Y5 T1a Nu2 Legends Robinhood
Y5 T1a Nu2 Legends Robinhood
Y5 T1a Nu2 Legends Robinhood
and Legends.
Weekly Plan.
Year Group: 5 Term: 1 part 1 Week Beg: 3/09/07 Learning outcomes For Phase 1: Children demonstrate that they can classify features of different fiction genres. Children can describe similarities and differences between different versions of the same story and support their opinions by referring to evidence in the text. Children can compose and manipulate sentences for different audiences and purposes. Learning outcomes For Phase 2: Children can identify different features of legends. Children demonstrate that they can identify and comment on narrative viewpoints. Children can compose and manipulate more complex sentences within a given context. Learning outcomes For Phase 3: Children can make simple notes. Children can retell a legend orally, using their own notes to support them. Children demonstrate use of techniques to engage and interest their audience when retelling a legend orally. Learning outcomes For Phase 4: Children can reflect on their own performances. Children can write a new version of a legend, identifying their audience and adapting their writing to suit this audience. Children can reflect critically on their own writing and edit and improve it.
Prior Learning Identify features of different genres of fiction texts. Comment on performances, discussing effects and how they are achieved. Plan, tell and write complete stories with a clear sequence of events and showing how one event leads to another. Organise texts into paragraphs.
1998 Framework Objectives: Year 5, Term 2: T1 features of myths, legends, fables; T2 different versions of stories; T3 oral and written storytelling; T8 author and narrator; T9 fiction genres; T11 own versions of myths, etc.; T13 review and edit writing; T14 notes for storytelling.
Overall Unit Target: T 11: To write own version of legend using structures and themes identified in reading leading towards storytelling their version. (Using PowerPoint or tape or video to record) Success Criteria: Knows features of legends Can identify different narrative viewpoints and use in their writing. Can identify different character perspectives and use in their writing. Can identify differences between oral & written language Can be consistent in use of verb tense and subject Can construct sentences in a variety of ways. Understands and uses figurative and literal language
Layered Writing Target (differentiation) Must: be consistent with tense and subject Should: write about action from differing character perspectives Could: Use notes of story outline to orally retell their story.
Speaking, Listening, Group work, Drama Focus 29. Speaking To choose and prepare stories for performance, identifying appropriate expression, tone, volume and use of voices and other sounds. Tell a story using notes designed to cue techniques, such as repetition, recap and humour. Listening and responding Identify different question types and evaluate their impact on the audience Drama Reflect on how working in role helps to explore complex issues Perform a scripted scene making use of dramatic conventions
[T22: To write a non-linear explanation text of castle attack/defence (using PowerPoint where possible) focusing on clarity, conciseness and impersonal style]
T = Teacher.
OA = Other adult.
I = Independent.
National Literacy Strategy Teaching Objectives Name of Text: Robin Hood text types Unit: Narrative Unit 2 Myths and Legends.
Weekly Plan.
Year Group: 5 Term: 1 part 1 Week Beg: 3/09/07
Phase 1 Phase 2
Phase 3
Read and analyse features of the text-type. Make comparisons between different versions of the same legend. GFW: Year 5 units 28 and 35 Children continue familiarisation with the text-type. Discuss and investigate the effect of different techniques used by the author. Work in a group to explore and empathise with characters through drama activities. Children use a reading journal to record inferences and demonstrate understanding of characters by writing in the first person. GFW: Year 5 unit 34 Make comparisons between oral and written narratives. The teacher demonstrates effective note-taking techniques. Children make notes on visual and oral performances before working in small groups to prepare and present an oral retelling of the legend of Robin Hood for an audio or digital video file.
