2.use of Library - Full
2.use of Library - Full
2.use of Library - Full
PARVEEN KUMAR Librarian, S. A. Jain College, Ambala City, Haryana, India
Library is considered an integral component of any efficient education system. It plays an important role in the improvement of the organisation. The study evaluates in detail the type of material, sources and the services used by the students. It examines the extent of use of library resources in IIM, Rohtak. 110 library users were selected using the stratified random sampling technique. The findings revealed that 63.54% of the students sampled visited the library to read the newspapers while 42.70% students visited the library on daily basis. 32.39% students were not satisfied with the existing library resources.
Ugah (2007) evaluated the use of university libraries with particular reference to Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria and found out that both students and staff use the library, although students constitute the
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majority of the users. The findings also showed that nearly three quarters of users browse the shelves to locate materials, which shows their inability to use the library catalogue. He recommended intensive library orientation on the use of the catalogue as an effective tool for information retrieval. Oyesiku and Oduwele (2004) focus on academic library use. The investigation reveals that the students used the library mostly during examinations and to do class assignments. The study further revealed that collections were inadequate to meet users demands. The study recommends acquisition of current materials and proper organization of such materials for effective information retrieval. Edem and others (2009) conducted a study on students perceived effectiveness in the use of library resources in some selected Nigerian Universities. Questionnaire was the main instrument for collecting data. 600 copies of questionnaires were distributed, 530 were returned. The overall response was 88.3%. The responses showed that, majority of the users source their information through the catalogue indexes. While those not satisfied in their quest for information attributed them to lack of physical materials and the cumbersome library organization. Some recommendations were made for improvement, such as the role of e-library and its application, orderliness, relevance of resources and user education through orientation. Arua and Chinaka (2011) found in his study that one hundred and fifty respondents representing (42.86%) replied that their libraries accommodation is adequate while two hundred (200) representing (57.14%) indicated that their library accommodation is not adequate. Lack of current and up-to-date information materials (42.86%) is the most outstanding problems militating against the use of these libraries followed by poor library accommodation (25.71%) and poor library orientation (20%).
This research work is restricted to only Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak. This study used questionnairebased survey method, as many similar studies conducted earlier, have also used this method for data collection. Necessary data has been collected through structured questionnaires, which have been administrated and collected back personally, supported by interview schedules and observation. A random sample of 110 students was taken out of these 96 (87.27%) students completely responded. Data was analyzed using simple frequency counts and percentages.
Table 1: Visit Frequency Frequency Daily 3-4 times in a week Weekly Rarely No. of Respondents 41 29 16 10 % 42.70 30.20 16.66 10.41
Use of Library Resources by the Students of Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Rohtak, India
Figure 1: Frequency of Visit to Library Table-1 and Figure-1 represents frequency of visiting the library by students. Various reasons were adduced by respondents for using the library. Maximum users i.e. 42.70% use the library on daily basis followed by 30.20% users who used the same 3-4 times in a week. It is also observed that only 10.41% users come rarely in library. Purpose of Visit to Library Table 2: Purpose of Visit Purpose To study To Borrow Books To read Newspapers To read Journals/ Magazines To read for examination To consult reference materials To photocopy materials No. of Respondents 57 53 61 32 55 20 12 % 59.37 55.20 63.54 33.33 57.29 20.83 12.5
It is observed that 59.37% users visited library for study purpose, 55.20% users to borrow books, 63.54% to read newspapers and 33.33% to read journals/magazines. 12.5% users visited the library to photocopy materials. 57.29% users responded that they used the library to read for examination while just 20.83% of them to consult reference materials. Students Awareness about Library Resources and Services Table 3: Students Awareness Library Services Circulation of Books Reference Service Periodical Service CAS SDI Bibliography ILL Other No. of Respondents 49 19 37 2 3 12 7 6 % 51.04 19.79 38.54 2.08 3.12 12.5 7.29 6.25
To know the awareness of library resources and services students were asked about the same. From table-3 it is seen that 51.04% students were aware of circulation of books service. 19.79% students were aware of reference service whereas 38.54% students responded regarding periodical service. A few students were aware of CAS, SDI, Bibliography and ILL service.
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Materials Most Consulted Table 4: Materials Consulted Materials Reference Materials Textbooks Journals Newpapers E-Journals No. of Respondents 20 50 35 55 15 % 20.83 52.08 36.45 57.29 15.62
Table 4 shows the materials most consulted by the students. They read newspapers more. 57.29% indicated newspapers as the most used materials followed by text books with 52.08%. Just a few of the respondents used e-journals (15.62%). Means of Locating Materials Table 5: Means of Locating Materials Means Browsing through shelves Using OPAC Help from library staff No. of Respondents 57 22 30 % 59.37 22.91 31.25
Table 5 clearly highlights the means of locating materials in the library. Browsing through the shelves ranks highest among students (59.37%). OPAC is used by 22.91% users to locate materials. 31.25% users seek the assistance from library staff. Problems Regarding Use of Library Table 6: Problems Faced Problems Lack of current material Restricted library hours Unable to find enough information in the catalogue index Lack of support from library staff E-resources No. of Respondents 35 17 10 18 22 % 36.45 17.70 10.41 18.75 22.91
Table-6 highlights the problems regarding the use of the library. Lack of current and up-to-date information materials (36.45%) is the most outstanding problems regarding the use of the library service followed by 22.91% users who responded the problems of e-resources. The other problems are lack of support from library staff (18.75%), restricted library hours (17.70%) and unable to find enough information in the catalogue index (10.41%). Level of Satisfaction with Library Services and Resources Table 7: Level of Satisfaction Level of Satisfaction Satisfied Not satisfied No. of Respondents 65 31 % 67.70 32.29
Use of Library Resources by the Students of Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Rohtak, India
Figure 2: User's Satisfaction Level Table 7 and Figure-2 shows the level of satisfaction with services and resources available in the library from the respondents. It indicates that a vast majority of respondents i.e. 67.70% are of the view that information resources available to them in to their library satisfy their information needs while 32.29% respondents have contrary view.
1. Arua, Uche and Chinaka, George I. (2011). Use of Library Resources by Staff and Students of Secondary Schools in Umuahia North Local Government Area of Abia State. Library Philosophy and Practice. 1-7. 2. Edem, Nkoyo, Ani, Okon and Ocheibi, Jonathan A. (2009). Students perceived effectiveness in the use of library resources in Nigerian universities. Educational Research and Review, 4(6), 322-326. 3. 4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Institute_of_Management_Rohtak Oyesiku FA, Oduwole AA (2004).Use of an Academic Library: A Survey on the Olabisi Onabanjo University Libraries. Lagos J. Libr. Info. Sci., 2(2): 96-101. 5. Ugah D (2007). Evaluating the Use of University Libraries in Nigerria: A Case Study of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. Library Philosophy and Practice 1-8.