Rotor Dynamics
Rotor Dynamics
Rotor Dynamics
The FEA model of the pad also includes Hertzian contact analysis of the pad pivot point. The stiffness of the pivot point, in series with the pad deflection, produced by the hydrodynamic loading is used to correct the fluid film thickness and the dynamic characteristics. Highly accurate bearing dynamic characteristics are calculated by iterating on the film thickness and the pivot deflection until the sum of the forces is equal to zero. Thrust Bearing Analysis includes Generalized Fluid Film Bearing Analysis, such as new hybrid bearings.
A systematic design audit of a rotor-bearing system can be made to check for unacceptable design conditions and to identify potential problems before manufacture. The same analysis capability can be utilized to study a field problem and assist in the detection of the root cause. The design audit can determine that: the bearings can support the rotor loading with acceptable power losses, the rotor critical speeds are sufficiently removed from the running speed, the rotor system possesses well controlled response to residual unbalance, the rotor system is stable and free of subsynchronous vibration at operating speed.
frequency. The system torsional critical speeds are calculated and examined to determine that they are not positioned at or near a multiple of running speed, blade pass frequency, or some other known excitation mechanism
response analysis produces information in engineering units. The most sensitive locations along the rotor can be readily determined. Amplitudes are calculated which can be used to make judgments about design features such as overhung rotors and impellers, bearing design, and rotor weight reduction. The analysis uses the rotor model together with unbalances placed at locations known to introduce unbalance such as couplings, impellers, balance pistons, and thrust plates, etc. Unbalance locations are also selected to accentuate rotor amplification at critical speeds. The analysis determines the amplitude of vibration (response) in mils peak to peak at selected locations along the shaft. In addition, bearing dynamic loading, and the dynamic forces and energy dissipated by the system are calculated. Elastic bearing pedestals can be included which further enhance the simulation accuracy and provide the forces transmitted through the bearing into the foundation.