Familiarisation with the text-type; reading comprehension (3 days) Phase 2: Reading analysis of the legend of Robin Hood; capturing ideas and writing in role (6-7 days) Phase 3: Comparison of oral and written narratives and analysis of their key features; retelling known legend orally using appropriate techniques to engage the audience (5 days) Phase 4: Evaluation of oral performances; transfer of skills learned during oral performance to support writing with clear authorial voice; collaborative writing of the legend for a tourist leaflet (5 days)
Phase 4
Children evaluate their oral performances against agreed success criteria. The teacher demonstrates how to write a legend, transferring oral storytelling skills into writing. Children work collaboratively to write the legend, exploring how to transfer the visual and oral text to a written narrative.
Spelling Bank
Week 1:- Spell words containing unstressed vowels Week 2:- Know and use less common prefixes and suffixes such as im-, ir-, -cian Week 3:- Group and classify words according to their spelling patterns and their meanings Week 4:- Revision of all Spellings.
Week 3:- Adapt sentence construction to different texttypes, purposes and readers Week 4:- Punctuate sentences accurately, including using speech marks and apostrophes
T = Teacher.
OA = Other adult.
I = Independent.
National Literacy Strategy Teaching Objectives Name of Text: Robin Hood text types Unit: Narrative Unit 2 Myths and Legends.
Weekly Plan.
Year Group: 5 Term: 1 part 1 Week Beg: 3/09/07
T = Teacher.
OA = Other adult.
I = Independent.
National Literacy Strategy Teaching Objectives Name of Text: Robin Hood text types Unit: Narrative Unit 2 Myths and Legends.
Weekly Plan.
Year Group: 5 Term: 1 part 1 Week Beg: 3/09/07
T11 Identify themes and structures of legends within reading INSET To be able to plan own legend from reading completed during the week.
With the children go through the story of Robin Hood so far. Look in detail at the INSET different suspense ideas used and how this has influenced the reader.
T16 to prepare for reading by identifying what they already know and what they need to find out
T 1 Know and classify features of legends T11 Identify themes and structures of legends within reading - legend order and structure
Use the skeleton framework Less able to Demonstrate for planning a short share INSET write good planning by INSET INSET sequence. The children are using a story a child and show SEN AA MA (Teacher BA going to re-plan the story board(TA Support) and hoe we can all Support) that they have been reading pictures. They emulate this. IWB Pg 1 S1- Reordering sentences to make questions. Share write Children Children Children to write Demonstrat On the flip chart make a list of different this week. statements write Hide and Reveal Castle The children are given Remind the and theyare toquestions to ask formulate own formulate own on the KWL e how the suspense elements that make the story make the statements into questions. what could children that they are to use The questions Sharechart.with plan The are to the curator atThe children to based children to based questions KWL chart really exciting. Make surehow childrenthe IWB and flipchart good text their happen under the features of to record support Discuss with the children the Use Nottingham use the planning on KWL chart use the planning on KWL chart adult children to write will help us pick castle might have descriptive responses. type in their legends from each picture. grid and the 3 using grid and the 3 using picture and four sentences the up the different looked in Castle. IWB pg IWB pg develop our elements. Talk to the children the ones studied. pictures to the past. pictures of pictures to pictures of clues. about what they thirst for support them nonsupport them nonabout the castle and link it into Teacher modelling using IWB Pg 3&4. The children to castle and castle and do know. They learning and Shareprevious knowledge. sentences for Go through the planning grid with the plan of with the plan of their write on the board be given fiction fiction are to write four help us ask the children theimprove, and state Spellwe how words containingeach planningvowels. and explain unstressed the texts/internet. story that the texts/internet. Have any of to children been pictorial support story that questions on relevant could use this in our planning. stage. they will write. they will write. to Nottingham castle before? Select a group of words that contain and they are to what they would questions. unstressed vowels and write them on the read back theRemind them The children Children given The children like to find out. 20 questions game listening for board or flip chart. Ask the children to work question and that it is aa letter picture to