions are served by short-term memory, and can it be expanded? What is the serial-position curve and why does it occur?
I often travel by Amtrak to New York City. As I climb the stairs of Penn Station onto Eighth Avenue, I am bombarded by sensations: the vibration under my feet from a train rumbling into the station; the sound of horns honking, a siren blaring, and buses screeching to a stop; a faint aroma of freshly brewed coffee being overwhelmed by the smell of exhaust fumes; and the sight of skyscrapers, traffic lights, street
echoic memory A brief sensory memory for auditory input that lasts only two to three seconds.
Memory vendors, cars bouncing over bumps in the road, and white steam billowing through a hole in the ground. Im sure more stimuli reached my sensory registers than I can write about, but most never reached consciousness and were immediately forgotten. The key is attention. As noted earlier, sensations that do not capture our attention quickly tend to evaporate, whereas those we notice are transferred to short-term memorya somewhat more lasting but limited storage facility. As we saw in Chapter 4 on consciousness, people are selective in their perceptions and can instantly direct their attention to stimuli that are interesting, adaptive, or important. When I arrived in New York, I was so busy searching for a taxicab going uptown that I zoomed in on moving yellow objects to the exclusion of everything else. From the sensory register, the brain encodes informationthat is, converts it into a form that can be stored in short-term memory. A stimulus may be encoded in different ways. After you read this sentence, for example, you might recall a picture of the letters and their placement on the page (visual encoding), the sounds of the words themselves (acoustic encoding), or the meaning of the sentence as a whole (semantic encoding). Research shows that people typically encode this type of information in acoustic terms. Thus, when subjects are presented with a string of letters and immediately asked to recall them, they make more sound-alike errors than look-alike errors. For example, subjects mis-recall an F as an S or X, but not as an E or B (Conrad, 1964). Subjects are also more likely to confuse words that sound alike (man, can) than words that are similar in meaning (big, huge)further indicating that we tend to encode verbal information in acoustic terms rather than in semantic terms (Baddeley, 1966).
The information-processing model of memory regards attention as a necessary rst step. In tennis and other tasks, people selectively tune in to stimuli that are adaptive, interesting, and important.
Attention limits what information comes under the spotlight of STM at any given time. To the extent that one stimulus captures our attention, others may be ignored sometimes with startling effects on memory. For example, research on eyewitness testimony shows that when a criminal displays a weapon, witnesses are less able to identify the culprit than if no weapon is present (Steblay, 1992). Why? One reason is that the witnesss eyes xate on the weapon, particularly when it comes as a surprise, thereby drawing attention away from the face (Pickel, 1999). To demonstrate, Elizabeth Loftus and others (1987) showed subjects slides of a customer who walked up to a bank teller and pulled out either a gun or a checkbook. By recording eye movements, these researchers found that subjects spent more time looking at the gun than at the checkbook. The result: impairment in their ability to 5 7 3 identify the criminal in a lineup. 9 0 7 6 Limited by attentional resources, short-term memory can hold 8 5 4 0 2 only a small number of items. How small a number? To appreciate 0 9 1 3 5 6 the limited capacity of STM, try the memory-span task in Figure 6.4, 8 6 0 4 8 7 2 1 7 5 4 2 4 1 9 or test a friend. By presenting increasingly long lists of items, 5 8 3 0 8 0 1 9 6 researchers seek to identify the point at which subjects can no longer 7 3 5 1 2 0 2 8 5 5 recall without error. In tasks like this one, the average person can 3 1 7 9 2 1 5 0 6 4 2 store seven or so list items (usually between five and nine) 2 1 0 1 6 7 4 1 9 8 3 5 regardless of whether they are numbers, letters, words, or names. This limit seemed so consistent that George Miller (1956) described FIGURE 6.4 Memory-Span Test the human STM capacity by the phrase the magical number seven, Try this memory-span task. Read the top row of digits, one plus or minus two. Over the years, other studies have shown that per second, then look away and repeat them back in order. our short-term storage capacity is more limited than Miller had Next, try the second row, the third row, and so on, until you suggestedand that the magical number is more like four plus or make a mistake. The average persons memory span can hold minus two (Cowan, 2000). seven items of information.
Memory CHAPTER 6
Once short-term memory is lled to capacity, whatever that number may be, the storage of new information requires that existing contents be discarded or displaced. Thus, if youre trying to memorize historical dates, chemical elements, or a list of vocabulary words, you may nd that the fth or sixth item pushes out those earlier on the list. Its like the view you get on a computer screen. As you ll the screen with more and more new information, old material scrolls out of view. This limited capacity seems awfully disabling. But is it absolutely xed, or can we overcome it? According to Miller, STM can accommodate only seven items, and that number may be smaller, but theres a hitch: Although an item may consist of one letter or digit, these items can be grouped into chunks of words, sentences, and large numbersthus enabling us to use our storage capacity more efciently. To see the effects of chunking on short-term memory, read the following letters, pausing at each space; then look up and name as many of the letters as you can in correct order: CN NIB MMT VU SA. Since this list contains twelve discrete letters, you probably found the task quite frustrating. Now try this next list, again pausing between spaces: CNN IBM MTV USA. Better, right? This list contains the same twelve letters. But because the letters are repackaged into familiar groups, you had to store only four chunks, not twelvewell within our magical capacity (Bower, 1970). Chunking enables us to improve our short-term-memory span by using our capacity more efficiently. You may be limited to seven or so chunks, but you can learn to increase the size of those chunks. To demonstrate, a group of researchers trained two male university students, both long-distance runners and of average intelligence, for several months. For an hour a day, three or four days a week, these students were asked to recall random strings of numbers. If they recalled a sequence correctly, another digit was added to the next sequence and the task was repeated. If they made a mistake, the number of digits in the next sequence was reduced by one. As shown in Figure 6.5, the improvement was astonishing. Before practicing, their memory span
chunking The process of grouping distinct bits of information into larger wholes, or chunks, to increase short-term-memory capacity.
Memory was four to seven digits. After six months, they were up to eighty items (Ericsson & Chase, 1982; Ericsson et al., 1980). In one session, for example, the experimenter read the following numbers in order: 8931944349250215784166850612094888856877273 141861054629748012949749659228
After two minutes of concentration, the subject repeated all seventythree digits, in groups of three and four. How did he do it? Given 40 no special instruction, the subject developed his own elaborate strategy: He converted the random numbers into ages (89.3 years, a 20 very old person), dates (1944 was near the end of World War II), and cross-country racing times for various distances (3492 was 3 minutes and 49.2 seconds, nearly a worlds record for the mile). The value of chunking is also evidenced by the way people retain 50 100 150 200 250 information in their areas of expertise. Study the arrangement of Practice (days) pieces on the chessboard shown in Figure 6.6, and in ve seconds memorize as much of it as you can. Chances are, youll be able to Student 2 Student 1 reproduce approximately seven items. Yet after looking at the same arrangement for ve seconds, chess masters can reproduce all the FIGURE 6.5 Increased Memory Span pieces and their row-and-column positions almost without error. Two students practiced memory-span tasks for an hour a Its not that chess masters are born with computer-like minds. When day, three to four days a week, for six months. Remarkably, their short-term-memory span increased from seven digits chess pieces are placed randomly on the board, they are no more to eighty (Ericsson & Chase, 1982). One subject soon had procient than the rest of us. But when the arrangement is taken a memory span that exceeded one hundred digits from an actual game between good players, they naturally chunk (Staszewski, 1988). the congurations of individual pieces into familiar patterns such as the Romanian Pawn Defense and Casablanca Bishops Gambit (De Groot, 1965; Chase & Simon, 1973). Researchers estimate that chess masters can store up to fty thousand such chunks in memory (Gobet & Simon, 1996). From years of experience, experts in all domainsincluding computer programmers, gure skaters, waiters and waitresses, bridge players, ballet dancers, and professional actorsexhibit these advantages in their short-term-memory performance (Vincente & Wang, 1998). In a test of memorization for street names presented in lists, taxi drivers outperformed others (Kalakoski & Saariluoma, 2001).
It has happened to me, and Ill bet it has happened to you, too. You look up a telephone number, repeat it to yourself, put away the directory, and start dialing. Then you stop. You hit the rst three numbers without a hitch, but then you go blank, get confused (was that a 5 or a 9?), and hang up in frustration. After a few seconds, the phone number is gone, as if it evaporated, and is no longer in memory. Then there is the matter of names. Ill be at a social gathering and meet someone for the rst time. Well talk for a while, then Ill turn to introduce a colleagueonly to realize with embarrassment that I already forgot the name of my new acquaintance. These types of experiences are common because short-term memory is limited not only in the amount of information it can store but also in the length of time it can hold that information. What is the duration of short-term memory? That is, how long does a memory trace last if a person does not actively rehearse or repeat it? To measure how rapidly information is forgotten, Lloyd and Margaret Peterson (1959) asked subjects to recall a set of unrelated consonants such as MJK. So that subjects could not rehearse the material, they were given a number and instructed to count backward from that number by 3s: 564, 561, 558, 555, and so on. After varying lengths of
Study this arrangement of chess pieces for ve seconds. Then turn to the empty board on p. 212 and try to reproduce the arrangement as best you can. Unless you are a highly experienced chess player, the number of pieces you can place in the correct squares should approximate the magical number seven.
Memory CHAPTER 6 time, subjects were cued to recall the consonants. After eighteen seconds, performance plummeted to below 10 percent (see Figure 6.7). Knowing the eeting nature of short-term memory, we can prevent forgetting by repeating information silently or aloud. Thats why, if I do not have a pen and paper handy, I will repeat a phone number over and over again until I have dialed it. And thats why I try to silently repeat a persons name while being introduced. Repetition extends the twenty-second duration of STM in the same way that chunking expands its four to seven item capacity. The retention benets of sheer repetition, also called maintenance rehearsal, were rst demonstrated by Hermann Ebbinghaus (1885; reprinted in 1913), a German philosopher who was a pioneer in memory research. Using himself as a subject, Ebbinghaus created a list of all possible nonsense syllables consisting of a vowel inserted between two consonants. Syllables that formed words were then eliminated which left a list of unfamiliar items (RUX, VOM, QEL, MIF), each written on a separate card. To study the effects of rehearsal, Ebbinghaus would turn over the cards, one at a time, and say each syllable aloud to the ticking rhythm of a metronome. Then, after reading the items once, he would start again and go through the cards in the same order. This procedure was repeated until he could anticipate each syllable before turning over the card. Ebbinghaus found that he could recall a list of seven syllables after a single reading (theres that magical number again) but that he needed more practice for longer lists. The more often he repeated the items, the more he could recall. Other studies have confirmed the point: Rehearsal can be used to maintain an item in short-term memory for an indenite period of time.
Hi. Im, Im, Im . . . Youll have to forgive me, Im terrible with names.
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
Delay (seconds)
Duration of Short-Term
What is the duration of short-term memory? When subjects are kept from rehearsing material they are trying to recall, their short-term memory vanishes within twenty seconds (Peterson & Peterson, 1959).
maintenance rehearsal The use of sheer repetition to keep information in short-term memory. working memory Term used to describe short-term memory as an active workspace where information is accessible for current use.
Copyright The New Yorker Collection. 1995. Robert Mankoff from cartoonbank.com. All Rights Reserved.
Memory Working memory different steps you takeas in remembering to carry the 1 when adding 45 and 55 together. Research supports the notion that working memory contains separate systems for auditory and visual input and that the system as a whole is highly adaptive (Andrade et al., 2002; Miyake & Shah, 1999).
The Serial-Position Effect Research also suggests that it may be useful to distinguish between Visuoshort-term and long-term memory. Whenever people try to memorize Auditory spatial a list, they inevitably recall items from the beginning and end of the working working memory list better than those sandwiched in the middle. The enhanced recall memory of early items in a sequence is called primacy, the advantage for the later items is called recency, and the combined pattern is known as the serial-position curve. This result was rst discovered in the 1890s by Mary Whiton Calkins, the rst female president of the American Psychological Association (Madigan & OHara, 1992). Since that time, researchers have consistently observed the same effect. Central What explains the serial-position effect? It appears that different executive factors are responsible for primacy and recency. Primacy is easy to understand. Imagine receiving a list of words and trying to recall them for a test: chair, artichoke, bicycle, frame, teacher, and so on. Chances are, youll later recall the rst word because you repeated it to yourself over and over again. You must divide your attention in half for the second word as you try to hold two in memory, divide your attention into thirds for the third item, and so on, through the list. In other words, primacy occurs because the first few words receive more attention and rehearsal than later onesand are more likely to be Long-term knowledge base transferred into long-term memory. Explaining the recency effect is trickier. On the basis of the information-processing model described earlier, researchers argued that the last items in a list are recalled better because they are still fresh in short-term working memory when the test begins. Initially, studies supFIGURE 6.8 Working Memory ported this explanation. For example, Murray Glanzer and Anita According to Baddeley, STM is a working memory Cunitz (1966) presented two groups of subjects with fteen words to that contains a central executive processor and two memorize. One group was tested right after the presentation; the second specialized systemsone for auditory input, the other for visual and spatial input. Note that material can enter the was distracted for thirty seconds and then tested. Look at Figure 6.9, conscious workspace from your senses or from your longand youll see that subjects who were immediately tested exhibited the term store of knowledge. Also note that information can be usual effect: The rst items were recalled by rehearsal, the last ones held in this area through rehearsalby saying it to yourself had not yet faded, and those in the middle slipped through the cracks. over and over or by visualizing it in a mental image. But notice that there was no recency effect in the delayed-testing grouponly primacy. After thirty seconds and no opportunity for rehearsal, the last few items vanished from working memory. This explanation of the serial-position curve seems convincing, but theres a problem with it: Recency effects are often found in tasks that do not involve shortterm memory. For example, take a blank piece of paper and write down as many U.S. presidents as you can name in the correct order. What do you come up with? Robert Crowder (1993) asked college students to complete this task, and he found primacy, recency, and the usual decline in the middle. Lets see: Washington, Adams, Jefferson, . . . Lincoln, . . . Bush, Clinton, Bush. Notice that the one exception to the U-shape serial-position curve pattern is that Lincoln was recalled more frequently than would be expected from his A U-shape pattern indicating the tendency middle positiona performance spike that is common when a distinctive item is to recall more items from the beginning and embedded in an otherwise homogeneous list (Wallace, 1965; Schmidt, 1991). end of a list than from the middle.
Memory CHAPTER 6
70 60 50
Percentage correct
40 30 20 10
Serial position
0-second delay 30-second delay
Subjects trying to memorize a list of words were tested immediately or after thirty seconds of distraction. In the rst group, subjects recalled the rst and last few items the best, yielding the U-shape serial-position curve. In the delay group, however, there was no recency effect. After thirty seconds without rehearsal, subjects forgot the later items (Glanzer & Cunitz, 1966).
At this point, its clear that the serial-position curve is a pervasive phenomenon in memory. Its also clear, however, that other mechanisms are needed to explain it (Cowan et al., 1994; Thapar & Greene, 1993). For example, recent studies suggest the possibility that the rst and last few items in a series are easier to recall because they stand out relative to the middle items (Neath & Crowder, 1996; Knoedler et al., 1999). Well see later in this chapter that people tend to retain information that is distinctive, bizarre, emotional, or in other ways out of the ordinary.
Long-Term Memory
What input is transferred from short-term memory into long-term memory? Where in the brain are these memories stored? How are memories retrieved, and why are they often forgotten? Who is H.M., and why is this amnesia patient so important? Why is it said that memory is reconstructive, and what are the implications?
Do you remember your fourth birthday, the name of your rst-grade teacher, or the smell of oor wax in the corridors of your elementary school? Can you describe a dream you had last night or recite the words of the national anthem? To answer these questions, you would have to retrieve information from the mental warehouse of long-term memory. Like the hard drive on a computer, long-term memory is a relatively enduring storage system that has the capacity to retain vast amounts of information for long periods of time. This section examines long-term memories of the recent and remote pasthow they are encoded, stored, retrieved, forgotten, and even reconstructed in the course of a lifetime.
Information can be kept alive in short-term working memory by rote repetition, or maintenance rehearsal. But to transfer something into long-term memory, you would nd it much more effective to use elaborative rehearsala strategy that involves thinking about the material in a more meaningful way and associating it with other knowledge that is already in long-term memory. The more deeply you process something, the more likely you are to recall it 100 at a later time. 90 To demonstrate this process, Fergus Craik and Endel Tulving 80 (1975) showed subjects a list of words, one at a time, and for each 70 asked them for (1) a simple visual judgment that required no thought about the words themselves (Is ________ printed in cap60 ital letters?); (2) an acoustic judgment that required subjects to 50 at least pronounce the letters as words (Does ________ rhyme 40 with small?); or (3) a more complex semantic judgment that com30 pelled subjects to think about the meaning of the words (Does 20 the word t the sentence I saw a ________ in the pond?). Subjects did not realize that their memory would be tested later. Yet 10 words that were processed at a deep level, in terms of meaning, 0 were more easily recognized than those processed at a shallow Type of encoding level (see Figure 6.10). Does making complex semantic judgments, compared to simple Visual Acoustic Semantic visual judgments, activate different regions of the brain? Is it possible to see physical traces of deep processing? Using functional FIGURE 6.10 Elaborative Rehearsal MRI technology, John Gabrieli and others (1996) devised a study Subjects read a long list of words and for each one judged similar to Craik and Tulvings in which subjects were shown stimhow it was printed (visual), how it sounded (acoustic), or ulus words on a computer and were instructed to determine what it meant (semantic). The more thought required to process the words, the easier they were to recognize later whether the words were concrete or abstract (a semantic judg(Craik & Tulving, 1975). ment) or simply whether they were printed in uppercase or lowercase letters (a visual judgment). As in past research, subjects later recalled more words for which they had made semantic rather than visual judgments. In addition, however, the brain-imaging measures showed that processing the words in semantic terms triggered more activity in a part of the frontal cortex of the language-dominant left hemisphere. Memorizingdefinitions, math formulas, poems, or historical datesusually requires conscious effort. When I teach a large class, I pass out index cards on the rst day and ask students to write down their names and a vivid personal detail that will help me remember who they are. Then I locate each students photograph in the college face book, match the face to the name, and run through the cards until I can identify each student. With tasks like this one, practice makes perfect. In 1885, Ebbinghaus read through a list of nonsense syllables 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 42, 53, or 64 times and checked his memory for the items twenty-four hours later. As predicted, the more learning time he spent the rst day, the better his memory was on the second day. But theres more. Ebbinghaus and others found that retention is increased through overlearningthat is, continued rehearsal even after the material seems to have been mastered (Driskell et al., 1992; Semb et al., 1993). Long-term memory is also better when the practice is spread over a long period of time than when it is crammed in all at once, a phenomenon known as the spacing effect (Dempster, 1988). Harry Bahrick and Lynda Hall (1991) thus found that adults retained more of their highelaborative rehearsal school math skills when they had later practiced the math in collegeand when that A technique for transferring information into practice was extended over semesters rather than condensed into a single year. When long-term memory by thinking about it in a you think about it, this spacing effect makes adaptive sense. Names, faces, and events deeper way. Percentage who recognized word
Memory CHAPTER 6 that recur over long intervals of time rather than in concentrated brief periods are probably, in real life, more important to remember (Anderson & Schooler, 1991).
Whether the encoding process is effortful or automatic, cognitive psychologists have long been interested in the format, the content, and the neural bases of long-term memory as it is represented in the brain.
Formats of Long-Term Memory In long-term memory, information is stored in two forms or codes: semantic and visual. Semantic coding is easy to demonstrate. When we process verbal information such as a spoken phrase, a speech, a written sentence, or a storywhat we store is the meaning of the information, not specic words. For example, Jacqueline Sachs (1967) had subjects listen to a tape-recorded passage. She then presented a series of sentences (for example, He sent a letter about it to Galileo, the great Italian scientist) and asked if they were the same as or different from those of the original passage. Subjects correctly rejected sentences that changed the meaning (Galileo, the great Italian scientist, sent him a letter about it), but they did not reject sentences with the same meaning that were worded differently (A letter about it was sent by him to Galileo, the great Italian scientist). The reason: They had stored the semantic content of the passagenot an exact, word-for-word representation. In fact, people often read between the lines and recall hearing not just what was said but what was implied. For example, subjects who heard that a paratrooper leaped out the door often recalled later that he jumped out of the plane. And mock jurors who heard a witness testify that I ran up to the alarm later assumed the witness had said, I rang the alarm (Harris & Monaco, 1978). Although verbal information is stored in a semantic form, visual inputs and many long-term memories (including some of our most cherished childhood recollections) are stored as visual images. In visual coding, a mental picture is generated of an object or scenea process that has implications for how people retrieve the information. To demonstrate, Stephen Kosslyn (1980) showed subjects drawings like the boat in Figure 6.11. Later, he asked the subjects to visualize each drawing, to focus on the right or left side of it, and then, as quickly as possible, to indicate whether a specic object was present by pressing a YES or NO button that stopped a clock. If the drawing is stored in a visual manner, reasoned Kosslyn, then it should take longer for subjects to scan their image for an answer when the object is located away from the subjects focus of attention. That is exactly what happened. When subjects were mentally focused on the left rather than the right side of the drawing, for example, it took them longer to determine that a ag was present on the right side of the boat. In more recent experiments using PET scans, Kosslyn and others (1999) found that when subjects shut their eyes and tried to visualize patterns of stripes, parts of the visual cortex were activatedthe same as when they actually viewed the stripes. Mental images play an important role in long-term memory. Popular books on how to improve your memory advise people to use imagery, and research shows that this advice is well founded. As an illustration, try to memorize the following list of word pairs so that the first word triggers your memory of the second: lawyer-chair, FIGURE 6.11 Visual Coding snowake-mountain, shoes-milk, dog-bicycle, chef-pickle, studentWhen subjects visualized the left rather than right side of this sandwich, boy-ag. You might try to master the list by silently redrawing, it took them longer to recall the ag. This result peating the items over and over. But now take a different approach: suggests that subjects scanned a mental image for the answer (Kosslyn, 1980). For each item, form an image in your minds eye that contains
Memory the two words of each pair interacting in some way. For example, imagine a brown dog chasing a bicycle or a student eating a foot-long sandwich. This method should improve performance (Bower & Winzenz, 1970; Paivio, 1969). Consistent with the notion that imagery facilitates memory, concrete words that are easy to visualize (re, tent, statue, zebra) are more easily recalled than abstract words that are difficult to represent in a picture (innite, freedom, process, future). To remember something, its better to encode it in both semantic and visual forms than in either alone (Paivio, 1986).