a letter write write support withthe links in meaning between pupils. out what the words have in common and why think of some Legend. asking the asking their curator of writing. Use the Robin Hood PowerPoint people might have difficulty in spelling these answers they curator of SEN might get via AA Nottingham MA (Teacher to support the children. words. Nottingham BA Support) Ask for suggestions as to how the spellings (TA Support) of hot seating. Castle questions Castle questions Re read story IWB pg5-10 The children to Modelthat they would highlighting suspense and Highlight the Discuss how we such words S8 construct sentences in could be memorised, e.g. that they would Model highlighting sentence construction. different ways. where words arediscuss key good story features. Use like5-10 asked. phrases in pg to be key can improve our exaggerated pronunciation like to be sentences and Response partners find examples the text given. own broken down answered. The children are Discuss with the children the different IWB pg 14,15 & 16 why they think from the text of other features. understanding into syllables diff-er-ence; thinking of the These to be to be given Get the children sentence types and how they go together that sentence is Create class list. (This will be used of the work so root word, e.g. differ + the suffix sent off. letter supportto say why they to produce a quality piece of work. ence use of mnemonics,5 unit 35 on the GFW: Year e.g. pet good/bad for later as success criteria) frame. think that far. Explain Explain to the children how they can pet, Al is in hospital. Use spelling poster. suspense. particular text this to the car improve sentence structure. Collect and classify (page Text mark the reading texts (Teacher is a good piece we children. SEN AA MA BA 156). Use the GFW unit. Verbal feedback have looked at so far. of suspense (TA Support) Support) Look at the of Robin IWB pgs 5-10 and Read story response sandwich display S2 Agreement of tense and subject, and shared The children Reorder story Reorder storywriting. Children are to Have the get the children to think about how they writing Use the PowerPoint from into Disk. the correct Discuss features of legends nouns and verbs order the into correct reorder the pictures on could commentclass list. work. Begin building on others IWB Pg 12-13. Get the children to look responses. at pictures. They order on own order on own story using the the IWB get the different tenses and explain the are to share whiteboards. whiteboards. pictures. They Get the children to share write correct and incorrect tense and why. write a sentence IWB pg11 IWB pg11 are to order the Objectives Activity Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Evaluation with the write own versions of they teacher everything The children are to re-write the story Children use their planning to Children use their planning Gabble*use their planning to go with each Babble Children Babble Gabble* text underneath To can think of myths and fables, they have been shared reading unit 28 to write a story based on of to write a story based on write a story based on once legends, to make a really good GFW: Year 5 in the the pictures. (twice once (twice the work the picture to using been we then legend. Get structures think ofclass from their planning. We are to the work we have been the work we have for detail have been readingdetail then them to and the for in class. understand the themes identified in focus on the sentence structure in reading in class. reading in class. Move sentence around, first within the different features their story, or to develop the wordswriting for skeleton the picture skeleton to for sequences correct linkages. reading (T2 T11) order They use noun phrase, and To make notes of reading, must abilities ready for the final phase. then around the verb. writing. the story they are a story outline)assist with theiroutline) as preparation for oral SEN: Establish which can be moved whilst have in order to make it work. Begin to prepare Begin to prepare storytelling (T2 T 14) Share write. retaining the same meaning and which notes for own notes for own cannot. Repeat with other sentences in retelling. retelling. order to construct a general hypothesis. the children to reorder these and show how this can help our writing. Discuss what we have learned so far.
Extended Writing
T = Teacher.
OA = Other adult.
I = Independent.
National Literacy Strategy Teaching Objectives Name of Text: Robin Hood text types Unit: Narrative Unit 2 Myths and Legends.
Weekly Plan.
Year Group: 5 Term: 1 part 1 Week Beg: 3/09/07
T = Teacher.
OA = Other adult.
I = Independent.
National Literacy Strategy Teaching Objectives Name of Text: Robin Hood text types Unit: Narrative Unit 2 Myths and Legends.
Weekly Plan.