Numbers Game
How good is your memory for numbers? When you check your answers, you may have a better idea! 1. Short-term memory stores ______ for about 20 seconds. a. 1 item b. 7 items, give or take 2 c. millions of items d. billions of items 2. Long-term memory stores ______ for many years. a. 1 item b. 7 items, give or take 2 c. millions of items d. billions of items 3. Iconic memory stores visual images for ______. a. a fraction of a second b. 2 or 3 seconds c. 1 year d. 20 years
Contents of Long-Term Memory Increasingly it seems that we have more 4. Echoic memory stores auditory images for ______. than one type of long-term memory (Rolls, a. a fraction of a second b. 2 or 3 seconds 2000). Following Endel Tulving (1985), c. 1 year d. 20 years researchers now commonly distinguish two types. One is procedural memory, a know how memory that consists of our stored knowledge of well-learned habits and skillssuch as how to drive, swim, type, ride a bike, and tie shoelaces. The second type is declarative memory, which consists of both semantic memories for facts about the worldsuch as who Michael Jordan is, what a dollar is worth, what you need to access the World Wide Web, and what the word gravity means, and episodic memories that we have about ourselvessuch as who our parents are, where we went to school, and what our favorite movie is (Tulving, 2002). This distinction is important, as well see later, because people with amnesia are often unable to recall declarative memories of facts and events, yet they still retain many of the skills they had learned and committed to procedural memory.
(Answers: 1. b; 2. c; 3. a; 4. b)
procedural memory Stored long-term knowledge of learned habits and skills. declarative memory Stored long-term knowledge of facts about ourselves and the world. There are two types of long-term memory. Procedural memory contains our knowledge of various skillssuch as how to ride a bike. Declarative memory contains our knowledge of facts for example, what a pyramid is or where it can be found.
Memory CHAPTER 6
Flowers Sunsets
Semantic Networks
According to semantic-network theories, memories are linked in a complex web of associations. The shorter the link between items, the more likely it is that the retrieval of one item will trigger that of the other (Collins & Loftus, 1975).
With all thats stored in long-term memoryhabits, skills, verbal information, and knowledge of words, names, dates, faces, pictures, personal experiences, and the likeits amazing that anything can ever be retrieved from this vast warehouse. Surely our knowledge must be organized in memory, perhaps the way books are led in a library. One popular view is that memories are stored in a complex web of associations, or semantic networks. According to proponents of this view, items in memory are linked together by semantic relationships (see Figure 6.12). When one item is brought to mind, the pathways leading to meaningfully related items are primed thus increasing the likelihood that they too will be retrieved (Collins & Loftus, 1975; Anderson, 1983). A good deal of research supports the notion that memories are stored in semantic networks. When subjects are given a list of sixty words that fall into four categories (animals, professions, names, fruits)even if the words are presented in a mixed ordersubjects later tend to recall them in clusters. In other words, retrieving tiger
semantic network A complex web of semantic associations that link items in memory such that retrieving one item triggers the retrieval of others as well.
Memory is more likely to trigger ones memory for baboon than for dentist, Jason, or banana (Bouseld, 1953; Romney et al., 1993). Neural Bases of Long-Term Memory Is it possible to pinpoint a site in the brain that houses these associations? Do memories leave a physical trace that can actually be seen? Are there drugs that we can take to improve our memory? Although led astray, at times, by exciting developments, neuroscientists have long been intrigued by such possibilities (Squire & Schacter, 2002). In one promising development, neurosurgeon Wilder Peneld reported that he had triggered long-forgotten memories in humans through brain stimulation. In the 1940s, Peneld was treating epileptic patients by removing portions of their brains. To locate the damage, he stimulated different cortical areas with a painless electrical current. Sometimes, his patientswho were awake during the procedurewould relive long-lost events from the past. For example, one woman said she heard a mother calling her child when a certain spot was stimulated. From reports like this, Peneld concluded that experience leaves a permanent imprint that can be played back years later as though there was a tape recorder in the brain (Peneld & Perot, 1963). This observation sparked a great deal of excitement until cognitive psychologists scrutinized the data and made two sobering discoveries. First, the phenomenon itself was very rare, reported by only a handful of Penfields eleven hundred patients. Second, the flashbacks were probably dreamlike illusions, not actual memories (Loftus & Loftus, 1980; Neisser, 1967). Despite these dead ends, todays researchers continue in hot pursuit of the engram a term used to describe a physical memory trace. There are two objectives in this endeavor: (1) to locate the anatomical structures in the brain where memories are stored, and (2) to understand the neural and biochemical changes that accompany memories. Let us now examine some recent developments along these lines. WHERE IS THE ENGRAM? Karl Lashley (1950) pioneered the search for memory traces in the brain. For thirty years, Lashley trained rats to run a maze, removed different structures from their brains, and then returned the rats to the maze to test their memory. No matter what structures he removed, however, the rats recalled at least some of what they had learned. Eventually, Lashley was forced to conclude that memories do not reside in any specic location. Then along came H.M., a twenty-seven-year-old man who underwent brain surgery in 1953 for severe epileptic seizures. Two holes were drilled into the patients skull above the eyes, and through a silver straw the surgeon removed parts of both temporal lobes and sucked out the entire hippocampusa curved pinkish-gray structure in the limbic system (see Figure 6.13). The operation succeeded in controlling the mans seizures. But something was terribly wrong. What made H.M. one of the most famous neurology cases of all time is that the surgery had an unexpected side effect: It produced anterograde amnesia, an inability to form new long-term memories. (This should not be confused with retrograde amnesia, which is an inability to retrieve long-term memories from the past.) H.M. still recalled the people, places, and events from before the surgery. He also performed as well as before on IQ tests and could still read, write, and solve problems so long as he stayed focused on the task. But he could not retain new information. He would meet someone new but then forget the person; or he would read an article without realizing that he had read it before; or he would not know what he ate for his last meal. One year after his family moved, H.M. still did not know their new address. It was as if new information went in one ear, out the next (Scoville & Milner, 1957; Milner et al., 1968). In his seventies, H.M. was the subject of
The Hippocampal
As shown here the hippocampus is located under the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex. This structure is necessary for encoding and transferring new information into long-term memory.
hippocampus A portion of the brain in the limbic system that plays a key role in encoding and transferring new information into long-term memory. anterograde amnesia A memory disorder characterized by an inability to store new information in long-term memory. retrograde amnesia A memory disorder characterized by an inability to retrieve long-term memories from the past.
Memory CHAPTER 6 Memorys Ghost, a book by Philip Hilts (1995). Hilts, who spent a great deal of time with H.M., tells of a remarkable experience. For H.M., he says, Each moment is a surprise, a new puzzle to be worked out from a quick glance at the paltry evidence at hand as it comes rapidly upon him (p. 139). H.M.s case is important for two reasons. First, he exhibited a very specific information-processing decit. He could bring new material into short-term memory and he could retrieve long-term memories that were previously stored. But he could not form new long-term memories. The second reason H.M.s case is important is that it was the rst to prove what Lashley could notthat localized lesions in the brain have disruptive effects on memory. Specically, H.M.s case revealed that the hippocampus (and perhaps structures such as the amygdala and thalamus) plays a pivotal role. Recent studies in animals and humans have since conrmed the point: The hippocampus is essential for the explicit recollection of newly acquired information. Hippocampal lesions that mimic H.M.s surgery produce a similar impairment in rats, monkeys, and other animals (Squire & Schacter, 2002). The role played by the hippocampus is even evident in black-capped chickadees and other food-storing birds. In a remarkable feat of memory, they can locate up to six thousand caches, or storage sites, of food that they have buried weeks earlier in scattered locationsand they do not revisit old sites previously depleted. Studying California scrub jays, Nicola Clayton and Anthony Dickinson (1998) found that these birds can recall not only where they stockpiled their food but also what type of food they put at a particular site and when they put it there. Thus, these birds revisit old caches containing nonperishable peanuts and sunflower seeds, but they avoid older caches that contain worms, a favorite food that spoils over time. Anatomical studies have shown that food-storing birds have a larger hippocampus than do nonstoring birdsin part, because the process of recovering food from caches increases the density of neurons in the hippocampus (Clayton, 2001). These birds lose the ability to recover food when the hippocampus is removed (Sherry, 1992; Hampton & Shettleworth, 1996). Is all of memory stored in the hippocampus? No. When this structure is surgically removed from monkeys, they lose most of their recall for events of the preceding month, but their more distant memories remain intact (Squire & Zola-Morgan, 1991). And among humans, older adults with a shrunken hippocampus are impaired in their ability to recall new words and pictures, but they can still revisit past events (Golomb et al., 1993). Together, the various strands of evidence point to the conclusion that the hippocampus plays a role in the initial encoding of information and serves as a way station from which information is sent for long-term storage to neural circuits in the cerebral cortex. The hippocampus is especially involved in our memories of places, providing us with something of a cognitive map (Best et al., 2001; Redish, 1999). Clearly, not all aspects of memory require the hippocampus. As well see later, amnesics like H.M. do exhibit memory, but in indirect ways. They can be conditioned to blink to a tone that has been paired with a puff of air to the eye, and they can remember how to work a maze they have practicedbut they cannot recall the actual training sessions. Similarly, they form preferences for new music they hear but do not recognize the melodies in a test situation. And they retain their procedural memories of how to read, write, and use other previously learned skills. For these types of memory tasks, different structures are involved. For example, David McCormick and Richard Thompson (1984) located a microscopic spot in the cerebellum that controls the classical conditioning of the eyeblink reex. Certain areas of the brain specialize in certain types of input, but for something as complex as memory, many areas are needed.
This black-capped chickadee has a remarkable memory. During winter and early spring, this food-storing bird can locate many hundreds of caches of buried pine seeds.
Memory THE BIOCHEMISTRY OF MEMORY As some researchers try to locate where memories are stored, others seek to identify the accompanying biochemical changes that take place in the neural circuits. Most of these changes are likely to be found at the synapses, the tiny gaps between neurons that are linked together by the release of neurotransmitters. One neurotransmitter that seems to play an important role in memory is acetylcholine. (See pp. 5052 to review the functions of ACH.) Research shows that people with Alzheimers diseasea degenerative brain disorder characterized by a striking loss of memory for new informationhave lowered levels of acetylcholine in the brain, a link supported by animal studies as well. This nding suggests the possibility that Alzheimers patients can be treated with drugs that boost their levels of acetylcholine. The positive effects of this approach may be limitedpartly because Alzheimers disease, and human memory in general, involves more than one neurotransmitter (Thal, 1992). But these drugs may help to slow the rate of cognitive deterioration (Tune & Sunderland, 1998; Peskind, 1998). Certain hormones are also involved in memory. In experiments with rats, James McGaugh (1990) has found that memory can be improved by moderate postlearning injections into the amygdala of epinephrinea hormone that is naturally released during times of stress (McGaugh & Roozendaal, 2002). Thus, as he put it, You get excited about something, you release a hormone, and the hormone has some actions that can strengthen memory (Azar, 1999, p. 18). Hormones do not enter the brain directly, so what explains their memory-enhancing effects? One possibility is that epinephrine triggers the release of the sugar glucose into the bloodstream. Once in the brain, glucose might then work directly or through its effects on neurotransmitters. So, can glucose treatments be used to enhance memory? Research suggests that it can. In one study, Paul Gold (1995) had twenty-two healthy senior citizens listen to a taped passage and then drink lemonade sweetened with glucose or saccharine, the sugar substitute. When tested the next day, those who had ingested the glucose recalled 53 percent more information from the passage. In another study, Claude Messier and others (1999) tested thirty-six healthy young adults and found that those with naturally low blood glucose levels performed 5 to 8 percent less well on a word memory task than othersexcept when fed a glucose-sweetened drink, which boosted their performance and eliminated the difference. Suggesting that it helps to eat a good breakfast the morning of an exam, other research has shown that glucose improves performance even when people ingest it after theyve studied but before being tested (Manning et al., 1998). Exploiting our desire to become cognitive super beings, some companies advertise over-the-counter treatments as memory enhancers. Do they work? The claims can only be tested through controlled research. For example, Paul Solomon and others (2002) tested the popular Ginkoba, which claims to enhance mental focus and improve memory. For six weeks, over two hundred healthy adults took the recommended dose of Ginkgo or a harmless gelatin placebo. Afterward, on standard tests of memory and other cognitive measures, the two groups did not differ. The investigators note that perhaps different doses, longer time frames, or more sensitive memory tests are needed for benets to be observed. Clearly, more research of this sort is needed to critically evaluate all commercially motivated claims.
Once information is stored, how do you know it exists? Because people can openly report their recollections, this seems like a silly question. In fact, however, this is one of the thorniest questions confronting cognitive psychologists. Hermann Ebbinghaus (1885; reprinted in 1913) was not only the rst person to study memory systematically
Memory CHAPTER 6 but also the rst to realize that a memory may exist without awareness. In his words, These experiences remain concealed from consciousness and yet produce an effect which is signicant and which authenticates their previous experience (p. 2). Memory without awareness illustrates how human beings can be both competent and incompetent at the same time, and it poses a profound challenge to the researcher: If people have memories they cannot report, how can we ever know these memories exist? To his credit, Ebbinghaus devised a simple but clever technique. He tested memory by its effect on performance. Acting as his own subject, he would learn a set of nonsense syllables and then count the number of trials it later took him to relearn the same list. If it took fewer trials the second time around than the rst, then he must have retained some of the materialeven if he could not consciously recite it. In recent years, other techniques have been devised. Basically, there are two types of tests, and each assesses a different type of memory: one explicit, the other implicit. Explicit memory is a term used to describe the recollections of facts and events that people try to retrieve in response to direct questions. In contrast, implicit memory is a term used to describe the retention of information without awareness, as measured by its indirect effects on performance (Jacoby et al., 1993; Roediger, 1990; Schacter, 1992). Why is this distinction important? The reason, as well see, is that people often exhibit dissociations between the two types of tasks. That is, people will consciously forget (have no explicit memory of) an experience but at the same time show the effects (have an implicit memory) of that experience. There are different ways to interpret this pattern. Some psychologists believe that explicit and implicit memory are separate systems that are controlled by different parts of the brain, whereas others believe that the dissociations merely indicate differences in the way information is encoded and retrieved (Foster & Jelicic, 1999). Either way, its useful to consider these two aspects of memory separately (see Table 6.1). Explicit Memory Can you name all of Walt Disneys Seven Dwarfs? Look at the TRY THIS! exercise on page 220. When I was put to the test, I could list only six. As hard as I tried, I could not come up with the seventh. This type of task, in which a person is asked to reproduce information without the benet of external cues, is an example of a freerecall test of explicit memory. Other examples include taking an essay exam, describing a criminals face to the police, and struggling to recall a childhood experience. Now try a different task. Consider the following names, and circle only those of the Seven Dwarfs: Grouchy, Gabby, Sleepy, Smiley, Happy, Jumpy, Droopy, Dopey, Sneezy, Goofy, Grumpy, Bashful, Cheerful, Wishful, Doc, and Pop. This task, which requires you to select a remembered item from a list of alternatives, is a recognition test. So are taking a multiple-choice exam and picking a criminal from a lineup, or identifying photographs from a family album. Research shows that recall and recognition are both forms of explicit memory in that people are consciously trying to retrieve the information (Haist et al., 1992).
explicit memory The types of memory elicited through the conscious retrieval of recollections in response to direct questions. implicit memory A nonconscious recollection of a prior experience that is revealed indirectly, by its effects on performance. free recall A type of explicit-memory task in which a person must reproduce information without the benefit of external cues (e.g., an essay exam). recognition A form of explicit-memory retrieval in which items are represented to a person who must determine if they were previously encountered.
an you name Snow Whites Seven Dwarfs, shown here? Write these down now, before you read ahead. Give yourself time to list them. Now consider the following names and circle only those you recognize as dwarfs: Grouchy, Gabby, Sleepy, Smiley, Happy, Jumpy, Droopy, Dopey, Sneezy, Goofy, Grumpy, Bashful, Cheerful, Wishful, Doc, and Pop. The answers appear below.
(Answers: From left to right, Snow Whites Seven Dwarfs are Sneezy, Doc, Grumpy, Bashful, Happy (front row), and Sleepy and Dopey (back row).)
There is, however, a key difference: People tend to perform better at recognition. The Seven Dwarfs task illustrates the point. When college students were asked to recall the characters on their own, they correctly produced an average of 69 percent of the names. Yet when they made selections from a list, the accuracy rate increased to 86 percent (Meyer & Hilterbrand, 1984). Even I was able to recognize the name that I could not recall (it was Bashful). Bahrick and others (1975) reported the same difference in a study of long-term memory. They showed people pictures of classmates taken from their high-school yearbooks. Seven years after graduating, subjects were able to correctly recall only 60 percent of the names belonging to each face. But those who only had to recognize the right names from a list of possible alternatives were 90 percent accurateeven when tested fourteen years after graduation. The fact that recognition is easier than recall tells us that forgetting sometimes occurs not because memory has decayed but because the information is difcult to reclaim from storage. Retrieval failure is a common experience. Have you ever felt as though a word or a name you were trying to recall was just out of reachon the tip of your tongue? In a classic study of the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon, Roger Brown and David McNeill (1966) prompted this experience by giving students denitions of uncommon words and asking them to produce the words themselves. For example, what is the green-colored matter found in plants? And what is the art of speaking in such a way that the voice seems to come from another place? Most often, subjects either knew the word right away or were certain that they did not know it. But at times, subjects knew they knew the word but could not recall ita frustrating state that Brown and McNeill likened to being on the brink of a sneeze. The experience is an interesting one. When a word is on the tip of the tongue, subjects often come up with other words that are similar in sound or meaning. Groping
Memory CHAPTER 6 for chlorophyll, subjects might say chlorine or cholesterol. For ventriloquism, they produce words such as ventilate and vernacular. In fact, a surprising number of people will guess the correct rst letter, last letter, and number of syllables contained in the missing word. These cases reveal that the information is in memory but that people need hints to dislodge it (A. Brown, 1991). Thus, while people in their seventies and eighties have more tip-of-the-tongue experiences than do younger adults, they too can bring the words to mind when given the right prompting (Heine et al., 1999). The tip-of-the-tongue experience is common, frustrating, and effortful, and it tells us something about why stored memories are sometimes lost and how they can be retrieved (Schwartz, 2002). Recognition is often easier than recall because recognition tasks contain retrieval cues, or reminders. A retrieval cue is a stimulus that helps us to access information in long-term memory. According to Tulvings (1983) principle of encoding specicity, any stimulus that is encoded along with an experience can later trigger ones memory of that experience. The retrieval cue may be a picture, a location, a word, a song, another person, or even a fragrance or the mood were in. CONTEXT-DEPENDENT MEMORY Tulvings principle gave rise to the interesting notion that memory is context dependentthat people nd it easier to retrieve information from memory when theyre in the same situation in which the information was obtained in the first place. In an unusual initial test of this hypothesis, researchers presented scuba divers with a list of words in one of two settings: fteen feet underwater or on the beach. Then they tested the divers in the same setting or in the other setting. Illustrating context-dependent memory, the divers recalled 40 percent more words when the material was learned and retrieved in the same context (Godden & Baddeley, 1975). More recent studies have reinforced the point. In one study, Viorica Marian and Ulric Neisser (2000) interviewed Russian-English bilinguals both in English and in Russian, prompting them to retrieve stories of certain types of events from their own lives. Illustrating language-dependent memory, participants recalled more
With the names of American soldiers killed in action etched in black marble, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC, serves as a powerful retrieval cue for the veterans who survived and the loved ones of those who did not.
encoding specicity The principle that any stimulus encoded along with an experience can later jog ones memory of that experience.
Memory Russian-experienced events when interviewed in Russian and more English-experienced events when interviewed in English (see Figure 6.14). Context seems to activate memory even in three-month-old infants. In a series of studies, Carolyn Rovee-Collier and her colleagues (1992) trained infants to shake an overhead mobile equipped with colorful blocks and bells by kicking a leg that was attached to the mobile by a ribbon. The infants were later more likely to recall what they learnedwhich they demonstrated by kickingwhen tested in the same crib containing the same visual cues than when there were differences. Theres no doubt about it, we can often jog a memory by reinstating the initial context of an experience. This explains why Ill often march with determination into my secretarys ofce only to go blank, forget why I am there, return in defeat to my desk, look around, and ZAP! suddenly recall what it was I needed.
STATE-DEPENDENT MEMORY Internal cues that become associated with an event may also spark the retrieval of explicit memories. Illustrating the phenomenon of state-dependent memory, FIGURE 6.14 Memory as Context Dependent studies reveal that it is often easier to recall something when our Russian-English bilinguals were prompted in English and in state of mind is the same at testing as it was during encoding. If Russian to recall stories about certain types of events from you have an experience when you are happy or sad, drunk or sober, their lives. Illustrating language-dependent memory, they recalled more Russian-experienced events when interviewed calm or aroused, that experienceunless your emotional state is in Russian and more English-experienced events when intensely distractingis more likely to pop to mind or be freeinterviewed in English (Marian & Neisser, 2000). recalled when your internal state later is the same than when its different (Bower, 1981; Kenealy, 1997). Eric Eich (1995) has found that the reason it helps to be memory-tested in the same place where you learned the material is that the environment is likely to transport you back to the same mood stateand its this mood state that serves as a retrieval cue. When it comes to internal states and memory, there is a complicating factor: The mood were in often leads us to evoke memories that are congruent with that mood. When people are happy, the good times are easiest to recall. But when people are sad, depressed, or anxious, their minds become ooded with negative events of the past. Currently depressed people thus report having more intrusive memories of death and other bad experiences compared to nondepressed controls (Brewin et al., 1999).