Year Group: 5 Term: 1 part 1 Week Beg: 3/09/07
T11 Identify 7. Explore how themes and writers use of structures language within legends for comic and reading dramatic effects To be able to T13 review and plan own legend edit writing; from reading
Tues. Day 2
Fri. Day 5
T16 to prepare for reading by identifying what they already knowIdentify T11 and what they need to find themes and out. structures of legends within reading.
Make notes on and use evidence Extended Writing a from across text to explain events or ideas.
Wed. Day 3
Plenary. SEN AA MA (Teacher BA Support) With the children show them the PP of Use the character Share(TA Support) The children use The children use The children are plan a Read out some The children watch the Jousting video. In response The children map write children good examples Make class collections of Share The children the character The children the character The Look at the different characters.shun write framework to plan the description of to partners get the children to discuss what action out a graph using words. Categorise them according to share share different the feelings for Maid Marion. Show the words help describe the scene. In groups of 4 the Character of Robin Hood. the sheriff plan andsheetmap out a graph to plan sheet to plan descriptive plan andof the the tension word ending (seecan use this to plan a children write some action sentences in order to using a story lists below). continue using the continue examples of children how we Remind the children how to the character the character At phrases with characterisation framework. describe what they have seen and heard. Develop and draw out patterns independently. the Sheriff. tension independently.s the the graph. characterisation. plan a character correctly, board plan. of of the Sheriff. the support linked to children each point leading to general rules determining framework. At What makes looking at personality, have written. children state the Sheriff. Show the children the picture from the PP on Robin spelling pattern (see Notes below). Use picture They are to use theThey are to use each point Use picture Explain really a why this Hood. Explain to the children that they what the knight They are to use is With the children look at Robin Hood. Hot appearance, movements. will be writing a descriptive paragraph about the clashing of segments to their children statetheir doing and why they segments to help good piece seat the children and interview them as to response response different is a useful one the two knights from the start. E.g. He sat upon his are to Give a base word and ask like. help with the partners tothe knight what with the for how they think Robin was children to Explain echoing children that partners feeling this picture to helpfeelings work. our of horse, his breath to the from inside the tin hat for way. write the correct shun suffix, e.g. is doing graph. The writing? a face plate that he was wearing. a they will be writing The horse between feelings graph. discuss this inand why discuss this in support their his legs shuddered with anticipation Help the educate, magic. The children put they are feeling children put the characterization on the be doing using their book. their Picture time line. book. writing. children plan the writing that they will the pictures at this way. pictures at Sheriff. a feeling graph. Alternatively, use a shun fan for different points different points Children are to children to flash in response. on the graph. on the graph. be given SEN AA MA (Teacher BA pictures of the (TA Support) Support) Sheriff for Remind the children of the understanding The children write Read a good Children complete their own KWL The children The children support. children The gained of the text-type by exploration of the a description of example out to grid (what I know, what I want to write a SEN share write and AA write a MA (Teacher BA writer's techniques to develop suspense. the Knights coming the children. find out, what I have learned). continue description ofSupport) description of (Teacher Working in pairs, children investigate the together in an Explain to the independently. the Knights the Knights Support) features of the text-type, referring to the awesome battle of children how Children create a vocabulary bank coming Re-Read the Robin Hood legend and textwritten text for evidence. Use the IWB file Look at the children Teacher The children together children together Supported The coming TA jousting. Discuss why this this can be for the complex sentences IWB in an in an ('Yearresponses RH') to collect, annotate Assisted. 