Russian memories
Implicit Memory In 1911, physician Edouard Claparde described an encounter he had with a young woman who suffered from Korsakoffs syndromea brain disorder, common among chronic alcoholics, that impairs the transfer of information into long-term memory. When Claparde was introduced to the woman, he hid in his right palm a pin that pricked her painfully as the two shook hands. The next day, he returned to the hospital. Due to her memory disorder, the patient did not recognize the doctor and could not answer questions about their prior interaction. Yet when he reached out to shake her hand, she pulled back abruptly. Why did she refuse? After some confusion, all she could say was Sometimes pins are hidden in peoples hands (Schwartz & Reisberg, 1991). IMPLICIT MEMORY IN AMNESIA PATIENTS Did Clapardes patient remember him or not? On the one hand, she knew enough to be afraid. On the other hand, she did not know why. It was as if she had a memory but didnt know it. As unusual as this story may seem, we now know that there are many others like it. As in the case
Memory CHAPTER 6
Explicit tests of H.M., cognitive psychologists are keenly interested in people with amnesia. Earlier, researchers believed that amnesics lacked Free recall Recognition the ability to encode or store information in long-term memory. O.8 O.8 They could still perform skillsbut could not keep new information in memory. O.6 O.6 Or could they? In 1970, Elizabeth Warrington and Lawrence Weiskrantz published an article in Nature that challenged the O.4 O.4 prevailing view. These researchers gave a list of words to four O.2 O.2 amnesics and sixteen normal control subjects. Four memory tests were then administered. Two were standard measures of explicit memoryone a recall task, the second involving recognition. The other tests were indirect measures of implicit memory in which the Implicit tests subjects were asked merely to complete word fragments (such as Word-fragment Word-stem k- - -ht, c-l- - -e, and t- - -v-s- on) and stems (for example, kni- - -, identification completion col- - - -, and tele- - - - - -) with the rst guess that came to mind. O.8 O.8 The results are shown in Figure 6.15. As was expected, the control subjects scored higher than the amnesics on the explicit-memory O.6 O.6 tests. But on the incomplete-word tasks, the amnesics were just O.4 O.4 as likely to form words that appeared on the original list. Like Clapardes Korsakoffs patient, they retained the information O.2 O.2 enough to use it. They just didnt realize it. Today, many case studies indicate that amnesics know more than they realize. Consider H.M., the most celebrated amnesia Amnesic patients Control group patient of them all. At one point, Memorys Ghost author Philip Hilts (1995) visited H.M. in the hospital to interview him in the FIGURE 6.15 Retention Without Awareness testing room, a place where as a patient he had spent many long Amnesic patients and normal controls were tested for their hours. H.M. said he did not know where that room wasbut then memory of words previously learned. As you can see, the amnesics performed poorly on the measures of explicit he stood up and reexively turned his body in the right direction. memory (recall and recognition) but not on indirect measures This dissociationthe tendency for amnesics to show signs of of implicit memory (word-fragment and word-stem completion long-term retention of information without awarenesshas now tasks). The amnesics retained the information but didnt know it been amply observed in studies involving different types of amne(Warrington & Weiskrantz, 1970). sia and different implicit-memory tests. For example, researchers tried to classically condition an anterograde amnesia patient by pairing a harmless tone with electric shock. Although the patient could not later recall these sessions, he reacted with greater arousal whenever the tone was presented (Bechara et al., 1995). In another study, elderly patients with Alzheimers disease, a progressive memory disorder, played a weather prediction game on a computer in which they had to guess rain or shine after learning, through trial and error, what clues signaled the correct prediction. Compared to healthy elderly controls, the Alzheimers patients could not later recall the clues, the test, or the layout of the computer display. But they were accurate in their weather predictionsindicating that they had an implicit memory of what they had learned, a form of retention without awareness (Eldridge et al., 2002). Proportion correct Proportion correct
IMPLICIT MEMORY IN EVERYDAY LIFE You dont have to suffer from brain damage or drug-induced amnesia to exhibit a dissociation between memory and awareness. Have you ever had the eerie feeling that youve been in a situation before, even though you had not? This is called dj vu, and it is dened as the illusion that a new situation is familiar (the term is French for already seen). In a way, dj vu is the opposite of amnesia. Whereas amnesics have memories without awareness or familiarity, the person with dj vu has a sense of familiarity but no real memory. Estimates vary, but between 30 and 96 percent of people report having had such an episode (Sno & Linszen, 1990).
Proportion correct
Proportion correct
Memory Dj vu is not the only type of dissociation that is commonly experienced. Retention without awareness occurs in all of ussometimes with interesting consequences. Lets now consider two consequences: eyewitness transference and unintentional plagiarism. 1. Eyewitness transference. False fame may seem amusing, but retention without awareness can also have serious consequences. Several years ago, psychologist Donald Thompson was falsely accused of rape on the basis of the victims recollection. Luckily for Thompson, he was being interviewed live on television as the rape occurredan interview, ironically, on the subject of human memory. Apparently, the victim was watching Thompsons show just before being attacked and then mistook him for the rapist. Was Thompson familiar to her? Yes, he wasbut from the TV show, not from the crime scene. Thanks to his airtight alibi, Thompson was instantly vindicated. Perhaps others have not been so fortunate. The problem illustrated by this story is that sometimes witnesses remember a face but forget the circumstances in which they saw it. In one study, subjects witnessed a staged crime and then looked through mug shots (Brown et al., 1977). A few days later, they were asked to view a lineup. The result was startling: Subjects were as likely to identify an innocent person whose photograph was in the mug shots as they were to pick the actual criminal. This familiarity effect gives rise to the phenomenon of eyewitness transference, whereby a person seen in one situation is later confused in memory, or transferred, to another situationoften with tragic consequences (Ross et al., 1994). 2. Unintentional plagiarism. False fame and unconscious transference occur when we are aware that something is familiar but we cannot pinpoint the correct source of that familiarity (Johnson et al., 1993; Mandler, 1980). In other words, the experience has an impact on behavior, but without our conscious awareness. There is another possible repercussion of implicit memory: unintentional plagiarism. In 2002, two popular historians and authors, the late Stephen Ambrose and Doris Kearns Goodwin were accused of lifting passages without quotation from other sources. Most of the sources were credited in footnotes, and both authors said the omission of quotation marks around the borrowed material was inadvertent, the unconscious result of careless recordkeeping. Have you ever had an insight you thought was original, only later to realize or be told that it was borrowed from another source? Are people who write, compose music, solve problems, tell jokes, or think up creative ideas vulnerable to unintentional plagiarism? Alan Brown and Dana Murphy (1989) had subjects in groups take turns generating items that fit a particular category (sports, four-legged animals, musical instruments, and clothing). After four rounds, they asked subjects individually to recall the items that they personally had generated and to come up with new ones from the same categories. As it turned out, 75 percent of the subjects took credit for at least one item of someone elses, and 71 percent came up with a new item that was given earlier. Some subjects inadvertently plagiarized their own ideas, but most often they stole from others in the group. Additional research has shown that people are vulnerable to unintentional plagiarism in some situations more than others. Predictably, the problem is more likely to occur when the ideas taken are highly memorable, when the person who gave the original ideas has status, when the original ideas were shared in anonymous group situations, when subjects were distracted or in a hurry or not overly concerned about the origin of their ideas, and after a long period of time has elapsed (Marsh & Bower, 1993; Marsh et al., 1997; Tenpenny et al., 1998;
Doris Kearns Goodwin, a popular historian, was recently accused of lifting passages from other works without attribution. Had she fallen prey to unintentional plagiarism, a form of implicit memory?
Memory CHAPTER 6
Partial Recall
Its harder to recall information without external cues than it is to select a remembered item from a list of alternatives. Bear that in mind as you ponder these questions about long-term memory: 1. The type of explicit-memory task that requires you to reproduce information without the benet of external cues is called __________. 2. The type of explicit-memory task that requires you to select a remembered item from a list of alternatives is called: a. recollection b. recognition c. reconrmation d. reconnaissance 3. The tendency to incorporate false postevent information into ones memory of the event itself is called the __________. 4. The portion of the brain that plays a key role in encoding and transferring new information into long-term memory is called the: a. hippodrome b. hippopotamus c. hippocampus d. hypochondriac 5. Transferring information into long-term memory by thinking about it in a deeper way is called __________. 6. Preconceptions about persons, objects or events that bias the way new information in interpreted and recalled are called: a. schemes b. scams c. schisms d. schemas
(Answers: 1. free recall; 2. b; 3. misinformation effect; 4. c; 5. elaborative rehearsal; 6. d)
Macrae et al., 1999). As in other research on implicit memory, these studies show that there is a bit of amnesia in us all. Commenting on the amount of unconscious plagiarism exhibited by research participants in his laboratory, Richard Marsh speculates that the problem is a heck of a lot more common than anybody would realize (Carpenter, 2002).
Before we celebrate the virtues of memory and outline the techniques we can use to improve it, lets stop and ponder the wisdom of William James (1890), who said, 6.3 If we remembered everything, we should on most occasions be as ill off as if we remembered nothing (p. 680). James was right. Many years ago, Russian psychologist Alexander Luria (1968) described his observations of Solomon Memory is the thing you forget with. Shereshevskii, a man he called S., who had a truly exceptional memALEXANDER CHASE ory. After one presentation, S. would remember lists containing dozens of items, recite them forward or backward, and still retain the information fifteen years later. But there was a drawback: No matter how hard S. tried, he could not forget. Images of letters, numbers, and other items of trivia were so distracting that he had to quit his job and support himself by entertaining audiences with his feats of memory. Sometimes it is better to forgetwhich is why some psychologists have suggested the paradoxical conclusion that forgetting is an
Hows your memory? Read the statements below and think about how often youve had each experience. The numbers in parentheses are the ratings given by the average person (Baddeley, 1990). _____ 1. Forgetting where you have put something; losing things around the house (5) _____ 2. Having to go back to check whether you have done something that you meant to do (4) _____ 3. Failing to recognize, by sight, close relatives or friends that you meet frequently (1) _____ 4. Telling friends a story or joke that you have told them once already (2) _____ 5. Forgetting where things are normally kept, or looking for them in the wrong place (2) _____ 6. Finding that a word is on the tip of your tongue; you know what it is but cannot quite nd it (4) _____ 7. Forgetting important details of what you did or what happened to you the day before (1) _____ 8. Forgetting important details about yourself, such as your birthday or where you live (1) _____ 9. Completely forgetting to take things with you, or leaving things behind and having to go back and fetch them (3) _____ 10. Finding that the faces of famous people, seen on TV or in photographs, look unfamiliar (2)
Note: Subjects responded on the following scale: 1 = never in the last six months, 2 = once in six months, 4 = once a month, 5 = more than once a month, . . . 9 = more than once a day.
adaptive, economical aspect of human memory (Anderson & Milson, 1989; Bjork & Bjork, 1996; Schacter, 1999).
50 40
The Forgetting Curve Memory failure is a common experience in everyday life (see Table 6.2). I wish I had a dollar for every time I left something I 30 needed at home, neglected to bring up a point in a conversation, or forgot the name of someone I met. To measure the rate at which 20 information is forgotten, Ebbinghaus (1885; reprinted in 1913) tested his own memory for nonsense syllables after intervals rang10 ing from twenty minutes to thirty-one days. As shown in the forgetting curve plotted in Figure 6.16, Ebbinghaus found that there 12345 10 15 20 25 30 was a steep loss of retention within the rst hour, that he forgot more than 60 percent of the items within nine hours, and that the Time (days) rate of forgetting leveled off after that. How quickly we forget. FIGURE 6.16 The Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve The Ebbinghaus forgetting curve shows a rapid loss of memory Ebbinghauss forgetting curve indicates the rate at which for meaningless nonsense syllables. Does it apply to real-life memnonsense syllables were forgotten. You can see that there was ories as well? Bahrick (1984) tested nearly eight hundred Englisha steep decline in performance within the rst day and that speaking adults who took Spanish in high school. Depending on the the rate of forgetting leveled off over time. subject, the interval between learning and being tested ranged from zero to fty years. Compared to students who had just taken the course, those who were tested two to three years later had forgotten much of what they learned. After that, however, scores on vocabulary, grammar, and reading-comprehension tests forgetting curve stabilizedeven among people who had not used Spanish for forty or fifty years A consistent pattern in which the rate of (see Figure 6.17). A similar pattern was also found for the retention, for up to memory loss for input is steepest right after input is received and levels off over time. twelve years, of material learned in a college psychology course (Conway et al., 1991).
Memory CHAPTER 6 In one study, Dutch researchers found that people remembered the street names from their elementary-school neighborhoods up to seventy-one years later (Schmidt et al., 2000). These kinds of impressive results have led Bahrick to argue that such knowledge may enter a permastorea term he coined to describe permanent, very-long-term memory for well-learned material. Its interesting that although this very-long-term curve is not identical to that reported by Ebbinghaus, there are similarities. Based on a summary analysis of 210 post-Ebbinghaus studies, David Rubin and Amy Wenzel (1996) concluded that his classic forgetting curve describes a consistent and lawful pattern of human retention and forgetting. They also raise the possibility that we may have several long-term memory stores corresponding to different periods of time (Rubin et al., 1999). Why Do People Forget? Knowing the rate at which information is lost is just the rst step. The next important question is: Why? Do memory traces fade with time? Are they displaced by newer memories? Or do memories get buried, perhaps blocked by unconscious forces? As well see, forgetting can result from one of four processes: a lack of encoding, decay, interference, or repression. In the first two, the forgotten information is simply not in long-term-memory storage. In the second two, the memory may exist, but it is difcult, if not impossible, to retrieve. Percentage of vocabulary retained
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1 3 5 9.5 14.5 25 35.5
Time (years)
This forgetting curve indicates the rate at which adults forgot the Spanish they took in high school. Compared to new graduates, those tested two to three years later forgot much of what they learned. After that, however, test scores stabilized (Bahrick, 1984).
LACK OF ENCODING Do you know what an American penny looks like? Would you recognize one if you saw it? If you were born in the United States, you have looked at, held, and counted thousands of pennies in your life. Yet many people cannot accurately draw one from memory, name its features, or distinguish between a real penny and a fake. Look at the coins in Figure 6.18. Do you know which is the real one? Raymond Nickerson and Marilyn Adams (1979) presented this task to college students and found that 58 percent did not identify the right coin. The reason for this result is not that the subjects forgot what a penny looks likeits that the features were never encoded into long-term memory in the rst place. And why should they be? So long as you can tell the difference between pennies and other coins, there is no need to attend to the ne details. The penny is not the only common, everyday object whose features we fail to notice. People also have difculty recalling the features of a dollar bill, computer keyboard, the front-page spread of their favorite newspaper, and even the layout of a telephoneobjects we look at and use all the time (Rinck, 1999). When it comes to encoding information, people can be so profoundly absent-minded that they exhibit change blindness, a failure to detect changes that take place in their presence. In an astonishing demonstration of this phenomenon, Daniel Simons and Daniel Levin (1998) had a research assistant approach people on a college campus and ask for directions. While they were talking, two men walked between them holding a door that concealed a second assistant. With the subject screened from view, the two assistants switched places so that when the men carrying the door passed, subFIGURE 6.18 Can You Recognize a Penny? jects found themselves talking to a different person. Did subjects Which of these pennies is the real thing? The answer appears on p. 228 (Nickerson & Adams, 1979). notice the switch? Would you have noticed it? Remarkably, out of
Memory fteen subjects who were tested, only seven noticed the change. Other studies, too, have shown this type of visual forgetting from a lack of attention (Simons, 2000). DECAY The oldest theory of forgetting is that memory traces erode with the passage of time. But there are two problems with this simple explanation. One is that there is no physiological evidence of decay that corresponds to the fading of memory. The second is that time alone is not the most critical factor. As we saw earlier, memory for newly learned nonsense syllables fades in a matter of hours, but the foreign language learned in high school is retained for many years. The key blow to the decay theory of forgetting was landed in 1924 by John Jenkins and Karl Dallenbach. Day after day, these researchers presented nonsense syllables to two subjects and then tested their memory after one, two, four, or eight hours. On some days, the subjects went to sleep between learning and testing; on other days, they stayed awake and kept busy. The subjects recalled more items after they had slept than when they were awake and involved in other activities. Jenkins and Dallenbach concluded that forgetting is not so much a matter of the decay of old impressions and associations as it is a matter of interference, inhibition, or obliteration of the old by the new (p. 612). To minimize forgetting, students may nd it helpful to go to sleep shortly after studying, thus avoiding new information (Fowler et al., 1973). To learn more, see How to Improve Your Memory. INTERFERENCE By showing that memory loss may be caused by mental activity that takes place when we are awake, Jenkins and Dallenbachs study suggested a third explanation of forgettingthat something learned may be forgotten due to interference from other information. As summarized in Figure 6.19, there are two kinds of interference. In proactive interference, prior information inhibits our ability to recall something new. If you try to learn a set of names, formulas, phone numbers, or glossary terms, you will nd it more difcult if you had earlier studied a similar set of items. Many years ago, Benton Underwood (1957) found that the more nonsensesyllable experiments subjects had taken part in, the more forgetting they exhibited in a brand-new study.
Time 2
A disrupts B
Study A Study B Study B Test B Test B
Retroactive interference
Experimental Control
B disrupts A
Study A Study A Study B Test A Test A
proactive interference The tendency for previously learned material to disrupt the recall of new information.
As shown, proactive interference occurs when information acquired at Time 1 inhibits memory for material learned later. Retroactive interference occurs when information learned at Time 2 inhibits memory for material learned earlier. The more similar the two sets of items are, the greater is the interference.
Memory CHAPTER 6 A related problem is retroactive interference, whereby new material disrupts memory for previously learned information. Thus, subjects in various experiments are at least temporarily less likely to recognize previously seen pictures of nature scenes, faces, and common objects if they are then exposed to similar photographs before being tested (Chandler, 1991; Wheeler, 1995; Windschitl, 1996). One learning experience can displaceor at least inhibitthe retrieval of another. That is why, when people go back and review a subset of to-be-remembered information, their memory for nonreviewed material suffers (Koutsaal et al., 1999). REPRESSION More than a hundred years ago, Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, observed that his patients often could not recall unpleasant past events from their own lives. In fact, he observed, they would sometimes stop, pull back, and lose their train of thought just as they seemed on the brink of an insight. Freud called this repression, and he said it was an unconscious defense mechanism that keeps painful personal memories under lock and keyand out of awareness. Well see in Chapter 13 that people who suffer childhood traumas such as war, abuse, and rape sometimes develop dissociative disorders characterized by apparent gaps in their explicit memory. Although repression has never been demonstrated in a laboratory setting, psychotherapy case studies suggest that memories can be repressed for long periods of time and recovered in therapy. As well see later in this chapter, however, it is difcult in actual cases to distinguish between dormant memories of actual past
Forget Me Knots
Lets see what you remember about forgetting. Match each phenomenon in the left column with the cause or description most closely associated with it. 1. The tendency for previously learned material to disrupt the recall of new information. 2. The reason we often cannot accurately recall an object we see all the time. 3. The inability to retrieve long-term memories from the past. 4. The steep loss of retention of input shortly after the input is received. 5. The inability to recall traumatic past events from ones own life. 6. The inability to store new information in long-term memory. 7. The tendency for new information to disrupt ones memory of previously learned material. a. forgetting curve
b. lack of encoding c. retroactive interference d. proactive interference e. retrograde amnesia f. anterograde amnesia g. repression
retroactive interference The tendency for new information to disrupt the memory of previously learned material. mnemonics Memory aids designed to facilitate the recall of new information.
(Answers: 1. d; 2. b; 3. e; 4. a; 5. g; 6. f; 7. c)
ver the years, psychologists have stumbled on a few rare individuals who seemed equipped with extraordinary hardware for memory. But often the actors, waiters, and others who impress us with their extraordinary memories are ordinary people who use memory tricks called mnemonicsin other words, they tinker with memorys software. Can you too boost your recall capacity and improve your study skills by using mnemonics? Lets consider the self-help implications of this chapter, many of which are described in paperbacks on how to improve your memory. PRACTICE TIME. To learn names, dates, vocabulary words, or the concepts in a textbook, youll find that practice makes perfect. In general, the more time spent studying, the better. Skimming or speed-reading will not promote long-term retention. In fact, it pays to overlearnthat is, to review the material even after you think you have it mastered. It also helps to distribute your studying over time rather than cram all at once. You will retain more information from four two-hour sessions than from one eight-hour marathon. DEPTH OF PROCESSING. The sheer amount of practice is important, but only if its quality time. Mindless drills may help maintain information in short-term memory, but long-term retention requires that you think actively and deeply about materialabout what it means and how it is linked to what you already know. There are many ways to increase your depth of processing. Ask yourself critical questions about the material. Think about it in ways that relate to your own experiences. Talk about the material to a friend, thus forcing yourself to organize it in terms that can be understood. HIERARCHICAL ORGANIZATION. Organize information hierarchicallyas in an outline. Start with a few broad categories, then divide them into subcategories. This is
how experts chunk new information, and it works. When Andrea Halpern (1986) presented subjects with fty-four popular song titles, she found that recall was greater when the titles were organized hierarchically than when they were scrambled. The implication for studying is clear: Organize your notes, preferably in the form of an outlineand be sure to review these notes later (Kiewra et al., 1991). VERBAL MNEMONICS. Sometimes the easiest way to remember a list of items is to use verbal mnemonics, or memory tricks. Chances are you have already used popular methods such as rhymes (I before E except after C; Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November) and acronyms that reduce the amount of
Every year, ordinary people trained in the use of common mnemonics compete in the Memory Olympics. Under pressure, these mental athletes try to memorize as fast as possible decks of playing cards (the world record is 34 seconds), lists of random words (the record is 174 words), pairs of names and faces (the record is 70), and so on. ( 2002 ABC Photography Archives.)
Memory CHAPTER 6
information to be stored (for example, ROY G BIV can be used to recall the colors of the light spectrum: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet). METHOD OF LOCI. Most books on improving memory recommend that verbal information be represented as visual images. One popular use of imagery is the method of loci, in which items to be recalled are mentally placed in familiar locations. It works like this: First you memorize a series of objects along a familiar route. For example, you might imagine your morning walk from the bedroom, to the bathroom, to the kitchen, and out the door. As you follow this path, visualize the objects you pass: your bed, then the bathroom door, shower, stairs, and so on. These places become pigeonholes for items to be recalled. To memorize a shopping list, for example, you could picture a dozen eggs lined up on the bed, a bag of red apples hanging on the bathroom door, and butter in the soap dish of the shower. When you take a mental stroll through the house, the items on the list should pop to mind. The trick is to link new items to others already in memory. PEG-WORD METHOD. Another powerful imagery mnemonic is the peg-word method, in which a list of words serves as memory pegs for the material to be recalled. The rst step is to learn a list of peg words that correspond to numbers. For example: one is a bun, two is a shoe, three is a tree, and so on. Next you hang each item to be recalled on each of the pegs by forming a mental image of the two interacting. As illustrated in Table 6.3, the images of a shoe kicking an apple, and a tree made from sticks of butter are easier to recall than words on a page. The more interactive the image, the better. Try it and youll see how well it works. Most people are able to memorize ten new items in order with the peg-word mnemonic. INTERFERENCE. Because one learning experience can disrupt memory for another, you should guard against the effects of interference. This problem is common
TABLE 6.3 Step 1 Memorize these peg words in order. One is a bun Two is a shoe Three is a tree Four is a door Five is a hive Six is sticks Seven is heaven Eight is a gate Nine is wine Ten is a hen
among students, as material learned in one course can make it harder to retain that learned in another. To minimize interference, follow two simple suggestions. First, study right before sleeping and review all the material right before the exam. Second, allocate an uninterrupted chunk of time to one course; then do the same for the others. If you study psychology, then move to biology, then go on to math and back to psychology, each course will disrupt your memory of the othersespecially if the material is similar. CONTEXT REINSTATEMENT. Information is easier to recall when people are in the physical setting in which it was acquiredand in the same frame of mind. The setting and the mood it evokes serve as cues that trigger the retrieval of to-be-remembered information. Thats why actors like to rehearse on the stage where they will later perform. So next time you have an important exam to take, try to study in the room where youll take the test, ideally at the same time of day.
Memory events and falsely constructed memories of experiences that never occurred (Loftus, 1993a; Read & Lindsay, 1997).