5 F legend from the work read mark thetext-type. Use theand how they swap their awesomeswap their awesomeThe children process is use two file to collect ideas text even and and discuss findings. They are to different are used to make the and notes more covered so far. Get the booksbattle of with their booksbattletheir edit and discuss with of useful. Get the describe the voices. to act as a working wall for jousting. jousting. exciting. Explain to the children how this children to discuss what Develop the response response work looking at children to Look With the children use a feelings graph to feelings, sights and at the reference and support as the works to improve the overall text types. they have learned so far. ability to write partners and partners and how they could reflect what write their description of the jousting battle. sounds. sentences and sequence progresses. They are They are KWL grid to be filled in. clear individual edit, comment to edit, comment to improve their they have Use this to link into the childrens ideas of structure describe the and review work describe the character Hot seat the children to see how the Show the children the sentences from and review work learned so far. the Robin Hood story. Give the children used. feelings, feelings, characters are feeling at different points feedback sheet and get work completed. completed so sights completed so sights descriptions.support. picture of the story. Look at the different them to look at each others far. and sounds. far. and sounds. SEN AA MA BA (Teacher perspectives of each of the characters extended writing. (TA Support) Support) and note mark this on the shared work PP. The children are to The children are to Show the class a Explain that weaker writers tend to write Show the children how we note take. With the With the use the Laptops to use the Laptops to completed in simple and some compound sentences Highlight key elements from different children children research about research about compiled set of with a limited range of conjunctions Objectives Activity Group Group 2 Group 3 Evaluation websites on the Internet. 1Show the research on the research on the castles and how they castles and how they notes for them within,To write own versions of and connectives between, With the children share were designed Supported: designed and were to use. Explain The children can The children write a TA and children how to search and how wewrite a Internet and Internet and legends, myths and fables, sentences. Remind the children that built. built. write to the children write a characternotes on what we have description look at key description They are to children They are to detailed detailed The a make description look at key using structures when a conjunction and varied sentences occur write a paragraph in write a paragraph in why these notes of Robin Hood and use the of the Sheriff from features of of the Sheriff fromLiteracy books description books detailed of themes identified in researched. features of their their Literacy are good. Show is introduced, so it is helpful to draw the reading (T2 T11)) about what their some poor notes their planning. their Show the have castles. planning. about what they Sheriff from they have castles. Show childrens attention to the range planning from the Literacy of found. Short notes found. Short notes explain why planning. conjunctions available, e.g. after,hour. Remind the children although, Look at the importance of brief notes how we note how we note and sentences. and sentences. these are not so as, as if, as long as, as though, because, write complex and Explain that this will how to and diagrams. take. take. good. Both sets before, if, in case, once, since, than, that, to have been simple sentencesus write out own legend later. SEN: help and how though, till, until, unless, when(ever), created by the these go together to make a Using picture clues and teacher. where(ever), whereas, while, and pronouns, detailed description. role play. Whole Class shared reading and writing. Whole Class phonics, spelling, vocab. and grammar.
T = Teacher.
OA = Other adult.
I = Independent.
National Literacy Strategy Teaching Objectives Name of Text: Robin Hood text types Unit: Narrative Unit 2 Myths and Legends.
Weekly Plan.
Year Group: 5 Term: 1 part 1 Week Beg: 3/09/07
T = Teacher.
OA = Other adult.
I = Independent.
National Literacy Strategy Teaching Objectives Name of Text: Robin Hood text types Unit: Narrative Unit 2 Myths and Legends.
Weekly Plan.
Year Group: 5 Term: 1 part 1 Week Beg: 3/09/07
Objectives To choose and 7. Explore how prepare stories for writers use performance, identifying language for appropriate comic and expression, tone, dramatic effects volume and use of sounds. T13 review and editawriting; Tell story using notes designed to cue techniques, such as repetition, recap and humour. voices and other 29. Speaking
Plenary. SEN AA MA (Teacher BA Guided and independent writing: children Explain to the children the SEN: (TA Support) AA: (Groups of 4) MA: Support) BA: (Groups of 4) Extra time for Listen to the to support storyteller. To investigate, collect notes and how The children The children The children The children arethe children to to Each group write notes audio of the their oral Do importance of and classify spelling The children are look The children are are The children are are Teacher help not show the visual text at this point. patterns in pluralisation, construct rules for at retelling the to work in their to work in their work in their presents performance of the legend of Robin Hood. they can be used to help use to record to record their to record their the children compete the With the children collect the different regular spellings, e.g. add s to most words; various elements response partners response partners response partners their story tell a story. themselves story to the and retell the stories using the record their the research. Get stories using responses and decide what and how the add es to most words ending in s, sh, ch; when of the and retell and retell to the rest Explain to the able to convey the story using a video Get the Laptops and the story verbally. the Laptops and story teller was children that they will y is preceded by a consonant, change to ies; teacher. story verbally. stories using the story verbally. the children to of the class record the different groups' retelling ofwhen y is preceded by a vowel, add s. Show the children how to camera. or the or the computers.are then to read what they to us. children to make They are then to They are then to They and are sure they change and change and change and their the legend using microphones, digital record their stories using computers in their computers in their have found out. graded on With the children or at how we can The Pod Casting techniques and sequence the story ICT suite. sound recorderslookvideo cameras so that children need to make sure they are able the partner takes over ICT suite. the partner takes over partner takes over adapt can be reviewed and to different sentence construction evaluated. to follow the correct spelling conventions correctly. TheyThe children to they from where from where they from where they the way they they get them to record their The children to text-types, purposes and readers. How linked to the New Framework. are to use picture left off. Get the left off. Get the left off. Get the tell the stories. record the record the did the story teller manage this? sequence cards. children to focus children to focus children to focus story. whole story. whole story. Whole Class shared reading and writing. Whole Class phonics, spelling, vocab. and grammar.
T16 to prepare Evaluate our own for reading by performances. identifying what they already know and what they need to find out.
SEN AA MA (Teacher BA SEN (TA Support) AA MA (Teacher BA Support) Support) re-watching While Listen again to the audio of the Read the written transcript of the (TA Support) The children use While re-watching The children are Discuss and The children listen to listening, of a variety Withto children with limited the children make a list SEN: the Identikit to Writethe video, children a Writethe video, children a Writegiven picture Selected these sentence storyteller and, while narrative note make notes on the make in recordings and evaluate the recordings. intonation and expression. In pairs, ask children fill of criteria that makes a good The link in with paragraph in paragraph notes on the linkedclues and are to with children play demonstrate how to make notes on by Ask IWB. storytelling. Explain to the in KWL areas their storyteller's craft Literacy their storyteller's craft write one thing Literacy improving their their story and a the the children to state how they couldchildren to consider the effectiveness theother grid of annotating and use of visual and use of visual improve their recordings. Explain to theof teacher's performance and suggest children that they need to shared writing. and Books to explain Books to explain work. the story teller discuss how the story screen techniques: facial techniques: facial children it is important to make sure theimprovements based about the think carefully on the techniques how they could tone, Focus on the oral techniques how differenthow they could tone, has done to they could capture of expression, expression, readings are the storyteller to for the noted in the previous session. checklist as this also helps improve on their improve it. employed by exciting and good characters are make that the intonation, bodyimprove on their intonation, bodyAsk the childrenimage children to listen to.rather than the to make their writing more verbal stories.camera verbal stories.camera look at how to language, language, engage the listener feeling that way come across storyteller angle, visual angle, visual exciting. this will improve content. Watch the video clip, allowing children at different through words. using IWB effects. effects Use an IWB to project examples of their writing to both see the storyteller and hear times. software. children's oral retellings and use tools the story. Ask: What does seeing the skills. Explore with children the (pause, annotation and screen capture) to effectiveness of the notes. How can storyteller (visual text) add to your involve children in discussion and we use these to help improve our understanding of the narrative? evaluation of the effectiveness of their writing? storytelling against the success criteria. SEN AA MA BA (Teacher In small groups, children return to Discuss preferences and differences Objectives Activity Group 1 their old notes and highlight between storytelling and reading a To be able to create a The children use the The children use the techniques they wish to use as story. Use the IWB to record PowerPoint linked to the PowerPoint software to laptops to produce a storytellers during their oral children's responses. verbal retelling of the create a set of slides that PowerPoint of the performance. story. help to retell the story we story looked at. Explain that children are going to write have been focussing on. Collect and share techniques needed notes to support their oral retelling of to retell the story effectively and the legend of Robin Hood. Explain to together agree success criteria for the children how they are going to do the task. this. (TA Support) The children to The children The children Group 2 Group 3 share write write notes and write notes and The children use the The children use the notes about the plan how they plan how they laptops to produce a prepared slide to help story to make are going to are going to PowerPoint of the them put together a sure it is retell the story retell the story story looked at. story using the sequenced verbally using verbally using PowerPoint software. correctly. PowerPoint to PowerPoint to assist them in assist them in Prepare the slides for the the retelling. the retelling. children to put sentences in and make sure each slide has a picture to help the BA and SEN. Support) The children use Evaluation picture clues to help them retell the story using verbal links found from knowledge. The children to write notes on their work. Reflect on what makes good noted from work already completed in the weeks so far. How can we use these?