Up to now, we have likened human memory to a computer that faithfully encodes, stores, and retrieves information from the recent and distant past. Clearly, however, there is more to the story. As well see, remembering is an active process in which we reconstruct memories according to our beliefs, wishes, needs, and information received from outside sources. In 1932, Frederick Bartlett asked British college students to recall a story taken from the folklore of a Native American culture. He found that although they correctly recalled the gist of this story, they changed, exaggerated, added, and omitted certain detailsresulting in a narrative that was more coherent to them. Without realizing it, subjects reconstructed the material to t their own schemas, a term that Bartlett used to describe the preconceptions that people have about persons and situations. Other researchers have more recently replicated this result using the same Native American story (Bergman & Roediger, 1999). Its now clear that schemas distort memory, often by leading us to ll in missing pieces. Research by Helene Intraub and others (1998) illustrates the point. In a series of studies, they showed people close-up photographs of various scenessuch as a telephone booth on a street corner, a basketball on a gym oor, and a lawn chair on a grassy field. Consistently, subjects who were later asked to recall these scenes mentally extended the borders by reporting or drawing details that were not in the pictures but might plausibly have existed outside the cameras field of view (see Figure 6.20). Why? It appears that the scenes activated perceptual schemas that led subjects over time to insert new details into memory. There are many other examples of how schemas inuence memory. In one study, subjects were left waiting alone in a small cluttered room that the experimenter called an ofce. (Before reading the next sentence, try the demonstration in the TRY THIS! exercise on the next page.) After thirty-ve seconds, subjects were taken out and asked to recall what was in the room. What happened? Nearly everyone re-
schemas Preconceptions about persons, objects, or events that bias the way new information is interpreted and recalled.
After subjects were shown close-up photographs of a scene like the one depicted on the left, they mentally extended the borders by reporting or drawing details that were not in the pictures but might plausibly exist outside the cameras eld of view (right). According to Intraub and others (1998), scenes like this one activate perceptual schemas into which people ll in missing details.
Memory CHAPTER 6
A Typical Ofce?
ook at the picture of the ofce below for 30 seconds, then list all the objects you recall as being in the room. Then look back at the picturehow did you do? Did you mistakenly recall seeing books and other items that t the setting but were not actually present?
membered the desk, chair, and shelves, objects typically found in an ofce. But many of the subjects also mistakenly recalled seeing booksitems that t the setting but were not actually present (Brewer & Treyens, 1981). Our schemas are sometimes so strong that an object that does not belong becomes particularly memorable. After spending time in an ofce, people are more likely to remember the presence of toy trucks, blocks, and nger paints than of textbooks, a typewriter, and an ashtray. But they are also more likely to imagine the existence of ofce objects that t the setting but were not present (Pezdek et al., 1989; Lampinen et al., 2001). The Misinformation Effect Memory is an active construction of the pasta construction that alters reality in ways that are consistent not only with prior expectations but also with postevent information. Consider the plight of those who witness street crimes. Afterward, they talk to each other, read about it in the newspapers, sometimes even watch coverage on television. By the time these witnesses are questioned by authorities, one wonders if their original memory is still pure, uncontaminated by postevent information. According to Elizabeth Loftus (1979), it probably is not. Using her studies of eyewitness testimony, Loftus proposed a theory of reconstructive memory. After people observe an event, she said, later information about the eventwhether its true or notbecomes integrated into the fabric of their memory. A classic study by Loftus and her colleagues (1978) illustrates what has been called the misinformation effect. In that study, they presented subjects with a slide show in
misinformation effect The tendency to incorporate false postevent information into ones memory of the event itself.
Subjects saw a slide show in which this car turns at a corner that has either a STOP sign (left) or a YIELD sign (right). Illustrating the misinformation effect, subjects who were later asked questions that implied the presence of the other sign were more likely to recognize the wrong slide (Loftus et al., 1978).
which a red car hits a pedestrian after turning at an intersection. Subjects saw either a STOP sign or a YIELD sign in the slides, but then embedded in a series of questions they were asked was one that implied the presence of the other sign (Did another car pass the Datsun as it reached the _________ sign?). The result: The number of subjects who later recognized the slide with the wrong trafc sign increased from 25 percent to 59 percent. Other studies soon conrmed the effect. Researchers thus misled subjects into recalling hammers as screwdrivers, Coke cans as cans of peanuts, breakfast cereal as eggs, green objects as yellow, a clean-shaven man as having a mustache, and a bare-handed man as wearing gloves. To make matters worse, these subjects are often quick to respond and condent in the accuracy of these false memories (Loftus et al., 1989). This provocative theory has aroused controversy. Does misinformation permanently impair a witnesss real memory, never to be retrieved again (Belli et al., 1994; Weingardt et al., 1995)? Or do subjects merely follow the experimenters suggestion, leaving a true memory intact for retrieval under other conditions (Dodson & Reisberg, 1991; McCloskey & Zaragoza, 1985)? Either way, an important practical lesson remains: Whether witnesses memories are truly altered or not, their reports of what they remember are hopelessly biased by postevent information. And this misinformation effect is hard to erase (Johnson & Seifert, 1998). These ndings have serious implications for our legal system. The Creation of Illusory Memories The misinformation effect led cognitive psychologists to discover that people sometimes create memories that are completely false. At the start of this chapter, we saw that people who heard a list of sleep-related words (bed, yawn) or music-related words (jazz, instrument) were often convinced just minutes later that they had also heard sleep and musicwords that t but were not actually on the list (Roediger & McDermott, 1995). This result is easy to ndeven if the test is delayed twenty-four hours (Payne et al., 1996), even when subjects are forewarned about the false memory effect (Gallo et al., 1997), and even when the words are ashed so rapidly that subjects cannot recall having seen them (Seamon et al., 1998). Some words and lists produce more false memories than others, but regardless of whether items pertain to the concepts car, fruit, city, or sweet, people falsely recall hearing related words that were not actually presented (Roediger et al., 2001; Stadler et al., 1999).
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ELIZABETH F. LOFTUS, MEMORY AS RECONSTRUCTIVE Q: How did you rst become interested in psychology? A: I was first introduced to psychological science as an undergraduate at UCLA. Although I was a math major, I took introductory psychology from Allen Parducci and got hooked. Nearly every elective I took was in psychology, so I had enough credits for a double major. Lucky for me (or perhaps wisdom) I continued on to graduate work in psychology at Stanford. I wanted to combine math and psychology, but I ended up becoming a cognitive psychologist with a strong interest in human memory. Q: How did you come up with your important discovery? A: After graduate school, I continued researching how information is stored and retrieved from long-term memory. But I felt an urge to do something that had social relevance. I had always been interested in law and came to appreciate that with this interest, and a background in memory, the perfect thing to study was the memory of witnesseshow accurate it is and how it can be distorted. I designed some studies in which people were shown films of automobile accidents and questioned about them. We showed that a simple question like How fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other? led witnesses to estimate speeds greater than control witnesses asked How fast were the cars going when they hit each other? Those asked the leading smashed question were also more likely to claim to have seen broken glass, even though there was none. I went on to publish many studies showing this kind of malleability of memory. Q: How has the eld you inspired developed over the years? A: Now there have been thousands of studies showing that memories can be shaped by suggestion. When the
epidemic of repressed memory claims infected the mass media, I wanted to nd a way to plant an entirely false memory into someones mind to study how it might occur in real cases. Eventually I came up with the idea of planting a memory of being lost in a shopping mall at age 5, and eventually being rescued and reunited with the family. We found that about a quarter of people developed a false memory for being lost. Other researchers followed with more clever studies, planting false memories using false suggestions, guided imagination, dream interpretation, and other techniques. Even impossible or implausible memories, such as witnessing demonic possession, or kissing a frog, could be planted.
Q: Whats your prediction on where the eld is heading? A: Its almost a guarantee that we will continue to study false memories. Heres a possible, albeit speculative, future scenario: We master the ability to create false memories and learn who is most susceptible, and who is resistant. We learn, through neuroimaging, what parts of the brain are similarly or differently activated when a person has a true memory versus a false one. We develop precise recipes for what works with what kinds of people. Perhaps the most potent recipes will involve the use of drugs. Already there are date rape drugs that can cause deep sedation, blackouts, and amnesia for what is experienced under its influence. Imagine the memory distortion potential of behavioral techniques with a pharmaceutical twistand the critical questions we will face about how to prevent this technology from being used in nefarious ways. This will drive home an essential message: Memory, like liberty, is a fragile thing.
Elizabeth F. Loftus is Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Social Behavior, and of Criminology, Law, and Society, at the University of California at Irvine.
Memory Other research highlights the danger as well. In one study, people recalled nonexistent common objects in a scenelike toasters, clocks, and shoeswhen a cowitness, actually a plant working for the experimenter, had reported seeing these items (Roediger, Meade et al., 2001). In another study, college students were repeatedly asked about vivid childhood events. Some were true, according to their parents, but others were fabricatedlike having a birthday party with pizza and a clown, spilling punch on the parents of the bride at a wedding, and evacuating a grocery store when its sprinklers went off. The students did not recall any of the ctitious events at rst, but after a few interviews, 20 to 30 percent generated false recollections. Some described the memories as clear (Hyman et al., 1995; Hyman & Billings, 1998). In the laboratory, people were even led, through a process of imagination, to create false memories of having performed some bizarre behaviors two weeks earlierlike balancing a spoon on the nose, sitting on dice, and rubbing lotion on a chair (Thomas & Loftus, 2002). In Chapter 14, well see that these studies are unsettling for what they imply about the memories of childhood abuse that adults sometimes recover while in therapy.
Autobiographical Memory
What autobiographical memories are people most likely to preserve? What makes some experiences particularly vivid and enduring? What is childhood amnesia, and why does it occur? How are our personal memories shaped by our sense of self?
Suppose you were to sit down to write your autobiography. What would you say? What experiences stand out in your mind? Would your reports of the past be accurate or distorted in some way? To answer these kinds of questions, psychologist Marigold Linton (1982) kept an extensive diary and later used it to test her memory for the events of her life. Every day for six years, she wrote the date on one side of an index card and a description of something that happened to her. In all, the diary contained 5,000 entriessome important, others trivial. Once a month, Linton pulled 150 cards at random from her le and tried to recall the events and date them correctly. Like Ebbinghaus, she found that as time passed, her personal memories took longer to recall, were harder to date, and were less detailedbut that, right from the start, this fading occurred at a slower rate. More recently, two psychologists kept personal diaries for seven months and were then tested by colleagues who asked about events that were in the diaries and nonevents that seemed plausible but did not occur. The subjects knew in advance that items would be fabricated for the test, yet they still made several false recollections (Conway et al., 1996). Many cognitive psychologists have recently traded in their nonsense syllables to study autobiographical memorythe recollections people have of the events and experiences that have touched their lives (Fivush et al., 2003; Rubin, 1996; Thompson et al., 1998). There are two key questions about The nice thing about having memories is that you these memories: (1) What aspects of our own past do we tend to can choose. preserveand what are we likely to forget? (2) Are we generally WILLIAM TREVOR accurate in our mental time travel, or does memory change as we get older?
autobiographical memory The recollections people have of their own personal experiences and observations.