T = Teacher.
OA = Other adult.
I = Independent.
National Literacy Strategy Teaching Objectives Name of Text: Robin Hood text types Unit: Narrative Unit 2 Myths and Legends.
Weekly Plan.
Year Group: 5 Term: 1 part 1 Week Beg: 3/09/07
T2 different 7. Explore how versions of writers use oral stories; T3 language for and written comic and storytelling; T8 dramatic effects author and narrator T13 review and edit writing;
Plenary. SEN AA MA (Teacher BA (TA Support) Support) Explain to the children how to Scan a piece of work into the computer. Allow The children use The children The children The children In response Punctuate sentences accurately, including With the through the piece different use different strategies in the children to read children revise theof work The children write the BuildShow a their planning to use Plot the structure write Plot the structure the Buildwrite The Build- use the children partners the good using to help them and their spelling patterns it. of their own of their own order speech marks edit apostrophes. suggest ways to improvelooked at throughout the and quality share the legend write the up. up. up. the legend children help graph week. Ask the children ways we can spell legend in a legend in a work as they are writing. Look pictures to plan pictures to plan completed next stage of each other in With the build up spellings in words to mark the work. Say to the planning format planning format at ways tochildren show them how to Use the checklistwe are unsure of. Get the children to the story on a the story on a supporting their by the the story. They use their The children use punctuate the Sound out with Look understand how pieces of work are familiar to familiar to syllabic parts. sentences correctly. children that this is how allwe could use this knowledge graph so they graph so they work. teacher and planning grids use the picture clues to Focus on at all the work to it is important to make sure their children, use the children, children (A). we have carried out over assessed and improve our spelling throughout the whole put all the explain why the IWB to weeks. Explain of this weeks is accurate, Explain work. ICT program to and notes program to assistput all the ICT with their punctuation and Use last fourdemonstrate (V).to the purpose and organisationwriting and evaluatingto evidence on the this children that they need to be careful with Look at the three spelling and units support this, for support this, for the children how to use the checklistbank tell and collected. work. evidence on the sentence is a their punctuation. Make sure the children example flow example flow Remind the children of the them that assess the childrens knowledge. help they will be using the same one to grids. grids. good structure. graph. Whole Class shared reading and writing. Whole Class phonics, spelling, vocab. and grammar.
put some examples on of flipchart.their partners to improve their work. checklist and ask themthe the Set up the writing task by explaining the best way to use this to analyse audience and purpose. Children will develop a our own work and others. Show With the children re-write the piece of work onto written version of the assist. Explain the children how to write a flip chart using the checklist tolegend, using the techniques developed through oral complex sentences and include they need to check for punctuation as they write. storytelling for the castle's tourist leaflet. them in their work.
T2 different versionscan W2 I of stories; T3 oral identify misand written in spelt words storytelling; T8 my own writing; author and and to keep narrator lists in individual spelling logs.
I can discuss how to improve my work using my reading as evidence. Wed. T2 different Day 3 versions of stories; T3 oral Extended Writing and written storytelling; T8 author and narrator
MA (Teacher BA BA SEN SEN AA AA MA (Teacher (TA Support) (Teacher Support) Support) With the children, identify the success criteria Demonstration writing and teacher The The children The children The children Response Support) children for the copy of one childs children's writing scribing: play back one of children'sUsing an enlarged writing task. Link to writing from Discuss with the children the plan the plan the whole plan the plan the partners The children wholeThe children use The children usewholeThe children usewholeThe teacher is to targets and sentence and word objectives. recorded draft and demonstrate how completedlegendsof the yesterday, together as a class highlight the story of Robinthe feedback Robinthe feedbackof Robinthe feedbackof Robinread examples of story of story story evaluate look at children's notes This needs to teachers story. and performance can be strengths of this piece of writing and areas for sheet and work sheet and work completed storied Hood. Hood. Hood. each others completed sheetHood. and work Shared and collaborative writing: children write used to support the writing of be created and written before a narrative the child to work on in relation to the objectives with their with their to the class to their own legends based on another group's oral work to sentences and with their version of the legend to the the final day. Explain by writing theset. Involve the child concerned and the classs response partner response partner show final versions version of the legend, transferring oral Give the Giveand the Giveand the make how they could response opening to the legend.be children how this can views. Model how it could be improved. to improve to improve of the story. storytelling techniques to writing. Use the saved children children planning children planning improvement improve their planning partner to improved and go through noting critically develop critically develop IWB files, working walls and storytelling notes to Exemplify the differences oral grid. grid with picture s in mixed work. grid with improve and the adverbs and changing betweenUse the tick list idea and theprocess. sheet in their writing. their writing. support the writing feedback and written work covered. according tolanguage, for example their extended writing books. They are to They are to picture clues. critically clues. ability replacing the oral techniques with written Show the children how to plan using the grid improve their work improve their work groups. develop their techniques. from the setting, introduction, build-up, Demonstrate the spelling log and how we could conflict, accordingly. accordingly. Share plan. writing. They use this tomain-event and resolution. we spelt write down words which are toAA improve SEN MA BA (Teacher wrongly and then work out how we could Differentiated their work remember how to spell them correctly next time. feedback sheet. (TA Support) Support) accordingly. Use opportunities during the writing Demonstrate the correct use of punctuation. With support of The children The children With support of Response process to demonstrate and to guide Show the children how to use speech marks pictures and write the write the pictures and partners children with their writing, meeting the correctly. Remind them that speech is an aid teacher2the setting Group 3 and setting and teacher the evaluate Objectiveschildren in the class. Emphasise Activity Group 1 Group Evaluation needs of to move the story forward and not to spoil children children write BA: of write introduction introduction of children write each others To write own The The children write The appropriate sentence structure and children write the the story. their settings the story using the write using story the their settings work to punctuation, and of legends, ofconflict and resolution. They reinforce use language versions the conflict and the conflict and The children and and introduction. make for effect. myths and fables, are to read Give examples of both good speech mark use through their resolution to the resolution to their planning andtheir planning the conflict resolution to introduction. work on their story. framework. framework. improvement and poor speech mark use. using structures work and add together the story and work on story and At appropriate times use response s in mixed and themes improvements that they could evaluating each evaluating each partners to support re-drafting and Explain the differences illicit childrens ideas ability identified in make. others work. Focus others work. Focus SEN: editing of writing. Use an IWB to project due to this. groups. reading (T2 T11)) on writing paragraphs on writing paragraphs The children write the
examples of children's writing for discussion and modelling of editing and improving writing linked to the agreed success criteria and children's needs.
T = Teacher.
OA = Other adult.
I = Independent.