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12 exceptions to this rule. The rst is that older adults retrieve an unusually large number of personal memories from 10 their adolescence and early adulthood years (Fitzgerald, 1988; Jansari & Parkin, 1996). This reminiscence peak 8 may occur because these early years are busy and formative in ones life. William Mackavey and others (1991) 6 analyzed the autobiographies written by forty-nine eminent psychologists and found that their most important life 4 experiences tended to be concentrated between the ages of eighteen and thirty-ve. 2 A second exception to the recency rule is that people are quick to remember transitional rsts. Think about 0 your college career. What events immediately pop to mindand when did these events occur? Did you come up with the day you arrived on campus or the rst time you Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May met your closest friend? What about notable classes, Academic year exams, parties, or sports events? When David Pillemer and First year Sophomore Junior Senior his colleagues (1996) asked college juniors and seniors to recount the most memorable experiences of their rst year, FIGURE 6.21 Memorable Transitions 32 percent of all recollections were from the transitional College graduates of varying ages were asked to recount their most month of September. And when graduated college alumnae memorable experiences while in college. You can see that among the were given the same task, they too cited a disproportionmemories that could be pinpointed in time, there was a large number ate number of events from the opening two months of their from the rst two months of their rst year and a large number from rst yearfollowed, interestingly, by the next major tranthe other major transitional periodthe last month of their senior year. sitional period, the last month of their senior year (see Figure 6.21). Obviously, not all experiences leave the same impression, and some dates are etched in memory for a lifetime. Marigold Linton (1982) found that unique events were easy to recall but that routines were quickly forgotten. More specically, David Rubin and Marc Kozin (1986) had college students describe their clearest memories, and they found that births, deaths, weddings, accidents, injuries, sports events, romantic encounters, vacations, and graduations were among the highlights that topped the list. Schrauf and Rubin (2001) had older Hispanic American adults narrate their life stories and found that they produced the most recollections from the ages at which they left home and immigrated to the United States. Clearly, special events serve as autobiographical landmarks, reference points that we use to organize our personal memories (Shum, 1998). Some events in our lives are so vivid that they seem to occupy a particularly special status in memory. Ask people who are old enough to remember November 22, 1963, and the chances are they can tell you exactly what was happening, where they were, and with whom the moment they heard the news that John F. Kennedy was shot. I, for one, will never forget that dayreturning to my fth-grade class after lunch, hearing the principals voice crack over the loudspeaker, watching my teacher gasp, the silence of the bus ride home, the TV blaring as I walked through the door, and the tears streaming down my mothers reddened face. Roger Brown and James Kulik (1977) questioned adults about that day and found that everyone had a memory that was as bold and vivid as a snapshotnot just of the assassination but of their own circumstances upon hearing the news. Brown and Kulik coined the term ashbulb memories to describe these very enduring, detailed, ashbulb memories high-resolution recollections and speculated that humans are biologically equipped Highly vivid and enduring memories, for survival purposes to print the most dramatic events in memory (as you may typically for events that are dramatic and emotional. recall, physiological arousal releases hormones that can enhance memory). Research
shows that ashbulb memories are triggered by events that are new to a person, important, surprising, and emotional (Conway, 1995). Does this mean that information that is linked to emotional events is immune to forgetting? Not necessarily. Cognitive psychologist Ulric Neisser (1982) describes his vivid lifelong memory of the moment he heard that Pearl Harbor was bombedhow he was listening to a baseball game on the radio when the announcer broke in with the alarming news. Only years later did he realize that this so-called memory was impossible, that no baseball games were played on December 7, 1941. Research has conrmed Neissers point that while some ashbulb memories are remarkably accurate, others are not (McCloskey et al., 1988). Either way, these recollections feel special and serve as prominent landmarks in the biographies we write about ourselves. In contrast, there is a period of life that seems entirely lost to us. Think back to your earliest memory. It probably was not the sight of the doctors hands in the delivery room, or the rst time you waved, or even the rst step you took as a toddler. An intriguing aspect of autobiographical memory is that most people generally cannot recall anything that happened before the age of three (Dudycha & Dudycha, 1941; Rubin, 1996). In one study, for example, Pillemer and others (1994) interviewed preadolescent Researchers are now testing the hypothesis that the children about a re-drill evacuation they had experienced in preschool. terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, will leave ashbulb memories in us all. Where were you, who were Those who were four and ve years old when the incident occurred were you with, and what were you doing the moment you able to recall it seven years later; those who were three at the time could heard the news? To me, it feels like yesterday that I heard not. This memory gap, which is common, is known as childhood amnesia. the horric news in a phone call just before my morning Why should this be? One possibility is that the forgetting is caused by class. I promptly went to the lecture hall, told my students the passage of time and by interference from later experiences. The prob(many of whom had just crawled out of bed) what had lem with this explanation is that a college student may be unable to recall happened, and canceled class so we could watch the news on TV and call loved ones. I returned to my ofce events from eighteen years ago, but a thirty-ve-year-old can easily recall just as the rst of the twin towers had collapsed. his or her college days after the same amount of time. Other explanations include the notion that young children lack the conceptual framework or self-concept for organizing information to be stored (Howe & Courage, 1993) and that the development of autobiographical memory is inuenced by social factors like the extent to which parents reminisce about the past with their young children (Harley & Reese, 1999). Do early memories exist? Its hard to say. Some researchers have found that adults can recall certain critical eventsmoving, the birth of a sibling, being hospitalized, and the death of a family memberfrom the age of two, suggesting that there are exceptions to the rule (Usher & Neisser, 1993). Others caution that these reports may not be based on firsthand memories, but rather on stories told by parents, photographs, and other external sources (Loftus, 1993b; Eacott & Crawley, 1998). Still others maintain that people may have partial, implicit memories of the early years. Nora Newcombe and Nathan Fox (1994) found that ten-year-old children often reacted physiologically to slides of preschool classmateseven while failing to recognize those classmates. This finding is consistent with the fact that the hippocampus is not fully developed in the rst few years of life and that infants and young children have memories that are preexplicit (Nelson, 1995). Its also consistent with the fact that one- and two-year-olds can imitate people they see after long periods of time and show the long-term effects of other types of experience (Bauer, 1996). At some level, young children do remember the past. But these recollections childhood amnesia are implicitand not likely to become part of the autobiographical memories that The inability of most people to recall events from before the age of three or four. form later in their childhood.
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uman memory is often a subject of controversy. In this chapter, weve seen that people can accurately recall faces, names, musical lyrics, skills such as riding a bike, high-impact world events, and personal experiences that stretch deep into their past. Cognitive psychologists have thus likened the human mind to a computer in which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved faithfully on demand. Within this model, researchers have sought to trace the ow of information as it is processed, and in doing so have distinguished between eeting sensory memory, shortterm working memory, and the somewhat permanent storage systems of long-term memory. At the same time that cognitive psychologists marveled at our informationprocessing capacities, they also found that our memory is limited, awed, and biased as when we forget a phone number we just looked up or misidentify an innocent person as the criminal in a lineup. Whats more, its now clear that memory is an active and constructive processand that we sometimes unwittingly develop memories that are completely false, often to feel better or boost our self-esteem. Commenting on this two-headed portrait of human memory as simultaneously competent and awed, Schacter (1996) reminds us that, the computer is a retriever of information but not a rememberer of experiences (p. 37).
An Information-Processing Model
Cognitive psychologists view memory as an information-processing system. Sensory memory stores sensations for a brief moment. Those that draw attention are transferred to short-term memory (STM), and those that are further encoded are stored in long-term memory (LTM).
CAPACITY Using a memory-span task, researchers found that short-term memory has a limited capacity. People can store seven items, plus or minus two. STM can be used more efciently, however, if we group items into larger chunks, called chunking. DURATION STM is also limited in the length of time it can hold information. Studies show that items are held in STM for up to twenty seconds. Through repetition or maintenance rehearsal, however, input can be held for an indenite period of time. FUNCTIONS OF SHORT-TERM MEMORY STM contains new sensory input and material from long-term memory. The limits of STM are adaptive, enabling us to discard information that is no longer useful. STM is not just a passive storage depot but an active workspace referred to as a working memory. When people memorize a list of items, they exhibit the serial-position curve, whereby items from the beginning and end are recalled better than those in the middle.
Long-Term Memory
LTM is a relatively enduring storage system that can hold vast amounts of information for long periods of time. ENCODING To transfer input to LTM, it is best to use elaborative rehearsal specically, engaging in deep processing and associating the input
Short-Term Memory
Sensations that do not capture attention fade quickly, but those we notice are encoded (in visual, acoustic, or semantic terms) and transferred to short-term memory. People usually encode information in acoustic terms.
dependent memory) and internal states (which accounts for statedependent memory)can later jog memory of that experience. Implicit tests uncover memories of which people are not aware by measuring their effects on performance. Many amnesia patients use material they cannot explicitly recall. As shown by the illusion of truth, unconscious transference in eyewitness testimony, and unconscious plagiarism, implicit memory is also common in everyday life. FORGETTING Beginning with Ebbinghaus, researchers have found evidence for a specific forgetting curve in which there is an initial steep loss of retention, with the loss rate leveling off over time. Forgetting can result from a lack of encoding, physical decay, interference, or repression. There are two kinds of interference. In proactive interference, prior information inhibits ones ability to recall something new. In retroactive interference, new material disrupts memory for previously learned information. People can use various techniques, called mnemonics, to improve memorization ability. RECONSTRUCTION Remembering is an active process in which people construct memories based on schemas, or preconceptions, and information from outside sources. Experiments by Loftus and others reveal that memory is also reconstructivethat after one observes an event, postevent input becomes integrated into the memory. When that information is false, the result is known as the misinformation effect. In other ways as well, false or illusory memories can be created.
with information already in LTM. Retention is also increased through overlearning (continued rehearsal after the material is mastered) and through practice spaced over time rather than crammed in all at once. STORAGE In LTM, information may be stored in semantic or visual form. In semantic coding, people store the meaning of verbal information, not just specic words. In fact, memories are stored in complex webs of association called semantic networks. In visual coding, people store input as mental pictures. Thus, the use of imagery, particularly when it is interactive and bizarre, improves memory. There is more than one type of long-term memory. Procedural memory consists of learned habits and skills, whereas declarative memory consists of memories for facts about the world and about ourselves. Neuroscientists have sought to identify the physical traces of memory. In the case of H.M., the hippocampus was removed, producing anterograde amnesia, the inability to form new longterm memories (not retrograde amnesia, the inability to retrieve old memories from the past). Studies conrm that the hippocampus is involved in the encoding of information into long-term memory. Biochemically, the neurotransmitter acetylcholine plays a key role. So does the hormone epinephrine, which triggers the release of glucose. RETRIEVAL There are two basic techniques by which retrieval can be tested, and each assesses a different aspect of memory: explicit and implicit. Explicit memories are the recollections consciously retrieved in response to direct questions. Implicit memories are nonconscious recollections that are indirectly measured by their effects on performance. This distinction is important because people may forget (have no explicit memory of) an experience and yet show the effects (have an implicit memory) of that experience. In tests of explicit memory, people nd it more difcult to produce a recollection in the form of free recall than recognition. Apparently, forgetting often occurs not because memory has faded but because the information is difcult to retrieve. Retrieval failure is indicated by the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon and by the fact that memory is aided by retrieval cues. Research on encoding specicity indicates that any stimulus that is encoded along with an experienceincluding locations (which accounts for context-
Autobiographical Memory
Autobiographical memory consists of the recollections people have of their own personal experiences. What aspects of our own past do we preserve? Are these memories accurate? WHAT EVENTS DO PEOPLE REMEMBER? People can best recall events from the recent rather than the distant past, though older adults report many memories from adolescence and early adulthood and people in general tend to recall transitional periods in their lives. For events that are particularly dramatic, people form ashbulb memories that are highly vivid and enduring though not always accurate. Most people cannot recall events from before the age or three or four, a memory gap called childhood amnesia.
memory 202 information-processing model 202 sensory memory 202 short-term memory (STM) 202 long-term memory (LTM) 202 iconic memory 204
echoic memory 205 chunking 207 maintenance rehearsal 209 working memory 209 serial-position curve 210 elaborative rehearsal 212
procedural memory 214 declarative memory 214 semantic networks 215 hippocampus 216 anterograde amnesia 216 retrograde amnesia 216
Memory CHAPTER 6
explicit memory 219 implicit memory 219 free recall 219 recognition 219 encoding specicity 221 forgetting curve 226 proactive interference 228 retroactive interference 229 mnemonics 229 schemas 232 misinformation effect 233 autobiographical memory 236 ashbulb memories 237 childhood amnesia 238